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12 May 2011

Thank you. The Major Group of Children and Youth proposes the following: In response to the chair's 1st question, we call for policy measures supporting the prevention, minimization, and cleanup of chemicals and wastes -- including nuclear waste -- generated from disasters and crises, especially armed conflicts. Children and youth are adversely impacted by these chemicals and wastes, particularly in countries where waste management infrastructure and financial resources are already limited. Further, the occupational health and safety of formal and informal waste workers must be protected. Special attention to the unique vulnerability of children to hazards posed by wastes and chemicals at landfills and contaminated sites is critical. Poverty eradication must be the overarching goal. Concerning the chair's 2nd question, "zero-waste" and "zero-landfill" policies and programs, adopting a cradle-to- cradle approach, need to be developed and implemented in order to protect human health and the environment. Next, we are all exposed to harmful effects of chemicals in our products at all stages of the life cycle. Youth and children are particularly vulnerable. To address the chair's 3rd question, we must adopt the 4 principles as the basis of chemical management. first, the polluter pays principle, that companies should be made responsible for the externalities created by their production. second, the precautionary principle, that chemicals should not be used until they are proved safe. third, the substitution principle, that we must develop AND implement safer alternatives to toxic chemicals. finally, the right to know principle, that Information on chemicals in the production of consumer goods must be readily provided to consumers. Thank you for considering our proposals, and we welcome any further dialogue on these issues. Together, we can build a better future.

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