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专题 09 完形填空精练精析 20 篇

(2021·广东·佛山市南海区石门实验学校七年级期中)Today I’d like to tell you something
about Zhang Guimei. She is a teacher and she ___1___ Chinese at school. She doesn’t have any
___2___ but more than 130 homeless girls call her “mum”.
Zhang was born in Heilongjiang Province in 1957 and came to Yunnan Province at the age of
17. She thought it was really ___3___ for girls to get education(接受教育), so she started the
Huaping High School for girls from ___4___ families in 2009. The school is free(免费) for students.
Zhang Guimei raises(筹集)___5___ for the school in her free time.
Zhang gives most of ___6___ time to teach the girl students. She makes many strict school
rules(规则). She asks all the girls to ___7___ at 5:20 every morning. And then she turns on the
___8___ in the classroom and watches them read. She tells her students to work ___9___ and help
others. And she wants to make those girls have _____10_____ lives because of education. What a
kind teacher she is!
1.A.speaks B.teaches C.loves D.knows
2.A.children B.friends C.families D.students
3.A.bad C.easy D.important
4.A.good B.poor C.healthy D.big B.clothes
6.A.her B.their C.his D.our
7.A.sit down B.get up C.go home D.go to bed
8.A.lights C.TV B.late C.hard D.slowly B.difficult C.busy D.different

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(2021·广东·广州市第二中学七年级期中)Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than
it is today. People didn’t ____11____ modern machines. And people didn’t have such comfortable
life either.
But today there are some ____12____ problems in people’s lives. One of the biggest problems
is pollution.
Water pollution: People make many rivers and lakes ____13____. That kills fish and
____14____ our drinking water. And a lot of plants and animals ____15____.
____16____ pollution: In some big cities, factories, cars, trucks and buses make the air dirty.
It’s bad for all the living things in the world.
Soil(土壤) pollution: To have a good harvest, most ____17____ use too many chemicals(化学
品) in their fields. That’s ____18____ for the soil.
These ____19____ are very harmful to us, so all of us should do something to make the Earth
_____20_____. Let’s be greener people!
12.A.old C.funny D.small
13.A.salty B.fresh C.dirty D.dry
14.A.makes B.finds C.provides D.pollutes
15.A.forget B.die C.stop D.understand
16.A.Land B.Sea C.Air D.Noise
17.A.workers C.teachers D.businessmen
18.A.poor B.sick C.unhappy D.bad
19.A.problems B.books C.ideas D.fields
20.A.lighter B.dirtier C.better D.quieter

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(2021·江西抚州·七年级期中)My name is Linda Green. Kate Brown is my aunt and Alan
Miller is my uncle. My cousin Paul is ____21____ son. My aunt Kate is very tidy ____22____ my
uncle Alan and my cousin Paul aren’t. In Paul’s room, you can ____23____ his things everywhere:
Some books of his are on his bed and some are on the floor, his model plane is on the sofa and his
keys are ____24____ the chair.
My aunt Kate always ____25____ Paul put away (放好) his things. Paul can’t find his
____26____ and always asks, “____27____ is my ruler? Where’s my schoolbag? ” My uncle
always says, “I don’t ____28____. Ask your mother for help. ”
One day, my uncle Alan plays computer games. Paul reads a ____29____. He can’t find his
school in the map. He asks my uncle Alan, “Where is my _____30_____? ”My uncle Alan says, “I
don’t know. Ask your mother for help. She puts it away.”
21.A.its B.their C.your D.our
22.A.and B.or D.but
23.A.think B.see C.spell D.thank
24.A.of B.from C.under
25.A.says B.meets C.asks D.helps
26.A.things B.schoolbag C.keys D.ruler
27.A.How B.Where C.Who D.What
28.A.lose C.know D.excuse B.key D.ring
30.A.clock B.tape C.table

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(2021·河北唐山·七年级期中)Do you have a good friend? I have one. She’s English and
____31____ name is Betty. We’re in the same ____32____ and my desk is next to hers. She
____33____ a round face and big eyes. She often (经常) ____34____ me with my English. And I
often teach her how to speak Chinese. She likes blue and she’s ____35____ blue now. Her T-shirt
and her skirt are blue. She ____36____ very cool.
This is a ____37____ of Betty’s family. ____38____ people are in it. They’re Betty, her dad,
her mom, her sister and her brother. Betty’s mom Lisa is a (n) ____39____ in our school. We’re her
students. She is nice. We all ____40____ her very much.
31.A.he B.his C.her D.she
32.A.class C.bus
33.A.has B.have D.are B.helps C.knows D.spells B.for D.on
36.A.looks B.sees C.thinks D.guesses C.pencil
38.A.Five B.Six C.Seven D.Eight
39.A.friend B.classmate C.teacher C.excuse D.find

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(2021·山东烟台·七年级期中)One year, when I was teaching second-grade students, a child
was late __41__ class. I was not very happy. He didn’t say __42__, but came over to me and said
with a smile, “Mrs. Johnson, my name is Daniel. I __43__ a short letter for you from my old teacher,
__44__ it’s not on the paper,” said the little boy.
“__45__ is it?” I asked him, “It’s in my __46__. She wanted me to tell you how lucky you were
to have me in your __47__!” I smiled, and then I said, “I have one in my head, too. And she wanted
me to __48__ you something, too.” “Really? What is __49__? How unlucky you were to have a
teacher like me!” I said. “Now you are late. Please stand and __50__ me in class.” B.after C.before D.for
42.A.hello B.sorry C.goodbye D.thanks
43.A.wrote B.left C.took D.had
44.A.but B.and C.or
45.A.How B.Who C.Where D.What
46.A.head B.nose D.mouth C.class
48.A.ask B.tell D.know
49.A.he B.she C.this with B.listen to C.ask for D.go with

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(2021·广东实验中学越秀学校七年级期中)Everyone has one or more friends. But not
everyone has friends from other ____51____ in school days. I do ____52____ an e-friend from the
US. Her name is Cindy. And she is twelve years old. She is the same age as me. She has a
____53____ family with six people in it, two elder brothers, one elder sister and her parents. But
I’m the only ____54____ in my family.
Her favorite subject is Maths. ____55____ she doesn’t like History. She thinks it’s boring. After
class, she often ____56____ with her friends. Many American students like playing basketball, but I
like playing table tennis.
She usually goes to school on foot because her home is ____57____ her school. She says it’s
good for her health. But I always ____58____ by bus. She likes to listen to ____59____, but she
never does that in class.
Her dream is to visit China one day. She wants to learn about our country and learn how to
____60____ Chinese.
51.A.families B.countries C.cities D.worlds
52.A.have B.give D.ring
53.A.small C.good D.big
54.A.student B.child D.boy
55.A.So B.Or C.But D.And
56.A.plays basketball B.plays the piano
C.plays the violin D.plays the guitar
57.A.good at B.far from C.far away D.close to
58.A.go to bed B.go to school C.go to the beach D.go to hospital B.sound C.books D.teachers
60.A.say C.speak D.tell

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(2021·山东青岛·七年级期中)Hello! I am Bill Brown. My___61___ name is Brown. I’m
from ___62___, but now I study in Beijing. Only my ___63___ lives with me. We are both in the
same school. He is an English teacher. He is ___64___ to his students, and his students like him, too.
He also teaches ___65___ English well. My father and I ___66___ a school bag in the school
library this morning. A watch, a pencil box and a dictionary ___67___ in it. The pencil box is green.
The watch is black. ___68___ is the dictionary? It’s red. Is it yours? Please come and ask us
___69___ it. If you can’t find us in the library, you can ____70____ us at
61.A.first B.given D.middle
62.A.English B.American C.China D.England B.father C.parents D.uncle
64.A.well B.nice C.bad D.fine
65.A.theirs B.they C.their D.them
66.A.found B.find C.have D.lost B.are
68.A.what about B.where C.what color D.which
69.A.of B.for C.with D.on
70.A.thank C.ask D.e-mail

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(2021·广东阳江·七年级期中)Paul is a middle school student. He likes playing ____71____
very much. He often goes to play basketball with his friends after school. He has two basketballs, a
brown one and a ____72____ one. Paul’s good friend Jack comes to ____73____ him to play
basketball this afternoon. Paul wants to play with the ____74____ basketball, but he can’t find his
basketball ____75____ his room because his room is in a mess(混乱). He thinks, “Is that brown
basketball under the ____76____ ?”‘He can’t see it under the bed. So Paul wants to find the red
basketball. ____77____ is that red basketball? He can’t find it, either. Paul goes to ask his
____78____. Mother says to ____79____ , “The brown basketball is under the sofa. The red
basketball is in your ____80____ .” “Where is the schoolbag?” Paul asks. Mom says. “The
schoolbag is in the bookcase!” Paul is very happy. He goes out with the ball.
71.A.volleyball D.white
73.A.ask B.tell D.want B.white C.brown
75.A.on C.for
76.A.table B.bed C.chair D.desk
77.A.What B.Which C.Where D.Who
78.A.mother B.parents C.father D.friend
79.A.Jack B.her C.him D.them B.schoolbag C.sofa D.bookcase

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(2021·河北·石家庄市第四十二中学七年级期中)I am a new student in Class 6. I’m from
the USA.My ____81____ name is Sally and my last name is Smith. I am very happy to
____82____ two good friends here. One is a boy. His name is He Dong. His father is a math
____83____ in my school. The other one is a girl. ____84____ name is Zhou Mei. Zhou Mei is
very nice. She always ____85____ me with my Chinese. So my Chinese is good now. And I know
much ____86____ China. Look! It is a picture of my family. You can see ____87____ people in the
picture. The man in a ____88____ jacket is my father. Yellow is his favorite color. The girl in a
black hat is me. ____89____ is the woman next to me? She’s my mom. They always ____90____ to
China to see me. C.first D.last B.have C.lose D.excuse
83.A.player B.model C.teacher D.friend
84.A.My B.Your C.His D.Her
85.A.helps B.finds C.says D.loses B.for D.about
87.A.two B.three C.four D.five
88.A.brown B.yellow C.white
89.A.How B.Where C.What D.Who
90.A.come B.know C.think D.ask

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Look at this boy! He is my friend. ____91____ name is Jack Brown. He is ____92____ English
boy. And he studies (学习) in a ____93____ school in Beijing now. ____94____ is his first name.
And ____95____ is his last name? His last name ____96____ Brown. It’s the name of a
____97____, too. What’s this in English? Is it a telephone? ____98____, it’s a telephone. It’s Jack’s
telephone. What color is it? It’s red and black. And what’s Jack’s telephone number? ____99____
929-3327. If (如果) you want (想) to _____100_____ Jack and be his friend, call the telephone
number first, please.
91.A.Your B.He C.His D.Her
92.A.a C.the D./
93.A.first B.middle C.last D.English
94.A.Jack B.Brown C.Jack Brown D.Smith’s C.what’s D.what C.are D./
97.A.cup B.ruler C.picture D.color
98.A.Hi B.Sorry C.Yes D.No
99.A.He’s B.She’s C.It’s D.That’s
100.A.say C.thank D.spell

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(2021·广东广州·七年级期中)Do you need to write letters? If you don’t have any
____101____, can you send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone far away from you? With
____102____, you can just do that.
You can ____103____ an email quickly on the Internet. Sending a letter is much ____104____
than sending an email. Other parts of the world will ____105____ get your email messages.
Email is ____106____ to use and it saves (节省) time and money. You can get or send an email
at any ____107____ during the day or at night. No one has to ____108____ there to get an email.
And you don’t need to be ____109____ about the problem that your friends are seeing a film at the
cinema when you send emails to them, or you are ____110____ when they send emails to you.
101.A.subjects B.changes C.friends D.stamps
102.A.practice B.emails D.letters
103.A.send B.write D.complete
104.A.friendlier B.earlier C.slower D.quicker
105.A.never B.soon C.only D.also
106.A.strange B.important C.different D.easy B.cost D.time B.wave C.wait D.walk
109.A.excited B.worried C.happy D.sure
110.A.sleeping B.talking C.waiting D.trying

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(2022·广东广州·七年级期中)One year, before the summer began, a fire broke out. Alone,
Sam couldn’t fight the fire. So Sam drove to the town to call for ____111____, and his dog Dave
was with him. In town, some people’s houses were too ____112____ to the fire. So they were
finding safe places. And some people tried to get old clothes for the animals. They said they needed
to ____113____ the animals if the fire burned their homes.
Sam and some firemen were getting ready to drive to the fire. They would try to put it out
before it got too ____114____. “Stay here, Dave”, Sam said to Dave. But Dave wanted to go with
him, looking ____115____. So Dave went with Sam and the other firemen. When they
____116____ the place, they turned on the water and began to put out the fire. Suddenly, Sam heard
the barking from behind. He saw Dave ran into the ____117____.
“Dave!” Sam called ____118____. But Dave didn’t listen. Sam saw his best friend run into the
forest. Sam wanted to go in after Dave, but he couldn’t because he needed to keep the ____119____
going. He was sad. Yet, he was _____120_____ to see Dave came back through the smoke. Dave
was badly hurt. On his back, there was a little boy! Dave saved the boy!
111.A.members C.people
112.A.valuable B.large C.close D.old
A.make fun of B.take in C.switch off D.take care of
114.A.unusual B.much C.big
115.A.excited B.cheerful C.foolish D.worried
116.A.looked around B.ran into C.tidied up D.arrived at B.forest D.outside
118.A.badly B.aloud C.away D.outside B.smoke C.water D.friend
120.A.surprised B.lively C.nervous D.scared

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(2020·湖北·老河口市教学研究室七年级期中)Look! This is a picture ____121____ my
classroom. It is big and clean. You can ____122____ a teacher’s desk, 22 desks and ____123____.
In the picture you can see a teacher, ____124____ girls and a boy, too.
The teacher is Miss Smith. She is ____125____ English teacher. We like her very much. The
___126___ are Linda and Jane. They are eleven. The boy is Mike. He is twelve. ___127___ are my
good friends. We are in Class Three, Grade Seven.
____128____ books are on the teacher’s desk. A ____129____ is on Mike’s desk. Two pens
and two rulers are in it. His football is ____130____ his chair. A model plane is on the floor. B.on D.of
122.A.look B.ask C.listen to D.see
123.A.beds B.chairs C.students D.parents
124.A.two B.three C.four D.five
125.A.mine B.theirs C.our D.your
126.A.boys B.girls C.sisters D.brothers
127.A.He B.She C.We D.They
128.A.This B.That C.One D.Some
129.A.eraser C.pencil box D.ring B.under D.for

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(2021·云南·澜沧拉祜族自治县教育科学研究和培训中心七年级期中)从 A、B、C、D 四个
Lisa is twelve years old. She is ___131___ America. Now she is in Shanghai with her
It’s Sunday today. Lisa doesn’t ___133___ to go to school. After getting up, she has breakfast
and then she begins (开始) to do her homework. She ___134___ her homework at 10:30 a.m. After
that, Lisa goes to the ___135___ to buy a skirt for her ___136___. Why? Because her mother’s
___137___ is coming.
What does Lisa do in the afternoon? She asks her parents to take ___138___ to the old people’s
home. They read newspapers to the old people, talk to them, and __139__ them wash their clothes.
The old people like Lisa very much. Lisa feels (觉得) ___140___ too, because she can help others.
131.A.on B.of D.from
132.A.parents B.brothers C.friends D.sisters
133.A.wants B.likes C.need D.asks
134.A.knows B.finishes C.gets D.has D.library
136.A.father B.mother C.teacher D.classmate
137.A.test B.trip D.birthday C.her D.him
139.A.let D.make
140.A.healthy B.busy D.happy

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It’s Saturday morning. Ella is watching a ____141____ at home, but it’s too boring. She wants
to do something interesting. She says, “Can we go bowling (打保龄球) ____142____, Mom?”
“Yes,” says Mom. “Bowling is fun!”
“Grandma, go and play ____143____ us.” says Ella.
Then Mom, Grandma and Ella get into the ____144____.
“Oh, no!” says Mom. “The car breaks down (抛锚) and it will not go! ____145____ we can’t
go bowling.” Then they all go back into the ____146____.
“Grandma!” says Ella. “We can play ‘bowling’ here at home. I’ll get some bottles.”
“Look! We can ____147____ this ball to hit (撞击) those bottles,” she says. “Here comes the
“Great! ____148____ girl, Ella,” says Mom. “You make four bottles go down.”
“It’s your turn, Mom,” says Ella.
Mom ____149____the bottles! She doesn’t make any bottles down. Grandma looks at the
bottles. “Here comes the ball,” she says. “Wow! Grandma makes all of the 10 bottles go down!”
“Playing ‘bowling’ at home is also ___150___!” says Ella.
141.A.tip B.taste
142.A.tonight B.yesterday C.tomorrow B.with C.on D.for B.bus C.plane D.train
145.A.Or B.And C.But D.So B.classroom D.park
147.A.get B.use
148.A.Funny B.Young C.Smart D.Beautiful
149.A.misses B.picks C.finds D.washes
150.A.boring B.hard C.easy

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(2022·河北·井陉县翰林中学七年级期中)Chris is 12 years old. He ____151____ in a
village in England. The school in his village is not far ____152____ his home, so Chris often goes
to school on foot. Chris usually gets up at about 7:00 in the morning. It is not very ____153____.
So he has to have a quick breakfast. He ____154____ for school at about 7:50. It takes him about
10 minutes to ____155____ to school. He gets to school at about ____156____ o’clock. Sometimes
Chris rides his bike to school. School starts at 8:10. His favorite subject is math. He thinks numbers
are ____157____. Chris has a ____158____. He wishes to go to a big city like New York some day.
So he can take the subway. “I ____159____ take the subway. It must be really fun,” he says. Can
his dream _____160_____? “Sure, It can.” says Chris.
151.A.lives C.teaches D.plays
152.A.on C.from
153.A.late B.early C.bad D.good
154.A.goes B.comes C.leaves D.gets
155.A.take B.ride D.walk
156.A.six B.eight C.nine D.ten
157.A.quick B.right C.interesting
158.A.habit B.bridge C.dream D.friend
159.A.never B.often C.usually D.always
160.A.have fun B.come true C.have time D.come in

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(2022·河北·石家庄市第二十八中学七年级期中)A farmer has four sheep. Three are
____161____ and one is black. The white sheep don’t like the black one. They think black is not a
good ____162____ for sheep. The farmers does not like him, either. He gives ____163____ food to
the black sheep.
One winter day, the four sheep go out to ____164____ grass. It is sunny in the morning. They
go far away ____165____ home. It begins to snow in the afternoon. They want to go home,
____166____ they can’t find the way because of the snow. They can’t go back home.
When the farmer finds that the ____167____ are not at home, he goes out to lock for them. He
can’t see the white sheep because there is much ____168____. Everything is white. Then he sees a
black thing far away. He goes to ____169____. It is the black sheep. The white sheep are there, too.
The farmer is very ____170____. He says, “Thanks to the black sheep, I can find all my sheep.”
How different the answers are! C.white D.yellow B.color C.person D.sweater
163.A.bad B.nice C.healthy D.delicious
164.A.cut C.grow D.cook D.from
166.A.if C.but D.because
167.A.cats B.cows C.chickens D.sheep
168.A.snow B.rain C.milk D.water D.her
170.A.tidy B.young C.happy D.friendly

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所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Today is Saturday and the eight-year-old Mona is at the city ___171___ with her mom. Mona
looks at her favorite animal, the giraffe, and says, “Look, Mom! How cute she is!” “Yeah! I like her,
too. She’s so ___172___.” says Mom.
“Mom, can I feed (喂) my apple to ___173___?” asks Mona. She takes out an apple from her
bag. But Mom ___174___ her and says, “Dear, I know the giraffe is your favorite
animal,___175___ you can’t feed her.”
Mona doesn’t know ___176___. She says, “Mom, the apple is my favorite fruit and I want my
favorite animal to ___177___ it. Is there anything wrong (错误的)?” “Dear, it’s not ___178___ to
feed our food to the animal.” Mom says. “She might (可能) be in ___179___.” “Oh, what? I don’t
want to do that,” Mona says. “But…” “Well, let’s ____180____ some grass over there. It’s good for
her.” “OK,” Mona says happily.
171.A.zoo B.library D.hall
172.A.tall B.easy C.late D.noisy B.him C.her D.them
174.A.joins B.stops C.finds D.saves B.and C.but D.because B.when C.where D.why B.keep C.wear D.follow
178.A.tidy B.good C.important D.interesting
179.A.time B.dream C.danger D.practice B.leave C.fight D.taste

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(2022·辽宁·黑山县教师进修学校七年级期中)Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m having a great time in the United States. It’s half ___181___ eleven and I ___182___ I can
show you all the beautiful sights(风景) and my life here.
Uncle Li, Aunt Chen and Fanny are very ___183___. Fanny lets me sleep in her room and she
___184___ the sofa! But now I am writing to you in the living room because she ___185___ in her
room. Aunt Chen is making soup in the ___186___ now. ___187___ smells(闻起来) delicious.
Uncle Li is ___188___ not at home, but I think he can get home soon(很快). Tomorrow is Saturday.
Fanny and I want to go shopping. Do you want me to buy you ___189___ interesting things? Please
write to me.
I ___190___ you! See you next month!
Kate C.on D.past
182.A.wish B.leave C.remember D.forget
183.A.lazy B.funny C.kind D.dirty
184.A.use using C.uses use studying C.studies D.studying
186.A.hall room C.hallway
187.A.They B.It C.She D.You
188.A.also B.out C.too D.still
189.A.any B.some D.a
190.A.dress with C.miss D.teach

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(2022·广西·灌阳县教育局教学研究室七年级期中)The Browns have a beautiful two-storey
(两层楼的) building. On the ____191____ floor, there is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen.
Mr. Brown has a new car, and he often ____192____ it to work. Mrs. Brown is a doctor. She often
goes to work on foot. It only ____193____ her 10 minutes to get there, because the ____194____ is
near her house. On the second floor, there are two ____195____, a study and a bathroom. The big
bedroom is for Mr. Brown and his wife. The ____196____ one is for their son, Jim. In the
____197____, there is a computer and two book shelves. Jim usually plays games and downloads
(下载) music from the Internet by ____198____.
There is a big garden in front of their building. Mrs. Brown ____199____ lots of trees. Now
she is getting some ____200____ in the garden, too. She will take care of all her trees and flowers
191.A.first B.second D.two B.takes C.drives D.sits
193.A.costs B.pays C.spends D.takes rooms B.bedrooms C.dining rooms D.bathrooms
196.A.large B.big C.small D.few B.bedroom room D.bathroom
198.A.she B.herself C.he D.himself
199.A.have B.has C.with
200.A.trees C.birds D.cats

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