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+3 Sem-VI

Evolutionary Biology
Full Marks-60 Time: 3 Hours
Answer all the questions.
The figure in the right hand margin indicates marks.
1. Answer All Questions [8x1=8]
i) Inheritance of acquired characters was proposed by-----
ii) ---------- race of man were found in Australia
iii) For any given genotype or phenotype the average no. of offspring born per individual is
known as------

iv)------- species is one that exists as discrete population, that are divergent from one another.

v) Alternative forms of a gene are called-------

vi) Human being belongs to the species of------

vii) Evidences of evolutionary relationships is found in ------

viii) Give an examples of analogous structures

2. Answer any eight questions out of ten [8x1.5= 12]
(Very short answer type questions within two to three sentences)
i) What is Neo-Darwinism?
ii) What is significance of igneous rock in evolutionary biology?
iii) What is the role of extinction in evolution
iv) What is gene pool ?
v) Define Parapatric speciation ?
vi) What is Kin selection ?
vii) Notes on Peking man
viii) Define Zygote inviability
ix) What is ring species ?
x) What is biogeny?

Part- III
3. Answer any eight questions out of ten in 75 words [8x2= 16]
i. Write short notes on Chemogeny
ii. Write short notes on species concept.
iii. Describe genotype frequency
iv. Write notes on sibling species
v. Describe adaptive resemblances
vi. Explain micro evolutionary changes.
vii. Write notes on Darwin finches.
viii. Short notes on phylogenetic trees.
ix. Short notes on sexual selection
x. Define K-extinction?
Part- IV
4. Long Answer Type (any four) (4x6=24)
Unit -1
i) Describe Darwinism and add a note on Neo-Darwinism.
ii) Write an essay on evolution of horse
Unit -1I
i) Give an account of Hardy-Weinberg law of genetic equilibrium with an example
ii) Describe mechanism of genetic drift with the example of bottleneck and founder effect.
Unit -1II
i) What is speciation ? Describe modes of speciation
ii) Give an account of adaptive radiation with examples.
Unit -1V
i) Write an essay on molecular analysis of human origin
ii) Describe the phylogeny of primates from Dryopithecus to Sapiens.


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