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School: ……………………………………………………………………………..….
Course: 2st.
Section: ………… Date:…………………


1) Match the letter of the job description to the correct job.

A vet A police A baker A postman A waitress A teacher

A shop A chef A doctor A fire fighter A librarian
A mechanic assistan

A. _________ works in a shop. G. _________ serves food.

B. _________ helps animals. H. _________ delivers the post.

C. _________ works in a library. I. _________ repairs vehicles.

D. _________ teaches in a school. J. _________ bakes bread and cakes.

E. _________ works in a hospital. K. _________ works in a restaurant and

Cooks food.

F. _________ helps to put out fires. L. _________ works in a police station.

2) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb found in parentheses.

1. Andrea _________ (not / watch) sports on TV.

2. My family usually _________ (eat) dinner at 8 p.m.

3. I sometimes _________ (go) to school by bus.

4. My sister _________ (not / live) in Lambare.

3) Complete with the corresponding verb in the affirmative simple present.

Sergio _________ (eat) a sandwich. Xavier’s computer _________ (have) a virus.

Silvio _________ (fly) over the Grand Canal. My dad _________ (leave) his wallet at home.

John and Celeste _________ (play) tennis. My little brother _________ (read) a comic

4) Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence.

new / old / blue / small / big / long / short / cold / beautiful / red

a. It’s a sunny day and the sky is _________.

b. Look at my _________ bike. I bought it last week.

c. It was a very _________ winter.

d. I found a very _________ book. It was written in 1625.

e. Mary has _________ blond hair.

5) Discover the emotions in the alphabet soup.

surprised hot bored scared shy furious In love

sleepy disgusted angry tired frustrated happy hungry

6) Fill In the puzzle below using antonyms.

✓ Horrible
✓ Small
✓ Short
✓ Terrible
✓ Difficult
✓ Old
✓ Mean, rude, unkind

7) About the text.

a. Is there a horse on Yohace’s farm?


b. Are there many animals?


c. Is there an elephant?


d. Are there cucumbers on Yohance’s farm?


e. How many sheep are there on the farm?


f. What is there next to the farm?


g. What are there in the river?


h. How much lettuce is there on the farm?


i. How many oranges are there on the farm?

8) Circle the correct answer

1. Messi is the (besttest – goodest - best) soccer player

2. The Amazon is the (most long – longest – most longes) river in the world

3. The Grand Canyon is the (largest – most large – most largest)

4. Alexandra is the (beautifulest – most beautiful – most beautifulest)

5. The Concord was the ( most fast – mostfaster – fastest) plane in the world


1. Entrega en tiempo y forma

2. Pulcritud

3. Identifica los adjetivos calificativos

4. Reconoce los auxiliares del presente simple

5. Utiliza los adjetivos comparativos en una oración

6. Contesta correctamente las preguntas de acuerdo al texto

7. Construye oraciones utilizando adjetivos

8. Identifica los adjetivos superlativos

Total 8 puntos

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