2020 AMC Senior Solutions

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72 2020 AMC Senior Solutions

Senior Solutions

Senior Solutions
Solutions – Senior Division

2020 2000 20
1. = + = 100 + 1 = 101,
20 20 20
hence (D).

2. (Also I3)
The supplementary angle to 105◦ is x = 75. Since the triangle is isosceles, the other base
angle is 75◦ and the apex angle is y = 180 − 2 × 75 = 30. Then x + y = 75 + 30 = 105,
hence (D).

  √ √ √
3. 7 + 18 ÷ (10 − 15 ) = 7 + 18 ÷ (10 − 1) = 7 + 18 ÷ 9 = 7 + 2 = 9 = 3,
hence (C).

4. (Also J10, I5)

Alternative 1
The average of the two numbers is 26 ÷ 2 = 13, so that they are equal distances above and
below 13. Since they differ by 14, the distance above and below 13 is 14 ÷ 2 = 7. That is,
the two numbers are 13 − 7 = 6 and 13 + 7 = 20, and their product is 6 × 20 = 120,
hence (D).
Alternative 2
Let the smaller number be x, so that the larger is 14 + x. Then x + (14 + x) = 26, giving
2x = 26 − 14 = 12, and so x = 6. Therefore, the numbers are 6 and 20, with product
6 × 20 = 120,
hence (D).

5. (Also I8)
Let x be the value of . Then
4 5 x 7 4×5×x×7
1= × × × =
5 6 7 8 5×6×7×8
4×x x
= =
6×8 12

so that x = 12,
hence (D).

6. The garden is 100 m × 100 m. Increasing the length by 10% gives a new length of 110 m.
Similarly, the new width is 110 m. The new area is 110 m × 110 m = 12100 m2 , which is an
increase of 2100 m2 ,
hence (C).

7. f (2) = 2 × 22 − 3 × 2 + c = 2 + c. But f (2) = 6, so c = 4,

hence (A).

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8. (Also J15, I10)

There are two triangles congruent to the shaded triangle, labelled ‘2’ below. The smallest
triangles to the right of these are all congruent, so have side 1. The side lengths of
the remaining four triangles can now be deduced—the numbers below indicate these side

2 2 1
2 11

5 3

The original equilateral triangle has side length 9 and perimeter 27,
hence (B).

ax+y a x ay
9. Simplifying, = = ay ,
ax ax
hence (A).

10. Due to the symmetry of the figure, we can add additional lines as shown.

5 5

4 P 4
3 3

The area of rectangle BCDE is 3×8 = 24 cm2 . By Pythagoras’ theorem, AP 2 = 52 −42 = 9

so that AP = 3, so the area of ABE is × 8 × 3 = 12 cm2 . In total the area of pentagon
ABCDE is 24 + 12 = 36 cm2 ,
hence (B).

11. Alternative 1
Since OP , OR are both radii, OP R is isosceles with ∠ORP = ∠OP R = 33◦ . Similarly
∠ORQ = ∠OQR = y ◦ .
Since angles in a triangle add to 180◦ , ∠P OR = 180◦ − 2 × 33◦ = 114◦ and x + 2y = 180.
1 114
Then x◦ = 180◦ − ∠P OR = 66◦ and then y = (180 − x) = = 57. So x + y = 66 + 57 =
2 2
hence (D).

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Alternative 2
Since ∠P RQ is in a semicircle, ∠P RQ = 90◦ . Then in P RQ, y = 180 − 33 − 90 = 57.
Since ORQ is isosceles, ∠ORQ = 57◦ and x + y + 57 = 180, so that x + y = 123,
hence (D).

12. Choose a unit equal to the radius of the smallest semicircles. Then the radius of the largest
circle is 4 and the radius of the mid-sized semicircle is 2, as shown.

π × 42 π × 22
Shaded area = − + 4(π × 12 )
1 2 2
= 8π − 2π + 4π
2 4
= 10π

10π 5
Since the large circle has area π × 42 = 16π, the shaded fraction is = ,
16π 8
hence (E).

13. There are two possibilities:

3 3 9
• Friday fine −→ Saturday fine −→ Sunday fine with probability× =
4 4 16
1 1 1
• Friday fine −→ Saturday wet −→ Sunday fine with probability × =
4 3 12
9 1 31
So, the probability that it will be fine on Sunday is + = ,
16 12 48
hence (E).

14. Solving,

2x+1 + 2x = 3y+2 − 3y
2x (2 + 1) = 3y (32 − 1)
2x × 3 = 8 × 3y

Clearly x = 3 and y = 1 is a possible solution. Due to uniqueness of prime factorisation,

this is the only solution where x and y are integers. Consequently x + y = 3 + 1 = 4,
hence (C).

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15. (Also J25)

Alternative 1
All 50 coins contribute at least 10 cents of value to the total, accounting for 500 cents. For
every 20-cent coin, there is an additional 10 cents, and for every 50-cent coin there is an
additional 40 cents. Consequently if x is the number of 20-cent coins and y is the number
of 50-cent coins, then

10x + 40y = 500

x = 50 − 4y

Since x and y are positive, y can take any value from 1 to 12. Checking that all 12 values

y (50c coins) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
x (20c coins) 46 42 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2
50 − x − y (10c coins) 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36

So there are 12 solutions,

hence (D).
Alternative 2
The average value of the coins is 1000 ÷ 50 = 20 cents, so a bag of fifty 20c coins works,
except that this problem requires at least one of each type of coin. So we vary this situation
by replacing 20c coins with 10c and 50c coins while keeping the total number of coins the
same and also keeping the average value the same.
Every 50c is 30c above the average, and every 10c is 10c below the average. To keep the
average at 20c, for every 50c there are three 10c coins. That is, from the initial bag of
50 × 20c, we can replace 4 × 20c with 1 × 50c + 3 × 10c. We can do this 12 times before
running out of 20c coins,
hence (D).

16. Alternative 1
Since the large hexagon has interior angles 120◦ , the smallest
√ angle in the white triangles
is 30◦ . Hence these are 30◦ -60◦ -90◦ triangles with sides a, 3a and 2a.
√ the side of the shaded hexagon is 2a √ − a = a and the side of the large hexagon is
3a. Consequently the large hexagon is ( 3)2 = 3 times the area of the shaded hexagon,
hence (B).
Alternative 2
The figure can be found within a grid of equilateral triangles, as
In this grid, the larger hexagon has area 18 whereas the smaller
shaded hexagon has area 6.
6 1
Consequently = of the large hexagon is shaded,
18 3
hence (B).

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17. Alternative 1
Let 4x and x be the numbers of male and female sheep, respectively, in the first paddock.
Let y and 5y be the numbers of male and female sheep, respectively, in the second paddock.
Then comparing the total numbers of male and female sheep in the combined flock we have

4x + y = x + 5y
3x = 4y

Since x and y are both positive integers, it follows that the least solution is when x = 4
and y = 3. The smallest total number of sheep is therefore 5x + 6y = 5 × 4 + 6 × 3 = 38,
hence (D).
Alternative 2
Pair up male and female sheep in each paddock, as best as possible.
For every pair in the first paddock there are 3 surplus males: FM MMM
For every pair in the second paddock there are 4 surplus females: FFFF FM
Combined, the surplus males match the surplus females. The smallest possibility has
LCM(3, 4) = 12 surplus males and 12 surplus females.


This flock has 2 × (4 + 12 + 3) = 38 sheep,

hence (D).

18. Let the radius be r. Then rectangle OABC has width r − 2 and height r − 9. Applying
Pythagoras’ theorem to OAB,

(r − 2)2 + (r − 9)2 = r2
r2 − 22r + 85 = 0
(r − 17)(r − 5) = 0

and since r > 9, r = 17 is the only solution,

hence (D).

19. The minimum value occurs when z = x2 − 2x − 3 is minimum. Completing the square,
z = x2 − 2x − 3 = (x − 1)2 − 4, which has minimum z = −4 when x = 1. (Alternatively,
the parabola y = ax2 + bx + c has its vertex at x = − = 1.)
Then the minimum value of f (x) is f (1) = 2−4 = ,
hence (E).

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20. With labels as shown, ∠RST = ∠V ZY , so ∠V SZ = ∠V ZS and V SZ is isosceles.

Hence V S = V Z. Similarly V R = V W . Thus RS = V W + V Z = 2V W .


That is, pentagon P QRST has twice the side length of pentagon V W XY Z. Since they
are similar figures, P QRST has 22 = 4 times the area of V W XY Z,
hence (A).

21. Alternative 1
Consider the short division algorithm for sn ÷ 7 = 111 . . . 11 ÷ 7:

0 1 5 8 7 3 0 1 5 8 7 3 0 ...
1 4 6 5 2 0 1 4 6 5 2 0
7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

We see a remainder of 0 precisely when n is divisible by 6.

In fact, if n is divisible by 6, then sn = 111111 × 100000100000100 . . . 001 ( ones), so that
sn ÷ 7 = 15873 × 100000100000100 . . . 001.
Of the numbers 902, . . . , 906, only 906 = 151 × 6 is divisible by 6, so only s906 is divisible
by 7,
hence (E).
Alternative 2
10n − 1 1
We have sn = 1 + 10 + 102 + · · · + 10n−1 = = (10n − 1). So sn is a multiple
10 − 1 9
of 7 precisely when 9sn = 10n − 1 is a multiple of 7. This occurs when the whole number
division 10n ÷ 7 has remainder 1.
However, 10n ÷ 7 = 10n × = 10n × 0.1̇42857̇ so there is a cycle of 6 remainders in the

n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...
10n ÷ 7 quot. 0 1 14 142 1428 14285 142857 1428571 14285714. . .
10n ÷ 7 rem. 1 3 2 6 4 5 1 3 2 ...

The recurring cycle of remainders in this division repeats every 6 steps, and so the remain-
der is 1 when n = 0, 6, 12, . . .. In conclusion, sn is a multiple of 7 if, and only if, n is a
multiple of 6. Then 900 = 6 × 150 is a multiple of 6, and the next is 906,
hence (E).

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22. Let P , Q, R and S be the points on the circumference where the circle touches the trapez-
ium, as shown on the left. Since the line segments AP and AS are tangents to the circle
which meet at A, they have the same length; similarly for all other pairs of line segments
meeting at B, C and D. Since AB = 2 and CD = 4, it follows that the eight line segments
around the perimeter of the trapezium have the lengths indicated. In particular, AD = 3.

A 1 1 B A 2 B
1 1
2 2

D 2 2 C D 1 X 3 C

Now let X be the point on DC such that AXD is a right angle, as shown on the right.
Then by symmetry, DX = 1 and CX = 3, since AB = 2 and CD = 4. By Pythagoras’
theorem, first in triangle AXD and then in triangle AXC, we have

AX 2 = AD2 − DX 2
= 32 − 12 = 8
AC 2 = AX 2 + CX 2
= 8 + 32 = 17

Therefore AC = 17,
hence (A).

23. Alternative 1
Suppose the rectangle is 3x × x units so that each triangular half has area x2 and the
√ 2
length of the fold line (the rectangle’s diagonal) is 10x. Label the folded pentagon as

D 3x C

A √ √ B
10 F 10
x x
2 2

1 10
Due to common angles, ACB and AF E are similar. Hence EF = AF = x,
√ 3 6
1√ 10 5
and so the area of ABE is 10x x = x2 . Then pentagon ABCED has area
2 6 6
3 2 3 2 5 2 13 2 13
x + x − x = x . The ratio of areas required is x2 : 3x2 = 13 : 18,
2 2 6 6 6
hence (A).

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Alternative 2
Choose a unit so that the rectangle ABCD is 6 × 18, with area 108, and align it to a unit
grid. Then the rectangle can be divided into areas as shown, where X and Y are the two
points on the long edges that coincide when folded. Since XY ⊥ AC, the points X and Y
are on the grid as shown.


10 X 8

The pentagon has area equal to the combined area of ACD and XBC, which is
54 + 24 = 78. So the ratio of areas is 78 : 108 = 13 : 18,
hence (A).

24. (Also I25)

Since 999 . . . 9 is always one less than a power of 10, we can write

9 + 99 + 999 + · · · + 99 . . . 9 = (10 − 1) + (100 − 1) + · · · + (102020 − 1)

2020 nines
= 11 . . . 10 − 2020
2020 ones
= 11 . . . 111110 − 2020
2016 ones
= 11 . . . 109090
2016 ones

So the digit 1 appears 2016 times in the answer,

hence (B).

25. Multiplying the two expressions we get

1 1 1
(a + b + c) × + + =4×5
a+b b+c c+a
a+b+c a+b+c a+b+c
+ + = 20
a+b b+c c+a
c a b
1+ + 1+ + 1+ = 20
a+b b+c c+a
c a b
+ + = 17
a+b b+c c+a
hence (E).

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26. (Also J29)

Suppose the numbers on the front, back, left, right, top and underneath faces are F , B, L,
R, T and U respectively. Then 14 = T + F + L, whereas 9 = T + F + R so that L = R + 5.
Similarly B = F + 7 and U = T + 5. So 1  F  3, 1  R  5 and 1  T  5.
Here is a table of all possibilities where F + R + T = 9 and F , R and T are all different.
Due to symmetry, we consider only where R < T , since swapping R with T will also be a

F R T B =F +7 L=R+5 U =T +5
1 3 5 8X 8X 10
2 3 4 9X 8 9X
3 1 5 10X 6 10X
3 2 4 10 7 9

The only solutions where all six faces are different are F = 3, R = 2, T = 4 and its mirror
image F = 3, R = 4, T = 2. In both cases the four smallest face numbers are 2, 3, 4 and
7, and their product is 2 × 3 × 4 × 7 = 168,
hence (168).

27. Write P (x) = a + bx + cx2 + dx3 + · · · , where a, b, c, d, . . . are non-negative integers. Then
P (40) = a + 40b + 1600c + 64000d + · · · = 2 688 008 where each term is non-negative. If we
look at higher powers of 40, 404 = 2 560 000 and 405 = 102 400 000, so the degree of P (x)
(the highest power of x) is at most 4. That is, P (x) = a + bx + cx2 + dx3 + ex4 .
Now, P (2) = a + 2b + 4c + 8d + 16e = 40, so each term is non-negative and at most 40.
Consequently a  40, b  20, c  10, d  5 and e  2. Further, P is not constant, so
a = 40. In all, each coefficient is a number from 0 to 39.
Now consider P (40) = a + 40b + 1600c + 64000d + 2 560 000e = 2 688 008.
Using the above bounds on a, b, c, d, e, we have that 0  a  40, 0  40b  800, 0 
1600c  16000, 0  64000d  320 000 and 0  2 560 000e  5 120 000.
Clearly e  1, and e = 1 looks likely. If we try e = 0, then P (40) = a + 40b + 1600c +
64000d  40 + 800 + 16000 + 320 000 < 340 000, which is too small. So e = 1 and then
a + 40b + 1600c + 64000d = 128 008.
In this, d  2, and again d = 2 looks likely. If we try d  1, then a+40b+1600c+64000d 
40 + 800 + 16000 + 64000 < 100 000, which is again too small. So d = 2 and then
a + 40b + 1600c = 8. From here, a = 8, b = 0 and c = 0 is clearly the only solution.
Hence P (x) = 8 + 2x3 + x4 and P (3) = 8 + 54 + 81 = 143,
hence (143).
Note: The values a, b, c, d and e (each less than 40) such that a+40b+40 c+403 d+404 e =

2 688 008 are the digits in the base-40 representation of 2 688 008.

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28. The angles are multiples of 10◦ and add to 180◦ . For a given sum of angles a + b + c,
rotations and reflections of one triangle will give either 36, 18 or 6 triangles, depending on
whether the triangle is scalene, isosceles or equilateral.
So we tabulate a + b + c where b = a + 30.

a b c count
10 40 130 36
20 50 110 36
30 60 90 36
40 70 70 18 (isosceles)
50 80 50 18 (isosceles)
60 90 30 0 (already seen)
70 100 10 36

In total there are 180,

hence (180).

29. Alternative 1
The original cube had surface area 6 × 92 = 486.
For the perforated cube, first consider the effect of the three large tunnels. This creates
a solid formed by 8 + 4 + 8 = 20 cubes, each 3 × 3 × 3. These 20 cubes are then each
perforated by 1 × 1 tunnels in each of the 3 directions.

20 ×

Within each of the 20 3 × 3 × 3 cubes, all 24 squares around the 1 × 1 tunnels contribute
to the final surface area. So there are 480 squares facing into 1 × 1 tunnels.
All other surface area squares occur in rings of 8 squares around a 1 × 1 hole. The number
of these rings that are part of the original cube’s surface is 8 × 6 = 48, and the number
facing into the 3 × 3 tunnels is 6 × 4 = 24. In all there are 48 + 24 = 72 rings, for a total
of 72 × 8 = 576 squares.
So the final surface area of the perforated cube is 480 + 576 = 1056. The difference from
the original surface area is 1056 − 486 = 570,
hence (570).
Alternative 2
As in Alternative 1, the original cube has surface area 486.
For the final surface area, we first find the number of upward-facing 1 × 1 squares.
Consider the 9 × 9 top of the cube and write on each square the number of ‘voids’ created
by tunnelling under that square. (Here a 3 × 3 tunnel only creates one void, not 3.)

of 72 × 8 = 576 squares.
So the final surface area of the perforated cube is 480 + 576 = 1056. The difference from
82 2020 AMC Senior Solutions
the original surface area is 1056 − 486 = 570,
hence (570).
Alternative 2
As in Alternative 1, the original cube has surface area 486.
For the final surface area, we first find the number of upward-facing 1 × 1 squares.
2020 AMC
Consider the 9 × 9 top of the cube and write on each square the number of ‘voids’ created
Senior Solutions
by tunnelling under that square. (Here a 3 × 3 tunnel only creates one void, not 3.)

0 3 0 1 3 1 0 3 0 81
3 3 3 3 3 3
0 3 0 1 3 1 0 3 0
1 3 1 1 3 1
3 3 3 3
1 3 1 1 3 1
0 3 0 1 3 1 0 3 0
3 3 3 3 3 3
0 3 0 1 3 1 0 3 0

Each of the 4 × 8 = 32 squares with a ‘3’ has 4 upward-facing squares, contributing 128 to
the surface area. Each of the 4 × 4 = 16 squares with a ‘1’ has 2 upward-facing squares,
contributing 32 to the surface area. Each of the 16 squares with ‘0’ contributes 1 square
to the surface area, for a total of 16 squares.
In all, there are 128 + 32 + 16 = 176 upward-facing unit squares in the surface of the solid.
By symmetry, for each of the 6 directions of the 6 faces, there are 176 unit squares. Thus
the surface area of the perforated cube is 6 × 176 = 1056 and the increase in surface area
is 1056 − 486 = 570,
hence (570).

30. For n = 1, 2, . . . , 8, let Gn be the number of n-symbol traffic light sequences that start
with ‘G’, Yn be the number that start with ‘Y’ and Rn be the number that start with ‘R’.
Then G1 = Y1 = R1 = 1.
The two-light patterns that can be seen are ‘GY’, ‘YG’, ‘YY’, ‘YR’, ‘RG’ and ‘RY’. Con-
sequently Gn+1 = Yn , Yn+1 = Gn + Yn + Rn and Rn+1 = Gn + Yn . So we can tabulate
values of Gn , Yn and Rn :

n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gn 1 1 3 6 13 28 60 129
Yn 1 3 6 13 28 60 129 277
Rn 1 2 4 9 19 41 88 189

Then the number of sequences is G8 + Y8 + R8 = 129 + 277 + 189 = 595,

hence (595).

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Answer Key

Middle Upper
Question Junior Intermediate Senior
Primary Primary
1 D C D E D
2 A E E B D
3 D B B D C
4 E D B C D
5 C A B D D
6 C A E E C
7 B A A E A
8 B D E D B
9 E E C A A
10 D D D B B
11 C B D C D
12 B A E A E
13 B B B C E
14 C C A C C
15 B A B B D
16 A E C C B
17 C D B C D
18 A D B D D
19 D D A A E
20 C E C C A
21 C B D E E
22 C B E D A
23 E C D C A
24 E B C E B
25 B D D B E
26 156 155 387 313 168
27 585 720 50 414 143
28 24 20 329 484 180
29 155 50 168 168 570
30 85 636 168 132 595


Copyright © 2020 Australian Mathematics Trust

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