Afternoon On The Amazon

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Chapters 1-3

1. Why did Jack call Annie back into the tree house when she was climbing out the window?

2. What is the top layer of the rain forest?

3. How many layers are in a rain forest?

4. What was the name of the open book in the corner?

5. What was the difference between the forest canopy and the understory?

Chapters 4-6

6. Where does the Amazon River run?

7. What is unique about the river basin of the Amazon?

8. What did the monkey throw at Jack and Annie?

9. What did Annie see swimming near the boat?

10. What information did Jack read in the book that told him what the crackling] sound was in
the leaves?


Chapters 7-10

11. What was the red fruit?

12. What flew into the tree house window?

13. Who led Jack and Annie to the tree house?

14. Why had the monkey been throwing the red fruit at Jack and Annie?

15. What was important about the red fruit the monkey gave to Annie?
16. Would you be afraid to visit a rain forest? Why or why not?



17. Annie didn't want to go to the rain forest 18. The two bottom layers of the rain forest
because she didn't like bugs and spiders. are the forest canopy and the understory.

False False

True True

19. What did the monkey give to Annie? 20. Jack and Annie were floating in the Nile
A mouse
A canoe paddle True

A red fruit False

21. What is the biggest predator in the 22. Annie and Jack got away from the mother
western hemisphere? jaguar because the monkey distracted it,
and they ran away.
An elephant
A jaguar
A leopard

23. What was it that looked like a log floating 24. What did Annie tell Peanut they were safe
in the river? from in the river?

A crocodile The vampire bats

A monkey The army ants

A snake The monkey

25. Why was it strange that the tree house 26. Jack grabbed a snake from the tree
landed in bushes? because he thought it was a vine.

It usually landed in a field. True

It usually landed on a building. False

It usually landed in a tree.


Circle the correct way to divide the word into syllables.

1. fo-rest f-orest for-est forest

2. creepy cre-epy c-re-epy cree-py

3. ca-n-o-e canoe can-oe ca-noe

4. miss-i-on miss-ion mission mis-sion

5. victim vi-ctim vic-tim vi-ct-im

6. pred-a-tor pre-dator predator pred-at-or

7. und-ers-tor-y un-der-sto-ry und-ers-to-ry und-erstor-y

Use the following syllables to fill in the blanks and form words. Cross off each syllable
after you use it.

gloom flee damp clue man go

8. ___ ___ ___ ___

9. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

10. ___ ___ ___ ___

11. ___ ___ ___ ___

12. ___ ___ ___ + ___ ___

Number Divide
of Syllables into Syllables

13. hemisphere

14. panic

15. piranha

16. basin

17. canopy

3 4

6 7




Down Across

1. HPHEMSEERI - one half of the earth's 12. PKEEED - looked at something secretly

3. NESAHVID - disappeared

4. DEIHSERV - shook with fear or cold

6. YPRCEE - causing fear

7. DEDDON - moved the head up and

down quickly
8. EYSMTA - having a visible mist that
forms when hot water vapor cools in
the air

9. OWPDOES - moved in a sweeping



2. EMDRMHESI - shined with a dim light

5. EADBTT - hit

9. HURDEDDES - shook with fear

10. EOPATDRR - an animal that lives by

catching and eating other animals

11. DPMA - a little wet

Afternoon on the Amazon (Magic Tree House)
Key 1 - Answer ID # 0837587

Chapters 1-3

1. Why did Jack call Annie back into the tree house when she was climbing out the window?
He figured that they were in the top layer and probably over 150 feet high.

2. What is the top layer of the rain forest?

thick treetops over 150 feet high

3. How many layers are in a rain forest?


4. What was the name of the open book in the corner?

The Rain Forest

5. What was the difference between the forest canopy and the understory?
It was hot in the forest canopy, but much cooler in the understory.

Chapters 4-6

6. Where does the Amazon River run?

through the mountains of Peru, across Brazil, and into the Atlantic Ocean

7. What is unique about the river basin of the Amazon?

it holds over half of the rain forests of the world

8. What did the monkey throw at Jack and Annie?

red fruit

9. What did Annie see swimming near the boat?

piranhas, fish with sharp teeth

10. What information did Jack read in the book that told him what the crackling] sound was in
the leaves?
It was 30 million flesh-eating army ants marching through the leaves.
Afternoon on the Amazon (Magic Tree House)
Key 1 - Answer ID # 0837587

Chapters 7-10

11. What was the red fruit?

a mango

12. What flew into the tree house window?

the monkey that had saved Jack and Annie from the jaguar

13. Who led Jack and Annie to the tree house?


14. Why had the monkey been throwing the red fruit at Jack and Annie?
He was trying to give it to them.

15. What was important about the red fruit the monkey gave to Annie?
It was the "thing" they were supposed to find to help Morgan.

16. Would you be afraid to visit a rain forest? Why or why not?


17. Annie didn't want to go to the rain forest 18. The two bottom layers of the rain forest
because she didn't like bugs and spiders. are the forest canopy and the understory.

False False

True True

19. What did the monkey give to Annie? 20. Jack and Annie were floating in the Nile
A mouse
A canoe paddle
A red fruit
Afternoon on the Amazon (Magic Tree House)
Key 1 - Answer ID # 0837587

21. What is the biggest predator in the 22. Annie and Jack got away from the mother
western hemisphere? jaguar because the monkey distracted it,
and they ran away.
An elephant
A jaguar
A leopard

23. What was it that looked like a log floating 24. What did Annie tell Peanut they were safe
in the river? from in the river?

A crocodile The vampire bats

A monkey The army ants

A snake The monkey

25. Why was it strange that the tree house 26. Jack grabbed a snake from the tree
landed in bushes? because he thought it was a vine.

It usually landed in a field. True

It usually landed on a building. False

It usually landed in a tree.

Afternoon on the Amazon (Magic Tree House)

Key 1 - Answer ID # 0837587

1. fo-rest f-orest for-est forest

2. creepy cre-epy c-re-epy cree-py

3. ca-n-o-e canoe can-oe ca-noe

4. miss-i-on miss-ion mission mis-sion

5. victim vi-ctim vic-tim vi-ct-im

6. pred-a-tor pre-dator predator pred-at-or

7. und-ers-tor-y un-der-sto-ry und-ers-to-ry und-erstor-y

gloom flee damp clue man go

8. f le e

9. g loo m
10. c l u e

11. d a m p

12. m a n + g o

13. hemisphere 2 hemi-sphere

14. panic 2 pan-ic

15. piranha 3 pi-ra-nha

16. basin 2 ba-sin

17. canopy 3 can-o-py


2S H I M M E R E D

3V I 4S

5B A T T E D S H

6C N 7N P I

R I 8S O H V

E S T 9S H U D D E R E D


10 P R E D A T O R E E E

Y D M O D 11 D A M P


12 P E E K E D

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