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Tis to cert tht Shit Sat Kumati® - i f anergy Airwend na Mak Shot Be ; 16 JOnider.. GOA. lth A SIAG...state/ Union Teton” belongs tothe KON castes wich recognised sss Schodied cone ehedoce ise Under {©The Constution Schadied Castes Order 3560. {©The Consitton Scheduled Tres Order 295 (©The Consttion (schedule Castes) (Union Terres (ar Cats) Oder 1981; {The Constitution (Schedule Tbs) (Union Terrors) (Par States] Order 951, {As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Schade d Tribes Liss (Moctaton Orr 3986, the SombayReorganston Ac 196, th Puja Re rgansation Act 1966, the tate of Himachal Pradesh Act 2970, the North Easter Areas (e-vgaiation) At 1971s the Scheduled Canes sod ‘Schedled Tribes Orders (Anencment) ct 576) {the Constitution (ami and Kashi) ehedued Carter Orders, 1956 {@The Consttlon Andaman and Nectar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959 as amended by the Scheduled ests and Scheduled Tribes Orders (amendment) Ac 1975 {©The Consttution (Dadra and Nagar Havel Scheduled Castes Order, 1962. {he Constitution (Osea and Naga Havel Scheduled Tribes, Order, 3962 {he Constitution (Poncichery ened Castes Orders, 1964 {The Constuton (ta rash) Scheduled ibs Order, 967 {The Contton (Soa, Daman and Dl) Schedled Castes Orr, 2968. {© he Constuton (Sos, Daman and Di) Schedle Vibes Order, 1968 {©The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Orde, 1570, {©The Cnsturion(Sikn) Scheded Castes Orde, 1978 {the Consttin (kn) Sched Tes Orr 1378 {@the Constitution (am & Kashi) Scheduled Tees Order, 2969. {The Constttion(¢} Odes (Amendment ct, 950 {©The Consttion (ST Orders (Amendment) Ordnance Act, 1991 {@Theconstution (57) Orders (Amendment) Ordnance Act 3996 {the Constition (Shaded Castes] Orders (Amentimet) Ax, 2002 {The Centon chee Cases} Ores scone Andre) Act, 2002 {The Scheded Caves and Scheduled Tribes Odes (Amenciment) AC 2002 (Eg BQ) Atamended om tinea tine ; yO 2. Aplcabi inthe a of Scheduled Catesscadled Ties pertans wh have mse roe St Pry Anson wo another. M ‘This certificate Is sued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes Certifkaté sued to. Shemales {aer/mother* f ShrSimat\/Kumae a F Vllage /TOWM ®ve coe in District /OWslon *. 22.0 peeee eee Of the State / Union TetOry® onnnennons WMO Belongs tothe nue Caste / Tribe which i recognised 38 8 Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tie in the State / Union Tertory® ued by the... ited a ‘andor hse family ordinary resides VilagerTown Saratre a Desnation ns) ‘State/ Union Te »Boudh ‘Delete the Paragraph, which snot applicable, ‘Note ( The ecm “ordinary resides)" used here wil have the Officers competent to sue Caste/Tribecertiiater: 1. District Magistrate / Adational District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector / 1" Glass Stipendary Magistrate / Cty Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Taha Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank of First Class Stiendlary Mogstate).2. Clef Presidency Magistrate / Addional Chie Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate, 3.Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsild 4. SubDivisional Ofcer ofthe area where the candidate and /or his/her family normaly resie(s). 5. Cerifcatesisued by Gazetted Officers ofthe Centra or of State Government Countersigned by the District Magatrate concerned. 5. Adminstrator /Seertary to Adminstrator (Lakshadweep, Andaman Nicobar istands), meaning ain Section 20 ofthe Representation ofthe People Act, 1950. CEN No. RPF 02/2024 (Constable) Page 16 of 22

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