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1 Course Identity
Name : Advanced Listening
Credit : 2
Semester : III
Time : Thursday, 13.00 – 14.40
Friday, 16.10 – 17.50
4 Course Description Advanced Listening is a course designed to help students
better understand what people are saying in English. In this
course, students will listen to a variety of people speaking
about many interesting things at different speeds and with
different speech patterns. Students will learn skills for
listening to get the main idea and most of the supporting
information, and will have many opportunities to practice
these skills in all the exercises which follow the lessons.
Students will learn about some more challenging sounds in
English, and will also learn some useful grammar and
vocabulary. The goal of advanced listening is to focus on a
certain detail information through case-based learning. It
engages students in discussion of specific scenarios that
resemble or typically are real-world examples. This
focusing on detail is motivated by students having to
answer a question on a listening exercise or test. To do
advanced listening students listen to an extract and then
answer questions on it. To answer these questions students
may have to focus on one aspect of the content or students
may be asked questions that focus on the voices of the
speakers themselves.
5 Standard of Competency : The students able to:
(1) internalize academic values and demonstrate
academic honesty, integrity and professional ethics
with the spirit of independence, hard work, and
entrepreneurship. (ELO 2)
(2) demonstrate proficiency in four English skills:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing
characterized by an achievement equivalent to
CEFR level B2 and to communicate in English in a
cross-cultural context. (ELO 4)
(3) produce a scientific description of the results of
study in the form of undergraduate thesis or final
project report. (ELO 5)

6 Teaching Methods :  Lecturing

 self/individual learning
 Group works and discussion
7 Learning Materials : 1. Lesson plan and learning contract
2. Natural Environment
3. Wildlife
4. Health
5. Experiences
6. English Speaking Countries’ Cultures
7. Travelling
8. Getting to know each other
8 References : 1. Brown, Stevan and Smith Dorolyn. 2007. Active
Listening. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Craven, M. 2008. Real Listening and Speaking.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3. Flowerdew, J. and Miller, R. 2005. Second
Language Listening. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
4. Hillman, H. and Waddell, A. 2016. The Six
Elements of Effective Listening: How Successful
Leaders Transform Communication Through the
Power of Listening. Auckland: Sigmoid Curve
Consulting Group.
5. Kline, J. A. 2016. Listening Effectively. New York:
Air University Press.
6. Stevan, B. and Dorolyn, S. 2007. Active Listening.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
9 Evaluation : Observations, Quizzes, individual tasks, class activities,
Middle Test, and Final Test
10 Assessment weight : Weighting is based on:
1. the learning process has a weight of 60%
2. the learning outcomes have a weight of ≤40%
3. attitude assessment weighs 25-40% of the overall
domain (knowledge + skill + attitude)

Grade Grading Scale Grading Points

A 80-100 4,0
B+ 71-79 3,5
B 65-70 3,0
C+ 60-64 2,5
C 55-59 2
D 40-49 1
E 0-39 0

11 Hurdle Requirement : Hurdle requirement is the basic conditions that students

need to accomplish during the process of teaching and
1. Attendance
Students must attend the class at least 75 % or 12 times
per semester. Less attendance will result in the
disapproval for the students to attend the final exam
2. Submission
All assignments and additional activities must be done
or submitted on the due date decided by both the lecturer
and the students. Late submission will make the students
considered unable to fulfill the task, thus, there will be
no mark for that assignments or activities.
3. Lectures
If for any reason a lecture is cancelled, the lecturer must
find a substitution class to fulfill the numbers of class
meetings (16 times including mid and final semester tests)

12 Rules of conduct 1. Lecturers and students are required to dress modestly.

Prohibited from wearing T-shirts (without collars), flip
flops both during lectures and other academic activities.
2. During lectures the cell phone must be switched off or
on silent.
3. Lecturers must be present on time and for students who
are no more than 15 minutes late, are still allowed to
attend lectures, but are not allowed to sign attendance
4. Lecturers are required to announce the results of student
evaluations no later than 2 weeks after the exam is
carried out. Students can object to the evaluation results
for 1 week after the grades are announced.

The lecture contract can be carried out immediately after an agreement is made between the
course lecturers and the students. If there are changes / adjustments to the contents of this
Lecture Contract, it can be discussed during the lecture.

Students’ representative, Lecturer,

....................................... Novita Mulyana, S.S., M.Hum.

NIM............................... NIP 199211112020122022

Approved by


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