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Spring 2024

Aley Campus

Name: Lewaa Abou Lhosn
One More Victory
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow enthusiasts of the
extraordinary journey we call life, prepare for an extended odyssey into the realms of
unexpected twists. Can you imagine a coding virtuoso, armed not only with the
intricacies of technology but also with a fake ID, navigating the digital frontier? Before
you raise an eyebrow, just remember that the path to success is often paved with an
unexpected start, and sometimes, creativity emerges from the most unconventional
As I stood amid those eager minds through the digital landscape, little did they
know that my journey started with a small fib on my CV and a fake ID.
Well. (pause) Desperate times call for creative measures.
But, how did this all start?
Let's go back to the days when I was 10. I was working in my parents’
supermarket while my friends were gripped in trading Pokémon cards. YET, who
could have predicted the boring tasks in the supermarket would serve as the base for
MY extraordinary path to success?!
From an early age, I realized that success is not just about professional
accomplishments; it's a lifestyle that extends beyond the workplace. Managing a
supermarket not only taught me the intricacies of business but also modesty, respect
for others, and appreciation that shaped my character
Picture a room filled with school teachers, and among them an undercover
coding maestro armed with determination and a knack for the English language. The
result? YES! An unexpected triumph in the IELTS exam!!
I proudly stand here, having conducted over 2000 coding sessions in only a year
and a half.
Impressive, right?

Spring 2024
Aley Campus

Well, let me share that my creativity didn't stop at crafting a fake ID. It was
fueled by determination and hard work pushing me into the digital world, leaving
behind a trail of both eager learners and lines of code in my wake. All this fueled my
pursuit of knowledge and contributed my success as a coding educator.
What’s the secret to such a mini-journey? Is it the fake ID? The brave lies? The
unexpected turns? WELL, it's all this, with a generous dose of ambition.
You know what? Success is not just a destination; it's a continuous, evolving
journey. It's about growth, pushing boundaries, and redefining what you thought was
possible. As I stand before you – a coding educator, a supermarket manager with a
history of early entrepreneurship, and an unlikely hero of the IELTS realm – I can
attest that success is a dynamic force with limitless bounds.

Write your story here.

Dear journeyers, as you embark on your paths, remember that success is not
confined to professional accomplishments alone. It is the lifestyle you embrace, the
consciousness you cultivate, and the impact you have on those around you. Embrace
the unexpected, find YOUR joy in challenges, and appreciate the transformative power
of your journey.
So, let this be a gentle reminder – whether you're forging IDs, managing family
businesses at the age of 10, or navigating the complexities of the digital landscape –
success is an ever-unfolding journey. There's always room for one more coding
session, one more challenge……...ONE MORE VICTORY.

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