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THEME: Benefits of green areas in cities



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I dedicate this work to God, for giving life to me and my

parents. I also dedicate this work to my parents because they
motivate me to continue studying and to my professor for
teaching us values and good classes.

The objective of this work is to give my opinion on the topic "Benefits of

green areas in cities", the great importance that has in our life. We know
that the green areas are very important in our planet because they help
to the environment and the oxygen for the alive beings and the
decoration in our city, in our homes and in our neighborhoods.

We will also find the benefits of green areas in cities and in the final part
of the work some recommendations and conclusion.
Benefits of green areas in cities

The benefits of the air that it is breathed in a city where we live

surrounded of green areas it is much cleaner, and it takes care of
our health, mainly in people with breathing problems.

WThe green areas of the cities are lungs that they help to reduce
the contamination of the air. The gardens and the parks are
glistening amid the sidewalk and the highway that also regulate
the temperature and the humidity of the atmosphere.

As alive beings, they produce oxygen, they filter the radiation

and they even reduce the acoustic contamination muffling the
noises caused by the traffic. They also offer an urban ecosystem
that it helps to the conservation of the biodiversity of species.

Another important reason to affirm the importance of the green

areas is that it is demonstrated that they reduce the mental fatigue
and they help people to be connected with the nature.

The view of the landscape and of a natural environment it

relaxes, it foments the creativity, the affective capacities and it
reduces the anguish. The green areas always have a very beautiful
appearance that decorates the atmosphere where they are and
they have good scent. .. ---------------------------------
For example, The gardens are also green areas that they help to
clean the air and to give color to a city. Green areas are important
in most cities. They solve the impact of rapid and unsustainable
urbanization on health and well-being. The social and economic
benefits of urban green spaces are equally important, and must be
studied in the context of issues of global concern such as climate
change and other priorities, including sustainable cities, public
health and nature
conservation and despite
that the absence of these
in the natural
environment can
positively affect human
health and well-being, since natural areas offer opportunities for
physical activity, maintaining social contact and reducing tension.
A growing number of epidemiological studies demonstrate the
various positive effects of maintaining green spaces, including
improved mental health and reduced depression, improved
pregnancy outcomes, and reduced morbidity and mortality rates.
cardiovascular mortality, obesity and diabetes.

Low-income people often live in neighborhoods with little

available green space, while studies show that socioeconomically
disadvantaged people tend to
benefit the most from improved
access to urban green spaces.
Therefore, reducing
socioeconomic inequalities in the
availability of urban green spaces
can help reduce health inequalities linked to income, minority
membership, disability and other socioeconomic and
demographic factors and then increase the number and quality of
urban green spaces. Green spaces can mitigate short-lived climate
pollutants that produce a strong global warming effect and
contribute significantly to more than 7 million premature deaths
per year related to air pollution. Fountains, ponds, lakes and
gardens in urban areas also moderate temperature extremes and
reduce the urban heat island effect, saving energy and improving
climate quality in cities. Air pollution contributes to rising
temperatures and heat waves, leading to higher rates of mortality
from heart attack or stroke due to thermal fatigue, particularly in
people with pre-existing non-communicable diseases.

In conclusion, the best way to be sensitized with the

environment is to be in contact with the nature. In the cities,
where it reigns the sidewalk and the highway, the daily
contact and the interaction with the green spaces of our
environment, it makes us more aware of the importance of
taking care of it. For the children, to live near parks and
groves is better than a class of environmental education.
They integrate it like part of their life related with the nature.

The green areas also help to combat the contamination, they

improve the emotional well-being, they improve the physical
health, they foment the life outdoors and they increase the
environmental conscience.

In my recommendation I will give the following

recommendations to have more benefits from our green


We should have more garbage cans on our streets so that

garbage is not strewn across our green areas.

We should water our green areas every day.

We should not abandon our green areas waiting for rain to

save water, there are times when the weather does not favor
us and waiting for rain can take time.

We should take care of the gardens where children can go

and pluck plants, for that we must make a fence.

We shouldn't throw garbage anywhere, that's what garbage

dumps are for.

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