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Primary Longman Elect Test Bank 1A

Mid-term (Ch 1–3)


Name: ________________________ ( )
Class: ________________________
Date: ________________________

Part Language focus and skills

A • extracting information from a recording of a conversation
B • extracting information from a recording of a conversation
C • extracting information from a conversation

• extracting information from a conversation

• filling in library cards

E • using subject pronouns I / he / she / we and verbs is / am / are

to talk about people
F • using capital / small letters and punctuations correctly

• greetings
• talking about ages
H • instructions
I • proofreading

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 1 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

J • guided writing – writing about people at school

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Part A
It is the first day of school. Mr Bell is talking to the pupils.
Listen to the conversation. Tick the best answers.

1 What is the name of the school?

A. Toy School

B. Boy School

C. Joy School

2 What time of the day is it?

A. B. C.

3 What is the girl’s name?

A. Amy Man

B. Amy Wan

C. Amy Pan

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 3 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

4 How old is Amy?

A. B. C.

5 How old is Peter?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

6 Mr Bell tells the pupils to ____ .

A. B. C.
Part B
The children are drawing pictures of people at school. Listen to
the conversation. Tick the best answers.

1 Who is Mr Law?

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 4 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

A. B. C.

2 Who is Ken?

A. B. C.

3 Leo and Joe are ____ .

A. classmates

B. monitors

C. friends

4 What does Miss Lam say?

A. Don’t talk in class.

B. Don’t look at the window.

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C. Open the door, please.

5 Who is Miss Mak?

A. B. C.

6 What does the class say?

A. Goodbye, Miss Lam.

B. Good morning, Miss Lam.

C. Sorry, Miss Lam.

Part C
Read the conversation and answer the questions. Tick the best
answers or write the correct names.

It is the English lesson now.

Mr Hall : Good morning, class.
Class : Good morning, Mr Hall.
Mr Hall : Sit down, please.
Kelly, don’t stand up. Sit down, please.
Kelly : Sorry, Mr Hall.

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 6 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

Mr Hall : Class, look at the blackboard.
Wendy, don’t look at the window.
Wendy : A
Henry is at the door.
Mr Hall : Henry, come in, please.
Henry : Thank you, Mr Hall.
Mr Hall : Joyce, close the door, please.
Joyce : Yes, Mr Hall.
Mr Hall : Thank you, Joyce.
Calvin, point to a chair.

1 Mr Hall talks to the children in the ____ .

A. B. C.
2 Who is Mr Hall?

A. B. C.

3 Choose the best sentence for A .

A. Good morning, Mr Hall.

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 7 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

B. Thank you, Mr Hall.

C. Sorry, Mr Hall.

4 Write the children’s names in the boxes.

Calvin Henry Joyce Kelly Wendy

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

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Part D
Read the conversation and complete the library cards. Write the
correct words or tick the best answers.
The children are in the school library.
: Hello. What is your name?
: My name is Alice Chan.
: How old are you, Alice?
: I am six years old.
: Which class are you in?
: I am in Class 1B.
: Class 1D?
: No, Class 1B.
: OK. How about you? What is your name?
: I am Ben. Ben Lee.
: How old are you, Ben?
: I am seven years old. I am Alice’s classmate.
: OK. Here are your library cards.
Library Card Library Card

Name: Alice Name:

❶_______________ ❹____________________
Class : Class :
❷____________________ ❺____________________
Age : ❸ A. 5 Age : ❻ A. 5
B. 6 B. 6
C. 7 C. 7

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Part E
Circle the correct words.
About me and my class

❶ ( I / We ) am Tina.
I ❷ ( is / am ) six years old.

This is Benny.
❸ ( He / She ) is my classmate.
❹ ( He / We ) are in Class 1A.

This is ❺ ( Miss / Mr ) Jones.

❻ ( He is / She is / We are ) my class
❼ ( He is / She is / We are ) nice.

Part F
Correct the mistakes in each sentence and write the correct
punctuation marks in the boxes.
1 good Morning miss lee

2 hello macy How olD Are You

3 this is tom chan HE is in class 1d

Primary Longman Elect 1A 1/2 10 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

Part G
Some people are talking. Finish what they say.
In the children centre …
❶________ _____________ , Miss Chan. Good morning, Kelly.

❷__________ _______ Mark. ❹__________ , Mark.

❸__________ _______ my friend.

At the party …
❺___________ ______________ , Flora! Thank you.

❻________ ________ are you? I am ❼_________ ________

_______ .

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Part H
Look at the pictures and finish what Miss Brown says. Fill in
the blanks and circle the correct words.
❶ ❷ ❸

❹ ❺ ❻

❶ __________ ( down / in / up ), please.

❷ __________ the ( window / door / computer ), please.
❸ __________ ( in / at / to ) the blackboard, please.
❹ ________ __________ your ( books / computer / bags ).
❺ __________ ( in / at / to ) the butterfly.
❻ __________ __________ ( in / at / to ) class.

Part I
Underline the mistakes and write the correct words in the
1 A: What is you name? B: My name is Paul. _____________

2 I are a girl. My name is Lily. _____________

3 Mary, not open your book. _____________

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4 This is Miss Pang. He is my teacher. _____________

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Part J

Look at the pictures. Write about the people at Paul’s school.

Classmate: Joe
Age: 6
Class: 1A

Class teacher: English teacher:
Miss Ng Mr Young

This is Joe. He is my ___________________ .

We ________________________________________________ .
This is _______________________________ .
She ______________________________________________ .

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