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effi+f+tfixl ,*l:$,=:ffi
arqfi+ uqUffi tPrimary I nf ormation)

."'-+t*afa aa (1I({t)[Name ot Emplovee (Bangla)]

WOm iftu-nqE qs((r'l.tional lD Numbeo
gzZwvfAtoateof Birth)

.,"r,,i, ,,

5.5 TFi(' qqmfr (PeEonal lnformation)

aU e<r<GD [r"tt'"rt Name(Enslish)]
,//trlsk 4lT (ts,K&)tltiahers Name(Enslish)l

g,z{{ (Relision)

.2zzdmtR+ w+tt
(Marital status)

Glq {rrt(Mobile Phone Number)*

,,r't-<q!{0'1slat ffi {5E16-vs;l Address (iranvl

. t-GqQqa{T{1fi al[rD [e'TlN Number(if anv)l

t.O {ffiqq$fi{Familylnfomauon)
r s srrt5hffiFggffi
trftrmFF\5 gq,Tlq of spouse)
(Particulars Spor
ffi {t{(dsqD
(Date of Birth)
(National lD Number)


Cqfrs gqfifr(Particulars of Children)

5.f.f ,l-gfa

of Disabled Child (if any)l

5.e {t(T C<FhI \Fufi(Bank Relatod lnformation)

/<tr*Rqfruu ila ft16ffi116ank Aeount NamexEnslish)l

../Rcf{ {Td (Account Nu mber)

,- <fi (<t Rfif<T {jl-{Bank Account Tvpe)

-.- TI(fS-?f {t{ (Bank Name)

az-{Hfd {H lgranch Name)

1r tt<+ <tUG< qnR(Bank Routing Number)

.:1ii' tiiri;ii\'riii+ rEE

\S <6qf{ q{al;I (Prcsent Position)

,/*on qq tPlesent Post)
/<6{lq tm c{t{qrrd sG{ (Joining Date at Present Position)

.r/<6{[{ Cfs(present erade)

-<dxn c*qPresent scale)
dfi(Present class)
9,. <6TF /class Three Emolovee) (Class Four Employee)

CIsr"r<sqr qqqt'sc 'q{nFtI6q

qF[tr{l."rq-+ c{littlq ffH{l-n dr{[q-{t
*<tt<+ffirs rrir|qfrqd

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