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Culture and Society

Some people claim that mass media, such as TV, radio and
the Internet, have had great influences on maintaining
and promoting the local cultural uniqueness, while others
believe the media has led to assimilation and eventually
the loss of cultural identity. Discuss both views.

Presented by
Thu Ha - Ngoc Linh
Table of contents

01 02 03 04
Introduction Body paragraph 1 Body paragraph 2 Conclusion
Mass media, including television, radio, and the Internet, have become
essential components of our everyday lives and have revolutionized the way
we communicate, acquire knowledge, and access information. According to
Kustiawan, W., Efendi, H. E., Arfah, K., & Shah, M. Z. A. (2022, December) Mass
media is a tool used in conveying messages from sources to recipients either
through print media such as newspapers, magazines, bulletins, tabloids and
electronic media (film, radio and television).The primary goal of mass media
is to influence people's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors by reaching as many
individuals as possible. The impact of mass media on local culture is a highly
debated subject, with some arguing that it helps to preserve cultural
identity, while others believe that it leads to assimilation and the erosion of
indigenous traditions. This article will critically examine how television,
radio, and the internet influence cultural identity and explore the potential
positive and negative effects of these influences.
Body paragraph 1
Mass media’s roles in preserving and promoting local culture

Mainpoint 1: Media is an effective tool for preserving local culture

Subpoint 1:
Through mass media, individuals have the opportunity
to review works and cultural customs, which are
passed down from previous generations to following
generations. (Khan, F. R., Iqbal, Z., Gazzaz, B., 2012).
(R2 )

Evidence 1:
“Sama” culture was once a popular form of
entertainment and pastime before it received little
attention from the younger generation. However,
thanks to television, they are not only preserved but
also increasingly popular. (Khan, F. R., Iqbal, Z.,
Gazzaz, B., 2012). (R2)
Mainpoint 2: Another positive influence of the media is
promoting local culture to the world

Subpoint 2:
According to Iqbal, Z., Khan, F. R., and Gazzaz, B., the
media plays an important role in spreading knowledge
about various cultures (2012). (R2)

Evidence 2:
Western- dominated mass media become increasingly
well-known worldwide because they are usually
broadcast by media platforms, either live or in special
episodes, which promulgates a wider audience. (Ijeoma
Emetumah, F., N. Okalla, F., Igbokwe, B., Chyrsogonus
Obioha, C., I. O. Megwa, G., & Williams Etumnu, E).
(2023). (R4)
Body paragraph 2
Two harmful effects of media are the intrusion of foreign culture
and gradual disappearance of indigenous values

Mainpoint 1: Mass media promotes the intrusion of foreign cultures in some countries

Subpoint 1:
According to Lechner and Boli, the expansion of large
international Western media corporations has led to the
phenomenon of "cultural homogenization". Because of
prioritizing the preferences of these corporations, the
needs of the local cultural community are undervalued.
(Khan, F. R., Iqbal, Z., Gazzaz, B., 2012). (R2)

Evidence 1:
Robert and Dibie revealed that Igbo media prefers
foreign culture above native culture, which undermines
the culture of Igbo, an ethnic group of Nigeria, and even
westernizes indigenous values. Besides, media
electronics hasten the imitation process that occurs in
humans’ lives .(Ijeoma Emetumah, F., N. Okalla, F.,
Igbokwe, B., Chyrsogonus Obioha, C., I. O. Megwa, G., &
Williams Etumnu, E). (2023)( R4)
Mainpoint 2: With the explosion of cultural
dissemination through the media, some countries vary
their cultural customs and values according to other

Subpoint 2:
Errors can occur when cultural information is conveyed,
leading to the adoption of new norms in place of the
preexisting cultural values and customs. (Kustiawan, W.,
Efendi, H.E., Arfah, K., Shah, Z.K., 2022) (R1)

Evidence 2:
Imitation of Western culture is becoming normal in Igbo
culture in Nigeria, because the explosion of other
cultural dissemination through the media in this country
leads to many progressively underdeveloped cultural
norms. (Ijeoma Emetumah, F., N. Okalla, F., Igbokwe, B.,
Chyrsogonus Obioha, C., I. O. Megwa, G., & Williams
Etumnu, E). (2023). (R4)
In conclusion, the emergence of social media undoubtedly offers advantages
as it aids in the preservation and promotion of a country's culture.
Nevertheless, there is a heightened risk of assimilation due to the significant
influence of foreign cultures and the gradual disappearance of indigenous
cultures. In essence, the impact of mass media on cultural values can be
either beneficial or detrimental, contingent upon how regions or nations
leverage these resources. Implementing certain measures can address these
concerns, such as indigenous communities increasing awareness and
knowledge about their own culture. Additionally, media platforms should
exercise careful censorship of content related to culture to prevent
unnecessary misunderstandings.
you very

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