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Fitness and

health culture

• Dr. Moutaz Zein El-Dein

• Associate Professor at
Faculty of Physical Education
Alexandria University
• Head of fitness and
conditioning coach of national
team of handball
• Consultant of Egyptian
Federation of Finswimming
• Physical fitness refers to the ability of your body
systems to work together efficiently to allow you
to be healthy and perform activities of daily
• Being efficient means doing daily activities with
the least effort possible.
WHAT IS • A fit person is able to perform schoolwork, meet
home responsibilities, and still have enough
PHYSICAL energy to enjoy sport and other leisure activities.
A fit person can respond effectively to normal
FITNESS? life situations, such as raking leaves at home,
stocking shelves at a part-time job, and marching
in the band at school. A fit person can also
respond to emergency situations - for example,
by running to get help or aiding a friend in
• Physical fitness is made up of 11 parts - 6 of
them health related and 5 skill related. All of
the parts are important to good performance
THE PARTS in physical activity, including sports. But the
OF 6 are referred to as contributing to health-
related physical fitness because scientists in
PHYSICAL kinesiology have shown that they can reduce
your risk of chronic disease and promote
FITNESS good health and wellness. These parts of
fitness are body composition, cardiorespiratory
endurance, flexibility, muscular
endurance, power, and strength. They also help
you function effectively in daily activities.
• As the name implies, skill-related physical
fitness components help you perform well in sports
and other activities that require motor skills. For
THE PARTS example, speed helps you in sports such as track and
field. These 5 parts of physical fitness are also linked
OF to health but less so than the health-related
components. For example, among older
adults, balance, agility, and coordination are very
PHYSICAL important for preventing falls (a major health
concern), and reaction time relates to risk for
FITNESS automobile accidents. Each part of physical fitness is
described in more detail in the two following features:
The Six Parts of Health-Related Fitness and The Five
Parts of Skill-Related Fitness.
The six parts of
• body composition,
• cardiorespiratory endurance,
• flexibility,
• muscular endurance,
• power, and strength
The six parts of
• body composition,
• cardiorespiratory endurance,
• flexibility,
• muscular endurance,
• power, and strength
The five parts of
• Balance ,
• coordination ,
• Speed ,
• Reaction time ,
• Agility .
Benefits of
physical activity
and fitness
• Increased endurance , strength and
• Healthier muscles , bone and joint
• Increased energy ( calorie)
• Improve body composition
• More energy
• Improve ability to cope with stress
• Improved mood greater self esteem,
and greater sense of well-being
• Improved ability to fall asleep and
sleep well
Reduce risk of dying prematurely from all cases.

Benefits of Reduced risk of developing and or dying from heart

disease ,diabetes, high blood pressure , and colon cancer.

physical Reduced risk of becoming obese.

activity and Reduced anxiety , tension , and depression .

fitness Reduced risk of falls and fractures .

Reduced spending foe health care.

Physical Activity
• Moderate Physical Activity
• Vigorous Aerobics
• Vigorous Sports And
• Muscle Fitness Exercises
• Flexibility Exercises
• Avoiding Inactivity
• Balancing energy
Moderate Moderate physical activity is the first step in the
Physical pyramid and it should be preformed daily, it involves
exercises equal in intensity ,some activities of normal
Activity daily living ,and sports that aren’t vigorous such as
golf and bowling.
Vigorous Aerobics

It’s step two , which includes any

exercise that you can do for a long
time without stopping and that is
vigorous enough to increase heart
rate , make you breath faster, and
make you sweat.
Vigorous Sport and Recreation
It’s the 3rd step and is like vigorous Aerobics , it requires your heart to
beat faster than normal, which causes you to breathe faster and sweat
more . As your muscles use more oxygen your heart beats even faster ,
and you breathe faster and more deeply to meet the oxygen demand.
Muscle Fitness

It’s the 4th step and it builds your

strength , muscle endurance and
power. Muscle fitness exercises
include both resistance training and
moving your own body weight.
Flexibility Exercises

It’s step number 5 and it is ,

according to the ACSM, flexibility
exercises improve postural stability
and balance.
Reduce soreness , prevent injuries
and reduce risk of back pain.
Used in therapy to help people who
have been injured .
Balancing energy

• The top of the pyramid presents a balance scale illustrating the need to balance the
energy you take in (food) with the energy you put out (activity).
• Energy balance means that the calories in the food you eat each day are equal to the
calories you expend in exercise each day
• Balancing your energy in this way is essential to maintaining a healthy body
Get your inbody in the next lecture to know how you calculate your BMI

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