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Primary Longman Elect Test Bank 1A

End of term (Ch 1–6)


Name: ________________________ ( )
Class: ________________________
Date: ________________________

Part Language focus and skills

A • extracting information from a recording about some children’s

B • extracting information from a story
C • extracting information from a conversation
D • extracting information from riddles

• talking about things we bring to school

• numbers 1–10
• using is / am / are to talk about people

• using has / have to talk about things people have

• using this / that / these / those to talk about animals / objects

• using has / have / is / are with singular and plural subjects
G • using adjectives to describe people / animals
• greeting other people

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 1 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

• talking about ages
I • using capital / small letters and punctuations correctly
J • proofreading

• vocabulary
K • using the correct article

• using plural forms

L • guided writing – writing about some animals

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Part A
Some children are giving presentations about their pets. Listen
to the presentations. Tick the best answers.

❶ What is the name of Jamie’s dog?

A. Fifi

B. Gigi
C. Gogo

❷ Bibi and Lala are _____ .

A. B. C.

❸ How old is Momo?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

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❹ Which is Momo?

A. B. C.

❺ Linda’s pets have _____ . (You can choose more than one answer.)

A. long tails

B. big eyes

C. long ears

❻ Linda’s pets like _____ .

A. B. C.

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Part B
Miss Au is telling a story to the class. Listen to the story. Tick
the correct answers.
❶ Poppy is in Class _____ .

A. 1A B. 1C C. 1E

❷ Poppy does NOT have a _____ .

A. B. C.

❸ Coco has _____ pencils.

A. 2 B. 4 C. 5

❹ Poppy’s rabbit has _____ .

A. big mouth B. small eyes C. long tail

❺ Which is Coco’s dog?

A. B. C.

❻ Coco has three _____ .

A. hamsters B. pigs C. turtles

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Part C
Three children are talking. Read the conversation and answer
the questions.

David, Judy and Leo are in Class 1D.

David : Oh no … I do not have my pencil case today.

Judy : It is OK. I have seven pencils and two erasers. We

can share.

David : Thank you, Judy.

Judy : Oh, but I do not have rulers …

Leo : I have four rulers. David and Judy, you can use my

Judy : Thanks, Leo.

David : I like your ruler. There is a hamster on it.

Leo : I like cats very much. I have a cat at home. His

name is Freddy. He is two years old. Let me show
you a photo.

Judy : Freddy is small and fat. He is cute!

Fill in each blank with one word only.

❶ David, Judy and Leo are __________________ .
❷ Judy has 7 _______________ .
❸ _______________ is Leo’s pet.

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 7 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

Blacken ● the circles.
❹ David does NOT have his ______ .

⚪ A. ⚪ B. ⚪ C.

❺ Leo has _____ .

⚪ A. ⚪ B. ⚪ C.

❻ Freddy is a _____ .

⚪ A. ⚪ B. ⚪ C.

Part D

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 8 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

Aunt Holly is reading some riddles. Read the riddles. Write the
letters in the correct boxes and fill in the blanks.

I have a farm. Tim is big. He is thin. He has small

ears and big eyes. He has a long tail. Which is Tim?
Nina has a big nose and a short tail. She has four
short legs. She is fat. Which is Nina?
Sally has short legs and a short tail. She has big
eyes. She is small. Which is Sally?
Peter is tall. He has long legs and small eyes. He has
a short tail. He is thin. Which is Peter?

A. Tim B. Nina C. Sally D. Peter

❺ Tim is a _______________ .

❻ Nina is a _______________ .

❼ Sally is a _______________ .

❽ Peter is a _______________ .

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Part E
Fill in the blanks with ‘am’, ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘have’ or ‘has’ and write
the numbers (in English) in the boxes.




Mandy : This is Daisy. She ❶ ________ my friend. We

❷ ________ in Class 1C. She ❸ ________ ❹


Thomas : My name is Thomas. I ❺ _______ a monitor. I ❻ ______

❼ books. These books ❽ ________ funny.

Chloe : This is Ken. He ❾ ________ my classmate. He

❿ ________ ⓫ pencils and ⓬


Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 10 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

Part F
Bobo is visiting her friend Ronnie. Read the comic and circle the
correct answers.
I like hamsters.
• •• small ears.
Welcome to my home.

I like dog.

•• ••
I like turtles.
• ••

Kiki, Fifi I like rabbit.

and Bibi. long ears.

❶ these / this / those / that

❷ It are / They are / It is / They is
❸ those / these / this / that
❹ It has / It have / They has / They have
❺ this / these / that / those
❻ It is / They is / They are / It are
❼ that / these / those / this
❽ They have / It have / They has / It has

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 11 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

Part G
Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives. You can only use
each word once.
big small
Tony fat thin

short long


Hi! My name is Macy. I have two pets and four brothers and sisters.
I have _____________ eyes. Kate has _____________ legs. Brian
has _____________ hair. Tony has _____________ eyes. Coco is
_____________ . Didi is _____________ .

Part H
Write the correct letters in the brackets.
❶ A: How old are you?
A. Happy birthday!
B: ( )
B. I am fine, thank you.
C. Hi! Nice to meet you.
❷ A: Hello!
D. Goodbye.
B: ( ) E. I am seven years old.
F. Come in, please.
❸ A: It is my birthday today.
B: ( )
A: Thank you!

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 12 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

Part I
Rewrite the following sentences with the correct capital / small
letters and punctuations.
❶ grace is in class 1b
❷ dont look at the computer
❸ i like those dogs
❹ how old are you
❺ open the door please

Part J
Underline the mistakes and write the correct words in the
❶ I like these hamster. They are fat. _____________

❷ She have four rulers. _____________

❸ Stand in, please. _____________

❹ This is Jerry. He is an monitor. _____________

❺ How am you? I am fine, thank you. _____________

❻ Turn down the fan, please. _____________

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 13 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

❼ How is your name? My name is Ben. _____________

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Part K

turtle eye chair rabbit mouth

English teacher school bag arm eraser
Fill in the blanks with the correct words and circle the correct
answers. You may need to use the plural form of the words.

❶ This is my dog. It has a / an small

_______________ .

❷ Janice has three _______________ .

❸ Greg has a /an _________________________ .

It has a / an _______________ on it.

❹ This is Uncle Tom. He has long _______________ .

❺ A: What is it?
B: It is a / an _______________ .

❻ Kelly has a / an _______________ .

❼ Miss White is a / an ________________________________ .

She has two big _______________ . She is


Part L

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 15 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

Read what Mike says.

I like this rabbit.

It is big. It has long ears.
I like those cows.
They are big. They have long tails.

Now finish what Jimmy says.

I ______________________________ .
They _____________________________________________ .
They _____________________________________________ .
I ______________________________ .

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