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1. What is the purpose of a class schedule?

a. To make friends b. To plan study habits
c. To play sports d. To watch movies
2. How often do you have your English class?
a. Once a week b. Twice a week
c. Every day d. Only on weekends
3. Which day is not mentioned in your class schedule?
a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Friday d. Saturday
4. What is an online class?
a. A class conducted on the playground
b. A class taught by robots
c. A class conducted over the internet
d. A class held in a library
5. Which of the following is a requirement for joining an online class?
a. Snacks b. Internet connection
c. Football shoes d. A pet dog
6. What is the advantage of an online class?
a. No need for a computer
b. Face-to-face interaction with the teacher
c. Flexibility in learning time and location
d. More homework than traditional classes
7. What is the importance of having good study habits?
a. To impress friends
b. To finish homework quickly
c. To improve learning efficiency
d. To avoid outdoor activities
8. Which of the following is a good study habit?
a. Procrastinating until the last minute
b. Studying in a noisy environment
c. Taking breaks during study sessions
d. Never reviewing class notes
9. How many hours of sleep is recommended for effective learning?
a. 3 hours b. 6-8 hours c. 12 hours d. 24 hours
10. What does the term “class period” refer to in your schedule?
a. The time between classes
b. The duration of a single class
c. A type of class
d. The teacher’s name
11. Which class comes after your mathematics class on Mondays?
a. Science b. English c. Physical Education d. History
12. How can a class schedule help you manage your time?
a. By avoiding classes
b. By planning and organizing your activities
c. By sleeping during classes
d. By randomly choosing classes
13. What is the purpose of a webcam during an online class?
a. To take selfies
b. To monitor students
c. To play games
d. To record videos for YouTube
14. Which of the following is an advantage of attending online classes from home?
a. Limited internet access
b. Familiar and comfortable environment
c. No need for a computer
d. Interaction with classmates only
15. What is the appropriate behaviour during an online class session?
a. Mute the microphone and turn off the camera
b. Talk loudly to friends in the background
c. Ignore the teacher’s instructions
d. Share personal information with strangers
16. Which of the following is a distraction during study sessions?
a. Quiet environment
b. Mobile phone notifications
c. Taking short breaks
d. Organized study materials
17. What is the purpose of setting specific study goals?
a. To waste time
b. To impress friends
c. To measure progress and stay focused
d. To avoid studying altogether
18. How can you make studying more enjoyable?
a. Avoiding breaks
b. Listening to music
c. Studying in a crowded area
d. Never trying new study methods
19. What is the purpose of a library in a school building?
a. Playing games b. Studying and borrowing books
c. Sleeping d. Eating lunch
20. Which section of the school building is likely to have science labs and computer
a. Gymnasium b. Cafeteria c. Science wing d. Music room
21. Why is it important to keep the school building clean and well-maintained?
a. To make it look fancy
b. To impress visitors
c. To provide a safe and conducive learning environment
d. To encourage students to skip classes
22. What are extracurricular activities?
a. Mandatory classes
b. Activities outside the regular curriculum
c. Homework assignments
d. Only for teachers

23. Which of the following is an example of an extracurricular activity?

a. Math class b. Football practice
c. Lunch break d. Sleeping in the classroom
24. How can participating in extracurricular activities benefit students?
a. By developing new skills and interests
b. By increasing the amount of homework
b. By limiting social interactions
d. By decreasing academic performance
25. What is a school festival?
a. A day without classes
b. A day to skip school
c. A day to take long naps
d. A celebration of various cultures
26. Which of the following is a common feature of a school festival?
a. Performances, booths, and activities
b. Silent classrooms
c. Strict teachers
d. No interaction among students
27. Why do schools organize festivals?
a. To punish students
b. To showcase students’ talents and creativity
c. To cancel classes
d. To discourage student participation
28. What is the purpose of the administrative office in a school building?
a. Managing school records and affair
b. Conducting science experiments
c. Playing sports
d. Taking naps
29. Which area of the school building is designed for art and craft activities?
a. Math classroom b. Art studio
c. Computer lab d. Gymnasium
30. Why is it essential for a school building to have a well-equipped medical room?
a. To host parties b. To store textbooks
c. To practice music d. To treat students’ injuries and illnesses
31. How do extracurricular activities contribute to personal development?
a. By reducing social interactions
b. By limiting creativity
c. By providing opportunities to explore interests and talents
d. By increasing the workload
32. Which of the following is a typical example of a club as an extracurricular activity?
a. Watching TV at home b. Attending regular classes
c. Joining the Science Club d. Sleeping during breaks
33. What is the purpose of organizing field trips as an extracurricular activity?
a. To avoid learning outside the classroom
b. To enhance practical knowledge and experiences
c. To discourage students from participating
d. To limit outdoor activities
34. How can students actively participate in organizing a school festival?
a. By staying at home
b. By ignoring planning meetings
c. By joining festival committees and volunteering
d. By complaining about the event
35. What makes a school festival memorable for students?
a. Having long lectures
b. Limited activities and performances
c. Ignoring cultural diversity
d. Exciting and diverse activities, performances, and food stalls
36. Why is it important for students to attend school festivals?
a. To skip classes
b. To miss out on fun activities
c. To engage in meaningful cultural exchanges and enjoy various performances
d. To sleep during the event
37. What is the purpose of the school cafeteria in a school building?
a. Conducting music classes
b. Playing sports
c. Providing meals for students
d. Holding art exhibitions
38. Which part of the school building is likely to have a stage for performances?
a. Auditorium b. Cafeteria c. Library d. Science lab
39. How can participating in a debate club benefit students?
a. By limiting communication skills
b. By avoiding public speaking
c. By discouraging teamwork
d. By improving critical thinking and communication skills
40. Which of the following is a benefit of joining a sports team as an extracurricular
a. Decreased physical fitness
b. Limited social interactions
c. Improved teamwork and physical health
d. Reduced interest in sports
41. Which part of a house is typically used for washing and cleaning clothes
a. Laundry room b. Bedroom c. Kitchen d. Bathroom
42. What is the term for a room in a house where you can have formal meals with guests
and family?
a. Kitchen b. Dining room c. Breakfast nook d. Pantry
43. What is the term for a small, enclosed outdoor area, often used for gardening or
A. Balcony
B. Patio
C. Terrace
D. Veranda
44. What is the term for a room in a house where you can prepare and cook food, often
equipped with appliances like a stove and refrigerator?
A. Bathroom B. Kitchen C. Bedroom D. Laundry room
45. Ica: Do you like watching movies?
Sinta : ………………………..
Ica: What is your favorite movie?
Sinta : My favorite movie is Laskar Pelangi
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is?
a. I dislike watching movie b. I love watching movies
c. It’s not my favorite one d. I hate watching movie

The following text for number 46 - 48

"How to make delicious omelet”
2 eggs, onions, garlic, chili, salt and vegetable oil.
1. First, cut the garlic, onion and chili into pieces.
2. Second, break the egg into a bowl.
3. Third, put garlic, onion, chili and salt into bowl and stir.
4. fourth, heat the oil on frying pan and pour all the mix into frying pan and wait until
5. fifth lift the egg using spatula.
6. Finally, omelet is ready to eat.
46. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To inform how to serve a salad.
b. To explain how to make salad
c. To tell how to make delicious omelet
d. To discuss how to make cubes of lamb
47. Which one is the correct statement according to the text?
a. heat the oil on frying pan first, then cut the garlic
b. lift the egg using spoon
c. break the egg into a bowl
d. pour garlic, onion, chili, and salt into a pan
48. The word break has the same meaning with…….
a. crack b. recess c. mix d. tackle
49. The good arrangement of the structure of Procedure text is…......
a. goal, material, goal b. goal, materials, steps
c. steps, materials, goal d. steps, goal, materials
50. My name is Ivan. I study in the first grade at SMP Al Hadid Bogor. My school has six
classrooms, two laboratories, and a library. My classroom is beside the library. There are
twenty-three boys and nineteen girls in my class. The students are sitting on their chairs.
They put their books and pens in the drawer. In my classroom, there are some big
pictures and a clock on the wall. It is very simple but very comfortable for studying.
What is the purpose of the text?
a. to inform where the writer study b. to explain how to study
c. to describe his friends d. to describe parts of his school
51. Adit : What does your father do?
Rica : My father heals sick people. He is a …
The suitable profession to complete the dialogue is …
a. student b. teacher c. doctor d. farmer
52. Amanda: Look! I have bought a new bag at the traditional market.
Dinda : Your bag is very nice. I will buy it on Sunday.
Amanda : Don’t go there on Sunday because there are many people.
Dinda : Thank you for telling me that. I think we will buy it on weekdays then.
Amanda tells Dinda not to go to the market on Sunday because ....
a. there are many seller b. there are many people
c. there are many friend d. there are many foods
53. Today is Third of February two thousand and twenty four. Dalam angka kita
a. 3th of February 2024 b. 3 February 2024
c. February, 3th 2024 d. 2024, 3th February
The following text for number 54-55
54. My name is Sinta. I’m a student. I study at the first grade now. My mom is Mrs.
Maria, she is a surgeon. She does and performs some operations on her patients. If I
become an adult, I will be like a mom’s profession. Because she always helps others
who have a severe disease.
What is Sinta’s profession?
a. student b. teacher c. doctor d. farmer
55. Surgeon in Indonesian language is……
a. perawat b. ahli bedah c. dokter d. petani
The following text for number 56-57
Dito : Look! There is a butterfly
Sinta : It’s so beautiful. It flies around the flowers. It has unique colours
Dito : Hey, that is a bird too. It flies high!
Sinta : Yes, it is. It sings beautifully. I love bird
Dito : There are also some colourful flowers
Sinta : Yes, but I love roses. They’ve red colour and smell good. I want to take it.
56. What animal has a unique colour?
a. bird b. butterfly c. roses d. cambodia
57. What flower does Sinta really like?
a. bird b. butterfly c. roses d. cambodia
58. My parents live in a small village. They plant and grow rice. They are …
a. student b. teacher c. doctor d. farmer
59. 1. Book, pen, ruler and marker are some of Countable nouns (benda benda yang
dapat dihitung). Berikut ini adalah sebaliknya yaitu benda yang tidak bisa dihitung
(Uncountable nouns). …..
a. school, library, museum b. horse, bird, butterfly
c. water, cheese, bread d. apple, watermelon, orange

1. Andi : Where is Monas located?
Sandi : It is located in………
2. Mr. Ali : What is your father doing?
Mr. Rio : He…….reading newspaper now
3. Rano : …………The boys playing football now? (Do/Does/Is/Am/Are)
Raffa : Yes, They are.
4. Yani : ………..Your father like listening to music? (Do/Does/Is/Am/Are)
Hasan : No, He doesn’t
5. Teacher : How many Islands Does Indonesia have?
Students : Indonesia ………….13.677 Islands.
6. Asep : …………….do you Arrive at school every day?
Ajeng : I arrive At 5.50 a.m.
7. Jhon : What lessons do Rina and Santi have on Friday?
Kate : ..…..have math, art and culture, social sciences and Arabic language.
8. Sari : What time do you have dinner?
Hani : I have it at five to seven p.m. Dalam angka kita menulisnya….
9. Zaki : Can you tell me where is the closest Fuel Station from here?
Rini : Go straight ahead this street then turn right.
Turn right means…..
10. Indonesia is one of the member of South east Asian countries. The Underlined word

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