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Imagine that you are already part of a certain company and you are tasked to facilitate/lead a major
change initiative.

1. What is the change initiative?

 The change initiative is centered around automating manufacturing processes and
achieving sustainability goals in Toyota's operations.

2. Describe the nature of the initiative.

 Nature of Initiative: Toyota's initiative combines automation and sustainability by
automating manufacturing processes to improve efficiency and product quality while
embracing sustainable practices throughout the supply chain and product lifecycle. This
initiative also includes the use of renewable energy sources, the development of eco-
friendly products, and a commitment to a more responsible supply chain.

3. How might you make the best use of consultants to implement the initiative?
 Consultants play a critical role in guiding Toyota through the transition by providing
expertise in automation, sustainability, renewable energy, green product development,
and responsible supply chain practices, helping the company successfully implement its
automation and sustainability goals.

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