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To impart Knowledge on the following topics:

 To develop and strengthen innovation.
 To understand IP management.
 To understand entrepreneurial quality.
 To motivate in and to impart basic skills.
 To understanding to run a business efficiently and effectively


Adoption of Innovations, Exploring Innovations, Idea generation, Developing innovative
culture, Executing innovations, Innovation attributes and their adoption rate, Measuring and
evaluation of innovation, Exploiting and renewing innovations, Managing innovations in
organizations, Innovation portfolio.
Basic concepts and need for Intellectual Property - Patents, Copyrights, Geographical
Indications, IPR in India and Abroad – Genesis and Development – the way from
WTO to WIPO –TRIPS, Nature of Intellectual Property, Industrial Property,
technological Research, Inventions and Innovations – Important examples of IPR.


Meaning and practical aspects of registration of Copy Rights, Trademarks, Patents,
Geographical Indications, Trade Secrets and Industrial Design registration in India and
Abroad, Agreements and Legislations.

Entrepreneur – Types of Entrepreneurs – Difference between Entrepreneur and
Intrapreneur, Major Motives Influencing an Entrepreneur –Achievement Motivation
Training, Self Rating, Business Games, Thematic Apperception Test – Stress


Small Enterprises – Characteristics, Ownership Structures – Steps involved in setting
up a Business – identifying, selecting a Good Business opportunity, Market Survey
and Research, Techno Economic Feasibility Assessment – Preparation of Preliminary
Project Reports – Project Appraisal –Sources of Finance, Management of working
Capital, Costing, Break Even Analysis, Taxation – Income Tax, Excise Duty – Sales

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 Describe syntax and semantics of programming languages
 Explain data, data types, and basic statements of programming languages
 Design and implement subprogram constructs
 Apply object-oriented, concurrency, and event handling programming
constructs and develop programs in Scheme, ML, and Prolog
 Understand and adopt new programming languages
 Applying the programming Languages in creating various applications
 Robert W. Sebesta, “Concepts of Programming Languages”, Twelfth Edition
(GlobalEdition), Pearson, 2022.
 Michael L. Scott, “Programming Language Pragmatics”, Fourth Edition,
Elsevier, 2018.
 R. Kent Dybvig, “The Scheme programming language”, Fourth Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2011.
 Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Elements of ML programming”, Second Edition, Pearson,
 W. F. Clocksin and C. S. Mellish, “Programming in Prolog: Using the ISO
Standard”, FifthEdition, Springer, 2003.
1. Define Innovation.
Innovation is defined as a new idea, creative thoughts, and new imaginations in form of device or
method. The term "innovation" can be defined as something original and more effective that "breaks
into" the market or society.
2. List the importance of innovation.
 Solving problems
 Adapt to change
 Maximizing on globalization
 Facing up the competition
 Evolving workplace dynamics
 Customers’ changing tastes and preferences:

3.List the types of Innovation

 Product innovation
 Process innovation
 Organizational Innovation.
4. Define Incremental Innovation.
Incremental innovation seeks to improve the systems that already exist, making them
better, faster cheaper.

5. Define Process Innovation.

Process innovation means the implementation of a new or significantly improved
production or delivery method.

6. Define Service Innovation.

Service Innovation can be defined as “a new or considerably changed service concept,
client interaction channel, service delivery system or technological concept that
individually, but most likely in combination, leads to one or more renewed service
functions that are new to the firm.
7. How to develop an innovative culture?
 Sensitize employees to innovation and its opportunities.
 Motivate and inspire employees to engage in innovation alongside their day-to-day business.
Be it actively in the role of the innovator, but in which ideas and projects of others are
 Provide employees with the necessary information, tools and skills to enable them to innovate.
 Provide employees with the necessary resources, structures and space to enable innovation.
8. Define Idea Generation.
This is the first step in an innovation process. It is where you decide on the concept that you want
to develop and come up with reasons why you want to improve the idea. It is important for you to
involve your employees and customers. Involving many knowledgeable people will enable you to
get a better understanding of the market.
9. List the Key Obstacles to Innovation.

 Lack of a shared vision, purpose and/or strategy

 Short-term thinking/focus
 Lack of time, resources or staff
 Lack of “spec time” to develop new ideas and opportunities
 Innovation not articulated as a company-wide commitment
 Lack of ownership by senior leaders
 Leadership expects payoff sooner than is realistic
 Lack of a systematic innovation process
 Management incentives are not structured to reward innovation
 No reward and recognition programs
 Constantly shifting priorities
 Belief that innovation is inherently risky
 Internal process focus rather than external customer focus
 Inadequate understanding of customers
 Focus on successes of the past rather than the challenges of the future
 Unwillingness to change in the absence of a burning platform
 Unwillingness to acknowledge and learn from past “failures”
 Politics – efforts to sustain the status quo to support entrenched interests
 Rewarding crisis management rather than crisis prevention
 Hierarchy – over-management and review of new ideas
 Micromanagement
 Under-funding of new ideas in the name of sustaining current efforts
 Fear that criticizing current practices and commitments is a high-risk activity
 Risk aversion
 Addiction to left-brained, analytical thinking
 Absence of user-friendly idea management processes
 Innovation not part of the performance review process
 Lack of skillful brainstorm facilitation
 No creative thinking training

10. List the elements of effective Innovation Strategy.
The 6 Elements of an Effective Innovation Strategy are
1. Objectives and Role
2. Arenas and Strategic Thrust
3. Attack Strategy and Entry Strategy
4. Deployment – Spending Commitments, Priorities and Strategic Buckets
5. The Strategic Product Roadmap – Major Initiatives and Platform Developments
6. Tactical Portfolio Management Decisions – Project Selection

11. Define Innovation Portfolio.

An innovation portfolio is a collection of a company's current and future projects, ideas, programs,
and concepts that are managed to maximize their value and reduce risk. The goal is to ensure that
resources are allocated efficiently to innovative efforts so that the organization can stay
competitive and achieve positive results.

Adoption of Innovations, Exploring Innovations, Idea generation, Developing innovative culture,

Executing innovations, Innovation attributes and their adoption rate, Measuring and evaluation of
innovation, Exploiting and renewing innovations, Managing innovations in organizations,
Innovation portfolio.


1.Explain in detail the adoption of Innovations.

2.How to generate ideas for innovation and to execute innovation?.

1. Explain in detail the various innovations attributes and their adoption rate.
2. Explain how to measure and evaluate innovation?
3. Explain how to manage innoivations in organizations.
12. Write a short nmote on innovation portfolio.

6. Explain the different categories of scalar type variables with their advantage and disadvantages.
7.What is the difference between procedure and function? Explain with suitable example
8. What is the difference between a sentence and a sentential form in a CFG? [4M]


1. List the data types used in various languages and describe primitive data types,
string type and array type with its design issues.
a. Primitive Data Types
Data types that are not defined in terms of other types are called primitive data types.
nearly all programming languages provide a set of primitive data types. Some of the
primitive types are merely reflections of the hardware. For example, most integer types.
i. Numeric Type:
 Integer
 Floating point
 Complex
 Decimal
ii. Boolean
iii.Character Type
b. Character String Type
A character string type is one in which the values consist of sequences of characters.
Character string constants are used to label output, and the input and output of all kinds
of data are often done in terms of strings.
c. Array Types
An array is a homogeneous aggregate of data elements in which an individual
element is identified by its position in the aggregate, relative to the first element. The
individual data elements of an array are of the same type. References to individual array
elements are specified using subscript expressions. If any of the subscript expressions in
a reference include variables, then the reference will require an additional run-time
calculation to determine the address of the memory location being referenced.

2.Define variables. (NOV/DEC 2022)

A variable is an abstraction of a memory cell
3. Define Value
The contents of the location with which the variable is associated
4. Define static variables.
Static variables are bound to memory cells before execution begins and remains bound to the same
memory cell throughout execution.

5. List the disadvantages of Static variables. (NOV/DEC 2021)

 Lack of flexibility
 No recursion.
6. When Explicit heap-dynamic variables are allocated?
Explicit heap-dynamic variables are allocated and deallocated by explicit directives, specified by the
programmer, which take effect during execution. They are
 Referenced only through pointers or references
 E.g. dynamic objects in C++ (via new and delete), all objects in Java
7. Define Type checking
Type checking is the activity of ensuring that the operands of an operator are of compatible types
8. Define coercion
A compatible type is one that is either legal for the operator, or is allowed under language rules to be
implicitly converted, by compiler-generated code, to a legal type. This automatic conversion is called a

9. Define Scope of a variable.

The scope of a variable is the range of statements in a program over which it’s visible
10. Define Block.
A block is a section of code in which local variables are allocated/deallocated at the start/end of the block.
11. Define an Array
An array is an aggregate of homogeneous data elements in which an individual element is identified by its
position in the aggregate, relative to the first element.
12. Define Union.
A union is a type whose variables are allowed to store different type values at different times during

13. Define Garbage Collection (GC).

GC is a process by which dynamically allocated storage is reclaimed during the execution of a program.

14. Define Associative Array.

An associative array is an unordered collection of data elements that are indexed by an
equal number of values called keys.

15. Define Record.

A record is a possibly heterogeneous aggregate of data elements in which the individual
elements are identified by names.

1. Explain the different types of bindings in detail. (NOV/DEC 2021)
2. Explain about data types in detail.
3. Write a note on an Array.(NOV/DEC 2022)
4. Explain about Arithmetic expressions in detail.
5. Describe control structures in detail.
6. Write a note on guarded statements in detail.
1. Define Subprogram.
A subprogram definition describes the interface to and the actions of the subprogram abstraction .
2. Define formal parameter. (NOV/DEC 2021)
A formal parameter is a dummy variable listed in the subprogram header and used in the
3. Define actual parameter.
An actual parameter represents a value or address used in the subprogram call statement.
4. List the categories of subprograms.
• Procedures
• Functions
5. List the parameter passing methods
 Pass-by-value
 Pass-by-result
 Pass-by-value-result
 Pass-by-reference
 Pass-by-name
6. Define the term overloaded.
An overloaded subprogram is one that has the same name as another subprogram in the same
referencing environment.

7. List the design issues for functions.

Functional Side Effects: Because of the problems of side effects of functions that are called parameters
to functions should always be in-mode (actual to formal parameter).This requirement of in mode parameter
passing prevents a function from causing side effects through its parameters.

8. Define dynamic scope.

With dynamic scope, a global identifier refers to the identifier associated with the most recent environment.

9. Define nested subprogram.

A nested subprogram is a subprogram that is created within a PL/SQL block. It has two components: Actual
code and Activation record

10.Define static dynamic local variables.(NOV/DEC 2022)

A non-static local variables declared in a function are stack dynamic local variables by default. This means
that the local variables are created by allocating space on the stack and assigning these stack locations to
the variables.

11. Define dynamic chain.

The collection of dynamic links in the stack at a given time is called the dynamic chain, or call chain

1. Explain about subprograms in detail.
2. Write in detail about semantic of call and return .
3. Write short note on overloaded methods and generic methods.
4. Explain dynamic scoping with an example. (NOV/DEC 2021)
5. How parameters are passed to the functions. Explain.

1. Define Object orientation.(NOV/DEC 2012)
Object orientation is a programming approach that focuses on objects that represent real-world things.
2. List the design issues for OOP languages. (APR/MAY 2011)
 The exclusivity of objects
 Are subclasses subtypes?
 Type checking and polymorphism
 Single and multiple inheritance
 Object allocation and deallocation
 Dynamic and static binding
 Nested classes
 Initialization of objects
3. List the disadvantages of Multiple Inheritance.(NOV/DEC 2022)
 Language and implementation complexity (in part due to name collisions)
 Potential inefficiency - dynamic binding costs more with multiple inheritance (but not much)

4. When concurrency occurs?

Concurrency can occur at four levels:
 Machine instruction level
 High-level language statement level
 Unit level
 Program level

5. List out the categories of concurrency. (NOV/DEC 2022)
Categories of Concurrency:
 Physical concurrency - Multiple independent processors ( multiple threads of control)
 Logical concurrency - The appearance of physical concurrency is presented by time-sharing one
Processor (software can be designed as if there were multiple threads of
6. What is the role of the scheduler?
Used to map the task execution onto available processors.

7. Define Semaphore.
A semaphore is a data structure consisting of a counter and a queue for storing task descriptors.
Semaphores can be used to implement guards on the code that accesses shared data structures.

8. Define Monitor.
A monitor in an operating system (OS) is a synchronization construct that manages access to shared
resources and enables threads or processes to coordinate actions. Monitors are also known as
synchronization tools.

9. How message passing is achieved?

Message passing is a computer science technique that allows objects to communicate with each other by
sending and receiving messages. The sender knows the receiver object, and the message is passed through a
function call. The object then decides whether or not to respond to the message.

10. Define Thread.

In object-oriented programming, a thread is an independent path of execution within a program. Threads are
lightweight processes that can run concurrently with other threads in the same process. They share the
process's memory and resources, but they have their own stack and program counter. This allows threads to
run independently of each other, which can improve the performance of a program.

11.Define Exception Handling.

An exception is any unusual event, either erroneous or not, detectable by either hardware or
software, that may require special processing


1. Explain in detail the “implementation of object oriented constructs”.

2. Write a short note on semaphore and monitor.
3. How message passing is achieved. Explain it with an example.
4. Explain about concurrency. (NOV/DEC 2021)
5. Define exception. How the exception is handled. Explain it with an example.
6. Write a note an event handling.

1.Define Lambda calculus.

A mathematical function is a mapping of members of one set, called the domain set, to another set, called the
range set. A function definition specifies the domain and range sets, either explicitly or implicitly, along with
the mapping. The mapping is described by an expression or, in some cases, by a table.

2. Mention the objective of the design of a functional programming language.

The objective of the design of a functional programming language is to mimic mathematical functions to the greatest
extent possible.

3. Define Scheme Language. (NOV/DEC 2022)

The Scheme language is a language with simple syntax and semantics, Scheme is well suited to educational
applications, such as courses in functional programming, and also to general introductions to programming.

4. Mention the role of Scheme interpreter.

A Scheme interpreter repeatedly reads an expression typed by the user (in the form of a list), interprets the expression,
and displays the resulting value. This form of interpreter is also used by Ruby and Python.

5. Mention the role of LET function.

LET is a function that creates a local scope in which names are temporarily bound to the values of
expressions. It is often used to factor out the common sub expressions from more complicated expressions.
6. Define Functional Composition.
Function composition is a functional form that takes two functions as parameters and returns a function that
first applies the second parameter function to its parameter and then applies the first parameter function to
the return value of the second parameter function.
7. Define declarative language.
Languages used for logic programming are declarative languages, because programs written in them consist
of declarations rather than assignments and control flow statements. One of the essential characteristics of
logic programming languages is their semantics, which is called declarative semantics. The basic concept of
this semantics is that there is a simple way to determine the meaning of each statement, and it does not
depend on how the statement might be.
9. Define Multi –Paradigm Languages.
A programming language that supports both procedural and object-oriented programming concepts. C++ is
one of the multi paradigm language because it has the concepts of programming language but added the
object oriented concepts also.

10. Define Goal statements.

These statements are the basis for the theorem-proving model. The theorem is in the form of a proposition that
we want the system to either prove or disprove. In Prolog, these propositions are called goals, or queries.

1. Explain in detail about Lambda calculus. (NOV/DEC 2022)

2. Explain the fundamentals of functional programming languages.(NOV/DEC 2021)
3. Summarize programming with scheme in detail.
4. For what sort of application logic programming is useful? Briefly explain.
5. Write a short note on “Programming with Prolog”. (NOV/DEC 2022)
6. Analyze Multi-paradigm languages in detail.
7. Write a prolog description of your family tree (based only on facts), going back to your grandparents and
including all descendants. Be sure to include all relationships.
8. Discuss about basic elements of prolog. Give examples.
9. Explain how data abstraction is implemented in ADA.

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