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DEaplain various typy of surveys -for reservoir
: Tn reservoir
voir planing te filosoing ostiqations
to be carried out in detail:
bHgdro logical investigations
)Torcqvaphical suvey os Enginering danvey
Geoloqlcal Investiqations
"TBe hyd1ooqtcal survays inv

-tbe study of ranfall run off patten at asi

-deteminaton of depencabk floos
-the nazimum flood dlscharges that aie likely to
Decur 4 heir
frequencies and
- the determination f -he stovoge capa city of the
proposed tesenoir based on-the run otf bydhorapb
and the derpand.
"In the bydroloqical 6urveys
- Collection clata regarding the rainfall disbribution
io the catchmert
- the runof bychoqraph at the po ssible siles
-the ezpected denpand with ita extra- polation for
the future requirenent and
- the onalysis of the data

are -he major factors in the bydhclegical aurvy

"The topographical Survey involves
the study of the topoq Taphical maps of the nves
basin Single pupose reservoir 15 one that }s cleaigned to
- Salection of suitable sit for be dam, meet only one pup06t
Prepartion of the aea stovaqe - elevahor Caves .A mutHi pupose reservoir is that clesigned -to serve
moTe than One
-for -the p oPOSecd nservol by blck leveling the parpose
teservol area. functionally the reservoirs may be clanified under -the
the dtermination of the villaqes and oiber folluwoing qurneral cateqories
bistorical featnes that are tikely -to be Gubmerqed ) storaqe on Conser vation Teservoir
under the proposed veservoir and i) lood cootol Yeservoir

the problems of rebabiitation and land i) Distribution Teservoir and

teclamaticn plans hu) Muttipurpose Teservoi
" The qeoloqical Suvy involves Multipurpose Re6ervoir :
- the study of -the qeoloqical fertures of the A Multi-puspose e 5ervoir is deslgned to meet
-foundation locks, moTe than one puspose. Suitable allocations are made
-the types of overburden and-thely cepths, iothe capacity of the veservoir -for various purposes.
- the Wates tightnes De tbe reservolr basin,
3) Defne mas curre of Toflow and Mas Curvè of
-the qround wtes condition cof he reqion ,
the location ef permeable rocks quarry sitesfor
Mas curve of Iof low:
materials requined -for the construction op the 9
station is a plot of
Mas curve of Toflouo ata
dom with qavd -to quatty and quantity.
Cumul ative infloOs verses time
)Enumerate different types of Reserroirs . hat
prpared fom a floo bydiograp
" Aman cuve may be
do qoad understand by muttipupose reser voir ? of a stream for a large
number op conseutive
: Reservoirs may be broadly clasified as ycas.
1eServolrs and
- Single puspose
- Muti- purpose reservoir



Mas curve of deman with variable rau

|47) l473 474 1975 of clemand.
’ Time (months and years) deterinaton
4) Erplain he procedure involved in the
Toflbw tydroqzapb Df the Teservoir Capacity fora specifc qield.mthod
involved io the
Mass Cuve Of demand: 9 The follovoinq ave -tbe sBeps
a plot of -Hbe mas uve Of
Tbe mas cuve of demand is 4) For the qven inflow hydioqiapb
Cumulative denand ves5 Ls time. inflouo is plotted for the
period of bistosic intloo
demand is Hhe rate at
The rate of doft or Or anotber record a vailabe.
water is quind -for a pouoer
plant Comsponding to-he specitic demandtheman line
9) plotted. This is a stralght
req ulre ments curVe of denand is
Hha constant demand the montbly or
" The mas cure of
demand WHba slope comes ponding to
a slope equal to
rate is a straigbt line baving
annual demand.
mas infloLo
the demand rat
Cines ave drawn al each apex of the
2) curve
curve devictes fom a straigbt Curve parallel to
the nan demand
. The mas demand af
demand vat varis With
itercept betoeen the man Curves
ioe ie Hhe A) The vertical
demand and inflow are
maimum of the Veitical intercep ts gies the
6)The asumpton
capacity cf the vesêrvoiT on the
require d hydcqraph is likely to
that the historie intlouo
recur in reservoir
eservoirto be full,thbe
constant Considerinq the
Mas cume of demand With
rat of clemand
Wil be depleted from Ato B slnce the
slope of
5) DlsCuss With a neat sketch,the various stovaqe
Zones of the dam Teservoirs.
than tbe demand
the inf low mas cUYve Is les
reservoìr are

tbe iofloo rat is len

4 Zones of storage Io a
Curve, wbich means that i) Dead storage
ater bas to be drawn
than thbe demand rat and n) Useful stovaqe
from the reservoir. li) Surchange storaqe
"If 6e capacity of the Teservoir equals to the iv)Vallky sBoraqe and
Vertical Intercept BB' t B, tbe reservoir oill be v) Bank storage
in the rservoir beloo
empty at B " The volume of Water stored
ts called the dead
fom B to C -the slope of tbe man infloo curve the minimum pool level
the denoand curve
qreates -than tbatis ofblqher than the draft rat strag
. Hence the inf loo Tate store d betoeen the minimum
. The voluie oA Water
and the Teservoli oill be flling fom B
toc. is called the
poollevel and the patl 7eservoiT
.At C the iesevolr becomes full again ukefal storage
to be full and
" Fom cto Dthe reservolr continues M.N.
" The volume af Water stored betweeo FR.L and
the additonal nfloo durinq this perlod oll be is called -he Surchaqe storaqe
disposecd off -tbrough the suplus woiks
Bank storaqe prefers to the Water that steps io
When the Waler level
into the peimeable banks
lo too0 Yeservolx is above the
ground voater table
-m) -the
and comes ot as Soon the reservola qets depleted.
ts the amount of Water stored io
Vally stonaqt constuction of
the steam channel before the


1470 72 73 74
Tire (yeors) -fora Spechc
Man urve - Deleiminathion af reservoir capacly derran a
dhaft vales ae noted and-te line with-the mnimum
doft nou (slope)qepsens the sofe cmand rata
repserted by this line gives the saje yielicd frcrn
the reservoir
Upper sluice
stnag LOwen sluice

B B0co

6) Eplain the proedure involved nthe determinatioo
Capary 005ur

Df the safe yield fom a Teser voir of giren capacity (970 73 74 |475

Given the capactty of a neser volr and the man

cuiveof tnflouo the safe yield that can be
fom-thbe eservoln can be determined by the
-follouoing procedure D Defne Trap effclency.Eaplaio various factors influendng
lnfloo for the bistoric Ioflow the Frap Efpinq
1) The mas cune of
recovds is daon 9 Trap efficiency:
The ability of a reservoir to trap and retain
plot hat
a) ines ane draon frama polot in-be Sediment is knoon as trap eficiency and is erpycse d
repruseot diffrent rates of denand. as the percentaqe Of ineoming Sediment Which is
af the nas cuve, (ines are
3) from eacb apex retaioed io the reservoir.
line Such -that the
draon paralel -to -the demand "This is usually t aken for one year
the mas
mazimum Vert cal lntorcept betcoeen Sediment trapped
demand does hot exceel Trap efficieny
cLmYes of ioflo ond incoming Sechment
the capacity of -the
these demand lines vepresenting the
4) The slopes of
incoming sedimert load
Factors influcnc ing the Trop Efficienay : Bottom Oullels ave morc cffcctivc in

" The trap effciency of a eservoir kpends

upor occurs in
Se dimend wbere as qiealer concentraticn
-the edi ment characleristics and Lower portions op the basto.
- the rate of floo thrcuqh the eservoir. classi ication of dans basdon
8) Gve detailed
in reservoirs indicate a
" Data on Seaient deposits Various considerations

qcat variation in rspect ot qrain S'ze A: classification of Dans:

distribution of the partcles
According to the function /Purpose -
enters a reservoir ,the stovaqe dam
.As -the stheam- floo suling
incieases Te
Sectional area of flow noimally Dìversion dam
in a reduction of velocity and a
Detention dam

derease in sediment transporting capacity

- Debris dam

reduction in velocity Coffer clam

" Increase in Cls area ’
’ decrease in 6ediment a) According to Hydraulic desigo :
transport copacty - An overflouo dam
grained particles are dropped bear the - Non overfloo dams
" The coarse

bead of the back oater,

3) Accovdinq to Nature af the stengtb
" While the finer grain stre am in suspension are -
Riqid dams
or carried out
either deposited in the re servoir - Non- riqid dams
in the outfloo Water deslgn
4) Based on structural
controlling factor in
"Opera ti on of a reservoir is a - Graviy dams
respect to deterion storaqe - Arch dams
" 4 storage tservoir for irigathion Or Waler - Buttres dams

Supply may retain Waler for long periods - Arched buttres

1esulhing in nea ly conple le deposi tion. earth dams
. While a flood cortrol eservoir may empty in
natter of days with ooly parial depasition of
6) Based on the mateial used for constuciôn
Dicacleantoges of qra vity dams:
Masonny c concle dams )They rquire soundl vock foundalions
- t a t h dams ) Inital cost is high
Composik dans 3) They Yequire skilled labour for Conshuchon
- Rock fill dam ralse in the
4) T5e4 do not alloo subsequent
- Steel dam height of dan.
Timbe dams
) Arch dams (Masonry or Concrete )
) Erplain the merits and demerita of gravity " In arch damns, Water presures are resisted by
dams and arch dams the reacion of the abument s at -the ends of
Hbe arcbes
A 1) ravity dams
Gravity dans resist the overtuninq momest " Tbese are curved in plan and esist the prSUre
0f the water pr LMure (erternal forces ) by their Of Water partly by hen weiqht (with vertical
INeight alone. These are shaight in plan and elements acting as Cantilerers) as in qravity dams
approximately triangular in Section: usually and partly by arch oction With borizont al
having a lengtth to heigbt ratio ezceeding 7. elerent acting as arches spanning from
abutment to abutment.
Advantages of qravity dams : dam s is
Usually the lenqth to heiqbt of aeh ef
4) They are shong and stable. les than 5.
a) They adaptable -for overfloo section
Merits of arch dams:
3) They can be of any heigbt. if su ) Tbe ock foundations need not be as sthong
foundations are available
in q1avity dams
maintenance cost
4) They reque least a) Section of -the dam is
much leyy
5) failue, f any , is not Sudden presure is minor
provided in the dam 3) Problems of uplift
¬) Scouring sluices can be malerials used tn the
long vun. 4) The strength of
¬) They ore cheapes in the
quontity of materials
fully ceveloped a) The cost is les Since les
Construchon of arch dams is more are used.
thon in qra vity dams temperature Corstrol in concreu is
3) Problem of
Demerits of Arch dams m)nimum

The arch dam s equne skilled labour and les

4) con struction 4) Uplift presuse are
Sophisheated -formoork for the maintenonce is easy
Construction is slow
6) Tnspecion and
a) The Speed of at buttres and deck
resist arch 6) Eacavation is needed only
Thy requtre sthang a butment to
3) slab
be prcviced
D Pouoer ttouse,suoitch yards can
and arched
Dishnquish between Buttres dam betoeen the buttreses
and varied to utilize
buttren dom. specity the adiantages 8) Spacing of buttresses can be
disadrantaqu of bott the dams. ~ones of good -foundatons.
* Buttress Dam: require relatively weaker foundations than
. Buttres dom consist og a number of buttres or qravity dans.
piers dvidinq the space -to be dammed into a
O) Head dissipatton is better and -the speed of
nunber of spans Construction is more
" To hold up and retain Water between these
are constructed consisting Disadvantages of buttress dam:
buttrevses, panels of concrete ,more
of Rcc slabs or buttreses against the beight DThey require richer miz
of the dam are as follouoS:
Complicated form Work and skilled lab our.
Height of Doro I5 to 30m 30 to 45 m a) They are Susceptitble to damage or
Spacing of 6to6m a to 2m |2to 5 by sabotaq Or military action more easily than
Buttreses mass lve dams.
deterioration of
Advantags of buttres dams 3) Theyare sensitive to moderate
needed io the constuctior
) Per unit lengtb of dam, buttres dams tequire ConCrete and much care is
tes con Crete C30 to 40%) than solid alams.
4) The pa ce of con stuction is sloo u) Compare stel dams ond timber doms
Overfloo avangements equlre complicated steel dams
layeut " These dams are consthuct cd of a frame Wok of
steel and steel skin plat es an the upstream
Arched Buttren dam
sides to hold water . They are feasible for heighta
Its combination of arch and butten,butten upto abourt i5m and can be constucted quickly
is desianed as qvavity dom and cheaply They aie diect stutted type or
Adkaniaqes Conilever type
"Foundaicns need not to shonger -Advantaqes ot steel darns
Takes advartaqes cf both arch and brttres daro 4) The speed of con shuchion is bigh
Cplift preSSuTe is les 2) They aie cheaper than other riqid dams
constuctian of
Sthength af materials neded -for 3) leaky Joints could be vepaued by weldng tasily
this is fally developed 4) haveqiealer flexib1lity to vesist un equal
les as less materials are Thuy
" Cost of constution is Settlement oithout encesive leakage.

Head dissipatian s better

is more
) Life is shorter than concIeb dams
Zpeed cf construction
2)Constant mainBenance is required
Disad varta qes 3) Thu have to be anchoed at foundations
Requires rich miaes cf concrete
Timber dam :
" Requies skilled abour
resist Ach .Timber dam s can be consthucBed upto about
Requires shong abutments to bm height where timber is cheap and plertiful
actions at dam site wbile cther materals are Scarce

In hese dam leakaqe is qreat and epalrs to

leakaqe is diffieut
Advantaqes: draln out
) Low nitial cost
" In Semi-hydsaulie fll dams the materials are

) They are suitable -for any type of foundatons encavated and coovyed -to sie mechanically and
are used -for temporary dam s.
3)Thy are deposited in positon bydraulically
4 The speed of construction ts qreat. Problems associated with earth dams:
Disadvantaqes: " Earth dams are valnerable to damaqe by flood
) They require hiqh maintenance cost and fail sucdenly without warning
) They have short life
They requlre acloser oatch and beavier
3) They are Suitable for small beigbts Clens than matntenance cost
No overflouw section can be provided in this dam.
4) They involve more Seepage loses
Ananqement for spllway must be made
la) Where do we prefer earth dams and rockfll Separately
dams. What are the problems asod ated with " These are not suitable at locations of beavy
these dams do uonpour.
1 * Earth dams: ¥ Rock fill dams :
"The earth dams are made of locally available . Rock fill clanas con be provided on les riqid
Soils and gravel foundations thon masoniy or concrete dams
" In rolled flled dams, lb to 45 c layers of soil ave Suitable in remoa lacalites where
is laid and volled wrth power roller
(sheep Sutable rock in plenty is avallable ne ar the
foot roller) with optimum moisture content dam site
-for poper compaction " Tbe
design of rockfill doms ls empirieal
Materials reach the sit tn the fom 0f a Rocky -foundations are desirable foy these
flouoing miature of soil and water (or s lurry) dam$ 50that settlene nt is absent or negligible.
-fron obich surplus oater oill erentually
. Eey an Suited fo maderate beighta " The cost of constuchon depends on lhe availability
sluiaing is sorted bs forcing a jet of waler Of malerials at sit and thel, transportation.
on the wok to wash aoay Small Iock chips
Availability of sond ,qiavel and aushrd stone
and ck pooder to aioid ay setlement
Suggest conC Hete qravity dams While availabilky
I3) Eaplain factors qovening the selecton of of Coaise and fine qaine d sails prfer earth
type of dam dams

Th cholce of the type ot dam most suitable 4) Spilloay slze and location:
qlven site is based oo he -follouoing Availability of suitable site for safe dispasal o?
factors flood water is of im pontance
) Tepoqraphy: Jf the flood lalens can be passed through oveiflao
" The c1 oss section of the riverat the site sections In the dam qravlty
qravnty danm is suqgested
Whether it is a haroo qorqe or a wide valley Earth daros are Suggested oith the availabilits of
is a basic parameter to decide -the ty pe of alternate site for dspasal af fleod uoalers
the dar 5) engtb to beigbt rato
) Geoloqy and -foundation conditions: The length to height atio is les than 5 suggei
Seund rock Buqgs any type of dam. arch dam while a valuevalue greater than 7 suggest
qravity dom or tarth dam.
Find sand or clay foundation s suggat only
earth doms - 6) Environ mental consideration s contol the choice
Gravity dorn s and rock frll da ms are nol of the type of dam. )t dimensions spillLuay
Sui table on clay foundaton location , Submergence af areas and recreational
. Silt ond fine sands ovolve settlemerst problems quality
and aie not sultable -fo rock- fill dams ) Earthquake zone
a) vaila bilty of the materials of construckon: for cdams capable of resisting eartbquake
forces, earth ond conciete gravty dams are best

Such divesting the stheam floco duvinqg
8) Overall cost and funds avallable Constuction ,availa bi lity of labour, sklled or
" Sone times inaccesibilits of-the unskilled and equipment accesibility of siBe .
and iver
imposed by protection Works of -tbe site. imlBations of ortlet oor k , life of dam also play
diverslon influence the
orks ave important role Io-the selection oftbe type aÙ the
" In some cases . castly protection
depends on-the cost the selecion
The overall cost of a dam 14) Briefly ezplain the factors qovening
operaton and maiotenance Site for dam construchion
of constuction, is les but
"Toeath dams
, toital cast D The selection of Dam site for construcHnq a dam
maintenance cost is
bigh. should be governed by -tbe follouoing factors .
" In qravity dams, inital
cost is high obile ’ Foundations
maintenance cost is less: ’
caried. Size and location of dam
q) width of tte oaduays to be
carie d ontbe -’ Reservolr sile
. I¢ wide highuays are to be
top of the dams , tarth dams are achantaqvous . splloay location
about 68n ds
. If moderate oitth of he road ’ Materials for the da
to be carried on -tbe top of the dam, Gravity -> Environmenlal factors
’ Comnmunications
dam may be constructed.
to be ’ overall econ om
" Tf smaller oitth roads upto 6m are
carted, Arch dams may also be thought of. ’ Foundations
I0) ife 0f the Dam: Sultable foundation must be
AI types en cept timber dans are Suitable . The foundaion s at the site
shauld be fee fro
for dams of per maberst nature. Timber dams are faulty zones open pockets or jointa
economical for only temperarY purpose4. extent by
Foundations can be improved to some
n) other Considerations taking sutable steps -for poundation
’ Spillway location
" The coss sectiors of
the heat the dan Site Spilloayis an Impotont component of a dam.
to bave a redud "A suttable site for the splllway should be
should bae a har YO0 qorge
available In the near vicinity
length of dam foundations
WHh had vock ’ Materials for thbe dom:
dam or arch am.,
Wbile a structon op dam
qnavity dam Materials required for the con
require a foundations of soil materialy either loca ly or in
valley NHh
wide valleuy earthb should be easily available ,
Sl derable depth indlcaBes an the near vicinity
to a con
considerations , t oould be
dam. " For econOmic
con struction
’ Size
location of dam: advantage ous , if the bulk of the
accesible,so maBerial Is available close to tbe dam
dam site should be easily
" The to
can be econOmically Connected ’ Environmental factors:
that t toon and cities. suttable
important The area upstream of the dam must be
be acbieved if the reservolr.
Considera ble economy for -the requirements of the
narovwest section I and a beaHhy
dam is Situated at the SHe for establishinq labor colonies sih
ulfitimert of near the
subject to envinonment should be available
the iiver valley
considerations ìnduding
cother requirements . The environmental
that there is
’ Reservolr site: displacement of local people , requlre and
-the lo cal environmenl
loss throuqh the bed of tbe mìnimum damaqe -to
Leakagt minimum minimum bardsbip to-lbe local people
resevofr should be
evaporation , it s ’ Commublcations:
bave oinimum lo ses by
To bave rail and road
desirable to have a deep reservolr. The dam slte should men material and
Comyunications to transpot
servolr -for med by the dam should not
" The ve
land. machinery or other equipment.
involve Submeigence of valuable Suitable sites and communi catianA Should be

available for the colontes.

’ Overall economy Year Run off (Cm) Run off volurne M.m Cumulative
The value of lond and properky Submerqud by (1) (2)
(3) =(2) xI675 Run off
-the prop0sed dan should be as low as

98 1642 I642
1983 103.5
" The selected sHe should be sucb
-that it a404 4046

in Conshuction 1464
eSuts in over all e conomy
66.3 2819 6865
mantenane and opration of he 1985 44 (575 8440
SOute project. (986 q53 1546 I0036

|487 1524
5) Aonual runoff inlerms of depth over the 12684

Cat chment arna of 1675 Sq-km of a reservoir is (842 (4431

qiven belo 1989 131-3 199 l6630

Yeor 1482 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
PS:q928 z46630
Runoff l03.5 l68.3 44 45.3 152.4 l0 13|.3
The averge annual yield is the arithmetic mean of
Draw mass diaqram what is the arerage qield he qiven annual yield and ls equal to
from th catchment ? Wbat should be the live = 492.8
= là4.|cm of r noff
Storaqe capacity of the reseroir to use the
Source fully ? If the dead Is 20% of live
storage . what is the qross storage ? Mark the
X[676 XI000 m²

On be mas urre. = Q079. M m²

emptying and filling periods
they NoLo, to uti lize the Same fully there should not be
The cumulative Values are marked out and
any spilling over the Water and the yearly demand
are pletted aqainst the covesponding years should be equal to the average yield i.e, 079 Mn
To detamine the required reservoir capacity to meet
this demnand, a line is drawn from the high point
,and the maxim unq
A1, parallel to the demanc ale
mass Curve is B4C1
departure of this lint from
= t065 Mm
Analytical soluion
The nesenvoir will be empty at points C1 and Ca YearInplowOutplou Defcit Swplus Cum. Cum
Mm> Deficit
and full at A1. Fiom oto C4 he slo pe of (6) Surphus
infloo cuve is ley -than -than of demand cuhve, 1982 l642 D019 431 437

indicating that the inflouo is les than outfloo, 1983| 2404 2079 326
and the TSerVoi ls emptying 1434 2619 2079 740
From C4 to D4,he slope of inflao curve is in 1985 (575 2079
exes of the demand and the reservoir is 504) 987
1986| |596 2079 483 )
C1C -Ipre sen ta the initial storaqe to meet cemand.
flowU’ 1987553 2079 474 414
1986 1842 2079 Q37 Q37
1489|49 D079 |20

10000 986 Mrm3 Out of all the values of col (6) 4 col (1) ,the nmar. Value
is l065 Mm wbich Tepusents the min Storaqe
Yequired to accomodate this tD65 Mn surplus
B 1065Mm 2078.7 Water entering during the years 1983 and 1984.
Gioss storaqe rèquired =Dead storaqe +lhve storage
1969 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 - Q07% of live live
Mm Vear = 12X live
=l.2 X l066

= |278 Mms
-628 Mm
la) A proposed reservolr bas a Capacity of rsto ha-m.
400D + D The catchment area ts 126 km,and he annual
steam floo averages 12 cm of runofp . the annual
sediment production is 0.03 ha.mlkm, what is the
probable life of the reservoir before ts capaaty 1s
ledued by i% of its initial capacity by depends upon the capacity /inflouo ratio
Sedimentoation 9 The ve lation ship between trap In the question, the total capacity to be filled
effiiency (%) and capacity inflow ratio C up by sedient Is l0o of +he initial reservoir
is as under: capacity·
i-e:) |0 o x 5 M Cum = O:5 Meum.
0.3 O.5 O7 (500ha m)
CI O01 0-02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Novo, le have -to calulate the time durinq Which this
qet deposited in the
S0 84 87 43
nto 43 60 74 O5 Meum of Sediment oill
reservolv , as follous :
D Av annual streomfloo = lQ cm of Tunoff Mcum
Capacity of the ve servo iu at the stat=5
Ata of catchment = 126 km
the cnd (i.e When
Capaci ty of -the reservolr at
up) - 4.5 Mcum
Annual flood inflouw = (1as xlo). I00
0.5 Mum of Sedimerst ls filed
Capacity | inflouo at the start I5 Meunm
= (5 M.m (Mcum)
n at start = 45 %
Aonual Sidimernt iofloo - 0.03 ha-m/ knof the
catehment Capacity iofloo at the end 410- 0.30
n at the end of -the interval q5%
= 0.03 x (25 x i0t m
Average n 95%
E 375 x 10 m3
: Sed iment toad tapped lyr.
I00 -0"0375 X 45 Yo

= 0.0375 Mn(M Cum). - O"035625

Jt means that o.0375 Meum of Seciment -flocos No. of years durinq which a.5 Mcum of
evey qeo into the dameservoir site but the Nillget trapped - 0.5 years
quartum of -this, Which is happed in-he eservoir,
= 14:04 4ears
cdepends upon the aviaqe tiap etfcieny C7
during that yeor ,and this -trap etficienay in ton
terce, after 14 yeavs ,10 %vesevoir apacity 03 M.m3

Wit qet Alled tep TpiHal Yeservolr

olr capacity - 30 M. m
Annual flood infloo = 60 M.m
1) The-fotlouo ing infonaion is available reqarding
the velation shp betoeen trap effciency and let us assume that 0% De the capa city , ie, 6 M. n
Capaaty in-flow ratio for a reservoir: is filled up in the first Isterval
Capacky ratto 0 o190.4o.5 0.6 708 0.9 o Capacity infloo ratio at the start of the interval
Inflo 30
Trap effiieny 6 46.5 47 7.2 47.37.s
Iap effciency atbe stort of the inteval 0.96
S7 43 45 45.5

Capacity inflouo ratio at the end of the interval

Rnd the probable life ofthe reservoir voHban = D4
ioiial nsevoi apacity of 30 million cubic metes,
= Or4
Cubic metres
if the annual flood inflow is 6o million Taap effiCiency at the end of interval = oq55
3,60) 0DD
and the ovage annual sedimert toflo0 ls Aueraqe tap <tiieny duving the inteval
tones.Assume a specifc Welght of sediment equal -O.46t0.45
reservoir oill
to |2000 Nm. The useful life 0f the
terminate When &o % of initial capacity Is fle -0.45 76
wWith sediment. volume of sediment depesited anually till the s0%
sedimert infloo - 3,60,00 ton nes
' Averaqe annual Capacity is Ailled = 03 XO:4575 M.m
= 3.6 X\05 tonns
: No. of yeavs during wbich 90% of -the capacits
i-e:) 6 M.m shall be filled up
volunne of average annual seciment Ioflouo years
O3 XOq575
- Q0. 84 years
3.6 x10"3
1.2x o6 Similarls sipthe 2nd interval
- 0:36yIb6 ublc metres Capacity inflouw rato at the start 60
= 3
millon cublc etre
Capacity inflao yatio at the end = 18 =0.3 Trap efficiency at the start = 0.93

=0.4565 Trap efficiency at the end = 087

l ap efficieney at the start interral =0.90
- 0.45 Aveiage Trap etficiency duing the
Ihap efficiny at the end o o of the
0.9525 No of eais during which the nezt
trap efficiency =
Average qears durloq which tbe next go% of Capacity shall be Alled up 03x0,4
: No of
Capacity shall be filled up 6
013 XO.9525

20 Qa.22yeas

= Q0.447 Total probable life ill 80% Capacity ets tled up

= Q0189+ Q0 447 + 166 t Qa222
Similarly iothe 3rd ioterval -(85 3858 yeas
Capacity infloo ratio at start = = 013 - 85.4 yeavs) *
Capacity inflouo ratio at the end - 12
60 = 89:82 years
Trap efficiencs at the' start = 0.96
Trap effcaency at the end =
isterval =0.94
Average trap efficiency during the he
nhich the nent 20%% 6f
No. Of yeavs clurinq
Capacity sha ll be ftlled up O3 X0.44

a1.a166 4ears
&imilarls in the 4th interval
Capacity infloo ratio at the start' 2e
Capacity oflouo ratio at the end 606 = 0i

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