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An Unforgettable Night

Last week, Jane went on a business trip to Japan. She stayed at the ‘Good Night
Hotel’. After working hard for the day negotiating with a Japanese Corporation, she
was exhausted. Nevertheless, she decided to do some work out in the hope that she
could keep fit.
It was already 10 o’clock at night , there wasn’t any users in the gym room. It
was spacious with many advanced equipment. Jane was quite satisfied with the
environment. She firstly went on the treadmill for a jog. She was listening to some
music so as to enhance her pace. However, she wasn’t aware of the heavy footsteps
Suddenly, the lightning sparkled and the thunder rumbled. A hulking silhouette
was reflected through the window. Jane was rattled as she wasn’t conscious of his
arrival. She gazed at him, her face then turned pale. The creepy man was staring and
sneering at her. She thought, “ Is he going to kidnap me? Or kill me? “ Jane was
quaking in the boots. She soothed herself by repeating, “Calm down, Jane. You
should be vigilant and observe him carefully.” She acted as she was taking selfies with
her phone but in fact monitoring the action and movements of that man. She
frowned ,”That’s eccentric. Where is he hiding?” Just then, her phone was turned off
automatically and unable to operate. A deplorable crises was threatening.
She got on to the cycling machine to have a ride. Unfortunately, it was faulty. She
sighed, “Such a hapless trip.” Before she could get off the bike, she heard a ferocious
bellow at her back. A man with a black wolf head was dashing towards her. That
werewolf was hungry and intrepid. He wore a bloody red clothes but his leg was full
of scales. Jane was nonplussed that she forgot that she should run now! The
werewolf roared and clutched her arms. Jane covered her ears and kicked him away.
The werewolf tumbled down the floor with a wail. She took this opportunity to flee
away to the concourse of the hotel.
She was huffed and puffed when she arrived the service counter. The hotelkeeper
questioned courteously, “May I help you, madam?” She described her staggering and
traumatic experience to him. He giggled, “ Are you drunk? Our hotel is very safe with
numerous monitoring cameras. There shouldn’t be any werewolf, madam! May I lead
you to your room? I bet you need to enjoy a ‘Good Night” sleep.” Jane was
infuriated, “Are you joking, sir? How dare you serve your clients with such an
obnoxious attitude? I am seeking for your help but you insulted me! I would like to
watch the CCTV in the gym room. You will regret after watching it.” He reluctantly
opened the files but the camera didn’t shoot the area where Jane and the werewolf
were grappling. Jane scowled at the hotelkeeper. He immediately mumbled, “ So…
sorry! I am incapable of helping you.” Jane headed to the escalator furiously as she
couldn’t think of an alternative solution.
The escalator stopped at the second floor, where the gym room was located. Her
heart was pounding fast. She was fret that the werewolf would enter and assault her
again. Unfortunately, her foretell came true. Slowly, the werewolf walked into the
escalator . His mouth was watering and his eyes were bloody. Jane was quivering in
the corner. Jane screamed when he clutched her arms again. “Help!” The werewolf
exclaimed. Jane was dumbfounded and confused by his voice. She murmured,
“What? You can talk?” The werewolf sighed, “ You really think that I am a wolf, do
you? I was stuck by this nasty wolf head. I can’t get out. It is stifling and sweltering
inside. It’s so hard to breathe. Help me please, lady.” Jane tugged the wolf head.
After a long and arduous dragging, the furry and fierce wolf head finally got off his
head. The man laughed, “ Phew! Thank you so much! I feel a lot better better now”
Jane blushed, “ I though you want to attack me.” The man replied awkwardly, “Sorry
about that. I suffered from a poor vision while wearing this so I can’t see you clearly. I
initially wanted to seek your help but you…haha…” He scratched his head as usual
while talking. Suddenly, he turned into a striking face and exclaimed, “My hair! They
are gone! Oh no!” Jane smirked when she pointed to the wolf head. A wig laid near
it. The man covered his face after they had turned awkwardly red. He immediately
put on the wig and comb his hair.
After a simple make up of his hair, he looked more decent. He then explain his
humorous experience. He was a cosplay worker who acted as a werewolf in a party.
He just finished his work. However, the switches of the wolf head was broken so he
was stuck in it. He fumbled into the gym room as his vision was blurred.
After his meticulous explanation, Jane finally understood the ins and outs. They
even forgot that they have been in the escalator for an hour! The man gave Jane the
wolf head as a compensating present. Jane gently gave it a stroke and said, “Indeed,
this was made ingeniously. It resembles a real wolf! It is awfully good”
At last, Jane went back to her room. She shivered, “I would never book this hotel
again. Although it is just an accident, it is so horrendous. What a traumatic but mind-
blowing night.”

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