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Time Activities

07:45 - 08:00 Students come to school

08:00 - 08:15 Students gather in their classroom. With the homeroom teachers,
they take class photos with the help of Pak Yere and Pak Tommy.

08:15 Everyone gathers in Joglo

08:15 - 08:17 Opening

08:17 - 08:20 Principal speech

08:20 - 08:25 Jaranan

(Grade 1-2; boys)

08:25 - 08:30 Angklung

(Grade 9)

08:30 - 09:00 Drama: Kartini

(Grade 7-8)

09:00 - 09:10 Pahlawanku, Sumber Inspirasiku

(Grade 11-12)

09:10 - 09:30 ‘Dendang Nusantara’

EY (Preschool + Kinder)
PYP Gr. 1+2
PYP Gr. 3+4
PYP Gr. 5+6
Orang tua + Guru

Students, in their grade level group, go on the stage, have a

parade; showing their costume and dancing along to the music.

09:30 - 45 Closing
School photos

09:45 - 10.15 Snack Break

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