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2021 ARML Local Problems

Team Round (45 minutes)

T-1 The number 999992 has a prime factor p greater than 500. Compute p.

 2 1 1 1 A
T-2 The sum = + + ··· + is equal to for some integer A. Compute A.
n(n2 − 1) 12 30 495 165

T-3 Kandyce recently moved, and all of her belongings are packed in 285 boxes. Kandyce unpacks
boxes at a constant rate of 3 boxes in 2 hours. Kandyce’s friend Keenan also unpacks boxes
at a constant rate, and when they work together they unpack 75% more boxes than Kandyce
can unpack alone over the same time. Kandyce unpacks boxes for 4 hours every day (until all
of the boxes are unpacked). Given that Kandyce wants to finish unpacking in exactly 4 weeks,
compute the total number of hours she should ask Keenan to help unpack boxes.

T-4 A total of 2021 teams participated in an ARML Team Round. The table below shows the
percentage of teams that answered each of the ten questions correctly, rounded to the nearest
percent. A team’s score was five times the number of correct answers.
T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 T-9 T-10
93% 86% 85% 82% 75% 72% 66% 43% 16% 3%
Compute the integer closest to the mean score on that ARML Team Round.

T-5 Compute the number of subsets S of {1, 2, . . . , 15} such that S has at least two elements and
no two elements of S are relatively prime.

T-6 Let D1 and D2 be standard, fair, six-sided dice. Let D3 be a fair six-sided die with the numbers
1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 on its faces. Let D4 be a fair six-sided die such that for all integers k between 2
and 12 inclusive, the probability that the sum of a roll of D3 and D4 equals k is equal to the
probability that the sum of a roll of D1 and D2 equals k. Two of the four dice are chosen at
random. The two dice are rolled independently of one another. Compute the probability that
the positive difference of the numbers rolled is 2.

T-7 In tetrahedron ARM L, AR = RM = M L = AM = RL = 1 and AL = 85 . Compute the volume

of ARM L.

T-8 Compute the least positive integer n such that each of 20n and 21n has exactly 60 positive

T-9 The positive integers 1 and 18 each have the property that their square is one tenth of a triangular
number. Compute the least integer greater than 18 with this property.

T-10 In unit square ARM L, circle Γ is drawn centered at M and passes through R and L, and circle Ω
is inscribed in the square. A circle with radius r is drawn tangent to Γ, Ω, and segment AR
(possibly at the endpoints). Compute the sum of all possible values of r.

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T-11 The Springfield Math Team (Alex, Beth, Carol, David, Ed, and Fran) is taking a break from
ARML Local. Their coach has provided two identical cans of apple juice, two identical cans of
raspberry juice, two identical cans of mango juice, and two identical cans of lemonade. Each
student takes one or two cans, and no cans are left over. Compute the number of ways the cans
can be distributed among the students.

T-12 Four spheres of radius 1 are externally tangent to one another, as shown below. Compute the
height of the right circular cone whose base is internally tangent to three of the spheres and
whose lateral surface is internally tangent to all four spheres.

T-13 For some rational number k, the polynomial x3 + kx + 1 has three real, irrational roots. Given
that one of these roots is 2 less than the square of another of these roots, compute k.

T-14 Let x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 be real numbers strictly between − π2 and π

2 such that
cos2 (x1 ) + cos2 (x2 ) ≥ sin2 (x1 + x2 ) and cos2 (y1 ) + cos2 (y2 ) ≥ sin2 (y1 + y2 ).
Compute the minimum possible value of
cos(x1 + y1 ) + cos(x2 + y2 ) + cos(x1 + x2 + y1 + y2 ).

T-15 Compute the sum of all positive integers n ≤ 50 such that n4 + n2 + 1 is divisible by a perfect
square greater than 1.

ARML encourages the reproduction of our contest problems for non-commercial, educational purposes.
Commercial usage of ARML problems without permission and posting entire contests or contest books are prohibited.
Collaborative Relay Round (4, 5, 6 minutes)
R1-A Consider the system of equations
x y
20 + = 103
2 2
x y
21 + = 109,
2 2
where x and y are positive integers. Compute the least possible value of x + y.

R1-B Let T be the number you will receive. A right triangle has legs of lengths a and b and hypotenuse
c. Given that a and b are integers such that a2 − b2 = T , compute the least possible value of c2 .

R2-A Suppose that a1 , a2 , . . . , an is an increasing sequence of consecutive positive integers whose sum
is 2021. Compute the least possible value of a1 .

R2-B Let T be the number you will receive. Suppose that ABC is a right triangle with hypotenuse
T and legs of length at least T2 . Compute the number of possible integer values for [ABC].

R3-A Let C, R, A, Z, Y be an increasing arithmetic sequence of positive numbers. Given that C, R,

Y is an increasing geometric sequence, compute .

R3-B Let T be the number you will receive. In quadrilateral ABCD, suppose that AB = BC = CD =
T and cos ABC = cos BCD = − . Compute AD.

RA-1 Clarence attempted to compute 2x2 for some real number x but accidentally computed (2x)2
instead and got an answer that was 77 larger than the correct answer. Compute the correct
value of 2x2 .

RA-2 Let T be the number you will receive. Suppose that

⎨ n/2 if n is even
f (n) = .
⎩ n + 1 if n is odd

Given that k is an odd number such that f (f (f (k))) = T , compute k.

RA-3 Let T be the number you will receive. Keisha thought she would create an interesting sequence
of numbers by letting an = an−12−2T + an−2 for n > 1, but was unfortunate enough to choose
initial values for a0 and a1 such that an ended up being the same for every nonnegative value
of n. Compute a2 .

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Commercial usage of ARML problems without permission and posting entire contests or contest books are prohibited.
RB-1 Compute the number of positive integers N such that when 2021 is divided by N , the remainder
is 8.

RB-2 Let T be the number you will receive. Let p and q be the solutions of x2 + T x−2T = 0. Compute
p4 + q 4 .

RB-3 Let T be the number you will receive. Let a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . be the sequence of numbers 4, 44, 444,
. . . , such that each term after a1 has one more digit 4 than the term before it. Compute the
remainder when aT is divided by 9.

R3-1 Compute the number of ordered pairs of positive integers (m, n) for which 20m + 21n = 2021.

R3-2 Let T be the number you will receive. Given that 2x + 3y = 20 and T x + 4y = 21, compute
16x + 17y.

R3-3 Let T be the number you will receive. The line 3x + 9y + T = 0 intersects the line 5x + 7y = T
at the point (a, b). Compute a − b.

R3-4 Let T be the number you will receive. The positive integers g1 , g2 , and g3 with g1 < g2 < g3 are
in geometric progression in this order. Given that g1 + g2 = 68 and g3 − g2 = T , compute g2 .

R3-5 Let T be the number you will receive. Compute the least possible value of
5x2 − 4xy − 8x + 2y 2 − 16y + T
over all real numbers x and y.

R3-6 Let T be the number you will receive. The solutions of x4 + 2x3 − 16x2 + T x − 12 = 0 are a, b,
c, and T + 33. Compute ab + ac + bc.

ARML encourages the reproduction of our contest problems for non-commercial, educational purposes.
Commercial usage of ARML problems without permission and posting entire contests or contest books are prohibited.
Individual Round (10 minutes per pair)
I-1 When written as a decimal, is 0.952380. Compute the sum of the first 2021 digits after the
decimal point in the decimal expansion of .

I-2 Regular pentagon SM ILE is fully contained in the interior of regular pentagon F ROWN . The
edges of F ROWN are three times the lengths of the edges of SM ILE. The area of the region
between the two pentagons is 3. Compute [SM ILE].

I-3 In hexagon SQUARE, all sides have length 10, ∠Q and ∠R are right angles, and ∠S ∼ = ∠U√∼=

∠A = ∠E. Given that the area of SQUARE in simplest form is uniquely expressible as p + q r,
where p and q are integers and r is a prime, compute p + q + r.

I-4 A base-b palindrome is a base-b integer whose digits read the same forwards and backwards and
whose leftmost digit is nonzero. Compute the greatest base-10 palindrome less than 500 that is
also a palindrome when converted to base 2.

I-5 For a positive integer n, let s(n) denote the sum of the digits of n. Compute the sum of all
positive integers n for which n = 37s(n).

I-6 Let ARM L be a unit square inscribed in a circle. A point T lies on ray AL so that T L = 7,
and line T M intersects the circle at a second point P . Compute P R.

I-7 A parallelogram with a vertex at (0, 0) has its other three vertices as lattice points in the first
quadrant. Given that the parallelogram has area 2021, compute the maximum number of lattice
points in the interior of the parallelogram.

I-8 Compute tan2 20◦ + tan2 40◦ + tan2 80◦ .

I-9 Jimmy wants to choose a four-digit PIN that has a digit sum of 6. Two such possible PINs are
0222 and 2301. Compute the number of different four-digit PINs that have a digit sum of 6.

I-10 Define a sequence as a1 = x for some real number x and

an = nan−1 + (n − 1)(n!(n − 1)! − 1)
for integers n ≥ 2. Given that a2021 = (2021! + 1)2 + 2020!, and given that x = , where p and
q are positive integers whose greatest common divisor is 1, compute p + q.

ARML encourages the reproduction of our contest problems for non-commercial, educational purposes.
Commercial usage of ARML problems without permission and posting entire contests or contest books are prohibited.
Tiebreaker (10 minutes)
TB Compute the remainder when 1112021 is divided by 10000.

ARML encourages the reproduction of our contest problems for non-commercial, educational purposes.
Commercial usage of ARML problems without permission and posting entire contests or contest books are prohibited.

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