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INTRODUCTION TO This is a captivating e-book that explores the mystical world of

Chaldean numerology, revealing how a name change can

transform your life. Delve into the secrets of karma,

CHALDEAN epigenetics, and the Universe, and discover the extraordinary

potential that lies within you. Embark on a journey of
self-realization and unlock the door to a life of limitless

By grand master Chaldean numerologist and medical
student, August Darius Danielsson

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 1


This e-book aims to describe the ancient principles of Chaldean numerology from the way they were practiced in the
ancient city of Persepolis between 550 BC - 330 BC during the age of the Achaemenid Persian empire during an age of
religious freedom, human rights and financial prosperity unmatched.

The masters who practiced Chaldean numerology during this age were priests known as magis who were associated
with the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism in which they worshipped one God known as Ahura Mazda, who was
perceived as the all-loving god of the Universe and all universes.

The masters who practiced Chaldean numerology had their own interpretation of Zoroastrianism in which they
strongly believed in karma, reincarnation and the thing known as the “eternal life”.

In this e-book, we will explore these beliefs according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology.

In this e-book we will also explore what the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology believes about karma, and
how that could possibly influence our genetics from life to life, and our genes on an epigenetic level.

It is important to be aware that despite my background as a medical student, nothing in this e-book is medical advice.

The ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology stirs the depths of our souls, igniting a flame of wonder and awe
within us. It whispers secrets that resonate with our very essence, unveiling the hidden threads that weave through
the tapestry of our lives.

In this mystical tradition, numbers become more than cold calculations; they become vibrant pulses of energy that
dance through the universe. Each number carries its own melody, its own symphony of meaning. They speak to us in
whispers, beckoning us to listen, to decode their sacred messages.

Our birth date and name, once thought of as mere labels, transform into portals of understanding. They become
gateways to our true selves, revealing the grand design of our existence. Through the lens of Chaldean numerology, we
see the purpose behind our journey, the gifts we bring, and the lessons we must learn.

As we open our hearts to the magic of synchronicity, we begin to witness the universe's delicate choreography.
Numbers align in intricate patterns, shimmering with significance. We feel the gentle nudges, the cosmic winks,
guiding us along our path. The world becomes alive with hidden meanings, and we become attuned to the symphony
of numbers that accompanies us.

This ancient philosophy reminds us that our souls are timeless, boundless, and forever evolving. We are not confined
to a single lifetime but are participants in a grand cosmic dance. Our actions ripple through eternity, shaping the
tapestry of our existence and illuminating the path of our soul's evolution.

In the tapestry of destiny, Chaldean numerology weaves together the threads of free will and predestination. It honors
our power to choose, to shape our lives through conscious decisions. Yet, it also embraces the hand of destiny, the
unseen forces that guide us towards encounters and experiences that are woven into the fabric of our soul's journey.

Numbers possess a mystical healing essence, radiating transformative energies. They hold the power to soothe our
wounds, to mend the fragments of our being. Through the sacred art of numerology, we engage in rituals and name
changes, invoking the harmonizing vibrations that restore balance and invite growth. We become agents of our own
healing, co-creators of our destiny. Tools – Education - Knowledge

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Chaldean numerology is a universal language that transcends the boundaries of culture and language. It speaks to the
core of our humanity, reminding us that we are all connected, all part of a cosmic symphony. It nurtures compassion,
empathy, and understanding, for in the realm of numbers, we discover our shared journey, our shared humanity.

Embrace the wonder, the mystery, and the profound beauty of Chaldean numerology. Let its ancient wisdom ignite the
flames of transformation within you. Dive into the depths of your being, unravel the hidden layers of your existence,
and dance to the rhythm of the numbers that whisper their secrets in your ear. Embrace the power of numbers and
embark on a soul-stirring journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 3


According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the numbers 0 and 9 are considered divine as the
number 0 is a circle which has no beginning nor an ending.

It represents the entire nothingness, and everything there is.

According to modern physics, the Universe is created from an event known as the Big Bang, in which the Universe
expanded from nothing and became everything there is. Thereby the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology and
modern physics agree that from nothing, everything is created. Modern physics also suggests that prior to Big Bang,
the entire Universe was at an unknown extremely small size, but who created that small thing? According to the
ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the numbers 0 and 9 are the numbers of all divine creation.

Divine creation is creation of things that humans cannot create. Here things such as energy of the Universe goes under
that category. According to the law of physics, energy can never be created, and it can never cease to exist, but it can
change its form. Thereby the materials of the Universe have always existed - even before Big Bang, but in a different

Another thing that is considered as divine creation according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology is our
consciousness. Even modern science is unable to explain why we have consciousness. Modern neuroscience can
measure the activity within our brains, but it is not able to explain how these activities known as action potentials are
able to create what we know as consciousness. According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, our
consciousness is not made in our brain, but it is transmitted from a higher place in the Universe or somewhere
beyond, and our brain is a mere transmitter that converts this consciousness into something we can use for our
everyday activities and to navigate in what we know as reality.

Things that are not divine creations are things that we as humans can create. This could for example be a house, a
cheeseburger or anything you can think of which are made by man. All man-made creations will eventually cease to
exist, but according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, things that are made from divine creation will
never cease to exist, and here it is believed that our consciousness and thereby our soul will never cease to exist. Just
like it is also believed in both modern physics and according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology: all
energy in the Universe was there from the beginning, and so the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology also
believes that all souls were there from the beginning. Actually, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean
numerology, there was no beginning. There may have been a beginning of this universe, but before that, there were
multiple other universes, and before that, there were also other universes. And so, it is believed according to the
ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology that there has never been a time in which there was nothing. Here it is
believed that all matters of this Universe may have been part of a different universe before our Universe was created.

As the number 0 is nothing, the number 9 is everything. The number 0 has no beginning and no ending, which is
thereby a symbol of the above stated theory of no beginning and no ending.

When you add the number 9 to any number, you will get a number of a higher octave, which has the same sum as the
number you added by 9. For example: 5 + 9 = 14. Then 1 + 4 = 5.

When you add the number 0 to any number, you will get the same number. For example: 5 + 0 = 5. Thereby it can
be stated that the numbers 0 and 9 have similar aspects.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the number 9 consists of the essence of all other
numbers, just like the Universe is intertwined with everything that exists. Tools – Education - Knowledge

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The number 0 is like a black hole that absorbs all matters and amplifies its power. This is the reason why the numbers
in Chaldean numerology 10/1 is much more powerful than the single number 1. This number has similar aspects with
the number 19/1, as the number 9 has similar aspects as the number 0.

As previously stated, the number 9 is everything, and the number 0 is nothing.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, nothing is everything, and everything is nothing.

This is illustrated well in a dialogue in an old Disney movie known as The Incredibles in which a family has gotten
superpowers to save the world.

In a dialogue the son asks his father: “Why doesn’t everyone have superpowers?” And then the father replies: “If all
had superpowers, it would be the same as if no one had superpowers”.

This accurately illustrates the point that what is everywhere is nowhere and the other way around.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the Universe is ruled by an all-loving god known as
Ahura Mazda, which can be translated into “Aura of light” or “Aura of wisdom” as wisdom and light are synonymous in
ancient Aramaic which was the official language in ancient Persia around 500 BC when Chaldean numerology was
practiced especially in the ancient city of Persepolis. It is believed that Ahura Mazda has always been there. Even
before our Universe was created, and that Ahura Mazda is also the fabric of all other universes in existence.

According to the ancient philosophy, our Universe is structured as layers upon layers. We have our body, and inside our
body, we have our organs. Inside our organs, we have cells, and inside our cells, we have organelles. Inside our
organelles, we have molecules, and inside these molecules, there are atoms. Inside these atoms, there are quarks.

And the other way around, we have our body, then we have our planet Earth, then we have our solar system, then we
have our galaxy and then we have our Universe.

However, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, things do not end at the level of quarks and
atoms, nor does it end at the supposed edge of the Universe.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, there are universes deep down in every atom that are
just like our Universe, and these universes may even contain individuals like us who have a consciousness, but who are
just that much smaller inside than we are, but to them, they do not seem small in size, as their worlds might be similar
to ours. Time in their universe may go at a different pace than time in our Universe.

Similarly, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, it is believed that outside our Universe, there
are other universes just like our universe.

If we zoom out further, all these universes are like atoms that bond with one another and influence one another just
like atoms in a molecule.

Here it is believed that if we zoom out even further, all these universes are molecules of water in a bowl located in the
center of a beautiful atrium with a structure that looks like ancient Greek architecture with majestic columns tangled
by beautiful plants that look like vine plants as we know it. Here some beautiful and benevolent higher beings reside.
These beings may live on a planet and be part of yet another universe, and so the cycle goes on and on for eternity
upwards and for eternity downwards.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the numbers 3, 5 and 8 are associated with time as we
know it. The number 3 is the number of expansions, the number 5 is the number of movements, and the number 8 is
the number of eternity itself. Tools – Education - Knowledge

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So, what is time? According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, time is movement. Time is the
revolutions of the Earth around its own axis and the Earth’s orbit of the Sun. Our perception of time is based on the
movements of our planet and our Universe, while other universes may have different perceptions of time.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, there may be versions of us in parallel universes which
live similar or different lives from ours, and here it is believed that when we fear a negative outcome from an event, it
might be that a different version of us in a parallel universe has already experienced that unpleasant event. The same
can also be the case with positive expectations. Here it is also believed that the feeling of déjà vu may arise from an
event that has already occurred in a parallel universe, and that we have an unconscious psychic link with other
versions of us in parallel universes. This corresponds with the idea that all universes are like atoms that are part of
molecules which bond with one another. These bonds may be what cause the interactions between each universe in
the multiverse.

Here it is believed that Ahura Mazda is the fabric of all universes and everything there is, and nothing is beyond the
consciousness of Ahura Mazda, and nothing is higher nor greater than Ahura Mazda.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the god Ahura Mazda is associated with the numbers 9
and 0, as the number 9 is fire in its purest form.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, fire is the force of life, and the force of all souls that
connects everything in the Universe and in all universes. This is the reason why ancient Persians worshipped fire as a
source of the divine. Here fire is perceived as the force that drives our evolution and everything in all universes
forward. The fire of the human soul is the longing and desires for progress. This is the driving force of the human soul,
and the soul of all living beings in the Universe and beyond.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the rules and principles of Chaldean numerology is a
Universal law that applies everywhere in the Universe and even in all universes. Thereby it is believed that the
principles of Chaldean numerology are laws of nature like gravity and just like 2 + 2 = 4. Thereby these principles
can never be altered no matter what.

The ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology invites us to explore the profound interconnectedness between
ourselves and the vast cosmic expanse. It teaches us that we are not separate entities floating aimlessly in the void,
but integral threads woven into the intricate fabric of the Universe itself.

Every celestial body, from the blazing sun and stars to the distant galaxies, pulsates with energy and vibrates with a
sacred resonance. Chaldean numerology unveils the cosmic codes embedded within the very fabric of the Universe,
illuminating the profound interconnectedness that binds all things.

As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the Universe, we discover that the patterns and rhythms that shape our lives
are echoed in the cosmic dance of the stars. The ancient masters of Chaldean numerology understood that the
Universe is a symphony of vibrations, each carrying its own unique frequency and resonance. All frequencies attract
their equal, and all frequencies can be translated into an emotion which is further translated into circumstances of our
lives, as according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, everything is mind.

In this cosmic symphony, numbers emerge as the sacred language of the Universe. They are the keys that unlock the
hidden chambers of knowledge and wisdom, revealing the intricate tapestry of our existence. Through the lens of
Chaldean numerology, we decipher the cosmic codes imprinted in our names and birth dates, unraveling the cosmic
blueprint that shapes our journey. Tools – Education - Knowledge

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Just as the stars align in celestial harmony, Chaldean numerology unveils the cosmic alignments that shape our lives. It
teaches us that every aspect of our being is imbued with a profound cosmic significance, from the day we were born to
the letters that compose our names. Through the intricate dance of numbers, the Universe reveals its secrets and
offers us a glimpse into the grand design of existence.

The Universe, like a wise sage, whispers its truths through the language of numbers. It invites us to awaken our inner
wisdom, to tap into the cosmic currents that flow through our souls. Through the ancient wisdom of Chaldean
numerology, we learn to read the celestial signs, to navigate the cosmic tides, and to align ourselves with the cosmic
currents that guide our journey.

In the cosmic tapestry of the Universe, we discover that we are not mere spectators but active participants in the
grand cosmic drama. Our thoughts, intentions, and actions send ripples through the cosmic ocean, shaping the
trajectory of our lives and influencing the collective consciousness known as Ahura Mazda.

Chaldean numerology reminds us that we are co-creators of our reality, intricately connected to the cosmic dance of
creation. It encourages us to harness the cosmic energies that surround us, to align ourselves with the divine
frequencies that pulsate through the cosmos. By understanding the sacred language of numbers, we can unlock the
gateways of our potential and step into the limitless possibilities that the Universe offers.

Embrace the cosmic embrace of the Universe within the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology. Open your heart
and mind to the whispers of the cosmos and allow the cosmic symphony to guide your steps. As you immerse yourself
in the cosmic dance, you will awaken to the boundless higher wisdom that resides within you and embark on a thrilling
journey of self-discovery and cosmic connection.

Step into the vast expanse of the Universe and let the celestial melodies of Chaldean numerology guide you on a
cosmic adventure like no other. Embrace the cosmic dance, unlock the secrets of existence, and become a co-creator
of your own cosmic destiny. The Universe awaits, ready to reveal its cosmic wonders and unveil the extraordinary
possibilities that lie within your soul. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 7


“Eternity would be your way of learning” - quote from an unknown master in Chaldean numerology in ancient

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, everything we do creates karma. Pretty much everything
we do to other people is returned to us for good or bad.

Here the intention behind our action is irrelevant. Only the deed itself matters.

The point of karma is that we’re going to be aware of how our actions affect other people. Therefore, even if we do
something with good intentions that harms other people, we will feel ourselves what that deed feels like when it is
done to us, so we may consider the next time we’re planning to do that thing to other people.

Thereby through eternity we learn from the karma that we get back from what we have done to other people.

So as the intention behind our action is irrelevant, it does not matter if we do something that benefits other people,
even if our motive is selfish. Just as long as we do good, which means that we do something that is in service to
another person.

Imagine if you are rescued from a burning house, but the person who saves you only does it because he is hoping to
get pleasant karma in return, or to receive glory from the community.

What will happen to this guy who comes to save you? According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, he
may experience in another situation that somebody saves him for a similar reason. Is that bad? Most people would
agree that all that matters is that your life is saved, and that your savior’s motive is irrelevant.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the reason why some people have empathy and other
people do not is because these people who lack empathy have not had enough experience with suffering in their
current life or in their past life.

This is the reason why a psychopath serial killer can make him/ herself torture and kill innocent people without

Hereby the serial killer will experience that the same treatment will be done to him - in either his or her current
lifetime, or in future lifetimes (usually stretches no more than 3-4 lifetimes into the future).

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, our soul grows from the principle of hunger and satisfied

Imagine if you had a great and delicious meal of sushi (assuming you love sushi like I do), and even though you love
sushi, in the end, you may not be able to get another bite down.

Karma works the same way. When our soul has experienced the same thing enough times, we will feel fed up with it,
and then we will repel it, and those karmic lessons will end.

Thereby a psychopath serial killer will eventually be tired of these horrible things that he or she had done other people
is done to him or her. In future lifetimes, he or she will repeatedly become the victim.

In the end, the person is unable to any longer do that same kind of harm to other people as he or she did in the past. Tools – Education - Knowledge

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This is how we grow empathy, as our soul through multiple lifetimes of experience gets to know what the experience
feels like. Empathy is the ability to imagine what other people feel in any given situation. According to the ancient
philosophy of Chaldean numerology, we are not able to imagine what other people feel if we have not felt it ourselves
at some point - either in our current lifetime or in our eternal past of past lifetimes.

We can only have so much empathy as we have suffered in our current life or in our eternal past of past lives.

In ancient Persia, a master of Chaldean numerology was asked what to do to become a developed human being. The
master answered: “Go out and do a lot of stupid things. Then karma will teach you some important lessons that will
bring you closer to completion”. Another quote is: “Truth lies in darkness”, as when we descend into darkness and evil,
we will explore all its aspects, and as the darkness ends up consuming us, in the end, we will have had enough of it,
and we will seek back into the light and never return to darkness again, if we have just had enough of it. In the light,
we find true wisdom, as previously mentioned, in ancient Persia, light was synonymous with wisdom, as light creates
clarity of the complexity of the Universe.

Despite pain and suffering may teach us humanity and compassion, this does not mean that we should inflict harm on
ourselves deliberately, such as banging our heads into the wall. This will create pointless pain, and karma will give us
exactly the pain that we need no matter what. There is no need to inflict it on ourselves purposefully.

As experience from suffering is what teaches up empathy and humanity, it is also important to note that everything in
this world that is commonly perceived as evil or bad, are indeed these things that bring us closer to completion.

Wars of the world, in which millions of innocent people suffer and die is what gives the involved parts the experience
that makes them despise war.

Thereby if an individual has had enough of suffering through wars, eventually that person becomes a natural pacifist.

Thereby the pacifist is the greatest warrior, as that person has through his or her eternal past of past lives had the
most amount of experience of going to war.

So, if we want lasting peace in the world, we need more wars, so more people will reject war. This will happen
inevitably, and there is nothing we can do to prevent it from happening.

I have heard many people who tells me that they dislike watching the news, because it’s all about wars and disasters.
As a scientist, one could watch the news and think “It’s really interesting how God/ Ahura Mazda brings us closer to

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, no one suffers unrighteous. Everyone that suffers has
done the same deed to other people in their eternal past of past lives, and their current suffering teaches them what
that behavior had done to other people.

However, most people need repetitive learning in order to change their behavior, which is the reason why, karma
comes one on one with what we do.

Pleasant situations in our lives happen because we have done things to other people that has brought them pleasure
and the other way around.

Discomfort usually comes from being tired of a certain thing that keeps happening to you. It’s usually the feeling of
being fed up with something.

Some people can have an extremely tough life, but still feel good. This is so because they feel like they are learning a
lot from the suffering, and some people even enjoy suffering. This can be seen among people who repeatedly choose Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 9

toxic relationships. They may do this, until they are fed up, and they desire a change, and then the change will come

If a person has suffered enough, eventually more suffering becomes pointless, as they have learned the lesson. The
pain of the suffering comes when we have had enough of it. People who enjoy toxic relationships may not feel that
they suffer from it, because it is still part of their karma to learn from it, and then these individuals may thrive by it
until they have had enough of it.

However even when a person who had done things to other people in their eternal past of past lives, that has caused
them significant discomfort, and that person has had a lot of karma that caused the person a similar discomfort, and
eventually the person chooses to change his or her behavior, the tough karma doesn’t stop from then on.

Karma can never be neutralized by good deeds. Unpleasant karma can only disappear by experiencing it. You will
get the good karma for the good things you have done to other people, but it will not neutralize the unpleasant

However, growing to completion is not only about morality and humanity. It’s also about many other factors.

Karma, the intricate web of cause and effect that weaves through the tapestry of our lives, holds a central place in the
ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology. It is a profound concept that explores the intricate balance between our
actions, intentions, and the consequences we face.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, karma is not a mere cosmic punishment, but a guiding
principle that shapes our evolution. It is the thread that connects our past, present, and future, allowing us to learn,
grow, and transcend the limitations of our existence. Ahura Mazda is not a god who punishes anyone. In fact, it is
believed that the tough karma that we receive is the love of Ahura Mazda in which he works with us to achieve

We are not able to experience all aspects of life at once. This is the reason why we have an infinite number of lifetimes
in different worlds. If you imagine a ray of light, which contains all colors of the rainbow. However, when the light is not
broken by a prism, it is just white, but if you break it through a prism, you will be able to see all colors of the rainbow.
When we reincarnate and we have different types of lives, this is how our divine light is broken like light through a
prism so we can experience all the colors of life, which brings us closer to completion.

In the vast tapestry of the universe, every action we take, every thought we harbor, and every word we speak ripples
across the fabric of reality, leaving an indelible imprint on our journey. Chaldean numerology teaches us that these
imprints manifest as karmic energy, which we carry with us from lifetime to lifetime.

There is some karma that we can carry with us from a past lifetime which may be extremely heavy and give us crisis,
and in some situations these crises can never be avoided. All we can do is to live through them.

To demonstrate this point, I will illustrate it by a fairytale from ancient Persia:

Around 500 BC, during the age of Darius The Great who was one of the greatest kings the world had ever seen, and he
was a benevolent ruler and king of more than 35 nations that hailed him as the “king of kings”. He had just finished the
construction of his new architectural marvel of a new palace known as Parsa in the new capital city of Persepolis.

Important people and commoners from all over his vast empire was invited to come and celebrate the power and
prosperity of the great Persian empire with him 21st of March, which was the date of the Persian new year, which was
one of the most important holidays in ancient Persia and also in modern day Iran. Tools – Education - Knowledge

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More than 25,000 people were under way, and just one day before the great celebration was to begin, the king was
informed by his most trusted servant Artobarzan that the organizers of the party had forgotten to order fine wine for
the satraps (local kings of regions of the Persian empire who were under the reign of the king of kings - like governors

It would be an embarrassment for such a great king not to provide wine for his finest guests, so he sent his servant
Artobarzan to the local bazar of Persepolis to order wine for the next day. Artobarzan mounted his horse, and went to
the bazar, and made an agreement with the royal supplier of wine to deliver his best wine for the satraps before the
next day.

On his way out, Artobarzan saw death staring right at him from a corner of the bazar. Frightened Artobarzan ran
outside the bazar as fast as he could and got back on his horse and rode back to the great king, and he could barely
talk as he stood in front of his master, the king.

“What is wrong”? Asked the king. “A-a-a I saw death at the bazar. I must return to my home city of Pasargad to prevent
Death from coming for me”.

The king put laid a hand on his shoulder and ensured him that he would take care of it, and he ordered Artobarzan to
stay at the palace.

The king gathered a few soldiers who rode with him to confront death, and as they arrived at the bazar, death was still
there. The king was in his 30s and he was tall and strong, with a thick beard and long curly black hair, and he could
appear very intimidating when he needed to.

He went without hesitation to confront death and stated with authority in his voice: “I Darius the great, king of kings,
king of countless countries, king of the world and first to Ahura Mazda, I order you to leave my best servant Artobarzan
alone and not to scare him!”

Death replied: “Your great majesty, ruler of the world, I didn’t mean to scare your friend right here. Actually, I’m
planning to come for him in his home in Pasargad tonight”, death replied in a sycophantic way.

The king was confused about Death’s statement. Why was he talking about Pasargad? The king had indeed ordered
Artobarzan to stay at his palace in Persepolis. The king anticipated that everything would be fine, as Artobarzan was
not in Pasargad and that he could protect him at the palace.

As the king returned to the palace, he was left with a note from Artobarzan stating that he strongly appreciated the
king’s help to protect him from Death, but that he felt that he had no other choice but to flee to his home city of

So, death came for Artobarzan in Pasargad that night.

This fairytale illustrates how some aspects of our destiny is unavoidable, if it is a karmic aspect that we need to
experience. Then there is nothing one can do to avoid it no matter how hard one tries.

Our actions, both positive and negative, reverberate through the corridors of time. Like a stone dropped into a tranquil
pond, they create ripples that touch the lives of others and shape our own destiny. The ancient masters of Chaldean
numerology understood that we are not isolated beings but interconnected souls, bound by the threads of karma that
intertwine us all. Despite this aspect, we need the feeling of individuality in order to grow, as this eventually makes us
long to reunite with the entire cosmos and its divine light once more. Tools – Education - Knowledge

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When we delve into the depths of our own karma, we gain a profound understanding of the choices we have made
and the consequences they have borne. We begin to see the patterns that emerge, the lessons that repeat, and the
opportunities for growth that lie hidden within our experiences.

Chaldean numerology reveals that the purpose of karma is not to punish or trap us in an endless cycle of suffering.
Instead, it serves as a catalyst for our soul's evolution, nudging us toward self-awareness, compassion, and spiritual
growth. It is through the fires of karmic purification that we refine our souls, shedding the layers of ego, ignorance, and
illusion that hinder our true potential.

As we navigate the intricate dance of karma, it is essential to recognize that we possess the power of choice. We can
consciously shape our destiny by aligning our actions with the higher principles of love, compassion, and integrity. By
choosing thoughts, words, and deeds that uplift and inspire, we create positive karmic imprints that pave the way for a
brighter future.

However, Chaldean numerology reminds us that we cannot escape the consequences of our past actions. The karmic
debts we have accumulated must be paid, and the lessons we have yet to learn will continue to present themselves
until we embrace them with humility and understanding.

Though we should have suffered enough of the tough karma until we truly understand that we never want it ever
again. If we change our negative behavior and we have not had enough of the tough karma, we may eventually do the
negative behavior once more. Eventually the tough karma that we have experienced will eventually be sufficient to
change our behavior permanently.

Yet, amidst the intricate tapestry of karma, there lies the potential for liberation. Chaldean numerology teaches us that
by cultivating awareness, mindfulness, and conscious intention, we can transcend the limitations of our karmic
patterns. Through self-reflection, forgiveness, and genuine transformation, we can break free from the chains of
negative karma and align ourselves with the higher vibrations of love, harmony, and spiritual enlightenment.

In the realm of Chaldean numerology, karma is not a rigid and unforgiving force, but a powerful catalyst for growth,
self-discovery, and soul evolution. It reminds us that we are the creators of our own destiny, and that our actions,
words and thoughts shape the course of our lives and ripple through eternity.

For example, imagine Hitler who killed millions of people in concentration camps. Here according to the ancient
philosophy of Chaldean numerology, Hitler should in his future lifetimes also be killed in concentration camps. Though
he may not be killed millions of times in concentration camps, but he may be killed and tortured that many times in
concentration camps until he has reached an awareness in which he will never again be able to order people to get
killed in concentration camps, and then the karma of that aspect may end.

Embrace the profound wisdom of karma within the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology. Learn from its
lessons, honor its intricacies, and walk the path of conscious evolution. Through the transformative power of karma,
you can rewrite the script of your life, forge a brighter future, and contribute to the harmonious tapestry of the
universe. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 12


According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, we all derive from the same source, and we have all
passed the same stations.

We have all been animals, plants and even much simpler organisms if we go far enough back into our eternal past of
past lives.

In the animal kingdom, there are other virtues that there are in the human kingdom, and as we eventually all become
complete or divine human beings, there will be a completely new set of virtues that we will follow.

In the animal kingdom, the law of the jungle applies.

Here everyone must care for themselves, and some individuals need to kill in order to eat. If a snake tries to be
empathetic or to be pacifist, it will perish immediately. Here selfishness is essential to survive.

However, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, animals also get karma for that type of
behavior, which eventually makes them more humane. Thereby for example a snake could evolve into becoming a
different predator which hunts in packs. In packs there are more caring for one another.

We see in our world horrible things that are done to animals. Some of it happens in the industry, and other things
happen in the wild, as when an animal kills another animal, or kills their offspring. A snake that kills bird chicks may
also see its own offspring die or experience other similar unpleasant events happen to them. Animals are also learning
like we do from karma. They are just not that far in their journey to completion.

Eventually an animal becomes more humane, which makes them fit for a higher state of their evolution, as for example
becoming a pet to a human or eventually becoming a human themselves.

So as humanity is not the only factor in our journey to completion, there are several other factors, which are all sorts
of talents, such as: intellectual talents, physical talents, verbal talents and many other types of talents.

So how are our talents made?

Once again, as it’s stated “Eternity would be your way of learning” also applies here.

When we learn something in a past life, and if we become good at that thing, it will forever be a talent that we will be
gifted with in our eternal future.

For example, if we look at Albert Einstein, who was a master genius in physics, then according to the ancient
philosophy of Chaldean numerology, one will argue that Einstein may have had several (at least 2 or 3 past lifetimes) in
which we worked with physics as his main occupation which he may have mastered in great depth.

These talents are forever stored in his soul, which means that when he is reincarnated, he will be a genius at physics
again. Even though he may not know anything about physics from birth, he may easily learn it at a much quicker pace
than average people would.

The same of course goes for all kinds of talents. Thereby people who are geniuses at anything may have had several
lifetimes of experience with that thing.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, we need to master all kinds of different things in order
to advance in our journey towards completion. So we need to advance our intellect, but we also need to advance our
emotions and to create an equilibrium between these two so that our emotions are being intellectualized and so that Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 13

there is empathy behind our intellect, so we will not use our intellect to inflict harm on other people, such as for
example being the leader of a criminal organization, which may require a high level of intellectuality and cunningness.

Without intellect behind our emotions, we may descend into neuroticism and depression. With other words, it is the
left and the right brain’s hemispheres that need to enter a permanent state of equilibrium.

So even if you’re old, it’s never a waste of time to learn a new language, or to learn advanced math, or to learn to play
chess professionally, to learn Chaldean numerology, or to take on any other challenge of developing yourself.

If you really want to grow, being a humane and kind person is important, but it’s not sufficient. You also need to
advance your skills and talent as stated above. According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the
future of humanity is one in which intelligence and emotions are in balance, and here intelligence is used for the
purposes of creating a society of abundance for all. In order to be on a frequency that matches this kind of society, one
must also be incredibly intellectually smart in order to fit in.

So, what are the next steps of human evolution according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology?

Many people in the world are at the level of being moderately intelligent and humane. The next step in human
evolution is the genius state, in which we’re extremely good at something like Albert Einstein, and so that we’ll have a
higher state of consciousness due to a higher level of intelligence. Though being extremely good at just one thing is not
enough. We need to advance our talents so far that we can easily become extremely good at pretty much everything
we set our minds to.

The next step is to full enlightenment, which only very few people in this world has achieved.

Here the individual is extremely smart, and easily understands everything, and learns everything easily. The person is
also highly humane and could never do anything that would harm another person or animal. That person will also have
a higher wisdom and being able to understand the secrets of the universe from a deeper perspective.

The world has only seen very few of such individuals.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the only people who have reached this state of their
evolution were Zarathustra (an ancient Persian prophet), Jesus Christ and Buddha.

However, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, in the future, an increasing amount of people
will achieve that state of their evolution. This will increasingly change our world into a utopic paradise in the future in
the way as previously stated.

Humanity has for millennia been stuck between the animal kingdom and the growing divine human inside us. In our
society we still see a lot of selfishness, and in the way that society currently works, the person who is never selfish will
perish like in the animal kingdom. Imagine what would happen to a high-ranking mafia member who chooses to be a
pacifist and fully humane. However, if you are in a more peaceful profession, being humane may not be as dangerous
as it is if you are a member of a criminal organization. Over time, criminal organizations and governments and
corporations that act like criminal organizations may fade away as everyone will be done with that karma, and our
society will thereby also increasingly be able to include and cherish peaceful behavior.

Gradually a higher amount of humanity is growing in our society, so we are with baby steps approaching the next state
of our evolution as a species.

In very ancient times, if your neighbor killed your horse, you were allowed to go and kill ten of his horses, and it would
have no consequences by the surrounding society. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 14

Later, punishment was institutionalized so that you were only allowed to kill one of your neighbor’s horses if he killed
one of yours. This was indeed a step toward a higher state of our evolution toward completion. A baby step, but still a
step. Instead of allowing you to kill ten of your neighbor’s horses for one of your horses, you were now only allowed to
kill one of his horses. Thereby 9 horses were saved.

In most modern societies, we have health care institutions, which help the weak and needy. In many Western
societies, the development of health care institutions is strongly increasing. Thereby society is becoming more and
more an institution that is in some ways trying to protect its citizens from harm, and to support the weak and the sick
to get well. In the animal kingdom, it’s rare to see that animals are taking care of each other when one is wounded. No
one takes care of a snake if it is wounded. Then the snake can either recover on its own or die.

So, is society getting better or worse by time?

If we look back at medieval Europe, some men and women were executed due to accusation of witchcraft. Also, there
were no welfare system, and only the rich could afford health care, which was so bad that health care at that time was
even worse than no health care.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, we all reincarnate in societies that are at a similar
wavelength with our personality when we pass away from our previous lifetime.

Thereby it is most likely that a German person will reincarnate in Germany or in another similar country that has a
similar culture and mentality. This is due to the principle of Chaldean numerology that everything attracts its equal.

However, it is also likely that a person from rural Germany could reincarnate somewhere in rural USA, if the mentality
and culture there is similar enough. It is also likely that people of religious groups may reincarnate into the same
religious groups for many lifetimes as they are on the wavelength with that religious group. This could for example be
the Amish, some Jewish societies, some Gypsy societies etc.

Thereby according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, most people’s souls from each country have
been the same for centuries or even millennia. This may be the reason why countries such as Germany and
Scandinavia are extremely reluctant to get involved in any types of war. Germany had been deeply involved in two
world wars, and they also had a lot of wars with their neighbor countries during the medieval times, and before that,
they had countless wars with the Romans. According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, it may be
mostly the same souls in Germany today as back then, who had endured the same wars, which made them despise
wars. Though they still send weapons to Ukraine and are taking part in the conflict, they are not completely done with
war, but they are more done with it than other countries such as for example the USA are. When a country has fully
learned its karmic lesson of war, it will stay neutral in all wars and conflicts.

The same thing can be said about Scandinavian countries who during the Viking age had countless wars. During
medieval times, they also had a lot of infighting and wars with England.

So, if our experience through suffering and wars are making us increasingly humane, then how come we had some of
the worst world wars through the 20th century?

The interesting fact here is that due to two world wars and countless horrible genocides, is the 20th century so far one
of the centuries in which the least percentage of people got killed in war in comparison to the population size.

Thereby in medieval times, even though less people get killed, the population was also significantly smaller. So, if we
look at the percentage of how many people who got killed in wars and genocides through history, the 20th century is
thus far the century in which the least amount of people got killed in percentage according to the world’s population. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 15

The journey to completion is not a destination but a state of being—a continuous unfolding, an eternal dance of
growth and expansion. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a celebration of our capacity to evolve
and transcend. As we immerse ourselves in the sacred voyage of self-discovery, we come to realize that completion is
not a final destination but a constant journey—a journey that leads us back to the core of our existence, to the radiant
wholeness that resides within us all. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 16


Many people think of all the sufferings in the world as something we need to go out and change and improve. Some
people believe that group meditations for world peace would help.

This of course is a noble thought.

However, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, we will never get rid of it, until everyone has
had enough of experience through suffering, so they will repel it, and thereby it will fade away on its own. Thereby
according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, there is no point in “fighting for peace”. Instead, we
should focus on evolving ourselves. It is when we have achieved a higher stage of our evolution that we are able to
become an inspiration to other people. This will have a far stronger impact on the world than any other thing could
have. It is when we have created peace inside, that the peace outside will follow. Here it is also believed according to
the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology that if we get highly evolved in this world, and if we outgrow it, we
may reincarnate in a higher evolved world in which one’s fellow citizens may be at least just as evolved as oneself. A
world that is often known by the ancient masters of Chaldean numerology is one or several worlds within the star
system of the Pleiades referred by the ancient masters of Chaldean numerology as the Haft Peykar, which means “The
seven maidens”. Here it is believed that humans who look like us live, but they are far more evolved than us, and they
live in perfectly Utopian happiness with a high life quality, and everyone is happy. All evil up there is no more, as they
have lived through that karma, and they do not need any more of it.

Thereby according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, all that we call evil of this world can only
disappear by letting it live itself out, so that these people who harm others will eventually suffer the same karma until
they will change their behavior.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, victim and martyr behavior is the recipe for unhappiness
and depression.

From an atheist and materialist perspective, everyone might think that if a person has a surgery done to him, which is
made incorrectly so the person loses his mobility is the doctor’s fault.

From an atheist perspective it is the doctor’s fault, and the patient has suffered meaninglessly.

However according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, an event like this happens due to the person’s
karma which is getting back on him.

So, from an atheist perspective, perceiving one is a victim to the doctor’s perceived incompetence. However according
to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, no one is ever a victim.

The perception that everything bad that happens in one’s life is somebody else’s fault and never one’s own fault is
victim and martyr thinking, and it degenerates one’s moral. If a person does this for multiple lifetimes, this will
manifest in a person’s numeroscope, which can be seen as the number 12/3, which is about victimhood, and the 11/2
vibration, which is about martyrdom. You can calculate your own numeroscope on our website and see if you have any
of those numbers in your numeroscope.

Thereby one’s behavior and mindset through lifetimes manifests the numbers that one is born with in the

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, if a person descends into victimhood, then it’s also likely
that heavy addictions and self-destructive and self-sabotaging behavior will follow. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 17

I have once heard a heavy smoker saying that he likes smoking, and when he is dead, the problem is gone.

However according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the problem here is not gone after the person
has left this world.

On the contrary, the person will be born in his next life with numbers in the numeroscope of addictions, victimhood
and martyrdom such as 11/2, 12/3 etc. Also due to the harm that the person has made to his physical body, the person
might be reborn with a lowered lung capacity and likely also be born with genetic diseases.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, if this person keeps smoking, drinking or even heavy
using narcotic substances in multiple lifetimes, this person will eventually be born as a disabled person who is unable
to do any of this self-destructive behavior.

This is usually the turning point in which the person will start to feel fed up with this self-destructive behavior, and
here the person may never do any of this again, and thereby the person is “vaccinated” against addictive behavior.

The same also goes for victim behavior. Eventually through multiple lifetimes, the person will be fed up with victim
behavior and everything that follows, so eventually the person will never go back to that kind of behavior ever again.

And this is how eternity would be your way of learning.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the perceived victim was previously the perpetrator
for which he or she gets the karma. The person may have been the perpetrator in his current or in several past

As previously mentioned, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, we are never victims. If we
imagine an example in which a person is in an abusive relationship with a psychopath who frequently beats the
person, then according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, this happens because this person may have
done the same or similar things to other people in a past lifetime.

If a child is abandoned from birth, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, this happens because
the person him or herself has abandoned his or her own child from birth in a past lifetime. If we have had toxic
parents, it may have happened because we ourselves were toxic parents in a past lifetime. In this situation, some
children grow up and become toxic to their children as well, and so the cycle continues until eventually the person will
have had enough, and the person will choose to break the chains and treat his or her children differently. When that
happens, the person will have a much more harmonious upbringing in his or her next lifetime.

However, when one is in that kind of situation, it might be hard to think that away. However according to the ancient
philosophy of Chaldean numerology, victimhood is the true way to unhappiness and misfortune.

To some people, victimhood makes sense, and it is hard for them not to fall into the role of victimhood. As previously
stated, some people keep going back to toxic relationships. Victimhood seems like the easy solution, as then one can
just blame his or her problems on other people, and then avoid looking inwards and taking responsibility for one’s

To some people, facing oneself is the scariest thing to do.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, this behavior makes sense because these individuals still
have experiences to learn from this kind of behavior and the suffering that comes with it. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 18

Just like the example with smoking and heavy addictions, eventually the person will have had enough of the
consequences that are caused by victimhood and the behavior that comes with it, so eventually the person will never
see him or herself as a victim ever again.

If you feel like victimhood never made sense to you, it might be because you have already been through the whole
descend as previously described, so you are repelling that kind of behavior because you have learned your lesson.

It’s when you feel like you can’t stand it anymore that you know that something needs to change.

In the depths of our collective consciousness, we grapple with the concept of evil. It is a force that has haunted
humanity since the dawn of time, weaving its tendrils through the fabric of our existence. But what if there is a
glimmer of hope, a ray of light amidst the darkness? What if, in the cosmic dance of life, evil carries within it the seeds
of its own demise? According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, there is no such thing as hell. What is
hell, is suffering tough karma that we have brought upon ourselves, which we are tired of, and cannot stand anymore.

This according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology is known as Angra Maynyu, from which the English
word “anger” derives.

According to the ancient wisdom of Chaldean numerology, there exists a delicate equilibrium in the universe. Just as
light cannot exist without darkness, good cannot flourish without the presence of evil. But herein lies the paradox: evil,
with all its malevolence and cruelty, unknowingly sown the seeds of its own destruction.

Like a tempestuous storm that rages and consumes all in its path, evil thrives on fear, hatred, and discord. It seeks to
divide, to corrupt, and to perpetuate suffering. However, the very essence of its existence is a catalyst for change, a
catalyst that ultimately leads to its undoing.

Within the depths of the human soul lies an innate longing for harmony, compassion, and justice. We yearn for a world
free from the shackles of evil, where love and understanding reign supreme. And it is this yearning, this collective
aspiration for a better world, that sets in motion a profound transformation.

As the flames of evil spread, igniting chaos and despair, they awaken the dormant resilience and courage within
humanity. Each act of malevolence becomes a clarion call for unity, for compassion, and for the triumph of good over
evil. In the face of adversity, individuals rise, their spirits emboldened by a shared purpose.

Through the crucible of experience, we learn the profound lessons that evil imparts. We discover the power of
empathy, forgiveness, and understanding. It is in the face of darkness that we find the strength to kindle the light
within ourselves and others. We realize that the true antidote to evil lies not in revenge or violence, but in the
transformative power of love.

In this grand cosmic symphony, evil unwittingly dances towards its own demise. It is the impetus that propels us to
shed our limitations and embrace our true potential. The flames of evil, though fierce and all-consuming, cast the
shadows that enable the brilliance of the human spirit to shine even brighter. As truth lies in darkness, it is when we
have faced enough of darkness that we will long to return to the light, and then we will never again seek darkness.

In the end, what we consider "evil" becomes a catalyst for transcendence. It acts as a catalyst for our collective
awakening, a call to rise above our baser instincts and strive for a world where compassion, harmony, and justice
prevail. And in this transformative journey, we witness the triumphant obliteration of evil, as it succumbs to the
indomitable spirit of humanity.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, a highly evolved human will prefer that if harm must be
done to someone that it is done to him or her so that the others may not suffer. We see this in good parents that they Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 19

want to protect their children from harm when needed so that the parent prefers to take the child’s sufferings so that
the child may not have to suffer.

In the future, humanity will evolve into acting that way to all other people. When we have suffered enough, we will do
everything we can to prevent other people from suffering in a situation where they can have an impact.

So let us embrace this cosmic dance, knowing that even in the darkest of times, the forces of good are being
awakened. Let us stand together, united in our pursuit of a world free from the shackles of evil. For in the grand
tapestry of existence, it is our collective determination, love, and unwavering belief in the power of goodness that will
ultimately lead to the eradication of what we once deemed as "evil." Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 20


Our dreams and desire of change is what pushes us forward in our evolution.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, our soul is longing to achieve perfection, which is the
reason why, we as individuals are eager to grow in one way or another.

What we desire, we will attract. So, if we desire wealth, we may choose a path of life that is likely to give us wealth.

However, if we have a lot of karma that prevents us from achieving this or any other goal, this must be repealed and
replaced first.

If you have achieved wealth in one lifetime, and if we imagine that you have created a successful corporation, but you
have treated your employees poorly with extremely low wages and long shifts, which means that you may be
responsible for their poverty, you may in your next lifetime become poor again in a way that there is a lot of karma
blocking your way of becoming wealthy again in that lifetime until eventually that karma is paid off.

It is through our desires that we tap into the infinite wellspring of human potential. They awaken dormant talents,
ignite our passions, and challenge us to reach beyond the confines of our comfort zones. In the pursuit of our desires,
we discover reservoirs of courage, resilience, and determination that we never knew existed within us. As previously
stated, our desires and longings are the fire of our souls that drive our evolution forward.

Our desires are the catalysts of transformation, propelling us to transcend our limitations and embrace our true selves.
They invite us to shed the armor of societal expectations and dive fearlessly into the depths of our authentic desires. In
honoring our passions, we unlock the power to shape our destiny and leave an indelible mark upon the tapestry of

But our desires are not solitary endeavors—they are interwoven threads in the intricate fabric of the universe. As we
pursue our deepest longings, we contribute to the collective evolution of humanity. Our desires inspire others to
awaken to their own inner callings, creating a ripple effect of growth and inspiration that reverberates throughout the

Through our desires, we forge connections, build communities, and collaborate in the pursuit of shared dreams. We
find kindred spirits who resonate with our visions, joining forces to bring forth profound change and elevate the
human experience. It is within these alliances that our individual desires merge into a symphony of collective
evolution, harmonizing the diverse melodies of our souls.

As we journey along the path of desire-driven evolution, we encounter obstacles, setbacks, and moments of doubt.
But it is precisely in these moments of challenge that our desires find their truest expression. We tap into reserves of
resilience and tenacity, discovering depths of our inner strength that we never thought possible.

Our desires, fueled by the fires of passion, chart the course of our personal evolution. They lead us to the frontiers of
innovation, discovery, and self-realization. They are the beacons that guide us through the labyrinth of life, illuminating
our path and revealing the endless possibilities that lie before us.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, no one dies with all their desires and dreams come true.
This is the reason why we choose to reincarnate. We have many desires that we want to achieve, but not all can be
achieved in a single lifetime. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 21

Thereby according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, eventually all our dreams and desires will come
true. Though some of them will not come true in this lifetime, and we may all achieve completion eventually. As we
have all passed the same stations, we will keep doing so in our eternal future.

So let us embrace our desires with reverence and boldness. Let us listen to the whispers of our souls and surrender to
the magnetic pull of our deepest longings. For it is through the pursuit of our desires that we catalyze our own
evolution and contribute to the magnificent tapestry of human progress. Together, let us kindle the flame within and
embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, growth, and the unfathomable potential that lies within us all. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 22


If you feel like you can’t stand it anymore the way that your life is, and you’re strongly longing for a positive change,
then a name change through Chaldean numerology may be the right choice for you.

If for example you have for many life times - including your current one - suffered from victim and martyr behavior, or
any other type of behavior that you’re extremely tired of, but you may feel like you cannot get rid of it, then the name
change according to Chaldean numerology, will start a process in which you “pay off” all the unwanted karma that is in
your current name, which allows you to quickly get rid of it, and to integrate new vibrations, which will allow you to
create karma which will make your life filled with much more pleasure and joy. For example, your new name can bless
your life with aspects of karmic reward, great self-esteem and emotional equilibrium (general happiness), better love
life, strongly improved talents and skills which you can use for creating financial wealth, and a lot more.

Do you ever find yourself drifting through the currents of life, a mere shadow of your true self? Are you trapped in a
cycle of recurring challenges, no matter how hard you strive for improvement? Perhaps you sense that your life is
good, but deep within, you know it can be extraordinary. If you resonate with these feelings, then a numerological
name change is the transformative path that beckons you.

Undertaking a complete name change is an endeavor of profound significance. But imagine, if you will, the assurance
that this single act could ignite a breathtaking transformation, reverberating across every facet of your existence.

How do you gauge its efficacy, you may wonder? By embarking on a one-on-one reading session with yours truly or
one of my best former students. Through this personalized consultation, you will witness the staggering accuracy of
the revelations unveiled, with an astounding alignment of 90-100% to your present circumstances.

This divine reading, derived from the amalgamation of your name and birth date, serves as an irrefutable testament
that your life story would have unfolded differently had your name embraced an alternate composition. It is within this
juncture that the power of numerological name change takes center stage.

The interplay of attraction and repulsion governs our lives, intricately woven into the fabric of our names and birth
dates. If our name vibrates with frequencies steeped in victimhood, anxiety, depression, or loss, we inadvertently
become a magnet for these adversities, no matter how diligently we strive to reclaim responsibility.

Conversely, should our name be imbued with the harmonic frequencies of joy, flourishing love, manifold talents, or the
promise of abundant wealth, these positive forces will become our cosmic companions.

Yet, what about the lessons we are destined to learn during our earthly sojourn? Undoubtedly, suffering serves as a
profound crucible of growth, forging resilience within our souls. However, when our name resonates in perfect
equilibrium, our ability to glean wisdom from these lessons and to evolve is heightened exponentially. We are spared
the arduous cycle of repetition, ascending to a higher vibration where learning manifests through gentler, more
ennobling means.

So, what marvels can a numerological name change unveil in your unique journey? Each soul is blessed with distinct
life purposes, and the transformative alchemy of name change creates an immaculate equilibrium, aligning you with
your true essence and destined path.

A profound sense of coming home permeates your being, as life unfolds before you in an entirely novel and purposeful
manner. No longer shall you be coerced onto paths that feel incongruous with your authentic self.

The transformative effects of a numerological name change are far-reaching, bestowing upon you a myriad of benefits
that are commonly experienced by those who have embarked on this cosmic odyssey: Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 23

● Inner peace, a sanctuary of tranquility amidst life's tempests.

● The profound enrichment of your love life, resonating with passion and harmony.
● Unveiling hidden talents across all domains of life, enabling you to master skills previously elusive.
● Heightened intuition, a guiding light illuminating your path.
● Magnetic social presence and enhanced interpersonal skills, drawing others to your radiant aura.
● Eloquence, the gift of articulation that captivates hearts and minds.
● Karmic protection, emboldening your spirit with a growing belief that life's tapestry increasingly unfolds in
your favor.

Can you compile a list outlining your desires from this transformative journey? Regrettably, no. The numerological
name change orchestrates the ultimate symphony of number vibrations, perfectly attuned to your unique essence,
harmonizing and balancing every aspect of your existence.

This equilibrium empowers you to embark on any pursuit with unrivaled greatness of mind and spirit. Even if your
birth date bears the burden of misfortune, the name change will yield a remarkable improvement. And if your birth
date is blessed with fortune, it shall bestow upon you even greater balance and serenity.

Could a mere alteration of spelling or the addition of middle names suffice? Alas, no compromises can be made within
the realm of numerological mastery. Our rigorous commitment to perfectionism ensures that every element
harmoniously intertwines like the gears of a majestic machine. Each name, vowel, consonant, and their cumulative
resonance must adhere to the sacred formula of Chaldean Numerology.

In your quest for a new name, you may choose from an extensive selection of perfectly ordinary names, spanning
various cultural origins such as American, British, Italian, Spanish, French, Indian, African, and Danish/Scandinavian.
However, these choices must align with our whitelisted names, ensuring their compatibility with the rules of Chaldean
Numerology. Should you require clarity on the name selection guidelines, do not hesitate to contact us.

Must you insist that everyone addresses you by your new name? While it is encouraged to request your friends to
adopt your new name, it is not compulsory. What truly matters is that your new name is legally registered, granting it
the potency to effect profound transformations. In fact, you may choose to retain your old name in your interactions
with friends, family, and on social media. The pivotal requirement remains that your new name is reflected in official
documents such as your passport and driver's license.

But what if you harbor doubts about the efficacy of this transformative journey? The power of a numerological name
change transcends the realm of belief. It is akin to the force of gravity, an immutable law that operates irrespective of
our faith or skepticism. In this pursuit, evidence speaks louder than conviction.

"Some may find the fee exorbitant," you ponder. True, there are numerologists aplenty, but remember, you receive
precisely what you invest in. There is nothing superior to the transformation that our guidance bestows upon you. You
will experience that from the accuracy of what we are able to tell you on a reading session.

Thus, you shall possess the perfect name, one that you can proudly embrace for the entirety of your existence.

A numerology name change represents one of the most profound and groundbreaking transformations you can
undertake in your life.

Fear not, for you remain the same at your core. Changing your name only reshapes your destiny, allowing your true
essence to radiate with unparalleled brilliance. Your innermost competencies and values shall flourish, enabling you to
become the finest version of yourself. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 24

Through a name change according to Chaldean numerology, you can repeal and replace that karma relatively quickly
and grow into a permanent state of being the best version of yourself.

This may sound good to many people; however, the issue here is that if you don’t really want the change, and you do
not really want to let go of your current behavior, then you may not be happy in “paradise”.

To illustrate this with an example, I will refer to the fictional character Walter White of the series Breaking Bad, who
was a high school teacher in chemistry, who had a relatively good wife and a son, and he was well respected in his local
community and pretty much everyone liked him.

One day he got diagnosed with terminal cancer, and he chose to use his knowledge in chemistry to start producing
methamphetamine, and gradually he became a heavy criminal and a drug kingpin, and he ordered people to get killed
in prison in order to defend his market share as a drug lord.

From a perspective of the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, one would say that he did not have enough
experience through the life of crime, which it is likely that he may have lived in a past life.

Thereby if one moved too quickly into a higher state of one’s evolution by living a better life, but one still longs to live a
life of the same chaos and suffering from the past, then one would not thrive in a life that seems better to most
people. Improvement can happen prematurely, and you need to make sure that you really want to grow, and that you
are ready to do what it takes to grow and to become the best version of yourself.

Some people may be addicted to the pain, the suffering and the anxiety which to some people creates a feeling of
comfort and familiarity.

However, when the person is extremely fed up with it, and cannot stand it anymore, then it’s the time to move on, and
to make a change. This is where the name change according to Chaldean numerology can be extremely effective.

One can also make a change without a name change through Chaldean numerology, but then the change may take
multiple lifetimes. Through a name change according to Chaldean numerology, the name change may take less than a

It is important to note that if one has an extremely unbalanced name and birthday, the karmic transformation process
after the name change may take longer time, than if one has a less unbalanced name and birth date.

Thereby according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the effect of the name change may not only
apply to one’s current lifetime, but it may even follow one into all future lifetimes in which one will be born on a better
birth date and with a balanced name from birth.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, we do not control what we want to reincarnate as, and
whom will be our parents.

It is believed that the process of reincarnation happens fully automatically, and that we incarnate into families that are
as similar as possible to our own vibrations, which are reflected in the genes we get as we reincarnate.

If a person has studied hard one lifetime to become a great and skilled doctor, it is likely that this person may
reincarnate into a family with a high academical background and thereby receive genes of academical intelligence so
that the person can easily master the same skills again quickly and become an even better doctor in that lifetime. This
may happen a few lifecycles until the person’s soul is tired of that profession and may pursue something different that
is even more complex and advanced. This will continue deep into eternity, and the person’s intellect will grow
accordingly, and the person will have increasingly more pleasant and joyful lives. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 25

Thereby we create our own future deep into eternity with the actions we do in our current lifetime.

This is how we achieve perfection eventually in all aspects of life. This is also how we approach the state of genius
intelligence. Thereby it can be said that those who are geniuses with an extremely high IQ have reached that state
through countless of lifetimes of practicing and you and the rest of the world’s population may get there too

In our current lifetime, we may experience events of comfort and events of discomfort. Some of it is karma from our
past lifetimes, and it is impossible to avoid it, or to neutralize it. Even through a name change of Chaldean numerology.

However, the actions we do in our current lifetime will have a similar impact on our future lifetimes.

Like in a game of chess, we have our free will to move the pieces around how we please. However, we do not have the
free will to change the rules of chess. The same thing can be said about our reality.

We have our free will to do what we want in our lives, but we do not have the free will to change the karma that we
have already created. We can only choose what karma we will create in the present, which will influence our past.

Due to our past life karma, there will be some vents in our lives that are predetermined by what we know as destiny.
This destiny is created by our past of past lives and our karma from those.

From a numerological perspective, this is also what determines what vibrations we are going to get into our birth date
and in our names when we are born into this world. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 26


Theodicy problem, also known as the problem of evil, is a philosophical question that explores the relationship
between God's omnipotence, goodness, and the existence of evil and suffering in the world. It was first formulated by
the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the 18th century.

The theodicy problem arises from the apparent dilemma that arises when considering that the world is filled with evil
and suffering while assuming that God is omnipotent and perfectly good. If God is able to prevent evil and suffering
but chooses not to, it may question God's goodness. If God desires to prevent evil and suffering but is unable to do so,
it may challenge God's omnipotence.

Various theories and attempts to solve the theodicy problem have been proposed throughout history. Some
theologians have suggested that evil and suffering are necessary to achieve greater goods or to preserve human free
will. Others have argued that God's plan is so complex that humans cannot fully understand its meaning and justice.
There are also those who have proposed that God is not omnipotent or completely good.

The theodicy problem continues to be a subject of debate within theology and philosophy, and there is no single and
universally accepted solution. Attempts to explain and justify the existence of evil in the world continue to be explored
and discussed by philosophers and theologians.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the evil that we experience is what drives our evolution
forward, and we experience it only because we ourselves have done a similar thing in our eternal past that we need to
feel ourselves what that feels like.

Thereby according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, bad (unpleasant) events happen to good people
because these people have at some point in their eternal past done a similar harmful thing to another person, for
which they will endure the karma of their action.

When we feel that these sufferings are unbearable, we are approaching a state of having had enough of that karma.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, the karma we experience in our current life usually goes
back 1-4 lifetimes as previously stated.

It is also important to be aware that even if one changes his course and transforms from being a person who does
harm to other people, and instead becomes a person of service to others (from a bad person into a good person), the
karma from all the harm that is done is not being neutralized by doing good deeds to other people.

The person will get pleasant karma for his or her actions that causes pleasure and comfort to other people, and
experience similar comfortable things done to him or her, but the karmic bill from the other actions that caused
discomfort to other people will still have to be paid off.

Thereby according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, this explains the theodicy problem, and why
bad things happen to good people, and why an all-loving god can allow evil in this world. Simply put, if we do not
experience the unpleasant karma from our unpleasant deeds to other people, we will never experience how they
suffered from the deeds we did to them.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, there is no such thing as evil. All that we see as “evil” is a
natural phase of our evolution from which we need to learn, so eventually we will outgrow it, and advance into a state
of distancing ourselves from it, so that we choose a path that is not what is commonly perceived as “evil”. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 27

So according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, we have all passed the same stations, and thereby we
have all been “evil” and done “horrible things” in our eternal past, and some people are doing it in our present time,
and eventually they will outgrow it as well.

If we advance into the “light” too fast, we may not thrive in a life of what many people perceive as “good” and
“harmonious”, as if we are not fully evolved from the karma from suffering caused by harm that we have done to other
people in our eternal past, we may long back to the thrill of for example doing crime or doing other harmful things to
other people. Some people for example enjoy drama, war and deception. To some people, it is a feeling of familiarity.
Taking these individually out of that lifestyle prematurely may cause a feeling of dissatisfaction to these people.

This corresponds with the teaching of the ancient masters of Chaldean numerology: “If you want to become spiritually
enlightened, you need to go out and do a lot of stupid things”.

However, if you feel stuck facing the same karma over and over, and if this karma causes you a lot of discomfort, and
you feel like you are fed up with it, then a name change according to Chaldean numerology is a very powerful tool to
move into the next step of your evolution. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 28


In this section I will discuss how according to Chaldean numerology, our actions in our current lifetime, and in our
past lifetimes will determine our genetics and our epigenetic factors.

Be aware that there are not made any medical research on this topic, so all that is here discussed is theory based on
the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology.

First, I will define what genes and epigenetic factors are. I will only describe the most basic aspects, and not go too
technically into details.

In each cell of our body, we have in the core (nucleus) something known as DNA, which stands for deoxyribonucleic
acid. It is a molecule which holds all the genetic codes of our body. Our DNA determines everything inside our body, as
for example what eye color we get, body shape, blood type and pretty much everything about us.

In our DNA, we have something called genes which are regions of our DNA that codes for a certain thing, such as one
of the above-mentioned aspects.

It is important to be aware that not all parts of our DNA are actually coding for anything, as there is also something
known as introns, which are parts of our DNA, which is between the genes.

When a gene is being expressed, the introns are spliced off, so all that is left is known as exons, which are the part of
the gene that is expressed.

What a gene is being expressed, a process called DNA transcription occurs, in which a protein (transcription factor)
reads the DNA of the gene and creates something known as mRNA (messenger RNA), which undergoes some
modifications as it leaves the cell nucleus (the core of the cell), and thereafter it is transported to something called a
ribosome, which then makes the mRNA undergo a process called translation.

Here the mRNA strand is read by the ribosome, which recognizes the coding of the mRNA and makes it into a chain of
amino acids known as a protein.

This protein is then either transported outside the cell to where the protein must go. This is done through a process
called exocytosis.

Some proteins also stay inside the cell for various purposes.

In our DNA we can have something known as mutations, which means that there can be wrongful coding's in our DNA.
Our DNA is coded by something known as base pairs, which are: A (adenin), T (thymine), C (cytosine) and G (guanine).

Imagine if in your DNA strand, an A base is substituted with for example a G base. This is known as a missense
mutation, and this can potentially cause an alteration of one amino acid in the protein chain that is translated in the
end. A protein with alterations can in some cases be harmful. This can be the reason for some genetic diseases.

There is a different type of mutation which can be much more harmful. This is something known as a frame shift
mutation. This means that there is either an insertion or a deletion of a single or more base pairs. This is likely in most
cases to cause something known as a premature stop codon (a sequence that tells the transcription to end
prematurely), which means that for the transcription to stop, there must be a sequence either known as UAA, UAG or
UGA. With a frame shift mutation, it is likely that one of these sequences happen far too early, and thereby the mRNA
strand is being far too short. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 29

When an mRNA strand is significantly too short, it usually undergoes something known as nonsense mediated decay
(NMD), which means that the mRNA stand is broken down inside the cytosol (the internal space of the cell) of the cell
before it becomes translated.

This is one of the most severe forms of mutations, which can cause many types of genetic diseases such as cystic
fibrosis, Tay Sachs syndrome, hemophilia A and B and a lot more.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, these genetic diseases happen because of an unhealthy
lifestyle in previous lifetimes.

This could be due to for example heavy alcohol consumption, smoking or substance abuse. It could also be caused due
to lack of exercise, eating extremely unhealthy food or living a stressful life through multiple lifetimes. This is why
these lifestyle sins should not be taken on easily. Previously I mentioned an example of a heavy smoker I heard saying
something like “I love smoking, and when I die, the problem is gone”, and as mentioned before, the problem is
definitely not gone after one’s lifetime has ended. Quite the opposite is the case as previously stated.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, it is believed that if a person keeps smoking, drinking
and abusing substances heavily through many lifetimes, a genetic disease makes the person unable to continue his or
her self-destructive lifestyle, and that the genetic disease may cause so much pain and suffering to that person so he
or she may never continue the same self-destructive behavior again.

Here it is also believed that it takes more than one lifetime to recover into normal.

This also expands into many other fields than just addictions.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, it is also believed that if you have naturally bad teeth
that easily get infected, it might be because you in previous lifetimes neglected your teeth and failed to take properly
care of them. However, if you keep taking well care of them in this lifetime, you may advance toward normality in
future lifetimes.

It is further believed that health problems such as migraine, frequent head aches and other similar problems are
caused by living too many stressful past lifetimes. This usually manifests in a person’s numeroscope in the form of the
numbers 11/2, 12/3, 29/2, 38/2 etc. it can also manifest as an unbalanced 15/6 vibration. These are actually some of
the same vibrations as you may see among people who suffer from victimhood and martyrdom.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, it is also believed that fears and phobias which are
mostly irrational also have their roots in our past lives.

For example, it is believed that if we are afraid of heights, we may have died in a past life from falling. It is also believed
that if we are afraid of the dark, we may have been killed in the dark in a past lifetime. It is also believed that if we
suffer from claustrophobia, we might have been buried alive or something similar in a past life.

Thereby all aspects of our beings are according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology caused by what we
have experienced in our current and in our past lives, and here it is also believed that the body in which we incarnate
will have the genes that are a perfect match to the essence of our soul.

Here it is also believed that when we grow or when we degenerate through our current lifetime, something known as
epigenetic changes happens within our DNA.

In the next section I will explain what epigenetics are and how they are affected by our lifestyle. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 30


In this section I will shortly describe what epigenetic factors are.

As mentioned before in the section of genetics, everything inside our body is determined by our DNA, which holds our
genetic makeup.

As our DNA contains genes which are transcribed into mRNA and thereafter it is translated into a protein, which is
thereafter synthesized and kept inside the cell or leaves the cell, these proteins are used for pretty much all kinds of
purposes within our body.

It is important to be aware that not all genes are active.

All cells within our body contains the completely same genome, which is the coding of genes within our DNA, but as
each cell specializes into for example becoming a liver cell, a brain cell or even a skin cell, these cells will have different
types of genes that are active for their specialization.

So as not all our genes are active, this is where epigenetics come into play.

Our diet, our lifestyle and even our beliefs affect our epigenetics as these factors have influence in what genes are
turned on and off.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, when we learn, and when we grow, it has a positive
effect on our epigenetics. Epigenetics determine what genes are active and which ones are inactive.

This happens in our genome in something known as CG-sequences. When a gene is inactive something known as
methylation is done to it, which means that something known as a methyl group is attached to the gene, which makes
it hard for a transcription factor to bind to it. A gene is also inactive when it is deacetylated, which means that the DNA
string, known as chromatin, is tightly packed to something known as a histone, which is a protein to where the
chromatin is tangled around it in order to save space.

Below is viewed a model of how the chromatin is packed around the histones and how they are packed when the
chromatin is acetylated and when it is deacetylated:

When the chromatin is tightly packed around the histone, this also prevents the transcription factor from transcribing
the DNA into mRNA. This is how a gene is made inactive. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 31

Our epigenetic factors are - with a few exceptions - not inherited from our parents, but they are made from our

Thereby according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, undergoing a name change according to
Chaldean numerology, will inspire the person to change his or her lifestyle into having a healthier mindset, and thereby
also to live healthier, and to gain more knowledge. However, it is important to be aware that there has not been made
medical research that determines the effect of a name change according to Chaldean numerology.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, if we spend an entire lifetime on pushing our boundaries
to the limit, and if we keep growing our skills and our personality, we will create a lot of positive epigenetic changes
that will in our future lifetime give us a better genome, which will thereby transfer our skills into our next lifetimes in
the form of talents.

Here it is believed that learning and growing will make positive epigenetic changes in our current lifetime, which will
manifest as favorable genetic alterations from our current genome in our current life. These genetic alterations are
what allow improved talents, skills and positive changes in our personality.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, this also explains why in a high school class that one
student gets straight A’s without really working hard, while other students need to work extremely hard to get the
same results.

Thereby the better we become at something, the stronger our talents will be in our future lifetimes, and for all of
eternity. This thereby also makes our future lifetimes easier, as we will have better skills and talents, which thereby
means that we will have to work less hard for the same results.

Karma, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, intertwines with genetic and epigenetic factors,
creating a complex tapestry that shapes our individual experiences and the trajectory of our existence. This intricate
interplay between karma and genetics delves into the depths of our past lives and present circumstances, unraveling
the mysteries of our being.

Genetics, as we understand it today, holds the key to our physical makeup, determining the intricate details of our
biology. As previously mentioned, within the core of each cell lies the DNA, a remarkable molecule that carries the
genetic codes that define us. It dictates our eye color, height, predispositions to certain diseases, and an array of other
characteristics that make us unique.

In the context of karma, genetics becomes a vessel for the manifestation of our past actions. The genes we inherit are
not mere coincidences but rather a reflection of the vibrations and energetic imprints we carry from previous lifetimes.
The traits we receive are not randomly assigned; they align with the essence of our souls, resonating with the karmic
patterns we have woven over time.

Beyond genetics, epigenetics comes into play—an intricate mechanism that sits atop our DNA, governing the
activation or silencing of genes. Epigenetic factors act as a bridge between our environment, lifestyle, and the
expression of our genetic code. They possess the remarkable ability to influence which genes are turned on or off,
impacting our health, behavior, and overall well-being.

According to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, our actions in our current and past lives ripple through
time, shaping the epigenetic landscape that influences our genetic expression. Each choice, each thought, each
interaction imprints itself upon our being, leaving an indelible mark that reverberates through our cellular makeup. It is
through this lens that we begin to understand the profound connection between our actions, karma, and the intricate
dance of genetics and epigenetics. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 32

Karma and genetic factors converge in a dance of cause and effect, weaving together the threads of our past and
present. If, in previous lifetimes, we have engaged in behaviors that harm others or neglected our own well-being, this
karmic imprint may manifest as genetic mutations or predispositions to certain health conditions. Our genetic heritage
becomes a canvas upon which our karmic debts and merits are painted, serving as a reminder of the
interconnectedness of our actions and their consequences.

Yet, it is not a tale of deterministic fate. Karma and genetics are not immutable forces that solely dictate our
experiences. They are intertwined elements that invite us to take an active role in shaping our destiny. Through
conscious awareness and deliberate choices, we can engage in actions that counterbalance and transform the karmic
imprints we carry within our genetic makeup.

Epigenetic factors become powerful allies in this endeavor. By cultivating a lifestyle of mindfulness, self-care, and
positive choices, we have the capacity to influence the expression of our genes. Through practices such as meditation,
healthy habits, nurturing relationships, and compassionate living, we create an environment that supports the
activation of beneficial genes while suppressing the expression of harmful ones.

In this dance between karma, genetics, and epigenetics, we find a profound invitation to embrace personal
responsibility and conscious evolution. It is an opportunity to break free from the chains of past actions, to transcend
limiting patterns, and to cultivate a future that aligns with our highest potential. While we may inherit certain genetic
predispositions, we possess the power to shape our experiences through the choices we make and the karmic imprints
we create in our present lives.

As we journey through the intricacies of karma, genetics, and epigenetics, we unveil a profound truth—that we are not
passive recipients of our circumstances, but active participants in the unfolding of our destiny. Through self-reflection,
conscious action, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, we can navigate the realms of
karma and genetics with grace and wisdom.

May this understanding empower you, dear seeker, to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and
conscious evolution. Embrace the interplay of karma and genetics, and with every thought, every deed, and every
choice, weave a tapestry of harmony, balance, and vibrant well-being. Through your intentional actions, may you
unlock the doorways to your highest potential and embrace the boundless possibilities that lie within the intricate
dance of karma and genetics.


Embarking on a profound journey of self-transformation, some individuals may find themselves facing the challenge of
a serious genetic disease. As discussed earlier, according to the ancient philosophy of Chaldean numerology, these
conditions stem from past lives characterized by unhealthy lifestyles, giving rise to genetic mutations that manifest as
debilitating diseases in the present. The impact on one's quality of life can be significant, casting a shadow of adversity
and struggle.

It is important to acknowledge that genetic mutations within the genome cannot be altered through positive thoughts
or a healthy lifestyle alone. While cultivating a positive mindset and adopting healthy habits can contribute to overall
well-being, they may not directly affect the underlying genetic mutations responsible for the disease. However, it is
crucial to note that advancements in medical science offer a glimmer of hope.

In recent years, revolutionary techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 have emerged as potential avenues for treating certain
genetic diseases. This groundbreaking technology enables scientists to edit or silence specific mutated genes, holding
the promise of transforming the landscape of genetic medicine. While these treatments may hold potential for the
future, it is essential to recognize that they are still in the realm of ongoing research and development. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 33

In the realm of Chaldean numerology, a name change holds its own unique significance. Although a name change
according to Chaldean numerology cannot directly correct a genetic mutation causing a disease in the present lifetime,
it has the profound power to ignite a transformative shift within one's thoughts and perspectives. By embracing a new
name imbued with positive vibrations, individuals may experience a profound shift in their mindset, fostering an
environment of optimism, hope, and resilience.

This transformative potential offers a glimmer of solace to those navigating the challenges of a serious genetic disease.
Although the healing of the genetic condition may unfold in future lifetimes according to the ancient philosophy of
Chaldean numerology, the present lifetime can still be imbued with a renewed sense of purpose and strength. The
name change acts as a catalyst, uplifting one's baseline mood and fostering emotional equilibrium, enabling individuals
to navigate the difficult circumstances with greater grace and resilience.

While the name change may not directly alter the course of the genetic disease itself, it becomes a catalyst for
personal growth, cultivating a mindset of empowerment and an unwavering spirit. It serves as a reminder that even in
the face of adversity, one has the power to rise above and embrace life's journey with renewed hope and
determination. The name change becomes a testament to the indomitable human spirit, igniting a flame of resilience
that shines brightly, illuminating the path towards healing and wholeness. Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 34


From our own experience, approximately 99% of our client's report that between 90-100% of everything that is said in
a reading done by us is fully accurate.

As the reading is done from only knowing our client’s full legal name and birth date, and without any sort of
preparation before the session and no background knowledge of the client, it is logical to think that if a reading is that
accurate from a person’s current name and birth date, that then the person’s life will be just as accurately described
from the effect of a new name according to Chaldean numerology.

If you may be interested to experience it yourself, you may benefit greatly from booking a 1:1 reading with us.

If you find it interesting to also be able to do readings and to help people getting a better life through a name change
according to Chaldean numerology, or maybe you just want to understand the human psyche better according to
Chaldean numerology, then you may benefit greatly from enrolling into our online education of Chaldean numerology,
in which you are going to learn everything we know, and no knowledge of any sort is held back from you.

The education is fully online, in which you will receive at least 700 pages of great e-books and 20+ videos in a
professional quality of us teaching you the theory of Chaldean numerology.

Understanding the theory of Chaldean numerology, and the ability to read a person’s numeroscope is a great tool to
help you understand other people, and it thereby improves your ability to grow empathy with other people, as from
your numeroscope, you will be able to understand why people act the way they do, and then you will be able to
understand the motivation behind other people’s actions.

Through our education in Chaldean numerology, you will also be able to interpret the year ranks of any individual or
corporation or even a country in which you will be able to predict the future with a great accuracy.

This can be beneficial in many ways.

Incorporating the profound teachings of Chaldean numerology into your everyday existence can be a transformative
experience. By delving into the depths of this ancient philosophy and embracing its principles, you can gain invaluable
insights that will guide you through life's challenges, illuminate the intricacies of your relationships, and empower you
to make informed decisions. Open your heart and mind and allow the magic of Chaldean numerology to enrich your

Unveiling the Inner Self: Embarking on a journey of self-discovery is a cornerstone of Chaldean numerology. Through
the exploration of your unique numeroscope, encompassing your birth date and name, you will unravel the hidden
tapestry of your strengths, weaknesses, and life's purpose. This profound understanding enables you to tap into your
latent talents and embrace personal growth with renewed vigor.

Illuminating Relationship Dynamics: The enigmatic realms of Chaldean numerology offer profound insights into the
intricacies of relationships, be it romantic, familial, or professional. By unraveling the vibrational tapestry of each
individual involved, you will gain invaluable knowledge about compatibility, the synergy between souls, and the
potential hurdles that may lie ahead. This newfound understanding nurtures open communication, deepens empathy,
and fosters harmonious connections.

Navigating the Path of Professional Fulfillment: The wisdom of Chaldean numerology extends its guiding hand to
illuminate your vocational journey. By peering into the numerological essence of your birth date and name, you will
uncover hidden clues about your destined career path. Understanding your innate vocational strengths and Tools – Education - Knowledge

Introduction to Chaldean Numerology Page 35

weaknesses empowers you to make wise decisions, seize suitable opportunities, and cultivate profound satisfaction
within your chosen profession.

Embracing the Art of Decision-Making: When confronted with life-altering choices, Chaldean numerology becomes a
trusted companion, offering unique perspectives and invaluable insights. By delving into the numerological fabric of
your options, you will gain glimpses into potential outcomes, challenges, and opportunities that await you. Armed with
this wisdom, you can make decisions aligned with your true purpose, fostering personal growth and embracing a path
of fulfillment.

Harmonizing with the Rhythm of Time: Within the mystical tapestry of Chaldean numerology lies the ability to discern
favorable periods and cycles for embarking on new endeavors, making wise investments, or pursuing personal goals.
By attuning yourself to the vibrational energies inherent in specific timeframes, you can optimize your actions, harness
favorable cosmic forces, and manifest your aspirations with greater ease and grace.

Nurturing the Soul: Chaldean numerology serves as a gateway to self-awareness, mindfulness, and self-care practices.
By immersing yourself in the wisdom of your numerological profile, you can gain profound insights into patterns,
habits, and tendencies that impact your overall well-being. Armed with this knowledge, you can make conscious
choices that nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, paving the way for a harmonious existence.

Remember, while Chaldean numerology holds incredible wisdom, it should be complemented by critical thinking,
sound judgment, and professional guidance. It is a transformative tool that offers insights and guidance, but it should
always be used in conjunction with other reliable sources of information and your personal discernment.

Embrace the wisdom of Chaldean numerology as an integral part of your life's tapestry. Allow its profound teachings to
illuminate the interconnectedness of numbers, vibrations, and personal growth. By consciously applying its principles,
you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your relationships, and the world around you. Embrace the mysteries
that numbers hold and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Tools – Education - Knowledge

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