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Group Members:

Jessa Marie A. Alzate - Interviewer/ Narrative

Ayeesha Mae C. Nellasca - Video Presentation

Karyll Gwyneth F. Pervera - Interviewer/ Narrative

Marian Sophia SF. Ranin - Transcriber/ PPT Presentation/ Video


Jamille Angelika J. Resuena - Interviewer/ Narrative

Interviewee 1: Mrs. Maria Blessilda Arquesa

Interviewee 2: Mrs. Ester Benguia Maralit


In the tranquil embrace of a quiet subdivision nestled amidst the

bustling cityscape of Naga, we had the honor of meeting two extraordinary

individuals whose lives are a testament to the transformative power of faith

and service. We entered the home of Mrs. Bless and Mrs. Esther, devoted

disciples of Christ, whose humble abode serves as a beacon of light and

hope in their community. As we gathered for our interview in their cozy

home, we were immediately struck by the peaceful atmosphere and the

palpable sense of love and hospitality that permeated the space, a

reflection of Mrs. Bless and Mrs. Esther’s deep connection with their Savior

and their unwavering commitment to sharing their love with those around

them. Join us as we embark on a journey into the heart of this quiet

subdivision, where Mrs. Bless and Mrs. Esther's lives shine brightly as living

testimonies to the grace and mercy of Christ.

The interview with Ma’am Bless commenced with a sacred ritual of

praying the Holy Rosary. She spared each of us with a rosary to pray the 3

o’clock prayer with her. The presence of religious statues in her home

creates a sacred and worshipful atmosphere, serving as visual reminders of

her deep faith and devotion to God. Each statue likely holds personal

significance, representing different aspects of her spiritual journey and

relationship with God. These statues may include depictions of the Virgin

Mary; where she said that there is a communal practice wherein the statue

of the Virgin Mary is circulated among households in their community on a

weekly basis. The Mary Magdalene statue which she used in processions

during the Lenten season, and other religious figures; each symbolizing

different virtues, intercessions, or aspects of divine grace. The statues

beautify the space and inspire reflection, prayer, and contemplation,

inviting visitors to pause and connect with God in a tangible way. In

essence, the religious statues in her home serve as sacred anchors,

grounding her in her faith and providing comfort, strength, and inspiration

in her daily life.

Mrs. Bless wasn’t religious as a teen, but as she grew older she

formed a deeper connection with God through Christ. She found love in the

little things in life. Her recognition of finding love in the little things in life

parallels the humble beginnings of Jesus' ministry, which started with a

small group of followers. Just as Jesus' teachings began with a handful of

disciples, she sees the enduring impact of those teachings reflected in the

continued spread of the Word of God by the Church. This perspective

highlights the great significance of faith in action and the power of even

the smallest acts of love and kindness. She started to take part in activities

within the church and wanted to live life with no regrets. Mrs. Bless

previously taught a Christian-oriented class at Unibersidad de Sta. Isabel,

where she was given the opportunity to carry on to the next generation the

things she learned throughout her life and her faith. Now she still helps in

the church even when it is more difficult now due to her age. She mainly

helps in washing and folding the linens used during the mass. While less
active physically, her love for the church and God remains. She mentioned

that she considers her life well-lived, and that she already experienced

everything that she wants to experience. She now devotes the rest of her

life to serving God in every aspect of her life.

During the interview with Ma’am Esther, she mentioned that like Mrs.

Bless, her mentor; she emphasized that their families have experienced

positive transformation since they embraced the path of being Christ's

disciple. By prioritizing faith and incorporating the teachings of Jesus into

their family life, they have witnessed a noticeable improvement in their

relationships, communication, and overall well-being. Through prayer, love,

and forgiveness, they have cultivated a deeper sense of unity,

understanding, and harmony within their families. She said that it was an

answered prayer for her. Their commitment to living out the values of

compassion, humility, and grace has not only enriched their own lives but

has also had a ripple effect, bringing blessings and healing to their families.

In essence, their journey as Christ's disciples has not only impacted their

individual lives but has also brought about positive change and blessings to

those closest to them. She shares that her journey as a servant of God was

nurtured and guided by the mentorship of Mrs. Bless. Under Mrs. Bless's
guidance, she was inspired to deepen her faith, cultivate a heart for

service, and embrace her calling to serve God and others. Through Mrs.

Bless' wisdom, encouragement, and example, she gained valuable insights

and skills that equipped her for her ministry. Mrs. Bless’ mentorship played

a big role in shaping her spiritual growth and empowering her to live out

her faith in meaningful and impactful ways. In essence, Mrs. Bless'

influence served as a guiding light on her journey as a servant of God,

inspiring her to fulfill her purpose and make a difference in their



In today’s world, Mrs. Arquesa and Mrs. Maralit live as disciples of

Jesus, striving to embody his teachings of justice, compassion, and love.

For them, faith isn't just a belief but a way of life, and they prioritize prayer,

reading the Bible, and engaging with their community to deepen their

relationship with God and support others on their spiritual journey.

Both Mrs. Arquesa and Mrs. Maralit are known for their actions

reflecting their faith, whether it's showing kindness, offering forgiveness, or

working towards peace. Through their deeds, they strive to demonstrate

God’s love and inspire others to experience it in their own lives, like them

serving the Divine Mercy chapel just a street away from their home. Even

though they are not capable of doing things on their own, they teach their

family and other people how they can serve the chapel in their place.

Their journey with Jesus began with a transformative event that

sparked a profound awakening in their faith, leading them to accept Jesus

as their Lord and Savior. His invitation to embrace his message of love and

salvation resonated deeply with them, compelling them to leave behind

their old way of life and follow him wholeheartedly.

In response to Jesus' call, Mrs. Arquesa and Mrs. Maralit experienced

a deep spiritual transformation characterized by faith, repentance, and

active participation in Christian society. They embraced the abundant life

Jesus offers and committed themselves to living out his teachings in their

daily lives, becoming beacons of hope and vessels of God’s love in the



- Interviewing Mrs. Arquesa and Mrs. Maralit about their connection

with God presents an exclusive chance to examine faith and

religious-mindedness difficulties from their point of view. Their

narration is never shallow and we can learn from them that it is

many-sided in terms of beliefs, how it affects their life spiritually

speaking, and how they approach it with God. Showing respect and

open-mindedness as you engage in their eye-opening and meaningful

conversations that maintain harmony.


- These interviews opened my eyes to how other people practice their

faith. As an atheist, it made me realize that not all devout Christians

are that bad. It is easy to be blinded because of the hate we receive

from religious people but some of them grow to be accepting now.

Religion can help some people find value in their life. As humans we

crave to find the meaning to our existence, whether a God exists or

not, we are lost and look for a greater purpose and religion helps

others reach that enlightenment.


- Having the interview with Ma’am Bless and Ma’am Esther showed me

that serving God is a deeply personal and transformative journey in

their lives. It involves dedicating one's life to follow God’s teachings,

expressing His love and compassion, and fulfilling His purpose for our

lives. It is about recognizing God as the ultimate source of love,

wisdom, and guidance, and seeking to align our thoughts, words, and

actions with His will. Serving God often involves acts of worship,

prayer, and devotion, as well as serving others with kindness,

compassion, and humility. It is a lifelong commitment to living a life

of faith, integrity, and purpose, and using our own gifts and talents to

glorify Him and make a positive difference to the people around us

and the world.


- Meeting Mrs. Bless and Mrs. Esther in their humble home in Naga

was a profound experience that taught us invaluable lessons about

discipleship. Their lives radiated the transformative power of faith and

service, showing us that true discipleship goes beyond mere words.

Their welcoming and peaceful environment reminded us of the

importance of creating spaces where others can feel the love and

presence of God. From their small acts of kindness to their

unwavering commitment to serving others, we learned that

discipleship is about leading by example and being a positive

influence in our communities. Witnessing the joy and fulfillment they

found in selflessly giving and sharing their blessings inspired us to do

the same.


- People have developed unique ways of practicing their faith in God as

time passed, they have their own views and reasons for why and

how they were doing it. These reasons I've heard from these two

distinct individuals have presented me with a garnered thought. Our

faith can be shared with a bigger community and that it can influence

our viewpoint on spiritual growth. Recognizing that age does not

influence change or growth. Instead, it is a reminder that as we add

numbers to our lives, we increase our freedom and opportunities to

live them. A reminder that while we may go through different cycles

in our lives, our faith should never be taken away from us. It is
something that should be cherished and our base of existence, Just

like these two distinct individuals who shared their stories.

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