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Osama Yaseen Linkedin

Business Analyst

• Python, SQL, PostgreSQL, Tableau, Machine Learning, Data Analysis

Data Analyst Feb 2023 - Present
Scraped RTO Level data using Selenium to find addressable market size and current penetration in
different regions. Used the above data for strategic hiring leading a well-defined and productive fleet of
sales executives.
Implemented clustering algorithms like DBSCAN and K-means for identifying market hotspots within a city
across the country and understanding the correlation between distance from hotspots and sales executives
Automated the process of leads provision leading to better training of sales executives ,timely pushing data
to their app via APIs leading an increase in sales performance by 30%.
Worked with different stakeholder, from products managers to bussiness heads, understand the problem
statements and automating dashboard created in via python, helping with visibility of daily chase metrics.

Recommendation System
Created a dynamic movie recommendation system that can provide recommendations based on historical
behavior like genre liked and genres watched.
Used matrix factorization, Nearest Neighbour, Pearson Correlation, and cosine similarity-like methods and
algorithms to make a recommendation system.
Skills used : numpy, pandas, sklearn, seaborn, matplotlib, cmfrec.

Cab Drivers churn - Ensemble Learning

Determine whether cab drivers will churn or not, understand the importance of ensemble learning, and
interpret weights associated with these models.
Skills used: chi-square test, sklearn , random forest, XGBoost, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn.

Customer Clustering
It is difficult for a business development associate to clearly answer whether joining this upskilling program
will help them educationally and financially. In this project, I tried to solve this issue using clustering
methods like DBSCAN, K-Means, etc
Skills used: sklearn, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, statistics, KMeans, agglomerative clustering.

Scaler 2023
Specialized in Data Science & Machine Learning
Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management 2022

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