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difference between singleton in Java and singletone in springboot.

find second highest salary from emlpoyee table.

difference between hashmap and concurrent hashmap.
difference between arraylist and linkedlist.
why do we use microservices ?
how do you call a microservice using rest template.
how can you chnage the embedded server from tomcat to jetty.
why do we use springboot when we already have spring.
what is optional in java 8.
what is the chnage in garbage collector of java 8.
i want to get only names of the emloyee in the arraylist.
i want above array in ascending order.
i want all the names that have initial as 'a'.
what are other methods that are provided by the object class ?

what is synchronization in multithreading?
you have an arraylist, convert it into hashmap using stream(key = arraylist, value
= square of arraylist)
optional in java8
what are interfaces of functional programming.
featrues and internal implementation of arraylist.

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