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Readings on Kerala


Vakkom Moulavi:
My Grandfather, the Rebel
Sabin Iqbal
Vakkom Moulavi is known as the father of Islamic renaissance in Kerala. He was an author,
social reformer, religious scholar, and founder and publisher of Swadeshabhimani newspaper. He
effectively used communication networks to promote his ideas of patriotism, modern education, and
religious reform. He fought against corruption. Also, he struggled for the democratic rights of the
people in Travancore.
This essay highlights the contributions of Vakkom Moulavi in the social reformation of
Kerala and in achieving and protecting civil rights and liberty.

1. What are Moulavi's journalistic contributions to the cultural space of Kerala?
Vakkom Moulavi is known as the father of Islamic renaissance in Kerala. He was an author,
social reformer, religious scholar, and founder and publisher of Swadeshabhimani newspaper. He
effectively used communication networks to promote his ideas of patriotism, modern education, and
religious reform.
Moulavi started Swadeshabhimani, a weekly newspaper in Malayalam, to empower the
citizens of Travancore and champion the democratic rights of his countrymen. It was the first
newspaper in Kerala to subscribe to the Reuters news agency in London. The major goal of
Moulavi’s activities was social service and patriotism, not business. Money was not the ultimate
profit he needed.
The newspaper declared that it would promote public welfare and prosperity. It said that it
would not conceal any public grievances fearing danger that may happen to them. It was a time when
peoples’ rights were not respected by state bureaucrats. No one dared to raise voice against it and
bring it to the attention of the Maharaja. At that time no journal in Travancore was ready to carry out
this challenging responsibility. Swadeshabhimani took upon itself this glorious task.
The newspaper, risking everything, started highlighting peoples’ rights through its editorials
and columns. It expressed public grievances to the government and challenged its responsibility. Till
then, this brand of journalism, no one had dared to do in India. But then, the government banned the
newspaper, the press confiscated, and its editor was sent into exile through a royal decree.
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Moulavi also published three journals – two in Malayalam (Muslim and Deepika) and one in
Arabic (al-Islam). He used these journals to motivate Muslims to pursue modern education. He also
tried to bring them to the forefront of the nationalistic movement.


1. Who is the founder and publisher of Swadeshabhimani newspaper?

Vakkom Moulavi is the founder and publisher of Swadeshabhimani newspaper

2. Who was the first editor of Swadeshabhimani?

C. P. Govinda Pillai was the first editor of Swadeshabhimani newspaper.

3. Who talked about the idea of 'replacing memory'.

It was Ngugi wa Thiong'o, the Kenyan writer, who talked about the idea of 'replacing

1. Why is Vakkom Moulavi called a rebel?
Vakkom Moulavi is called a rebel because his ideas are quite progressive. The traditionalists
in the society as well as in his community could not tolerate them. When he started the newspaper
Swadeshabhimani even his own relatives dissuaded him from starting a publication business. But he
bravely told them he was interested in social service and patriotism, not money. The paper “would
not “conceal any public grievances fearing danger that may happen to us" was a mission statement of
his paper. He initiated a religious reform movement among Mappilas. Moulavi also condemned
popular religion and rejected the authority of ulama.

2. What is Vakkom Moulavi's contribution to Kerala's social milieu?

Vakkom Moulavi made a very significant contribution to Kerala's social milieu. He started
Swadeshabhimani to educate people about their rights and responsibilities. He also campaigned for a
responsible government committed to public welfare in Travancore. He believed in a secular society
and worked hard to reform the Muslim community. Many religious leaders were against children
learning science and they discouraged them from pursuing areas like photography and films. But
Moulavi encouraged them to study science, photography and films as they are very effective in the
nation's progress towards prosperity. Moulavi also dreamt of a community devoid of puritanical

Prepared by:
(formerly) Associate Professor of English
Panampilly Memorial Govt. College

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