The Second Body Paragraph Ardra & Erza

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L1 in EFL Learning: Should it be used?

The second benefit of using L1 in EFl teaching is that L1 can be used to build students'
confidence. According to Ocak et al, (2010) states that “Students were likely to use L1 in
classroom interaction and the possible reasons were fear of making mistakes, avoiding
criticism and effortlessness of speaking L2 as they were required to speak the target language
while sharing the same language in the artificial environment.” In other words, students
tended to use L1 during classroom interactions due to their fear of making mistakes, desire to
avoid criticism, and the ease of speaking L1 compared to L2, especially since they had to use
the target language within an artificial environment. I have always believed that students in
Indonesia often revert to using their L1 during classroom interactions. This behaviour is
driven by several factors: a fear of making mistakes, a desire to avoid criticism from peers
and teachers, and the relative ease of speaking their L1 compared to L2. When I was Senior
Highschool, many students, including myself, might have felt apprehensive about speaking in
English. I remembered being nervous about making mistakes in front of my classmates,
which sometimes led me to revert to my Indonesian, especially in situations where the
conversation felt forced or unnatural.

The same statement is also expressed by Zakaria (2013) who argues that, “The use of L1 will
give a sense of security for learners as it will minimize learners’ anxiety.” To rephrase, the use
of L1 can provide learners a sense of security as it will reduce learners' anxiety. At the same
time, I believe that allowing students to use their Indonesian in the classroom can help them
feel more secure and less anxious when learning English. This practice provides a sense of
comfort and reduces the stress that often comes with learning the English language, making it
easier for students to participate and engage in their lessons. When I was learning English,
having the opportunity to use my Indonesian made the process much less stressful. For
example, being able to ask questions and clarify doubts in Indonesian helped me understand
complex concepts better.

In addition to Zakaria (2013) statement above, Canagarajah (2013) states that, “It was found
that 52% students need their teachers to use L1 to help them feel comfortable and self-
confident.” Put another way, it was discovered that 52% of learners require their lecturers to
speak in L1 in order to make them feel pleasant and confident. Although I should know better
by now, I cannot help thinking that statement highlights the importance of using the students'
Indonesian (L1) in the classroom to help them feel more at ease and self-assured during the
learning process. For many learners, especially when they are studying English, hearing
explanations and instructions in their Indonesian can reduce anxiety and enhance their
understanding. In my experience during learning English, having a teacher who could explain
difficult concepts in my Indonesian made a significant difference. It allowed me to grasp the
fundamentals more quickly and gave me the confidence to practice English without fear of

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