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Marine Pollution Bulletin 96 (2015) 29–31

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‘‘Unresolved Complex Mixture’’ (UCM): A brief history of the term

and moving beyond it
John W. Farrington a,⇑, James G. Quinn b
MS#8, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, 215 South Ferry Road, Narragansett, RI 02882-1197, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The term ‘‘Unresolved Complex Mixture’’ (UCM) has been used extensively for decades to describe a gas
Received 6 March 2015 chromatographic characteristic indicative of the presence of fossil fuel hydrocarbons (mainly petroleum
Revised 17 April 2015 hydrocarbons) in hydrocarbons isolated from aquatic samples. We chronicle the origin of the term. While
Accepted 18 April 2015
it is still a useful characteristic for screening samples, more modern higher resolution two dimensional
Available online 29 April 2015
gas chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with advanced mass spectrometry techniques
(Time-of-Flight or Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance) should be employed for analyses of pet-
roleum contaminated samples. This will facilitate advances in understanding of the origins, fates and
Unresolved Complex Mixture
effects of petroleum compounds in aquatic environments.
Oil pollution Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Advances in application of parallel chromatographic methods One of us (JWF) was a Ph.D. student advised by the other (JGQ) at
and three different types of mass spectrometry (MS) (e.g. Gough the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
and Rowland, 1990) and multidimensional gas chromatography 1968–1971. JWF’s Ph. D. Dissertation research initially focused in
(GC) (e.g. Frysinger et al., 2003) or two-dimensional GC coupled part on the use of lipid class compounds in sewage discharges to
with time of flight MS (e.g. Booth et al., 2007) have at least partially Narragansett Bay, R.I. USA as a potential means of tracking sewage
resolved or essentially completely resolved the Unresolved inputs to the bay. One of the target classes of compounds selected
Complex Mixture of hydrocarbons in petroleum samples and in for testing was the class n-alkanes. We knew from earlier research
several environmental samples from petroleum contaminated or that n-alkanes with an odd over even carbon number predominance
oil spill contaminated and polluted environments. The extent of in the molecular weight range of 23–31 carbons chain length were
the partial or essentially complete resolution depends on molecu- predominant in land plants as constituents of the waxy coating on
lar weight range and molecular type of compounds present, e.g. No. plants (Eglinton et al., 1962a,b). Marine organisms did not have
2 fuel oils are essentially completely resolved, and some crude oils such an n-alkane distribution, with odd over even carbon number
are partially resolved. These advances have stimulated another predominance in a limited range of 22–31 carbon chain length.
round of inquiries similar to those we have been asked numerous (Clark and Blumer 1967, among others).
times during the past forty years about the origin of the term We set out sampling sewage discharge waters from a large
‘‘Unresolved Complex Mixture’’ or UCM, a term still in use as one municipal sewage treatment plant, surface sediments in
indicator of petroleum or fossil fuel pollution (e.g. Wang et al., Narragansett Bay and hard shell clams (Mercenaria mercenaria),
2015). To our knowledge and extensive literature research, the extracting the lipid class compounds, and isolating several classes
term, including the shorthand notation UCM, was first used in of lipids by column chromatography (CC), thin layer chromatogra-
our paper Farrington and Quinn (1973a). At that time, we had no phy (TLC), and analyzing the hydrocarbon fraction by gas chro-
inkling of how extensively it would be used. We provide here a matography using a packed column in a temperature
short account of the history of the term which has been used in programmed gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a flame ion-
hundreds, if not thousands, of scientific papers, chapters and tech- ization detector connected to a strip chart recorder.
nical reports since 1973, including numerous papers published in These were our first hydrocarbon analyses and we expected to
Marine Pollution Bulletin. see a series of resolved n-alkanes, pristane and phytane peaks as
had been reported in the literature for sediments and marine
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 508 274 1926.
organisms and which we had replicated with standard mixtures
of n-alkanes. Instead we had a slowly rising slightly wiggling graph
E-mail addresses: (J.W. Farrington), (J.G.
Quinn). trace over time, with a few small peaks on top of this line that
0025-326X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
30 J.W. Farrington, J.G. Quinn / Marine Pollution Bulletin 96 (2015) 29–31

gradually came back to the column bleed background of the GC to a naphthenic (mainly cycloalkanes) character to the biode-
column as the temperature program run ended (Fig. 1). We graded crude oil (Winters and Williams, 1969)
thought that JWF had done something wrong. Several extractions, It was an ‘‘aha’’ moment for us. Immediately we reasoned that
isolations by CC, TLC, and GC analyses were repeated. Nothing our gas chromatograms of alkane hydrocarbons isolated from sew-
changed and we were perplexed. The gas chromatograms were age effluents, surface sediments and hard shell clams were of
placed on a shelf, the TLC isolates were stored in vials in a refriger- biodegraded oil and/or lubricating oil (known to be mainly naph-
ator, and JWF got on with the fatty acid analyses which were also thenic in composition) being discharged via the sewage effluent
part of his dissertation research. (and perhaps other sources) to Upper Narragansett Bay. In hind-
A few months later a clue to what we were measuring in the gas sight, one could argue we should have expected chronic oil
chromatograms of the hydrocarbons was discovered in an ongoing released via sewage effluents. However, our literature search in
literature search. JGQ required all his students to participate in a 1968 and 1969 had yielded many papers about measurements of
coordinated lab group literature search on topics of interest to total ‘‘grease and oil’’ – meaning animal fats and vegetable oils
our group, e.g. lipids, hydrocarbons, fatty acids, triacylglycerols. mainly from household and restaurant sources, and some specific
As part of this, JWF was searching Chemical Abstracts when he analyses of fatty acids.
came across an abstract of a paper ‘‘Microbiological Alterations of Shortly thereafter, in 1970 a paper was published reporting the
Crude oil in the Reservoir’’ by J.C. Winters and J.A. Williams pre- presence of No. 2 fuel oil components in edible shellfish as result of
sented at a Symposium on Petroleum Transformations in the Barge Florida No. 2 Fuel Oil spill on September 16, 1969 at the
Geological Environments of the Division of Petroleum Chemistry, coast of West Falmouth in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA
Inc. of the American Chemical Society Meeting, September 7–12, (Blumer et al., 1970). The gas chromatograms again contained
1969. The abstract in Chemical Abstracts was intriguing. That divi- the series of resolved or partially resolved peaks on top of the
sion of the ACS had published extended abstracts from the ACS broad rising and falling detector signal. In that publication,
meetings and we requested one from the authors by mailing a rep- Blumer et al. designated the phenomenon as the unresolved back-
rint request card, a common practice in those days. The extended ground. Blumer et al. (1970, 1973) and Blumer and Sass (1972)
abstract arrived within a few weeks. It contained figures with designated this signal the unresolved envelope of oil compounds.
reproductions of the packed column gas chromatograms of the The term unresolved envelope seemed like a good term to us and
unaltered reservoir crude oil of the Bell Creek Formation on the JWF used it in his Ph. D. dissertation to describe attributes of our
border of Montana and Wyoming, and gas chromatograms of a hydrocarbon gas chromatograms from several samples of sewage
transect of samples from the near surface reservoir of that forma- effluents, surface sediment samples, and hard shell clams obtained
tion which received a groundwater incursion with nutrients and in Narragansett Bay.
oxygen. The former contained many resolved peaks of n-alkanes JWF took a position as a Postdoctoral Investigator in Max
and branched alkanes superimposed on a broad rising and falling Blumer’s laboratory at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in
background signal. For the latter, the n-alkane peaks were much July 1971. Throughout the remainder of 1971 and into 1972 JWF
reduced or missing for the transect samples and isoprenoid alkanes presented seminars and talks at various places and meetings dur-
were predominant and superimposed on the rising and falling ing which he presented slides with the term ‘‘unresolved envelope’’
broad background signal. The broad, non-descript rising and then while preparing papers from his dissertation for publication. One
and falling gas chromatogram signal was attributed by inference paper (Farrington and Quinn, 1973b) was prepared, submitted,

Fig. 1. Packed column gas chromatograms of hydrocarbons isolated from Narragansett Bay surface sediments (left column) and Mercenaria mercenaria (right column). N–C22–
alkane added as internal standard in the right column chromatograms. Stations F.P. and E. were in the Providence River area of Upper Narragansett Bay that received
municipal and storm sewer discharges from municipal Providence R.I., Stations D and C were in the mid to upper reaches of Narragansett Bay. Charlestown Pond is a rural
area and the control for the study. The chromatogram trace for the Charlestown Pond sample is the same as for the laboratory control and indicates the GC baseline for the
temperature controlled GC analysis. (Figure reproduced with permission from Farrington and Quinn (1973a)).
J.W. Farrington, J.G. Quinn / Marine Pollution Bulletin 96 (2015) 29–31 31

and accepted for publication in which we used the term unresolved The UCM signal may continue to be a screening tool for identi-
envelope as used by Blumer et al. (1970, 1973) and Blumer and fying samples containing complex mixtures of hydrocarbons in
Sass (1972). During JWF’ seminars and talks, the term ‘‘unresolved samples to become candidates for further analyses. However,
envelope’’ was criticized by some analytical chemists as not wor- when complex mixtures are identified, we call for the routine
thy of mention because we ‘‘had failed to resolve the compounds application of more modern analytical techniques such as multi-
yielding the signal’’. We understood that concern, but thought that dimensional GC capable of resolving the components of the UCM,
the signal should not be ignored and we believed we were in good coupled with various types of mass spectrometry to identify these
company in that regard. Other critics did not like the term ‘‘en- components and quantify concentrations (e.g. Gros et al., 2014).
velope’’. Some remarked during a few seminars that an ‘‘envelope Simultaneously, it is important to gain a better understanding of
was something in which one mailed a letter’’. These criticisms led the relationship between the identified compounds and mixtures
JWF to suggest that we use the term ‘‘Unresolved Complex of compounds, bioaccumulation potential and biological effects
Mixture’’, which would acknowledge we had not resolved the com- as pointed out by Booth et al. (2007).
ponents of this complex mixture, and use the words ‘‘complex mix-
ture’’ as noting the presence of the complexity of hydrocarbons Acknowledgements
found in fossil fuels such as crude oil and fuels and coal extracts.
In reproductions of the gas chromatograms we used the short hand John W. Farrington conceived of the idea of this Viewpoint arti-
UCM to label the Unresolved Complex Mixture when it was present cle and led the writing. James G. Quinn added substantive com-
(Farrington and Quinn, 1973a). Fig. 1. ments and suggestions. Both authors approve submission of the
Our only caveat that this might not be petroleum hydrocarbons manuscript. The authors have no substantive conflicts of interest
was a concern that perhaps hydrocarbons biosynthesized by a very that pertain to this article to disclose. This manuscript was self-
complex assemblage of microbes in sewage might yield the UCM funded. Both authors are formally retired.
signal. Discussion with Oliver C. Zafiriou, also in Max Blumer’s lab-
oratory at that time, about that possibility led to additional analy- References
ses of hydrocarbons from a large several kg sediment sample from
Upper Narragansett Bay/Providence River and a companion paper Blumer, M., Souza, G., Sass, J., 1970. Hydrocarbon pollution of edible shellfish by an
oil spill. Mar. Biol. 5, 195–202.
to our 1973a paper (Zafiriou, 1973). He reported radiocarbon Blumer, M., Sass, J., 1972. Indigenous and petroleum-derived hydrocarbons in a
(D14C) activity for hydrocarbons extracted and isolated from the polluted sediment. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 396, 92–94.
sample of sediment indicating that the carbon in hydrocarbons of Blumer, M., Ehrhardt, M., Jones, J.H., 1973. The environmental fate of stranded crude
oil. Deep Sea Res. 20, 239–259.
the UCM were 80–97% fossil, consistent with a fossil fuel source. Booth, A.M., Sutton, P.A., Lewis, A.C., Scarlett, A., Chau, W., Widdows, J., Rowland,
This type of measurement for the radiocarbon (D14C) activity of S.J., 2007. Unresolved complex mixtures of aromatic hydrocarbons: thousands
hydrocarbons extracted from surface sediments was repeated a of overlooked persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic contaminants in mussels.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 41, 457–464.
few years later for a sediment sample from the New York Bight Clark, R.C., Blumer, M., 1967. Distribution of n-paraffins in marine organisms and
Sewage Sludge Dump site (Farrington and Tripp, 1977) and more sediment. Limnol. Oceanog. 12 (1), 79–87.
recently for samples of coastal sediments, road dust and urban Eglinton, G., Hamilton, R.J., Raphael, R.A., 1962a. Hydrocarbon constituents of the
wax coatings of plant leaves: a taxonomic survey. Nature 193, 739–742.
atmospheric particulate samples with the result that 90% or
Eglinton, G., Gonzalez, A.G., Hamilton, R.J., Raphael, R.A., 1962b. Hydrocarbon
greater of the carbon of the UCM was fossil carbon and therefore constituents of the wax coatings of plant leaves: a taxonomic survey.
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Farrington, J.W., Quinn, J.G., 1973a. Petroleum hydrocarbons in Narragansett Bay I:
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Professor Kurt Grob, a pioneer in analytical chemistry especially Coast. Mar. Sci. 1, 71–79.
using glass capillary gas chromatography, took up a challenge from Farrington, J.W., Quinn, J.G., 1973b. Petroleum hydrocarbons and fatty acids in
Dr. Max Blumer during the period 1973–74 and proceeded to wastewater effluents. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 45 (4), 704–712.
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almost completely resolve all the hydrocarbon components in a sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 41, 1627–1641.
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37, 1653–1662.
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grammed techniques, and transfer of several minute time technique. Chromatographia 8 (9), 423–433.
portions of the first capillary GC column to a second glass capillary Gros, J., Reddy, C.M., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R.K., Carmichael, C.A., Arey, J.S., 2014.
Resolving biodegradation patterns of persistent saturated hydrocarbons in
column for further separation (Grob, 1975). His methods were the weathered oil samples from the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Environ. Sci.
forerunners of modern two dimensional GC analyses. Technol. 48 (3), 1628–1637.
Unfortunately, the time consuming nature of the methodology, Gough, M.A., Rowland, S.J., 1990. Characterization of unresolved complex mixtures
of hydrocarbons in petroleum. Nature 344, 648–650.
about three or usually more hours per GC analysis, and the difficult
Hites, R.A., Biemann, W.G., 1975. Identification of specific organic compounds in a
art of preparing the fragile glass capillary columns, precluded rou- highly anoxic sediment by gas chromatographic mass spectrometry and high
tine analyses of oil contaminated samples by this methodology for resolution mass spectrometry. Adv. Chem. Series Issue 147, 188–201.
Wang, M., Wang, C., Hu, X., Zhang, H., He, S., Lv, S., 2015. Distributions and sources
several years.
of petroleum, aliphatic hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Identification and quantitative analyses of the major polycyclic (PAHs) in surface sediments from Bohai Bay and its adjacent river, China. Mar.
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from fossil fuels and pyrogenic Pollut. Bull. 90, 88–94.
sources in the aromatic hydrocarbon fraction of extracts of envi- White, H.K., Xu, L., Hartmann, P., Quinn, J.G., Reddy, C.M., 2013. Unresolved Complex
Mixture (UCM) in coastal environments is derived from fossil sources. Environ.
ronmental samples proceeded in the interim years via probe distil- Sci. Technol. 47, 726–731.
lation MS and GS–MS (e.g. Youngblood and Blumer, 1975; Hites Winters, J.C., Williams, J.A., 1969. Microbiological alteration of crude oil in the
and Biemann, 1975). Despite these advances, there are many aro- reservoir. Extended Abstract Symposium on Petroleum Transformations in
Geological Environments, The Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc. American
matic hydrocarbons in the aromatic fraction UCM which were Chemical Society. E22-31.
not identified and quantified. A very important study by Booth Youngblood, W., Blumer, M., 1975. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the
et al. (2007) found that several of the compounds contributing to environment: homologous series in soils and recent marine sediments.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 39, 1303–1314.
the aromatic hydrocarbon UCM are toxic. Booth et al. noted that Zafiriou, O.C., 1973. Petroleum hydrocarbons in Narragansett Bay II. Chemical and
the potential for adverse effects from the UCM aromatic com- isotopic analyses. Est. Coast. Mar. Sci. 1, 81–87.
pounds had been overlooked.

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