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Pangalan: Allan Joseph P.

Student number: 2023-06475
Seksiyon: Fil 40 WFV-1
Repleksiyong Papel # 10
(Title here)

A. Mga napagtanto
Matapos kong mabasa at mapanood ang mga kagamitang panturo tungkol sa paksa, narito ang
aking mga napagtanto:

1. I realized that religion has a language like communities do due to religion having rules
and practices on what should be said and also their act of expressing ideas to a

Paliwanag/sariling paghahalimbawa: In religion having a language, it makes me think

that language is an essential part of a community. A religion can be a community since it
has a group of people that have something in common, which in this case it would be
their religious affiliation. For example, in Christianity the community would be people
who believe in God and that Jesus is the son of God. In attending mass, I hear the priest
always has a set order of what is being said in mass. As a Christian, there are always
specific words such as prayers that are usually said for specific practices. For example,
before eating you must pray. Praying is used to signify your faith to God as a Christian
and to deepen your faith in God. Also, Christianity gives important meanings to certain
words such as bread and wine due to their importance to the religion. Christianity also
has a sacred textbook called the bible which contains the beliefs and ideas that Christians
are expected to express and practice in their everyday lives. This for me shows how
Christianity has a language like any other society.

2. I realized that like in other cultures/societies and their languages, you need to
understand the language of a religion before you can understand the religion itself.

Paliwanag/sariling paghahalimbawa: Even if I do not know other religions aside from

Christianity that well, I know they have certain important symbols and items that are
important to that religion. For example, in Christianity the cross is probably the most
notable symbol for the religion. As a Christian, I know that the cross represents the
crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the most important figure for Christianity. The cross has more
meaning for Christians compared to Non-Christians due to the significance of the symbol
for Christians as a relation to Jesus Christ. Other items that are important to Christianity
include the bread and wine consumed by the priest every mass. During mass these items
represent the body and blood of Jesus and also celebrate the Last Supper or Jesus’ last
meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. These symbols and items need to be
known since a lot of practices done by Christians are centered around these symbols and

For me, I learned about Christianity, more specifically Catholicism, through my parents.
They raised me to become a Catholic, and also to know of its practices and beliefs. I also
learned about being a Catholic from my elementary school education. These influences
helped me to try to become a good Catholic, though I am still trying to faithfully follow
the religion’s practices and beliefs.

3. I realized that with there being set rules, there is an enforcement of these rules by both
certain people and the community in general.

Paliwanag/sariling paghahalimbawa: With religion having a language with set rules on

what should be said, there would be people in positions of power who enforce these
rules. In a mass, priests are the ones who lead churchgoers in following the rules of the
mass. There is a set order of practices in a mass that is practiced by all Christians. There
are also common words and concepts that are known by most Christians. These include
concepts such as prayer and communions. For prayer, I try to speak to God silently and
either thank him or asking him for something, usually something abstract such as
determination to do a requirement. For a communion, it is a practice in the Catholic
Church where churchgoers eat a piece of bread during the mass. I know I have to follow
these practices as a Catholic, and so do the priests and leaders of the Church such as
bishops. These people in these important positions have to follow their own rules, though
during mass they lead the people in certain practices and they also say what should be
said. This shows me that religion has its language that controls the people in the
religion’s community.

4. I realized that religion affects the wider society and vice versa like a language.

Paliwanag/sariling paghahalimbawa: From my experience, most Filipinos I have met

have tended to be Christians. From my education from elementary school to high school,
most of the people I met were Christians, specifically Catholics. The schools I attended
also usually had a mass every month for Catholics. This makes me think that many
Filipinos have the same beliefs and practices for religion. Even if many Filipinos have
different beliefs, they are all mostly united by Christianity.

For me, this applies to my extended family for both my mother and father. For example,
before eating our families would pray to God for the food. This makes it so that the
nation may be Christian centered, with religion affecting aspects of society such as
politics. This makes me think about how much the Spainards have affected our nation,
since they were the ones to introduce Christianity to us. Both the Spaniards and
Christianity have affected our nation a lot. Christianity gives us terms to use in a
language, it can inspire art and structures such as churches, and it also gives us holidays
such as Christmas and Easter.

5. I realized that languages can affect the interpretations of certain religious concepts that
may have been lost in translation, affecting certain concepts such as the meaning of bread
and wine.

Paliwanag/sariling paghahalimbawa: Certain religions can hold symbols more important

than other religions. For example, in Christianity the cross, bread, and wine are all

important symbols of it. The most important item in Christianity is probably the Bible,
since it contains all the text that is important to Christians. This text is used for many
Christian practices such as mass. For me, symbols such as bread, wine, and the cross are
important to me due to being a Christian. This shows me how religion influences my
beliefs in certain concepts.

In masses, usually I hear English being used more than Filipino. Most masses I attended
were spoken in English. Filipino was usually used only for masses early in the day. This
makes me think on how the Church has also influenced a lot of Filipinos to
predominantly speak English. Since many Filipinos attend church, they need to know
English to understand the mass, so they will use English for religious practices instead of

6. I realized that like in any culture or society, to be truly a part of a religion you have to
use its language.

Paliwanag/sariling paghahalimbawa: In being part of a religion and having a religious

belief, you need to know certain words, symbols, and practices and the meaning and
relevance behind them for the religion. For example, in Christianity, words such as
"mass," "communion," "sacrament," and "rosary" make up the religious language. These
words have special meanings within the Catholic faith and are used in prayers, rituals,
and discussions to express and understand their religious beliefs. I have been raised by
my parents to follow the Christian faith. In doing this, I learned many practices and texts
such as prayers. An example is a prayer called “grace” which is said before meals to
thank God for giving food. I have been made to do this for basically all my life, so for me
these practices and texts are very important and relevant. My parents were also raised to
be Christians, following the Christian practices that they teach me that they learned from
their parents. This shows that Christianity is an important part of my family.

7. I realized that like with any culture, certain religions may find some symbols and signs
more important than others.

Paliwanag/sariling paghahalimbawa: As a Christian, bread and wine when used in mass

hold importance to me, probably more than how it is usually revered in everyday life.
Since these symbols are held as important to Christians, seeing them in everyday life will
evoke a meaning based on Christianity. The reason the bible is relevant to me is because I
am a Christian. I like that these symbols and signs make religions unique, showing how
these religions came to be. For example, the relevant symbols in Christianity such as the
cross, bread, and wine all came from the actions of Jesus Christ. In my everyday life, I
don’t really see many religious symbols when walking around outside my home. I do see
people wearing rosaries, which are an important body accessory for Christians. I also see
people praying outside sometimes before eating like I do. These symbols hold
importance to many Christians due to their relevance to the religion.

8. I realized that religion controls people like a language and fully influences them.

Paliwanag/sariling paghahalimbawa: While I do like religion and being a Catholic, I do
think that it does act as a guiding for any Christian’s actions. As a religion, it has beliefs
and practices that should be done, along with rules on what should not be done. For
Christians, they have to follow a set of rules in Christianity called the “Ten
Commandments.” These rules are fundamental in being a Christian, and breaking them is
considered a grievous error in acting like a Christian. Being a Christian makes it so that
you have to act like one. I do think that this is a good thing, since it gives people a moral
guideline to follow. It makes it so that they should be good people, and Christianity
emphasizes this. As a Christian, while I do no that I may make mistakes, I try to follow
the rules as best as I can.

B. Mga resolusyon o balak gawin

Mula sa aking mga napagtanto na nakasulat sa itaas, narito ang listahan ng aking resolusyon o
mga balak kong gawin:

1. Understand how different denominations of Christianity are different through listening

to their different sermons.
2. Deepen my understanding of Christianity through reading the Bible more.
3. Reflect on how Christianity has influenced myself through knowing how Christianity
has influenced my community.
4. Act more like a Christian through communicating more with others to be able to do good
deeds to them more as a good influence to them.
5. Understand how other societies are affected by religion through research about other
6. I will promote the spread of Christianity to communities that do not speak English
through promoting Christian literature and sermons in other languages.
7. Understand the meaning of Christian text and symbols through being part of group
discussions with other Christians.
8. Incorporate more Filipino usage into my Christian life through praying in Filipino and
reading Filipino Christian text.


Wine Alcoholic drink that is Represents the blood of
usually consumed during Christ
special occasions and
Cross 2 intersecting lines that can Represents the symbol of
be used as a multiplication the death of Jesus Christ
symbol in Mathematics
Grace Elegance or refined God’s goodwill towards
movement people, and also a prayer
before meals
Covenant Agreement between two Agreement between God
people and religious Christian
figure Abraham that said
that God will protect
Abraham’s people if they
follow him
Faith Trust and confidence in Trust and confidence
something specifically in God
Dove A small white bird A symbol in Christianity
representing salvation of
Christians and as a
representation of the holy
spirit, usually depicted with
white feathers
Resurrection Coming back to life after Done by Jesus specifically
death to show that he can defeat
Chalice Large cup or goblet usually Cup used (called the holy
used to drink wine grail) during Jesus’ last
meal before his death, was
used to drink wine
Fish Animal with gills and fins Used by Jesus to his
that is found in water disciples to make
Rainbow Arch of colors in the sky Signifies God’s protection
formed by refraction of of his people
light into rain droplets

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