PJ Assingnment 6

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Truth buried forever: Gujarat HC slams RTI

activist Amit Jethwa’s murder probe
Jethwa was shot dead by two persons outside the Bar Council
building, opposite the Gujarat High Court, in Ahmedabad on July 20,
2010. The assailants fled the spot, leaving behind a motorcycle and a
country-made revolver.Underlining that the investigation into the July
2010 murder of RTI activist Amit Jethwa appeared to be an
“eyewash” and “all efforts” were made to ensure that the “truth is
buried forever”, the Gujarat High Court Monday acquitted former BJP
MP Dinu Solanki and six others who had been sentenced to life
imprisonment in July 2019.Jethwa was shot dead by two persons
outside the Bar Council building, opposite the Gujarat High Court, in
Ahmedabad on July 20, 2010. The assailants fled the spot, leaving
behind a motorcycle and a country-made revolver.Reading out the
verdict in open court Monday, the division bench of Justices A S
Supehia and Vimal K Vyas said the case “will be reminisced as an
antithesis to ‘Satyamev Jayate’” and it was “appalling and equally
astounding” that the assailants were not apprehended and escaped
“from the limits of Ahmedabad city” after the murder.Observing that
the “investigation right from inception appears to be an eyewash”, the
bench said, “All efforts are made to see that the truth is buried forever.
The perpetrators have succeeded in doing so.”


Governor Shaktikanta Das stated on Monday that

permanent deletion of transactions could enhance
the anonymity of e-rupee or central bank digital
currency (CBDC)
Aigning it with paper currency. Addressing the BIS Innovation
Summit, Das mentioned India's efforts to enable offline transferability
and introduce programmability features in CBDC to support financial
inclusion objectives. Since CBDC's launch in late 2022, privacy
concerns have arisen due to its electronic nature, potentially leaving a
trace of its usage unlike cash, which offers anonymity. Das
emphasized that anonymity could be ensured through legislation or
technology, such as permanent deletion of transactions. He reiterated
the principle of CBDC having the same anonymity level as cash.
Previously, RBI officials, including Das and Deputy T Rabi Sankar,
have highlighted technology's role in addressing privacy concerns.

राज्यपाल शक्तिकाां त दास ने सोमवार को कहा कक ले न-

दे न की स्थायी हटाएँ
ई-रुपया या सेंट्रल बैंक डिडिट्ल मुद्रा (सीबीिीसी) की गुप्तता को बढा सकती
है, िो कागिी मुद्रा के साथ समान हो। बीआईएस इनोवेशन सडमट् पर बोलते
हुए, दास ने कहा डक भारत ऑफ़लाइन स्थथडत में सीबीिीसी की
थथानाांतरणीयता को सक्षम बनाने पर काम कर रहा है और डवत्तीय समावेश के
लक्ष्ोां का समथथन करने के डलए प्रोग्रामेडबडलट्ी सुडवधाओां का पररचय कराया।
2022 के अांडतम में सीबीिीसी की शुरुआत से, इसकी इलेक्ट्रॉडनक प्रकृडत के
कारण गोपनीयता की डचांताएां उठी हैं , िो नकद की तरह गुमनामी प्रदान
करता है। दास ने गुप्तता को कानून या प्रौद्योडगकी के माध्यम से सुडनडित
डकया िा सकता है, िैसे लेन-दे न की थथायी हट्ाएँ । उन्ोांने सीबीिीसी के
एकता स्तर को गुमनामी के साथ एक ही स्तर पर होने की डसद्ाांत को पुनः
िताया। पहले, आरबीआई के अडधकाररयोां ने, डिसमें दास और उनके
उपाध्यक्ष ट्ी रबी शांकर शाडमल हैं, गोपनीयता के डचांताओां पर प्रौद्योडगकी की
भूडमका को बढावा डदया है

Girls Outperform Boys In ISC Class 12 Exams

With a pass percentage of 99.14%, girls in Rajasthan have performed
better than boys in class 12 in the Indian School Ceate (ISC) results
relrtificeased on Monday. The total pass percentage for students in
class 12 is 98.86% in the state.In Rajasthan, nine schools are
registered with the board for class 12, in which 351 students appeared
for the examination and 347 students passed. Out of this, 117 boys
and 230 girls passed the examination with pass percentage of 98.32%
and 99.14%, respectively.In the Indian Certificate Secondary
Education (ICSE) examinations, that is for class 10, students from 18
schools in the state appeared for the exam. A total of 849 students
appeared for the exam including 382 boys and 467 girls. In class 10,
all students passed. Nine states and Union Territories in the country
including Chandigarh, Delhi, Goa, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur, Nagaland, and Rajasthan saw 100%
pass percentage for class 10.
राजस्थान में 12वी ां कक्षा की भारतीय स्कूल सकटि किकेट
(ISC) पररणाम में , लड़ककयाँ 99.14% पास प्रकतशत के
साथ लड़कोां की तुलना में बे हतर प्रदशिन कर चुकी हैं ।
राज्य में कक्षा 12 के छात्ोां का कुल पास प्रडतशत 98.86% है। रािथथान में,
12वीां कक्षा के डलए नौ स्कूल बोिथ से पांिीकृत हैं , डिसमें 351 छात् परीक्षा में
उपस्थथत हुए और 347 छात्ोां को पास डकया गया। इसमें , 117 लड़के और
230 लड़डकयाँ परीक्षा में पास हुए, डिनका पास प्रडतशत क्रमशः 98.32% और
99.14% रहा। भारतीय सडट्थ डिकेट् सेकेंिरी एिुकेशन (ICSE) परीक्षाओां में,
यानी कक्षा 10 के डलए, राज्य में 18 स्कूलोां के छात्ोां ने परीक्षा में भाग डलया।
परीक्षा में कुल 849 छात् शाडमल हुए, डिनमें 382 लड़के और 467 लड़डकयाँ
थीां। कक्षा 10 में, सभी छात् पास हुए। चांिीगढ, डदल्ली, गोवा, अांिमान और
डनकोबार द्वीप, िम्मू -कश्मीर, मडणपुर, नागालैंि, और रािथथान िैसे दे श में
10वीां कक्षा के डलए 100% पास प्रडतशत था।

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