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The ONLY place you should enter any information is on the 'Initial Data' worksheet where the grey

cells indicate that information is required. Without that information the rest
of the spreadsheet won't work. Equally if you mess with any other cells then the spreadsheet also won't work. If you want to tinker, or work out how it does what it does then
I suggest keeping an original version before trying any reverse engineering. This advice is based on personal disasters, so you have been warned. Be aware that for
aesthetic reasons several cells only APPEAR to be empty, but have important formulae in them, so even if all you want to do is mess about with the format I suggest
ensuring that ALL the cells are formatted for black type before you begin. You should also 'unhide' the various worksheets that generate, rather inelegantly, the statistics in
the 'Summary' & 'Census' sheets.

Initial Data Worksheet

DATE Take your pick from the usual 720TR canon starting point
SETTLEMENT NAME Take it from the Kingdom or regional Module you're using
HUNDRED Take it from the Kingdom or regional Module you're using
SHIRE (or Province) Take it from the Kingdom or regional Module you're using
KINGDOM Only the Harnic human Realms are dealt with, and even in Orbaal it doesn't yet distinguish between Orbaalese overlords and Jarin peasantry -
sorry, but I don't travel there as much!
HELD This is a purely superficial field that allows the printouts to show Bailiffs or Constables if appropriate rather than the majority of settlements which
are held in fee simple.
ACRES Take it from the Kingdom or regional Module you're using
LAND QUALITY Take it from the Kingdom or regional Module you're using
TOPOGRAPHY Use judgement but only Lowland, Highland, Coastal or Forest are recognised
% Crops Planted Minimum must be 30% to produce sufficient winter food supplies. The higher you set it the more profitable the fief may be but the more labour it will
% Woodland Cleared Minimum must be 2% to allow for fuel and other timber needs (ditto productivity vs. labour costs)
HOUSEHOLDS Take it from the Kingdom or regional Module you're using. It will split them into rural and urban households if necessary. The largest settlement it
can currently cope with is about 160 households.
Tennant-in-Chief Take it from the Kingdom or regional Module you're using
Town? Enter 'Keep' or 'Castle' if the settlement has one and the spreadsheet will create a town to sit alongside the original manorial holdings
Orderial? If the settlement is held by a military order (not a clerical order) then enter 'Manor', Chapterhouse', Keep' or 'Castle'. It doesn't treat Chaperhouses
and manors differently - it's just a bit of chrome at the minute.
Falconry? A simple Y or N (Blanks are read as N)
Kennel? A simple Y or N (Blanks are read as N)

What kind of Lord … You should enter numbers to reflect the broad characteristics of the fief:
How hard does he
press the peasantry? Influences how hard he works his serfs and the rents etc. he demands:
5 = Generous - demands low rents and days of work
4 = Open Handed - demands below average rents and work in kind
3 = Typical - demands the average rents and days of work in kind
2 = Very Careful - demands more than the average rents and work
1 = Greedy - squeezes the peasantry dry!
How generous is he to
relatives? Influences how many relatives he will support:
5 = Generous - will support any relative in need
4 = Open Handed - will support most relatives in need
3 = Typical - will support some relatives in need
2 = Very Careful - will support few relatives in need
1 = Greedy - will rarely support any relatives
How Politically &/or
10 = Very Ambitious - entertains & supports his betters whenever possible
Socially ambitious is
8 = Ambitious - entertains & supports his betters regulalrly
5 = Typical - entertainshis neighbours when appropriate and his betters when he must
3 = Lacking Ambition - entertains his neighbours when he must
1 = Backwoodsman - cares little for the opinions of his peers
How much does he
invest in the future? Influences 'Fief Maintenance':
10 = Far seeing
8 = looks to the future
5 = Typical
2 = Short sighted
0 = Lives
This helpsonly for today
modify the trade index for the settlement by taking account of the size and distance to the neaest Keep, Castle or City (or if the
Where is the fief settlement is a Keep or Castle, how many manors are near enough to contribute to trade); plus the number of mines in the vicinity of a Keep or
located? Castle.
How far away is Same or Next hex = 1
nearest town? 2 or 3 Hexes away = 2
4 or more Hexes away = 3
Nearest Town is … Keep = 0
Castle = 3
City = 6
Local Road (in same None or track = 0
hex) is … Minor = 1
Major = 2
Local River (in same None = 0
hex) is … Minor = 1
Major = 2
If town, how many
manors in same hex? Simply count the number of manors in the same hex as the Keep or Castle
If town, to how many Simply count how many mines are nearer to the keep or castle than to nay oither keep, castle or city. While the revenue of the mines is typically a
mines is it the Royal Perogative, the trade that miners bring does impact on the settlement.

What it does next …

It uses the information you have given it, the tables on the 'Calculations' page and a set of random, and virtual, dice rolls to populate the Lord's
Household, the Manorial tenants and, if appropriate, the town attached to a keep or castle.
That information is initially generated in a number of hidden woeksheets. THESE ARE JUST CALCULATION PAGES - don't print them out you'll
It then inserts the relevant bits of calculation from these three sheets into the 'Settlement Summary', 'Household Census', 'Manor Census', and
'Town Census' formswhich are what you can print out and use.

Details …
NAMES Are based on a sample from EBON (Ever-Changing Book of Names). Depending on which Kingdom you are generating for the Clan names will be
appropriate (though my experience is that a surprising number of 'Milakas' comes out of the Kandayan list! They just get everywhere!. First names
also come from EBON but are the same all over Harn.
This is restricted to the Lord; his Spouse; his Offspring (which can appear without a Spouse given my presumptions about death in child-birth); but
adds in 'Relatives'. These may be spinster sisters, lost cousins, unofficial wives - draw your own conclusions based on their age and sex. The only
non-family member is the Steward, if he appears. Ages for Spouse and Offspring should make sense in relation to the Lord's age but you may
have to be imaginative now and then.
Craftsmen are drawn from the tables on the Calculation page and the spreadsheet seems to generate a reasonable range of them without giving
every manor a huge range it couldn't justify. Duplicates should be rare but are no impossible. Priests throughout the sheets are never defined by
religion - that's down to you.
Garrison's are cursorily dealt with. Keeps have one company; castles two, but each Lord is also likely to have some personal guards.
MANOR (RURAL) Are mostly farmers with some gilded craftsmen. It generates Reeve, Herdsman, Woodward etc. and always makes the Beadle a Yeoman. It
POPULATIONS generates ages for the head of the household and any extended family (but not his Spouse - I've just noticed that and don't have the energy for a
simple fix!). Older householders tend to have and older extended family.
Details of the households Quality and price (if a craftsman), or ML if not, along with sketchy details of their home. There are also details of acres
farmed and financial or other obligations.
TOWN (URBAN) More are guilded but the majority will tend to be unskilled of one kind or another. The data comes from Harntowns and I'm not certain I agree with
POPULATIONS the proportions of the various occupations yet, but time will tell.
The rest of the info is much the same as for rural households.
NB: the Town Census Sheet will be empty unless there is a keep or castle present!

How to use it … is of course up to you, but …

I complete the Initial Data Sheet as described above, then turn to the 'Settlement Summary' and 'Household Census' pages and hit the F9 key to make it do its calculations.
If I like what I see print that page and the Manor and Town Census pages. If not I use F9 until something appears that feels right. The three census forms number the
inhabitants for reference to any map you might draw, with the manor/keep/castle always as 1. I then work up descriptions and stories around the statistics generated.

If you want to keep an electronic copy of your settlement you must save the entire spreadsheet under a new name (and never hit F9 in that saved version again!). Far better
to mavoid that potential problem by using CutePDF or some similar piece of freeware to convert the relevant Census/Summary pages to a .pdf for posterity.
Date 720
Settlement Name DEYA
Hundred Emetern
Shire or Province Hohnam
Kingdom RETHEM
Holding Clan Neadyn
Held in fee simple
Income from Vassals 0
Acres 2290
Land Quality 1.03
Topography Lowland
Acres left 'Waste' 0%
% Crops planted 50%
% Pasture retained 50%
% Woods cleared 2%
Total Households 47
Tennant in Chief the Earl of Ithiko
Falconry? y
Kennel? y

REALM Code: 8
Lord's GREED Rating: 0
Lord's AMBITION Rating: 2
Lord's INVESTMENT Rating: 5
Trade Distance Indicator 2: 1
Trade Size Indicator 1: 3
Trade River/Road Modifier: 0.1
Trade Mine Modifier: 0
Trade Manor Density Modifier: 0
What kind of Lord/Bailiff holds the fief?
How hard does he press the peasantry? 3

How generous is he to relatives? 3

How Politically &/or Socially ambitious is he? 5

How much does he invest in the future? 5

Where is the fief located?

How far away is nearest town? 1

Nearest Town is … 3

Local Road (in same hex) is … 0

Local River (in same hex) is … 1

If town, how many manors in same hex? 0

If town, to how many mines is it the nearest? 0

SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern

GENERAL DATA (held in fee simple from the Earl of Ithiko) SETTLEMENT BUDGET
Topography: Lowland Land Quality (LQ): 1.03 FIEF BUDGET: YIELD ACRES LABOUR
Gross Acres: 2290 Fief Index (FI): 1.05 1 Woods: 19 366 1098
Woods %: 0.16 Trade Index (TI): 1.20 2 Crops: 65 961 5669
Woods Acres: 366 Weather Index (WI): 1.00 3 Pasture: 97 962 9043
Waste Acres: 0 Total Households: 47 4 Waste: 0
Cleared Acres: 1924 Rural/Village Households: 47 5 TOTAL HARVEST: 15810
Tennant Acres: 1069 Urban/Town Households: 0 6 Crop Seed held back for next year: 961
Town Acres: 0 Town Licences: 0 7 Winter Feed kept back for livestock: 962
Desmesne Acres: 855 962 8 Fief Maintenance (100%): 1924 6061
962 9 Assart: 7 210
Labour Pool: 23500 Labour Obligation: 5439 10 FIEF INCOME: 22081

CROPS Husbandry Yield Acres Labour Kind LORD's BUDGET:

Rye 1.00 49 289 1445 14161 11 Desmesne Income (44%)
Barley 1.00 52 192 1152 9984 12a Manor Glebe & Tennant Rents/Fees
Oats 1.10 50 96 480 4800 12b Tennant Fishing Rights
Hay 1.00 43 96 480 4128 12c Craftsman Licences etc.
Vegetables 1.00 87 192 1536 16704 12d Yeoman Scutage (towards Retinue)
Flax 0.95 68 96 576 6528 13 Town Rents & Licences
Wheat 1.00 0 0 0 0 14 Taxes & Tolls
Fruit 0.90 0 0 0 0 15 Amercements
Totals 5669 56305 16 Feudal Income (from vassal settlements)

LIVESTOCK Head Husbandry Yield Acres Labour Kind 18a Lord's Family Costs
Oxen 96 1.10 155 192 1632 14880 18b Lord's Servant Costs
Cows 48 0.90 183 96 960 8784 18c Lord's Bondsmen Costs
Goats 770 1.00 43 385 3850 33110 18d Lord's Sport (Stable, Kennel, Falconry Costs)
Sheep 867 0.95 34 289 2601 29478 18e Lord's Military Costs
Swine 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 18f Slave Maintenance
Totals 9043 86252 19 Feudal Payments (to liege settlement)
20 Tithe to the Church
21 Hired Labour
22 Political Expenses
THE PRIVY PURSE 9038 d (£63)



SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
LORD's FAMILY (Map Reference 1) LORD's FAMILY
NAME Position AGE & Sex ML Loy. Notes (incl. Mil. Serv. Cost NAME Position AGE & Sex ML Loy. Notes (incl. Mil. Serv.) Cost
Ursain of Neadyn Fiefholder 18 - Prime - M 105 71 HH 4800 Morenelë Offspring 4 - Babe - F 0 58 1000
Qyresë Wife 26 - Prime - F 112 86 2000 Alysë Offspring 10 - Child - F 30 24 1500
Lesyn L.-in-Waiting 26 - Prime - F 58 43 1500 Danë Offspring 1 - Babe - F 0 33 1000
Staran Squire 14 - Youth - M 33 80 1200 Quenetë Offspring 6 - Child - F 16 58 1500

Stable Warhorse 1 costed above Kennel 600

Palfreys 4 @ 900 3600 Falconry 800


NAME Position AGE & Sex ML Loy. Notes Cost NAME Position AGE & Sex ML Loy. Notes Cost
Aidin Chamberlain 34 - Mature - M 56 2 Slave 528 Tobanë of Deherain Ostler 43 - Mature - M 86 31 **** - ave. - UF 1300
Feya Cook 38 - Mature - F 86 74 Slave 330 Liris of Deripimë Wagoner 62 - Old - M 82 81 **** - ave. 900
Myrlael Alewife 58 - Old - F 74 33 Slave 264 Sabalela of Eremet Herald 34 - Mature - F 82 81 **** - low - UF 1200
Brilanë Nursemaid 56 - Old - F 113 80 Slave 264
Cralda Gardener 67 - Old - M 113 48 Slave 264

2 Domestics various var. var. see servant families 400

4 Domestics various var. var. from the village 1200

Levy Notes Levy Notes
Household LH 0 Yeoman LF 1 see Manor Census
Household MF 0 Yeoman MF 1 see Manor Census
Household MH 0 Yeoman Bw 0
Household HH 1 see above Yeoman LH 1 see Manor Census
Manorial Levy UF 49 see Manor Census
Retinue ML Loy. Notes Cost Retinue ML Loy. Notes Cost
Arman LF 90 63 576 0
0 0
0 0
Garrison ML Loy. Notes Cost Garrison ML Loy. Notes Cost
0 0
SETTLEMENT: Realm: Shire: Hundred: TR
NAME POSITION MEMBERS of the HOUSEHOLD (Name, Age, Sex & Domestic Service):
Aidin Chamberlain Dosak 42 F D Evallin 3 F
Feya Cook
Myrlael Alewife Certhedë 14 F D Borkan 2 M Gereras 5 M
Brilanë Nursemaid
Cralda Gardener Grundel 59 F D

Tobanë of Deherain Ostler Sabalela 34 F
Liris of Deripimë Wagoner Leryen 54 F Aperal 29 F Urat 48 M
Sabalela of Eremet Herald Telpan 22 M Nardarn 29 M
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. NAME OCCUPATION AGE & Sex ML SIZE Serf Free Days Rent Fees Fishing Licence Loyalty NOTES Quality Prices
2 Jergë of Eneras Villein (freeholding) 57 - Old - M 90 7 35 30 105 180 71 0 0 95 Priest
3 Marnt of Oprathin Villein (freeholding) 38 - Mature - M 75 7 24 20 72 120 50 0 0 6
4 Marelid of Atar Villein 39 - Mature - M 85 6 34 0 102 0 40 0 0 66
5 Poneryn of Shamad Cottar 46 - Mature - M 85 4 3 0 9 0 9 0 0 21
6 Alwin of Worain Half-Villein 36 - Mature - M 70 2 17 0 51 0 23 0 0 8
7 Gryld of Arannas Cottar 48 - Mature - M 100 5 1 0 3 0 7 0 0 53
8 Grat of Brenneh Villein 43 - Mature - M 70 6 29 0 87 0 35 0 0 69
9 Irsar of Yruth Villein 53 - Old - M 90 5 26 0 78 0 32 0 0 16
10 Harain of Uelatin Half-Villein 45 - Mature - M 100 6 17 0 51 0 23 0 0 36
11 Maran of Homel Cottar 49 - Mature - M 90 5 4 0 12 0 10 0 0 6
12 Bronin of Kaimon Half-Villein 33 - Mature - M 75 5 16 0 48 0 22 0 0 43
13 Jergë of Opranë Villein 42 - Mature - M 60 6 28 0 84 0 34 0 0 41
14 Soptin of Parken Cottar 63 - Old - M 75 2 5 0 15 0 11 0 0 89
15 Cabern of Dena Yeoman 48 - Mature - M 60 6 0 65 0 125 71 0 0 70 Beadle LH
16 Elotin of Yaredim Villein 36 - Mature - M 95 6 23 0 69 0 29 0 0 22
17 Seredel of Oprathin Cottar 38 - Mature - F 65 5 3 0 9 0 9 0 0 1
18 Adris of Charnas Cottar 33 - Mature - M 50 9 4 0 12 0 10 0 0 78
19 Wald of Elethi Slave 40 - Mature - M 90 6 0 0 1170 0 0 0 0 45
20 Inazar of Prolkol Villein 63 - Old - M 85 4 31 0 93 0 37 0 0 56
21 Krurth of Basaurjan Miller 54 - Old - M 95 3 0 10 0 60 16 0 240 77 **** ave.
22 Lorial of Sath Villein (freeholding) 50 - Mature - M 75 5 31 10 93 60 47 0 0 36
23 Balsha of Uleneh Cottar 58 - Old - M 90 2 2 0 6 0 8 0 0 87
24 Garal of Elet Villein 77 - Very Old - F 95 4 36 0 0 0 42 0 0 26 Woodward
25 Gendarn of Zannist Half-Villein 38 - Mature - M 90 3 15 0 45 0 21 0 0 99
26 Sarlynë of Ardivis Villein (freeholding) 39 - Mature - M 90 7 26 20 78 120 52 0 0 50
27 Binë of Quasin Half-Villein 47 - Mature - M 55 4 19 0 57 0 25 0 0 8
28 Mëargir of Honnaeus Yeoman 54 - Old - M 105 2 0 12 0 72 18 0 0 27 LF
29 Terba of Estor Metalsmith 47 - Mature - M 60 4 0 20 0 120 26 0 144 57 * ave.
30 Sargin of Ekeneh Villein 63 - Old - M 90 5 28 0 84 0 34 0 0 35
31 Kysë of Paleld Villein 43 - Mature - M 85 5 39 0 0 0 45 0 0 80 Reeve
32 Korn of Zynchasa Villein (freeholding) 55 - Old - M 80 7 36 25 0 150 67 0 0 38 Herdsman
33 Brancë of Channas Villein 56 - Old - M 70 7 32 0 96 0 38 0 0 43
34 Atar of Molkenë Charcoaler 34 - Mature - M 85 4 0 10 0 60 16 0 180 8 **** low
35 Gaibin of Premet Yeoman 67 - Old - M 70 11 0 28 0 88 34 0 0 47 MF
36 Madanë of Tharsen Villein 42 - Mature - M 75 5 32 0 96 0 38 0 0 50
37 Shorynë of Lyrnaeus Woodcrafter 72 - Very Old - M 100 6 0 25 0 150 31 0 120 2 **** ave.
38 Aralis of Oremet Villein 62 - Old - M 95 4 33 0 99 0 39 0 0 71
39 Tolmey of Tyesstar Villein 34 - Mature - M 80 4 25 0 75 0 31 0 0 7
40 Tarinsa of Oremet Slave 42 - Mature - M 95 3 0 0 540 0 0 0 0 50
41 Marala of Bisidina Villein 90 - Very Old - F 80 5 36 0 108 0 42 0 0 75
42 Cornal of Tharken Half-Villein 42 - Mature - M 90 2 19 0 57 0 25 0 0 88
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. NAME OCCUPATION AGE & Sex ML SIZE Serf Free Days Rent Fees Fishing Licence Loyalty NOTES Quality Prices
43 Taldinë of Sanë Villein 56 - Old - M 65 5 30 0 90 0 36 0 0 3
44 Derrinsa of Honnaeus Half-Villein 84 - Very Old - M 75 5 15 0 45 0 21 0 0 45
45 Ol of Zarsi Farmer 39 - Mature - M 75 2 0 25 0 210 31 0 0 68
46 Wyran of Panas Salter 56 - Old - M 70 11 0 15 0 90 21 0 120 47 ** ave.
47 Adas of Zarda Slave 35 - Mature - M 90 6 0 0 1800 0 0 0 0 68
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. NAME OCCUPATION AGE & Sex ML SIZE Serf Free Days Rent Fees Fishing Licence Loyalty NOTES Quality Prices

Totals: 754 315 5439 1605 1327 0 804

SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. Structure Condition Roof MEMBERS of the HOUSEHOLD (Name, Sex, Age):
2 Wood Average Thatch Luinetë F 63 Saery M 29 Nyla F 20 Sory M 10 Durarnor M 45 Saral M 23
3 Wood Average Thatch Selerena F 36 Quinila F 33 Aenin M 15 Doralila F 2 Balsha M 54 Falagynë F 14
4 Wood Good Thatch Sapella F 49 Andylin M 13 Sarlynë F 13 Kaen M 38 Irien F 1
5 Wood Average Thatch Sarenë F 32 Aesan M 8 Eryn F 36
6 Wood Average Thatch Marenë F 37
7 Wood Average Thatch Karin F 48 Garann M 0 Tendal M 59 Grenelë F 4
8 Wood Good Thatch Julael F 33 Quenetë F 47 Jynlael F 15 Kanin M 14 Terba M 7
9 Wood Average Thatch Penelena F 56 Korodynë F 12 Rela F 42 Laena M 10
10 Wood Good Shingle Berthedë F 43 Jyndel F 3 Elyla F 47 Adren M 9 Penel F 34
11 Wood Good Shingle Lilelenë F 46 Melael F 26 Hayan F 4 Telin M 16
12 Stone Average Shingle Jyka F 44 Amella F 21 Malenia F 28 Selerela F 2
13 Stone Average Shingle Cynlael F 41 Derel F 25 Kerthedë F 2 Thaerenë M 3 Arit F 44
14 Wood Average Thatch Esyn F 55
15 Stone Average Shingle Kairela F 46 Melwenë F 16 Larissa F 9 Wered M 3 Lelen F 3
16 Stone Good Shingle Fevella F 48 Bela F 36 Pelkëa F 14 Annesa F 2 Yago M 3
17 Wood Average Thatch Esin M 33 Jalarsi F 11 Malela F 10 Mykelanë F 4
18 Stone Good Shingle Elycia F 41 Junnila F 15 Brevlyn F 37 Jalo M 22 Nerel F 2 Forilëa F 7 Lian M 44
19 Wood Good Shingle Rilëa F 38 Gal M 9 Malenia F 6 Gubrina M 6 Bresanë F 46
20 Wood Average Shingle Laprin F 60 Kairena F 21 Fenella F 3
21 Stone Average Thatch Erersy F 53 Jylenia F 53
22 Wood Good Thatch Losinë F 43 Garal M 28 Karbinaer M 40 Karenë F 9
23 Wood Average Thatch Falagynë F 57
24 Wood Average Shingle Dunin M 46 Jynlael F 29 Virastra M 20
25 Wood Average Thatch Damerelë F 35 Handin M 17
26 Stone Average Thatch Erenela F 50 Lynerelë F 5 Kelwenë F 0 Libran M 34 Mudir M 25 Marann M 47
27 Wood Average Thatch Haliela F 45 Mudo M 7 Mirissa F 20
28 Stone Average Shingle Doresë F 61
29 Stone Average Shingle Kendael F 36 Rold M 3 Yebisi M 9
30 Wood Average Shingle Elyn F 60 Evlyn F 40 Revek F 3 Madanë M 24
31 Wood Average Shingle Pelwenë F 41 Atar M 27 Shurinë M 7 Makarn M 37
32 Stone Good Shingle Lersyn F 58 Soal M 3 Inazar M 8 Analian M 15 Eilith F 48 Berden M 1
33 Wood Average Thatch Esyn F 58 Lomin M 44 Kaenetë F 15 Korondinë M 25 Myrael F 7 Kerthedë F 2
34 Wood Average Thatch Kaidai F 45 Lybëarny M 8 Rollosa M 6
35 Wood Average Thatch Damerelë F 51 Alael F 3 Harenë F 23 Perenelë F 8 Grunyla F 24 Kroren M 10 Jenis M 11
36 Stone Average Shingle Eriel F 33 Kisë M 11 Brilena F 48 Fonila F 18
37 Stone Average Shingle Milëa F 76 Evadia F 71 Mererin F 8 Peya F 54 Nerelena F 36
38 Wood Average Shingle Evadia F 61 Nererin F 22 Horwar M 26
39 Wood Good Thatch Amella F 39 Igryla F 64 Libran M 69
40 Wood Average Thatch Erenylë F 41 Jirabain M 4
41 Wood Average Thatch Saran M 16 Kosinë M 59 Kaery M 39 Grundyn F 63
42 Stone Average Shingle Kaenetë F 44
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. Structure Condition Roof MEMBERS of the HOUSEHOLD (Name, Sex, Age):
43 Stone Average Shingle Hasyn F 58 Lurdasain M 2 Gryld M 53 Keliela F 16
44 Wood Average Thatch Suedia F 78 Qyresë F 1 Kaenetë F 26 Esyn F 21
45 Wood Average Shingle Mycia F 36
46 Stone Average Thatch Merery F 67 Etagyn M 4 Gergen M 1 Sostren M 28 Shai M 10 Evassyn F 39 Sanaar M 28
47 Wood Average Thatch Bararsi F 46 Tëarka M 52 Mylela F 29 Kered M 48 Hasain M 77
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. Structure Condition Roof MEMBERS of the HOUSEHOLD (Name, Sex, Age):
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. NAME OCCUPATION AGE & Sex ML SIZE Quality Prices Licence Structure Condition Roof Loyalty NOTES:
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. NAME OCCUPATION AGE & Sex ML SIZE Quality Prices Licence Structure Condition Roof Loyalty NOTES:
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. NAME OCCUPATION AGE & Sex ML SIZE Quality Prices Licence Structure Condition Roof Loyalty NOTES:

Totals: 0
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. MEMBERS of the HOUSEHOLD (Name, Sex, Age):
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. MEMBERS of the HOUSEHOLD (Name, Sex, Age):
SETTLEMENT: DEYA Realm: RETHEM Shire: Hohnam Hundred: Emetern 720TR
Ref. MEMBERS of the HOUSEHOLD (Name, Sex, Age):
1 (P) Tirrala the Handmaiden, 2 (L) Alamirata, 3 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah 5 (L) Soratir 6 (K) Velere, 7 (L) Alamirata, 8 (A) Low Ceremony 9 (P) Laryn 10 HALLMOOT
(G) New Year's Day (P) Glinde the Midwife (K) Inbarrin (H) Shesneala of the Balefire,
/Spring Equinox (A) High Ceremony
of the Balefire

11 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah, 18 (P) Brant, 19 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah
(L) Alamirata (S) Night of High (K) Velere, (L) Alamirata, (A) Low Ceremony
Perspective, (K) Inbarrin (H) Shesneala of the Balefire
(L) Soratir

21 22 (L) Alamirata, 23 (P) Balfo 24 25 (L) Soratir 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 (L) Alamirata, 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 29 30 (S) Night of
(K) Velere, (H) Shesneala (A) Low Ceremony Silent Renewal,
(K) Inbarrin of the Balefire (N) Dezenaka

New Household

New Household 26
1 (P) Restoration Festival 2 (P) Harin, 3 (P) Restoration Festival 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 5 (L) Soratir 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala, 8 (A) Low Ceremony 9 (P) Gwaine 10 HALLMOOT
(L) Alamirata, (P) Restoration Festival (K) Inbarrin (P) Ubrine, of the Balefire,
(P) Restoration Festival (L) Alamirata (A) High Ceremony
of the Balefire

Other Event

11 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah, 18 (A) Low Ceremony 19 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah
(L) Alamirata (S) Night of High (K) Inbarrin, (L) Alamirata, of the Balefire
Perspective, (K) Velere (H) Shesneala
(L) Soratir

21 (L/P) (Thay) Memorial 22 (L) Alamirata, 23 (L) Festival of Saint 24 (P) Alys 25 (L) Soratir 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 (G) Spring Feast, 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 29 (G) Spring Feast 30 (S) Night of Silent
of the Destruction Janasyn (K) Inbarrin, (L) Alamirata, (G) Spring Feast, Renewal,
of Mykkal's Shrine (K) Velere (H) Shesneala (A) Low Ceremony (N) Dezenaka,
of the Balefire (G) Spring Feast

Other Event 4
1 2 (L) Alamirata 3 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah 5 (L) Soratir 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala, 8 (A) Low Ceremony 9 (L)(Ka)(Me) Perdyn 10 (J) Ilbengaad Festival,
(P) Dwyn, (L) Alamirata of the Balefire, and Baryne (L)(Kal-E) Saint Anorek
(L-Wh) Order of Hyvrik, (P) Balor of the Cave, HALLMOOT
(K) Inbarrin (A) High Ceremony
of the Balefire

Other Visitor

11 (J) Ilbengaad Festival 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah, 18 (A) Low Ceremony 19 (J) Bjarri's Feast, 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah,
(J) Ilbengaad Festival, (S) Night of (K) Inbarrin, (L) Alamirata, of the Balefire (L/P) (Tr)(Sh) Saint Blas, (J) Bjarri's Feast
(L) Alamirata High Perspective, (K) Velere (H) Shesneala (T) (Kal) Qualdris Games
(L) Soratir

21 (J) Bjarri's Feast 22 (J) Bjarri's Feast, 23 (J) Bjarri's Feast, 24 (J) Bjarri's Feast 25 (L) Soratir, 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 (L) Alamirata, 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 29 30 (S) Night of
(P) Shale, (P) Conwan (J) Bjarri's Feast (P) Saint Nascien (H) Shesneala (L/P) (Ka) Saint Brigyde, Silent Renewal,
(L) Alamirata the Hermit, (A) Low Ceremony (N) Dezenaka
(K) Inbarrin, of the Balefire
(K) Velere

Other Visitor 2
1 (P) Harbraen, 2 (L) Alamirata 3 (P) (Sh) Elana the Wise, 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah 5 (L) Soratir 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala, 8 (A) Low Ceremony 9 10 HALLMOOT
(G) Summer Solstice (P) (Wh) Angyla (K) Inbarrin (L) Alamirata of the Balefire,
(A) High Ceremony
of the Balefire


11 (P) Onwin, Angyla 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath 14 (P) Greater Sapelah, 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah, 18 (T)(L)(Ka) Erone/Shreve: 19 (P) (Wh) Aleath, 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah
(L) Alamirata (T)(Ka)(L)Welub/Korri (S) Night of High (K) Inbarrin, (T)(L)(Kal) Abriel Perinore & Daena (P) (Eh) Angyla
Perspective, (K) Velere (T)(L)(Kal) Brynd (A) Low Ceremony
(L) Soratir, (T)(L)(Kal) Ledyne of the Balefire
(T)(Kal) Olokand Chelebin (T)(L)(Kal) Cholas
(L) Alamirata,
(H) Shesneala

21 22 (L) Alamirata 23 24 (L/P) (Ka) Saint Andasin 25 (L) Soratir 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 (P)Miram the Wanderer, 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 29 (P) Dael the Son, 30 (S) Night of Silent
(P) Ferin, (P) (Ch) Lorden of Tashal, (A) Low Ceremony (T)(Me)Nurisel Renewal,
(N) Dezenaka,
(L/P)Yseld the (P) (Th) Angyla of the Balefire, (P) Chelsa, Karen,
(K) Inbarrin, (L) Alamirata, (P) Yselde the Trothmaker (G) Midsummer's Eve
(K) Velere (H) Shesneala

Fire 7
1 (G) Midsummer's 2 (L) Alamirata 3 (P) Arselsa 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah 5 (L) Soratir 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala 8 (A) Low Ceremony 9 10 (L) Election of Saint
Feast (P) Frin, (L) Alamirata of the Balefire, Perelyne,
(K) Inbarrin, (P) Din the Lawgiver HALLMOOT
(A) High Ceremony
of the Balefire,

11 (T)(Th) Coranan: Golden 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah, 18 (T)(L)(Kal)Caleme 19 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah,
Daggers (T)(Th) Coranan: Golden (T)(Th) Coranan: Golden (T)(Th) Coranan: Golden (S) Night of High (K) Inbarrin, (L) Alamirata, (T)(Me)(L)Tageb
(L) Alamirata Daggers Daggers Perspective,
(L) Soratir, (K) Velere (H) Shesneala (T)(Me) Radeth
(L)(Sh) Harabrane (T)(Ka)(L)Menekod
(T)(Ka)Dyrisa (A) Low Ceremony
of the Balefire,

21 22 (L) Alamirata 23 24 25 (L) Soratir 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 (P) (Me) Saint Mykkal 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah 29 30 (S) Night of Silent
(K) Inbarrin, of Jekese, (A) Low Ceremony (N) Dezenaka
(K) Velere (P)Aldin the Golden, of the Balefire, (T)(Me)Harden
(L) Alamirata,
(H) Shesneala

Weather 8
1 2 (P) Festival of St. Derinea 3 (P) (Me) Derinea of 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah 5 (L) Soratir 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala, 8 (A) Low Ceremony of the Ba 9 10 (P) Hanuk
Alamirata Shulde/Angyla (P) Rasumond, (P)Saint Renar of Brynd (P) Safransi of the Sheaf, HALLMOOT
(P) (Kal) Raenar of Brynd (L) Alamirata (P) (Wh) Ara the Founder,
(K) Inbarrin, (Re) Balefire Festival
(K) Velere (A) High Ceremony
of the Balefire,

11 (P) (Th) Angyla, 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath, 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, x 16 (P) Greater Sapelah 17 (P) Greater Sapelah 18 (A) Low Ceremony 19 (P) (Ch) Vusa of Garden, 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah

(P) (Ch) Sabalyne (L) Alamirata (P) Rogin (S) Night of High (K) Inbarrin, (L) Alamirata, of the Balefire, (P) (Eh) Daryn
the Builder, Perspective, (K) Velere (H) Shesneala of the Guild,
(P) (Eh) Sara of Horadir (L) Soratir (P) (Th) Angyla

21 (T)(Me)Chyrefal -- Chaic T 22 (L) Alamirata 23 24 25 (L) Soratir, 26 (M) Shadryn Vars 27 (L) Alamirata, 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah 29 (P) Hos 30 (S) Night of Silent
(T)(Ka) Selvos, (K) Inbarrin, (H) Shesneala (A) Low Ceremony Renewal,
(N) Dezenaka,
(P) Rabin (K) Velere of the Balefire, (P) Elsbit the Mother

Crime/Justice 28
1 (P) Yselde the Trothmaker, 2 (L) Alamirata 3 (T)(L)(Kal)Olokand -- Gam 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 5 (L) Soratir 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala 8 (A) Low Ceremony of 9 10 HALLMOOT
(P) (Wh) Mirytha, (P) Harvest (K) Inbarrin, (L) Alamirata the Balefire,
(G) Autmn Equinox Home,Maermal (T)(Ka)Kuseme, (P) St. Raoul of the Fishes,
(T)(L)(Kal) Kiban (L) Knights of Tirith,
(A) High Ceremony of
The Balefire,
(T)(Me) Karveth

11 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah, 18 (T)(Ka)Sarkum -- Sarkum 19 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah
(L) Alamirata (S) Night of High (K) Inbarrin, (L) (Ka) Sahail of Abriel (A) Low Ceremony of
(L) Soratir, (K) Velere the Balefire,
(Ev) Night of the Golden

21 22 (L) Alamirata 23 24 25 (L) Soratir 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 29 30 (S) Night of Silent
(K) Inbarrin, (P) (Ka) Galar the Healer Renewal,
(N) Dezenaka,
(K) Velere (A) Low Ceremony of (G) Harvest End
the Balefire,

Crime/Justice 29
1 (H) Banquet of Delight 2 (H) Banquet of Delight 3 (H) Banquet of Delight 4 (H) Banquet of Delight 5 (L) Soratir, 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Banquet of Delight 8 (A) Low Ceremony of the 9 10 HALLMOOT
(G) Harvest Feast Festival,
(G) Harvest Feast Festival,
(G) Harvest Feast Festival,
(G) Harvest Feast, (H) Banquet of Delight (H) Banquet of Delight Festival
(L) Alamirata Balefire,
(A) High Ceremony of
(L) Alamirata (P) Lesser Sapelah Festival Festival,
(P) Tirrala, Healers The Balefire,
(K) Inbarrin,

11 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah 17 (P) Greater Sapelah 18 (A) Low Ceremony of the 19 (P) (Tr) Saint Faviana 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah
(L) Alamirata (T)(Ch)(L) Burzyn (S) Night of High (T)(Me)Cherafir (T)(Ch)(L) Burzyn Balefire
(L) Soratir, (T)(Ch)(L) Burzyn
(P) (Ch) Fardir (K) Inbarrin,
(T)(Ka)Aleath (K) Velere,
(T)(Ch)(L) Burzyn

21 22 (L) Alamirata 23 24 25 (L) Soratir 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah. 29 30 (S) Night of Silent
(P) Aldo (A) Low Ceremony of the Renewal,
(K) Inbarrin, Balefire (N) Dezenaka
(K) Velere,

Other Visitor 20
1 (G) Tax Day 2 (P) Kuvan 3 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah 5 (L) Soratir 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala 8 (A) Low Ceremony of the 9 10 HALLMOOT
(L) Alamirata (K) Inbarrin, Balefire,
(P) Brigid
(A) High Ceremony
of the Balefire,

11 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah 18 (A) Low Ceremony 19 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah
(L) Alamirata (S) Night of High (K) Velere, of the Balefire,
Perspective, (K) Inbarrin
(L) Soratir

21 22 (L) Valamin, the Sad 23 24 25 (L) Soratir, 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 29 30 (S) Night of Silent
(L) Alamirata (P) Shime (P) Saint Safransi (A) Low Ceremony Renewal,
of the Sheaf, of the Balefire, (N) Dezenaka,
(K) Velere, (Th) Senate Opening,
(K) Inbarrin (P) Manut,
(G) Midwinter Festival,

Other Visitor 15
1 (G) Midwinter's 2 (P) Belsiransin the Weeper 3 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah 5 (L) Soratir, 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala 8 (A) Low Ceremony of 9 (L)Saint Cerdan I 10 HALLMOOT
Feast/Winter Solstice (L) Alamirata (P) Delin (K) Inbarrin (L) Alamirata the Balefire,
(A)High Ceremony of
the Balefire

11 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath, 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah, 18 (I) Araksin Festival 19 (I) Araksin Festival 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah, (I)
(L) Order of the Lady of (P) Arelathos (S) Night of High (I) Araksin Festival, (I) Araksin Festival, (A) Low Ceremony of Araksin Festival
(L) Alamirata Perspective,
(L) Soratir (K) Velere, (H) Shesneala, the Balefire
(K) Inbarrin (L) Alamirata

21 (I) Araksin Festival 22 (I) Araksin Festival 23 (I) Araksin Festival 24 (I) Araksin Festival 25 (L) Soratir, 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 (I) Araksin Festival, 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 29 (I) Araksin Festival 30 (S) Night of Silent
(L) Alamirata (P) (Sh) Saint Eshaela (I) Araksin Festival, (I) Araksin Festival, (P) Saint Perelyne of (I) Araksin Festival Renewal, (N) Dezenaka,
(P)Tera the Crone (K) Velere, Tengela,
(H) Shesneala, (A) Low Ceremony of (I) Araksin Festival, ,
(P) Taran
(K) Inbarrin (L) Alamirata the Balefire

Livestock Disease 19
1 2 (L) Alamirata 3 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah 5 (L) Soratir, 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala, 8 (A) Low Ceremony of 9 10 HALLMOOT
(L) (Ka) Marabrine and (K) Inbarrin (L) Alamirata the Balefire,
(P) Bane (A)High Ceremony of
the Balefire

11 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah 18 (P) Eshaela 19 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah
(L) Alamirata (S) Night of High (K) Velere, (H) Shesneala, (A) Low Ceremony of
(L) Soratir (K) Inbarrin (L) Alamirata the Balefire

21 22 (L) (Eh) Order of the Spear 23 24 25 (L) Soratir, 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 (L) (Wh) Oreder of the 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 29 30 (S) Night of Silent
of Shattered Sorrow, (P) Nele (K) Velere, Checkered Shield, (L) (Ka) Bernoth of Renewal,
(N) Dezenaka,
(L) Alamirata (K) Inbarrin (H) Shesneala, Tannel,
(A) Low Ceremony of (P)Elana
(L) Alamirata the Balefire

Fire 1
1 (N) Shadowmath, 2 (M) Feast of Burkai, 3 (M) Feast of Burkai 4 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 5 (L) Soratir, 6 (K) Velere, 7 (H) Shesneala, 8 (A) Low Ceremony of 9 (M) Feast of Bukrai 10 (M) Feast of Bukrai
(M) Feast of Burkai, (L) Alamirata (M) Feast of Bukrai, (M) Feast of Burkai, (M) Feast of Bukrai, (M) Feast of Bukrai, the Balefire, HALLMOOT
(L/P) St. Torlyne (L/P) (Ka) Queen Eriel (T)(L)(Kal)Tashal (K) Inbarrin (P) Esa, (A)High Ceremony of
(L/P) (Ka) Qualdris (L) Alamirata the Balefire,
(M) Feast of Bukrai

11 (M) Feast of Bukrai 12 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 13 (M) Degrees of Nyardath, 14 (P) Greater Sapelah 15 (P) Greater Sapelah, 16 (P) Greater Sapelah, 17 (P) Greater Sapelah, 18 19 20 (P) Lesser Sapelah
(M) Feast of Bukrai, (M) Feast of Bukrai (S) Night of High (K) Velere, (H) Shesneala,
(L) Alamirata Perspective,
(L) Soratir (K) Inbarrin (L) Alamirata

21 22 (L) Mendiz the 23 (P) Saint Alamarel 24 (P) Nare 25 (L) Soratir 26 (M) Shadryn Vars, 27 (H) Shesneala, 28 (P) Lesser Sapelah, 29 30 (S) Night of Silent
(L) Alamirata (K) Velere, (L) Alamirata (P) Belsirasin the Weeper, Renewal,
(N) Dezenaka,
(K) Inbarrin (L) Saint Egenis (G) New Year's Eve,
(P) Melise,
(Th) Closing of the Senate

Other Event 12

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