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Polite Expressions:

Explain to students that polite words like please, thank you, and excuse
me make other people feel appreciated and respected. You can show
kindness and respect for other people’s feelings by speaking politely to
them. Ask the students to tell what they already know about using polite
words. Be sure the following points are discussed:
• Always say “thank you” when someone gives you a gift or a
• Say “thank you” when someone does something for you.
• Say “please” when you are asking someone to give you something or
to do something for you.
• Do not say “please” over and over again as a way to beg for something
you want- that is not a polite thing to do at all.
• Say “excuse me” when your body makes an embarrassing noise such
as a burp, hiccup, sneeze, or you pass gas.
• When you must interrupt someone or ask them to move, say “Excuse
me, please”.
• When starting a conversation, it is polite to first ask, “How are you?”
• If you see that someone fell or may have hurt himself, you should ask
if he is okay.
• Never be afraid to say “I’m sorry”, when you make a mistake or hurt
Point out that having good manners requires thinking about other people,
instead of just thinking about yourself. Other people will feel
comfortable and happy to be around you when you are polite and treat
them with respect.
Have student's role play the following scenarios, showing the
appropriate polite words to use in each situation. Give them time to
prepare and practice, then present their skits for the class.

1. Your Grandmother gives you a puppy for your birthday.

2. Your best friend tells you your new shoes look really cool.

3. You want someone to pass you the salt, which is at the far end of the

4. You burp or sneeze in the middle of a conversation with your teacher.

5. You see your classmate trip and fall.

6. You accidentally spill someone’s carton of milk.

7. You have to squeeze between two people having a conversation, in

order to get to your cubby or locker.

8. Your mom helps you with your homework.

9. You have to yawn when you are listening to your friend tell you about
a movie he watched the night before.

10. You accidentally step on someone’s toe.

Name:___________________________________ Score:______

I. Greetings & Expressions

- Directions: Draw a if it is a polite greetings/Expressions, and

If it is not a polite greetings/Expressions.

________1. Good Morning mommy! ________6. Will you pick that up

________2. I will play outside. ________7. May I go out?

________3. Hey Teacher Girlie ________8. Excuse me.

________4. Hello!Classmates ______9. Please give me my toy

________5. Good Bye! Mommy. ______10. Thank you!

IV. Letters Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu (Initial, Medial, Final Sound)
Initial Aa

1. ______pple
2. _____xe

3. ____nt

4. ____lphabet


1. R____m

2. H____m

3. P____n

4. C____t

1. Papay___
2. Guav___

Initial Ee

1. ____gg
2. ____lephant

3. ____ars

4. ____leven

1. H___n

2. P___n

3. H___m

4. T___n
1. Cak___

2. Pal__

3. Tal__

4. Kit__
Initial Ii

1. ___gloo
2. ___nk

3. ___ce

4. ____guana

1. H__ll
2. B___b
3. P___g
4. B___g

Initial Medial

1. ___ctopus 1. D___g

2. ____range 2. T___m

3. ____strich 3. L___g

4. ____val 4. M___p

Initial Uu

1. ____mbrella
2. ____nicorn

3. ____p

4. ____nder


1. C___p

2. B___g

3. S____n

4. B___s

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