4th Grade Summer Packet

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Summer Reading Assignment Fourth Grade Required Reading Assignments ‘A. Read Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo and as you read the chapters, complete the enclosed comprehension questions in complete sentences. Please bring the book with you for the first couple of weeks of school. We will be completing activities based on the book, B. Diorama - Using a shoebox, create your favorite 3D scene from Because cf Winn-Dixie a, Summary - Complete the summary template attached to this. homework packet and glue it on the back of your shoebox. (Cutand glue this where you can read it while giving your presentation.) Describe what is going on in the scene, who the characters are, and why you enjoyed ths par of the book. ii White the summary in your best handwriting, using complete sentences. b, Presentation - Students will present this diorama to the class durirg the first week of school Diorama Summary In this scene from Kate DiCamillo's book, Because of Winn-Dixie, Name, Date. Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Oneand Two ‘We are introduced to Opal and a stray dog, We lear how they met and how Opal's father was convinced to let her keep the dog. The questions helow relate to events in these chapters. Answer cach question using complete sentences. 1. What did Opal goto the store to buy? 2, Why was the store maager so upset? 3. What did Opal do to keep the manager from calling the dog pound? 4, Why did Opal name the dog Winn-Dixie? 5. How did Opal’ father remind her of turtle? 6. Who did Opal tell her father she found at the grocery store? Name, Date. Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Three and Four ‘We learn about Opal and the preacher, and Opal convinces her father to tell her about hher mother. ‘The questions below relate to events in these chapters. Auswer each question using complete sentences. ‘in what way did Opal think that she and Winn-Dixie were alike? 2. How ol was Opal whoit her mother lef? . Why did Opal decide that.there were ten things she wanted to know about her mother? ‘What was the eighth thing the preacher told Opal about her mother? ‘What was the tenth thing the preacher told Opal about her mother? Why did Opal write down each ofthe things her father told her about her mother? Name Date. Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Five and Six ‘Winn-Dixie goes to church and to the library. The questions below relate to events in these chapters. Answer each question using complete sentences, 1. How does Opal know that Winn-Dixie does not like to be left alone? ‘2, Why do-you think Opal can sympathize with Winn-Dixie? 3 What did Opal pray for thé mouse? 4. Who was the first (human) friend Opal made in her new town? 5. For what kind of animal did the librarian mistake Winn-Dixie at frst? 6, In what way did Opalsay she was like her mother? Name, Date — Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Seven and Light Opal learns about Miss Franny and gets a job. The questions below relate to events in ‘these chapters. Answer each question using complete sentences, 4, How did Miss Franny come to own the library? ‘2. What book did Miss Franny use to chase away the bear? 3+ What was Winn-Dixie’ taleat? 4. Why did Opal want job atthe pet shop? 5. Why did Otis decide te let her work there? 6. What will Sweetie Pie Thomas have to do when she turns six? Name. Date Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Nine and Ten Opal meets Gloria Dump and the Dewberry brothers. The questions below relate to events in these chapters. Answer each question using complete sentences. 1. What did Opal think the Dewberry boys looked like? 2. Why was it brave of Cpal to go into the overgrown yard to find Winn-Dixie? 3. What was Winn-Dixie eating when Opal found him? 4. What do Gloria and Opal have in common? 5. Gloria's ean’t see well with her eyes. What does she use to see people with instead? (6, What kind of tree did Gloria give Opal? Name. Date Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo | Chapters Eleven and Twelve ‘Winn-Dixie gets frightened and Opal learns about Otis. ‘The questions below relate to events in these chapters. Answer each question using complete sentences. 1. Of what does Winn-Tixde have a pathological fear”? 2. How does Winn-Dixie show that he is ery afraid? ‘3. Why was it hard for Opal to talk after her father said they would have to keep Winn- Dixie safe? 4. What did Opal discover when she first got tothe pet store? 5. What was the only way to get the animals back in their cages? 6, Why did Otis feel sony for the animals? Name. Date. Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen Opal gets advice from Gloria Dump. ‘The questions below relate to events in these chapters. Answer each question using complete sentences. 1, What was Opal's daily routine? je ike to visit Gloria Dump? 3. Why does Opal get soupset with the Dewberry boys? ;- Why does Gloria Dump show Opal her tree? 6. Why are the bottles hanging from the tree? Name. Date. Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Fifteen and Sixteen Opal learns about Littms W. Block. ‘The questions below relate to events in these chapters. Auswer each question using complete sentences, 1. What did Miss Franny and Winn-Dixie have in common? 2, Why was Opal worried about Gloria Dump? ‘3. What did Opal decideto do to help Gloria Dump? 5. Who was Littmus W. Mock? 6. Why was it importan: for Opal to hear how Litmus W. Block had survived after losing everything he loved? Name, Date Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo ‘Chapters Seventeen and Bighteen Opal learns more about Amanda Wilkiuson, The questions below relate to events in these chapters, Answer each question using complete sentences, 1. Why did Tithmns W. Blork decide ta bid n eandy fretory? 2 Whats the secret ingredient in the Littmus Lozenge? 3: How does the lozengettaste? 14. Why does Opal's father want her to apologize to Stevie Dewberry? 5. Howdées Opal think Ms like a Littmus Lozenge? | 6, Why is Amanda Wilkirson so "pinch faced”? eS Daa os Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Nineteen ard Twenty Opal learns more about Otis. The questions below relate to events in these chapters, Answer each question using complete sentences. 4. How did Otieoay the Littmue Lozenge tasted to him? 2, Why was Otis putin jail? 4, How did Opal get theidea to have a party at Gloria Dump’s house? 5 What did Gloria Dump say Opal had to do before she would agree to have the party? 6, What theme did Opaland Sweetie Pie want for the party? ames cee De Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Twenty Oneand Twenty Two Opal throws a party. The questions below relate to events in these chapters. Answer each question using complete sentences, 1. What did Opal and Gloria Dumnp make t est forthe party? i: How did Opal lnow that Otis had arrived? 3. What did Otis bring te thé party? ‘Why didn't Opal thiuk the Dewberry boys would come to the party? : & z : 5 z € & & g 6, Why did Amanda suggest that they go inside? Name, Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Twenty Three and Twenty Four ‘Winn-Dixie disappears, The questions below relate to events in these chapters. Answer each question using complete sentences. 3 Why di Sweetie Piesay Winn-Dixie couldn't be lost? 4. Who went with Opalto look for Winn-Dixie? 5. What was the real reason Opal was so upset wien her father said they had to give up the search? 6. What was the one thing that Opal’s father said he was thanltal her mother left behind? Name. Date, Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo Chapters Twenty Five and Twenty Six Winn-Dixie is missing. The questions below relate to events in these chapters. Answer ‘each question using complete sentences. 1. How did Opal’ friends find Winn-Dixie? ‘2. Where had Winn-Dixie been hiding? 3. How did they get Wina-Dixie to come out? 4. Why did Opal say she >robably wouldn't think of her mother as much anymore? 5. What did Dunlap do that surprised Opal? 6. How did Opal show thet she wanted to befriends with Amanda? ‘Summer Math Packet - 4" Grade Our third graders had a busy year learning new math skills. Mastery of these skills is vital in order to build a solid math foundation, The following math packet will provide consistent practice for your child to maintain the math skills learned. Please have your child complete this packet throughout the summer. This packet will be due the first day of school, August 18" Student mastery of multiplication facts is extremely important. They need to know ALL the facts through 12, FLUENTLY. Xtra Math is an excellent website for learning and reinforcing math skills. httos://xtromathorg Other games and activities you can play to help with fact Fluency Take «deck of cards and remove the face cords (kings, queens, jack, joker). Divide the cards evenly among 2 players. Each player fips over a card. The first one to multiply the ‘wo numbers correctly, wins the cards. The player with the most cards wins Drill Flash cards is always good practice, ust 10 minutes a day. hhttpsi//ww.timestables com/games/ UNIT 4 TEST PRACTICE nouns Examples Directions: Find the core anewer'o ech robin. Mark the spac fr your ae. et 2 Counting by ones, what number comes ‘How many tens are in 98? after 821? oo @ 320 ay @ 3 as © 332 it @ 422 1 How many of these numbers are less “4 Another way to write 4 x 9 is than 965? © 4e4eded 329 265 420 602 456] © 4494449 © 9494949 @2 @ 944 @3 o4 5 Inwhich of these must you rename a ten - 1s ten ones or borrow a ten? 2 Suppose you were the sixth person in line to get on a subway. Your friend is the eighth person in line. Which person would be between you? © theninth person © the fifth person © the eighth person © the seventh person 3 What sign correctly completes the ‘number sentence below? 1 O8=7 ® 22-0 @ 23-25 © 28-3 © 23-8 Which of these number lines is correct? © 715.2255 4 @ 72.25 3 445 O ops a 05 4 48 7 Counting by threes, what comes before the number 42? @ 40 39 © 38 © 36 8 Which of these numbers sas a9 in the ones place and a 3 in thehundreds place? © 9888 © 9839 © 18,908 @ 19,309 9 Which numeral means forty thousand, nine hundred eight? @ 40,908 @ 49,108 © 400,908 @ 440,980 10. Inwhich answer are $ ofthe cvles shaded? 2 0O@@O00O :@@0088 o>OO0CC® @0e@e08 uw 2 u ‘What aumber should come next in the counting pattern below? (pas was [8 | e 243 2a 248, 253, ee e ‘What will make the number sentences below true? O+us19 22-C=14 ow eu e9 @ 8 ‘here ave 27 students in a class, Bach ‘student brought in 5 insects for a science project, How can you find the number of Jnsects they brought in all together? @ add © subtract © multiply @ divide ‘Which of these should you use to estimate 83 — 38 to the nearest ten? © 80-30= @ 80-40= @ 90-40 © 90-30 = 15 Which of these is the same as :f5? © 07 ou © om © 007 16 Which of these shows ore more telephone than lock? PORBaae HOOBBae GOO 88 37 Which of these is smaller than 56 and can be divided by 6? fs © 54 @ 55 © 60 © 64 38. Ifyou arranged these numbers from least to greatest, which would be last? 506 521 498 152 374 e 506 498 521 a2 eee 19. The picture below shows a group of dogs. ‘Some have collars, and others do not. ‘Which of these statements is true about the dogs? © Fewer dogs have collars than du sul. © More dogs have collars than do not, © There are a total of 8 dogs. © The same number of dogs have collars and do not have collars. 20 Which of these is less than 4 ? eee0 21 Look at the number sentence below. ‘What number fits in the box to make the sentence correct? 14647=10+0 10 eee (eee see Examples Ditetions Nok the pc for thecone anover toch pb. Choa “Non of he” the Panter Et E2 @1 o 3 69 © 5 3a © 3 12-8= ® 8 ot 2 20 © None ofthese © None ofthese 1 @ 15 6 us ou “4 @ 129 2x7 ° 108 @ us 8 +2 1s None ofthese © None ofthese 2 © 6 7 36 © 44 @ 382 a1 @ 43 ng-s2- © 46 -8 o 2 © 90 © None ofthese © None ofthese 3 9 8K 8 © $12.09 5 @W $6.00 © $13.26 y © 10R4 28 6 $1327 ow + 7.99 @ $13.28 © None o°these = © None of these 4 © 198 ° @ 2800 99 8 29 © 2400 21 6 1238 40 © 2040, 28 @ 120 x70 © 470 & None ofthese © None ofthese 5 03 » oo o8 3 27+9= © 18 et © o} @ None ofthese Aa © None of these Part 2 Computation a of Ww eu |; ° 6 wo-%- 0H 4 © ¥ @ 139 n © None cf these © None of these 8 © 825 @ 136 2 © 6R3 287 + 539 @ 725 © TRO @ 962 @ 7RT © None of these 38 © None ofthese » @ 310 © 220 8 0% a 6 210 ow x @ 31 wWx2= © % © None of these oi © None of hese 20 BY o 12 @ 13 “4 om Sb 6s oa oad ++ B= O 6 © None of these oe None of these 21 Te the table below, the numbers in Coloma are times larger than those a \ _> fe Columa L Which numbers belong in 2B S the empty spaces inthe table? © 2001 © None of these coum 7 © 10.62 + © 1026 © loss @ 90,1 @ 1006 @ 30,32 © None ofthese © 31,33 © 38,34 © Nong ofthese a @ nee) Examples ELA squate garden is 20 feet on each side. What is the distance around the garden? @ wes © 420 © w-4-0 © mx4-0 Dieetione: Forilns Fand 1-3, chose the number sentence that shows how o solve each problen, Foriten F2 and 4, ind the eoret answer to och probe, and mark te spac for your choice EZ About how long is a$1 bill? © 6inches © Winches © Moot © 10-centimeters 1 Abox of popcom costs $1.25. You pay Tor it with 2 dollar bill, How much change will you receive? @ 200:9125=0 © $125+9200=0) © g00xs125-0 © 9200-$125= 0 2. The temperature at 2.00 78" Itvises 6° by 3:00. What is the temperature at 3:00? © B+e-0 @ 7-0-6 © oxt=78 0 2-6-0 3° Acase of ice has 24 cans, Fach can holds 12 ounces of juice. How many ‘ounces of juice are ina case? 4 Scotty gets on the bus at 8:08 and arsives at school at 820. How long is his bus ride? © Sminutes © 15 minutes © 20minutes © 6 minutes 5 Jackie has 20 yards of rope she wants to be cut {nto 5 pieces. How ong will exch piece of rope be? © 25 yards © 7 yards © 5yards © 4yards 6 What time is shown on this clock? 8:20 340 3:08 840 ea0e0 1 How many quarts are ina glo? Q VT 8 What metric unit is best to use to measure the weight of a large dog? @2 3 o4 os © kilometer © meter © gram © ‘ilogeam Use this calendar to answer questions 9 ‘through 11. (sun [won] Tue [we [sau | war | Sar 1{2/s|4[sle[7 [a [9 [a0 | a 12 | aa | a4 15 [16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 [22 | 23 [24 | 25 [26 | 27 | 28 29 [90 | 31 9 ‘This calendar is for January. What day of the wook was the last day in December? © Monday @ Saturday © Sunday © Tuesday 10. How many Tuesdays are in January? a3 ee 4 5 6 2 IL For the class trip this year, the students fave going an a ski trip beginning on the third Wednesday in January and ending the following Saturday. What date will the ski trip begin? © January 4 @ Tanvary 25 © January 21 @ January 18 Appa 12 A naturalist was watching the birds around a pond. Fifteen ducks were ‘swimming in the pond when he arrived, ‘and 8 geese landed soon afterwards. Seven cranes wandered to the pond from a nearby swamp. How many birds in all did the naturalist see? © 30 @ 2 o1 ow ‘This graph shows how long it takes students to ride the bus to school. Study the graph, then answer questions 13 and MM. Time to Schoo! Time in Minutes 8 Dens Cal Bit Deb Tanya 38 Whose trip is less than half an hour? @ Deband Tanya @ Doris and Bill Cal and Deb © Caland Tanya 14 IPBill's father drives him to school, he saves 15 minutes. How long does it take Bill to get to school if his father drives? © 50 minutes © 36 minutes © 25 minutes © 16 minutes ‘The figure below shows a caleulator and two metric rulers. Study the figure, then answer numbers 15 and 16, 15 What are the width andlength of the calculator? © Gem wide by 10 em long © Gem wide by 9 cm long © 10cm wide by 10 emlong © 10cm wide by 9 em long 16 Suppose you wanted to put colored tape around the perimeter of the calculator to decorate it. How much tape would you need? © 15 em © 16em @ 24em © 30cm (33) 37 Which clock shows 1:50? 18 A gardener works for 6 hours and earns $48. Which number sentence shows how to find the amount of money the gardener earns in one hour? © 6x$48=01 © $8+0= $48 © M48-L=6 © 6xO= $48 1 A plane has 124 passengers. There are 3 members of the flying erew and 9 cabin attendants. How many people in all are ‘on the plane? @ 136 © 135 © 133 @ 12 This chart shows the numberof students in school. The chart shows how many students ‘were in each grade during two different years. Study the graph, then answer numbers 20 through 22. -Aonlestone Same Sire same shape ‘Which two shapes are congruent? mC Grade e | a Grate op Grades | 60 Grade | 8 Grade cn 20 Which grade in 1990 had the most students? © Grade 1 © Grade 2 © Grade 3 © Grade 4 21 What was the inerease in the number of students in grade 4 between 1990 and 1991? ov o6 4 os 22 What was the total number of students, ‘enrolled in grades 1, 2, and 3 in 1991? © 120 students © 173students © 176 students © 180students ® MandN @ OandM © Nando © PandM 24 How much money is this? G9 og © $4.70 © $437 @ 4.97 © $5.07 [ Multiplying by 1 to 9 (A) _ Date: Calculate each product. 710) 10) 8 4 ee x6 x4 x6 XS X3 x7 X3 X4 XO XS eg Oe x® xi x2 x9 x9 x1 XS X7 x5 x2 oe 0 ze Dek ol eo x8 oe 2) 8 XS) XT 0 eG Beate x8 xg xO) ee) x2 x8 XS x8 Coos ee eee XS x9 eo xn xs kG) xO 4 2S eam cae aE) eo I ie IS. Ke Ee No Ik. Ik al x8 Vee Bas Ka Date: Multiplying by 6 to 8 (A) Calculate each product. 12 x6 Ds ot Ko I I Math-Drills.com 8 7 ee Be Ks IS k 12 x8 x las x aw ee x Sx Ke Ke Bao x So Ko Ks Ku Boon IK is 10 ee a | us Ko Date oj) Multiplication Facts to 144 (A) Calculate each product. oO ‘Math Drillscom i220 8 1 3 3 x5 _x0 _x7 x12 420 at Dea ea ea co: 7. _x5 _x5 x10 x12 Sse M2; exc6 e102) oe DB er crea

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