Assessment 7

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Visit the link above and watch the video. After watching, make a reflection as to:

1. Why do people resist change?

People often push back against change for several understandable reasons. One common factor is the
fear of stepping into the unknown. Change can bring uncertainty and disrupt the familiar, making
many feel uncomfortable. Additionally, individuals may resist change because they find comfort in
their daily routines and habits, and when change disrupts these patterns, it can be unsettling. The
feeling of losing control and the fear of past negative experiences with change also contribute to
resistance. Some folks may also hesitate when they don't fully understand why the change is
necessary or how it will benefit them. Lastly, sometimes it's the organization's or culture's influence
that discourages change, which can make people hesitant.

2. What are the usual reasons why YOU resist and or accept change? Cite one of your concrete
I resist change due to the given situation that I am in or how it is viable and advantageous to me
personally. For example, I was given the chance to compete for Mr. CAS and I believe that it wasn’t
my expertise or comfortability to engage in such competitions, but as time progressed I realized that
this change would greatly improve my physical, mental, and emotional capabilities.

3. For you, how would you resolve resistance to change?

In a work environment, it's essential to employ strategies like clear communication, involving those
affected, providing training and support, seeking feedback, encouraging leadership buy-in, and
fostering a culture of continuous improvement. These tailored strategies help individuals and
organizations navigate change successfully.

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