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Renewable energies: wind and Solar power


Renewable energy has become a central topic in the discussion on the global
energy transition. Faced with the challenges of climate change and dependence
on fossil fuels, renewable energies offer a sustainable and environmentally
friendly alternative. Among these, wind and solar energy stand out for their
potential to provide a clean and sustainable source of energy. In this talk, we will
explore these two energy sources in detail.

Group N∘6 LP1 Industry 2023-2024

Renewable energies: wind and Solar power

Wind energy is a form of renewable energy produced by the power of the wind.
It is converted into electricity using wind turbines, which rotate in contact with
the wind. When the blades rotate, they drive a generator that produces electricity.
Wind energy has many advantages, including its consistent sustainability and low
impact on the environment.

Wind power is an energy source that depends on wind. The sun heats the Earth
unevenly, creating areas of different temperatures and atmospheric pressure.
These pressure differences give rise to air movements, called wind. This energy
makes it possible to produce electricity in wind turbines, also called wind
generators, thanks to the force of the wind.

Figure 1.How Wind Energy Works

Group N∘6 LP1 Industry 2023-2024

Renewable energies: wind and Solar power

Wind energy has many advantages including, for example, being a 100% natural,
renewable and sustainable energy. Produced thanks to the blowing of the wind,
this energy has no risk of shortage, unlike energies with an underlying fuel
(nuclear, thermal, etc.). The fact that the energy produced by a wind turbine is
100% natural means that it does not generate any pollution, because there is no
release into the air following the electrical transformation.

Figure. 2 Benefits of Wind Energy


One of the major disadvantages of this energy remains its difficulty in predicting
it. Indeed, winds are difficult to anticipate and you should know that, if a wind
turbine needs a minimum wind to start, it will stop operating in the event of winds
greater than 90 km/h. The other major disadvantage, often highlighted by local
residents, is the noise caused by this equipment.

Group N∘6 LP1 Industry 2023-2024

Renewable energies: wind and Solar power

Solar energy is a form of renewable energy by capturing and using sunlight to
produce electricity or heat. This energy can be exploited using technology such
as photovoltaic solar panels for the production of electricity, and solar collectors
for the production of heat. Solar panels use photovoltaics to convert solar light
into electricity. Solar collectors, on the other hand, absorb heat from the sun to
heat water or other fluids. Solar energy has many advantages, notably its
renewable, inexhaustible nature and non-emitting greenhouse gases.

Solar energy is an energy source that depends on the sun. This energy makes it
possible to produce electricity from photovoltaic panels or solar thermal power
plants, thanks to sunlight captured by solar panels.

Figure 3.operate Solar Energy

Group N∘6 LP1 Industry 2023-2024

Renewable energies: wind and Solar power

Inexhaustible source: the sun is an inexhaustible source of energy that shines
every day, offering enormous potential for the production of electricity.

Low environmental impact: solar energy does not produce air pollution or toxic
waste, thus contributing to environmental protection.

Diversity of applications: solar energy can be used to power homes, businesses,

agricultural facilities and even electric vehicles (BRT)

Intermittency of production: solar electricity production is intermittent due to
variation in sunlight throughout the day and seasons

Need for energy storage: to overcome the intermittency of production, it is

necessary to develop solar energy storage, such as batteries, etc.

Figure 4 occupation of solar Energy on territories

Group N∘6 LP1 Industry 2023-2024

Renewable energies: wind and Solar power


Wind and solar energy represent essential pillars of the energy transition towards
a more sustainable and resilient future. Despite the technical and economic
challenges, they face, their continued deployment is crucial to achieve greenhouse
gas emissions reduction targets and to ensure a stable and clean energy supply for

Group N∘6 LP1 Industry 2023-2024


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