Encryption Questions

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What is encryption
Encryption is a security method of changing data to be unreadable and unrecognizable to any non-
authorized party. It take information that would normally be readable such as passwords as an
example and then converts it into a encrypted code.

2. What is the Caesar cipher and the common ways in which

it can be attacked, e.g. plain text attacks
Caesar cipher is a very basic way of encrypting text where the letters of the alphabet are changed to
other letters. Commonly the alphabet will be shifted by beginning at a different letter which means
that while the encrypted text may be initially unreadable, it is very easy to decrypt.

3. Describe private/ public keys systems

Public keys are a type of encrypted key which is publicly available. Someone’s public is what is
needed in order to encrypt something to send to them.
This public key is paired to a private key which is the key which allows someone to decrypt a
message sent using the public key. Unlike the public key, the private key is something which only
you have access to.
4. What are asymmetric and symmetric encryption Symmetric/
Asymmetric Encryption, RSA (Web view)Give 2 examples of how
encryption is used in the real world
Public and private keys are an example of asymmetric encryption. Asymmetric is the process that
uses a pair of keys relating to one another with one key being private and one being public.
Symmetric encryption is where just one key which is not publicly known is used to both encrypt
and decrypt information.
Encryption is used everyday to protect our login details online with things such as usernames,
emails and passwords being valuable information which if stolen, could cause major damage.
Another example of encryption in the real world is in banking. Anytime someone uses an ATM or
purchases something online, their banking information in encrypted to ensure it
5. For the above examples, what type of encryption might be
For passwords, symmetric keys such as SHA-1 are used to protect them and banks use AES
(advanced encryption standard) which is also a symmetric block cipher.
6. Why is encryption important? What might happen if we
did not have encryption? Why is encryption needed?
Encryption is important to protect data and important information that you need to keep private.
Only you should have access to your personal data/information if you choose so that information
should be protected from others who may benefit from stealing it. Encryption prevents others
from accessing information which they shouldn’t access and keeps it safe. Without encryption, it
would be very easy for anyone to just log in to people’s accounts or look at important emails and
documents without the owner’s permission.
7. Give an example of how encryption helps or solves a
It helps solve the problem of theft by stopping those who intend on using your information or
data to benefit themselves – often monetarily.
8. Explain RSA
RSA is an algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt information. It is an asymmetric cryptographic
algorithm, so it has a public key and a private key as described earlier. RSA was first described in
1977 but is still prevalent in today’s world of modern technology and private information.
9. Explain Diffie-Hellman and SHA SHA-256 Algorithm and
Diffie Hellman Algorithm (Web view)
The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is a key exchange which allows two users to access
information/data via them have a different key to one another. These separate keys allow the
users to access the data individually but will not allow them to access the data if the keys are
SHA-256 or Secure Hash Algorithm 256 is a standard encryption hash function. It modifies and
scrambles data so that it is unreadable meaning the only way the data can be accessed is using a
key which will un-hash the encrypted data.
10. What does hashing have to do with encryption
Hashing is the way that data is converted from readable data which we read and use into
unreadable cryptic code. Hashed data can only be un-hashed with the correct key so it is very
hard if not impossible in some cases for it to be hacked or stolen.
11. What is SSL
Secure Sockets Layer, also known as SSL, is the standard or protecting information on the
internet. It prevents unknown or unwanted parties from accessing data through various
encryption algorithms
12. Explain the following secret sharing, key exchange and
authentication protocols
Secret sharing is where a key is split and distributed between multiple parties meaning whatever
is being encrypted with the key can only be accessed as long as all parties mutually try and
access it.

A key exchange is where both parties who access encrypted data are able to decrypt any data
received by the other party

Authentication protocols are way for multiple parties to sent authentication data amongst one
another. Both/all parties have to verify others for every packet sent and exchanged as to protect
the data.
13. How does human factors and future proofing relate to
encryption Future proofing and human factors (Web view)
Current algorithms and encryption techniques need to be future proofed and ahead of their time
as to protect the data which they are supposed to keep secure. If an algorithm is not future
proofed, it will not take long for the data which it supposedly protects to become vulnerable to
attacks or theft as people will quickly find a way to decrypt the data.
14. What are the key problems or issues related to encryption,
give examples Key Issues/ problems (Web view)
When testing to see whether an encryption algorithm is safe, there is no way to know for sure
whether it truly is secure. It is essentially Schrödinger’s Algorithm: the only way to find out if it is
unsecure is when someone breaks in through either testing or worse, in the real world. If no one
breaks through, there is still no way of knowing whether or not it is actually safe.
15. What type of encryption does video conferencing use
Most video conference services use 128 or even 256-bit encryption. For example, Zoom uses the
256-bit AES-GCM encryption for their video conferences.
16. Discuss the attacks on our DHB’S Cyber-attack on Waikato
DHB- ransomware to encrypt data and demand money
(Web view)
The reason why the Waikato DHB was so vunerable to the attack was due to their lack of strong
encryption algorithm meaning that the attackers did not have too difficult a job getting in. The
attackers intended to disrupt the computer service at the DHB in order to extort money as a way
for the DHB to have their servers and computers returned to normal.
17. Find a New Zealand based company and ask them about
their policies or practices to ensure the protection of data
by using encryption
New Zealand business must abide by the Privacy Act 2020. It essentially outlines that businesses
must protect their clients’ data from unwanted parties which means that business have to use
encryption if handling private digital data.
18. Discuss the future of encryption
Due to human nature and our every growing dependence on computers and servers for storing
important and valuable info, encryption will continue to be highly important. As computers get
faster and more intelligent, encryption algorithms will have to follow the same path in order to
ensure future protection.

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