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Leaking Subsea Valves-

Identification, Quantification and
Monitoring by Using Ultrasonic
Systems at Deep and Ultra Deepwater
By Mr. Dag A Aldal
Introduction electronics
ClampOn has since the start of the company in 1994 • Be capable of being retrofitted and of being installed
been working of development of non-invasive acoustic and retrieved by ROV
sensors for various purposes. The paper discusses how • Perform real-time monitoring
ultrasound technology have been developed and taken • Utilize Digital Signal Processing technology
subsea as the need for subsea instrumentation has escalated • Incorporate two-way communication
the last decade! • Permit new software downloads from the user’s system
Such instrumentation can be used for when/if needed
• Sand/particle monitoring • Include self-testing/health check of the sensor unit
• PIG detection,
• Leak monitoring Sand Monitoring
• Vibration monitoring Sand production is one of the most serious challenges
• Condition Monitoring and facing an operator that produce hydrocarbons from
• Corrosion Erosion Monitoring sandstone reservoirs. Sand production lowers the production
rate and increases maintenance costs, and can represent a
Subsea Philosophy serious safety and environmental hazard. Sand production
Subsea operating conditions, particularly in deepwater can never be ignored. Any well produced from a sandstone
environments, demand technical solutions that combine reservoir must have some sort of sand monitoring in place.
flexibility with high performance and extremely long service This can be something as simple as sampling, but should
life. In our case, we must combine such issues as safety, rather be an online, real-time sand monitoring system.
demands for profitable production, lifetime and performance This paper illustrates how important it is to take active use
of the system with practical and safe operation in the field. of whatever sand monitoring system that is in place.
Subsea instrumentation should:
• Provide a very long working life, meaning high/low Why install a sand monitoring system?
pressure chambers using EB welding to eliminate leaking Due to the importance of knowing if and when sand is
gaskets/ sealing. present, most operators choose to install some sort of sand
• Include the possibility for independent redundant monitoring system when the wells are producing from a

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sandstone reservoir. Unfortunately the follow up of these us exactly where the window is. A careful analysis of all
systems is often missing. Active use involves procedures reservoir data, preferably including core samples, will give
describing who should be responsible for the everyday us a good idea of where it is. Continuously improved
operation of the sand monitoring system, who is deciding models will provide more accurate information. It will
on alarm limits, what actions to take when alarms occur, however never be 100 % accurate, and it is moving over
and how the system is maintained. However, most time.
importantly, is to have experienced engineers evaluating One important factor to always remember is sand
the data coming from the sand monitoring system. The transport. The worst scenario is if the sand is produced but
frequency of this evaluation will depend on the nature of the velocity is not sufficient to lift the sand out of the well.
the wells. The risk of producing sand is an important factor If this is the case the well will eventually die.
when working out the sand management procedures. The theoretical models are essential during a design
We often experience that the question “Why did we phase in order to decide what approach to take on sand
install sand detectors?” has never been raised and properly management / sand control. During production however
addressed. A sand monitoring system is often installed sand monitoring is essential.
because Geologists or experience suggests that sand This graph illustrates the initial phase of a boosting
production might be an issue. This is of course an important process. Boosting is a practical way to determining the
factor, but acknowledging the potential sand production Operating Window. Each time the production is increased
should lead to a well designed system for managing the (Red graph) some loose sand is produced (Blue graph). We
sand detectors and sand monitoring system. We will here can see that the well is cleaning up nicely, and quickly
show examples of how sand is produced, how it can be returns to a sand free production condition. This procedure
managed by monitoring sand production, and how useless is often used on a well without proper permanent sand
it will be if no one looks at the data. monitoring. The procedure will take from 2 to 4 days per
well. If these are wells where production is cut back due to
The operating range concept inaccurate information about sand production, the
The operating range concept is the physics behind any production gain can be significant. Inaccurate sand
sand management. Any sandstone reservoir will have a monitoring is often sampling or information about the total
theoretical operating window. This is a drawdown where sand production for an installation, taken from the separator.
oil or gas can be produced without sand. In some case the When accurate real-time sand detectors where made
reservoir is to loose to produce at all, or at least to produce available, ClampOn was participating in well boosting
economically, without producing unacceptable amounts operations on many installations, and increased the
of sand. In these cases sand control might be required. In production significantly.
other cases the strength is high, removing any risk of sand These are some examples of increased production. These
production. In many cases however, oil or gas can be figures are based on an oil price of USD 20 per barrel!
produced effectively while monitoring for sand. • Statoil - Statfjord 540.000 USD/Day
This is a good illustration of sand management. The blue • Conoco - Murdoch 34.285 USD/Day
line is showing a production rate where no sand will be • BHP - Ravenspurn 55.660 USD/Day
produced. The red line is a production where a catastrophic • BP - Cleeton 12.570 USD/Day
sand failure will occur. In a few high risk situations the aim • Shell - Brunei(onshore) 8.100 USD/Day
is to stay below the blue line. At this rate we will never • Exxon - GOM 6.800 USD/Day
produce sand. Usually however we want to be between the • Mobil - GOM 23.950 USD/Day
blue and the red line. Today most of these installations have permanent sand
monitoring equipment installed. They now have the
How close we can get to the red line depends on equipment required to keep the production optimized at all
several factors? times.
The erosion risk on the installation is very important. Is
the flow –and subsequently the sand – moving at speeds Sand Management
that can cause erosion? Sand handling capacity is another Sand management is: Managing the sand production,
factor to consider. It is important to have a plan when this maintaining the installation integrity and the well
way of operating is introduced. Especially if we want to performance.
move close to the red line, we need to know what risks are Development of new and more accurate sand detectors
involved. made it possible to manage sand production in a safe and
Wherever in this window we want to operate, we need efficient way. The first “boosting” jobs involved engineering,
to bear in mind one significant challenge; No one can tell safety precautions and a lot of attention and active

OCT-DEC 2009 35
involvement from engineers on site. The production gain integrity management programme aimed at avoiding
was significant. In the history of oil and gas production only reduced capacity due to scale build-up or, in some cases,
very few improvements have paid off as quickly as boosting shut-down due to leakage, corrosion, erosion, etc. Pigging
(optimizing production with acceptable sand production). is also performed in some cases to separate changes of
One of our customers did a full boosting exercise on all media being transported in a pipe.
wells. The procedure took several months, and a main The ClampOn DSP Pig Detector monitors when the pig
issue was safety. They operated very conservative, but is passing the point of installation. Providing reliable
could still report back: information about the passage of the pig increases pipeline
integrity and produces cost savings.
No well operation ever done on this installation has ClampOn pig detection systems perform this operation
increased the production as much as this. in a simple and safe way as they only monitor the pig from
This was an installation with good sand monitoring the outside of the pipe. The sensor is simply clamped onto
equipment on all wells, and a good system for managing the pipe, eliminating any need for welding or drilling
sand. The increased production came from using a little during installation. There is no need for inserts in the pig
more time and putting extra focus on sand production. and the system is capable of detecting all types of pigs or
In spite of the great success only a few years ago, such plugs.
examples are rare today. Often sand detectors are installed, The ClampOn DSP Pig Detector, based on our Ultrasonic
but the sand monitoring is forgotten. The control room get Intelligent Sensor Technology, represents the latest state-
an alarm, sometimes even without a procedure telling how of-the-art technology. This acoustic instrument accurately
to act on the alarm. detects the passage of all types of pigs in real time, giving
It is important to actively use the information given by the instant warning to the operator. Its signal output can also be
sand monitoring system. It is also important to realize that used to indicate the amount of debris pushed ahead by the
fully understanding the sand production from a well or pig during pipeline cleaning operations. ClampOn pig
installation takes time. detection systems have been successfully tested and used
by a large number of clients for many years, and this latest
Conclusion – Sand model makes the system even more compact and reliable.
Sand monitoring is often neglected. Even if a sand DSP (Digital Signal Processing) represents leading-edge
monitoring system is in place, lack of understanding, technology in this field and keeps us ahead of the
operating procedures or maintenance will reduce the competition.
value of the system. A correctly operated sand monitoring
system can significantly contribute positively to the Leak Monitor
economics of a field. A sand monitoring system can provide The ClampOn DSP leak Monitor makes it possible to
important and valuable information to production engineers identify and quantify leaks from critical areas, primarily
if monitored correctly. It can take time to learn and do valves, but can also be used on flanges, bends, joints etc.
proper monitoring of sand production. The quick turnaround Acoustic leak monitors in mechanical contact with the
of engineers within an operating company can represent a components of special interest have clear advantages over
challenge. Getting the most out of sand monitoring data many alternatives, in particular for continuous monitoring
requires some continuity. In many cases it has proven over time or during specific operations. Non-invasiveness
beneficial to subcontract parts of the sand monitoring and repeatability are among the most important benefits of
service. With the technology available today, one engineer this technology. After withstanding a thorough laboratory
can monitor sand production from many wells at different demonstration, a set of self-contained, battery operated
locations/installations, making the time more efficient and subsea leak monitors were set up to monitor the closing of
value of the sand monitoring system higher. two 20” subsea valves between a cross over. These valves
Assigning some resources to work with sand production/ had not been operated for 25 years and the client wanted
sand management issues from time to time, can potentially to use the leak monitors to verify whether additional
improve the production significantly. This will also raise operations were needed. Before deployment the leak
the awareness and understanding of sand production, monitors went through a laboratory demonstration to verify
which again will improve the safety and economy in a sand that they would work and quantify the leak in the valves.
management system. Leak detection thresholds depend on valve and pipe
geometry, placement of sensor and differential pressure.
Pig detector The prediction model was verified and predicted 95%
A Pig Detector is a tool that is always used in pigging certainty to detect leakages as low as 42 SCM/h at a 50 bar
operations. This operation is part of the operator’s pipeline differential pressure. A small leak was detected into the

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cross over from one of the valves. later. The CEM can be used as a permanent installation or
Leaks in subsea installations are detected by several as a relocatable instrument, a result of ClampOn’s
methods. Bubble plumes due to large gas leakages to the development of so called “dry contact” transducers. It is
environment can be discovered visually. Dye and installed on the outer pipe wall to produce real-time pipe
fluorescent tracers are used for detecting fluid leaks visually wall thickness information, not as a spot measurement, but
or by sensitive cameras or fluorometers. Due to their as a unique average path wall thickness. It is set up with 2
potential harm to the environment, however, the use of to 8 “Dry Contact” transducers, making it able to cover as
tracers is being phased out in some areas. Chemical much as 65% of stretches up to two meters. The CEM can
analysis of seawater has similar use, based on detection of be used on wall thicknesses in the range of 4- 40mm with
a substance that has escaped through a leak. Detection of sensitivity better than 1% and a repeatability of ±0.04% of
through-valve and cross-flow types of leaks requires a wall thickness over the full temperature – 40oC to +160oC.
different set of techniques. Static pressure measurements The CEM uses ultrasonic guided waves, called Lamb
using block-and-bleed methods seem the most common, waves, to perform its measurement, covering a much larger
but can be unpractical and sometimes not sensitive enough distance along the pipe surface than any other spot
to satisfy given specifications. Acoustic methods have been measurement system with a comparable number of
used to some degree, most commonly by means of transducers. By using two and two transducers in a pitch-
hydrophones that pick up ultrasound propagating through catch mode of operation the average wall thickness between
water from a leak in the vicinity. Susceptibility to noise and the transducers can be obtained, drastically limiting the
limited sensitivity has been two weak points of such number of transducers needed to cover the selected area.
hydrophone measurements. The robust thickness assessment procedure involves a
Another acoustic method for leak detection is performed comprehensive analysis of the phase and group velocity
with ultrasonic sensors in direct contact with the specimen dispersion characteristics of appropriate wave modes of
under test. When this method is used, acoustic signals the dispersion curves. The choice of modes for the analysis
created by turbulent leak flow are picked up directly constitutes an important part of the design, as not all modes
through the solid structure, eliminating the need for are equally sensitive to variations in wall thickness.
propagation through the strongly attenuating seawater. The CEM has been designed to provide an economical
Although noise from some sources such as ROV thrusters alternative to other ultrasonic-based systems and
and manipulators may still disturb the measurements undesirable intrusive systems to get an estimate of the
intermittently, the direct mechanical contact enables leak extent of corrosive and erosive damage in a structure. The
detection and continued monitoring with high degrees of system relies on lamb wave dispersion based analysis, and
sensitivity and repeatability. Only the differential pressure the attempt has been to optimize the compromise between
across the valve is needed for quantifying the leak rate. high accuracy and high robustness. Acoustically important
Permanent or temporary/retrofit leak monitors can be spurious effects have been taken into account in the design
placed at critical locations, either providing real-time of the technique, including temperature, fluid loading, etc,
leakage data or logging measurement results to internal and several tests have been performed to verify system
memory for extended time periods. The ClampOn DSP functionality and effectiveness. A permanently installed,
Leak Monitor is a completely digital, direct contact acoustic real time monitoring system with a sensitivity of 1% to
leak monitor. All signal processing is done in the sensor changing average wall thickness, coupled with its robustness
itself, securing the best possible signal-to-noise ratio and of operation is expected to provide the oil and gas industry
this limiting the influence from other sources. an economic, efficient and reliable alternative to existing
non-destructive pipeline evaluation methods.
Corrosion-Erosion Monitor The ClampOn Corrosion-Erosion Monitor it currently
ClampOn’s Corrosion-Erosion Monitor (CEM) is an online, available for topside installation, while the subsea version
real-time path based thickness assessment tool that deploys is under development and will be commercially available
a set of transducers over a given pipe area, and utilizes a in the near future.
dispersion based principle to assess wall thickness loss.
This instrument was developed keeping the needs of the Vibration Monitoring
oil, gas and petrochemical industry in mind, both upstream Vibrations always start at very high frequencies and
and downstream, but because it essentially monitors change to lower frequencies as the conditions develop.
reductions in wall loss, it can find applications in many The ClampOn DSP Vibration Monitor is an ideal instrument
other industries. Experimental work and field trials provide to monitor three directional vibrations on structures and
very promising results pertaining to the functionality of the pipelines with either high frequency shear waves or low
CEM system, and some of these results will be discussed frequencies. The system is designed with a broadband

OCT-DEC 2009 37
frequency response from 0 Hz to 262 144 Hz, suitable for Frequency range accelerometer: 0,125 Hz – 1 000 Hz, 0 g – 5 g
early detection of vibrations in objects such as: Frequency range ultrasonic 1 024 Hz – 262 144 Hz
• Flow lines, jumpers Output format: X, Y & Z in average and max data,
• Pumps, rotary machinery each variable is u16 data type.
• Subsea structures Vibration resolution: 10 mg; 10 mg = 1, 1 g = 100
The vibrations are monitored by utilizing two different Measurement update time: 1 sec (updating sequence)
measurement principles in combination.
1. Shear waves propagating from metal friction are picked The system is set up to provide measurements as an FFT
up by an ultrasonic element. These measurements will where the amplitude represents acceleration. Each
give an early indication of potential fault conditions as frequency bin will contain the maximum and average from
all these are typically high frequency waves. all axes - X, Y and Z. Measurements done by the ultrasonic
2. 3D Vibrations from 0 Hz to 1 000Hz will be quantified element will have max and average values, and have been
by an accelerometer. calibrated in order to provide the correct frequency and
To optimize both metering acceleration response. PP
schemes, the Vibration Monitor
3D needs both mechanical and PetroMin PipeLiner would like to show appreciation to
acoustic coupling to the Mr. Dag A Aldal, President, ClampOn AS for this paper
structure. which was presented at our 7th PetroMin Deepwater
The ClampOn DSP Vibration Technology Asia Conference 2009 held in October
Monitor 3D can also function 2009, in Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
in parallel as a regular Particle
Monitor in REAL TIME.



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