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Year 3 English Report Semester 2

Readin Connects literal and implied meanings in Connects literal and implied Identifies literal and implied
Recalls main ideas.
g different types of texts, to describe main meaning, and main ideas with meaning, main ideas and uses
PATR: 20th to 24th
ideas with references. references references
PATR: 76< percentile PATR: 65th to 75th percentile PATR: 25th to 65th percentile
Attempts to read
Uses knowledge of a wide variety
Uses knowledge of a wide variety of words of one or
of letter-sound relationships to
Uses phonic and word knowledge to read letter-sound relationships to read aa more syllables
read a growing list of complex
a range of complex words growing list of complex words with limited
Completed Phase 6 with 130 wpm Completed Phase 6 with 115 - 129 fluency.
Working at Phase 6 with 95-114
MAZE: 22< wpm. Working at Phase
MAZE: 15.5 -21 5 with 95>76 wpm
MAZE: 12-15
MAZE: <11.5
Viewing With assistance,
recognises some
Identifies a range of visual elements Identifies some elements of visual
Identifies a range of visual elements in elements of visual
in texts that are used for different language in texts that are used for
texts and outlines their different effects. language in texts
effects. different effects.
that are used for
different effects.
Writing Creates detailed texts using engaging Creates texts for different purposes,
Creates texts that draw on
techniques for different purposes and incorporating some engaging Creates simple
techniques taught, using some
audiences, accurately using appropriate techniques, using elements of text texts.
elements of text structure.
text structure. structure.
Uses a developing
knowledge of
Applies knowledge of letter-sound Uses knowledge of letter-sound Uses knowledge of letter-sound relationships,
relationships, including consonant and relationships, including consonant relationships, including consonant including
vowel clusters and high-frequency words, and vowel clusters and high- and vowel clusters and high- consonant and
to spell more difficult and multisyllabic frequency words, to spell common, frequency words, to spell common vowel clusters and
words accurately. and more difficult, words accurately. words accurately. high-frequency
words, when
attempting to spell
Uses simple and
Uses simple, compound and some Uses simple and compound Uses simple and compound some compound
complex sentences, and a range of simple sentences, and a range of simple sentences, and a small range of sentences, some
connectives, to clearly link and sequence connectives, to clearly link and simple connectives, to link and familiar and simple
ideas. sequence ideas. sequence ideas. connectives, and
shows some
Uses a variety of simple, appropriate Uses a variety of simple punctuation Uses simple punctuation linking of ideas.
punctuation, to support the purpose and appropriate to the purpose and appropriate to the purpose and
context of their writing. context of their writing. context of their writing. Makes some use
of punctuation.
S&L Attempts to
Presentations include key
Plans and delivers detailed presentations. Delivers short presentations. deliver
Initiates discussions and participates
Actively participates in informal and Participates in informal/formal
confidently in informal and formal Shows limited
formal situations using strategies situations using strategies such as
situations about a range of experiences participation in
such as listening, taking turns and listening, taking turns and
using strategies such as listening, taking class discussions.
contributing to others’ ideas. contributing to others’ ideas.
turns and contributing to other ideas.

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