Malta Allied Air Gunners Club-News Letter 1 - 2008

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Malta Allied Airgunners Club (MAAC)

P.O. Box 38
Naxxar, Malta.
Web Site:
MAAC is affiliate in the Malta Shooting Sports Federation (MSSF), Association of Arms Collectors and Shooters (AACTS) and the European
Rimfire and Airrifle Benchrest Shooting Federation (ERABSF) – Malta Region.

News Letter 1: November 2008

Dear MAAC members, IN THIS ISSUE

Welcome to our first edition of the MAAC news letter. I sincerely hope that this • Letter from MAAC Chairman.
initiative will provide you with the necessary information to update yourself on the • MAAC Activities till 2008 and
main club activities and issues. Although MAAC main source of information is the beyond.
internet website ( it is still very important to • Projects.
reach each and every member through electronic or conventional mail. • Membership for 2009.
• Editors Notes.
This year was certainly a challenge to most of us. We faced a situation whereby we
had to take certain decisions that would have an impact for the sport we are all fond off. The decisions were taken and
together we managed to give birth within 3 months to a NEW INDEPENDENT club Malta Allied Airgunners Club, a true club
formed by Airgunners for Airgunners. MAAC is the only independent licensed Target Shooter – B club on the island as with all
the respect of other air gun clubs have all been formed within associations or federations.

MAAC is affiliated partner with two local shooter groups the Malta Sport Shooting Federation (MSSF) and the Association of
Arms Collectors and Target Shooters (AACTS). MAAC also played a big role in the affiliation and recognition of MSSF by the
European Rimfire and Airrifle Benchrest Shooting Federation (ERABSF). As a matter of fact MSSF officially represent
ERABSF and the Maltese Delegates for ERABSF are from MAAC. MAAC also had the opportunity to compete in the Worlds
1 ERABSF championship in Milan last August.

Well there is more up the sleeve for 2009, what we can definitely say is the MAAC is growing and growing strong. MAAC is
the Club that offers any air gun enthusiast a friendly meeting point were one can enjoy his favorite sport and develop the
shooting skills in competitive events.

The success of MAAC depends on all it’s members. MAAC is not a commercial club hence we expect every member to do his
little part. Together we can make a lot of small good things that in the end will look as a well done job. I hope you enjoy this
newsletter which as a target we will start to issue once every quarter. If you wish to submit your own articles for future editions
of the news letter please do not hesitate to contact our PRO on .

Before I close my welcome introduction I would like to sincerely thank the following people for their support and all the other
members for believing and supporting me in this task.

Mr. James Bugeja (MAAC Secretary)

Mr. David Giardina (MAAC Treasurer)
Mr. Kris Debattista (MAAC PRO)
Mr. Gordon Gouder (MAAC ARFT REP)
Mr. Anton Grima (MAAC ARBR REP)
Mr. Rene Scorfna (MAAC APPS REP)
Mr. Norman Bugeja (MAAC Match Officer)

Not to forget Mr.Saviour Portelli (MSSF President) & Mr. John Cassar (AACTS) for there support.

Yours truly in air gunning

Stanley Shaw
MAAC Chairman.

MAAC Activities till end 2008 and Beyond.

MAAC was issued an official Target Shooter Club Licence (TSCL-B Air gun) in the first week of September 2008.
The first MAAC competition was held on the 7 September 2008 at the Victoria Shooters Range limits of Tal-Handaq Qormi.
This was an Air Rifle Field Target competition, long awaited after some months of uncertainty and hard work by the MAAC
Committee members.

The MAAC committee is divided into two parts, the MAAC Administrative group composed of the Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer and the PRO and the Sports Commission Group composed of the representants of Air Rifle Field Target, Air Rifle
Bench Rest and Air Pistol Practical Shooting. Also part of the Sports Commission Group is the MAAC Match Officer and a
group of 4 member volunteers. The Sports Commission Group is the group responsible for the organizing our MAAC events.
For a 2008 starter the Sport Commission Group approved a total of 6 events. These are:
th th
2 x Air Rifle Field Target Open Competitions – 7 September 2008 & 9 November 2008.
th st
2 x Air Rifle Bench Rest Open Competitions – 28 September 2008 & 21 December 2008
th rd
2 x Air Pistol Steel Plate Challenge – 12 October 2008 & 23 November 2008

By the time of print of this news letters MAAC has conducted 3 of these activities quite successfully in both attendance and in
organization. A few teething problems were encountered but with the direction of the Sports Commission Group, participation
of the members and with each and every one little help before, during and after the competitions we can overcome these
problems and offer more diversity of activities for the coming years.

So what is in plan for 2009?

MAAC has 3 standard or popular air gun disciplines as the standard activities, these are Field Target, Bench Rest and Air
Pistol Steel Plate Challenge. The Sports group commission must design and approve a 2009 Activity Program which will have
these 3 basic disciplines incorporated in two forms, 1 day Open Competitions and Championships. The policy of MAAC is to
attract air gunners to our activities and to our club.

The 1 day Open Competitions are designed for this purpose, hence
the discipline rules remain the same however we simplify categories
and procedures to allow any member of the club or other clubs to
participate. The Championship is something different. The
Championships are based on the accumulation of points that are
gain over a number of sessions.
The Championships will be composed of 3 to 4 sessions that are
spread over the year and are dedicated only for MAAC paid up
members. The Championships also enables MAAC to classify the
members according to the shooting discipline in the event that MAAC
would need to make a selection of shooters to represent us for a
local or international event.

But this is not all. MAAC will experiment with new disciplines to
create diversity and act on the response of the participation of the members in these events. MAAC is a dynamic club with an
open mind attitude and one goal improving the level or air gun disciplines for Maltese air gun enthusiasts.

We can give you a small hint of new trial activities for 2009, details will follow in other news letters and on our web site.
a. Air Pistol Dynamic Shooting (APDS)
b. Air Pistol Precision Target Shooting (APPTS)
c. Air Soft Team
d. Summer Fly Shot Postal Competition

Want more? It all depends on you ….

MAAC Projects 2008/2009

A club needs infrastructure to grow and provide more and better quality activities for its members. One thing that all MAAC
members must keep in mind is that we are no a COMMERCIAL CLUB, hence all that we do and own is the property of each
member. Every piece of equipment required has to be funded. Paying the membership fee, competition entry fees and
attendance fee to the range helps the club but definitely leave no room for certain infrastructure projects. It will take years
before you can collect a sum of money to invest in a project.

MAAC has to solve this problem whilst trying to get sponsorship for funding part or whole for certain projects.
Funding or sponsorship is difficult unless we really grow in numbers. We also need to keep and strengthen our campaign of
informing media about our activities. This might start to ring a bell with possible future sponsors that there are other sports
apart from football. Sponsoring activities from Licenced gun dealers is also something MAAC will start to look into in 2009.

So how are we going to fund projects?

The MAAC Committee will prioritize the needs forwarded by the Sports Commission Group related with the sporting
disciplines and the range. If the expenditure is relatively low under Euro 50 the MAAC Committee will approve if the project
fund has sufficient funds for that project.

If the project is considered a priority and the expenditure is relatively high in costs then MAAC will be adopting the following
a. Request several quotes form the suppliers of such materials or equipment.
b. Can the project can be constructed by members at a lower cost or free of charge – mostly considered.
c. MAAC Committee will announce a minimum funding plan and inform the members.

The Funding Plan will work as follows.

a. The members will be asked to support the project by lending to the club a minimum amount of money.
b. The members are free to lend or to donate this amount.
c. Any member is free to donate or lend more then the minimum amount.
d. Members donating or lending this amount will be given a receipt by MAAC treasurer stating if the money was on lend
or donated.
e. The MAAC treasurer will keep the money in the specific project fund until the required amount is reached.
f. After 4 weeks from the call the treasurer will inform MAAC committee the status of the project financing.
g. If the required money has been collected then MAAC committee will approve and go ahead with the second phase
which is the purchasing of the equipment or material and construction.

h. If the sum is not reached MAAC will investigate if the remaining money can be issued from MAAC funds to complete
the project.
i. If it is not possible then the project will be put on hold and all donators and lenders will be issued their money back.
j. The members donating the money will be refunded back with their money within 1 year without interest.
k. The MAAC treasurer will start a.s.a.p. refunding back members.
l. Once all members have been paid back he will inform the MAAC committee.

NOTE: MAAC members are FREE to decide if they are willing to donate or lend the required sum of money.
MAAC also respects the fact that a member can wish not to participate in such a request.

Current list of projects.

1. The construction of 4 to 6 BR Benches according to ERABSF specifications.

(cost under evaluation).

2. The purchasing of 3 sets of STOP PLATE Timers to be used in Steel Plate

Challenge and APDS. (Euro 283)

3. The purchasing of 2 club air rifles.

The list is according to the current priorities. Priorities can change without notice.

MAAC Membership 2009

MAAC is accepting membership for 2008/2009.

For more information please contact MAAC Secretary at the Victoria Shooters Range Tal-Handaq Limits of Qormi from
7.00am till 11.00am or by e-mail at You can contact also the MAAC secretary Mr. James Bugeja on
mobile number 99478309.

MAAC has 3 different types of membership conditions.

A. For those who already are in possession of a valid Target Shooter – B (air gun) licence in 2008.
B. For those who have a valid shooting license in 2008 (example TS-A) but no TS-B licence.
C. For those who have no shooting licenses.


Type A.
Fill the membership form and attach 2 passport size photos.
A copy of the 2008 TS-B (air gun) licence.
A copy of the 2008 insurance policy (If you intend to shoot with MAAC).
A copy of the Maltese ID card (2-sides)
A copy of any club you are member.

These members upon submitting the above requirements and paying the enrolment and membership for 2009 which totals €
20 can start participating in MAAC. A Club ID card will be issued soon after. This card is required to renew TS-B (air gun)
licence in 2009.

Type B
Fill the membership form and attach 2 passport size photos.
A copy of the 2008 shooting licence (example TS-A)
A copy of the 2008 insurance policy
A copy of the Maltese ID card (2-sides)
A copy of any Club you are member.
A copy of your conduct issued by the Police GHQ.

These members upon submitting the above requirements and paying the enrolment and membership for 2009 which totals €
20 will Club ID card will be issued soon after. These members will be called by MAAC for an Air gun Safety and Introduction
Course (ASIC). MAAC will then issue a Letter Of Recommendation (LOR) to the member. With this LOR the member can
apply for a TS-B (air gun) licence at his/her local police station. Until the TS-B (air gun) licence is issued the member can
shoot with club or other licensed member equipment under supervision. Once the TS-B licence is issued he/she must present
it to MAAC in order to start shooting with his/her equipment without supervision.

Type C
Fill the membership form and attach 2 passport size photos.
A copy of the Maltese ID card (2-sides)
A copy of your conduct issued by the Police GHQ.
Also Apply for the Fedina Penali from the Police GHQ.

These members upon submitting the above requirements and paying the enrolment and membership for 2009 which totals €
20 will Club ID card will be issued soon after. These members will be called by MAAC for an Air gun Safety and Introduction
Course (ASIC). MAAC will then issue a Letter Of Recommendation (LOR) to the member. With this LOR the member can
apply for a TS-B (air gun) licence at his/her local police station. Until the TS-B (air gun) licence is issued the member can
shoot with club or other licensed member equipment under supervision. Once the TS-B licence and the Fedina Penali is
issued he/she must present them to MAAC. The member will be able to start shooting with his/her equipment without
supervision when the Police issue the TS-B licence.


MAAC can offer a valid Target Shooter insurance that covers ALL types of shooting sport. This insurance do not cover
Hunting activities. MAAC being an affiliated member of the Malta Shooting Sport Federation (MSSF) benefits from the group
rate insurance policy offered by MSSF. The insurance cost € 10.25 per annum.
For insurance coverage please contact the MAAC Secretary.



May we remind all MAAC member and those members who wish to join MAAC that our club is licensed and caters only for
Target Shooter B ( air gun ). Hence MAAC members who are already in the possession of TS-A licence must be members of
any club, association or federation that endorse Target Shooters A licenses.

MAAC does not force or refuse it members from being members of any particular club, association or federation.
However MAAC have a preference. MAAC suggest to any members who is thinking to migrate from his current TS-A
endorsing club to join AACTS or MSSF.

Enrollment in AACTS and/or MSSF must be settled with AACTS and/or MSSF officials but you can ask us for details.
Please inform AACTS or MSSF that you are MAAC members.

AACTS application form can be downloaded from:

The MSSF application form can be downloaded from:

With these applications submit 2 passport size photos.

Copy of TS-A license 2008
Copy of Insurance Policy 2008 (if you intend to shooting in 2008)
Copy of ID Card Malta ( 2 sides )
Copy of MAAC ID card or receipt if not yet issued.
Any other requirements as stated on their membership forms.

MAAC – Editors Notes.

Dear member,

Should you wish to submit any article related to air guns , shooting sport disciplines, tuning, customizing or a
person shooting experience please do not hesitate to show your experience or knowledge. Please submit your work
in a standard MS Word Document and any pictures in JPEG format to our PRO Mr. Kris Debattista on We will ensure that your work will be published in one of our future MAAC Newsletter

MAAC will issue 4 news letters per year. These will be issued in January , April, July and November to keep you
updated with the club activities and plans. Naturally the news letter covers the most important expects and not all
MAAC news. For more up to date information and last minute news and memos always check out our web site;
http:// .

The MAAC new letter can also utilized by Licenced Arms Dealers to advertize their products with our members.
A one time half page banner advert cost €15, one can opt to advert for 4 X 1/2 page banners on 4 different editions of
the MAAC Newsletter for the price of €50. A full page commercial product review is also possible and costs €25 per
page. MAAC members wishing to sell second hand equipment can also advertise for €2 in our newsletter. Anyone
interested in advertizing please contact our PRO. Adverts are printed only if payment is effected.


Malta Allied Airgunners Club (MAAC)

P.O. Box 38
Naxxar, Malta.
Web Site:
MAAC is affiliate in the Malta Shooting Sports Federation (MSSF), Association of Arms Collectors and Shooters (AACTS) and the European
Rimfire and Airrifle Benchrest Shooting Federation (ERABSF) – Malta Region.

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