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Mass Media in Pakistan MCM304

Department of Mass Communication

Virtual University of Pakistan





Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to read and analyze an article published in a reputed English newspaper and

build their understanding regarding the present situation of traditional media in Pakistan.


Thoroughly read the below article, published in Dawn newspaper on February 6, 2023 and answer

the below questions accordingly.

Article: Why the mainstream media is struggling to stay relevant in Pakistan

Article Link:

Question 1

Discuss any 2 issues faced by the media industry and journalists in Pakistan along with the

proposed solutions.


Two prominent issues faced by the media industry and journalists in Pakistan are:

1. Sensationalism and Partisanship:

 Issue: The article highlights the media's tendency to prioritize sensationalism and partisanship over objective
reporting. The coverage of events, such as floods, is criticized for lacking depth and context, with different
channels framing stories based on their political biases. This sensationalism and partisanship contribute to a
polarized media landscape and hinder the audience's access to unbiased information.
 Proposed Solutions:
 Enhanced Editorial Standards: Media organizations can implement and strengthen editorial standards to
ensure balanced and unbiased reporting. This may involve fact-checking processes, avoiding the use of
inflammatory language, and presenting diverse perspectives on issues.
 Media Literacy Programs: Initiatives to improve media literacy among the public can help them discern
between sensationalized content and objective reporting. Educational programs can teach critical thinking
skills and encourage viewers to seek information from multiple sources.
2. Financial Struggles and Working Conditions:

 Issue: The article discusses financial challenges within the media industry, including delayed salaries, layoffs,
and financial instability. Journalists are described as feeling trapped due to a lack of better-paying job
opportunities. The working conditions are considered daunting, particularly in digital media, where there is
intense competition with social media, leading to errors and a focus on click-worthy content over quality
 Proposed Solutions:
1. Diversification of Revenue Streams: Media organizations can explore alternative revenue streams, such
as subscription models, events, or partnerships, to reduce dependency on government ads and mitigate
financial challenges.
2. Investment in Training and Development: Providing training programs for journalists, especially in
digital media, can enhance their skills and adaptability. This investment can lead to higher-quality reporting
and increased competitiveness in the evolving media landscape.

It's important to note that addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach involving media organizations,
regulatory bodies, and the broader society. Additionally, fostering a culture of journalistic integrity and responsibility is
crucial for sustaining a vibrant and reliable media environment in Pakistan.

Question 2

Elaborate the below statement briefly and share your understanding on the same.

“The purpose of journalism is not defined by technology, nor by journalists or the techniques

that they employ. Rather, the principles and purpose of journalism are defined by something

more basic: the function news plays in the lives of people.” wrote Bill Kovach and Tom

Rosenstiel in the book, The Elements of Journalism.

The statement from Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel emphasizes that the essence and purpose of journalism go beyond
technological tools, the actions of journalists, or specific reporting techniques. Instead, they assert that the fundamental
principles and purpose of journalism are rooted in a more fundamental concept: the role that news plays in the lives of
people. In other words, the core purpose of journalism is to serve the information needs of the public, to provide them
with accurate, relevant, and timely news that contributes to their understanding of the world and helps them make
informed decisions. The statement underscores the enduring importance of journalism in fulfilling its societal function
regardless of the ever-changing landscape of technology and reporting methods.

Question 3

Briefly give your arguments on the below statement by giving an example of any Pakistani

private TV channel.

“It is capitalism that incentivizes the degradation of our news. Since Gen Musharraf

liberalized the media, more and more businessmen have entered the industry with a singular

goal of maximizing their profits. They are not concerned with the press’ role in ensuring a

functioning democracy.”


1. Commercialization and Sensationalism:

 Example: Many Pakistani private TV channels focus on sensationalism and entertainment-driven content to
attract higher viewership and advertisers. Commercial interests often prioritize sensational headlines and
dramatic reporting over in-depth analysis and objective news coverage, potentially degrading the quality of

2. Ownership Influence on Editorial Policies:

 Example: Media outlets owned by businessmen may succumb to the influence of their owners, who may have
political or business interests. This can result in biased reporting or self-censorship to align with the owner's
agenda, compromising the media's role in providing impartial and critical information essential for a functioning

3. Profit-Driven News Agenda:

 Example: The pursuit of profits may lead private TV channels to prioritize news stories that attract more
viewership, even if those stories are less relevant to public interest. This profit-driven news agenda may neglect
important but less sensational issues, hindering the media's responsibility to inform citizens comprehensively.

4. Limited Diversity in Media Ownership:

 Example: The concentration of media ownership in the hands of a few businessmen can limit the diversity of
voices and perspectives in the media landscape. This lack of diversity may result in a homogenized narrative
that aligns with the interests of a select group rather than reflecting the plurality of opinions crucial for a robust
democratic discourse.

5. Decline in Investigative Journalism:

 Example: Business-driven media ownership may prioritize cost-cutting measures, leading to a decline in
investigative journalism. Investigative reporting is resource-intensive and may be deprioritized in favor of more
cost-effective, entertainment-oriented content, diminishing the media's role in holding powerful entities

6. Reliance on Advertisers' Interests:

 Example: Private TV channels heavily dependent on advertising revenue may tailor their content to appease
advertisers. This dependence can compromise editorial independence, as media outlets may avoid stories that
could displease advertisers or powerful business interests, thereby undermining the media's role as a check on

In conclusion, the influence of capitalism and the influx of businessmen into the media industry in Pakistan can be
seen in the prioritization of profit over the essential role of the press in maintaining a functioning democracy. The
examples provided illustrate how these dynamics may lead to the degradation of news content and compromise the
media's ability to serve the public interest effectively.

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