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+3 Sem-VI

Statistical Mechanics
Time: 3 Hrs Full Marks: 60
1. Answer all questions [8x1]
(i) Plasma state has maximum entropy. True / False
(ii) The minimum value of entropy for a system is ________ .
(iii) In Maxwell Boltzmann statistics, the particles are ---------.
(iv) Write the dimensionality of phase space.
(v) Write the spin of Fermions.
(vi) Bose-Einstein’s condensation have low kinetic energy. True/ False.
(vii) Fermi gas is -------- while ordinary gas is generally neutral.
(viii) Wien’s displacement law is a special case of -----------.

2. Answer any eight questions [8 x1.5]
(i) What is Gamma space?
(ii) Write the formula of partition function.
(iii) State law of equipartition of energy
(iv) Define negative temperature and zero temperature.
(v) What is Fermions? Write its spin.
(vi) Write the relation between Fermi energy and electron density.
(vii) Write the expression for density of state.
(viii) Write Wien’s formula for shorter wavelength.
(ix) Define Wein’s displacement law.
(x) What is radiation pressure?

3. Answer any eight questions [8x2]

(i) Write the failure of Classical statistics.
(ii) How is Rayleigh-Jeans formula agrees with experimental values for long wavelengths?
(iii) What is ensemble? Write its types.
(iv) Write the uses of partition function.
(v) Define macrostate and microstate.

(vi) What is the concept of Ultra Violet catastrophe.
(vii) What is degenerate Fermi gas?
(viii) What is black body radiation?
(ix) Write the basic difference between Bosons and Fermions.
(x) What is Saha's ionization formula?
PART-IV [4x6]
UNIT-I [6]
4. (a) Write the basic difference between Canonical enseble and grand canonical enseble.
(b) Write short notes on Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution Law.

5. (a) Explain thermodynamic functions of a two-energy level system.
(b) Write short notes on Gibb’s paradox.
6. (a) Write short notes on Bose- Einstein Condensation.
(b) What is Fermi-Dirac distribution function? Explain with examples.
7. (a) Derive Stefan–Boltzmann law from Planck’s law.

(b) Derive Planck’s Law of black body radiations.

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