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100 – Fundamentals

Activity Title: Collaborative Reading Circle

1. To enhance comprehension skills through collaborative learning.
2. To improve communication and teamwork among students.
3. To reinforce understanding of the assigned reading material.
4. To encourage active participation and engagement in the learning process.
5. To apply differentiated teaching/learning

Materials Needed:
1. Assigned reading material from the course book.
2. Discussion questions related to the reading.

Group Size: 7 students per group

1. Preparation (Before Class):
 Select a relevant and challenging reading passage from the course book.
 Develop a set of discussion questions that require students to delve into the material.
 Divide the class into groups of 7 students each.

2. Introduction (In Class):

 Briefly explain the importance of collaborative learning and its benefits.
 Introduce the assigned reading material and the learning objectives.

3. Group Formation:
 Divide students into groups, ensuring a mix of abilities within each group.
 Assign each student a specific role within the group (e.g., summarizer, questioner, clarifier, etc.).

4. Reading and Individual Preparation:

 Assign the lesson in students’ book.
 Allow time for individual reading and note-taking.
 Encourage students to jot down key points, questions, and any challenging vocabulary.

5. Collaborative Discussion:
 In their groups, students take turns sharing their findings and discussing their individual notes.
 Encourage active listening and cross-referencing of information among group members.

6. Group Response:
 Each group prepares a collective response to the discussion questions.
 Emphasize the importance of consensus within the group.

ENG. 100 – Fundamentals

7. Class-wide Discussion:
 Each group presents their collective responses to the class.
 Encourage open dialogue and comparisons between groups.

8. Reflection and Summary:

 Facilitate a class discussion on the overall understanding of the reading material.
 Ask students to reflect on the collaborative process and what they learned from their peers.

 Improved comprehension of the assigned reading material.
 Enhanced communication and teamwork skills.
 Active engagement in the learning process.

 Group presentations and responses to discussion questions.
 Individual participation within the group.
 Quality of notes and understanding demonstrated during the class-wide discussion.
 Peer evaluation (students assess the contributions of their group members).

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