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Grammar Summary 语法总结(北师大新版)

必修/单元 语法
必修一 Unit 1 Life Choices 1.Infinitives 不定式
(第一册) 2.-ed/-ing Adjectives -ed/-ing 形容词
Unit 2 Sports and Fitness 1.Relative Clauses(1) 定语从句(1)
--Relative Pronouns 关系代词
2.Indefinite Pronoun 不定代词
Unit 3 Celebrations 1.The Passive 被动语态
2.Emphatic Sentence 强调句
必修二 Unit 4 Information Technology 1.Pat Future 过去将来时
(第二册) 2.Compound Words 复合词
Unit 5 Humans and Nature 1.Relative Clauses(2) 定语从句(2)
--Relative adverbs 关系副词
2.Suffix 后缀
Unit 6 The Admirable 1.Relative Clauses(3) 定语从句(3)
--prepositions+which/whom 介词+which/whom
2.Synonyms and Antonyms 同义词和反义词
必修三 Unit 7 Art 1.Noun Clauses 名词从句
(第三册) Unit 8 Green Living 1.Verb-ing and -ed Forms 动词-ing 和-ed 形式
Unit 9 Learning 1.Verbs Followed by Verb Form or Infinitive
接动词-ing 形式或不定式的动词
2.Subject-Verb Agreement 主谓一致

Grammar Summary 语法总结(北师大新版)

选择性必修/单元 语法
选修一 Unit 1 Relationships 1.Past Perfect 过去完成时
(第一册) Unit 2 Success 1.Verb-ing Form 动词-ing 形式
2.Articles 冠词
Unit 3 Conservation 1.Relative Clauses(4) 定语从句(4)
--Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses
选修二 Unit 4 Humour 1.Continuous tenses: present perfect continuous, past
(第二册) perfect continuous, future continuous 进行时态:现在完
2.Compound Words 复合词
Unit 5 Education 1.Have/get something done have/get something done 结

Unit 6 The Media 1.It 人称代词 it
2.Used to and would used to 和 would
选修三 Unit 7 Careers 1.Verb-ed Form 动词-ed 形式
(第三册) 2.Negative Expressions 表达否定意义的词或词组
Unit 8 Literature 1.State Verbs and Activity Verbs 状态动词和动作动词
Unit 9 Human Biology 1.The Perfect 完成时
2.Phrasal Verbs(2) 短语动词(2)
选修四 Unit 10 Connections 1.Passive Forms in the Past 过去时中的被动语态
(第四册) Unit 11 Conflict and 1.Modal Verbs 情态动词
Unit 12 Innovation 1.Adjectives 形容词

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