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Subject Index

Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures.

A quartz vein boudinaged, 183f polished fault surface, 152f

Abundant quartz amydules, pseudotachylyte ultramylonitized peridotite, microboudinage quartzite pebble, N-dipping subvertical fault
vein, 206f structure in, 181f plane, 135f
Alkali feldspar, 29f Boudinaged and sheared vein, 185f quartzite pebble, subvertical fault plane cuts,
Angular folds, tourmaline-bearing garnet-mica Boudinaged limestone block, 137f 134f
schist, 21f Boudinaged mafic layer set in Raša fault, fault zone of, 119f
Anhydrite diapir in rock salt, 53f quartzofeldspathic paragneiss, 44f SE-dipping subparallel curved fault planes,
Antigorite mylonite and asymmetric sheared Boudinaged sheath fold, 38f 135f
composite olivine-pyroxene clasts, 99f Boudinageed, folded, and faulted limestones sinistral strike-slip faulted pebble, 134f
Aplite dikes, 201f blocks, 137f slickolites, 148f
Archaeoseismology, 239f Breakthrough fault-propagation fold, 122f small-scale faults, uniform set of, 130f
Archean gneiss fold, 61f Bridge structure, 238f subvertical brittle shear Y-planes bound
Asymmetric folds, 17f Brittle deformation, Mykonos Detachment, 129f tangentially curved brittle P-planes,
Asymmetric isoclinal fold, 50f Brittle-ductile composite thrust shear zone, 142f 121f
Asymmetric quartz shadow, 73f Brittle-ductile thrust shear zone, 159f tectonic grooves, striae of, 148f
Augen gneiss/granite mylonite, Funatsu Shear Brittle faults and lineations-1, 149f top-to-SW brittle sheared/reverse faulted
Zone, 87f Brittle fault zones sandstone, 141f
Ayishan detachment, Karakoram fault, 12f accretionary wedge, 145f white/red gouge, 119f
active Hronov-Poříčí Fault Zone, main faults Y- and P-brittle shear planes, fascinating
of, 160f development of, 133f
B along-dip segmented normal fault and fault- Brittle shear planes-1, 150f
Basaltic dikes, 202f related fold, 136f Brittle shear planes-2, 150f
Bedding-cleavage relationship, 224f amphibolite gneiss, fault plane, 152f
Bent and microboudinaged magmatic epidote, antiformal stack duplex, 128f C
182f asbestos mineralization, structural control on, Calc-silicate gneiss, fold, 42f
Biotite fish, 90f 154–155f Caloris basin, 243f
Biotite + kyanite-bearing micaschists, Num brittle tectonics, 147f Chaibasa Formation, 17f, 46f
orthogneiss, 98f centimeter-scale top-to-NW brittle reverse Chert, folded layer, 37f
Boudins/mullions fault, 133f Chevron folds
asymmetric boudins, 176f Coal Creek fault zone/Central Front Range, Paleogene sandstones and shales, 5f
calc-schist Colorado, 111f with planar limbs and sharp/pointed hinge,
boudinaged quartz veins in, 184f coseismic damage and viscous flow, repeated 18f
rectangular boudinaged quartz veins in, cycles, 157f Chlorite strain shadows, 74f
183f Cretaceous Bhuj Formation, sand-shale Chrystalls Beach Complex
chocolate tablet boudins, 182f sequence, 127f coastal Otago, New Zealand, 20f
composite boudins, 175f Cretaceous clastics, synlithification faults dilational jog, 86f
definition, 173 in, 160f Cleavage refraction across heterolithic
fracture planes, boudinaged quartz vein curvilinear fault-bend folding, 125f sandstone-shale, 87f
within metagreywacke, 174f definition, 111 Coal Creek fault zone
gray conglomerate overlying red mud erosive tectonic tools, 149f in central eastern Front Range, Colorado,
horizon, Wine Strand, 189f experimental fault gouge, overlapped 111f
low-grade metamorphic carbonate sequence, slip-zone structures in, 158f fault core, 112f
domino boudins within, 185f fault slickenside containing calcite red gouge, polarized light micrograph, 118f
metaturbidites, boudinaged metabasalt layer slickenfibers, 147f white and red clay-rich gouge, plain light
enveloped by, 173f fold-and-thrust tectonic belt, 141f of, 119f
migmatite gneiss sequence, boudinaged gravitational effect, synsedimentary normal Coalescing thrust-related folds, 127f
amphibolite layer, 176f fault, 130f Columnar joints, 203f
neoproterozoic quartzites, mullions and high-al omphacite, 162f Compton Formation in southern Québec, 22f
vertical columns, 186–188f Kaikoura, 161f Conjugate folds in Neoproterozoic marble, 49f
pinch and swell structures, 180f mesoscopic conjugate set, 120f Continuous flattening of a folded package, 92f
precambrian orthoquartzite, Aravalli NNE-SSW-trending Olevano-Antrodoco- Convolute structure in quartzite, 236f
Supergroup, 188f Sibillini oblique thrust ramp, 159f Crenulation cleavage, 23–24f, 26f

258  Subject Index

Crenulation schistosity, 22f imbricate thrust structure in flysch, 162f F

Crosscutting veins incipient localized dextral shear zones, 81f Fault breccia, 129f
definition, 191 initial fracture, typical paired shear zones Fault core, Coal Creek fault zone, 112f
dilatant faults, 192f to, 81f Faulted vein, 140f
gneissic foliations, quartz vein, 193f K-feldspar delta- mantled porphyroclast, 78f Fault-propagation fold, 126f
limestone kyanite-garnet gneiss, 91f Fault-propagation fold and growth
high-pressure cell in, 191f localized heterogeneous shear zone, 80f strata, 122f
semiductile shear zone in, 192f mylonitic garnet-micaschists, asymmetric Fault slickenside
mylonitized gneiss, quartz-rich vein, sheared granite pebble, 90f of amphibolite gneiss, 152f
193–194f mylonitic micaschists, asymmetric quartz calcite slickenfibers, 147f
quartz vein network, 195f ribbon from, 99f striae of erosive tectonic tools, 149f
thin-curved quartz vein, 195f mylonitic peridotite cropping, 100f striae of tectonic grooves, 148f
mylonitic quartz-mica-feldspar-matrix, Fault zone/overlap zone in a sand-shale
D kinematically grown magnetite (mag) sequence, 127f
Deformation bands network, 225f in, 89f Flanking structure, calc schist, 78f
Deposited volcanoclastic succession, pyroclast mylonitized micaschist, 90f Flower structure in the Precambrian quartzites,
deform, 238f Num orthogneiss, biotite + kyanite-bearing 125f
Detachment folds, 4f micaschists from, 98f Fluid activity and dyke, 197f
Dharwar rocks, Basalt porphyry from, 223f olivine, microstructure of, 95f Fluid-flow and asbestos mineralization,
Disharmonic fold, 9f paleoproterozoic S-type Lesser Himalayan structural control, 154f
Double wedge thrust, 123f Granitoids, plane polarized light, 73f Fluidization features, 156f
Doubly plunging fold parallelogram/sigmoid mud unit, 94f Fold and boudin, 179f
the Late Paleocene to Eocene sandstone, 58f plane polarized light, syntectonic Folded amphibolite boudins, 181f
with prominent axial depression, 46f microscopic garnet under, 97f Folds
Drag fold, 10f, 132f, 194f post-D3 sigmoidal quartz vein in alternate layers of ferrugineous and quartzose
Ductile deformation, Livada Detachment, 71f, amphibolite, Bastar Craton, Sambalpur, materials, folded banded iron formation,
92f, 226f 71f 19f
Ductile deformed lenticular feldspar precursor heterogeneities, heterogeneous banded gneiss, small-scale folds, 32f
porphyroclast, 101f ductile shear zones on, 80f Bastar Craton-Rengali Province boundary
Ductile shear sense indicator, 88f quartzite veinlet, 77f shear zone, rotation of F2 fold hinges,
Ductile shear zones sheared quartzofeldspathic gneiss, 41f
antigorite mylonite and asymmetric sheared asymmetric quartz porphyroclasts in, boudinaged sheath fold, 38f
composite olivine-pyroxene clasts, 99f 85f Bowmore crenulation cleavage, 24f
around m-scale delta-type asymmetric- shear fabrics display, 101f calcareous matrix, quartzofeldspathic layers
feldspar clast, 78f sigmoid inclusion pattern, syntectonically interlayered, 48f
augen gneiss, post D2, syn-D4 ultramylonite grown garnet with, 100f calc-silicate, doubly plunging round hinge
shear zone in, 85f soft-sediment, sigma clasts/S-C structures isoclinals fold, 39f
boudinaged quartz veins, 83f in, 91f calc-silicate gneiss, fold, 42f
calc schist, type 1 flanking structure within, spiral, early foliations, sheared microscopic chevron-like fold in amphibolite, dismantle
78f garnet with, 96f block, 28f
chloritoid, syntectonic microscopic stacked-folds-boudins, 93f continental collision, upright folds and folded
porphyroblast of, 96f strike slip fault system, duplex structure, 84f boudins resulting from, 1f
classic shearband boudin, 79f top-to-SW sheared sigmoid quartz veins, curved axial plane, noncylindrical fold with,
definition, 67 141f 47f
deformed amygdules, 100f trapezoidal boudinaged quartz vein, 234f curved hinge line, plane noncylindrical fold
deformed radiolarian fossils, 101f ultramylonitic peridotite, delta-like structure with, 48f
dilational jog, 86f in, 95f Cuspate folds of quartz vein, Udaipur,
domino style normal faults, 67f ultramylonitic shear zone, titanite Rajasthan, 15f
ductile sheared quartz vein, 74f porphyroclast in, 94f definition, 1
extensional shear bands, 70f winged δ-microstructure of olivine, 100f dolomitic host rock, tightly folded quartz
feldspar σ-type porphyroclast, 75f Y-planes in mafic schist, sigmoid brittle vein in, 30f
fine-grained recrystallized matrix, plagioclase P-planes bound by, 88f dolomitic rock, folded quartz vein in, 43f
feldspar porphyroclast in, 84f Ductile to brittle deformation, 68f fault-bend-fold, 2f, 5f
fold-boudin, evolutive sequence, 93f Dyke, 82f folded anhydrite layers, 52f
foliation parallel train of boudins, schistose folded layer of chert, 37f
quartzite, 75f E folded migmatitic rock, 16f
fractured garnet porphyroblast, 97f Eastern bank of Raman Nallah, 233f folded quartz vein, Bhedaghat, Jabalpur, 15f
Funatsu Shear Zone, augen gneiss/granite En echelon veins, 136f, 146f folded quartz vein within meta-greywacke,
mylonite at, 87f, 215f Eocene limestone-shale sequences, Siang 49f
garnet bearing schist, sigmoidal quartz lens fold-and-thrust belt, 7f fractured anhydrite, red salt, 53f
in, 76f Erosive tectonic tools, 149f garnetiferous banded gneiss, crenulation
granite mylonite, polished slab of, 83f Extensional fault affecting the Jurassic cleavage in, 33f
heterolithic sandstone-shale, cleavage succession, 113f Gravifossum, 58–59f
refraction across, 87f Extensional fractures, 208f Gulcheru Quartzite, 10f
Subject Index   259

Higher Himalayan gneisses, 31f thrust fault and related footwall syncline, Mt Interlayered sandstones and mudstones, fold, 20f
hornblende gneiss, recumbent fold plunging Prena, 7f Intracrystalline deformation microstructures,
toward E in, 34f Tibetan Himalaya, folded strata in, 8f vein-quartz, 227–229f
high-grade quartzite rock, type 3 interference tight isoclinal folds Intrafolial folds, 33f
pattern/hook-shaped pattern in, 57f intensely deformed lower limb of, 17f
horizontal E-W fold plunges, complex limbs and hinge regions, 28f
folding with, 55f tourmaline-bearing garnet-mica schist,
Jurassic accretionary complex, 101f
interlayered sandstones and mudstones, 20f angular folds in, 21f
intrafolial folds, 33f tri-shear fault-propagation fold, 3f, 123f
isoclinally folded chert layers, 38f type 3 fold interference, 47f K
Karakoram fault, Ayishan detachment, 12f type 2 interference pattern, 56f Kharshoti River, Tetuldhanga, Ghatsila, India,
khaki green shale, Jitpur, 14f type 3 interference pattern of folds, 45f 14f
kink folded intercalated layers of shales and undeformed massive sandstone turbidite Kumbhalgarh Formation, 15f, 49f
limestones, 13f beds, rhythmic occurrence of, 20f
lacustrine organic rich dolomitic lime Variscan basement, fold interference pattern, L
mudstone/oil-shale deposits 45f Laminated lacustrine micrites, 130f
disharmonic folding in, 51f Folded strata in the Tibetan Himalaya, 8f Large-scale folds, 2f
disturbed layer in, 27f Fold interference, 40f, 57f Light-colored biotite-hornblende gneiss, 1f
large-scale folded banded magnetite quartzite Fold-related deformed growth strata, 4f Lineation, 153f
and magnetite garnet biotite schist Foliated high-grade quartzofeldspathic gneisses, Listric fault, 151f
intercalation, 19f fold, 40f Livada Detachment, 68f, 71f
Los Cabos Series quartzites, similar folds Fractures
within, 26f developing triangular zone, three nonparallel
lower greenschist facies quartzite rock, fractures intersect to, 222f
Meso-scale fault, 132f
two-generation folding, 56f fine plumose structure, tension fracture
Meso-scale structures, 55f
mafic mineral-rich gneiss, feldspathic layer, surface, 218f
Mesoscopic conjugate set, 120f
59f fractured anhydrite, red salt, 53f
Micaceous Dafla sandstone of Middle Siwalik,
mesoproterozoic garnetiferous mica schist, fractured garnet porphyroblast, 97f
cross-nichol of, 25f initial fracture, typical paired shear zones
Mica fish, biotite, 90f
mesoscale, recumbent fold in, 9f to, 81f
Mineral fish, 90f
mesoscopic disharmonic folding, 43f placing pens/inside Deccan basalt, rounded
Minor folds, 6f
metamorphosed granitic host rock fold, fracture plane, 222f
Mykonos Detachment, 105f
amphibole-rich layer in, 32f quartz vein, fractured ptygmatic fold, 54f
Mylonite, 76f
metasedimentary rock, stretched quartz Fracture planes in sandstones, 209f
Mylonitesm, pseudotachylyte veins, 196f
boudins in, 30f
Mylonitic shear zone, 103f
meta-siltstone, disjunctive spaced cleavage G Mylonitized porphyritic granite, 219f
in, 24f Garnet porphyroblast, fold, 23f
mica gneiss, microfolded cordierite in, 22f Gently inclined folded quartzite, 34f
Middle Siwalik, micaceous dafla sandstone Grain boundary area reduction (GBAR), 230f
of, 31f Nonparallel faults, 121f
Grain boundary migration (GBM), 199, 229f
morphology and genesis of fold, 1 Nonperiodic fold, 35f
Grain-size reduced scapolite, 29f
neoproterozoic marble, conjugate folds in, Normal fault, 124f, 127f
Granodiorite of the Eagle Wash Intrusive
49f Complex, 146f
neutral folding, 41f Gran Sasso thrust system, 7f O
nonuniform geometry, ptygmatic folds of, Granulite-to amphibolite-facies metamorphism, Omphacite, 162f
46f 1f Overprinting schistosity, 211f
originally rectangular intraformational Gravifossum structure
mudstone rip-up clast set, 51f in heterolithic sediments of laminated
out-of-syncline fold accommodation fault, 3f P
siltstones and sandstones, 59f Plagioclase feldspar porphyroclast, 84f
overprinting crenulation cleavages, 25f in trough cross-stratified sandstone, 58f
parasitic fold, 34f Planar subvertical axial plane, 18f
planar limbs and sharp/pointed hinge, Plastic strain and folded enstatite in a chlorite
chevron fold with, 18f H harzburgite, 207f
Hanging-wall meso-scale buttressing, 115f Plunging anticline, 12f
potassium salt, structures of, 54f
Heterogeneous ductile shear zone, 80f Plunging folds, 8f
prominent axial depression, doubly plunging
Highly foliated garnetiferous gabbroic rocks, Polyphase megascale deformation structures, 60f
fold with, 46f
17f Pseudoboudins, 184f
quartz vein, fractured ptygmatic fold, 54f
Hook-shaped folds, 1 Pseudotachylyte, 161f
rock salt, anhydrite diapir, 53f
Horst-graben structure, 138f Ptygmatic folds, 42f, 46f, 50f
sheath fold, 38f
Hydrothermal breccias, 216f Puquios tectonic unit, 140f
Siang fold-and-thrust belt, eocene limestone
shale sequences, 7f
subvertical (100/78S) ferruginous quartzite I Q
layer, elongated dome and basin Imbricate thrusts, accretionary wedge, 145f Quartz clasts in schistose rock, 212f
structures on, 52f Imbricate thrust structure in flysch, 162f Quartzite-mica schist rock in Ghatsila, 13f
260  Subject Index

R developing triangular zone, three nonparallel thrust fault related landform on innermost
Reactivated brittle fault, 151f fractures intersect to, 222f planet, Mercury, 241f
Recumbent chevern folds, 10f Dharwar rocks, Basalt porphyry from, 223f thrust sheet stacking, 210f
Recumbent fold, 6f, 9f dropped keystones and adjacent blocks, 240f ultramylonitic shear zone, titanite
Recumbent fold plunging, 34f extension (tensile) joints in Archean granite porphyroclast in, 94f
Red salt in fractured anhydrite, 53f gneisses, Perambalur, 223f vein-quartz, intracrystalline deformation
Relay between two fractures, 196f external Sierras Front, magnificent microstructures in, 227–229f
Reverse fault, 145f termination of, 163f volcanically buried Goethe impact basin,
fine plumose structure, tension fracture 242f
surface, 218f within sandstone, trapezoid-shaped mud
S floor of Degas crater, 242f inclusion, 234f
San Marzal pericline, 213f fold-and-thrust system, 208f Sheath fold
Santo Domingo anticline, 11f Funatsu Shear Zone, augen gneiss/granite in Bormesorthogneiss in Maures-Tanneron
Scapolite porphyroclast, fold, 29f mylonite at, 87f, 215f Massif, 37f
S-C fabric, 72f geothermal travertine area, Bridgeport, in Chitradurga district, Karnataka, India, 36f
Schistose quartz-andesite dike, boudin, California, 203f in Late Oligocene-Early Miocene sandstone
174–175f grain boundary area reduction (GBAR), 230f and mudstone, 39f
Schistosity and intersection lineation, 212f grain coarsening, grain boundary migration Sigma-structure in ultracataclastic, 159f
Serpentine slip fibers, 153f (GBM) during, 199, 229f Sigmoidal quartz lens, garnet bearing schist, 76f
Shear band, 70f Gulcheru Quartzite, Cuddapah basin, 10f, Sigmoidal-shaped ductile sheared quartz vein,
Sheared dyke, 131f 235f 77f
Sheared intercalations of quartzites and incipient localized dextral shear zones, 81f Slip events, Central Italy seismic sequence, 128f
phyllites, 79f initial fracture, typical paired shear zones Soft-sediment deformation, 105f
Sheared quartz vein, 72f to, 81f Spectacular dextral shear zone, 69f
Sheared sigmoid quartz veins, 86f injection vein, backscattered electron image Spheroidal weathering, 220–221f
Shear-enhanced compaction bands, 210f of, 232f Stacked thrust sheet, 113f, 126f
Shear structure, 89f localized heterogeneous shear zone, 80f Sto. Domingo Anticline, 213f
Shear zone and mineralization, 120f Long Ridge, southeast flank of, 205f Strike-slip faulting and iron oxide deposits,
Shear zones matchless amphibolite, Kuiseb Canyon, 114f
active slope morphology, 1400-m high East Namibia, 211f Strike-slip faults, 157f
wall of Monte Viso, 214f microfaulted plagioclase grain, 231f Structural geological exercise, 234f
Akköy fissure-ridge, banded travertine mud cracks produced by desiccation in Structural geological interpretation from
across, 205f modern sediment, 233f seismic image, 244–245f
amphibolite boudins folded and shortened by paleoproterozoic Gulcheru Formation, filled Subvertical (100/78S) ferruginous quartzite
crustal shortening, 232f sand cracks in, 235f layer, elongated dome and basin
ancient strike-slip fault, frictional to viscous paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rock, structures, 52f
transition in, 226f crenulation lineations in, 214f Superposed tectonics, 143f
augen gneiss, post D2, syn-D4 ultramylonite Palghat Cauvery shear zone, 42f Symmetric phi-structure, 98f
shear zone in, 85f piggyback porphyroclasts, 219f Synsedimentary normal fault, gravitational
Bagaces Formation ignimbrites, curved placing pens/inside Deccan basalt, rounded effect, 130f
columnar joints, 202f fracture plane, 222f Synthetic and antithetic normal faults, 139f
Bastar Craton-Rengali Province boundary plagioclase in granodiorite, recrystallization Synthetic secondary shear plane, 83f
shear zone, rotation of F2 fold hinges, of, 225f, 227f
41f precursor heterogeneities, heterogeneous T
bedding-cleavage relationship, 224f ductile shear zones on, 80f Talchir Formation, 14f
biotite in mylonite, “V” pull-apart quartzite, plumose structure/hackle plumes Tension gashes, 142–143f
microstructure of, 230f in, 215f Thermal demagnetization, 243f
biotite rich granite with siltstone xenolith, regional folding, bedding-cleavage relation Thrust-sheet, normal fault, 124f
Tistung Formation, 217f associated with, 216f Thrust sheet stacking, 210f
bulbous chert nodules as structureless dense Roman theater, distributed left-lateral Tight folding, 36f
masses, carbonate rocks of Vempalle strike-slip deformation in, 239f Tightly folded quartz vein in dolomitic host
Formation, 237f sandstones, cleavage planes in, 209f rock, 30f
caloris basin, 243f sandy sediments, ripples in, 236f Tight recumbent kink folds, 18f
coastal area of the Shirakami Mountains, seawall of crusader castle, Tartous, 240f Tistung Formation, 217f
granodiorite mylonite in, 217f sedimentary dikes in lacustrine, 237f
columnar joints/colonnade and entablature, semiductile shear zone in, 192f
199f shear zones in, 1 U
dark-colored pseudotachylyte, fault veins and Ultramylonitic zone, 104f
single basaltic lava flow, distinct colonnade
injection veins of, 231f and entablature tiers, 200f
Denizli extensional basin, Kamara active small-scale fold, axial planar cleavage, 224f V
fissure-ridge in, 204f spheroidally weathered Deccan basalt, 220f Volcanically buried Goethe impact basin, 242f

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