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Time Max. / Marks

25 Min. Marks
i Obtained
Name... Class.. Roll No. 18

Acids and Bases
Q.1. Identify the basic salt from the following salts:
(a) NaCOg (b) NHCI
(c) NaNO (d) KCI [Board SQP 2020] (1)
Ans. *********************e*******e*****************eo***a**e*e******e*******ee*******eo*******s***te**e**oe**********e**********e******************************°**

Q.2. Study the given table and answer the following questions. It shows the pH value of the plaque
(which collects around teeth) surrounding the teeth of a child over 3 hrs. (1)

0.00 7.0
1.0 7.0
2.0 7.1
3.0 7.2
4.0 4.1
(a) The three constituents of plaque are (1)
) Acid (i) Saliva
(ii) Bacteria (iv) All of these
(b) What causes tooth decay? (1)
()State the time during the day when conditionis most favourable for process of tooth decay.(1
(i) 1.0 (ii) 2.0
iii) 3.0 (iv) 4.0
(d) The nature of toothpastes commonly used to protect tooth decay is (1)
Ans. ** ***************************************e****9**e*************. ********e*************°********e*******e*************** *. * * * *

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Q.3. Name the acid present in ant sting. BBoard Term-I Set (C1), 2010]
DDE, 2017] [NCERT Exemplar] (1)
Ans. ******
°**°*°e*********** e* *******ea************************°********************

Q . 4. (a) While diluting an acid, why is it recommended that the acid should be added to water and not
water to the acid?
(b) Dry hydrogen chloride gas does not change the colour of dry litmus paper. Why ?
BICBSE Board Outside Delhi, 2019] (3)
Ans. *****°****°°°***°**°* ****

*** *********e****°*e******ene************°**eaeesee******** ******e***************e*******ee***************e*******

**e*****eee********e**** * *****e******** aa°°°°°°*** °a°**°***°°°° ***e*eeeeaoe

************************e********e**************eeen**esee*******eeeseceece*eceencconeeeeee*****se****ens***o**e**************es*a**2***** ******e**

Q.5. A compound X of sodium is used as an antacid and it decomposes on strong heating.

(i) Name the compound X' and give its chemical formula.
(i) Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the decomposition of 'X'.
(ii) Give one use of compound X besides an antacid.
Board sQr 2020] (3)
Ans. .

***°e*************************e*****e**°°°***°°° °*°************************e******a***°.

*******e****************e*********************es*****.ese0o. *********°*******°e******e************e*****

.6. Write the main differencebetween an acid and a base. With the help of suitable examples explain the
term neutralization and the formation
) acidic
(ii) basic and
(ii) neutral salts. CBSE Board Delhi Set-III, 2019] (5)
Ans. *****
e********°*°**°*******°.****°**°°°*****°*****°°*********°°** ******e*****°****°*****°*°***

******************aoa***********************************oen**u*ooaeooooeosseeansesaooassseavoori...o **.i..* sanens. **********************************

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Time Max.Marks
25 Min. Marks Obtained
Name. Class. Roll No... 17

Acids and Bases
Q.1. Which one of the following can be used as an acid-base indicatorby a visually impaired student?
(a) Litmus (b) Turmeric
(c) Vanilla essence (d) Petunia leaves [NCERT Exemp.] (1)
Ans. *****e***************ee***************e******ee******e******e*********************************************e***********************e************e***********

Q.2. Suhana takes three beakers A, B and C filled with aqueous solutions of glucose, alcohol and
hydrochloric acid respectively as shown in the following figure:
Battery 5ub Battery Bb . Battery
Bub witch
witch PM witch

-Graphite rod
Graphite rod
Graphite rod

Glucose -Alcohol -DiL. HCI

(a) Which of the following statement is correct in terms of glowing of bulb when the switch is ON? (1)
() Bulb A and B do not glow but bulb C glows.
i ) Bulb A and C do not glow but buib B glows.
(ii) Bulb B and C do not glow but bulb A glows.
iv) All the bulbs glow.
(b) Justify your observations by giving reason in each case. (1)
(c) Which of the following are present in a dilute aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid? (1)
) HO* + C (ii) H,O* + OH
ii) C+OH iv) Unionized HCI
(d) Mention the change noticed with appropriate reason if the content of beaker B is replaced by
sodium hydroxide solution. (1)
Ans. **°°°e****°°e***********°****°***°*°°****


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5 Freshmilk has a pH of6. When it changes into curd (Yogurt), will its pH value increases or decreases?
Why? U[Board Term-I Set-C2, 2010] (1)
Ans. ****°°******eee*****e*e**eooo*c**oe******e*********************
**e***************e****************eeee****e*********************eceeec e*o.****.*****************************

* *****************°e*****************e************e***********
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Q.4. You are provided with 90 mL of distilled water and 10 mL of concentrated sulphuric aid to prepare
dilute sulphuric acid.
(a) What is the correct way of preparing dilute sulphuric acid? Give
(b) How will the concentration of ions H,O*
on dilution? change Board SOR 2020] (3)
*******************69aosa**************oonoeeasoossesesseenes *sosoesseassoaensosesede*soasssseenessssesusane**onansoos******e

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*************°°***********************° **********e*****e***************************************°°************* **

Q.5. A liquid has a pH less than 7 which represents an acidic solution.

(i) State the nature of solution, if its pH increases from 7 to 14.
(i) Mention the ion whose concentration increases with the increase in pH value.
(ii) Suggest a method that is generally used for the value. measuring pH ABoard Term-1, 2012] (3)
Ans. ********°******
*******************ea*****************oo**** **°**°**°°*°°°*°*

**********°****°**°°°°°*********°°***°°°*****°******°*****e**°* *****°°*°°°*°*°*.

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°°° ***°*****°**°°°*********°°°***°°**°*°°°******
***.******.**************e********************* *******

Commonly Made Eror

Students usualy get confused with the pvalues
Answering Tip
Understand the conceptof pH withproper examples
Q.6. (i) Define pH scale. Draw a figure showing variation of pH with the change in concentration of
H(aq) and OH (ag) ions.
(ii) Mention the range of pH of acidic solution, basic solution and neutral solution
Board Term-1, 2016] [NCERT Exemplar] (5)
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Time Max. Marks

25 Min.Marks Obtained
Name Class.. .Roll No.. 17

I Acids and Bases

Q.1. Which of the following is acidic in nature?

(a) Lime juice (b) Human blood
(c) Lime water (d) Antacid [NCERT Exemp.] (1)
Ans. ... oee*.*o**.oeoaeeaseovoneseeeee*eoo************e*aeessee************************
* * * * * * * * * e .

Q.2. Study the given experimental set-up and answer the following questions.
Stand- Delivery tube

Burning of hydrogen
gas with a pop sound
acid HydrogenN
Zinc granules bubbles
Soap bubble filled
eAN with hydrogen

Soap solution

(a) The above experimental set up shows reaction between metal and (1)
i) Acid (i) Metal carbonate
(ii) Metal hydrogen carbonate iv) Metal oxide

(b) Which gas is liberated during the process? (1)

() Hydrogen gas (i) Carbon dioxide gas
iii) Nitrogen gas iv) Hydrogen _ulphide gas
equation for the given reaction. (1)
()Write abalanced chemical
and the test tube is heated. (1)
(d) What will happen if NaOH is used in place of dil. sulphuric acid

Ans. e*********************e******** ******e************°**********


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ssssosassoe ssnnnnneaao.****9aesassosasasseawoesssoeneeesee********************************

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Q.3. Which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal? UBoard Term-I Set-14, 2011] (1)
Ans. ***************************************se*****.a***************eeee*eeeee**eeoee*e eoeeo.o*e*..eoo0**eeoee**e******e***********
AQ.4.2 ml of sodium hydroxide solution is added to a few
tube. When the contents are pieces of granulated zinc metal taken in a test
warmed, a gas evolves which is bubbled
testing. Write the equation of the chemical reaction involved and the through a soap solution before
gas which will be evolved when the same metal test to detect the gas. Name the
reacts with dilute solution of a
strong acid.
Ans. **
A+B+O[DelhiOutside Delhi, 2018](3)

*******************************°********e*****************e*e****eee*** *

****°*e************ae***e******e**********e*******«** *****

Commonly Made Error

Usually students.getaconfused with the liberaton of gas during
the reaction of anc withacidsand bases

Answering Tip
Keenly abserve th uring practicals, Zincreacts with böth acids and bases to give
8asgas but reme ve said reactions are nof possible with all metals outhydrogen
Q.5. 1g of solid sodium chloride is taken in a clean and
added to it. If the dry test tube and 2mL of conc. sulphuric acid is
evolved is tested first with
case will he litmus dry and then with wet blue litmus
paper, in which
paper change colour? Give reason for your answer. What inference can be drawn
about the nature of the evolved
gas? Support your answer with chemical equation for the reaction.
+AComptt. Set-L, I& II, 2018] (3)
Ans. ******°*****° *******************e*******************************

****°*****°******°°°***°****°*****°***°°°****°*°**°****°°*°*°®*****°***********°***°°°*****°****°°** ******

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*******°*******°*******************e******°*********e****e ************°*************

Commonly Made Error

Students usually get confus with the action of wet or dry litmuS paper a ontor the same.
Answering Tip
econcept of ionization of acids in aqueous n diun ydrogen or hydronium ions should be
keptin mind.
Q.6. () Define universal indicator. For what
purpose it is used ?
(i) Two solutions A and B have pH values of 3.0 and9.5
solution from blue to red and which will turn respectively. Which of these will turn litmus
Water is a neutral substance. What colour will
phenolphthalein from colourless to pink ?
(ii) you get when you add a few drops of universal
indicator to a test tube containing distilled water ?
BBoard Term-I, 2016] (5)
Ans. ******a**.

**********°******°**************************************°******°°***°****°** **°*°°**°°°****°*** aeeeeee*.

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****°************°°*****°***°*e*********°*°**°**°****°°*°°° *******. ***********°**************. *****

ACIDS BASES AND.SALTS:a WORKSHEET-10 *****"5***********4 E15.47*

Time Max.Marks
20 Min. jObtained
Name.... Class. ... Roll No... 13

I Acids and Bases
Q.1. During the preparation ofhydrogen chloride gas on a humid day, the gas is usually passed through
the guard tube containing calcium chloride. The role of calcium chloride taken in the guard tube
is to
(a) absorb the evolved gas.
(b) moisten the gas.
(c) absorb moisture from the gas.
(d) absorb Cl ions from the evolved gas. [NCERT Exemp-] (1)
Ans. *** ***********°***°°*°********eee*****eo.


Q.2. P Q, R are different colourless solids, while Sis a colourless solution. They are (in random order)
Sodium chloride (NaC), Calcium Carbonate (CaCOs), Acetic acid (CH,COOH) and Phenolphthalein
indicator. Small amount of the above substances were added in pairs (e.g. P with QQwith R etc.) to
a small amount of water in a test tube. They give the following results as shown in the observation
Observation Table:

No reaction Noreaction
R Dark Pink Colour No reaction
No reaction No reaction Effervescence
(a) The chemicals are: (1)

) NaCl CaCO CH,COOH Phenolphthalein

(ii)Phenolphthalein NaCl CaCOg CHCOOH
ii) CH,COOH Phenolphthalein NaCl CaCO
(iv) CaCOs CH,COOH Phenolphthalein NaCl
(b) Wirite the chemical equation of the reaction involved. (1)
(c)The chemicals that can be used as an acid- base indicator by a visually impaired student is
(Petunia leaves/ Vanilla essence). (1)
(d) If acetic acid and hydrochloric acid of same concentration are taken, which of the two is a
stronger acid and why? (1)
Ans. ********************o*******
********. *°** ****
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Q.3. Assertion and Reason:
Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion (a) is followed by a statement of
reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
(a) Both assertion (a) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (a).
(b) Both assertion (a) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (a).
() Assertion (a) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (a) is false but reason (R) is true.
) Assertion (A): When zincis added to dilute hydrochloric acid, hydrogen is given off.
Reason (R): Hydrogen chloride molecules contain hydrochloric acid and hydrogen atoms. (1)
Ans. ********************e********************s*onssose* *.eeseesscensessasas...e*s. .*nossenrses*sssneeeo****sseeeeceeseeso**..eseo*eer**oao******.es*.
i ) Assertion (A): To dilute concentrated sulphuric acid water is added to the acid slowly.
Reason (R):A lot of heat energy will be given out in the dilution of concentrated sulphuric acid. (1)
Ans. ..*..**oasoao .*********.eorooneoo
iii) Assertion (A): Ammonia solution is an alkali.
Reason (R): Ammonia solution turns blue litmus paper red. (1)
Ans. *********e****e**

(iv) Assertion (A): Gas bubbles are observed when sodium carbonate is added to dilute hydrochloric acid.
Reason (R) :Carbon dioide is given off in the reaction. (1)
Ans. *e***************************. ****e********

Q.4. Which is a stronger acid, with pH = 5 or with pH = 2? BBoard Term-I Set-A1, 2010] (1)
Ans. ***eeone*e**o********eveoee ******s*ea*eeere*sceo*eee*e***.eee**e******s*n***eo*aocaeasres*n*******eseneceate**s***aeneesoseeen****eo********e******

Q.5. "Sweet tooth may lead to tooth decay'. Explain why? What is the role of tooth paste in preventing
cavities ? AE SQP 2018] (3)
Ans. aae*o***aoo*o****esooecdee*****.e****.eseeennaeoccenseseosdsaecoeo*o***ese**eteo*****aensaeneesesaecenneane*eetn*e*sssasaeenaesesno******** *o***********************

*****e*******e*******e*******e********* ***********°



****. ************ ***** *** ***************°

*°°***°*°****°°°* ***** ***************************************************************

Time Max. Marks
20 Min. Marks / Obtained
Class. . Roll No.. 14

Acids and Bases
Q.1. Which of the following are present ina dilute aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid?
(a) HyO* + Cr (b) HOt+ OH
(c) C+OH (d) Unionized HC1 [NCERT Exemp.] (1)
Ans. ***********e***************ee** e******* *o********e**..
**********°e****°.e******eo***ee***e******e******e***** *

Q.2. A metal is treated with dilute sulphuric acid. The gas evolved is collected by the method shown in
the figure :

(a) Name the gas. Is the gas soluble or insoluble in water?

b) Is the gas lighter or heavier than air? How will you test the gas?
(c) If the metal used above is zinc then write the chemical
(d) Write one industrial use of the gas evolved.
equation for the evolution of gas. (1)
Ans. ********o.

*********aa** ********************°**e**********4eeneee*****eee**** ****e*******e*******e*ao******e********

**********°*****°°*****°*************ae****4* s*e********e*********ed***** *e******aae**e****e** ************************* ***

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******e******e***********°***°*°°**e******e************e0se**oee***** *****.***********
eeeessseaseesaeeeeeseeeeeeesede*** aesde*e*****e*****************°**
AQ.3. Which has higher concentration of H* ions?
1MHClor 1 M CH,CoOH.
ABoard Term-I, Outside Delhi Set I, 2009] (1)
***°*°*********°°°*****************°*******°***°*°°°*°**********°°***°°°****°°*°°° ****************aaeasas*****************************

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Q.4. Explain the action of dilute
) Magnesium ribbon
hydrochloric acid on the following with chemical equation:
(i) Sodium hydroxide
(ii) Crushed egg shells
ABoard Term-1, 2016] (3)
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Q.5. () Alocal magician was
overit. As
showing magic in a village street. He took egg shell and poured a solution
a result, effervescence were formed. When he took a
went off : burning matchstick over it, it
(a) Identify the solution poured and the substance present in egg shell.
(b) What is the reason
behind effervescence?
(c) Write its balanced chemical
(d) Give the
common name of the substance
present in the egg shell.
(i) Drawa labelled diagram to show that acid solution
in water conducts electricity.
CBoard Term-I, 2013] (5)
**°e**°°°***°°**°°°°° °°°°°*° °°° °°°°°° °°°

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Time Max.Marks
25 Min. Marks Obtained
Name.. Class. Roll No... 16

I Salts, Their Properties and Uses
Q.1. Which of the following salts does not contain water of crystallisation?
(a) Blue vitriol (b) Baking soda
(c) Washing soda (d) Gypsum [NCERT Exemp.] (1)
Ans. *****ee*eo*e**eeeed*eoe***********o*eeee******* e*******eee*e.

Q.2. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Suhana wanted her house to be white washed. She bought 10 kg of quicklime from the market and
dissolved it in 30 L of water. On adding lime to water, she observed that the water started boiling even
when it was not being heated.
(a). s formed when water is added to quicklime. (1)
(b) Write the reaction involved. (1)
(c) The product formed is acidic or basic in nature? (1)
(d) Which of the following statements is corectbout the above reaction based on your observations? (1)
L It is an endothermic reaction.
IL It is an exothermic reaction
III The pH of the resulting solution will be more than seven.
IV The pH of the resulting solution will be less than seven.
(i) Iand II (ii) II and II
(iii) I and IV (iv) II and IV

Ans. ***** **°°°°**°*

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Q . 3 . Identify the acid and the base from which sodium chloride is obtained. Which type of salt is it f
When is it called rock salt? How is rock salt formed? UCBSE Board Delhi, Set- I, 2019] (3)
Ans. ******e********e*****************e*********so °**°**°**°e****ee *e***eee*.eeeeeeeee*** *****e***************

****************o*o******e********ee*************************e********oo* °**°**°**°°*°* °°**°°*°°°**e***** ***


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Q.4. Identify the acid and base which form sodium hydrogen carbonate. Write chemical equation in
Support of your answer. State whether this compound is acidic, basic or neutral. Also write its pH
value. UCBSE Board Delhi, Set-L, 2019] (3)
Ans. e*a********o**********d#0**aeesst0eso**see*soesestoasoanesss*sdtes*********s*eaoaeaoeo***e**se************************

********eseeeereeee*o*nenepe***a***** *****°°

**********asaeee*sosesees**eeeeseeseseo*nssoeoose oseosaasseeenseaseenaesanseannaenesatananaeseassanseaseeaeseaseossassesassnoon*ssesoeedesesssedorae
Q.5. Write balanced chemical equations for the following statements
() Bleaching powder is kept open in air.
(ii) Blue crystals of copper sulphate are heated.
(ii) Chlorine gas is passed through dry slaked lime.
(iv) Carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water.t
(v) NaOH solution is heated with zinc granules.
A [Board Term-I, 2016] (5)
Ans. *°********°°°e*****°***°*°**° *°*°*°°°°o*°*°°°°*°ed°°*°°°°°°°*°°°**°°°°°°°°***°*°***

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Time Max. Maks
20 Min. i Marks i Obtained
Name.... ..Class. Roll No... 14

Salts, Their Properties and Uses
Q.1. Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a salt of
(a) strong acid and strong base.
(b) weak acid and weak base.
(c)strong acid and weak base.
(d) weak acid and strong base. [NCERT Exemp.] (1)
Ans. *e***********. *******e******** *************************

Q.2. Read the passage and answer the following questions:

Sanjana while preparing cake used baking soda in small amounts. It helps to make the cake soft and
spongy. An aqueous solution of baking soda also turns red litmus blue. It is also used in soda acid
(a) How does baking soda help in extinguíshing fire? (1)
(b) Write the chemical reaction involved when it is heated. (1)
(c) Is the pH value of baking soda solution lower than or higher than 7? 1)
(d) An aqueous solution turns red litmus solution blue. Excess addition of which solution would
reverse the change (1)
Ans. **** **********
***. *****

* ******************°****°°°*°**********


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AQ.3. Name a salt which does not contain water of

Board Term-I Set (C2), 2010] [DDE 2017] (1)
Ans. **°°°°°°**°°°**°°°*** *********************e**********

**************************************eo******oeooeooneeon**************nseesooseeanseeseeooe**aoeeoseee************osesoseasoeessaesenee sesooass

Commonly Made Error

Some stude wTong examples such as.copPe
Answering Tip
Understand the conceptof waterofcrystalisation with} per examiples.
uo.4. Howis sodium hydroxide manufactured in industries? Name the process. In this process a gas X
is formed as by product. This gas reacts with lime water to give a compound Y, which is used as a
bleaching agent in the chemical industry. Identify X and Y and write the chemical equation of the
reactions involved. AICBSE Board Outside Delhi, Set-1, 2019] (3)
Ans. ********************ee***************************ee**oo****eee*******a*********eeaeanaoso********o*******seeseseas*seeseese*e***********e*************

********* ****°*****e*******°**°°******e********°*°° **************e*************e*****************°*°*°e*****°e*****°******°°**************°***


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*************°******************************o*******e***************e*e********************sec*o ***********e*******************e*****°**************

Q.5. Give suitable reasons for the following statements

)Rain water conducts electricity but distilled water does not.
i ) We feel burning sensation in the stomach when we overeat.
(ii) A tarnished copper vessel regains its shine when rubbed with lemon.
(iv) The crystals of washing soda change to white powder on exposure to air
(v) An aqueous solution of sodium chloride is neutral but an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate is
basic. UBoard Term-1, 2016, 2015, 2014] (5)
eo*o* **********

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* ssoa*ode*oa*oeser*.oosoeseese*seveeeeo*soosooaneo*****nnsas***********************ansenese***srddeenivoeseseaseeseeaeenose***********************************

Time Max. Marks
25 Min. Marks Obtained
Name... Class... Roll No.. 20

Salts, Their Properties and Uses
Q.1. Common salt besidesbeing used in kitchen can also be used as the raw material for making
(i)washingsoda. (it) bleaching powder
(ii) baking soda. (iv) slaked lime.
(a) i) and (i) (b) (), (i) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (ii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iv) [NCERT Exemp.] (1)
Ans. *********.*..ansedaneeasosssnneseas..n.a****.****.*sssorsesssasos*snesosseesseooea************************************o********************************

Q.2. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Adry pellet ofa common base B when kept in open absorbs moisture and turns sticky. The compound
is also a by-product of chlor-alkali process.
(a) Identify B. (1)
(b) What ype of reaction occurs when B is treated with an acidic oxide? (1)
(c) Write a balanced chemical equation for one such solution. (1)
(4) When aqueous sodium carbonate (Na,CO,) reacts with HCI (ag), it gives (1)
() NaOH, Hh and CO2
(ii) NaCl, H,O and CO
(ii) NaHCO3, H, and Cc0
(iv) NaHO, H,O and CO2


Ans. * * * * * * .
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What would be the colour of litmus in a solution of sodium carbonate ?

Board Term-I Set (C2), 2010] (1)


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to disintect the
Q.4. A sanitary worker uses a white chemical having strong smell of chlorine gas
()Identify the chemical ompound, wite its chemical formula.
(i) Give chemical equation for its preparation.
(ii) Write its two uses other than disinfection.
A [Board Term-1, 2016] (3)
Ans. ossoesaose.oossesannaansseeensas**..s*s*nsoneoe****o**.*saorsoesneeornsoeesse*************

******************************°*e****** ** *********
eeoeee** e**************************e*******eeee*


Q.5. In one of the industrial processes, used for manufacture of sodium hydroxide, a gas X is formned
as by-product. The gas X reacts with dry slaked lime to give a compound 'Y which is used as
bleaching agent in textile industry. Identify X and Y. AE (Board Term-1, 2015]
[NCERT Exemplar 2017] (3)
Ans. ****°*°°*°° *****e*****e*°°***
eeedde e****eee0e°e°*°°°° **°**°°°

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*********************=************eosaosannannn*.sosooenuna*oseesaevesoe aoveoooanue***oooosoeeneossosasrenso**seeaoeosaeosososoossouoosennp
0.6. (9 Awhite powder is an active ingredient of antacids and is used in preparation of baking powder
Name the compound and
explain that how it is manufactured. Give chemical equation.
i) Write a chemical equation to show the effect of heat on this compound. ABoard Term-1, 2016](3)
Ans. °******°°°*****°* ************e******ee********************************a****d******************** e*********************************oo*o**.********




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Q.7. (a) Write the chemical formula of hydrated copper sulphate and anhydrous copper sulphate. Give
an activity to illustrate how these two are inter convertible.
() Write chemical names and formulae ofPlaster of Paris and gypsum. CBoard Term-1, 2015] (5)
Ans. ****************e**************ee*************e************°°***°******* ******** **e****°e****** **************************

***********anaaos*****************************************************asosasasoonenensssonsesssoen nassoaoo*na**..... ss sasenaoneraa.

e****************a*. ********************************e************

**************aanaosa*****************************************aaa*sennnosaasaa*anaunnssseunsvogansnsoos .eaaanauauaeosoasssssassns .
*********a***o***e*******. *******e************e **********o******

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Time Max. Marks
25 Min. Marks Obtained
Name. Class... Roll No...... 17

Salts, their Properties and Uses
Q.1. One of the constituents of baking powder is sodium hydrogen carbonate, the other constituent is
(a) hydrochloric acid. (b) tartaric acid. () acetic acid. (d) sulphuric acid. [NCERT Exemp.] (1)
Ans. **************************auuenpeoeoonoseone**********************************************************e**dsese******************se*eo***o****...ssanaanesnsanenensanesenee

Q.2. Assertion and Reason:

Directions : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
reason (R). Markthe correct choice as:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion(A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
) Assertion (A):When common salt is kept open, it absorbs moisture from the air.
Reason (R): Common salt contains magnesium chloride. (1)
Ans. ************°*****
********e************o***ao******************************************** *********

(i) Assertion (A): Baking soda creates acidity in the stomach.

Reason (R): Baking soda is alkaline. (1)
Ans. ********************e******e**********s***.**« **** *** ******e*************** ********°****

(ii) Assertion (A): Plaster of Paris is used by doctors by setting fractured bones.
Reason (R): When Plaster of Paris is mixed with water and applied around the fractured limbs, it sets
into a hard mass. (1)
Ans. ********** ****°°°°°*°**°
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ° * * * * * ° * * * * *

Q.3. (a) For the preparation of cakes, baking powder is used. If at home your mother uses baking soda
instead of baking powder, how will it affect the taste of the cake and why ?
(b) How is baking soda be converted into baking powder ?
(c) What makes the cake soft and spongy? +A[Comptt. Set-1, II & II1-2018] (3)
Ans. **e****************************e***
****e***************ecceosesseesp *0ssosas0eesss****ceeeeeee***********"*************** *

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Commonly Made Error

Usually students get confused withbakirng powder and baking sod
Answering Tip
Baking soda is sodium hydrogen carbonate from which baking
.4. Write the chemical name and formula of
powder1s PreP
common salt. List two main sources or co *
nature. Write any three uses of common
salt. How is it connected to our struggle TOr ie
UBoard Term-I, 2014] (5)
* *****e******************e*.
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RQ.5. Write the chemical name of Na,CO.10HO and Na,CO Write the significance of 10H,O. Mention
the term used for water molecules attached with a salt. With
the help of a chemical equation,
explain the method of preparation of both Na,CO,.10H,O and Na,COg. Also, list two uses of
Na,CO.10H,O. U[Board Term-l, 2012] (5)
Ans. °°°°*°°°°°°°*°****°°*°*°°°O°°°***** **°°

****°°**°*°*°°*****°°*****°*° °****°°°°5 °***°°°°**°* **


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Commonly Made Error

Students sometimes write incorrect chemicalname and chemical eguation
Answering Tip
Surestudentspractise ywriting a balancedequation.

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