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Revised and Updated for PERSP-II

February 2012
Public Disclosure Authorized
This environmental and social assessment report of the activities of the Punjab Education Sector
Reforms Program of the Government of the Punjab, which were considered to impact the
environment, has been prepared in compliance to the Environmental laws of Pakistan and in
conformity to the Operational Policy Guidelines of the World Bank. The report is Program specific
and of limited liability and applicability only to the extent of the physical activities under the PESRP.
All rights are reserved with the study proponent (the Program Director, PMIU, PESRP) and the
environmental consultant (Environs, Lahore). No part of this report can be reproduced, copied,
published, transcribed in any manner, or cited in a context different from the purpose for which it has
been prepared, except with prior permission of the Program Director, PESRP.
This document presents the environmental and social assessment report of the various activities
under the Second Punjab Education Sector Reforms Program (PESRP-II) – an initiative of
Government of the Punjab for continuing holistic reforms in the education sector aimed at improving
the overall condition of education and the sector’s service delivery. The report dilates upon the
potential adverse environmental and social impacts of the Program and suggests appropriate
guidelines in the form of an environmental and social management framework (ESMF) for avoiding
or mitigating the significant impacts. Screening and assessment of the environmental impacts of
developmental, constructional, and or infrastructural activities is a legal prerequisite under
environmental laws of Pakistan. Applicability of the World Bank Safeguard Policies concerning
environment and social sectors also extends to the Program for its being a Bank funded initiative.

Program Description
The Punjab Education Sector Reform Program was launched in 2003 by Government of the Punjab
(GoPb) for improving the plight of education in the province. The PESRP employs a holistic,
sector-wide, and a program mode approach of developing well coordinated synergistic activities in a
symbiotic environment, because the piecemeal project mode approach had not been successful in
the past. Under the program mode framework, the Provincial Government enters into “Terms of
Partnership” agreements with the District Governments for providing tied budgetary grants, each
year. The PESRP is designed to address the issues of access, governance, and quality, primarily in
the public sector education system. The progress indices show that the Program has been
successful in achieving the majority of its objectives like increased enrollment rate, reduced
dropouts, provision of missing facilities, gender balance, provision of free textbooks, and reduced
teachers’ absenteeism.

To support the PERSP, the World Bank implemented the Punjab Education Sector Project (PESP)
from 2009 to 2012. Construction of missing facilities in the schools was one of the subcomponents
of the Project.

PESRP-II. PESRP comes to an end at the close of this fiscal year (FY2011/12). Building on the
institutional, administrative, and program foundations laid by PESRP, the provincial government is
presently developing its next medium-term multifaceted sectoral reform program for primary and
secondary education, the Second Punjab Education Sector Reform Program (PESRP II), which aims
to better orient and ratchet up efforts to address the remaining deficiencies in participation,
attainment, and achievement outcomes. PESRP II will also support and enable the roadmap to yield
real and sustainable gains in outcomes. To improve outcomes, the main challenge in public
education is essentially to improve teacher quality and performance. The teacher is the main
instrument for student learning in this context, so many of the sectoral initiatives can affect the child
only through the teacher. Improved student learning, in turn, helps retain students in school and
attract new children to school. Recognizing that the participation returns from learning gains may
take time to materialize, PESRP II also includes initiatives that directly attempt to increase
participation at different levels.

Much like the earlier phase of the Program, the Bank plans to launch the Second Punjab Education
Sector Project (PESP-II), to support the PERSP-II. In line with the government’s priorities, the
focus of PERSP-II is not on new infrastructure development, though some small scale civil
works may be carried out in the Sector at large during the Program implementation period to
construct the missing facilities or to rehabilitate/improve the existing school buildings.
However none of such construction activities will be included in the PESRP II, supported by
PESP-II. Similarly, PESRP II and PESP-II will not involve any land acquisition or involuntary

Study Objectives
The primary objective of the present study is to identify and address the significantly adverse
environmental and social impacts associated with civil works, school operations, and provision of
free textbooks to schoolchildren. Among these activities, civil works and provision of free text books
are not currently included in the PERSP-II, though they can still be undertaken in the Sector at large.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study entails assessment of the environmental and social impacts of the Sector

ESMF – PERSP-II Page iii

activities in the entire geographical extent of the province of Punjab. However, these impacts have
been assessed in only a few districts of representative regional character chosen from different
geographical regions of the province. The study also assesses impacts of the Program activities
during various implementation stages, from planning and designing to construction and the post
construction usage of the buildings. Examination of the adverse impacts relating to printing and
distribution of free textbooks is also included in the study’s ambit. Formulation of an ESMF, which
caters both environmental and social issues, also forms part of the study’s chartered scope.

Study Methodology
The study relies both on primary and secondary data sources. However, greater reliance has been
placed on primary sources, which include site visits and soliciting information from the key persons
like construction contractors, school councils, parents, teachers, and officers of the district
administration. Stakeholders‟ consultations and focused group meetings have also been used as a
primary source to solicit viewpoint and to know concerns of the stakeholders. A specially developed
checklist has been used for collecting first hand information and for ascertaining disturbances to
environmental parameters from Program implementation. A simplified impact assessment matrix
has been used for characterization of the adverse impacts on selected parameters of the physical,
biological, and social environments in the study area. Photographs, taken during field visits and
surveys, have been used for explaining adverse impacts and for highlighting the areas of concern.
The secondary sources include office archives of the Education Department, files and papers of the
PESRP, websites of the World Bank, Government of the Punjab, and the PESRP, and the various
other sources of information.

Significant Adverse Impacts

The majority of the Program activities will be environmentally benign, though isolated small-scale
constructions at the individual school sites may be carried out. These construction activities, being of
small scale and of short duration, would hardly produce any impacts of notable significance. The
majority of the impacts during construction would be highly localized and mostly temporary in nature.
These would relate to water quality, air quality, noise, vibrations, debris / solid waste generation,
wastewater production, consumption of raw materials, worksite safety, and inconvenience to public
primarily from improper stockpiling of the materials in the immediate radius of influence of the
individual sites. The impacts pertaining to school operation phase would relate to those emanating
from educational / learning pursuits and cleanliness activities at the schools. These would include
impacts from inadequate disposal and management of the toilet wastewater, and to some extent,
unhygienic disposal of the solid waste. The significant impacts of the textbook printing would pertain
to usage of chemicals, inks, and paper of non-farm origin during the process of printing. The impacts
of the distributional activities would relate to improper storage and the road traffic hazards by the
carriage vehicles.

Mitigation Measures
The report provides mitigation measures for each type and stage of activity. The proposed design
stage measures include provision of septic tank for toilet wastewater, convenient spatial placing of
various structures and facilities, and provision of facilitation gadgets for special children. These
construction stage measures include pre-emptive precautions by the construction contractor for
avoiding the adverse impacts, for example, sheeting the stockpiled materials, limiting construction
activities after school hours, and ensuring worksite safety. The mitigation measures relating to
school operation include proper disposal of the solid waste, avoiding failure (stuck up) of the septic
tanks, and the drinking water quality testing. The mitigation suggestions relating to textbook printing
and distribution include selection of an environment friendly printing house, avoiding usage of toxic
chemicals and inks, periodic fumigation of the warehouses, and educating the schoolchildren in
avoiding indirect impacts e.g., not to place moist eatables on the printed papers.

The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

The environmental and social management framework (ESMF) provides a mechanism for
implementing the preventive and mitigatory measures in the form of environmental guidelines.
The main objective of the ESMF is firstly to prevent, and where it is not possible, to attenuate the
adverse impacts to an acceptable level by adopting suitable administrative and or technical options.
The key components of the ESMF include environmental guidelines for the architect / design
engineer, construction contractor, focal persons, and the proponent.


The ESMF also provides an institutional setup for implementing the guidelines by designating focal
persons at provincial, district, and school level. These focal persons will ensure upward and
downward coordination, removal of implementation bottlenecks, establishing a two-way flow of
information, and maintaining a consolidated database. The District Monitoring Officer (DMO) will
ensure compliance of the guidelines and internal compliance monitoring through his team of the
Monitoring and Evaluation Assistants (MEAs). The ESMF also provides mechanisms for internal and
external compliance monitoring to ensure regimental observance of the guidelines and ESMF at
various tiers of responsibility. The MEAs, during their visits to schools in their respective beats, will
also take note of the environmental compliances by the construction contractor and the school head,
on a checklist proforma especially developed for the purpose. Similarly, the heads of schools will
also report compliance status of the guidelines during both construction and operation phases.

External monitoring in the form of annual environmental audits has been proposed. This external
monitoring will be outsourced to an environmental consultancy, which will review the ESMF process,
identify any environmental issues on ground, and offer recommendations for keeping the Program
compatible with changing conditions.

In order to ensure temporal sustainability and successful implementation, the ESMF will have a
component of training and capacity building of the key personnel. One- to three-days training
workshops will be held in each district and at the provincial level respectively, all during the
Program’s currency. These workshops will be directed towards enhancing implementers‟
understanding of the environmental and social issues of the Program. The workshops will focus on
apprising and sensitizing the participants about importance of the environmental and social aspects
of the Program, understanding implementation requirements of the ESMF, and managing the
on-ground problems in a befitting manner both at macro- and micro-level. Whereas, district level
workshops will focus mainly on implementation aspects, the provincial level workshops will relate to
policy issues and troubleshooting strategies. Development of a training manual, selection of an
environmental consultancy, and of resource persons will precede the workshops. It is envisaged that
proper implementation of the ESMF would ensure achievement of the desired environmental
performance of the Program.

ESMF Costs
The ESMF costs will pertain mainly to trainings, capacity building activities and external monitoring.
Fifteen workshops at Provincial Level and twenty- seven at Divisional Level will take place over the
three years’ time period. Assuming that the WB’s funding is for three years, there will be three rounds
of annual environmental audit and external monitoring, also for the awareness and capacity building
activities. Thus, three years‘ combined cost under both heads will be around Pak Rupees 23
million. This will be reflected in Program’s budget.


List of Acronyms
ADB Asian Development Bank
C&W Communication and Works
dB Decibel
DMO District Monitoring Officer
EA Environmental Assessment
EC Environmental Coordinator
ED Executive Director
EDO Executive District Officer
EFP Environmental Focal Person
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIAR Environmental Impact Assessment Report
EIAS Environmental Impact Assessment Statement
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EM Environmental Modulator
ESMF Environmental Management Framework
EMIS Education Management Information System
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPD Environment Protection Department
ES Environmental Study / Environmental Statement
ESN Environmental Screening Note
FGM Focused Group Meetings
FMR Farm to Market Road
GES Government Elementary School
GGHS Government Girls High School
GGPS Government Girls Primary School
GHS Government High School
GHSS Government Higher Secondary School
GPS Government Primary School
HRD Human Resource Development
HRM Human Resource Management
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
IEER Initial Environmental Examination Report
IEES Initial Environmental Examination Statement
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
IWT Indus Water Treaty
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
Km Kilometer
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MEA Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
MTBF Medium Term Budgetary Framework
NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards
NLC National Logistic Corporation
NOC No Objection Certificate
NWFP North Western Frontier Province
OP Operational Policy
PCMA Post Completion Monitoring and Audit
PCO PROGRAM Coordination Office
PEPA Pakistan Environmental Protection Act
PESRP Punjab Education Sector Reforms PROGRAM
PMIU Project Monitoring and Implementation Unit
PPA Post Project Auditing
PSDP Public Sector Development PROGRAM
SMIS School Management Information System
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter


SW Solid Waste(s)
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TSS Total Suspended Solids
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
WB World Bank
WHO World Health Organization
WWF World Wildlife Fund

ESMF – PERSP-II Page vii


Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... iii

List of Acronyms ................................................................................................................ vi
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................1
1.1 Rationale and Objectives of the Study ...................................................................1
1.2 Study’s Extent and Scope ......................................................................................1
1.3 Study Methodology .................................................................................................1
1.4 The Punjab Education Sector Reforms Program (PESRP)...................................2
2. LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY OVERVIEW ................................................3
2.1 The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 ................................................3
2.2 The IEE/EIA Regulations, 2000 .............................................................................3
2.3 The Punjab Wildlife Act, 1974 ................................................................................3
2.4 Legislation relating to Cultural and Archaeological Heritage .................................4
2.5 The World Bank Safeguard Policies ......................................................................4
3. Project Description ...............................................................................................7
3.1 PESRP’s Strategy and Approach...........................................................................7
3.2 Program Objectives ................................................................................................7
3.3 Program Achievements ..........................................................................................7
3.4 PESP ......................................................................................................................8
3.5 Description of PERSP-II and PESP-II ....................................................................8
3.5.1 Higher Level Objectives to Which the Project Contributes .............................8
3.5.2 Project Development Objectives .....................................................................8
3.5.3 Project Components ........................................................................................9
3.5.4 Institutional and Implementation Arrangements ...........................................10
3.5.5 Results Monitoring and Evaluation................................................................11
3.5.6 Sustainability..................................................................................................11
4.1 Geography ............................................................................................................13
4.2 Topography...........................................................................................................13
4.3 Geology.................................................................................................................13
4.4 Soil Morphology ....................................................................................................14
4.5 Seismology ...........................................................................................................14
4.6 Surface Hydrology ................................................................................................14
4.7 Groundwater .........................................................................................................14
4.8 Meteorology, Climate, and Air Quality .................................................................15

ESMF – PERSP-II Page viii

4.9 Forests, Habitats, and Ecologically Sensitive Areas ...........................................15
4.10 Demographic Profile .............................................................................................16
4.11 Land Use / Agricultural Profile ..............................................................................16
4.12 Healthcare Facilities .............................................................................................16
4.13 Educational Facilities ............................................................................................17
4.14 Infrastructure Profile .............................................................................................17
4.15 Socioeconomic Profile ..........................................................................................17
4.16 Labor and Employment ........................................................................................17
4.17 Culture, Religion, and Customs ...........................................................................18
4.18 Gender Issues ......................................................................................................18
4.19 Poverty ..................................................................................................................19
GROUP MEETINGS.............................................................................................23
5.1 Rationale of Public Consultations ........................................................................23
5.2 Identification of Stakeholders and Mode of Consultations ..................................23
5.3 Objectives of the Stakeholders Consultations .....................................................23
5.4 Stakeholders Consulted .......................................................................................23
5.5 Issues Discussed ..................................................................................................24
5.6 Gist of the Outcome of the Public Consultations .................................................24
6. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT ............................................26
6.1 Impact Assessment Methodology and Mitigation Strategy ..................................26
6.2 Soil and Lands ......................................................................................................26
6.2.1 Impacts ..........................................................................................................26
6.2.2 Mitigations ......................................................................................................26
6.3 Surface Water Quality ..........................................................................................27
6.3.1 Impacts ..........................................................................................................27
6.3.2 Mitigations ......................................................................................................27
6.4 Groundwater Quality.............................................................................................27
6.4.1 Impacts ..........................................................................................................27
6.4.2 Mitigations ......................................................................................................27
6.5 Air Quality .............................................................................................................28
6.5.1 Impacts ..........................................................................................................28
6.5.2 Mitigations ......................................................................................................28
6.6 Noise and Vibrations ............................................................................................28
6.6.1 Impacts ..........................................................................................................28
6.6.2 Mitigations ......................................................................................................28


6.7 Access, Easement, Health and Worksite Safety .................................................29
6.7.1 Impacts ..........................................................................................................29
6.7.2 Mitigations ......................................................................................................29
7.1 Institutional Setup for ESMF Implementation ......................................................31
7.2 Roles and Responsibilities of the Focal Persons.................................................32
7.3 The Environmental and Social Guidelines ...........................................................32
7.4 Internal Compliance Monitoring ...........................................................................33
7.5 External Compliance Monitoring ..........................................................................33
7.6 Trainings and Capacity Building ...........................................................................33
7.7 ESMF Costs ..........................................................................................................34


Annex 1: Photographs
Annex 2: List of Schools Surveyed
Annex 3: List of the Persons Interviewed
Annex 4: Wild Birds and Animals Protected under the Punjab Wildlife Act, 1974
Annex 5: Sites Protected under the Antiquities Act, 1975
Annex 6: Sites Protected under the Punjab Special Premises Ordinance, 1985
Annex 7: Notified Ecologically Protected Areas in Punjab
Annex 8: Environment, Health, and Safety Guidelines

List of Tables and Figures

Table 2.1: Summary of the Bank’s OPs and their applicability to PESRP .................4
Table 2.2: WB Operational Policies and their relationship to PESRP Activities .......4
Table 4.1: Groundwater Quality of Rawalpindi District ..............................................19
Table 4.2: Groundwater Quality of Sheikhupura District ...........................................19
Table 4.3: Groundwater Quality of Bahawalpur District.............................................20
Table 4.4: Ambient Air Quality Data of Lahore (1998-2002) .......................................21
Table 4.5: Number of Public Sector Healthcare Facilities and Bed
Strength in Punjab........................................................................................21
Table 4.6: Health Indicator Status in Punjab ...............................................................21
Table 6.1: Simplified Environmental and Social Impact Matrix ........................................30


Table 7.1: Organizations and Focal Persons for ESMF Implementation .................31
Table 7.2: Environmental Focal Persons and their Areas of Responsibility ...........35
Table 7.3: Environmental and Social Management and
Monitoring Guidelines .................................................................................36
Table 7.4: Tentative Framework of the Training Program..........................................42
Table 7.5: Tentative ESMF Implementation Costs (for Three Years) ........................43

Figure 4.1: Map of Punjab Province .............................................................................22


This environmental and social assessment study report evaluates the adverse environmental and
social impacts of the Punjab Education Sector Reforms Program (PESRP) and provides an
environmental and social management framework (ESMF) for avoiding, and where not possible,
mitigating the significant impacts. The present document is meant for PERSP-II, and has been
prepared after making some minor revisions in the original document. The PERSP-II is quite similar
to the earlier phase of the Program in its overall scope with a slightly different focus.

1.1 Rationale and Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of the study is to address the significantly adverse environmental and social
impacts of the PESRP-II activities. Whereas, most activities under the Program are environmentally
benign, a few Program components, particularly those relating to constructional activities at the
school sites, educational / learning activities during school operations, and provision of free
textbooks to schoolchildren, are considered to have negative bearing on the environment. That is
why the Program Monitoring and Implementation Unit (PMIU) commissioned this study for
ascertaining magnitude and extent of Program’s adverse impacts during construction, operation and
textbook printing / distribution and addressing them by outlining preventive and corrective measures,
in compliance to environmental laws of the country and in conformity with the Safeguard /
Operational Policies (OP) of the World Bank (WB).

1.2 Study’s Extent and Scope

The study comprises (i) description of the existing environmental settings or baseline profile of the
Program’s area of activity - which is the entire province of Punjab, (ii) assessment of the likely
disturbances to the environmental parameters from the Program activities, and (iii) preparing an
ESMF for avoiding and mitigating the predicted adverse impacts on the physical, biological, and
socio-cultural environment. The study covers all aspects and all stages of the Program activities,
particularly those relating to constructions, school operations, and provision of free textbooks to over
1.1 million schoolchildren. The study, of course, is limited in its extent and scope to the terms of
reference of the proponent

1.3 Study Methodology

The study has been conducted in accordance with impact assessment guidelines, rules, and
regulations of the Government of Pakistan and against Safeguard Policies of the World Bank. The
format of the report, to the extent possible, is in consonance to prevailing international practices in
the field of environmental assessment.

The study has relied on both primary and secondary data and information sources. However,
relatively greater reliance has been placed on primary sources, which included site visits / surveys,
soliciting information from the key persons like construction contractors, school councils, parents,
teachers, functionaries of the district administration, and the NGOs. Focused group meetings and
stakeholders‟ consultations have been used as information tools for soliciting viewpoints of the key
stakeholders, end-beneficiaries and others concerned with Program implementation. Photographs
taken during field visits have also been used as the firsthand source of information to signify and
highlight various environmental impacts during construction and operation (see Annex-1). The
secondary sources included office documents at PMIU and the Punjab Education Department,
webpage and publications of the World Bank, and consultations with the functionaries involved in the
Program in any way. Impact characterization methodologies, such as checklists and matrices, have
been used for identifying, screening, scoping, assessing, and analyzing the predictable interactions
of the Program activities with environmental parameters during both construction and the lifelong
school operations. The study has reviewed the Program activities from planning to school operation
in terms of their short-, medium-, and long-term environmental impressions as well reversibility

The ToR are given in the bid document and the contract signed between proponent and consultant


characteristics of the impacts.

The districts of Chakwal, Rajanpur, Sheikhupura, Sahiwal, and Okara were selected as prototypes of
the three major landform regions of the province, the upper-, the central-, and the lower-Punjab, for
ascertaining the baseline environmental profile and evaluating the environmental and social impacts
of the Program all across the province. Results of these districts have been extrapolated for rest of
the province. Lists of the schools surveyed and the stakeholders / persons interviewed during the
study are appended as Annex-2 and Annex-3 respectively.

1.4 The Punjab Education Sector Reforms Program (PESRP)

The Punjab Education Sector Reforms Program (PESRP) was launched in 2003 by the Government
of Punjab (GoPb) for improving condition of the education sector in the province. According to a
situation analysis report of that year, 46.5 percent of the total school age children (5-16 years) were
out of schools; primary completion rate was less than 45 percent; and basic facilities (like
classrooms, boundary wall, toilets, electricity, and drinking water etc.) were largely missing in public
schools. Female enrolment was only 43.8 percent of the overall public sector enrolment

To support the PERSP, the World Bank implemented the Punjab Education Sector Project (PESP)
from 2009 to 2012. Construction of missing facilities in the schools was one of the subcomponents
of the Project.

PESRP comes to an end at the close of this fiscal year (FY2011/12). Building on the institutional,
administrative, and program foundations laid by PESRP, the provincial government is presently
developing its next medium-term multifaceted sectoral reform program for primary and secondary
education, the Second Punjab Education Sector Reform Program (PESRP II), which aims to better
orient and ratchet up efforts to address the remaining deficiencies in participation, attainment, and
achievement outcomes. PESRP II will also support and enable the Roadmap to yield real and
sustainable gains in outcomes. To improve outcomes, the main challenge in public education is
essentially to improve teacher quality and performance. The teacher is the main instrument for
student learning in this context, so many of the sectoral initiatives can affect the child only through
the teacher. Improved student learning, in turn, helps retain students in school and attract new
children to school. Recognizing that the participation returns from learning gains may take time to
materialize, PESRP II also includes initiatives that directly attempt to increase participation at
different levels.

Much like the earlier phase of the Program, the Bank plans to launch PESP-II, to support the
PERSP-II. The focus of the PERSP-II is not on new infrastructure development, though
some small scale civil works may be carried out in the sector at large during the Program
implementation period to construct the missing facilities or to rehabilitate/improve the
existing school buildings. However none of such construction activities will be included in
the PESP-II. Similarly, no land acquisition will be carried out as part of the PESP-II.

A Report on Educational Scenario of Punjab, 1997-2007, Education Department, GoPb, March 2008


This section discusses pertinent aspects of the environmental legal framework of Pakistan
concerning environmental protection, environmental impact assessment, wildlife and biodiversity,
and cultural / archaeological heritage. Relevance of the WB Safeguard Policies to the Program
activities has also been reviewed in this section.

2.1 The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997

The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (PEPA), 1997 is the main environmental law and
provides a framework for the management of environmental issues in the country. The envisaged
objective of the Act is to provide for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation, and improvement of
the environment for the prevention and control of pollution and promotion of sustainable
development . The Act establishes the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) as the
principal organ of the state for implementing various procedural and substantive provisions of the
Act . The EPA is empowered to take cognizance of violations and contraventions of the Act,
establish the charge, and prosecute the accused before the Environmental Tribunal, which stand
established one for each province under the Act. Besides, Pak-EPA can also frame and notify rules
and regulations under the Act. The provisions of PEPA override other laws having environmental
provisions. Under Section 12 of the Act, no developmental project can be undertaken unless an
initial environmental examination (IEE) or an environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been
conducted and approval received from either the federal or the respective provincial EPA. Failure to
conduct IEE or EIA is an offence punishable with fine, or imprisonment, or both under Section 17 of
the Act. The present environmental and social impact assessment of the PESRP has been carried
out in consonance with the broad principles of the Act.

2.2 The IEE/EIA Regulations, 2000

The Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Review of IEE/EIA) Regulations, 2000 enlist the
projects requiring an initial environmental examination (IEE) or an environmental impact assessment
(EIA) under Schedules I and II, respectively. The Regulations detail procedures concerning issuance
of environmental approvals, inspection of premises, and holding of public hearings / consultations.
The Regulations also prescribe detailed procedures for filing IEE/EIA for review by the EPA, time
limits for completing the review, review fees, and the conditions under which environmental
approvals may be granted. The Regulations also authorize the Government to specify
environmentally sensitive areas for which an EIA must be filed for any type of project.

2.3 The Punjab Wildlife Act, 1974

The Punjab Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation, and Management) Act, 1974 caters to
protection of wildlife resources in the province . Besides ensuring an environment conducive for their
rearing and propagation, the Act also regulates hunting, poaching, possession, and trade in birds
and animals. The Act prescribes penalties for its contraventions. Government can notify and amend
lists of protected ecosystems, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, safari parks, and game reserves.
The updated lists of the protected and special areas can be obtained from the National Council for
Conservation or alternatively from the Forest and Wildlife Department, Government of Punjab.
Annex-4 presents a list of the wildlife species protected under the Act.

Preamble to PEPA, 1997
Complete text of the PEPA is available at
Full text available at (accessed on 13.01.2009)


2.4 Legislation relating to Cultural and Archaeological
The Antiquities Act, 1975, which is a federal law, provides for protection of cultural resources.
Antiquities have been defined as ancient products of human activity, historical sites, sites of
archaeological or cultural interest, and national monuments. The Act prohibits new constructions in
proximity of the protected antiquities.

The Punjab Special Premises (Preservation) Ordinance, 1985 provides a legal framework for
preservation of premises of historical, cultural, archaeological, and architectural value in the
province. The Ordinance specifically prohibits implementation of developmental schemes or new
constructions within a radius of two hundred feet from notified special premises.

Out of 387 officially notified sites under the Antiquities Act, 149 are in Punjab (Annex-5 presents a
list of notified sites in Punjab province). The number of protected sites notified under the Punjab
Special Premises Ordinance is 246 (see Annex-6). Updated lists are available from the office of the
Director General, Archaeology Department. Both laws will be applicable to PESRP and the notified
areas / sites will constitute negative areas for undertaking construction activities under the Program.

2.5 The World Bank Safeguard Policies

The ESMF has also been analyzed against the World Bank Safeguard / Operational Policies, i.e.,
OP 4.01 (environmental assessment), OP 4.04 (natural habitat), OP 4.36 (forestry), OP 4.09 (pest
management), OP 4.11 (cultural property), OP 4.10 (indigenous people), OP 4.12 (involuntary
resettlement), OP 4.37 (safety of dams), OP 7.50 (projects in international waters), and OP 7.60
(projects in disputed areas). Tables 2.1 and 2.2 present a summary of applicability of the WB
Operational Policies to the PESRP.

Table 2.1: Summary of the Bank’s OPs and their applicability to PESRP

WB Operational Policy Applicability

Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) Triggered
Natural Habitats (OP 4.04) Not Triggered
Forests (OP 4.36) Not Triggered
Pest Management (OP 4.09) Not Triggered
Physical Cultural Resources (OP 4.11) Not Triggered
Indigenous Peoples (OP 4.10) Not Triggered
Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) Not Triggered
Safety of Dams (OP 4.37) Not Triggered
Projects on International Waterways (OP 7.5) Not Triggered
Projects in Disputed Areas (OP 7.60) Not Triggered

Table 2.2: WB Operational Policies and their relationship to PESRP Activities

Subject Description
OP 4.01 Environmental This OP requires environmental assessment (EA) of the
Assessment projects proposed for Bank financing to help ensure that
they are environmentally sound and sustainable. This OP
also categorizes the projects on the basis of type, location,
sensitivity, scale of the project, and the nature and
magnitude of their potential environmental impacts.
On the basis of the above parameters, the PSERP has
been classified as Category-B, and the present ESMF has


been developed in response to this OP.
OP 4.04 Natural Habitat The conservation of natural habitats, like other measures
that protect and enhance the environment, is essential for
long-term sustainable development. Through this OP, the
WB therefore supports the protection, maintenance, and
rehabilitation of natural habitats and their functions.
The program includes limited amount of construction work
related to expansion of existing school buildings, provision
of missing facilities in the existing schools and construction
of buildings for the existing shelter-less schools. None of
these activities will affect any of the natural habitats.
Therefore, the OP is not triggered. Furthermore,
construction activities under the Program will not be carried
out in the areas listed in Annex-4.
OP 4.36 Forestry The objective of this Safeguard Policy is to assist the WB’s
borrowers to harness the potential of forests to reduce
poverty in a sustainable manner, integrate forests
effectively into sustainable economic development, and
protect the vital local and global environmental services
and values of forests.
As mentioned above, the physical works during the
Program will be carried out at the existing facilities, which
are in settled areas. Hence, no forest area is likely to be
affected, and therefore, this OP is not triggered.
Furthermore, construction activities under the Program will
not be carried out in the areas listed in Annex-4.
OP 4.09 Pest Management Through this OP, the WB supports a strategy that promotes
use of biological or environmental control methods and
reduces reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides.
This OP is not applicable since the Program does not
involve any activities relating to agriculture, use of
pesticides, fertilizer or other chemical inputs.
OP 4.11 Cultural Property The World Bank’s general policy regarding cultural
properties is to assist in their preservation, and to seek to
avoid their elimination.
The PESRP involves civil works at the existing school
locations, which are located in settled areas. Hence no
cultural property is likely to be affected which may trigger
this OP. However, the ESMF includes guidelines, should
any such property is discovered during Program activities.
Construction activities under the Program will not be carried
out in the areas listed in both Annex-5 and Annex-6.
OP 4.10 Indigenous People This OP defines the process to be followed if the Program
affects the indigenous people (i.e., people having the
following characteristics: self-identification as members of a
distinct indigenous cultural group and recognition of this
identity by others; collective attachment to geographically
distinct habitats or ancestral territories in the project area
and to the natural resources in these habitats and
territories; customary cultural, economic, social, or political
institutions that are separate from those of the dominant
society and culture; and an indigenous language, often
different from the official language of the country or region).
Since the Program involves construction works at the
existing school facilities/premises, it is unlikely to affect any


indigenous communities, which may exist in the province.
Hence, this OP is unlikely to be triggered.
OP 4.12 Involuntary This policy includes safeguards to address and mitigate the
Resettlement impoverishment risks (dislocation, asset loss, income loss,
and others) associated with the involuntary resettlement.
Most of the construction as part of the Program would be
carried out within the existing school premises.
Furthermore, the Bank’s funds will not be used for any
construction activities. Hence, this OP is not triggered.
OP 4.37 Safety of Dams The Policy seeks to ensure that appropriate measures are
taken and sufficient resources provided for the safety of
dams the WB finances.
This OP is not applicable since program does not involve
any work relating to dam construction.
OP 7.50 Projects in This OP defines the procedure to be followed for projects
International Water the WB finances that are located on any water body that
forms a boundary between, or flows through two or more
This OP is not applicable since the program does not
involve any works on waterways.
OP 7.60 Projects in disputed Projects in disputed areas may raise a number of delicate
areas problems affecting relations not only between the Bank and
its member countries, but also between the borrower and
one or more neighboring countries. In order not to
prejudice the position of either the Bank or the countries
concerned, any dispute over an area in which a proposed
project is located is dealt with at the earliest possible stage.
This OP is not applicable, as no disputed areas exist in the
province of Punjab.


3. Project Description
This chapter presents the description of the PERSP and PERSP-II, including their strategy and
approach, objectives, and various activities.

3.1 PESRP’s Strategy and Approach

The PESRP is based on a holistic, sector-wide, and program mode approach of developing well
coordinated synergistic activities in a symbiotic environment, because the piecemeal project mode
approach had not been successful in the past. The WB and the international development partners
also endorsed this strategy . Under the program mode framework, the Provincial Government enters
into “Terms of Partnership” agreements with the District Governments for providing tied budgetary
grants , each year.

3.2 Program Objectives

The PESRP is designed to address the issues of access, governance, and quality primarily in the
public sector education. The Program is based on three major pillars: (i) public finance reforms to
increase public spending for education and to ensure fiscal sustainability, (ii) reforms for
strengthening devolution and improving the fiduciary environment, and (iii) reforms to improve
access, quality and sector governance. Reform pillar-1, relates to allocation of sufficient public
finances to meet sectoral needs, pillar-2 aims to facilitate transfer of resources to district
governments for improving service delivery and enhancing capacity for monitoring financial flows,
and pillar-3 focuses on improving the lot of education in the province .

3.3 Program Achievements

The PESRP has been instrumental in improving access, quality, and governance in the public sector
education system. At the time of initiation of the Program in 2003, the province was registering a low
net primary enrollment rate only of 45 percent, which was not compatible with the roadmap of the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)10 Since its beginning, the Program’s implementation has
reckoned uphill trend in the key educational indicators. Resultantly, the net- as well as
gross-enrollments for both sexes has increased up to 24 percent . Provision of stipends to girls in
the districts with less than 40 percent literacy rate has brought in up to 60 percent increase in
enrollment . This has facilitated to narrow down the gender disparity, as the proportion of school
girls has gone up from 43 percent in 2003-04 to 46 percent in 200713. The data generated on vital
parameters and other progress indicators by the specially designed monitoring mechanism,
throughout the province, has helped in making informed decisions over issues concerning
recruitment, up gradation of schools, and absenteeism 14 . Some of the key successes of the
Program, since its initiation, are as under :
16 17
 Gross enrollments (Katchi to Matric ) increased by 2.4 million (from 8.8 million in
2003-04 to 11.2 million students in 2007-08), equal to an increase of 24 percent.
 Net primary enrollments went up from 45 percent in 2002-03 to 62 percent in 2007-08.
 Proportion of girls’ enrolment in public schools (Grade 1-12), has risen from 43 percent in

A program mode approach looks at all input factors affecting a particular sector
A Report on Educational Scenario of Punjab, 1997-2007, Education Department, GoPb, March 2008
Contingent to mutually agreed performance targets and achievements
A Report on Educational Scenario of Punjab, 1997-2007, Education Department, GoPb, March 2008
National Education Census, District Reports – Punjab, Ministry of Education, Islamabad, 2007
A Report on Educational Scenario of Punjab, 1997-2007, Education Department, Government of the Punjab,
PMIU, SMIS Data, 2007
Third Party Validation Report, PESRP, 2007.
A Report on Educational Scenario of Punjab, 1997-2007, Education Department, Government of the Punjab, 2008
The word Katchi in public schools is equivalent kindergarten and or preparatory to admission classes
Matric is equal to 10 years of schooling


2003-04 to 46 percent in 2007.
 More than 30,000 schools have been provided with missing facilities, such as toilets,
boundary walls, and additional classrooms
 Free textbooks are provided annually to over 11.2 million students from primary to matric
(Grade 1-10)
 Every year, approximately 380,000 schoolgirls receive cash stipends through quarterly
 Effective monitoring system has helped in addressing chronic issue of teachers’
absenteeism to a great extent

3.4 PESP
As stated in Chapter 1, the Bank implemented PESP to support PERSP from 2009 to 20011/12.
The Project was structured around two components: (i) Component 1 - Program Financing: This
component accounted for the large part of the total financing provided by the Bank and DPs. This
component included support for the four pillars of PESRP that together helped contribute to the
project development objectives; and (ii) Component 2 – Technical Assistance to provide support to
strengthen existing capacities for implementation and monitoring of the sector program

3.5 Description of PERSP-II and PESP-II

The focus of the new program would be on ‘soft’ interventions such as strengthening the existing
school system and service delivery, rather than the infrastructure development. Some small scale
civil works may be carried out in the sector at large during the Program implementation
period to construct the missing facilities or to rehabilitate/improve the school buildings
however the Bank’s funds will not be used for such works and hence will not be included in
PESP-II. Similarly, PESP-II will not include any land acquisition or involuntary resettlement.

3.5.1 Higher Level Objectives to Which the Project Contributes

PESRP II seeks to increase child school participation, student attainment, and student achievement
in the province. PESP II supports the same objectives. The project objectives are also consistent
with the objectives of the FY2010–13 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS). The CPS seeks to
support Pakistan in addressing some of the major institutional, policy, and financing constraints on
its capacity to achieve and sustain high economic growth rates, to manage conflict, and to improve
the social indicators and capacity of its population. PESP II directly contributes to implementing the
strategy’s fourth pillar of improving human development and social protection, by supporting the
provincial government’s reform program which seeks to improve the above stated objectives, via
strengthening systems and capacity and improving sector governance and accountability for
improved service delivery performance.

3.5.2 Project Development Objectives

The project development objective of PESP II is to support the government of Punjab’s efforts to
increase child school participation at multiple levels and student achievement under the second
phase of its sector reform program, PESRP II.

The participation and attainment aims will be measured by the NER at three levels of schooling
(primary: grades 1–5; middle: grades 6–8; and matriculate: grades 9–10) using published official
statistics from Pakistan's Social and Living Standards Measurement (PSLM) survey, a large-scale,
representative household sample survey conducted by the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS),
Pakistan’s official statistical organization, which serves as the main data source of the government to
measure progress towards the 2015 Millennium Development Goals. According to official
documentation (PC-1), FBS plans to conduct PSLM surveys annually for at least the next three years
(ending 2014/15), which overlaps with the project period. The PSLM survey has been a longstanding
data collection activity of the FBS, and no major issues in survey design and implementation have
been reported.


The PDO-level result indicator on student achievement will be measured using annual student
assessments designed and administered independently and supported by the proposed project's
technical assistance allocation. The assessments will be administered to grade-4 and grade-5
students in a reasonably-sized, representative sample of government schools and
publicly-supported low-cost private schools in the province. The baseline assessment is expected to
be conducted in the upcoming academic year, 2012–13. Follow-up assessments will be conducted
annually through the life of the project.

Project beneficiaries: Project beneficiaries will comprise of all students in government schools and
low-cost private schools that are covered by one or more of the initiatives in PESRP II. Information
on beneficiaries (gender-wise) will be obtained from the Annual School Census (ASC) which collects
information from all government schools annually and other initiative-specific administrative data
gathered by PMIU. Information on beneficiaries (gender-wise) in low-cost private schools covered
under PESRP II will be obtained from administrative data gathered by PEF. Both PMIU and PEF
have had well-functioning administrative data systems under PESRP, and can quickly introduce
arrangements to yield any additional data required for accurately and regularly measuring
beneficiary counts.

3.5.3 Project Components

The proposed project is a US$350 million Specific Investment Credit which will support the design
and implementation of PESRP II, over the period FY2012/13–FY2014/15. The project comprises of
two components: (1) a results-based component—Component 1—which would finance PESRP II,
amounting to US$340 million (97% of the total Credit) and (2) a Technical Assistance (TA)
component—Component 2—which would support essential capacity-building initiatives related to
PESRP II, amounting to US$10 million (3% of the total Credit).

Under PESRP II, the government plans to take the next evolutionary step and zero in on improving
service delivery performance at the school level in order to realize both meaningful and continuing
gains in the outcomes of interest. This objective necessarily implies focusing on improving teacher
quality and performance given that, in this context in particular, teacher quality and performance are
virtually synonymous with school quality and performance. The available evidence clearly suggests
serious shortcomings in teacher quality and performance. For example, government school teacher
salaries are determined mainly by individual credentials (experience, training, and education), and
the student-learning returns to these credentials are limited under the current institutional
environment. Furthermore, importantly, government school teacher salaries appear to be largely
unrelated to the levels of teacher absence, teacher knowledge, and student achievement. While
teachers in government schools tend to be better credentialed and obtain significantly higher
salaries than teachers in low-cost private schools, private schools tend to significantly outperform
government schools.

From the perspective of public finances, improving teacher quality and performance implies taking
measures to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of teacher salaries (which constitute 93% of
total recurrent expenditures), as well as taking measures to increase the adequacy, efficiency, and
effectiveness of other expenditures formulated to be consistent with the same underlying motivation.

Thus, under PESRP II, teacher quality and performance are expected to be promoted directly and
indirectly through a coherent mix of initiatives related to (1) institutional arrangements and functions,
(2) resources and support, and (3) monitoring and accountability. The initiatives include:

(a) Formulating and fixing salary (teaching posts) and non salary budgets at the school level, in
line with formula that relate the school budget to student enrollment, basic school
operational and classroom needs, and appropriate teaching staff levels and types.

(b) Decentralizing administrative and financial management powers to schools (or, where not
immediately feasible, to school-proximate levels) for managing school-specific budgets and


(c) strengthening school councils, their authority to hold schools accountable for performance,
and their capacity to respond to emerging school needs;

(d) strengthening objective, transparent, and merit-based recruitment of teachers and

introducing a system with a legal framework that ties recruitment, induction, and career
advancement to certification and licensing based on objective, merit-based criteria;

(e) strengthening the system of field-based advisory support to teachers at the school and
targeting the support at achievement-poor schools;

(f) ensuring the regular collection of credible information on school, teacher, and student
performance (e.g., teacher absence, teacher on-task, student achievement) and feeding this
information back into the system, to schools, and to a broad range of stakeholders to effect

(g) starting with teachers in achievement-poor schools and districts, tying teacher
compensation more closely to school performance as measured in terms of improvements
in student achievement; and

These efforts are designed to directly promote greater school quality, and, through these
improvements, retain students in schools and attract new children to school. To more directly
promote gains in participation and attainment, initiatives additionally include:

(a) providing tuition-replacement vouchers to children from disadvantaged households in poor

urban areas to access low-cost private schools subject to a rigorous quality assurance
system and

(b) attendance-tied cash transfers to promote secondary schooling for rural girls in
participation-poor districts.

Taken as a whole, the initiatives are formulated to yield returns in the short term in terms of
participation, attainment and achievement gains, but also promote well-performing, robust,
sustainable institutions and administrative systems that would generate returns over the medium to
long term (i.e., PESRP II attempts to achieve an appropriate balance between its short-term
"target-reaching" and longer-term "trajectory-changing" objectives).

3.5.4 Institutional and Implementation Arrangements

Institutional and implementation arrangements for PESRP II will primarily be identical to the
arrangements in place for PESRP. The provincial Planning and Development Board will continue to
head the Provincial Program Steering Committee (PSC) for PESRP II, with participation of, among
others, Finance and Education/PMIU and its sub departments. PSC will provide overall strategic
guidance and enabling support to PESRP II, and serve as a forum for high-level decision making and
an interface with the political leadership.

SED/PMIU will be the main implementing agency for PESRP II, with the support of other sub
departments. With respect to the project specifically, SED/PMIU will be responsible for (1)
coordinating support from and actively communicating with the Bank and other development
partners, (2) reporting on monitoring indicators and DLIs, EEPs, and TA on a timely basis, and (3)
ensuring that Bank fiduciary and safeguard regulations and requirements are followed. Under
PESRP II, PMIU is to be strengthened and refocused to perform its reform implementation and
monitoring and evaluation support roles effectively

SED/PMIU will share program implementation and monitoring responsibilities (to differing degrees
depending on the subprogram) with the district education administrations which have primary
responsibility for public education service delivery and have staff at the district, tehsil, and markaz
levels. In addition, school councils have been set up in government schools as a formal mechanism
for community and parental engagement in supporting and monitoring government school
operations and performance.

The higher levels of the institutional arrangements for program implementation have a relatively


strong track record of performance. Implementation weaknesses mainly exist with district education
administrations and schools, including with school councils. Under PESRP II, the proposed program
activities and actions aim to improve the capability, capacity, and performance of district education
administrations, schools, and school councils.

3.5.5 Results Monitoring and Evaluation

There are three major general monitoring systems under the provincial government that yield
information on additional indicators. These systems are the (1) Annual School Census (ASC)
conducted by SED/PMIU, (2) school inspections conducted by the Chief Minister's Monitoring Force
(a unit which is independent of SED), and (3) student achievement tests conducted by the Punjab
Examination Commission (PEC), a sub-department of SED. The ASC is administered annually and
captures information in a standardized questionnaire on basic characteristics of schools and
teachers and enrollment counts by grade and gender in all government schools. School inspections
are carried out monthly and capture information in a standardized questionnaire on the
administration of key activities and subprograms and, importantly, on teacher and student presence,
in all government schools. Written student achievement tests are administered annually and capture
test score data on multiple subjects from grade-5 and grade-8 students. Coverage of government
schools in these tests is virtually 100%.

The provincial government has administered the ASC, school inspections, and PEC tests since
1992, 2005, and 2006, respectively. Issues however remain with respect to coverage, regularity,
reliability, use, and dissemination of the data. Under PESRP II, the government expects to take
specific steps to assess data issues and address them. PESP II supports these actions using DLIs
and TA.

PESRP II subprograms will also have their own dedicated monitoring systems, which would provide
more detailed information for assessing subprogram implementation progress and performance.18
These dedicated monitoring systems will serve as the source of information on subprogram
implementation progress and performance monitoring indicators, including selected relevant Core
Indicators, as well as DLIs. In addition, implementation progress and performance of selected
subprograms will be assessed through independent validations, and process and impact
evaluations. Many of these studies are to be supported by TA. The independent validation studies
will also serve as the basis for assessing the achievement of selected DLIs.

3.5.6 Sustainability
The likelihood of sustained implementation of PESRP II through and beyond the project
implementation period is mainly promoted by four factors. First, the priority and attention given by the
political and bureaucratic leadership to public education and addressing the challenges in the sector
have been boosted by the recent adoption of the Roadmap. The heightened level of attention bodes
well for the introduction and implementation of a well-designed and strongly-backed reform program
which underpins the aspirations in the Roadmap.

Second, the government has led the design of PESRP II, with advisory and technical support from
the Bank and other development partners. At various stages during the design process, substantive
consultations were held with relevant stakeholders, comprising of sub-department officials, district
government officials (including district education management), government school teachers, and
present and potential beneficiaries (parents and students). The ownership and consensus-building
at the design stage are likely to aid in staying on course during program implementation.

Third, during program implementation, the Bank and other development partners intend to support
the government in the development and implementation of a system that effectively communicates
the reform agenda to and receive feedback from stakeholders, thereby, facilitating broad ownership
for sustaining reforms. Such an initiative, of the nature envisaged, has not been undertaken

Fourth, the government is focused primarily on improving service delivery and education outcomes
by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of sector expenditures (where the general view is that

The general monitoring systems will capture some identical pieces of information to these dedicated systems, allowing the
general monitoring systems to serve as validation tools.


there is considerable slack), and given a tight fiscal situation (which is expected to remain for the
foreseeable future) and several legitimate competing demands on scarce public finances. This
decision is viewed as sound from both a technical and sustainability standpoint.


This section provides a quick overview of the baseline environmental and social profile of the
Program’s geophysical extent i.e., the entire province of Punjab. A map showing geophysical
features of the Punjab is placed at the end of this section.

4.1 Geography
The province of Punjab having 205,345 sq. km area and a population of 8.90 million19 is bound on
the north by Kashmir, on the east by international border with India, on the south by Sindh province,
and on the west by the provinces of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The physical coordinates
are 29o.30‟N to 31o.44‟N and 73o.55‟E to 76o.50‟E.

4.2 Topography
The province of Punjab is predominantly a fertile region along the river valleys. However, sparse
deserts can be found in southern part of the province. Owing to its geographical disposition, the
province exhibits wide variations of physical, ecological, socio-cultural, and environmental features
down from north to south and across from east to west . Topographically, Punjab can be divided
into following five landforms :

 Upper hilly region

 Potohar plateau
 Central plain lands (Doab )
 Desert like plains
 Cholistan and Thal deserts

The upper hilly region is a southward continuation of the Himalaya foothills of Kashmir. High rainfall,
coniferous trees, and a cold weather characterize the region. Murree, with an altitude of 2,300
meter23, is a popular hill station and a summer resort. The Potohar Plateau, which also includes the
Salt Range, is a land of undulating terrain. It lies in between rivers Indus and Jhelum. Besides a
number of important archaeological sites, the region is distinguished by diverse wildlife. The central
part of the province comprises low-lying floodplains along the rivers. This geographical relief has
facilitated large-scale cultivation, development of an extensive irrigation network, construction of
roads, railways, and other infrastructure. The general trend of gradient in plains is from north to south
and from west to east. The desert like plains present a transition zones between floodplains and the
deserts of Cholistan and Thal. Development of surface irrigation, to some extent, has transformed
their morphology into irrigable tracts. Thal and Cholistan exhibit true desert features. Cholistan,
locally known as Rohi, spans over an area of 16,000 km². It continues into Sindh province under the
name “Thar” and into India as “Rajhistan”24.

4.3 Geology
Approximately 70 percent land area of the province comprises floodplains of Indus Basin.
Geologically, lands in the floodplains are lightly mantled with alluvial deposits transported from the
Himalaya foothills. The underlying bedrock is composed of Precambrian metamorphic and tertiary
consolidated rocks. The overlying alluvium consists of Pleistocene to recent unconsolidated deposits
of sand, clay and silt. The formation age of the alluvium also dates from Pleistocene to recent, the

Punjab Development Statistics, Government of Punjab, as on 31.12.2007
Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment Protection Department, GoPb, Final Report,
Doab in local language is an area between two rivers
Informatory Brochure on Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab on Murree Hills
Geography of Punjab, Sang-e-Meel Publication, Lahore, 2007


latter being predominant near the riverbanks and the former around the central part of the plains25.

4.4 Soil Morphology

The texture, morphology, and moisture holding capacities of the soils in the province vary from
region to region. The surface crust soils are composed of alluvial deposits consisting of silt, clay,
sand, and loam. Clay and silt formations occur in discontinuous layers with limited lateral extent.
Their thickness is generally less than three meters . Due to rich surface irrigation in the central
Punjab, the fertile soils of the floodplains give a good per unit yield .

4.5 Seismology
According to the seismic mapping of Pakistan, most parts of the province lie in zone “2A” of the
Earthquake Zones Classification of the Uniform Building Code (UBC – 1997) of the United States.
This zone is associated with unknown geologic conditions and the earthquake damage is
“moderate”. However, earthquakes of magnitude up to five on the Richter scale, which generate
ground acceleration up to 0.1g, have been reported for this zone28.

4.6 Surface Hydrology

The major surface water resources in the province are rivers, canals drawn from the rivers, and
some wetlands . The major rivers are Indus and its tributaries (Jehlum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej, and
Bias). Under the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) , waters of the three eastern rivers (Ravi, Sutlej, and
Bias) have been appropriated to India and of the western rivers (Indus, Jehlum, and Chenab) to
Pakistan. However, to meet irrigation needs of the command areas of the eastern rivers, waters from
the western rivers have been diverted into the eastern rivers through the link canals. The link canals
are conduits for water transfer only and are not used for irrigation. However, they help in
groundwater recharge. There are 12 such link canals. Structurally, the surface irrigation system
comprises major canals, minor canals, branch canals, distributaries, and watercourses upto farm

4.7 Groundwater
Availability and quality of groundwater, the depth of water table, and the aquifer recharge rates
considerably differ from area to area depending on a number of variables such as amount of
precipitation, proximity to surface water channels, and other meteorological factors . About 79
percent area of the province has fresh groundwater . High fluoride content is found in groundwater
of the Salt Range . Water table varies from as low as 1 meter in the waterlogged areas to as deep
as 90 meters in desert areas . The groundwater is drawn through hand pumps, tubewells, springs,
and public water supply schemes. Tables 4.1 to 4.3 present typical groundwater quality of a few
selected districts of the province i.e., Rawalpindi (upper Punjab), Sheikhupura (central Punjab), and
Bahawalpur (lower Punjab)36.

Geological Survey of Pakistan <>, accessed on 07.01.
Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment Department, Punjab, 2008
Full text available at official website of Government of Pakistan
Office Papers, Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab, 2008
Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment Department, Punjab, 2008
Water Quality Status in Pakistan, Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Islamabad, 2003
Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment Department, Punjab, 2008
Subsoil Water Quality Monitoring in 14 Districts of the Punjab, Environment Protection Department, Government of the
Punjab, 2003


4.8 Meteorology, Climate, and Air Quality
The general pattern of climate in the upper Punjab is characterized by a relatively higher rainfall
(approx. 1000 mm compared to province’s average of 351 mm/annum) 37 , high humidity, low
temperatures, and heavy monsoon precipitation. Southern Punjab has a hot and dry climate with low
rainfall . Summers are hot with moderate humidity, whilst winters exhibit extreme cold. Spring and
autumn seasons are the most pleasant parts of the year. Mean winter temperature
(December/January) in the plains and the desert areas range between 8.5°C and 12.5°C. The mean
summer temperature remains around 35°C to 39°C with spikes crossing 42°C. The mean of the
maximum temperature ranges between 29-30°C and mean of the minimum from 15-16°C .
Approximately 50 percent of the average annual rainfall occurs during monsoon in the months of July
and August40. The past climatic records indicate that rain rich years occurred at a cycle of 15-20
years with intervening dry period .

A joint air quality study of Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Islamabad by the Pak-EPA and the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA), showed that the average suspended particulate matter
(SPM) in the study districts was 6.4 times higher than WHO Guideline Values. The levels of sulphur
dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen also exceeded the acceptable standards in some
areas, but the average levels were below the Guideline Values 42 . Another similar study of
Gujranwala and Faisalabad also revealed higher concentrations of SPM in the ambient air .
However, barring congested urban centers, air quality in rest of the province generally conforms to
44 45
WHO Guideline Values . A typical urban ambient air quality profile is as depicted in Table 4.4.

4.9 Forests, Habitats, and Ecologically Sensitive Areas

The forest resources of the province include Coniferous Forests, Scrub Forests, Riverine Bela
Forests, Irrigated Plantations, Linear Plantations, and Rangelands .

The existing natural habitat of the province is largely a modified habitat owing to human
interventions. Construction of an extensive irrigation network during early 20th century paved the way
for transformation of the Tropical Thorn Forests into agricultural lands. This has led to a changed
landscape and loss of wildlife. Nine habitat types have been identified in the province, of which
deserts, sub-tropical deciduous, and wetlands are of concern with regard to threat to wildlife . The
major habitats along with their geographical areas are as under (Source: Forest Department,

• Coniferous Forests Murree, Kahuta (District Rawalpindi)

• Tropical Deciduous Forests Margalla Hills, Mountain Foothills (District Jhelum)
• Dry Subtropical Forests Potohar Region, Salt Range (Districts Chakwal, Khushab,
Mianwali, Jhelum, Rawalpindi, and DG Khan)
• Tropical Thorn Forests Indus Floodplains
• Tropical Thorn Forests (Sandy) Cholistan, Thal (Districts Bahawalpur, Rahimyar Khan,
Layyah, and Rajanpur)
• Irrigated Forest Plantations Modified habitat carved out of Tropical Thorn Forests

Punjab Development Statistics, Bureau of Statistics, GoPb, 2007
Meteorological Profile of Punjab, Pakistan Meteorology Department, Lahore, 2008 (soft copy)
3-Cities Investigation of Air and Water Quality (Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad), JICA/Pak-EPA, 2001
2-Cities Investigation of Air and Water Quality (Gujranwala and Faisalabad), JICA/Pak-EPA,2003
Air Quality Monitoring in Six Districts of Punjab using Physico-Chemical Techniques, Environment Protection Department,
Government of the Punjab, 2005
Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment Department, Punjab, 2008
Brief on Punjab Forest Department, Punjab Forestry Research Institute, Faisalabad, 2006
Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment protection Department, Government of the Punjab, Final Report,


• Rivers, Wetlands, and Waterlogged Areas throughout the Punjab
• Farmlands / Agricultural Areas Throughout the Punjab
• Urban parks and open areas in urban centers

In order to preserve the natural habitat, Government has notified 63 ecologically protected areas
comprising wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, and the game reserves51 as listed in Annex-748.

4.10 Demographic Profile

Punjab is a thickly populated province and has average population density of 358 persons / km2. The
population of the province constitutes 55.6 percent of country’s total population. The population of
the province, which was 73.6 million in the 1998 Census, is now crossing 90 million . The average
population growth rate is 2.48 percent per annum . With the existing growth rate, the population is
expected to double by 2025. Urban population has increased from 31 percent in 1998 to about 36
percent in 2007. Overall sex ratio is 107 males per 100 females. Lahore is the most populated district
of the province with population density of 3,566 persons / km2. Children below fifteen years of age
constitute approximately 40 percent of province’s population .

4.11 Land Use / Agricultural Profile

Agriculture is the predominant economic activity of 64 percent rural population of the province. About
50 percent of total labor force in the province is employed in agriculture. More than 70 percent
cropped area of the Indus Basin is located in Punjab. The principal sources of irrigation are the
surface channels supplemented by tubewells. Rainfall accounts only for a small proportion of the
irrigation sources. Sericulture, horticulture, and aviculture are gaining popularity. Investments in
honeybee- sheep-, goat-, fish-, poultry-, and dairy-farming are also increasing. The major seasonal
crops include wheat, rice, maize, sugarcane, and vegetables. Other agricultural products include
fodder, fresh vegetables, and lattice52. The reported agricultural area of the province is 17.62 million
hectares, out of which 71 percent is cultivated and the remaining is uncultivated53.

The land use in the Punjab has been exhibiting change from agricultural to residential and built-up
structures. Whereas, land use in the urban centers is predominantly of fixed and permanent
structures, it is of mixed disposition in the suburbs and along outer rim of the
cities, where agricultural lands interpose with new constructions, inhabitations, and farmhouses .

4.12 Healthcare Facilities

Punjab has a reasonable network of healthcare services in the public sector ranging from primary to
tertiary and even up to specialized healthcare facilities. There is good number of tertiary level
healthcare hospitals (teaching) in the province. The Province has 308 hospitals and 1333
dispensaries. Table 4.5 presents status of healthcare facilities in the Punjab. There are more than 59
thousand registered doctors, 45 thousand nurses, 9 thousand lady health visitors, 7 thousand
midwives, and 5 hundred dais55. The mortality rates in the province are generally higher than the
accepted international standards and the health indicators present a dismal status as shown in
Table 4.6. On the lines of the PESRP, Government of the Punjab is also implementing a reform
program in the health sector - the “Punjab Health Sector Reforms Program” - for improving and
upgrading healthcare facilities in the province .

WWF Pakistan <>
Punjab Development Statistics, Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab, 2007
Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment protection Department, Go Pb, Final Report, 2008
Punjab Development Statistics, Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab, 2007
A Brief Introduction to Punjab Health Sector Reforms Program, PMIU, 2008


Generally, the awareness amongst the masses about health and personal hygiene is very low.
According to the MICS , only 41 percent households use soap to wash their hands before eating
and only 55 percent wash their hands adequately after attending toilet. Only 52 percent households
are aware of the need for iodized salt.

4.13 Educational Facilities

The educational facilities in the province range from primary level masjid-maktab58 schools up to
universities and certain specialized institutions. There is a separate stream of technical and
vocational institutions as well as teachers‟ training colleges. Educational facilities for the disabled
children are provided by a separate Department of Special Education . The province has 52,000
primary schools, 7,000 middle schools, 5,000 high schools, and 672 intermediate and degree
colleges. More than 25 universities, both in the public and the private sector, are catering for higher
education and research . Public sector enrolments at primary level are 5.85 million, at middle level
2.1 million, at high school level 0.85 million, and at college level 0.66 million. The percentage share
of Punjab’s enrolments to country’s total enrolments is 27.4 percent for primary, 45.3 percent for
middle, 44.9 percent for high, and 65.5 percent for college and the higher grades. Literacy rate in the
province has recorded steady uphill trend from 27.4 in 1951 to 55.2 in 2005-06. The combined
literacy rate in urban areas is 70.2 with male literacy rate at 78 and female literacy rate at 66. The
literacy rate in rural areas is 59 for males and 35 for females61.

4.14 Infrastructure Profile

There are wide variations in the availability of infrastructure facilities in the urban and rural areas as
well as in different regions of the province. Whereas, availability and condition of roads in the cities is
fair, it is deplorable in rural areas . As a part of its developmental agenda, the Government is
focusing attention on the construction of farm-to-market roads (FMR) in the province and building of
infrastructure under the Annual Development Program (ADP) and the Public Sector Development
Programs (PSDP). Construction of the roads under various programs has substantially improved
agricultural marketing and timely transportation of the farm produce to markets.

4.15 Socioeconomic Profile

Punjab is the hub of economic activities in the country. Opportunities exist in business, economic,
trade, social, educational, and other business activities. A large section of the population is absorbed
in services sector, in the army, and in the civil service63. Many are working abroad as expatriates.
However, still the majority are absorbed in the agricultural sector. The mean income level of the city
residents is higher than their rural counterparts . There are more than 3.5 million registered vehicles
in the province, which number is increasing with every passing day65. Communication system in the
form of regular landlines and mobile telephony is one of the fast growing areas of economy .

4.16 Labor and Employment

Country’s labor force is estimated as 43 million, out of which nearly 55.9% is in the Punjab. About 70
percent of Punjab’s labor force is in rural areas and 30 percent in urban areas . Migration of people
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), Planning and Development Board, GoPb, 2003
Mosque is called “Masjid” in Urdu Language. Maktab is Urdu equivalent of school
62 Punjab Development Statistics, Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab, 2007
Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment protection Department, GoPb, Final Report, 2008
Punjab Development Statistics, Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab, 2007
Office Papers, Excise and Taxation Department, Government of the Punjab, Lahore
Punjab Development Statistics, Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab, 2007
Pakistan Economic Survey, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, 2007


from rural to urban areas for employment opportunities and better socioeconomic conditions is an
unending phenomenon in the province. Growth of urban centers (e.g., development of Lahore as a
metropolis), and establishment of industrial estates / enterprises have all contributed towards
increased employment opportunities in the province. The number of employed people has doubled
in during 1972 to 2002. However, the number of unemployed people has recorded eightfold increase
during the same period, mainly because of high population growth rate68. Investments in social
sectors such as education, health, housing, water and sanitation, agriculture, transport,
infrastructure, and communications, etc. have not kept pace with rapidly growing population . The
province of Punjab has over 18,000 large and medium industrial units, 59,126 small factories, and
90,995 cottage units, absorbing a total labor force of 62,000 persons

4.17 Culture, Religion, and Customs

The province of Punjab is rich with magnificent cultural heritage of ancient times and of early Islamic
period, reflected through specimens of art, craft, literature, and architect. Bhangra and Luddi are two
popular dances. The population predominantly consists of Muslims. Punjabi is the native language
and spoken widely, particularly in rural areas. However, other languages like Hindkoh, Balochi,
Potohari, and Saraiki are also spoken in certain areas.

People generally respect chadar and chardewari, i.e. they do not mingle with womenfolk publically
and stay away from others houses and respectfully wait to be called in or the residents to come out
from their houses. A reasonable proportion of womenfolk observe the purdah etiquette, i.e. they
remain secluded from outsiders. However, women do participate in almost all sort of social, cultural,
economic, educational, and service activities .

Joint family system is generally prevalent in the province, especially in rural area. However, nucleus
or small family is fast emerging in metropolis and urban centers because of the socio economic
compulsions and attitudinal shifts in the youth.

4.18 Gender Issues

Women in Pakistan are among the poorest and the most vulnerable sections of the society.
Women’s access and control over productive resources is limited, which ranks Pakistan amongst the
highest in the world for maternal and infant mortality rates. Vulnerability of women to discriminatory
treatment varies across classes, region, and the urban / rural populations. The 2007 Human
Development Report ranks Pakistan at 135 out of 177 countries in terms of human development
index and at 107 out of 140 in the gender related index . The dependency and vulnerability rates are
estimated to be around 47 percent. However, the actual dependency is believed to be much higher
than the official figures because approximately 69 percent population consists of women, children,
and the aged who all can be classified as vulnerable. Another reason of dependency is low
participation of women in economic activities. Presently, women comprise less than 5 percent of the
public sector employees in the province. Those who are employed have limited horizontal mobility
and are limited to social sector departments like education and health. Representation of women at
the decision making level is only 3 percent .

The Government’s major initiative of empowering the women is the Gender Reform Action Program
(GRAP), which is designed to trigger actions that will result in gender mainstreaming. GRAP focuses
primarily on institutional change to achieve gender equity74.

Medium Term Budgetary Framework (2005-10), Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad,
Punjab Industrial Directory, Directorate of Industries, GoPb, 2006
Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment protection Department, GoPb, Final Report,


4.19 Poverty
Incidence of poverty in the province is estimated at 32 percent (36 percent urban and 26 percent
rural), which is quite high75. Despite government’s interventions, poverty is increasing with passage
of time. In case of urban areas, poverty is more evident in slums and katchi abadis . The southern
Punjab has higher prevalence of poverty compared to central and upper Punjab. The main causes of
poverty are traditional agricultural practices, fragmented landholdings, non-availability of safe
drinking water and sanitation facilities, low literacy rate, inadequate institutional arrangements for
addressing social sector problems, and lack of access to social justice system.

Table 4.1: Groundwater Quality of Rawalpindi District

Parameter Unit WHO Limits Results

1. pH -- 7.0 – 8.5 7.2
2. Odor -- Unobjectionable Odorless
3. Color TCU 5 – 50 Clear
4. Taste -- Unobjectionable Tasteless
5. Turbidity NTU 5 -25 6.2
6. TDS mg/l 500 – 1500 334
7. TSS mg/l -- 8
8. Calcium mg/l -- 41
9. Magnesium mg/l -- 30
10. Hardness (CaCO3) mg/l 222
11. Chloride mg/l 75 – 200 41
12. Sulphate mg/l 50 – 150 61
13. Nitrate mg/l 500 0.6
14. Fluoride mg/l 1.5 0.25
15. Arsenic mg/l 0.01 0
16. Lead mg/l 10 5.5
17. Total Coliform 0/100 ml --
(Source: Subsoil Water Quality Monitoring Report of the EPA, Punjab)

Table 4.2: Groundwater Quality of Sheikhupura District

Parameter Unit WHO Limits Results

1. pH -- 7.0 – 8.5 7.7
2. Odor -- Unobjectionable Odorless
3. Color TCU 5 – 50 Clear
4. Taste -- Unobjectionable Tasteless
5. Turbidity NTU 5 -25 5

Punjab Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Planning and Development Board, GoPb,
An unplanned housing squatter


Parameter Unit WHO Limits Results
6. TDS mg/l 500 – 1500 935
7. TSS mg/l -- 9
8. Calcium mg/l -- 73
9. Magnesium mg/l -- 64
10. Hardness (CaCO3) mg/l 442
11. Chloride mg/l 75 – 200 172
12. Sulphate mg/l 50 – 250 183
13. Nitrate mg/l 500 20
14. Fluoride mg/l 1.5 0.4
15. Arsenic mg/l 0.01 0.003
16. Lead mg/l 10 7
17. Total Coliform 0/100 ml --
(Source: Subsoil Water Quality Monitoring Report of the EPA, Punjab)

Table 4.3: Groundwater Quality of Bahawalpur District

Parameter Unit WHO Limits Results

1. pH -- 7.0 – 8.5 7.5
2. Odor -- Unobjectionable Odorless
3. Color TCU 5 – 50 Clear
4. Taste -- Unobjectionable Tasteless
5. Turbidity NTU 5 -25 5
6. TDS mg/l 500 – 1500 935
7. TSS mg/l -- 9
8. Calcium mg/l -- 73
9. Magnesium mg/l -- 64
10. Hardness (CaCO3) mg/l 442.5
11. Chloride mg/l 75 – 200 173
12. Sulphate mg/l 50 – 150 183
13. Nitrate mg/l 500 21
14. Fluoride mg/l 1.5 0.4
15. Arsenic mg/l 0.01 0.01
16. Lead mg/l 10 7
17. Total Coliform 0/100 ml --
(Source: Subsoil Water Quality Monitoring Report of the EPA, Punjab)


Table 4.4: Ambient Air Quality Data of Lahore (1998-2002)

Location Ozone SO2 CO NO2 NOx PM10 Noise Humi

(ppb) (ppb) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ug/m3) (dB) -dity
Shadman Chowk 14 16 4 102 353 72-81 25
(commercial area)
Shalimar Road 18 6 1 15 20 780 -- --
Upper Mall 11 2 0.9 18.2 28 312 -- 51
Chowk Yateem 7 47 4 111 176 509 82 57
Khana (busy road
WHO Guideline 120 125 200
Values (ug/m3)
CO Carbon Monoxide dB decibel
NOx Oxides of Nitrogen NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
ppb parts per billion ppm parts per million
PM10 particulate matter of size less than 10 micrometer
SO2 Sulfur dioxide ug/m3 microgram per cubic meter
(Source: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data of the EPA, Punjab)

Table 4.5: Number of Public Sector Healthcare Facilities and Bed Strength in Punjab

Facility Number Number of Beds

Hospitals 308 34,612
Dispensaries 1,333 1,333
Rural Health Centers (RHC) 295 5,900
Basic Health Units (BHU) 2,456 4,912
T.B. Clinics 41 72
Sub Health Centers (SHC) 454 --
Maternity and Child Health Centers (MCHC) 492 --
(Source: Punjab Development Statistics, 2007)

Table 4.6: Health Indicator Status in Punjab

Health Indicator Level per thousand

Child Mortality (under 5 years) 20
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) (under 2 years) 115
Infant Mortality Rate (under 1 month) 64
Neonatal Mortality Rate (under 1 week) 73
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) 68
Crude Birth Rate (CBR) 40 percent
Crude Death Rate (CDR) 12.5 percent
(Source: Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, 2008)


Figure 4.1: Map of Punjab Province (Source: Wikipedia)


This section is about the stakeholder consultations and the focused group meetings that were held
during the study with the objective of understanding public perception about the PESRP, its
successes and failures, and learn about bottlenecks in its implementation. Public consultations were
also used as a firsthand information source regarding end beneficiaries‟ expectations from the
Program and the social concerns of importance.

5.1 Rationale of Public Consultations

Consultation with the stakeholders and the interest groups, having stakes and concerns in an
activity, PESRP in this study, is a tool for managing a two-way communication between the
sponsors, interest groups, and the beneficiaries. The public consultations during the study were held
to know concerns of various actors, beneficiaries and the affectees of the Program activities. It is
expected that the information obtained from these consultations and meetings will improve
decision-making and build public’s confidence into the Program by actively involving the individuals,
groups, organizations, donors, and the governmental agencies that have a stake or interest in the
Program. Learning and soliciting views of the stakeholders and other groups is expected to
increases Program’s long term viability and a sense of ownership in the Program activities by the
interests groups and the beneficiaries. These consultations also helped a lot in formulating
Program’s ESMF.

5.2 Identification of Stakeholders and Mode of Consultations

In order to identify different stakeholders and to ascertain their perceptions and views over the
Program, series of meetings were held in the survey districts with the government functionaries,
District Monitoring Teams, School Councils, and Heads of the schools. Apart from one to one
discussion, specific concerns relating to environmental and social issues were discussed with those
attending the meetings by asking them direct and indirect questions. Informal discussions were also
used as an additional information input tool for the requisite information (See Fig. 33). The Environs
Team carried out public consultations, stakeholder consultations, and the focused group meetings at
the majority of the school sites that were surveyed during the study.

5.3 Objectives of the Stakeholders Consultations

The objective of the public consultations and focused group meetings was to learn about those
aspects of the environmental and social impacts of the Program that may have remained unearthed
during environmental assessment study. Thus, the stakeholders‟ consultations and public meetings
have played a vital role in analyzing environmental and social effects of the Program activities and in
ensuring successful implementation of the Program. Under environmental law of the country, public
involvement is an essential feature of an environmental assessment, simply because it leads to a
better and more acceptable decision-making.

5.4 Stakeholders Consulted

The stakeholders and the interest groups that were consulted during the study belonged to the
different categories listed below

 PESRP functionaries / Proponent

 Government Functionaries / Education and Environment
 Donor Agency / World Bank’s Environmental Experts


 District Government Functionaries
 District Monitoring Teams
 District Teams of the NLC / Construction Contractor
 School Councils
 Heads of the respective school
 Parents of the schoolchildren
 Local NGOs
 Neighboring residents
 Local public representatives

5.5 Issues Discussed

Some of the issued that were discussed in the focused group meetings and the stakeholder
consultations included the following:

 The overall objectives of the Program;

 Expectations of the stakeholders and the interest groups from the Program
 Benefits and gains of the Program activities
 Strategies to achieve gender parity in access to education and effectiveness of
motivational stipends for girls
 Concerns, issues, and views over the Program activities;
 Likely adverse impacts of the Program on the various components of the environment
i.e., physical, biological, and social components;
 Importance of the likely impacts as viewed by the stakeholders and the interest groups;
 Possible mitigation measures; and
 Any particular personal concerns or issues
 Steps needed to improve outreach of the Program and recommendations for making it
successful in realizing its objectives
 modalities to activate and make School Councils for achieving desired goals
 Troubleshooting and dispute resolution mechanisms

5.6 Gist of the Outcome of the Public Consultations

A summary of the outcome of the public / stakeholders‟ consultations is presented below.

 The majority of the persons and the functionaries, who were consulted appreciated the
PESRP and regarded it as a beneficial activity;
 The majority of the persons consulted and interviewed expressed satisfaction over the
extent and scope of the Program activities. However, some were of the view that the
facilities being provided are inadequate and not commensurate to actual requirements;
 The majority of the persons interviewed criticized slow pace of construction activities;
 Many of the persons criticized the quality of construction work and the quality of the material
used for construction;


 Many Heads of Schools expressed concerns over scattered demolition wastes and non
removal of construction debris by the construction contractor;
 Some of the people expressed concerns over syllabus and quality of education;
 Some of the persons showed concerns over inadequate arrangements for water supply and
wastewater drainage;
 A large number of Heads of schools expressed resentment for having not been involved in
the planning and decision making stages, wherein they could have offered more workable
and better options;
 The members of the school councils regarded the Program as beneficial and stated that the
Program has been a success in increasing enrolment of the children;
 Some of the parents expressed concern over the long distance for reaching to schools by
their children, particularly girls.
 Some of the parents expressed concern over safety of their children while travelling to
schools located at long distance from their village
 Some of the parents expressed their unwillingness to send their daughters / girls to a school
located in another / neighboring village owing to apprehensions over safety during travelling
 Some Heads of the schools informed that despite pointing defects in the construction
quality, no corrective measures were taken by the contractor
By and large, the majority of the individuals that were consulted considered rated the PESRP as a
remarkable and outstanding public service Program.


This section relates to impacts of the Sector activities on physical, biological, and social environment
and measures for their mitigations. The likely adverse impacts on various important environmental
parameters have been discussed with respect to school design / siting, construction, operation, and
printing / distribution textbooks. Necessary mitigation measures for avoiding or rectifying the impacts
follow the discussion on impact characterization.

6.1 Impact Assessment Methodology and Mitigation Strategy

A simplified Impact Assessment Matrix (Table 6.1) has been used for identification, screening, and
characterization of the likely impacts on the physical, biological, and social aspects against a
numerical scale from -2 to 0 to +2. The impact mitigation revolves around the following strategy:

 Firstly, avoiding the impacts by adopting environmentally compatible school design,

construction practices, oversight during operation, and selecting environment friendly
materials for textbook printing, as have been given in the environmental and social
guidelines; and
 Secondly, rectifying the impacts by adopting the suggested corrective measures as
contained in the guidelines.

Adoption of the mitigation strategy will ensure long-term environmental and social sustainability of
the Program. The discussion following hereafter relates only to the significantly adverse impacts in
respect of the selected environmental parameters.

6.2 Soil and Lands

6.2.1 Impacts
Improper siting of schools and the buildings‟ design can lead to loss of useful agricultural lands,
cutting of trees, and soil and land contamination.

The likely adverse impacts during construction will be associated with excavations, diggings, and
tree cutting, particularly in hilly areas. These operations can destabilize the land and may lead to soil
erosion and land sliding.

Disposal of the toilet wastewater directly onto adjacent lands, during school operation, can
contaminate the land and degrade its quality. Besides being a source of environmental nuisance,
stagnation of the wastewater, particularly that applied to land around the school buildings (See Fig.
27), would have serious environmental and health concerns because these wastewater ponds can
act as breeding places for disease vectors, source of foul smells, and an aesthetic blight (See Fig. 5
and 6).

6.2.2 Mitigations
 Select an appropriate site and design the building that will entail no or minimal disturbance to
soils and land.
 Avoid tree cutting and removal of vegetative soil cover during construction.
 Adopt a sequential or batched excavation technique. Under this technique, only a part of the
total area / reach to be excavated, is first dug and backfilled after constructing the requisite
structures, followed by the next section and so on. This will ensure prevention of soil erosion
/ destabilization.
 Confine the digging only to the specified areas, as per the engineering drawings.


 As soon as the construction phase is complete, or near completion, take up generous tree
plantation at and around the site.
 Secure a connection of the toilet wastewater to the local sewerage system. Else, ensure
provision and proper functioning of the septic tank.

6.3 Surface Water Quality

6.3.1 Impacts
If the design incorporates provision of secure disposal of wastewater, there will be no adverse
impacts worth significance.

Direct drawl of large quantities of water from, and drainage / disposal of wastewater during
construction operations into, a nearby water body can pollute waters of such a source.

Direct discharge of toilet wastewater into a surface water source, without treatment, during operation
phase can deteriorate recipient body’s water quality.

Disposal of the chemical- and ink-laden wastewater from the printing press directly into a receiving
water body or indirectly through the local sewerage system can pollute surface water quality.

6.3.2 Mitigations
 The school design must incorporate wastewater treatment and disposal arrangements.
 Avoid direct drawl of water from a surface source. Use only minimum essential quantities of
water to avoid generation of large quantities of wastewater during construction.
 Dispose of the construction wastewater through a soaking pit of appropriate capacity, which
should be leveled back after completion of construction.
 Construct septic tanks of appropriate capacities for disposal of toilet wastewater during
school operation
 Select an ISO certified press for printing of textbooks, which does not use toxic chemicals
and environmentally harmful inks / paper. Else, local municipal authorities be asked to
ensure treatment of wastewater before its discharge into receiving system.

6.4 Groundwater Quality

6.4.1 Impacts
Generally, the construction activities, school operations, and printing / distribution of textbooks do
not pose significant probability of groundwater contamination. The groundwater quality would be
affected only if wastewater succeeds in reaching the groundwater aquifer by some route. The most
plausible route will be the hand pump borehole (See Fig. 28). Because of natural soil filtration
mechanism, the probability of groundwater contamination from percolation of stagnated wastewater
down the earth’s layers is rare.

If the design does not provide separate supply lines for the drinking water and the water for toilets,
then the combined supply line can pose higher risks of cross contamination of the drinking water
(See Fig. 32). Locating the hand pumps close to toilets will increase vulnerability of contamination
(See Fig. 13, 14, 28).

Stagnation of the spilled water around the base of the hand pump can lead to its downward
movement along the borehole and therefore likelihood of groundwater contamination, especially
during school operation (See Fig. 28).

6.4.2 Mitigations
 The design should provide separate supply lines for drinking and toilet usage. Any existing
system of such a type be stopped forthwith and replaced.


 The hand pump borehole should be well secured and sealed off from the exterior by grouting
with cement mortar. The slope of the floor platform be outward from the hand pump base.
 Provide for immediate drain of the spilled water from a hand pump base.
 Ensure regular laboratory testing of the groundwater / drinking water at the schools for timely
detection of contamination.

6.5 Air Quality

6.5.1 Impacts
Construction activities can temporarily deteriorate the ambient air quality from localized dust blowing
and suspension of fine particulates in the environment. Blowing of dust and prolonged suspension of
fine particulates in the ambient environment is a phenomenon associated with movement of
vehicles, land excavations, structures‟ demolition, and onsite stacking of materials. Once in the air,
the larger sized particles, under influence of gravity, tend to settle down in the immediate vicinity of
the source. The suspended particulate matter (SPM) of the size smaller than 10 micrometer (PM10)
tends to remain suspended in the environment for much longer and persistent time and is an
environmental hazard. The objectionable impacts of settling of the suspended dust would be its dry
deposition on vegetations, glass windows, motor vehicles, buildings, and other exposed surfaces.
Exhausts from fossil fuel burning in the construction machinery will also deteriorate local air quality.

Similarly, exhausts from generators at printing press, during electricity shutdown / failure, can also
have impacts on air quality in the vicinity. Usage of carriage vehicles for transporting the printed
textbooks will also have similar impacts on air quality. Blowing of drag dust from vehicular movement
will be another adverse air quality impact associated with distribution / transportation of books.

6.5.2 Mitigations
 Avoid / control dust blowing from potential sources by shielding them from the exterior.
 Avoid dust / particulate blowing from stockpiled materials either by sheeting them or by
sprinkling them with light shower of water.
 Select and install only an environment compliant generator.
 Use only good quality oil, petroleum products, additives, and spares in machinery,
generator, and vehicles.
 Avoid operating the machinery during school hours.
 Bound the drivers to follow and observe traffic rules and road safety instructions

6.6 Noise and Vibrations

6.6.1 Impacts
Generation of noise and vibrations would be of relevance only to construction activities and printing /
distribution of textbooks. Noise levels higher than a threshold can produce psychological and social
impacts of distracted attention, irritation, and short-temperedness. However, owing to
non-cumulative property of sound and vibrations, the impacts are reversible and of significance only
during continuation of the noisy activities.

Usage of machinery and steel fabrication activities during construction, particularly during school
hours and at nighttime, can produce undesirable noise.

Printing, binding and paper cutting machines at the printing press can also produce noise and
vibrations which may be annoying for residents and neighbors.

Movement of vehicles and blowing of pressure horns will be another source of noise and vibrations.

6.6.2 Mitigations
 Avoid noisy activities and those producing vibrations preferably during school hours.
 Avoid such activities at nighttimes for avoiding disturbance to the community.


 Tune up and maintain the equipment and machinery, and carry out oiling of the noise
producing parts of a machine / vehicle.

6.7 Access, Easement, Health and Worksite Safety

6.7.1 Impacts
The environmental and social impacts pertaining to rights of access, easement, health and
wellbeing, and worksite safety would relate to design, construction, operation, and printing /
distribution of textbooks.

Improper and poor design can lead to construction of congested structures with poor ventilation,
sunlight, and access, which in turn can produce behavioral and health impacts.

Improper stockpiling of construction materials, scattered demolition wastes, and placement of debris
/ materials on nearby open spaces and streets can result in blocking of routes and inconvenience for
passersby, neighbors, and residents.

Haphazardly placed materials and debris presents higher risks of personal injury and inconvenience
to schoolchildren and the staff (See Fig. 20-24, 27).

Non-observance of worksite safety instructions and non-usage of safety gadgets during construction
operations can increase vulnerability to adverse health and personal safety impacts.

Choking of sewer line, dysfunction of septic tanks, contamination of drinking water or its source,
using the printed papers for placing eatables (particularly of wetting consistency) are all fraught with
their consequential health and safety impacts during school operation.

6.7.2 Mitigations
 The adverse impacts or hazards relating to access, easement, health, and worksite safety
can be avoided by taking appropriate preventive steps / measures, such as:
 Design the buildings as environmentally compatible structures in accordance with the
prescribed building code paying due attention to aspects of natural lighting, ventilation, and
easement aspects.
 Design the buildings according to required capacity and in accordance with needs of special
 Avoid haphazard stockpiling of the materials. Allocate a separate place or corner in the
premises for storing the materials and the demolition debris.
 Avoid worksite hazards and accidents by wearing protective clothing / gadgets and by
observing standard procedures of carrying out an activity.
 Watch for drinking water availability and quality, proper working of the septic tank, and
disinfection of the water source all during school operation.
 Educate and aware the schoolchildren not to use the printed papers as receptacles for
 Avoid using petroleum based inks and toxic chemicals for textbooks printing
 Store the printed books in a properly ventilated warehouse. Regularly fumigate the
warehouse for preventing growth of termites and worms.


Table 6.1: Simplified Environmental and Social Impact Matrix

Environmental Physical Biologi Social and Socioeconomic

Components cal

Impact on indigenous people

Soil Erosion / Contamination

Community Empowerment

Community Participation

Archaeological Heritage
Access and Easement
Surface Water Quality

Employment / Income
Wetlands Eco-system

Health and Wellbeing

Agriculture / Farming
Noise and Vibrations

Education / Learning
Groundwater Quality

Public infrastructure
Safety and Hazards
Natural Vegetation

Livestock Grazing

Aesthetic Value

Cultural Issues
Gender Issues

Price of Land
PROGRAM Activities
Air Quality


Design of missing facilities N -2 -1 0 N N -2 N N N -1 0 -1 N -1 -1 -1 +1 N +1 0 N -1 N

Construction Activities -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -2 -2 0 0 -2 -1 0 N -1 -1 0 +2 +1 N +1 0 0 N

School Operation -1 -2 -2 0 N N 0 0 N N 0 N N N N +2 +1 +1 +1 N +1 N 0 N

Printing of Textbooks N N N 0 N N N -1 N N -1 N N N -1 +2 N +2 N N N N N N

Distribution of Textbooks N N N -1 N N N -1 N N -1 N N N -1 +2 N +2 N N +1 N N N

Key: -2=High Negative Impact -1=Low Negative Impact 0=insignificant/Negligible impact

+1=Low Positive Impact +2=High Positive Impact N=No Impact


This section describes the environmental and social management framework and the environmental
guidelines for avoiding and or preventing the adverse environmental and social impacts of the
Program activities. Institutional setup for implementing the ESMF, roles and responsibilities of the
focal persons, monitoring mechanisms, and training and capacity building programs have also been
detailed in this section.

7.1 Institutional Setup for ESMF Implementation

Table 7.1 outlines the institutional setup for timely appreciation, identification, reporting of the
environmental issues relating to the Program and for taking necessary preventive or corrective
measures at various levels of responsibility under the ESMF:

Table 7.1: Organizations and Focal Persons for ESMF Implementation

Organization Focal Person Role Jurisdiction

Program Monitoring Deputy Director (Planning), Environmental Coordinator Entire
and Implementation PMIU (EC) Province
Unit (PMIU)
Project Officer – Responsible for Entire
Environment (Consultant) implementing various Province
activities required for
safeguard compliance.
Office of the District District Monitoring Officer District Environmental Respective
Monitoring Officer (DMO) through Monitoring Focal Person (EFP) District
and Evaluation Assistants

School Council Head Teacher Environmental Modulator Respective

(EM) School

The Deputy Director (Planning), PMIU, Lahore has been designated as the environmental
coordinator (EC) at the provincial level for an oversight over the Program activities throughout
Punjab. The EC will liaise with GoPb, the WB, and other provincial level organizations and will
translate the policy decisions into actionable programs.

The Project Officer- Environment, PMIU, based in Lahore, will be responsible for facilitation of
implementation of various activities required for safeguard compliance. The Project Officer-
Environment will design and conduct trainings and other capacity building activities for the whole
province at Divisional and Provincial Level. Will generate reports and stream line the process to
facilitate the timely implementation of the activities.

The DMO will be the designated environmental focal person at district level. He will maintain upward
and downward linkages with the PMIU and the field staff respectively for ensuring smooth
implementation of the Program and timely appreciation of the environmental and social issues
coming in the wake of implementation of the Program. Coordination with other line departments in
the district and troubleshooting will also fall in his chartered responsibilities.

The Head Teacher or the School Incharge, designated as environmental modulator, will be
responsible for ensuring compliance of the ESMF by the construction contractor during construction
activities. He / she will also be the focal person for implementing the ESMF during school operation


All focal persons will maintain close liaison and fast track communication with each other for
promptly addressing any issue or problem.

In PESP- I, it was proposed to have short term environment consultant on board which was suppose
to facilitate the PMIU to conduct capacity building activities and review of ESMF implementation,
However, during the implementation of PESP-I the PMIU management felt that there is a need of
long term consultant to facilitate the project as the through this position many areas of the project can
be streamlined.

In PESP-II, the Project Officer – Environment is added into the institutional set up of PMIU as a long
term consultancy position that will facilitate the project to keep a track and streamline the timely
implementation of project. The Project Officer will be responsible to design sustainable activities with
the liaison of all the stakeholders and develop time to time reports to view the progress of the project.

Also, it has been viewed that although there were clearly defined responsibilities and roles to be
performed by the DMOs, MEAs and Schools Heads but it is seen that in PESP-I implementation
there were shortcomings to facilitate and communicate the district personnel to perform their roles
and responsibilities. In PESP –II the project anticipate the better institutional strengthening
specifically at district and divisional level.

The activities will be designed to implement ESMF in PESP-II by keeping In view the well defined
role and responsibilities and participation of districts personnel, school administration and school
children to institutionalize the process to improve environment.

The PMIU aims to engage Environmental Focal Persons (DMOs) in district level activities to facilitate
implementation of ESMF at school level. The DMOs will be directly observed and directed by the
Program Director for these activities.

In addition, the DMOs will manage monthly monitoring of environment activities to be done by MEAs
and share the monthly report on the update of ESMF implementation with respect to their concerned

7.2 Roles and Responsibilities of the Focal Persons

Table 7.2 describes the areas of responsibilities of the designated focal persons. It is important that
the responsibility of each focal person be clearly defined. Despite that, there might be some grey
areas of overlapping responsibilities falling within the purview of more than one organization / focal
person. In such a case, the higher authority or the organization may delegate its functions to the
lower tier and retain the overseeing role for itself. The decision made by the higher-level authority will
thence take precedence over that of the subordinate.

7.3 The Environmental and Social Guidelines

Table 7.3 details the environmental and social guidelines relating to design, construction, and school
operation stages as well as to printing and distribution of textbooks. These guidelines are the
preventive and corrective actions that will be taken by various persons involved in planning,
designing, and implementing the Program. The primary objective of the guidelines is to avoid or
lessen the likely damage to environment. The guidelines have been developed to ensure that the
identified adverse impacts relating to various environmental parameters are properly addressed
either by adopting a preventive or a mitigation strategy. The guidelines also indicate the persons and
the agencies for their implementation and thereby ensuring attenuation of the adverse impacts to an
acceptable level by adopting suitable administrative and or technical options.

Additional guidelines on environment, health and safety (EHS) are provided in Annex 8.


7.4 Internal Compliance Monitoring
Compliance to environmental and social guidelines will be effected through an internal compliance
monitoring mechanism comprising two parallel channels, as described below.

1. The Head Teacher or the School Incharge, being the designated “Environmental Modulator” will
ensure observance of the ESMF guidelines by the construction contractor all during the construction
phase. He / she will also be responsible for implementing the ESMF and complying with the
guidelines during school operation phase. He / she will send monthly compliance reports to the EFP
/ DMO.

2. The MEAs of the respective districts will make routine as well as surprise visits of the schools in
their operational areas, both during construction and school operation phases. The will submit their
monitoring reports on the same proforma.

The EFP / DMO office will process, rearrange, tabulate, and analyze the monitoring reports and will
forward the consolidated report of the district to the central database at PMIU in Lahore for further
processing and usage for decision-making. The PMIU may seek advice of the environmental
consultant, if so required, on any issue or non-conformity surfaced up from these monitoring

7.5 External Compliance Monitoring

Environmental monitoring in general term is the systematic collection of data through a series of
repetitive measurements. External monitoring is a job of specialized nature and be conducted by a
third party (an environmental firm / consultancy). It is, therefore, recommended that the proponent
(PD, PESRP) hire the services of a professional environmental consultancy for carrying out this
essential and important task. There is a good spectrum of categories and techniques of conducting
environmental monitoring. However, the proponent may restrict to the compliance monitoring
options only with underlying objective to review the ESMF implementation process, identifying any
on ground environmental issues of concern, and forwarding the proposals / mechanisms for
addressing them. The primary purpose of the external monitoring will be to see that both construction
and the operation phase activities have been undertaken in line with the mitigation strategy of the
ESMF. Since, the PESRP is an ongoing continuous program (unlike a project, which has a definitive
completion stage), there cannot be a post completion evaluation. It is therefore recommended that
external monitoring be undertaken as a regular annual feature.

7.6 Trainings and Capacity Building

Table 7.4 presents a tentative framework and a suggested schedule of trainings and capacity
building programs. The prime objective of the trainings is to ensure long-term sustenance of the
PESRP activities and to keep the Program coordinators, implementers, and the monitoring staff
abreast of the emerging issues, troubleshooting strategies, and modern techniques of environmental
management and social conflict resolution. The social conflict can best be addressed by bringing the
stakeholders on board through persistent motivation and training. The training will also correlate with
means of empowering the community, enhancing decision-making capacity of the School Councils,
and taking advantage from resources of the NGOs for social conflict resolution.

It is recommended to hold five one-day training workshops at the provincial level each year. Fifteen
such workshops will be held during three years of the Program. The district / divisional level officers
involved in PESRP implementation will primarily attend these workshops. These workshops will
focus on issues of practical nature, environmental as well as social issues, confronted during
implementation of the ESMF. Besides, these will also focus on sensitizing the participants about
environmental and social stakes of the Program, managing the on-ground problems, and
strategizing implementation of the ESMF guidelines. Similarly, nine one- day workshop will be held
at the Divisional level every year, in total twenty-seven workshops during three years of the
Program will be held. The key players involved in Program’s policy and field implementation will


attend these workshops, which will focus primarily on policy issues and the troubleshooting
mechanisms. The Project Officer – Environment will be responsible to hold these trainings at both
Provincial & Divisional Level.

A capacity building activity proposed to create awareness involving DMOs and MEAs will be held on
annual basis which will target 51,680 primary and middle schools in the districts of the Punjab in the
tree years of the Program, these trainings will basically be held with the help of TOT (Training of
Trainer) Approach. The DMOs will be trained at provincial level with the help of illustrative manuals
and further each DMO will train their respective team of MEAs which will then approach the School
heads and create awareness with the help of the developed manuals. The DMOs and MEAs will be
given acknowledgement on the basis of their performance each year for the respective activity.

It is proposed that each year a different manual will be designed to create awareness which covers
environment and school management, emergency preparedness plan and gender sensitivity
activities. The trainings and awareness activities will be conducted each year which will help the
institutional strengthening of the project as maximum stakeholders will be involved for the activity.

It is also proposed that an Environment Monitor can be defined in each school, which will be one of
the students. The Environment Monitor will be given a token of acknowledgement from the Program
Director – PMIU on their effective role towards improved environment.

The Environmental Focal Persons (DMOs) will conduct awareness activities at district level involving
school administration and students and other stakeholders at district level. These activities will
include Celebrating Environment Day, conduction of district level exhibitions of student work as
outcome of regular environment activities at school level, arrangement of presentations for students
with the help of audio visual aids.

Incentive based activities will also be designed under the project to involve the stakeholders and
develop their ownership towards the project.

Development of Training Manual

In order to make the training efforts meaningful, the PMIU, in consultation with the environmental
consultant, will develop comprehensive “Training Manuals” for the participants. Two separate
manuals for the Provincial and Divisional workshops will be developed. The training manuals will
contain outline of the Program, training methodology, glossary of terms, methodologies for avoiding
and correcting environmental and social impacts, tips on observing the guidelines, problem solutions
with examples, excerpts of the relevant literature / legislations, and linkages to further sources of
information and guidelines. The environmental consultancy will be responsible to review and update
the training manuals on annual basis.

Findings of Third Party Validation- PESP-I

PMIU will incorporate and address the findings of Third Party Validation of PESP-I in PESP–II
project. It is anticipated that the TPV will produce fruitful results for better implementation and
facilitation of the project and will help the project to overcome the weak areas in institutional
arrangement, facilitation of project at District, Provincial and Divisional Level and to engage the main
stakeholders in a more effective way.

7.7 ESMF Costs

The ESMF implementation involves two broad categories of costs:

(a) Training and capacity building costs; and

(b) External monitoring costs

The estimated cost of ESMF implementation for duration of three years is about Pak Rupees 23
million. The detailed budget is explained in Table 7.5.


Table 7.2: Environmental Focal Persons and their Areas of Responsibility

Focal Person / Areas of Environmental Responsibility

Environmental  Coordinate the pre-design-, planning-, and funding-stages of the PROGRAM
Coordinator  Incorporating ESMF Guidelines into contract agreement
(EC) / PMIU  Coordinate capacity building and training activities
 Act as an arbiter or dispute resolution in case of difference on an issue
Project Officer  Call for compliance reports from districts and update the provincial database.
– Environment  Facilitate the Implementation of ESMF at entire province.
 Conduct Provincial and Divisional Trainings
 Designing of Manuals and Modules for Capacity Building and Awareness
 Facilitation of Monitoring Process.

District  Ensure effective compliance of the ESMF at district level

Environmental  Receive environmental compliance reports from schools and forward them to
Focal Person EC
(EFP) / DMO  Compile the monitoring checklists filled up by the MEAs and forward tabulated
data to PMIU
 Dispute resolution authority for the district
Coordinate district level capacity building and training activities
Monitoring and  Carryout periodic and surprise inspection of the school in his beat
Evaluation  Fill up the prescribed environmental compliance and monitoring proformas /
Assistants checklists and report non-compliance / any deviation
(MEAs) / DMO  Submit the filled up proformas to the EFP/DMO
Pass on instructions of the EFP/DMO to the School Incharge and the
construction contractor
Environmental  Ensure that construction stage guidelines are complied with by the contractor
Modulator / and report deviations to EFP
School  Liaise between the contractor and the local community
Department  Safe removal / reuse of demolition debris
 Forward filled up monitoring proformas / checklists to the EFP during both
construction and school operation
 Implement the ESMF guidelines relating to school operation e.g., ensure proper
working of the septic tank, fill up and forward operation stage proformas to DMO
Arrange awareness programs and activities at the school such as essay
competitions, painting competitions, and formulation of an environmental club or
group of the schoolchildren
Construction  Follow and observe the construction stage guidelines
Contractor Comply with instructions and directions given by the EFP/DMO and the School


Environmental and Social Management Framework


A) Design and Planning Stage

Environmental Guidelines Responsibility

Design Aspects:  Design Engineer /

(1) Building’s Design and Layout should: Architect
(a) not infringe easement rights of the neighbours
(b) have architectural features in conformity to general landscape of the area
cater for required capacity of approximately 5-6 m space per child  PMIU
(d) be in consonance with local climatic, environmental, and meteorological conditions
(e) prefer local construction materials
 Dy. DEO / Head
(f) incorporate proper ventilation and provision of sunshine, air movement, and maximum usage of the
Teacher Concerned
(g) cater for requirements of special children (children with disabilities), e.g., provision of wheelchair-ramp,
side rails along stairs, and studded floors for blinds, where needed
(h) incorporate toilet facilities separate for boys and girls
(j) make provision for drainage of the spilled water away from hand pump borehole by providing a concrete
(k) provide for floor platform of the hand pump with a slope so that water does not stay
(l) provide safe access by having culverts on watercourses or ditches on school route
(m) provide for internal footpaths and or pavements to ensure all weather access
(n) provide hand washing arrangement outside lavatories and display instructions for washing hands after
attending toilet
(o) provide for toilet wastewater's outlet connection to the nearest sewer / wastewater-draining channel. It
should not open to the ground outside (see Fig. 13 and 14). If public sewer system not available, a septic
tank of adequate capacity be included in the design
(p) be in accordance with the applicable building code
(q) provide for availability of safe drinking water at convenient locations in the premises

(2) The Architectural Layout should not:

Environmental and Social Management Framework

Environmental Guidelines Responsibility

(a) place toilets close to the classroom block

(b) place the toilets at such a location wherein the general wind direction is from toilets towards classrooms
(c) place toilets near to drinking water source
(d) allow hanging electricity wiring (prefer concealed wiring)
(e) place electricity switches and panels within reach of toddlers

(3) Do not install electricity poles in the middle of playground or school compound

(4) No high voltage electric lines be passing over the school premises (see Fig. 1)

B) Construction Stage

Environmental Guidelines Responsibility

Air Quality Concerns Construction Contractor

(1) Carryout dust and emission producing activities (Operating machinery, loading/offloading materials) preferably
after school hours to minimize exposure to schoolchildren
(2) Keep machinery and vehicles adequately tuned up and well serviced
School Incharge
(3) Use only new and unadulterated fuels and lubricants. Do not use spent oil
(4) Avoid operating machinery and equipment in windy conditions
(5) Cover loose materials (e.g., sand, soil) with canvas/plastic sheets while stacked onsite or transporting on a
vehicle. If sheeting is not possible, then lightly sprinkle the surface with water
(6) Instruct the vehicle drivers to lower down the speed on earthen and narrow rural roads and road bends to reduce
blowing of drag dust
(7) Obscure and isolate the active construction zone by vertical shields / blinds


Environmental and Social Management Framework

Environmental Guidelines Responsibility

Water and Wastewater Construction contractor

(1) Do not draw water from a shared community water source without consent of the community
(2) Dispose of the wastewater by draining into the nearby drain or through a soaking pit
(3) Avoid throwing liquids/chemicals/paints into nearby water bodies or on land
(4) Avoid washing machinery, vehicles, construction implements in nearby surface waters
(5) Wastewater pipeline from toilets and lavatories be buried and well secured into the ground to avoid its damage by
vehicles, animals, and miscreants
(6) Provide containment structures or water diverting barriers in front of low lying rooms

Noise Pollution Construction Contractor

(1) Operate noise producing construction machinery preferably after school hours
(2) Avoid operating construction machinery at night time
(3) Carryout fabrication and loading /unloading activities preferably after school hours
School Incharge

Public Utilities Construction Contractor

(1) Carryout excavations / diggings after referring the local utilities layout map
(2) Devise a standard operating procedure for dealing with accidental damage to utilities along with an immediate
restoration plan
(3) Relocation of any public utility or facility be carried out well ahead of start of construction

Cultural and Archaeological Heritage Design Engineer

(1) Avoid wastewater drainage to a nearby cultural and heritage site, if any
(2) Avoid dumping of waste materials near to such sites or even at places which are objected to by the community
(3) discovery of a site of historical, cultural, or archaeological importance be reported to concerned authority /
Construction Contractor
archaeology department
(Refer to Annex-5 and Annex-6 for finding a nearby notified historical site)


Environmental and Social Management Framework

Environmental Guidelines Responsibility

Social Environment / Worksite Safety Construction contractor

(1) Make working staff aware of risks of personal injuries and the ways of avoiding (e.g., wearing helmets, dust
masks, earmuffs, safety goggles, gloves, etc.)
(2) Keep a first-aid box handy at the construction site
(3) The Site supervisor should know the standard operating procedures
(4) Keep schoolchildren off the active construction spots
(5) Use indicative signage and warning boards
(6) Stockpile the waste materials at a single spot preferably on one side the premises (see Fig. 1,8,9,18,20-24,26)
(7) Reuse the demolition waste, debris, and excess soil for filling depressions and for making pavements etc.
(8) Do not leave the excavated foundations unfilled for long periods
(9) Pay wages according to Government’s notified minimum wage rates
(10) Pay same wages to women as to men for equal hours of work
(11) Avoid child labour
(12) Keep fire fighting arrangements ready at the site
(13) Do not allow cigarette smoking and lighting of fire near work places and near inflammable materials
(14) Store the ignitable and inflammable materials separately and at a safe place away from any source fire

Ecological Environment and Habitat

(1) Avoid undertaking construction activities in notified ecologically sensitive and protected areas listed in Annex-7
(2) Avoid disturbance or damage to protected wildlife as listed in Annex-4

C) Operation Stage

Environmental Guidelines Responsibility

Water and Wastewater School Incharge

(1) Install water storage tank of at least 4 hours supply, based on consumption pattern/needs
(2) Carryout periodic cleaning and disinfection of storage tank, at least after every 6 months
Environmental and Social Management Framework

Environmental Guidelines Responsibility

(3) Use Health Department’s recommended disinfectants only

(4) Carryout regular and periodic laboratory testing of groundwater/drinking water quality
(5) Install water filters, if required on the basis laboratory testing
(6) Prefer source disinfection, wherever feasible
(7) ensure proper working of the septic tank
(8) Ensure regular cleaning and removal of grit from the drainage line
(9) Display instructions at prominent places, particularly near the lavatories and water points, requesting the
schoolchildren not to throw any solid article and paper into the wastewater drains or closets
(10) Prevent flow of wastewater towards drinking water source (hand pump) in case of damage or leakage of the
effluent pipeline
(11) Keep an emergency plan handy for dealing with an emergency

Air Quality, Aesthetics, and Landscape School Incharge

(1) Sweep the floors after light sprinkling with water
(2) Carryout soaked cloth mopping of the furniture and other articles
(3) Liaise with the Forest Department for obtaining and planting trees and vegetative cover during each plantation
season. Protect saplings by observing the recommended watering schedule and trimming
(4) Keep the fire fighting arrangements handy
(5) Periodically check for adequacy of the fire fighting arrangements
(6) Educate and make schoolchildren aware of dealing with emergency
(7) Keep the stove, heater, and or other similar articles out of reach of children
(8) Avoid open burning of solid waste in the school
(9) Do not store any ignitable or inflammable material in the school
(10) Display telephone numbers of the local rescue agency at prominent places


Environmental and Social Management Framework

D. Printing and Distribution of Textbooks

Environmental Guidelines Responsibility

Printing and Distribution of Textbooks PMIU

(1) Prefer:
(a) an ISO 14000 / 14001:2004 certified printing press
(b) recycled paper over virgin paper
Punjab Textbook Board
(c) at least 50 percent printing on recycled paper
(d) paper made from farmed trees and renewable forests over the paper manufactured from natural forests
(e) paper manufactured by an ISO 14000 certified company
(f) paper which is easy to reuse/recycle

(2) Ensure that the printer does not use:

(a) petroleum based inks
(b) that comes off on hands (spoils hands)

(3) Do not store textbooks at a damp and dark place that may lead to growth of termite and worms
(4) Avoid adverse environmental impacts by regularly fumigating the warehouses against termites and worms
(5) Provide adequate ventilation of the warehouses
(6) Educate the schoolchildren in avoiding to use printed paper for using as plates for placing eatables, particularly
oily, wet, and semisolid consistency; and never chew any printed paper


Environmental and Social Management Framework

Table 7.4: Tentative Framework of the Training Program

Module Contents Location Frequency Participation

Divisional  Environmental and social In each Nine District
Trainings sensitivity and issues of Division Trainings Government
developmental activities each Year departments
 Management of dealing with the
environmental issues and Flood/ Program’s
mitigation strategies implementation,
Implementation Earthquake monitoring,
requirements of the ESMF Prone budgeting, and
 Documentation procedures Districts key
 Understanding and stakeholders
addressing the social issues
in communities DMOs/MEAs
 Gender Sensitization
 Head Teachers


Provincial  At the PMIU Five Annual Key

Trainings  Environment and risk (Provincial Trainings Stakeholders of
management Level) Program’s
 Environmental best implementation
practices and monitoring
 Environmental parameter
monitoring and reporting
 Gender disparities and
strategies for empowering

 Disaster Preparedness


Environmental and Social Management Framework

Table 7.5: Tentative ESMF Implementation Costs (for Three Years)

Activity Items QTY Cost

(million Rs.)
Provincial Stationary 15 Trainings in 1.50
Trainings (Writing Pads, Three Years (5
Chart Papers, Trainings
Markers, Pens, Annually)
Printing, Folders)
Refreshments 750 Participants 0.5
(50 participants in
each training)
Transportation 0.5
Logistics 0.5
Multimedia, etc)
Divisional Stationary 27 Trainings in 0.5
Trainings (Writing Pads, Three Years (9
Chart Papers, Trainings
Markers, Pens, Annually)
Photocopy of
Material, Folders)
Refreshment 1350 Participants 0.7
(50 participants in
each training)
Transportation 0.5
Logistics 0.5
Multimedia, etc)
Tree Plantation Plants for Middle 50,000 plants in 0.5
& Primary 51, 680 schools
Environment Awareness Manual/ Brochure 15.0
Campaign Manual Publishing +
Development +
Student / Teacher
Incentive +
Monitor Incentive
Third Party 3 (one each year) 2.0
Total 22.7




1. A Report on Educational Scenario of Punjab 1997-2007, Education Department,

Government of the Punjab, 2008
2. Biodiversity Action Plan for Pakistan, Government of Pakistan, IUCN I& WWF, 2000
3. Brief on Punjab Forest Department (PFD), Punjab Forestry Research Institute,
Faisalabad, 2006
4. Brief Introduction to the Punjab Health Sector Reforms PROGRAM, PROGRAM
Monitoring and Implementation Unit (PMIU), Government of the Punjab, 2008
5. Economic Survey of Pakistan, Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad
6. Environmental Assessment Guidelines of the Asian Development Bank, Environment
Division, Office of Environment and Social Development, 2003
7. Environmental Assessment in Practice, D. Owen Harrop, and J. Ashley Nixon, 1999
8. Environmental Encyclopaedia (2 Edition), William P Cunningham, and Terence H
9. Environmental Guidelines for Selected Infrastructure Projects, Office of the Environment,
Asian Development Bank, 1993
10. Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of
Housing & Works (Environment & Urban Affairs Division 1986
11. Forestry Statistics of Pakistan, Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar, 2004
12. Geography of Punjab, Dr. Muhammad Nawaz, Sang e Meel Publications, Lahore, 2006
13. Guidance for Implementing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process, Central
Environmental Authority, Ministry of Forestry & Environment, Government of Sri Lanka
14. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment - Principles & Procedures, Process,
Practice and Prospects, John Glasson, 1997
15. Management of Air Pollution in Punjab, Environmental Protection Department
Laboratories, Government of Punjab
16. Medium Term Budgetary Framework (MTBF), Planning and Development Department,
Government of the Punjab, 2008-2010
17. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), Planning and Development Board, Government
of the Punjab, 2003
18. National Education Census, District Reports – Punjab, Ministry of Education, Government
of Pakistan, Islamabad, 2007
19. National Environmental Conservation strategy, Government of Pakistan, 1992
20. Pakistan Environmental Assessment Procedures, Pakistan Environmental Protection
Agency, Islamabad, 1997
21. Pakistan Environmental Laws & their compliance, Dr. Shoaib Qadir & Athar Rafiq Dogar,
Lahore Law Times Publications 2003
22. Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997
23. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency, Review of IEE / EIA Regulations 2000
24. Pakistan Standards – Drinking Water (2 Revision), Pakistan Standards & Quality Control
25. Pakistan Strategic Country Environmental Assessment, South Asia Environment and
Social unit, the World Bank, 2006
26. Papers, Notes, and Handouts provided by the Environmentalists of the World Bank Office,



27. Policy & Procedure for the Filing, Review, & Approval of Environmental Assessment
Guidelines 1997
28. Punjab Development Statistics 2007, Bureau of Statistics, Government of Punjab
29. Punjab Industrial Directory, Directorate of Industries, Industries Department, Government
of the Punjab, 2006
30. Punjab Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Planning and Development Board, GoPb, 2003
31. Punjab Sustainable Development Strategy, Environment Protection Department,
Government of the Punjab, Final Report, 2008
32. Statistical Pocket Book of the Punjab 2007, Bureau of Statistics, Government of Punjab
33. Subsoil Water Quality Monitoring in 14 Districts of the Punjab, Provincial Task Force on
Subsoil Water, Environment Protection Department, Government of Punjab, 2003
34. Third Party Validation Report, PESRP, PMIU, 2007
35. Various Documents and Files of the Punjab Education Sector Reforms PROGRAM,
36. Water Quality Status in Pakistan, Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources,
Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad 2003
37. Websites of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Planning Commission,
Government of Pakistan, Government of the Punjab, District Government, and the Punjab
Education Sector Reforms PROGRAM
38. World Bank – Environmental Guidelines, Environment Department, World Bank 1988
39. World Bank Operational Policy 4.01, Environment Department, World Bank



Photographs of the Schools Surveyed during the Study

Fig.1 Haphazardly scattered construction and the high-tension wires passing over the school



Fig.2 a poorly designed toilet block and disorderly placed debris

Fig.3 A poorly accessible school site



Fig.4 A watercourse intercepting the access to school without a safe crossing over

Fig.5 Littering of debris along inside of the boundary wall. The hand pump water may be unsafe
due to wastewater ponding outside



Fig.6 Ponding of wastewater along outer side of the boundary wall. The toilet water also drains
into the pond

Fig.7 An inadequately accessible school



Fig.8 Disorderly and scattered construction material

Fig.9 Sand and bricks scattered throughout the school compound



Fig.10 Children sitting on bare ground without any mats etc.

Fig.11 Bricks stacked in orderly manner in the back lane



Fig.12 Good-looking toilets with surroundings cleared of debris

Fig.13 An open wasteline prone to damage by wandering animals



Fig.14 Toilet waste opening direct onto the ground

Fig.15 Selected site appears to have sodic characteristics



Fig.16 A brick lined footpath provides an all weather access

Fig.17 structure dismantled but ground surface not restored



Fig.18 Debris stacked in the centre of the school ground

Fig.19 A soil-surfaced road is not an all weather access to school



Fig.20 an under construction portion with littered debris

Fig.21 Scattered debris impeding access to the toilets



Fig.22 Another view of the scattered demolition material

Fig.23 Construction waste lying un-cleared on the ground



Fig.24 A view of un-cleared construction-demolition materials

Fig.25 Patchwork objected to by the School’s Headmaster



Fig.26 Sand not removed even after completion of construction

Fig.27 An uncovered wastewater pit in the centre of playground



Fig.28 Waste lying near the handpump and stagnated spill water

Fig.29 Separate toilets for Girls and Boys. Stairs grill missing



Fig.30 Incomplete boundary wall with openings for animal entry

Fig.31 Rainfall has rendered access to the school difficult



Fig.32 Drinking water tap sharing water source with toilets

Fig.33 Public Consultation with School Council and Notables



List of Schools Surveyed during the Study

A) District Rajanpur
Sr. No. School Name
1. GPS Sher Jan No. 2, Rojhan
2. GPS Shamsabad, Rojhan
3. GGPS Pir Bakhsh Lanjwani, Rojhan
4. GPS Basti Gadi, Rojhan
5. GPS Madh Machi, Rajanpur
6. GPS Chah Hassanwala, Rajanpur
7. GGPS Basti Soheen, Rajanpur
8. Govt. Middle School, Jampur
9. GGPS Rindwala, Jampur
10. GPS Rindwala, Jampur
11. GGPS Hameedwala, Jampur
12. GPS Hameedwala, Jampur

B) District Chakwal
Sr. No. School Name
1. GES Bhagwal, Chakwal
2. GES Munday, Chakwal
3. GGPS Haral, Choa Saidan Shah
4. GHS Shahpur Syedan, Chakwal
5. GPS Chak Jharrey, Chakwal
6. GPS Chanwal, Chakwal
7. GGPS Haral, Chakwal
8. GPS Sara, Chakwal

C) District Sheikhupura
Sr. No. School Name
1. GGPS Qila Maseeta, Muridke
2. GPS Qila Bhattianwala, Muridke
3. GGES Daoke, Muridke
4. GHSS for Boys, Muridke
5. GES No. 2 for Boys, Muridke
6. GHS Kharian Wala, Sheikhupura

7. GHSS Comprehensive, Sheikhupura

D) District Okara
Sr. No. School Name
1. GGPS Chak 55/2-L, Okara
2. GGES Siddique Nagar, Okara



C) District Sahiwal
Sr. No. School Name
1. GPS Chak 54/4-R, Sahiwal
2. GPS Chak 54/5-L, Sahiwal
3. GHSS Chak 56/5-L, Qadirabad, Sahiwal




List of the Persons Interviewed during the Study

Sr. Name or Designation

1. Dr. Javaid Afzal,

Environment Specialist,

The World Bank, Islamabad

2. Mr. Muhammad Omar Khalid,

Environment Specialist,

The World Bank, Islamabad

3. The Secretary,

Government of the Punjab,

School Education Department

4. The Secretary,

Government of the Punjab,

Environment Protection Department

5. The PROGRAM Director,

Punjab Education Sector Reforms PROGRAM,

PMIU, Lahore

6. The Deputy PROGRAM Director,

Punjab Education Sector Reforms PROGRAM,

7. The District Coordination Officer, Jehlum

8. The District Coordination Officer, Sheikhupura

9. The EDO (F&P), Dera Ghazi Khan

10. The EDO (Education), Sahiwal

11. The EDO (Education), Sheikhupura

12. The EDO (Education), Rajanpur



13. The EDO (Education), Chakwal

14. The District Monitoring Officer, Sheikhupura

15. The District Monitoring Officer, Rajanpur

16. The District Monitoring Officer, Chakwal

17. The District Monitoring Officer, Sahiwal

18. The District Monitoring Officer, Okara

19. The Deputy District Education Officer, Muridke

20. The Deputy District Education Officer, Okara

21. The Deputy District Education Officer, Sahiwal

22. The Deputy District Education Officer, Rajanpur

23. Incharge, NLC Sub Office, Rajanpur

24. Incharge, NLC Sub Office, Chakwal

25. Director (Legal & Enforcement),

Environment Protection Department,

Government of the Punjab, Lahore

26. Deputy Director (Environmental Impact Assessment),

Environment Protection Agency,

Government of the Punjab, Lahore

27. Monitoring and Evaluation officers of districts Rajanpur, Chakwal, Sheikhupura, Sahiwal,
and Okara

28. Heads of all the Schools visited during the course of the study

29. Chairpersons and Members,

School Councils of districts Rajanpur, Chakwal, Sheikhupura, Sahiwal, and Okara

30. Parents of the schoolchildren

31. Schoolchildren studying and present in the schools at the time of visiting the schools

32. Local NGOs

33. Neighbouring residents

34. Local public representatives






Wild Birds and Animals Protected under the Punjab Wildlife Act, 1974


1. Following species of Ducks:

1) Lesser Whistling Teal, Dendrocygna Javanica.

2) Greater Whistling Teal, Dendrocygna bicolor.
3) Common Shelduck, Tadorna tadorna.
4) Marbled Teal, Anas angustirostra.
5) Baikal Teal, Anas formosa.
6) Falcated Teal, Anas falcata.
7) Golden Eyed Duck, Bucephala clangula.
8) Long Tailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis.
9) Smew, Mergue albellus.
10) Nukhta or Comb Duck, Sarkindiornis melanotos.
11) Goosander, Mergus merganser.
12) Red Breasted Merganser, Mergus serrator.
13) Spotbilled Duck, Anas pocilorhyncha.
14) White Headed or Stiff tailed Duck, Oxyura leucocephala.

2. All Swans of the genus cygnus including Mute Swans, whooper and Bewicks

3. Grey Leg Geese, Anser anser

4. Artic crane.

5. All Pelicans of the genus pelecanus including rosy, Dalmation and Spotted
billed pelicans

6. All Egrets, Herons, Night Herons and Bitterns of the family of Ardeidae including
Purple and Grey herons, Little Chestnut and Common Bitterns, Cattle Egrets, Large

7. All Storks of the family Ciconidae including painted, Black Necked, White and Black
and White Necked Storks

8. All Ibises and Spoonbills including the Glossy Ibis, White Ibis and Spoonbill

9. All Flamingoes of the genus phoenicopterus

10. All Hill Pheasants including the Kalij, Kekiass-Cheer, Impeyan and Western
Horned Tragopan.

11. Button Quail, Trunix tanki.

12. Little Bustard Quail, Turning sylvatica



13. Following species of Plovers, Stone-Curlews Waders, Water Birds and Gallinules:

1) Water Rail, Rallus aquatious.

2) White Breasted Waterhen, Amaurornis phoenicurus.
3) Water Cock, Gallicrex cinerea.
4) Pheasant Tailed Jacana, Hydrophasianus chirurgus.
5) Sociable Lapwing, Vanellus gregariues
6) Green plover or Peewit, Vanellus vanellus.
7) Yellow-wattled Lapwing, Vanellus malabaricus.
8) Solitary Snipe, Capella solitaria.
9) Painted Snipe, Rostratula benghalensis.
10) Wood Cock, Scolopox rusticola.
11) Avocet, Recurvirostra, avosetta.
12) Great Stone Plover, Esacus magnirostris.
13) Cream coloured courser, Cursorius cursor.

14 Following species of Sandgrouse, Bustards and Doves:

1) Large pintail Sandgrouses, Ptercocles alchata.

2) Great Indian Bustard, Choriotis nigricepes.
3) Little Bustard, Otis tetrax.
4) Indian Sangrouse, Pterocles exustus.
5) Close Barred or painted, Sandgrouse Pterocle indicus.
6) Red turtle Dove, Streptopelia tranquebarica.
7) Spotted Dove, Streptopelia chinensis.
8) Wedge Tailed Green pigeon, Trerion sphenura,
9) Ruff, Reaf, Jukkari (wood cock) Scolopax Rusticola

15. Following birds of prey:

1) Eagles, Vultures, Kites.

2) Common Starling and Rosy Starling


1. The Black Bear–Selenarctos thibetanus.

2. Leopard or panther–Pantherx pardus.

3. Leopard Cat–Folis benghalsnsis.

4. Desert Cat–Felis libyca.

5. Caracal–Felis caracal.

6. Himalayan Palm Civet–Paguma larvata.



7. Small Indian Civet–Viverricula Indica.

8. Yellow-Throated Marten–Martes Flavigula.

9. Ratel or Honey Badger–Mellivora capensis.

10. Smooth Coated Otter–Lutra prespicillata.

11. Striped Hyaena–Hyaena hyaena.

12. Rhesus Monkey–Macaca mulatta.

13. Hill Fox–Vulpes Vulpes griffithi.

14. Barking Deer–Muntiacus muntjac.

15. Hog Deer–Axisporcinus.

16. Chittal or Spotted Deer–Axis Axis.

17. Chinkara Gazelle–Gazella Gazella.

18. Black Buck–Antelope cervicapra.

19. Goral–Naemorhedus goral.

20. Indus Dolphin–Platanista indi

21. All monitor Lizards of the Genus Varanus and Spiny tailed lizards of the Genus

22. All Snakes of the family colubridac containing non-poisonous and beneficial rattle
Snakes and the Genus Python

23. All Crocodiles including Mugger, Crocodilus palustris and the fish Eating Crocodile,
Gavialis gangeticus




Sites Protected under the Antiquities Act, 1975

Attock District

1. Lala Rukh’s Tomb Hassan Abdal, Attock

2. Begum ki sarai (on left bank of Indus near Attock Fort), Attock
3. Saidan Baoli, Htti, Attock
4. Hakim’s Tomb, Hassan Abdal, Attock
5. Chitti Baoli, Pindi Suleman Makhan, Attock
6. Attock Fort, Attock
7. Attock Tomb on GT Road near Ziarat Hazrat baba Sahib Attock
8. Behram ki Baradari, Attock
9. Tope & Monastery (Buddhist Remains). Hassan Abdal. Attock
10. Kallar (Temple) Sassi da Kallara. Village Shah Muhammad Wali, Talagang, Attock
11. Site at Garhi, Village Malk Wala. Hassan Abdal, Attock
12. Inderkot Masjid, Inderkot Fathe Jang. Attock.
13. Buddhist Site (Behari colony) Hassan Abdal, Attock

Bahawalpur District

14. Tomb of Abu Hanifa, Uchh Sharif, Bahawalpur

15. Tomb of Bibi Jawidi, Uchh Sharif, Bahawalpur
16. Tomb of Nuria, Uchh Sharif, Bahwalpur
17. Tomb of Bhawal Halee, Uchh Sharif, Bahawalpur
18. Tomb of Musa Pak Shaheed, Uchh Sharif, Bahawalpur

Dera Ghazi Khan District

19. Ghazi Khan’s Tomb, Mohalla Zamindaran, Village Chirotta, DG Khan

20. Ther Dallu Roy, Dajal, Dera Ghazi Khan

Faisalabad District

21. Wangar Wala Tibba, Chak No. 742, Tehsil Toba Tek Singh, Fasialabad

Gujranwala District

22. Baradari in Sheranwala Garden, Gujranwalo City

Gujrat District

23. Akbari Baoli in Fort Gujrat City

24. Bahar Wali Baoli, Kharian Town, Gujrat
25. Tomb of Sheikh Ali Beg, locally calld Hanjeera, Village Hailan, Tehsil Phalia, District




Jhang District

26. Shahi Masjid, Chiniot, Jhang

27. Tomb of Shah Burhan, Chiniot / Jhang

Jehlum District

28. Rohtas Fort, 5 miles from Dina Railway Station, Jehlum

29. Ruined Temple with Gateway, Melot Jehlum
30. Raja Man Singh’s Haveli Rohtas, Jehlum
31. Hill measuring 25 ft long & 190 ft broad, Murti in Tehsil PD Khan, Jehlum
32. Two Ancient Temples, Bhagan Wala, 11 miles from Haranpur Railway Station, Jehlum
33. Ruins of Nandana Fort, Bhagwan Wala, Jehlum
34. Sardar Hari Singh’s Haveli, Katas Jehlum
35. Ruined Buddhist Stupa Area Katas, PD Khan, Jehlum
36. Satgarha Temple Village Katas, Tehsil PD Khan, Jehlum

Khanewal District

37. Tomb of Khalid Walid, Village Kabirwala, Khanewal

Lahore District

38. Tomb of Ali Mardan Khan & Gateway, Lahore

39. Buddo’s Tomb, Lahore
40. Saruwala Maqbara, Lahore
41. Huzuri Bagh Baradari, Lahore
42. Dai Anga’s Tomb, Lahore
43. Shalamar Garden, including Baradari, Gateway, Kiosks, Pavilions, Well, Naqqar
Khana, Asmani Well and Garden, Lahore
44. Old Fort, Lahore
45. Buddho ka Awa, Lahore
46. One Kos Minar, Lahore
47. Roshnai Gate, Lahore
48. Mirza Kamran’s Baradari, Lahore
49. Tomb of Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Lahore
50. Tomb of Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, 34-A, McLeod Road, Lahore
51. Chauburji, Mozang, Lahore
52. Gulabi Bagh Gateway, Begumpura, Lahore
53. Qutabuddin Aibak’s Tomb, Anarkali Street, Lahore
54. Tiled Gateway & Two Bastions, Nawankot, Lahore
55. Two Kos Minars, 6 miles from Jullo, Lahore
56. Tomb of Sheikh Musa Ahangar, Masjid & House, McLeod Road, 35 Chiraghan Street,



57. Tomb of Zeb-un-Nisa, Nawankot, Lahore

58. Nadira Begum’s Tomb and Tank, Mian Mir, Lahore
59. Hujra Mir Mehdi (Janazgah), Kot Khawaja Saeed, Lahore
60. Tomb of Prince Parwaiz, Kot Khawaja Saeed, Lahore
61. Tomb of Nawab Bahadur Khan, Mughalpura near Railway Crossing, B-II, South of
Railway Carriage Shop, Lahore
62. Javed Manzil, Allama Iqbal Road, Lahore
63. Jahangir’s Tomb & Compound, Shahdara, Lahore
64. Akbari Sarai & Masjid, Shahdara, Lahore
65. Tomb of Asif Khan & Compound, Shahdara, Lahore
66. Tomb of Noor Jehan, Shahdara, Lahore
67. Tomb of Mahabat Khan & Boundary Wall, Baghbanpura, Lahore
68. Samadhi of Ranjit Singh, Kharak Singh & Nau Nihal Singh, Lahore
69. Tomb of Anarkali, Lahore
70. Baradari & Samadhi of Maharaja Sher Singh, Lahore
71. Badshahi Masjid, Lahore
72. Wazir Khan’s Masjid, Lahore
73. Chitta Gate, Chowk Wazir Khan, inside Delhi Gate, Lahore
74. Another Gate to northeast of Wazir Khan’s Masjid, Chowk Wazir Khan, Lahore
75. Well of Raja Dina Nath, Chowk Wazir Khan, Lahore
76. Masti Gate, Lahore
77. Bhati Gate, Lahore
78. Sheranwala Gate, Lahore
79. Kashmiri Gate, Lahore
80. Lohari Gate, Lahore
81. Delhi Gate, Lahore
82. Wazir Khan’s Hamams, inside Delhi Gate, Chowk Wazir Khan, Lahore
83. Haveli Nau Nihal Singh, including Garden, Quarters, Latrine etc., inside Bhati Gate,
Koocha Nau Nihal Singh, Lahore
84. Tomb of Khawaja Sabir (Nawab Nusrat Khan), inside Railway Mechanical Workshop,
Mughalpura, Lahore
85. Tomb of French Officer’s Daughter, Kuri Bagh, Lahore
86. Wazir Khan’s Baradari, Old Anarkali, Behind Lahore Museum, Lahore
87. Samadhi of Jhingar Shah Suthra (Suthron ka Asthan) Lahore
88. Samadhi of Bhai Wasti Ram Texali Gate near Shahi Qila, Lahore
89. A Mughal Period Tomb, Singhpura, opposite Police Post, Lahore
90. Jani Khan’s Tomb, Baghbanpura, Lahore
91. Dai Anga’s mosque, Naulakha, Lahore.
92. Masjid with Glazed Tiles Work, Begumpura, Lahore
93. Masjid of Nawab Zakariya Khan, Begumpura, Lahore
94. Inayat Bagh, opposite Shalamar Garden, Begumpura, Lahore
95. Anguri Bagh, opposite Shalamar Garden Begumpura, Lahore
96. Mariam Zamani Masjid, inside Masti Gate, Lahore

Mianwali District

97. Sher Shah’s Baoli, Wah Bhuchran, Mianwali

98. A Buddhist Stupa with a surrounding area on River Indus, to the north of Village



Rokhri, District Mianwali

Multan District

99. Sawi Masjid, Kotla Tole Khan, Multan

100. Tomb of Patrick Alexander Vana, Andrew, and William Anderson, Old Fort, Multan
101. Shrine of Rukn e Alam, Old Fortm Multan
102. Tomb of Shah Ali Akbar’s Mother, Sura Miana, Multan
103. Tomb of Shah Ali Akbar, Sura Miana, Multan
104. Tomb of Shams Tabrez, Sura Miana, Multan
105. Tomb of Sheikh Yousaf Gardezi, Multan
106. Mound Ratti Khari, Head Bust 133, Village Bhattianwala, Tehsil Kabirwala, Multan
107. Tomb of Shah Hussain Soozai, near Abdal Road, Multan
108. Tomb of Mai Meharban, Mohalla Kirialoghana, Multan
109. Ruined Masjid Village Sargana, Multan
110. Maryala Moun, Chak No. 267/IOR, Multan

Muzaffargarh District

111. Tomb of Tahar Khan Nahar, Sitpur, Muzaffargarh

112. Mosque of Tahar Khan Nahar, Sitpur, Muzaffargarh
113. Tomb of Sheikh Saidan Shaheed, Village Saidan, Muzaffargarh

Rawalpindi District

114. Tope or Stupa (Buddhist), Mankiyala, Rwp

115. Tope or Stupa (Buddhist), Bhallar, Rwp
116. Pharwala Fort, Rwp
117. Losar Baoli, Wah Cantt. Rwp
118. Bhir Moun, Taxila. Mauza Majawar Rwp
119. Babar Khan Track, Taxila – Rwp
120. Kalawansite, Mauza Karawal, Rwp
121. Chirtope Site, Mauza gangu Bahadur, Rwp
122. Sirkap Site, Mauza gangu Bahadur, Rwp
123. Giri Remains, Mauza Khuram Gujjar, Rwp
124. Mohra Maradu Site, Taxila, Rwp
125. Rewat Fort, Mauza Rewat, Rwp
126. Nicholson Column, Margala Pass, Rwp
127. Kos Minar, 102 Milestone, GT Road, Rwp
128. Kos Minar near Golra Rly Stn., Rwp
129. Farudgah-Shahan-e-Mughliya, Tank & Garden, Wah, Rwp
130. Ratta Pind, Mauza Gangu Bahadur, Rwp

Sahiwal District



131. Mounds Harappa, Sahiwal

132. Mir Chakar’s Tomb, Satgarha, Sahiwal
133. Tomb of Syed Daud Kirmani, Shergarh, Sahiwal

Sargodha District

134. Three Temples inside Fort Amb, Sargodha

135. Site of Ancient City, Bhera – Sargodha
136. Site of Ancient City, Vijjhi, 2 miles southeast of Miani known as Sabzal Pind, Sargodha
137. A Red Stone Temple, Sodhi Zerin, Sargodha

Sheikhupura District

138. Sheikhupura Fort, East of Sheikhupura Town, Sheikhupura

139. Baoli and Masjid, Jandiala Sher Khan, Sheikhupura
140. Tank and tower, Sheikhupura
141. Tomb of Abdullah Shah, Jandiala Sher Khan, Sheikhupura
142. Mound Mian Ali Sahib, Mian Ali Faqiran, Shaikhupura
143. Tibba (Mound), Kala Shah Kaku, Sheikhupura
144. Tomb of Noor Muhammad, Jandiala Sher Khan, Sheikhupura
145. Tomb of Hafiz Barkhurda, Jandiala Sher Khan, Sheikhupura

Sialkot District

146. Tibba Jolian, Sialkot

National Monuments
147. Tomb of Allama Muhammad Iqbal
148. Javed Manzil (Allama Iqbal Museum)
149. Islamic Summit Minar

UNESCO’s World Heritage Monuments

1. Old Fort Lahore

2. Shalamar Garden
3. Archaeological Remains of Taxila




Sites Protected under the Punjab Special Premises Ordinance, 1985

Bahawalpur District

1. Jamia Masjid Alsadiq

2. Shrine of Hazrat Jalal-ud-Din Bukhari & attached Masjid
3. Shrine of Hazrat Makhdum Jahanian Jahangasht & attached Masjid
4. Shrine of Hazrat Mahboob Subhani & attached Masjid
5. Shrine of Hazrat Fazal Din Ladla
6. Masjid-e-Haajat
7. Shrine of Hazrat Sibi Tagni
8. Shrine of Hazrat Rajam Qattal
9. Shrine of Hazrat Salis Bil Khair
10. Qadim Masjid in graveyard Malook Shah
11. Masjid Sahibzadgan
12. Shrine of Hazrat Hasan Darya Kabir
13. Shrine of Hazrat Jamal Khandan Darvesh
14. Shrine of Hazrat Razi-ud-Din Ganj Alam Darya
15. Tomb of Safi-ud-Din Garzani, Uchh Sharif
16. Tomb of Khwaja Khuda Bakhsh, Khairpur Tamewali
17. Masjid-e-Khanan, Khairpur Tamewali
18. Masjid Maulvi Ubaidullah

Dear Ghazi Khan District

19. Shrines of Hazrat Pir Adil and Hazrat Imam Ali

20. Shrine of Hazrat Sakhi Sarwar
21. Tomb of Hazrat Khawaja Suleman Taunsvi at Taunsa Sharif
22. Tomb of Hazrat Khawaja Mahmood at Taunsa Sharif

Gujranwala District

23. Chilla Gah of Hazrat Sakhi Sarwar

24. Masjid of Sher Shah Suri
25. Dak Chowki of Sher Shah Suri’s period

Gujrat District

26. Masjid attached to the Shrine of Hafiz Muhammad Hayat

27. Baradari attached to the Shrine of Hafiz Muhammad Hayat
28. Shrine of Hafiz Muhammad Hayat
29. Shrine of Hazrat Tawakkal Shah Rehman
30. Tomb of Shah Jehangir & attached Masjid
31. Shrine of Hazrat shah Daula
32. Gujrat Fort
33. An unknown & ruined tomb near the Shrine of Mirza Ali Beg
34. Camp (Parao or Bardasht Khana)
35. Akbari Hamam
36. Baoli Rajgah
37. Baoli
38. Baoli (Kharian)



Jhang District

39. Shrine of Hazrat Shah Saiq Nihang

40. Shrine of Hazrat Pir Ghazi
41. Shrine of Hazrat Pir Abdul Rehman Qureishi
42. Shrine of Hazrat Taj ud Din Makhdum
43. Shahi Masjid Chiniot
44. Gulzar Mahal Chiniot
45. Shrine of Hazrat Pir Abdul Razzaq
46. Shrine of Hazrat Sultan Bahu

Jehlum District

47. Shrine of Hazrat Hoo-Ba-Hoo

48. Shrine of Hazrat Saidan Shah
49. Shrine of Hazrat Shah Suleman Paris
50. Masjid Afghana
51. An Unidentified Tomb of Suri’s Period
52. A ruined & Unidentified Tomb
53. Jahndo ki Sarai
54. Katas Raj including the Sacred Pond of Water and some Temples also known as
Satgaraha Temples
55. Masjid and Temple at Nandna

Kasur District

56. Shrine of Hazrat Bulleh Shah

57. Shrine of Baba Kamal Chishti
58. Masjid of Sher Shah Suri’s period known as Jinnon Wali Masjid

Khanewal District

59. Shrine of Hazrat Hussein Shah

60. Old Ruined Mosque, Mauza Khatti Chaar, Tehsil Kabirwala

Khushab District

61. Shrine of Hazrat Badshahan

Lahore District

62. Aitcheson College, Lahore

63. Residency (State Guest House), Lahore
64. Lahore High Court, Lahore
65. Assembly Chambers, Lahore
66. Free Mason Hall, Lahore
67. Ferozesons Building, Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore
68. Montgomery Hall (Quaid-e-Azam Library), Lahore
69. Chamba House (GOR Estate), Lahore
70. Civil Lines Police Station, Lahore
71. Patiala Block, King Edward Medical College, Lahore
72. Ewing Hall, Neela Gumbad, Lahore
73. General Post Office, Lahore
74. State Bank of Pakistan, Nabha Road, Lahore



75. Taj Palace, Opp. Services Hospital, Jail Road, Lahore

76. Anarkali’s Tomb (Civil Secretariat), Lahore
77. Barkat Ali Hall, Circular Road, Lahore
78. Punjab University (Old Campus), Lahore.
79. Museum & National College of Arts, Lahore
80. Town Hall, Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore
81. Lakshami Building, McLeod Road, Lahore
82. Tomb of Malik Ayyaz (Rang Mahal), Lahore
83. Fatehgarh Garden near Shalamar Garden, Lahore
84. Faqir Khana Museum (inside Bhati Gate), Lahore
85. Haveli Dhayan Singh, Texali Gate, Lahore
86. Kamran Baradari at Ravi, Lahore
87. Seetla Mandir (outside Shahalami Gate), Lahore
88. Tomb of Qutabuddin Aibak, Lahore
89. Bredlaw Hall, Sheesh Mahal Road, Lahore
90. Railway Station, Lahore
91. Government College, Lahore
92. Islamia College, Railway Road, Lahore
93. Islamia College, Civil Lines, Lahore
94. Government College Hostel, Lower Mall, Lahore
95. Animal Husbandry College, Lahore
96. Central Model High School, Lower Mall, Lahore
97. Mubarik Haveli, Bhati Gate, Lahore
98. Haveli Nawab Sahib, Mochi Gate, Lahore
99. Cricket Pavilion, Bagh-e-Jinnah, Lahore
100. Kinnaird College, Jail Road, Lahore
101. Queen Marry College, Lahore
102. Government House, Lahore
103. Haveli Sheikh Rukanuddin, Lohari Gate, Lahore
104. Gurdawara (D-Block Model Town), Lahore
105. Chobara Chajju Bhagat near Mayo Hospital, Lahore
106. Dayal Singh Library, Nisbat road, Lahore
107. Administrative Staff College, Lahore
108. Shahdin Building, Sharah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore
109. Badshahi Masjid, Lahore
110. Masjid Wazir Khan, Lahore
111. Sunehri Masjid, Lahore
112. Shrine of Hazrat Abul Ma’ali, Lahore
113. Shrine of Hazrat Shah Chiragh & attached Masjid, Lahore
114. Shrine of Hazrat Alishan Sahib, Lahore
115. Shrine of Hazrat Mauj Darya Bukhari, Lahore
116. Shrine of Mian Wada Sahib, Lahore
117. Shrine of Hazrat Sikandar Shah, Lahore
118. Masjid Saleh Muhammad Kamboh, Lahore
119. Shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh, Lahore
120. Shrine of Hazrat Khawaja Behari, Lahore
121. Small Masjid near the Shrine of Hazrat Behari, Lahore
122. Shrine of Hazrat Maddho Lal Hussain, Lahore
123. Shrine of Hazrat Miran Hussain Zanjani, Lahore
124. Platform of the Grave of Mian Mir’s Sister, Lahore
125. Tomb of Hazrat Sabir on the west of Badshahi Masjid, Lahore
126. Tomb of Hazrat Pir Makki, Lahore
127. Mazar of Hazrat Bibi Pak Daman, Lahore
128. Shrine of Hazrat Shah Jamal, Lahore
129. Tomb of Hazrat Mullah Badakhshani and its surrounding area especially the corner
Burja, Lahore
130. Small Masjid of Wazir Khan inside Texali Gate known as the Masjid of Ladies of Wazir
Khan, Lahore
131. Tombs of Nawab Abdul Samad Khan and his Family, Lahore



132. Chowk Masjid Wazir Khan occupied by Khokhawalas, Lahore

133. Masjid Mai Ladu, Lahore
134. Shrine of Hazrat Shah Kamal, Lahore
135. Barkat Ali Islamia Hall, Lahore
136. Ucchi Masjid, Lahore
137. Masjid Patolian, Lahore
138. Shrine of Hazrat Syed Mahmood Hazoori, Lahore
139. Shrine & Masjid of Syed Jan Muhammad Hazoori, Lahore
140. Shrine of Hazrat Syed Maulvi Nazam-ud-Din, Lahore
141. Shrine of Hazrat Sadar-ud-Din Sadar Jehan, Lahore
142. Masjid of Khawaja Ayyaz, Lahore
143. Tomb of Shah Rustam Ghazi, Lahore
144. Masjid Chinian Wali, Lahore
145. Masjid Maulvi Taj Din, Lahore
146. Tomb of Hazrat Shah Ismail, Lahore
147. Tomb of Khawaja Muhammad Saeed with Enclosure opposite Nila Gumbad, Lahore
148. Tomb of Shah Sharflying on the north of Khawaja Muhammad Saeed’s Tomb, Lahore
149. Tomb of Hazrat Shah Muhammad Ismail Gilani, Lahore
150. Tomb of Hazrat Shah Shams-ud-Din, Lahore
151. Tomb & Garden of Mian Khan s/o Gald Ullah Khan, the Prime Minister of Shahjehan,
152. The Mughal Garden at Fetehgarh, Lahore
153. Shahzadi ka Maqbara surrounded by residential houses, Fatehgarh, Lahore
154. The remaining Entrance Gate & Baradari of the Garden of Khawaja Ayyaz, the
Governor of Lahore
155. Masjid of Khawaja Ayyaz, Lahore
156. Tomb of Nawab Khan-e-Dauran, Nusrat Jang Bahadur lying within the area of Railway
Workshop, Lahore
157. Tomb of Muhammad Saleh Kamboh, Lahore
158. Masjid Moran Tawaif, Lahore
159. Shrine of Hazrat Imam Gamun, Lahore
160. Tomb of Abdul Ghani between Shalamar Garden, Lahore
161. Temple and Tank of Bherron ka Than in Ichhra, Lahore
162. Samadhi of Sir Ganga Ram, Lahore
163. Samadhi of Chhajju Bhagat, Lahore
164. The Enclosure and Grave of Mian Natha & his Goat in the General Graveyard of Mian
Mir, Lahore
165. The Grave of Mulla Hamid Gujjar and his relatives, Lahore
166. Shah Chiragh Chambers, Lahore
167. Hayat House No. 14, Hall Road, Lahore
168. Nila Gumbad Masjid, Lahore
169. Shrine of Hazrat Abdul Razzaq Makki, Lahore

Layyah District
170. Shrine of Hazrat Lal Easan
171. Shrine of Hazrat Fajan Shah

Multan District
172. Shrine of Hazrat Shah Rukn e Alam
173. Shrine of Hazrat Shah Shams Sabzwari
174. Shrine of Hazrat Bibi Pak Damna
175. Shrine of Hazrat Musa Pak Shahi and attached Masjid
176. Mosque of Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan
177. Shrine of Hazrat Baha ud Din Zakariya
178. Shrine of Hazrat Sultan Ahmad Qattal
179. Shrine of Hazrat Makhdum Rashid
180. Shrine of Hazrat Sultan Ayyub Qattal
181. Shrine of Hazrat Shah Dana Shaheed
182. Shrine of Nawab Saeed Qureshi



183. Shrine of Hazrat Khawaja Awais Khagga

184. Shrine of Hazrat Inayat Walait
185. Shrine of Hazrat Shah Hussain Saddozel
186. Shrine of Mai Meharban
187. Shrine of Hafiz Jamal
188. Shrine of Hazrat Hamid Gillani
189. Shrine of Hazrat Yahya Nawab
190. Masjid Khuddaka
191. Shrine of Hazrat Ali Sarwar
192. Tomb of Mian Dalail
193. Tomb of Shah Ali Mardan
194. Tomb of Allah Dad Gurmani
195. Tomb of Pir Luddan Kuddan
196. Shahi Masjid Qasim Bela
197. Old Masjid Muhammad Pur Goth
198. Masjid near the Tomb of Hazrat Ali Akbar at Sura Miana
199. Jamia Masjid, Khaipur Bhutta
200. Masjid Jazir Khan
201. Perhalad Temple
202. Suraj Kund Temple
203. Old Mosque at Basti Hasil Wali, Tehsil Lodhran
204. Old Mosque near Bela Wagah, Lodhran
205. Old Mosque at Basti Mansoor Shah Wali, Tehsil Lodhran
206. Mosque at Basti Zirakhwah, Lodhran
207. Tomb of Hazrat Handira Pir, Karor Pucca
208. Tomb of Hazrat Sheikh Ahmed Kabir at Dhant, Lodhran
209. Ruined Mosque near Tomb of Hazrat Sheikh Ahmed Kabir at Dhanat, Lodhran
210. Tomb of Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Ismail Qureshi at Basti Umarpur, Jalalpur Pirwala,
Tehsil Shujabad
211. Tomb of Pir Aulia e Ghuri at Bahadurpur, Jalalpur Pirwala, Tehsil Suhjabad
212. Fortification Wall of Shujabad City

Muzaffargarh District
213. Shrine of Hazrat Abu Wahab Bukhari
214. Shrine of Hazrat Sheikh Ludhho
215. Shrine of Hazrat Sheikh Saan Shaheed, alias Sheikh Saidan
216. Tomb of Hazrat Sultan Manjhan at Basti Sultan Manjhan
217. Tomb of Hazrat Buha Sher
218. Tomb of Hazrat Muhammad Anwar at Kunnal Sharif
219. Old Masjid at Khairpur Sadat, Tehsil Alipur

Okara District
220. Tomb of Hazrat Ghous Muhammad Bala Peer at Satgara

221. Rahimyar Khan District

222. Faridi Mahal
223. Qadim Masjid
224. Tomb of Hazrat Sadar ud Din Shamsi at Taranda, Tehsil Liaqatpur
225. Tomb of Son Hazrat Sadar ud Din Shamsi at Taranda, Tehsil Liaqatpur

Rajanpur District
226. Shrine of Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Farid
227. Shrine of Hazrat Taj Mahmud
228. Shrine of Hazrat Noor Muhammad Hassan
229. Tomb of Hazrat Noor Muhammad at Hajipur
230. So called Suri period Masjid Rajanpur
231. Haran Fort, Tehsil Jampur

Rawalpindi District



232. Entrance Gate of Sarai Kala

233. Sarai Kharbuza, Rwp

Sahiwal District
234. Shrine of Hazrat Alauddin Mauj Darya
235. A ruined mosque of so called ‘Suri Period’ at Dhawa Sharma, Tehsil Chichawatni

Sargodha District
236. Jamia Masjid, Bhera

Sheikupura District
237. Shrine of Hazrat Abdul Kher Nau Lakh Hazari
238. Shrine of Mian Sher Muhammad

Sialkot District
239. Shrine of Hazrat Jamam Ali ul Haq
240. Shrine of Hazrat Syed Murad Ali Shah
241. Shrine of Hazrat Pir Mullah Rahim Pur Kuchian
242. Shrine of Hazrat Abdul Salam Chishti known as (Bara Bhai)
243. Shrine of Hazrat Qutab Shah Wali
244. Shrine of Hazrat Mir Muhammad Zareef

Vehari District
245. Shrine of Hazrat Diwan Shawali Mashaikh
246. Tomb of Hazrat Abu Bakar Burraq, Mailsi




Notified Ecologically Protected Areas in Punjab

National Parks:

1. Chinji Reserve Forest

2. Lal Suhanra

Wildlife Santuaries:

3. Head Qadirabad
4. Bahawalpur Plantation
5. Bhagat Plantation
6. Bhakkar Plantation
7. Chak Katora Plantation
8. Change Manga Plantation
9. Chashma Barrage
10. Chichawatni plantation
11. Cholistan
12. Chumbi Suria
13. Daman Forest Plantation
14. Depalpur Plantation
15. Fateh Major Plantation
16. Harnoli Plantation
17. Inayat Forest Plantation
18. Jhalar Lake
19. Jalalpur Sharif
20. Jauharabad Plantation
21. Kamalia Plantation
22. Khabeki Lake
23. Khanewal Plantation
24. Kotal Issan Plantation
25. Rakh Kundal
26. Kundian Plantation
27. Machu Plantation
28. Miranpur plantation
29. Mitha Tiwana Plantation
30. Rajan Shah Plantation
31. Rakh Ghulaman
32. Shorko Plantation
33. Sodhi
34. Taunsa Barrage
35. Walhar Plantation
36. Head Panjnad Pond Area
37. Kalar Kahar
38. Rakh Kharewala
39. Daphar Forest Plantation
40. Lal Suhanra National Park



Game Reserves:

41. Abbasia Forest Plantation

42. Bajwat
43. Bhon Fazal
44. Chopalia
45. Cholistan
46. Daulana
47. Dilijabba / Domeli
48. Border Belt (8 km strip on India-Pakistan border)
49. Kala Chitta
50. Kathar
51. Rakh Kheri Murat
52. Kot Sabzal
53. Nammal Lake
54. Rahri Bunglow
55. Rasool Barrage
56. Thal
57. Uchhali Lake
58. Loui Bher Forest Plantation
59. Khanpur Plantation
60. Nabi Shah Lake
61. Head Islam
62. Tilla Jogian
63. Shujabad Canal
(Source: WWF Pakistan <> )



Annex 8
Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines
(Please see the following pages.)


Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

Environmental, Health, and Safety

General Guidelines
Introduction based on the professional opinion of qualified and experienced
persons. When host country regulations differ from the levels and
The Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines are
measures presented in the EHS Guidelines, projects are expected
technical reference documents with general and industry-specific
to achieve whichever is more stringent. If less stringent levels or
examples of Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) 1. When
measures than those provided in these EHS Guidelines are
one or more members of the World Bank Group are involved in a
appropriate, in view of specific project circumstances, a full and
project, these EHS Guidelines are applied as required by their
detailed justification for any proposed alternatives is needed as part
respective policies and standards. These General EHS Guidelines
of the site-specific environmental assessment. This justification
are designed to be used together with the relevant Industry Sector
should demonstrate that the choice for any alternate performance
EHS Guidelines which provide guidance to users on EHS issues in
levels is protective of human health and the environment.
specific industry sectors. For complex projects, use of multiple
industry-sector guidelines may be necessary. A complete list of The General EHS Guidelines are organized as follows:
industry-sector guidelines can be found at:
1. Environmental 3 1.1 Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality 3
1.2 Energy Conservation 17
The EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures 1.3 Wastewater and Ambient Water Quality 24
1.4 Water Conservation 32
that are generally considered to be achievable in new facilities by 1.5 Hazardous Materials Management 35
1.6 Waste Management 45
existing technology at reasonable costs. Application of the EHS 1.7 Noise 51
Guidelines to existing facilities may involve the establishment of 1.8 Contaminated Land 53
2. Occupational Health and Safety 59
site-specific targets, with an appropriate timetable for achieving 2.1 General Facility Design and Operation 60
2.2 Communication and Training 62
them. The applicability of the EHS Guidelines should be tailored to 2.3 Physical Hazards 64
the hazards and risks established for each project on the basis of 2.4 Chemical Hazards 68
2.5 Biological Hazards 70
the results of an environmental assessment2 in which site-specific 2.6 Radiological Hazards 72
2.7 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 72
variables, such as host country context, assimilative capacity of the 2.8 Special Hazard Environments 73
environment, and other project factors, are taken into account. The 2.9 Monitoring 74
3. Community Health and Safety 77
applicability of specific technical recommendations should be 3.1 Water Quality and Availability 77
3.2 Structural Safety of Project Infrastructure 78
3.3 Life and Fire Safety (L&FS) 79
3.4 Traffic Safety 82
1 Defined as the exercise of professional skill, diligence, prudence and foresight that 3.5 Transport of Hazardous Materials 82
would be reasonably expected from skilled and experienced professionals engaged 3.6 Disease Prevention 85
in the same type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances globally. 3.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response 86
The circumstances that skilled and experienced professionals may find when
4. Construction and Decommissioning 89
evaluating the range of pollution prevention and control techniques available to a
project may include, but are not limited to, varying levels of environmental 4.1 Environment 89
degradation and environmental assimilative capacity as well as varying levels of 4.2 Occupational Health & Safety 92
financial and technical feasibility. 4.3 Community Health & Safety 94
2 For IFC, such assessment is carried out consistent with Performance Standard 1, References and Additional Sources* 96
and for the World Bank, with Operational Policy 4.01.

APRIL 30, 2007 1

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

General Approach to the Management people or to the environmental resources on which they
of EHS Issues at the Facility or Project
Level • Prioritizing risk management strategies with the objective of
achieving an overall reduction of risk to human health and the
Effective management of environmental, health, and safety (EHS)
environment, focusing on the prevention of irreversible and / or
issues entails the inclusion of EHS considerations into corporate-
significant impacts.
and facility-level business processes in an organized, hierarchical
approach that includes the following steps: • Favoring strategies that eliminate the cause of the hazard at
its source, for example, by selecting less hazardous materials
• Identifying EHS project hazards3 and associated risks4 as
or processes that avoid the need for EHS controls.
early as possible in the facility development or project cycle,
including the incorporation of EHS considerations into the site • When impact avoidance is not feasible, incorporating
selection process, product design process, engineering engineering and management controls to reduce or minimize
planning process for capital requests, engineering work the possibility and magnitude of undesired consequences, for
orders, facility modification authorizations, or layout and example, with the application of pollution controls to reduce
process change plans. the levels of emitted contaminants to workers or environments.

• Involving EHS professionals, who have the experience, • Preparing workers and nearby communities to respond to
competence, and training necessary to assess and manage accidents, including providing technical and financial
EHS impacts and risks, and carry out specialized resources to effectively and safely control such events, and
environmental management functions including the restoring workplace and community environments to a safe
preparation of project or activity-specific plans and procedures and healthy condition.
that incorporate the technical recommendations presented in
• Improving EHS performance through a combination of ongoing
this document that are relevant to the project.
monitoring of facility performance and effective accountability.
• Understanding the likelihood and magnitude of EHS risks,
based on:

o The nature of the project activities, such as whether the

project will generate significant quantities of emissions or
effluents, or involve hazardous materials or processes;

o The potential consequences to workers, communities, or

the environment if hazards are not adequately managed,
which may depend on the proximity of project activities to

3 Defined as “threats to humans and what they value” (Kates, et al., 1985).
4 Defined as “quantitative measures of hazard consequences, usually expressed as
conditional probabilities of experiencing harm” (Kates, et. al., 1985)

APRIL 30, 2007 2

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

1.0 Environmental
1.1 Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality
the spatial characteristic of the source including point sources,

Applicability and Approach ...............................................3 fugitive sources, and mobile sources and, further, by process,
Ambient Air Quality ..........................................................4 such as combustion, materials storage, or other industry sector-
General Approach....................................................4
specific processes.
Projects Located in Degraded Airsheds or Ecologically
Sensitive Areas........................................................5
Point Sources ..................................................................5 Where possible, facilities and projects should avoid, minimize, and
Stack Height.............................................................5 control adverse impacts to human health, safety, and the
Small Combustion Facilities Emissions Guidelines ....6
Fugitive Sources ..............................................................8 environment from emissions to air. Where this is not possible, the
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)........................8 generation and release of emissions of any type should be
Particulate Matter (PM).............................................8 managed through a combination of:
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) .........................9
Mobile Sources – Land-based ..........................................9
Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).............................................9 • Energy use efficiency
Monitoring......................................................................10 • Process modification
Monitoring of Small Combustion Plants Emissions...11
• Selection of fuels or other materials, the processing of which
may result in less polluting emissions
• Application of emissions control techniques
Applicability and Approach
This guideline applies to facilities or projects that generate The selected prevention and control techniques may include one
emissions to air at any stage of the project life-cycle. It or more methods of treatment depending on:
complements the industry-specific emissions guidance presented
in the Industry Sector Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) • Regulatory requirements
Guidelines by providing information about common techniques for • Significance of the source
emissions management that may be applied to a range of industry • Location of the emitting facility relative to other sources
sectors. This guideline provides an approach to the management • Location of sensitive receptors
of significant sources of emissions, including specific guidance for • Existing ambient air quality, and potential for degradation of
assessment and monitoring of impacts. It is also intended to the airshed from a proposed project
provide additional information on approaches to emissions • Technical feasibility and cost effectiveness of the available
management in projects located in areas of poor air quality, where options for prevention, control, and release of emissions
it may be necessary to establish project-specific emissions

Emissions of air pollutants can occur from a wide variety of

activities during the construction, operation, and decommissioning
phases of a project. These activities can be categorized based on

APRIL 30, 2007 3

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

Ambient Air Quality additional, future sustainable development in the same

airshed. 12
General Approach
At facility level, impacts should be estimated through qualitative or
Projects with significant5,6 sources of air emissions, and potential
quantitative assessments by the use of baseline air quality
for significant impacts to ambient air quality, should prevent or
assessments and atmospheric dispersion models to assess
minimize impacts by ensuring that:
potential ground level concentrations. Local atmospheric, climatic,
• Emissions do not result in pollutant concentrations that reach and air quality data should be applied when modeling dispersion,
or exceed relevant ambient quality guidelines and standards9 protection against atmospheric downwash, wakes, or eddy effects
by applying national legislated standards, or in their absence, of the source, nearby13 structures, and terrain features. The
the current WHO Air Quality Guidelines10 (see Table 1.1.1), dispersion model applied should be internationally recognized, or
or other internationally recognized sources11; comparable. Examples of acceptable emission estimation and
• Emissions do not contribute a significant portion to the dispersion modeling approaches for point and fugitive sources are
attainment of relevant ambient air quality guidelines or
standards. As a general rule, this Guideline suggests 25 Table 1.1.1: WHO Ambient Air Quality Guidelines 7,8
percent of the applicable air quality standards to allow
Averaging Guideline value in
Period µg/m3
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 24-hour 125 (Interim target-1)
50 (Interim target-2)
20 (guideline)
10 minute 500 (guideline)
5 Significant sources of point and fugitive emissions are considered to be general
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 1-year 40 (guideline)
1-hour 200 (guideline)
sources which, for example, can contribute a net emissions increase of one or
more of the following pollutants within a given airshed: PM10: 50 tons per year Particulate Matter 1-year 70 (Interim target-1)
(tpy); NOx: 500 tpy; SO2: 500 tpy; or as established through national legislation; PM10 50 (Interim target-2)
and combustion sources with an equivalent heat input of 50 MWth or greater. The 30 (Interim target-3)
significance of emissions of inorganic and organic pollutants should be established 20 (guideline)
on a project-specific basis taking into account toxic and other properties of the
pollutant. 24-hour 150 (Interim target-1)
6 United States Environmental Protection Agency, Prevention of Significant 100 (Interim target-2)
Deterioration of Air Quality, 40 CFR Ch. 1 Part 52.21. Other references for 75 (Interim target-3)
establishing significant emissions include the European Commission. 2000. 50 (guideline)
“Guidance Document for EPER implementation.”
Particulate Matter 1-year 35 (Interim target-1) ; and Australian Government.
2004. “National Pollutant Inventory Guide.”
PM2.5 25 (Interim target-2) 15 (Interim target-3)
7 World Health Organization (WHO). Air Quality Guidelines Global Update, 2005. 10 (guideline)
PM 24-hour value is the 99th percentile.
8 Interim targets are provided in recognition of the need for a staged approach to 24-hour 75 (Interim target-1)
50 (Interim target-2)
achieving the recommended guidelines.
9 Ambient air quality standards are ambient air quality levels established and
37.5 (Interim target-3)
25 (guideline)
published through national legislative and regulatory processes, and ambient
Ozone 8-hour daily 160 (Interim target-1)
quality guidelines refer to ambient quality levels primarily developed through
clinical, toxicological, and epidemiological evidence (such as those published by maximum 100 (guideline)
the World Health Organization).
10 Available at World Health Organization (WHO).
12 US EPA Prevention of Significant Deterioration Increments Limits applicable to
11 For example the United States National Ambient Air Quality Standards
non-degraded airsheds.
(NAAQS) ( and the relevant European Council
Directives (Council Directive 1999/30/EC of 22 April 1999 / Council Directive
2002/3/EC of February 12 2002).

APRIL 30, 2007 4

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

included in Annex 1.1.1. These approaches include screening Point Sources

models for single source evaluations (SCREEN3 or AIRSCREEN), Point sources are discrete, stationary, identifiable sources of
as well as more complex and refined models (AERMOD OR emissions that release pollutants to the atmosphere. They are
ADMS). Model selection is dependent on the complexity and geo- typically located in manufacturing or production plants. Within a
morphology of the project site (e.g. mountainous terrain, urban or given point source, there may be several individual ‘emission
rural area).
points’ that comprise the point source.15

Projects Located in Degraded Airsheds or Point sources are characterized by the release of air pollutants
Ecologically Sensitive Areas typically associated with the combustion of fossil fuels, such as
Facilities or projects located within poor quality airsheds14, and nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide
within or next to areas established as ecologically sensitive (e.g. (CO), and particulate matter (PM), as well as other air pollutants
national parks), should ensure that any increase in pollution levels including certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and metals
is as small as feasible, and amounts to a fraction of the applicable that may also be associated with a wide range of industrial
short-term and annual average air quality guidelines or standards activities.
as established in the project-specific environmental assessment.
Emissions from point sources should be avoided and controlled
Suitable mitigation measures may also include the relocation of
according to good international industry practice (GIIP) applicable
significant sources of emissions outside the airshed in question,
to the relevant industry sector, depending on ambient conditions,
use of cleaner fuels or technologies, application of comprehensive
through the combined application of process modifications and
pollution control measures, offset activities at installations
emissions controls, examples of which are provided in Annex
controlled by the project sponsor or other facilities within the same
1.1.2. Additional recommendations regarding stack height and
airshed, and buy-down of emissions within the same airshed.
emissions from small combustion facilities are provided below.

Specific provisions for minimizing emissions and their impacts in

Stack Height
poor air quality or ecologically sensitive airsheds should be
The stack height for all point sources of emissions, whether
established on a project-by-project or industry-specific basis.
‘significant’ or not, should be designed according to GIIP (see
Offset provisions outside the immediate control of the project
Annex 1.1.3) to avoid excessive ground level concentrations due
sponsor or buy-downs should be monitored and enforced by the
to downwash, wakes, and eddy effects, and to ensure reasonable
local agency responsible for granting and monitoring emission
diffusion to minimize impacts. For projects where there are
permits. Such provisions should be in place prior to final
multiple sources of emissions, stack heights should be established
commissioning of the facility / project.
with due consideration to emissions from all other project sources,
both point and fugitive. Non-significant sources of emissions,

13 “Nearby” generally considers an area within a radius of up to 20 times the stack 15 Emission points refer to a specific stack, vent, or other discrete point of pollution

height. release. This term should not be confused with point source, which is a regulatory
14 An airshed should be considered as having poor air quality if nationally distinction from area and mobile sources. The characterization of point sources
into multiple emissions points is useful for allowing more detailed reporting of
legislated air quality standards or WHO Air Quality Guidelines are exceeded emissions information.

APRIL 30, 2007 5

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

including small combustion sources,16 should also use GIIP in

stack design.

Small Combustion Facilities Emissions Guidelines

Small combustion processes are systems designed to deliver
electrical or mechanical power, steam, heat, or any combination of
these, regardless of the fuel type, with a total, rated heat input
capacity of between three Megawatt thermal (MWth) and 50

The emissions guidelines in Table 1.1.2 are applicable to small

combustion process installations operating more than 500 hours
per year, and those with an annual capacity utilization of more
than 30 percent. Plants firing a mixture of fuels should compare
emissions performance with these guidelines based on the sum of
the relative contribution of each applied fuel17. Lower emission
values may apply if the proposed facility is located in an
ecologically sensitive airshed, or airshed with poor air quality, in
order to address potential cumulative impacts from the installation
of more than one small combustion plant as part of a distributed
generation project.

16 Small combustion sources are those with a total rated heat input capacity of
50MWth or less.
17 The contribution of a fuel is the percentage of heat input (LHV) provided by this
fuel multiplied by its limit value.

APRIL 30, 2007 6

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

Table 1.1.2 - Small Combustion Facilities Emissions Guidelines (3MWth – 50MWth) – (in mg/Nm3 or as indicated)
Combustion Technology / Dry Gas, Excess
Particulate Matter (PM) Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
Fuel O2 Content (%)
200 (Spark Ignition)
Gas N/A N/A 400 (Dual Fuel) 15
1,600 (Compression Ignition)
1.5 percent Sulfur or up to 3.0 percent Sulfur if
50 or up to 100 if justified by project specific If bore size diameter [mm] < 400: 1460
justified by project specific considerations (e.g.
considerations (e.g. Economic feasibility of (or up to 1,600 if justified to maintain high
Economic feasibility of using lower S content fuel,
Liquid using lower ash content fuel, or adding energy efficiency.) 15
or adding secondary treatment to meet levels of
secondary treatment to meet 50, and
using 1.5 percent Sulfur, and available
available environmental capacity of the site) If bore size diameter [mm] > or = 400: 1,850
environmental capacity of the site)
Natural Gas 42 ppm (Electric generation)
N/A N/A 15
=3MWth to < 15MWth 100 ppm (Mechanical drive)
Natural Gas
N/A N/A 25 ppm 15
=15MWth to < 50MWth

0.5 percent Sulfur or lower percent Sulfur (e.g. 0.2

Fuels other than Natural Gas 96 ppm (Electric generation)
N/A percent Sulfur) if commercially available without 15
=3MWth to < 15MWth 150 ppm (Mechanical drive)
significant excess fuel cost

Fuels other than Natural Gas 0.5% S or lower % S (0.2%S) if commercially

N/A 74 ppm 15
=15MWth to < 50MWth available without significant excess fuel cost
Gas N/A N/A 320 3
50 or up to 150 if justified by environmental
Liquid 2000 460 3
50 or up to 150 if justified by environmental
Solid 2000 650 6
Notes: -N/A/ - no emissions guideline; Higher performance levels than these in the Table should be applicable to facilities located in urban / industrial areas with degraded airsheds or close to ecologically sensitive areas where more
stringent emissions controls may be needed.; MWth is heat input on HHV basis; Solid fuels include biomass; Nm 3 is at one atmosphere pressure, 0°C.; MWth category is to apply to the entire facility consisting of multiple units that are
reasonably considered to be emitted from a common stack except for NOx and PM limits for turbines and boilers. Guidelines values apply to facilities operating more than 500 hours per year with an annual capacity utilization factor of
more than 30 percent.

APRIL 30, 2007 7

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

• Implementing a leak detection and repair (LDAR) program

Fugitive Sources that controls fugitive emissions by regularly monitoring to
Fugitive source air emissions refer to emissions that are detect leaks, and implementing repairs within a predefined
distributed spatially over a wide area and not confined to a specific time period.18
discharge point. They originate in operations where exhausts are
For VOC emissions associated with handling of chemicals in open
not captured and passed through a stack. Fugitive emissions have
vats and mixing processes, the recommended prevention and
the potential for much greater ground-level impacts per unit than
control techniques include:
stationary source emissions, since they are discharged and
dispersed close to the ground. The two main types of fugitive • Substitution of less volatile substances, such as aqueous
emissions are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and solvents;
particulate matter (PM). Other contaminants (NOx, SO2 and CO) • Collection of vapors through air extractors and subsequent
are mainly associated with combustion processes, as described treatment of gas stream by removing VOCs with control
above. Projects with potentially significant fugitive sources of devices such as condensers or activated carbon absorption;
emissions should establish the need for ambient quality • Collection of vapors through air extractors and subsequent
assessment and monitoring practices. treatment with destructive control devices such as:
o Catalytic Incinerators: Used to reduce VOCs from
Open burning of solid wastes, whether hazardous or non- process exhaust gases exiting paint spray booths,
hazardous, is not considered good practice and should be ovens, and other process operations
avoided, as the generation of polluting emissions from this type of o Thermal Incinerators: Used to control VOC levels in a
source cannot be controlled effectively. gas stream by passing the stream through a combustion
chamber where the VOCs are burned in air at
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
temperatures between 700º C to 1,300º C
The most common sources of fugitive VOC emissions are
o Enclosed Oxidizing Flares: Used to convert VOCs into
associated with industrial activities that produce, store, and use
CO2 and H2O by way of direct combustion
VOC-containing liquids or gases where the material is under
pressure, exposed to a lower vapor pressure, or displaced from an • Use of floating roofs on storage tanks to reduce the

enclosed space. Typical sources include equipment leaks, open opportunity for volatilization by eliminating the headspace

vats and mixing tanks, storage tanks, unit operations in present in conventional storage tanks.

wastewater treatment systems, and accidental releases.

Particulate Matter (PM)
Equipment leaks include valves, fittings, and elbows which are
The most common pollutant involved in fugitive emissions is dust
subject to leaks under pressure. The recommended prevention
or particulate matter (PM). This is released during certain
and control techniques for VOC emissions associated with
operations, such as transport and open storage of solid materials,
equipment leaks include:
and from exposed soil surfaces, including unpaved roads.
• Equipment modifications, examples of which are presented in
Annex 1.1.4; 18 For more information, see Leak Detection and Repair Program (LDAR), at:

APRIL 30, 2007 8

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

Recommended prevention and control of these emissions sources programs. In the absence of these, the following approach should
include: be considered:

• Use of dust control methods, such as covers, water • Regardless of the size or type of vehicle, fleet owners /
suppression, or increased moisture content for open operators should implement the manufacturer recommended
materials storage piles, or controls, including air extraction engine maintenance programs;
and treatment through a baghouse or cyclone for material • Drivers should be instructed on the benefits of driving
handling sources, such as conveyors and bins; practices that reduce both the risk of accidents and fuel
• Use of water suppression for control of loose materials on consumption, including measured acceleration and driving
paved or unpaved road surfaces. Oil and oil by-products is within safe speed limits;
not a recommended method to control road dust. Examples • Operators with fleets of 120 or more units of heavy duty
of additional control options for unpaved roads include those vehicles (buses and trucks), or 540 or more light duty
summarized in Annex 1.1.5. vehicles21 (cars and light trucks) within an airshed should
consider additional ways to reduce potential impacts
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) including:
Several chemicals are classified as ozone depleting substances
o Replacing older vehicles with newer, more fuel efficient
(ODSs) and are scheduled for phase-out under the Montreal
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.19 No new
o Converting high-use vehicles to cleaner fuels, where
systems or processes should be installed using CFCs, halons,
1,1,1-trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide or
o Installing and maintaining emissions control devices,
HBFCs. HCFCs should only be considered as interim / bridging
such as catalytic converters
alternatives as determined by the host country commitments and o Implementing a regular vehicle maintenance and repair
regulations.20 program

Mobile Sources – Land-based Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)

Similar to other combustion processes, emissions from vehicles Sectors that may have potentially significant emissions of
include CO, NOx, SO2, PM and VOCs. Emissions from on-road greenhouse gases (GHGs)22 include energy, transport, heavy
and off-road vehicles should comply with national or regional industry (e.g. cement production, iron / steel manufacturing,
aluminum smelting, petrochemical industries, petroleum refining,
fertilizer manufacturing), agriculture, forestry and waste
19 Examples include: chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs); halons; 1,1,1-trichloroethane management. GHGs may be generated from direct emissions
(methyl chloroform); carbon tetrachloride; hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs);
hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs); and methyl bromide. They are currently used
in a variety of applications including: domestic, commercial, and process
refrigeration (CFCs and HCFCs); domestic, commercial, and motor vehicle air 21 The selected fleet size thresholds are assumed to represent potentially
conditioning (CFCs and HCFCs); for manufacturing foam products (CFCs); for significant sources of emissions based on individual vehicles traveling 100,000 km
solvent cleaning applications (CFCs, HCFCs, methyl chloroform, and carbon / yr using average emission factors.
tetrachloride); as aerosol propellants (CFCs); in fire protection systems (halons 22 The six greenhouse gases that form part of the Kyoto Protocol to the United
and HBFCs); and as crop fumigants (methyl bromide). Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change include carbon dioxide (C02);
20 Additional information is available through the Montreal Protocol Secretariat methane (CH4); nitrous oxide (N 2O); hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); perfluorocarbons
web site available at: (PFCs); and sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6).

APRIL 30, 2007 9

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

from facilities within the physical project boundary and indirect decisions to be made based on the data and the consequences of
emissions associated with the off-site production of power used by making an incorrect decision, the time and geographic
the project. boundaries, and the quality of data needed to make a correct
decision.25 The air quality monitoring program should consider
Recommendations for reduction and control of greenhouse gases
include: the following elements:

• Carbon financing;23 • Monitoring parameters: The monitoring parameters selected

should reflect the pollutants of concern associated with
• Enhancement of energy efficiency (see section on
project processes. For combustion processes, indicator
‘Energy Conservation’);
parameters typically include the quality of inputs, such as the
• Protection and enhancement of sinks and reservoirs of
sulfur content of fuel.
greenhouse gases;
• Promotion of sustainable forms of agriculture and • Baseline calculations: Before a project is developed, baseline
forestry; air quality monitoring at and in the vicinity of the site should
• Promotion, development and increased use of be undertaken to assess background levels of key pollutants,
renewable forms of energy; in order to differentiate between existing ambient conditions
• Carbon capture and storage technologies;24 and project-related impacts.
• Limitation and / or reduction of methane emissions • Monitoring type and frequency: Data on emissions and
through recovery and use in waste management, as well ambient air quality generated through the monitoring program
as in the production, transport and distribution of energy should be representative of the emissions discharged by the
(coal, oil, and gas). project over time. Examples of time-dependent variations in
the manufacturing process include batch process
Monitoring manufacturing and seasonal process variations. Emissions
Emissions and air quality monitoring programs provide information
from highly variable processes may need to be sampled
that can be used to assess the effectiveness of emissions
more frequently or through composite methods. Emissions
management strategies. A systematic planning process is
monitoring frequency and duration may also range from
recommended to ensure that the data collected are adequate for
continuous for some combustion process operating
their intended purposes (and to avoid collecting unnecessary
parameters or inputs (e.g. the quality of fuel) to less frequent,
data). This process, sometimes referred to as a data quality monthly, quarterly or yearly stack tests.
objectives process, defines the purpose of collecting the data, the
• Monitoring locations: Ambient air quality monitoring may

23 Carbon financing as a carbon emissions reduction strategy may include the host
consists of off-site or fence line monitoring either by the
government-endorsed Clean Development Mechanism or Joint Implementation of project sponsor, the competent government agency, or by
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
24 Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is a process consisting of the collaboration between both. The location of ambient air
separation of CO2 from industrial and energy-related sources; transport to a
storage location; and long-term isolation from the atmosphere, for example in
geological formations, in the ocean, or in mineral carbonates (reaction of CO2 with
metal oxides in silicate minerals to produce stable carbonates). It is the object of 25 See, for example, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Guidance on
intensive research worldwide (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process EPA QA/G-4,
(IPCC), Special Report, Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (2006). EPA/240/B-06/001 February 2006.

APRIL 30, 2007 10

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

quality monitoring stations should be established based on o If Annual Stack Emission Testing demonstrates results
the results of scientific methods and mathematical models to consistently and significantly better than the required
estimate potential impact to the receiving airshed from an levels, frequency of Annual Stack Emission Testing can
emissions source taking into consideration such aspects as be reduced from annual to every two or three years.
the location of potentially affected communities and o Emission Monitoring: None
prevailing wind directions.
Boilers with capacities between =20 MWth and < 50 MWth
• Sampling and analysis methods: Monitoring programs should o Annual Stack Emission Testing: SO2, NOx and PM. For
apply national or international methods for sample collection gaseous fuel-fired boilers, only NOx. SO2 can be
and analysis, such as those published by the International calculated based on fuel quality certification (if no SO2
Organization for Standardization,26 the European Committee control equipment is used)

for Standardization,27 or the U.S. Environmental Protection o Emission Monitoring: SO2. Plants with SO2 control

Agency.28 Sampling should be conducted by, or under, the equipment: Continuous. NOx: Continuous monitoring of

supervision of trained individuals. Analysis should be either NOx emissions or indicative NOx emissions using

conducted by entities permitted or certified for this purpose. combustion parameters. PM: Continuous monitoring of

Sampling and analysis Quality Assurance / Quality Control either PM emissions, opacity, or indicative PM

(QA/QC) plans should be applied and documented to ensure emissions using combustion parameters / visual

that data quality is adequate for the intended data use (e.g., monitoring.

method detection limits are below levels of concern). • Additional recommended monitoring approaches for
Monitoring reports should include QA/QC documentation. turbines:
o Annual Stack Emission Testing: NOx and SO2 (NOx
Monitoring of Small Combustion Plants Emissions only for gaseous fuel-fired turbines).
• Additional recommended monitoring approaches for boilers: o If Annual Stack Emission Testing results show

Boilers with capacities between =3 MWth and < 20 MWth: constantly (3 consecutive years) and significantly (e.g.

o Annual Stack Emission Testing: SO2, NOx and PM. For less than 75 percent) better than the required levels,
gaseous fuel-fired boilers, only NOx. SO2 can be frequency of Annual Stack Emission Testing can be
calculated based on fuel quality certification if no SO2 reduced from annual to every two or three years.
control equipment is used. o Emission Monitoring: NOx: Continuous monitoring of
either NOx emissions or indicative NOx emissions using
26 An on-line catalogue of ISO standards relating to the environment, health combustion parameters.SO2: Continuous monitoring if
protection, and safety is available at: SO2 control equipment is used.
• Additional recommended monitoring approaches for
27 An on-line catalogue of European Standards is available at: . engines:
28 The National Environmental Methods Index provides a searchable o Annual Stack Emission Testing: NOx ,SO2 and PM (NOx
clearinghouse of U.S. methods and procedures for both regulatory and non-
regulatory monitoring purposes for water, sediment, air and tissues, and is only for gaseous fuel-fired diesel engines).
available at

APRIL 30, 2007 11

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

o If Annual Stack Emission Testing results show

constantly (3 consecutive years) and significantly (e.g.
less than 75 percent) better than the required levels,
frequency of Annual Stack Emission Testing can be
reduced from annual to every two or three years.
o Emission Monitoring: NOx: Continuous monitoring of
either NOx emissions or indicative NOx emissions using
combustion parameters. SO2: Continuous monitoring if
SO2 control equipment is used. PM: Continuous
monitoring of either PM emissions or indicative PM
emissions using operating parameters.

APRIL 30, 2007 12

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

Annex 1.1.1 – Air Emissions Estimation and Dispersion

Modeling Methods

The following is a partial list of documents to aid in the estimation

of air emissions from various processes and air dispersion

Australian Emission Estimation Technique Manuals

Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook, UN / ECE / EMEP

and the European Environment Agency

Emission factors and emission estimation methods, US EPA

Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards

Guidelines on Air Quality Models (Revised), US Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA), 2005

Frequently Asked Questions, Air Quality Modeling and

Assessment Unit (AQMAU), UK Environment Agency

OECD Database on Use and Release of Industrial Chemicals

APRIL 30, 2007 13

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

Annex 1.1.2 – Illustrative Point Source Air Emissions Prevention and Control Technologies

Principal Sources and Issues General Prevention / Process Reduction Gas

Control Options Comments
Modification Approach Efficiency (%) Condition
Particulate Matter (PM)
Main sources are the combustion of fossil Fuel switching (e.g. selection of lower sulfur Fabric Filters 99 - 99.7% Dry gas, temp Applicability depends on flue gas properties including temperature, chemical
fuels and numerous manufacturing processes fuels) or reducing the amount of fine <400F properties, abrasion and load. Typical air to cloth ratio range of 2.0 to 3.5 cfm/ft2
that collect PM through air extraction and particulates added to a process.
ventilation systems. Volcanoes, ocean spray, Achievable outlet concentrations of 23 mg/Nm 3
forest fires and blowing dust (most prevalent
in dry and semiarid climates) contribute to Electrostatic 97 – 99% Varies Precondition gas to remove large particles. Efficiency dependent on resistivity of
background levels. Precipitator (ESP) depending of particle. Achievable outlet concentration of 23 mg/Nm3
particle type

Cyclone 74 – 95% None Most efficient for large particles. Achievable outlet concentrations of 30 - 40
mg/Nm 3

Wet Scrubber 93 – 95% None Wet sludge may be a disposal problem depending on local infrastructure.
Achievable outlet concentrations of 30 - 40 mg/Nm3

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Mainly produced by the combustion of fuels Control system selection is heavily Fuel Switching >90% Alternate fuels may include low sulfur coal, light diesel or natural gas with
such as oil and coal and as a by-product from dependent on the inlet concentration. For consequent reduction in particulate emissions related to sulfur in the fuel. Fuel
some chemical production or wastewater SO2 concentrations in excess of 10%, the cleaning or beneficiation of fuels prior to combustion is another viable option but
treatment processes. stream is passed through an acid plant not may have economic consequences.
only to lower the SO2 emissions but also to
generate high grade sulfur for sale. Levels Sorbent Injection 30% - 70% Calcium or lime is injected into the flue gas and the SO2 is adsorbed onto the
below 10% are not rich enough for this sorbent
process and should therefore utilize
absorption or ‘scrubbing,’ where SO2 Dry Flue Gas 70%-90% Can be regenerable or throwaway.
molecules are captured into a liquid phase Desulfurization
or adsorption, where SO2 molecules are
captured on the surface of a solid Wet Flue Gas >90% Produces gypsum as a by-product
adsorbent. Desulfurization

APRIL 30, 2007 14

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

Annex 1.1.2: Illustrative Point Source Air Emissions Prevention and Control Technologies (continued)
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Percent Reduction by Fuel Type Comments
Combustion modification
Associated with combustion of fuel. Coal Oil Gas These modifications are capable of reducing NOx emissions by 50
(Illustrative of boilers)
May occur in several forms of nitrogen to 95%. The method of combustion control used depends on the
oxide; namely nitric oxide (NO), Low-excess-air firing 10–30 10–30 10–30 type of boiler and the method of firing fuel.
nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrous
oxide (N2O), which is also a Staged Combustion 20–50 20–50 20–50
greenhouse gas. The term NOx Flue Gas Recirculation N/A 20–50 20–50
serves as a composite between NO
and NO2 and emissions are usually Water/Steam Injection N/A 10–50 N/A.
reported as NOx. Here the NO is
multiplied by the ratio of molecular Low-NOx Burners 30–40 30–40 30–40
weights of NO2 to NO and added to
Flue Gas Treatment Coal Oil Gas
the NO2 emissions. Flue gas treatment is more effective in reducing NOx emissions
than are combustion controls. Techniques can be classified as
Means of reducing NOx emissions are SCR, SNCR, and adsorption. SCR involves the injection of
based on the modification of operating Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) 60–90 60–90 60–90 ammonia as a reducing agent to convert NOx to nitrogen in the
conditions such as minimizing the presence of a catalyst in a converter upstream of the air heater.
resident time at peak temperatures, Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction N/A 30–70 30–70 Generally, some ammonia slips through and is part of the
reducing the peak temperatures by (SNCR) emissions. SNCR also involves the injection of ammonia or urea
increasing heat transfer rates or based products without the presence of a catalyst.
minimizing the availability of oxygen.

Note: Compiled by IFC based on inputs from technical experts.

APRIL 30, 2007 15

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

Annex 1.1.3 - Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) Annex 1.1.4 - Examples of VOC Emissions Controls
Stack Height
(Based on United States 40 CFR, part 51.100 (ii)).

HG = H + 1.5L; where Control
Equipment Type Modification
HG = GEP stack height measured from the ground level (%)
elevation at the base of the stack Seal-less design 10029
H = Height of nearby structure(s) above the base of the
stack. Closed-vent system 9030
L = Lesser dimension, height (h) or width (w), of nearby Dual mechanical seal
with barrier fluid
structures maintained at a higher 100
“Nearby structures” = Structures within/touching a radius pressure than the
pumped fluid
of 5L but less than 800 m.
Closed-vent system 90

Dual mechanical seal

Compressors with barrier fluid
maintained at a higher 100
Projected width (w)

pressure than the

Stack compressed gas
Closed-vent system Variable31
Pressure Relief Devices
Rupture disk assembly 100

Valves Seal-less design 100

Connectors Weld together 100

Blind, cap, plug, or
Open-ended Lines 100
second valve

h Sampling Connections Closed-loop sampling 100

Note: Examples of technologies are provided for illustrative purposes.
The availability and applicability of any particular technology will vary
Maximum 5*L depending on manufacturer specifications.

29 Seal-less equipment can be a large source of emissions in the event of

equipment failure.
30 Actual efficiency of a closed-vent system depends on percentage of vapors
collected and efficiency of control device to which the vapors are routed.
31 Control efficiency of closed vent-systems installed on a pressure relief
device may be lower than other closed-vent systems.

APRIL 30, 2007 16

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

Annex 1.1.5 - Fugitive PM Emissions Controls

Control Type

Chemical Stabilization 0% - 98%

Hygroscopic salts
60% - 96%
Surfactants 0% - 68%

Wet Suppression – Watering 12% - 98%

Speed Reduction 0% - 80%

Traffic Reduction Not quantified

Paving (Asphalt / Concrete) 85% - 99%

Covering with Gravel, Slag, or "Road
30% - 50%
Vacuum Sweeping 0% - 58%

Water Flushing/Broom Sweeping 0% - 96%

APRIL 30, 2007 17

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

1.2 Energy Conservation

should also evaluate energy conservation opportunities arising
Applicability and Approach .............................................18 from manufacturing process modifications.
Energy Management Programs...............................18
Energy Efficiency....................................................18
Process Heating.............................................................19 Energy Management Programs
Heating Load Reduction .........................................19 Energy management programs should include the following
Heat Distribution Systems.......................................19 elements:
Energy Conversion System Efficiency Improvements20
Process Cooling.............................................................20 • Identification, and regular measurement and reporting of
Load Reduction......................................................21
principal energy flows within a facility at unit process level
Energy Conversion.................................................21
Refrigerant Compression Efficiency ........................23 • Preparation of mass and energy balance;
Refrigeration System Auxiliaries..............................23 • Definition and regular review of energy performance
Compressed Air Systems...............................................24
targets, which are adjusted to account for changes in major
Load reduction .......................................................24
Distribution.............................................................24 influencing factors on energy use
• Regular comparison and monitoring of energy flows with

Applicability and Approach performance targets to identify where action should be

taken to reduce energy use
This guideline applies to facilities or projects that consume
energy in process heating and cooling; process and auxiliary • Regular review of targets, which may include comparison
with benchmark data, to confirm that targets are set at
systems, such as motors, pumps, and fans; compressed air
appropriate levels
systems and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
(HVAC); and lighting systems. It complements the industry-
Energy Efficiency
specific emissions guidance presented in the Industry Sector
For any energy-using system, a systematic analysis of energy
Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines by
efficiency improvements and cost reduction opportunities should
providing information about common techniques for energy
include a hierarchical examination of opportunities to:
conservation that may be applied to a range of industry sectors.

• Demand/Load Side Management by reducing loads on the

Energy management at the facility level should be viewed in the
energy system
context of overall consumption patterns, including those
• Supply Side Management by:
associated with production processes and supporting utilities, as
o Reduce losses in energy distribution
well as overall impacts associated with emissions from power
o Improve energy conversion efficiency
sources. The following section provides guidance on energy
o Exploit energy purchasing opportunities
management with a focus on common utility systems often
o Use lower-carbon fuels
representing technical and financially feasible opportunities for
improvement in energy conservation. However, operations

APRIL 30, 2007 18

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

Common opportunities in each of these areas are summarized • Review opportunities to schedule work flow to limit the
below.32 need for process reheating between stages
• Operate furnaces/ovens at slight positive pressure, and
Process Heating maintain air seals to reduce air in-leakage into the heated
Process heating is vital to many manufacturing processes, system, thereby reducing the energy required to heat
including heating for fluids, calcining, drying, heat treating, metal unnecessary air to system operating temperature
heating, melting, melting agglomeration, curing, and forming33. • Reduce radiant heat losses by sealing structural openings
and keep viewing ports closed when not in use
In process heating systems, a system heat and mass balance
• Where possible, use the system for long runs close to or at
will show how much of the system’s energy input provides true
operating capacity
process heating, and quantify fuel used to satisfy energy losses
• Consider use of high emissivity coatings of high
caused by excessive parasitic loads, distribution, or conversion
temperature insulation, and consequent reduction in
losses. Examination of savings opportunities should be directed
process temperature
by the results of the heat and mass balance, though the
• Near net weight and shape heat designs
following techniques are often valuable and cost-effective.
• Robust Quality assurance on input material
• Robust Scheduled maintenance programs
Heating Load Reduction
• Ensure adequate insulation to reduce heat losses through
Heat Distribution Systems
furnace/oven etc. structure
Heat distribution in process heating applications typically takes
• Recover heat from hot process or exhaust streams to
place through steam, hot water, or thermal fluid systems.
reduce system loads
Losses can be reduced through the following actions:
• In intermittently-heated systems, consider use of low
thermal mass insulation to reduce energy required to heat • Promptly repair distribution system leaks

the system structure to operating temperature • Avoid steam leaks despite a perceived need to get steam

• Control process temperature and other parameters through the turbine. Electricity purchase is usually cheaper

accurately to avoid, for example, overheating or overdrying overall, especially when the cost to treat turbine-quality

• Examine opportunities to use low weight and/or low boiler feed water is included. If the heat-power ratio of the

thermal mass product carriers, such as heated shapers, distribution process is less than that of power systems,

kiln cars etc. opportunities should be considered to increase the ratio; for
example, by using low-pressure steam to drive absorption
cooling systems rather than using electrically-driven vapor-
32 Additional guidance on energy efficiency is available from sources such as
Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN compression systems.
buildings/mnecb.cfm?attr=20); the European Union (EUROPA. • Regularly verify correct operation of steam traps in steam ), and United States Department
of Energy (US DOE, systems, and ensure that traps are not bypassed. Since
33 US DOE.

APRIL 30, 2007 19

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

steam traps typically last approximately 5 years, 20% • Maintain clean heat transfer surfaces; in steam boilers, flue
should be replaced or repaired annually gases should be no more than 20 K above steam
• Insulate distribution system vessels, such as hot wells and temperature)
de-aerators, in steam systems and thermal fluid or hot • In steam boiler systems, use economizers to recover heat
water storage tanks from flue gases to pre-heat boiler feed water or combustion
• Insulate all steam, condensate, hot water and thermal fluid air
distribution pipework, down to and including 1” (25 mm) • Consider reverse osmosis or electrodialysis feed water
diameter pipe, in addition to insulating all hot valves and treatment to minimize the requirement for boiler blowdown
flanges • Adopt automatic (continuous) boiler blowdown
• In steam systems, return condensate to the boiler house • Recover heat from blowdown systems through flash steam
for re-use, since condensate is expensive boiler-quality recovery or feed-water preheat
water and valuable beyond its heat content alone • Do not supply excessive quantities of steam to the de-
• Use flash steam recovery systems to reduce losses due to aerator
evaporation of high-pressure condensate • With fired heaters, consider opportunities to recover heat to
• Consider steam expansion through a back-pressure turbine combustion air through the use of recuperative or
rather than reducing valve stations regenerative burner systems
• Eliminate distribution system losses by adopting point-of- • For systems operating for extended periods (> 6000
use heating systems hours/year), cogeneration of electrical power, heat and /or
cooling can be cost effective
Energy Conversion System Efficiency • Oxy Fuel burners
• Oxygen enrichment/injection
The following efficiency opportunities should be examined for
• Use of turbolators in boilers
process furnaces or ovens, and utility systems, such as boilers
• Sizing design and use of multiple boilers for different load
and fluid heaters:
• Regularly monitor CO, oxygen or CO2 content of flue • Fuel quality control/fuel blending
gases to verify that combustion systems are using the
minimum practical excess air volumes Process Cooling
• Consider combustion automation using oxygen-trim The general methodology outlined above should be applied to
controls process cooling systems. Commonly used and cost-effective
• Minimize the number of boilers or heaters used to meet measures to improve process cooling efficiency are described
loads. It is typically more efficient to run one boiler at 90% below.
of capacity than two at 45%. Minimize the number of
boilers kept at hot–standby
• Use flue dampers to eliminate ventilation losses from hot
boilers held at standby

APRIL 30, 2007 20

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

Load Reduction o Planting trees as thermal shields around buildings

• Ensure adequate insulation to reduce heat gains through o Installing timers and/or thermostats and/or

cooling system structure and to below-ambient temperature enthalpy-based control systems

refrigerant pipes and vessels o Installing ventilation heat recovery systems34

• Control process temperature accurately to avoid

Energy Conversion
The efficiency of refrigeration service provision is normally
• Operate cooling tunnels at slight positive pressure and
discussed in terms of Coefficient of Performance (“COP”), which
maintain air seals to reduce air in-leakage into the cooled
is the ratio of cooling duty divided by input power. COP is
system, thus reducing the energy required to cool this
maximized by effective refrigeration system design and
unnecessary air to system operating temperature
increased refrigerant compression efficiency, as well as
• Examine opportunities to pre-cool using heat recovery to a
minimization of the temperature difference through which the
process stream requiring heating, or by using a higher
system works and of auxiliary loads (i.e. those in addition to
temperature cooling utility
compressor power demand) used to operate the refrigeration
• In cold and chill stores, minimize heat gains to the cooled
space by use of air curtains, entrance vestibules, or rapidly
opening/closing doors. Where conveyors carry products System Design
into chilled areas, minimize the area of transfer openings,
• If process temperatures are above ambient for all, or part,
for example, by using strip curtains
of the year, use of ambient cooling systems, such as
• Quantify and minimize “incidental” cooling loads, for
provided by cooling towers or dry air coolers, may be
example, those due to evaporator fans, other machinery,
appropriate, perhaps supplemented by refrigeration in
defrost systems and lighting in cooled spaces, circulation
summer conditions.
fans in cooling tunnels, or secondary refrigerant pumps
• Most refrigeration systems are electric-motor driven vapor
(e.g. chilled water, brines, glycols)
compression systems using positive displacement or
• Do not use refrigeration for auxiliary cooling duties, such as
centrifugal compressors. The remainder of this guideline
compressor cylinder head or oil cooling
relates primarily to vapor-compression systems. However,
• While not a thermal load, ensure there is no gas bypass of
when a cheap or free heat source is available (e.g. waste
the expansion valve since this imposes compressor load
heat from an engine-driven generator—low-pressure steam
while providing little effective cooling
• In the case of air conditioning applications, energy
34 More information on HVAC energy efficiency can be found at the British
efficiency techniques include:
Columbia Building Corporation (Woolliams, 2002.
o Placing air intakes and air-conditioning units in cool, es_guide.pdf), NRCAN’s EnerGuide
shaded locations and NRCAN’s Energy Star Programs
o Improving building insulation including seals, vents, ntview=N#AC ), and the US Energy Star Program
windows, and doors (

APRIL 30, 2007 21

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

that has passed through a back-pressure turbine), temperature is indicative of an appropriately sized
absorption refrigeration may be appropriate. evaporator. When cooling liquids, 2K between leaving
• Exploit high cooling temperature range: precooling by liquid and evaporating temperatures can be achieved,
ambient and/or ‘high temperature’ refrigeration before final though a 4K difference is generally indicative of a
cooling can reduce refrigeration capital and running costs. generously-sized evaporator.
High cooling temperature range also provides an • Keep the evaporator clean. When cooling air, ensure
opportunity for countercurrent (cascade) cooling, which correct defrost operation. In liquid cooling, monitor
reduces refrigerant flow needs. refrigerant/process temperature differences and compare
• Keep ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ fluids separate, for example, do not with design expectations to be alert to heat exchanger
mix water leaving the chiller with water returning from contamination by scale or oil.
cooling circuits. • Ensure oil is regularly removed from the evaporator, and
• In low-temperature systems where high temperature that oil additions and removals balance.
differences are inevitable, consider two-stage or compound • Avoid the use of back-pressure valves.
compression, or economized screw compressors, rather • Adjust expansion valves to minimize suction superheat
than single-stage compression. consistent with avoidance of liquid carry-over to
Minimizing Temperature Differences
• Ensure that an appropriate refrigerant charge volume is
A vapor-compression refrigeration system raises the present.
temperature of the refrigerant from somewhat below the lowest
process temperature (the evaporating temperature) to provide Reducing Condensing Temperature

process cooling, to a higher temperature (the condensing • Consider whether to use air-cooled or evaporation-based
temperature), somewhat above ambient, to facilitate heat cooling (e.g. evaporative or water cooled condensers and
rejection to the air or cooling water systems. Increasing cooling towers). Air-cooled evaporators usually have
evaporating temperature typically increases compressor cooling higher condensing temperatures, hence higher compressor
capacity without greatly affecting power consumption. Reducing energy use, and auxiliary power consumption, especially in
condensing temperature increases evaporator cooling capacity low humidity climates. If a wet system is used, ensure
and substantially reduces compressor power consumption. adequate treatment to prevent growth of legionella
Elevating Evaporating Temperature
• Whichever basic system is chosen, select a relatively large
• Select a large evaporator to permit relatively low condenser to minimize differences between condensing
temperature differences between process and evaporating and the heat sink temperatures. Condensing temperatures
temperatures. Ensure that energy use of auxiliaries (e.g. with air cooled or evaporative condensers should not be
evaporator fans) does not outweigh compression savings. more than 10K above design ambient condition, and a 4K
In air-cooling applications, a design temperature difference approach in a liquid-cooled condenser is possible.
of 6-10 K between leaving air temperature and evaporating

APRIL 30, 2007 22

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Avoid accumulation of non-condensable gases in the Refrigerant Compression Efficiency

condenser system. Consider the installation of refrigerated • Some refrigerant compressors and chillers are more
non-condensable purgers, particularly for systems efficient than others offered for the same duty. Before
operating below atmospheric pressure. purchase, identify the operating conditions under which the
• Keep condensers clean and free from scale. Monitor compressor or chiller is likely to operate for substantial
refrigerant/ambient temperature differences and compare parts of its annual cycle. Check operating efficiency under
with design expectations to be alert to heat exchanger these conditions, and ask for estimates of annual running
contamination. cost. Note that refrigeration and HVAC systems rarely run
• Avoid liquid backup, which restricts heat transfer area in for extended periods at design conditions, which are
condensers. This can be caused by installation errors such deliberately extreme. Operational efficiency under the most
as concentric reducers in horizontal liquid refrigerant pipes, commonly occurring off-design conditions is likely to be
or “up and over” liquid lines leading from condensers. most important.
• In multiple condenser applications, refrigerant liquid lines • Compressors lose efficiency when unloaded. Avoid
should be connected via drop-leg traps to the main liquid operation of multiple compressors at part-load conditions.
refrigerant line to ensure that hot gases flow to all Note that package chillers can gain coefficient of
condensers. performance (COP) when slightly unloaded, as loss of
• Avoid head pressure control to the extent possible. Head compressor efficiency can be outweighed by the benefits of
pressure control maintains condensing temperature at, or reduced condensing and elevated evaporating
near, design levels. It therefore prevents reduction in temperature. However, it is unlikely to be energy efficient
compressor power consumption, which accompanies to operate a single compressor-chiller at less than 50% of
reduced condensing temperature, by restricting condenser capacity.
capacity (usually by switching off the condenser, or cooling • Consider turndown efficiency when specifying chillers.
tower fans, or restricting cooling water flow) under Variable speed control or multiple compressor chillers can
conditions of less severe than design load or ambient be highly efficient at part loads.
temperature conditions. Head pressure is often kept higher • Use of thermal storage systems (e.g., ice storage) can
than necessary to facilitate hot gas defrost or adequate avoid the need for close load-tracking and, hence, can
liquid refrigerant circulation. Use of electronic rather than avoid part-loaded compressor operation.
thermostatic expansion valves, and liquid refrigerant
pumps can permit effective refrigerant circulation at much Refrigeration System Auxiliaries
reduced condensing temperatures. Many refrigeration system auxiliaries (e.g. evaporator fans and
• Site condensers and cooling towers with adequate spacing chilled water pumps) contribute to refrigeration system load, so
so as to prevent recirculation of hot air into the tower. reductions in their energy use have a double benefit. General
energy saving techniques for pumps and fans, listed in the next
section of these guidelines, should be applied to refrigeration

APRIL 30, 2007 23

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

Additionally, auxiliary use can be reduced by avoidance of part- o Implement systems for systematic identification and
load operation and in plant selection (e.g. axial fan evaporative repair of leaks
condensers generally use less energy than equivalent o All condensate drain points should be trapped. Do not
centrifugal fan towers). leave drain valves continuously ‘cracked open’
o Train workers never to direct compressed air against
Under extreme off-design conditions, reduction in duty of cooling
their bodies or clothing to dust or cool themselves
system fans and pumps can be worthwhile, usually when the
lowest possible condensing pressure has been achieved.
Compressed Air Systems • Monitor pressure losses in filters and replace as
Compressed air is the most commonly found utility service in
industry, yet in many compressed air systems, the energy
• Use adequately sized distribution pipework designed to
contained in compressed air delivered to the user is often 10%
minimize pressure losses
or less of energy used in air compression. Savings are often
possible through the following techniques:

Load reduction
• Examine each true user of compressed air to identify the
air volume needed and the pressure at which this should
be delivered.
• Do not mix high volume low pressure and low volume high
pressure loads. Decentralize low volume high-pressure
applications or provide dedicated low-pressure utilities, for
example, by using fans rather than compressed air.
• Review air use reduction opportunities, for example:

o Use air amplifier nozzles rather than simple open-pipe

compressed air jets
o Consider whether compressed air is needed at all
o Where air jets are required intermittently (e.g. to
propel product), consider operating the jet via a
process-related solenoid valve, which opens only
when air is required
o Use manual or automatically operated valves to
isolate air supply to individual machines or zones that
are not in continuous use

APRIL 30, 2007 24

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

1.3 Wastewater and Ambient Water Quality

• Understand the quality, quantity, frequency and sources of
Applicability and Approach......................................25 liquid effluents in its installations. This includes knowledge
General Liquid Effluent Quality.......................................26
about the locations, routes and integrity of internal drainage
Discharge to Surface Water....................................26
Discharge to Sanitary Sewer Systems.....................26 systems and discharge points
Land Application of Treated Effluent........................27 • Plan and implement the segregation of liquid effluents
Septic Systems ......................................................27
principally along industrial, utility, sanitary, and stormwater
Wastewater Management...............................................27
Industrial Wastewater .............................................27 categories, in order to limit the volume of water requiring
Sanitary Wastewater ..............................................29 specialized treatment. Characteristics of individual streams
Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Operations .30
may also be used for source segregation.
Residuals from Wastewater Treatment Operations..30
Occupational Health and Safety Issues in Wastewater • Identify opportunities to prevent or reduce wastewater
Treatment Operations.............................................30 pollution through such measures as recycle/reuse within their
facility, input substitution, or process modification (e.g.
change of technology or operating conditions/modes).
Applicability and Approach • Assess compliance of their wastewater discharges with the
This guideline applies to projects that have either direct or indirect applicable: (i) discharge standard (if the wastewater is
discharge of process wastewater, wastewater from utility discharged to a surface water or sewer), and (ii) water quality
operations or stormwater to the environment. These guidelines standard for a specific reuse (e.g. if the wastewater is reused
are also applicable to industrial discharges to sanitary sewers that for irrigation).
discharge to the environment without any treatment. Process
wastewater may include contaminated wastewater from utility Additionally, the generation and discharge of wastewater of any
operations, stormwater, and sanitary sewage. It provides type should be managed through a combination of:
information on common techniques for wastewater management,
• Water use efficiency to reduce the amount of wastewater
water conservation, and reuse that can be applied to a wide range
of industry sectors. This guideline is meant to be complemented
• Process modification, including waste minimization, and
by the industry-specific effluent guidelines presented in the
reducing the use of hazardous materials to reduce the load of
Industry Sector Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS)
pollutants requiring treatment
Guidelines. Projects with the potential to generate process
• If needed, application of wastewater treatment techniques to
wastewater, sanitary (domestic) sewage, or stormwater should
further reduce the load of contaminants prior to discharge,
incorporate the necessary precautions to avoid, minimize, and
taking into consideration potential impacts of cross-media
control adverse impacts to human health, safety, or the
transfer of contaminants during treatment (e.g., from water to
air or land)
In the context of their overall ESHS management system, facilities

APRIL 30, 2007 25

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

When wastewater treatment is required prior to discharge, the the receiving water into consideration, should also influence the
level of treatment should be based on: acceptable pollution loadings and effluent discharge quality.
Additional considerations that should be included in the setting of
• Whether wastewater is being discharged to a sanitary sewer project-specific performance levels for wastewater effluents
system, or to surface waters include:
• National and local standards as reflected in permit
requirements and sewer system capacity to convey and treat • Process wastewater treatment standards consistent with
wastewater if discharge is to sanitary sewer applicable Industry Sector EHS Guidelines. Projects for
• Assimilative capacity of the receiving water for the load of which there are no industry-specific guidelines should
contaminant being discharged wastewater if discharge is to reference the effluent quality guidelines of an industry sector
surface water with suitably analogous processes and effluents;
• Intended use of the receiving water body (e.g. as a source of • Compliance with national or local standards for sanitary
drinking water, recreation, irrigation, navigation, or other) wastewater discharges or, in their absence, the indicative
• Presence of sensitive receptors (e.g., endangered species) guideline values applicable to sanitary wastewater
or habitats discharges shown in Table 1.3.1 below ;

• Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) for the relevant • Temperature of wastewater prior to discharge does not result
industry sector in an increase greater than 3°C of ambient temperature at
the edge of a scientifically established mixing zone which
General Liquid Effluent Quality takes into account ambient water quality, receiving water use
and assimilative capacity among other considerations.
Discharge to Surface Water
Discharges of process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, Discharge to Sanitary Sewer Systems
wastewater from utility operations or stormwater to surface water Discharges of industrial wastewater, sanitary wastewater,
should not result in contaminant concentrations in excess of local wastewater from utility operations or stormwater into public or
ambient water quality criteria or, in the absence of local criteria, private wastewater treatment systems should:
other sources of ambient water quality.35 Receiving water use36
and assimilative capacity37, taking other sources of discharges to • Meet the pretreatment and monitoring requirements of the
sewer treatment system into which it discharges.

35 An example is the US EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria

• Not interfere, directly or indirectly, with the operation and maintenance of the collection and treatment systems, or
36 Examples of receiving water uses as may be designated by local authorities pose a risk to worker health and safety, or adversely impact
include: drinking water (with some level of treatment), recreation, aquaculture,
irrigation, general aquatic life, ornamental, and navigation. Examples of health-
based guideline values for receiving waters include World Health Organization
(WHO) guidelines for recreational use
( the area or region. A seasonally representative baseline assessment of ambient
37 The assimilative capacity of the receiving water body depends on numerous water quality may be required for use with established scientific methods and
mathematical models to estimate potential impact to the receiving water from an
factors including, but not limited to, the total volume of water, flow rate, flushing effluent source.
rate of the water body and the loading of pollutants from other effluent sources in

APRIL 30, 2007 26

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

characteristics of residuals from wastewater treatment • Properly designed and installed in accordance with local
operations. regulations and guidance to prevent any hazard to public
• Be discharged into municipal or centralized wastewater health or contamination of land, surface or groundwater.
treatment systems that have adequate capacity to meet local • Well maintained to allow effective operation.
regulatory requirements for treatment of wastewater • Installed in areas with sufficient soil percolation for the design
generated from the project. Pretreatment of wastewater to wastewater loading rate.
meet regulatory requirements before discharge from the • Installed in areas of stable soils that are nearly level, well
project site is required if the municipal or centralized drained, and permeable, with enough separation between the
wastewater treatment system receiving wastewater from the drain field and the groundwater table or other receiving
project does not have adequate capacity to maintain waters.
regulatory compliance.
Wastewater Management
Land Application of Treated Effluent Wastewater management includes water conservation,
The quality of treated process wastewater, wastewater from utility wastewater treatment, stormwater management, and wastewater
operations or stormwater discharged on land, including wetlands, and water quality monitoring.
should be established based on local regulatory requirements. .
Where land is used as part of the treatment system and the Industrial Wastewater
ultimate receptor is surface water, water quality guidelines for Industrial wastewater generated from industrial operations
surface water discharges specific to the industry sector process includes process wastewater, wastewater from utility operations,,
should apply.38 Potential impact on soil, groundwater, and surface runoff from process and materials staging areas, and
water, in the context of protection, conservation and long term miscellaneous activities including wastewater from laboratories,
sustainability of water and land resources should be assessed equipment maintenance shops, etc.. The pollutants in an industrial
when land is used as part of any wastewater treatment system. wastewater may include acids or bases (exhibited as low or high
pH), soluble organic chemicals causing depletion of dissolved
Septic Systems oxygen, suspended solids, nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen),
Septic systems are commonly used for treatment and disposal of heavy metals (e.g. cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury,
domestic sanitary sewage in areas with no sewerage collection nickel, zinc), cyanide, toxic organic chemicals, oily materials, and
networks, Septic systems should only be used for treatment of volatile materials. , as well as from thermal characteristics of the
sanitary sewage, and unsuitable for industrial wastewater discharge (e.g., elevated temperature). Transfer of pollutants to
treatment. When septic systems are the selected form of another phase, such as air, soil, or the sub-surface, should be
wastewater disposal and treatment, they should be: minimized through process and engineering controls.

38 Additional guidance on water quality considerations for land application is Process Wastewater – – Examples of treatment approaches
available in the WHO Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and
Greywater. Volume 2: Wastewater Use in Agriculture
typically used in the treatment of industrial wastewater are summarized in Annex 1.3.1. While the choice of treatment

APRIL 30, 2007 27

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

technology is driven by wastewater characteristics, the actual account ambient water quality, receiving water use, potential
performance of this technology depends largely on the adequacy receptors and assimilative capacity among other
of its design, equipment selection, as well as operation and considerations;
maintenance of its installed facilities. Adequate resources are • Minimizing use of antifouling and corrosion inhibiting
required for proper operation and maintenance of a treatment chemicals by ensuring appropriate depth of water intake and
facility, and performance is strongly dependent on the technical use of screens. Least hazardous alternatives should be used
ability and training of its operational staff. One or more treatment with regards to toxicity, biodegradability, bioavailability, and
technologies may be used to achieve the desired discharge bioaccumulation potential. Dose applied should accord with
quality and to maintain consistent compliance with regulatory local regulatory requirements and manufacturer
requirements. The design and operation of the selected recommendations;
wastewater treatment technologies should avoid uncontrolled air • Testing for residual biocides and other pollutants of concern
emissions of volatile chemicals from wastewaters. Residuals from should be conducted to determine the need for dose
industrial wastewater treatment operations should be disposed in adjustments or treatment of cooling water prior to discharge.
compliance with local regulatory requirements, in the absence of
which disposal has to be consistent with protection of public health Stormwater Management - Stormwater includes any surface

and safety, and conservation and long term sustainability of water runoff and flows resulting from precipitation, drainage or other

and land resources. sources. Typically stormwater runoff contains suspended

sediments, metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, Polycyclic Aromatic
Wastewater from Utilities Operations - Utility operations such Hydrocarbons (PAHs), coliform, etc. Rapid runoff, even of
as cooling towers and demineralization systems may result in high uncontaminated stormwater, also degrades the quality of the
rates of water consumption, as well as the potential release of receiving water by eroding stream beds and banks. In order to
high temperature water containing high dissolved solids, residues reduce the need for stormwater treatment, the following principles
of biocides, residues of other cooling system anti-fouling agents, should be applied:
etc. Recommended water management strategies for utility
operations include: • Stormwater should be separated from process and sanitary
wastewater streams in order to reduce the volume of
• Adoption of water conservation opportunities for facility wastewater to be treated prior to discharge
cooling systems as provided in the Water Conservation • Surface runoff from process areas or potential sources of
section below; contamination should be prevented
• Use of heat recovery methods (also energy efficiency • Where this approach is not practical, runoff from process and
improvements) or other cooling methods to reduce the storage areas should be segregated from potentially less
temperature of heated water prior to discharge to ensure the contaminated runoff
discharge water temperature does not result in an increase • Runoff from areas without potential sources of contamination
greater than 3°C of ambient temperature at the edge of a should be minimized (e.g. by minimizing the area of
scientifically established mixing zone which takes into impermeable surfaces) and the peak discharge rate should

APRIL 30, 2007 28

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

be reduced (e.g. by using vegetated swales and retention medical infirmaries, water softening etc. may also be discharged
ponds); to the sanitary wastewater treatment system. Recommended
• Where stormwater treatment is deemed necessary to protect sanitary wastewater management strategies include:
the quality of receiving water bodies, priority should be given
to managing and treating the first flush of stormwater runoff • Segregation of wastewater streams to ensure compatibility
with selected treatment option (e.g. septic system which can
where the majority of potential contaminants tend to be
only accept domestic sewage);
• Segregation and pretreatment of oil and grease containing
• When water quality criteria allow, stormwater should be
effluents (e.g. use of a grease trap) prior to discharge into
managed as a resource, either for groundwater recharge or
sewer systems;
for meeting water needs at the facility;
• If sewage from the industrial facility is to be discharged to
• Oil water separators and grease traps should be installed
surface water, treatment to meet national or local standards
and maintained as appropriate at refueling facilities,
for sanitary wastewater discharges or, in their absence, the
workshops, parking areas, fuel storage and containment
indicative guideline values applicable to sanitary wastewater
discharges shown in Table 1.3.1;
• Sludge from stormwater catchments or collection and
• If sewage from the industrial facility is to be discharged to
treatment systems may contain elevated levels of pollutants
either a septic system, or where land is used as part of the
and should be disposed in compliance with local regulatory
requirements, in the absence of which disposal has to be treatment system, treatment to meet applicable national or
local standards for sanitary wastewater discharges is
consistent with protection of public health and safety, and
conservation and long term sustainability of water and land
resources. • Sludge from sanitary wastewater treatment systems should
be disposed in compliance with local regulatory
Sanitary Wastewater requirements, in the absence of which disposal has to be

Sanitary wastewater from industrial facilities may include effluents consistent with protection of public health and safety, and

from domestic sewage, food service, and laundry facilities serving conservation and long term sustainability of water and land

site employees. Miscellaneous wastewater from laboratories, resources.

APRIL 30, 2007 29

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

or a non-hazardous waste and managed accordingly as described

Table 1.3.1 Indicative Values for Treated in the Waste Management section of this document.
Sanitary Sewage Discharges a
Pollutants Units Guideline Value Occupational Health and Safety Issues in
pH pH 6 –9 Wastewater Treatment Operations
Wastewater treatment facility operators may be exposed to
BOD mg/l 30
physical, chemical, and biological hazards depending on the
COD mg/l 125
design of the facilities and the types of wastewater effluents
Total nitrogen mg/l 10 managed. Examples of these hazards include the potential for
Total phosphorus mg/l 2 trips and falls into tanks, confined space entries for maintenance

Oil and grease mg/l 10 operations, and inhalation of VOCs, bioaerosols, and methane,
contact with pathogens and vectors, and use of potentially
Total suspended solids mg/l 50
hazardous chemicals, including chlorine, sodium and calcium
Total coliform bacteria MPN b / 100 ml 400a
hypochlorite, and ammonia. Detailed recommendations for the
a Not applicable to centralized, municipal, wastewater treatment systems management of occupational health and safety issues are
which are included in EHS Guidelines for Water and Sanitation.
b MPN = Most Probable Number presented in the relevant section of this document. Additional
guidance specifically applicable to wastewater treatment systems
Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Operations is provided in the EHS Guidelines for Water and Sanitation.
Air emissions from wastewater treatment operations may include
hydrogen sulfide, methane, ozone (in the case of ozone Monitoring
disinfection), volatile organic compounds (e.g., chloroform A wastewater and water quality monitoring program with adequate
generated from chlorination activities and other volatile organic resources and management oversight should be developed and
compounds (VOCs) from industrial wastewater), gaseous or implemented to meet the objective(s) of the monitoring program.
volatile chemicals used for disinfection processes (e.g., chlorine The wastewater and water quality monitoring program should
and ammonia), and bioaerosols. Odors from treatment facilities consider the following elements:
can also be a nuisance to workers and the surrounding
community. Recommendations for the management of emissions • Monitoring parameters: The parameters selected for
are presented in the Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality monitoring should be indicative of the pollutants of concern
section of this document and in the EHS Guidelines for Water and from the process, and should include parameters that are
Sanitation. regulated under compliance requirements;

Residuals from Wastewater Treatment Operations • Monitoring type and frequency: Wastewater monitoring

Sludge from a waste treatment plant needs to be evaluated on a should take into consideration the discharge characteristics

case-by-case basis to establish whether it constitutes a hazardous from the process over time. Monitoring of discharges from
processes with batch manufacturing or seasonal process
variations should take into consideration of time-dependent

APRIL 30, 2007 30

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

variations in discharges and, therefore, is more complex than

monitoring of continuous discharges. Effluents from highly
variable processes may need to be sampled more frequently
or through composite methods. Grab samples or, if
automated equipment permits, composite samples may offer
more insight on average concentrations of pollutants over a
24-hour period. Composite samplers may not be appropriate
where analytes of concern are short-lived (e.g., quickly
degraded or volatile).

• Monitoring locations: The monitoring location should be

selected with the objective of providing representative
monitoring data. Effluent sampling stations may be located
at the final discharge, as well as at strategic upstream points
prior to merging of different discharges. Process discharges
should not be diluted prior or after treatment with the
objective of meeting the discharge or ambient water quality

• Data quality: Monitoring programs should apply

internationally approved methods for sample collection,
preservation and analysis. Sampling should be conducted by
or under the supervision of trained individuals. Analysis
should be conducted by entities permitted or certified for this
purpose. Sampling and Analysis Quality Assurance/Quality
Control (QA/QC) plans should be prepared and,
implemented. QA/QC documentation should be included in
monitoring reports.

APRIL 30, 2007 31

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

Annex 1.3.1 - Examples of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Approaches

Pollutant/Parameter Control Options / Principle Common End of Pipe Control Technology

pH Chemical, Equalization Acid/Base addition, Flow equalization
Oil and Grease / TPH Phase separation Dissolved Air Floatation, oil water separator, grease trap
TSS - Settleable Settling, Size Exclusion Sedimentation basin, clarifier, centrifuge, screens
Floatation, Filtration - traditional and Dissolved air floatation, Multimedia filter, sand filter, fabric filter,
TSS - Non-Settleable
tangential ultrafiltration, microfiltration
Hi - BOD (> 2 Kg/m3) Biological - Anaerobic Suspended growth, attached growth, hybrid

Lo - BOD (< 2 Kg/m3) Biological - Aerobic, Facultative Suspended growth, attached growth, hybrid
Oxidation, Adsorption, Size
COD - Non-Biodegradable Chemical oxidation, Thermal oxidation, Activated Carbon, Membranes
Metals - Particulate and Coagulation, flocculation,
Flash mix with settling, filtration - traditional and tangential
Soluble precipitation, size exclusion
Coagulation, flocculation, Flash mix with settling, filtration - traditional and tangential, Chemical
Inorganics / Non-metals precipitation, size exclusion, oxidation, Thermal oxidation, Activated Carbon, Reverse Osmosis,
Oxidation, Adsorption Evaporation
Biological - Aerobic, Anaerobic, Biological : Suspended growth, attached growth, hybrid; Chemical
Organics - VOCs and SVOCs
Facultative; Adsorption, Oxidation oxidation, Thermal oxidation, Activated Carbon
Emissions – Odors and Capture – Active or Passive; Biological : Attached growth; Chemical oxidation, Thermal oxidation,
VOCs Biological; Adsorption, Oxidation Activated Carbon
Biological Nutrient Removal, Aerobic/Anoxic biological treatment, chemical hydrolysis and air
Chemical, Physical, Adsorption stripping, chlorination, ion exchange
Biological - Aerobic, Anaerobic,
Color Biological Aerobic, Chemical oxidation, Activated Carbon
Facultative; Adsorption, Oxidation
Temperature Evaporative Cooling Surface Aerators, Flow Equalization
TDS Concentration, Size Exclusion Evaporation, crystallization, Reverse Osmosis

Active Ingredients/Emerging Adsorption, Oxidation, Size Chemical oxidation, Thermal oxidation, Activated Carbon, Ion
Contaminants Exclusion, Concentration Exchange, Reverse Osmosis, Evaporation, Crystallization

Adsorption,Size Exclusion,
Radionuclides Ion Exchange, Reverse Osmosis, Evaporation, Crystallization
Pathogens Disinfection, Sterilization Chlorine, Ozone, Peroxide, UV, Thermal
Adsorption, Oxidation, Size Chemical oxidation, Thermal oxidation, Activated Carbon, Evaporation,
Exclusion, Concentration crystallization, Reverse Osmosis

APRIL 30, 2007 32

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

1.4 Water Conservation

Applicability and Approach .............................................33 Water Monitoring and Management

Water Monitoring and Management................................33
Process Water Reuse and Recycling..............................33 The essential elements of a water management program
Building Facility Operations ............................................34 involve:
Cooling Systems............................................................34
Heating Systems............................................................34
• Identification, regular measurement, and recording of
principal flows within a facility;
Applicability and Approach • Definition and regular review of performance targets, which
Water conservation programs should be implemented are adjusted to account for changes in major factors
commensurate with the magnitude and cost of water use. affecting water use (e.g. industrial production rate);
These programs should promote the continuous reduction in
• Regular comparison of water flows with performance
water consumption and achieve savings in the water
targets to identify where action should be taken to reduce
pumping, treatment and disposal costs. Water conservation
water use.
measures may include water monitoring/management
Water measurement (metering) should emphasize areas of
techniques; process and cooling/heating water recycling, greatest water use. Based on review of metering data,
reuse, and other techniques; and sanitary water conservation ‘unaccounted’ use–indicating major leaks at industrial facilities–
techniques. could be identified.

General recommendations include:

Process Water Reuse and Recycling
• Storm/Rainwater harvesting and use Opportunities for water savings in industrial processes are

• Zero discharge design/Use of treated waste water to be highly industry-specific. However, the following techniques have

included in project design processes all been used successfully, and should be considered in

• Use of localized recirculation systems in conjunction with the development of the metering system

plant/facility/shops (as opposed to centralized described above.

recirculation system), with provision only for makeup

• Washing Machines: Many washing machines use large
quantities of hot water. Use can increase as nozzles
• Use of dry process technologies e.g. dry quenching
become enlarged due to repeated cleaning and /or wear.
• Process water system pressure management
Monitor machine water use, compare with specification,
• Project design to have measures for adequate water
and replace nozzles when water and heat use reaches
collection, spill control and leakage control system
levels warranting such work.

• Water reuse: Common water reuse applications include

countercurrent rinsing, for example in multi-stage washing

APRIL 30, 2007 33

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

and rinsing processes, or reusing waste water from one the facility, whether sanitary or including other activities
process for another with less exacting water such as showering or catering
requirements. For example, using bleaching rinse water • Regularly maintain plumbing, and identify and repair leaks
for textile washing, or bottle-washer rinse water for • Shut off water to unused areas
bottle crate washing, or even washing the floor. More • Install self-closing taps, automatic shut-off valves, spray
sophisticated reuse projects requiring treatment of water nozzles, pressure reducing valves, and water conserving
before reuse are also sometimes practical. fixtures (e.g. low flow shower heads, faucets, toilets,

• Water jets/sprays: If processes use water jets or sprays urinals; and spring loaded or sensored faucets)

(e.g. to keep conveyors clean or to cool product) review • Operate dishwashers and laundries on full loads, and only

the accuracy of the spray pattern to prevent when needed

unnecessary water loss. • Install water-saving equipment in lavatories, such as low-

flow toilets
• Flow control optimization: Industrial processes
sometimes require the use of tanks, which are refilled to Cooling Systems
control losses. It is often possible to reduce the rate of
Water conservation opportunities in cooling systems include:
water supply to such tanks, and sometimes to reduce
tank levels to reduce spillage. If the process uses water • Use of closed circuit cooling systems with cooling

cooling sprays, it may be possible to reduce flow while towers rather than once-through cooling systems

maintaining cooling performance. Testing can • Limiting condenser or cooling tower blowdown to the

determine the optimum balance. minimum required to prevent unacceptable

accumulation of dissolved solids
o If hoses are used in cleaning, use flow controls to
• Use of air cooling rather than evaporative cooling,
restrict wasteful water flow
although this may increase electricity use in the
o Consider the use of high pressure, low volume
cooling system
cleaning systems rather than using large volumes
• Use of treated waste water for cooling towers
of water sprayed from hosepipes
• Reusing/recycling cooling tower blowdown
o Using flow timers and limit switches to control
water use
Heating Systems
o Using ‘clean-up’ practices rather than hosing down
Heating systems based on the circulation of low or medium
pressure hot water (which do not consume water) should be
Building Facility Operations
closed. If they do consume water, regular maintenance should
Consumption of building and sanitary water is typically less
be conducted to check for leaks. However, large quantities of
than that used in industrial processes. However, savings can
water may be used by steam systems, and this can be reduced
readily be identified, as outlined below:
by the following measures:
• Compare daily water use per employee to existing
benchmarks taking into consideration the primary use at

APRIL 30, 2007 34

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Repair of steam and condensate leaks, and repair

of all failed steam traps
• Return of condensate to the boilerhouse, and use
of heat exchangers (with condensate return) rather
than direct steam injection where process permits
• Flash steam recovery
• Minimizing boiler blowdown consistent with
maintaining acceptably low dissolved solids in
boiler water. Use of reverse osmosis boiler feed
water treatment substantially reduces the need for
boiler blowdown
• Minimizing deaerator heating

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Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

1.5 Hazardous Materials Management

When a hazardous material is no longer usable for its original

Applicability and Approach .............................................36 purpose and is intended for disposal, but still has hazardous
General Hazardous Materials Management....................37 properties, it is considered a hazardous waste (see Section 1.4).
Hazard Assessment ...............................................37
Management Actions..............................................37 This guidance is intended to be applied in conjunction with
Release Prevention and Control Planning ............38
Occupational Health and Safety ...........................38 traditional occupational health and safety and emergency
Process Knowledge and Documentation ..............39
preparedness programs which are included in Section 2.0 on
Preventive Measures..............................................39
Hazardous Materials Transfer..............................39 Occupational Health and Safety Management, and Section 3.7 on
Overfill Protection................................................39 Emergency Preparedness and Response. Guidance on the
Reaction, Fire, and Explosion Prevention.............40
Control Measures...................................................40 Transport of Hazardous Materials is provided in Section 3.5.
Secondary Containment (Liquids) ........................40
Storage Tank and Piping Leak Detection..............41 This section is divided into two main subsections:
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) ....................41
Management of Major Hazards.......................................42
General Hazardous Materials Management: Guidance applicable
Management Actions..............................................42
Preventive Measures..............................................43 to all projects or facilities that handle or store any quantity of
Emergency Preparedness and Response ...............44 hazardous materials.
Community Involvement and Awareness.................44
Management of Major Hazards: Additional guidance for projects or
facilities that store or handle hazardous materials at, or above,
Applicability and Approach threshold quantities39, and thus require special treatment to
These guidelines apply to projects that use, store, or handle any
prevent accidents such as fire, explosions, leaks or spills, and to
quantity of hazardous materials (Hazmats), defined as materials
prepare and respond to emergencies.
that represent a risk to human health, property, or the environment
due to their physical or chemical characteristics. Hazmats can be The overall objective of hazardous materials management is to
classified according to the hazard as explosives; compressed avoid or, when avoidance is not feasible, minimize uncontrolled
gases, including toxic or flammable gases; flammable liquids; releases of hazardous materials or accidents (including explosion
flammable solids; oxidizing substances; toxic materials; and fire) during their production, handling, storage and use. This
radioactive material; and corrosive substances. Guidance on the objective can be achieved by:
transport of hazardous materials is covered in Section 3 of this

39 For examples, threshold quantities should be those established for emergency

planning purposes such as provided in the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Protection of Environment (Title Threshold quantities are provided in the US
Environmental Protection Agency. Protection of Environment (Title 40 CFR Parts
68, 112, and 355).

APRIL 30, 2007 36

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Establishing hazardous materials management priorities • The types and amounts of hazardous materials present in the
based on hazard analysis of risky operations identified project. This information should be recorded and should
through Social and Environmental Assessment; include a summary table with the following information:
• Where practicable, avoiding or minimizing the use of
o Name and description (e.g. composition of a mixture) of
hazardous materials. For example, non-hazardous materials
the Hazmat
have been found to substitute asbestos in building materials,
o Classification (e.g. code, class or division) of the
PCBs in electrical equipment, persistent organic pollutants
(POPs) in pesticides formulations, and ozone depleting
o Internationally accepted regulatory reporting threshold
substances in refrigeration systems;
quantity or national equivalent40 of the Hazmat
• Preventing uncontrolled releases of hazardous materials to
o Quantity of Hazmat used per month
the environment or uncontrolled reactions that might result in
o Characteristic(s) that make(s) the Hazmat hazardous
fire or explosion;
(e.g. flammability, toxicity)
• Using engineering controls (containment, automatic alarms,
• Analysis of potential spill and release scenarios using
and shut-off systems) commensurate with the nature of
available industry statistics on spills and accidents where
• Implementing management controls (procedures,
• Analysis of the potential for uncontrolled reactions such as
inspections, communications, training, and drills) to address
fire and explosions
residual risks that have not been prevented or controlled
• Analysis of potential consequences based on the physical-
through engineering measures.
geographical characteristics of the project site, including
aspects such as its distance to settlements, water resources,
General Hazardous Materials Management
and other environmentally sensitive areas
Projects which manufacture, handle, use, or store hazardous
materials should establish management programs that are Hazard assessment should be performed by specialized
commensurate with the potential risks present. The main professionals using internationally-accepted methodologies such
objectives of projects involving hazardous materials should be the as Hazardous Operations Analysis (HAZOP), Failure Mode and
protection of the workforce and the prevention and control of Effects Analysis (FMEA), and Hazard Identification (HAZID).
releases and accidents. These objectives should be addressed
by integrating prevention and control measures, management
actions, and procedures into day-to-day business activities. Management Actions
Potentially applicable elements of a management program include
The management actions to be included in a Hazardous Materials
the following: Management Plan should be commensurate with the level of

Hazard Assessment
The level of risk should be established through an on-going 40 Threshold quantities are provided in the US Environmental Protection Agency.
assessment process based on: Protection of Environment (Title 40 CFR Parts 68, 112, and 355).

APRIL 30, 2007 37

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

potential risks associated with the production, handling, storage, external resources for equipment and personnel, if
and use of hazardous materials. necessary, to supplement internal resources
• Description of response activities in the event of a spill,
Release Prevention and Control Planning release, or other chemical emergency including:
Where there is risk of a spill of uncontrolled hazardous materials, o Internal and external notification procedures
facilities should prepare a spill control, prevention, and o Specific responsibilities of individuals or groups
countermeasure plan as a specific component of their Emergency o Decision process for assessing severity of the release,
Preparedness and Response Plan (described in more detail in and determining appropriate actions
Section 3.7). The plan should be tailored to the hazards o Facility evacuation routes
associated with the project, and include: o Post-event activities such as clean-up and disposal,
incident investigation, employee re-entry, and
• Training of operators on release prevention, including drills
restoration of spill response equipment.
specific to hazardous materials as part of emergency
preparedness response training
Occupational Health and Safety
• Implementation of inspection programs to maintain the
The Hazardous Materials Management Plan should address
mechanical integrity and operability of pressure vessels,
applicable, essential elements of occupational health and safety
tanks, piping systems, relief and vent valve systems,
management as described in Section 2.0 on Occupational Health
containment infrastructure, emergency shutdown systems,
and Safety, including:
controls and pumps, and associated process equipment
• Preparation of written Standard Operating Procedures • Job safety analysis to identify specific potential occupational
(SOPs) for filling USTs, ASTs or other containers or hazards and industrial hygiene surveys, as appropriate, to
equipment as well as for transfer operations by personnel monitor and verify chemical exposure levels, and compare
trained in the safe transfer and filling of the hazardous with applicable occupational exposure standards41
material, and in spill prevention and response
• Hazard communication and training programs to prepare
• SOPs for the management of secondary containment workers to recognize and respond to workplace chemical
structures, specifically the removal of any accumulated fluid, hazards. Programs should include aspects of hazard
such as rainfall, to ensure that the intent of the system is not identification, safe operating and materials handling
accidentally or willfully defeated procedures, safe work practices, basic emergency
• Identification of locations of hazardous materials and procedures, and special hazards unique to their jobs.
associated activities on an emergency plan site map
• Documentation of availability of specific personal protective 41 Including: Threshold Limit Value (TLV®) occupational exposure guidelines and
Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs®), American Conference of Governmental
equipment and training needed to respond to an emergency Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH),; U.S. National Institute
for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH),;
• Documentation of availability of spill response equipment Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs), U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA),
sufficient to handle at least initial stages of a spill and a list of
S&p_id=9992; Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Values, European Union,; and other similar sources.

APRIL 30, 2007 38

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

Training should incorporate information from Material Safety Preventive Measures

Data Sheets42 (MSDSs) for hazardous materials being Hazardous Materials Transfer
handled. MSDSs should be readily accessible to employees
Uncontrolled releases of hazardous materials may result from
in their local language.
small cumulative events, or from more significant equipment
• Definition and implementation of permitted maintenance failure associated with events such as manual or mechanical
activities, such as hot work or confined space entries transfer between storage systems or process equipment.
• Provision of suitable personal protection equipment (PPE) Recommended practices to prevent hazardous material releases
(footwear, masks, protective clothing and goggles in from processes include:
appropriate areas), emergency eyewash and shower
• Use of dedicated fittings, pipes, and hoses specific to
stations, ventilation systems, and sanitary facilities
materials in tanks (e.g., all acids use one type of connection,
• Monitoring and record-keeping activities, including audit
all caustics use another), and maintaining procedures to
procedures designed to verify and record the effectiveness of
prevent addition of hazardous materials to incorrect tanks
prevention and control of exposure to occupational hazards,
• Use of transfer equipment that is compatible and suitable for
and maintaining accident and incident investigation reports
the characteristics of the materials transferred and designed
on file for a period of at least five years
to ensure safe transfer

Process Knowledge and Documentation • Regular inspection, maintenance and repair of fittings, pipes

The Hazardous Materials Management Plan should be and hoses

incorporated into, and consistent with, the other elements of the • Provision of secondary containment, drip trays or other
facility ES/OHS MS and include: overflow and drip containment measures, for hazardous
materials containers at connection points or other possible
• Written process safety parameters (i.e., hazards of the
overflow points.
chemical substances, safety equipment specifications, safe
operation ranges for temperature, pressure, and other Overfill Protection
applicable parameters, evaluation of the consequences of
Overfills of vessels and tanks should be prevented as they are
deviations, etc.) among the most common causes of spills resulting in soil and
• Written operating procedures water contamination, and among the easiest to prevent.
• Compliance audit procedures Recommended overfill protection measures include:

• Prepare written procedures for transfer operations that

includes a checklist of measures to follow during filling
operations and the use of filling operators trained in these
• Installation of gauges on tanks to measure volume inside
42 MSDSs are produced by the manufacturer, but might not be prepared for
• Use of dripless hose connections for vehicle tank and fixed
chemical intermediates that are not distributed in commerce. In these cases,
employers still need to provide workers with equivalent information. connections with storage tanks

APRIL 30, 2007 39

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Provision of automatic fill shutoff valves on storage tanks to • Prohibition of all sources of ignition from areas near
prevent overfilling flammable storage tanks
• Use of a catch basin around the fill pipe to collect spills
• Use of piping connections with automatic overfill protection Control Measures
(float valve) Secondary Containment (Liquids)
• Pumping less volume than available capacity into the tank or A critical aspect for controlling accidental releases of liquid
vessel by ordering less material than its available capacity hazardous materials during storage and transfer is the provision of
• Provision of overfill or over pressure vents that allow secondary containment. It is not necessary for secondary
controlled release to a capture point containment methods to meet long term material compatibility as
with primary storage and piping, but their design and construction
Reaction, Fire, and Explosion Prevention should hold released materials effectively until they can be
Reactive, flammable, and explosive materials should also be detected and safely recovered. Appropriate secondary
managed to avoid uncontrolled reactions or conditions resulting in containment structures consist of berms, dikes, or walls capable of
fire or explosion. Recommended prevention practices include: containing the larger of 110 percent of the largest tank or 25%
percent of the combined tank volumes in areas with above-ground
• Storage of incompatible materials (acids, bases, flammables,
tanks with a total storage volume equal or greater than 1,000 liters
oxidizers, reactive chemicals) in separate areas, and with
and will be made of impervious, chemically resistant material.
containment facilities separating material storage areas
Secondary containment design should also consider means to
• Provision of material-specific storage for extremely
prevent contact between incompatible materials in the event of a
hazardous or reactive materials
• Use of flame arresting devices on vents from flammable
storage containers Other secondary containment measures that should be applied
• Provision of grounding and lightning protection for tank depending on site-specific conditions include:
farms, transfer stations, and other equipment that handles
• Transfer of hazardous materials from vehicle tanks to storage
flammable materials
in areas with surfaces sufficiently impervious to avoid loss to
• Selection of materials of construction compatible with
the environment and sloped to a collection or a containment
products stored for all parts of storage and delivery systems,
structure not connected to municipal wastewater/stormwater
and avoiding reuse of tanks for different products without
collection system
checking material compatibility
• Where it is not practical to provide permanent, dedicated
• Storage of hazardous materials in an area of the facility
containment structures for transfer operations, one or more
separated from the main production works. Where proximity
alternative forms of spill containment should be provided,
is unavoidable, physical separation should be provided using
such as portable drain covers (which can be deployed for the
structures designed to prevent fire, explosion, spill, and other
duration of the operations), automatic shut-off valves on
emergency situations from affecting facility operations
storm water basins, or shut off valves in drainage or sewer
facilities, combined with oil-water separators

APRIL 30, 2007 40

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Storage of drummed hazardous materials with a total volume Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)45
equal or greater than 1,000 liters in areas with impervious Although there are many environmental and safety advantages of
surfaces that are sloped or bermed to contain a minimum of underground storage of hazardous materials, including reduced
25 percent of the total storage volume risk of fire or explosion, and lower vapor losses into the
• Provision of secondary containment for components (tanks, atmosphere, leaks of hazardous materials can go undetected for
pipes) of the hazardous material storage system, to the long periods of time with potential for soil and groundwater
extent feasible contamination. Examples of techniques to manage these risks
• Conducting periodic (e.g. daily or weekly) reconciliation of include:
tank contents, and inspection of visible portions of tanks and
• Avoiding use of USTs for storage of highly soluble organic
piping for leaks;
• Use of double-walled, composite, or specially coated storage
• Assessing local soil corrosion potential, and installing and
and piping systems particularly in the use of underground
maintaining cathodic protection (or equivalent rust protection)
storage tanks (USTs) and underground piping. If double-
for steel tanks
walled systems are used, they should provide a means of
• For new installations, installing impermeable liners or
detecting leaks between the two walls.
structures (e.g., concrete vaults) under and around tanks and
lines that direct any leaked product to monitoring ports at the
Storage Tank and Piping Leak Detection
lowest point of the liner or structure
Leak detection may be used in conjunction with secondary
• Monitoring the surface above any tank for indications of soil
containment, particularly in high-risk locations43. Leak detection is
especially important in situations where secondary containment is
• Reconciling tank contents by measuring the volume in store
not feasible or practicable, such as in long pipe runs. Acceptable
with the expected volume, given the stored quantity at last
leak detection methods include:
stocking, and deliveries to and withdrawals from the store
• Use of automatic pressure loss detectors on pressurized or • Testing integrity by volumetric, vacuum, acoustic, tracers, or
long distance piping other means on all tanks at regular intervals
• Use of approved or certified integrity testing methods on • Considering the monitoring groundwater of quality down
piping or tank systems, at regular intervals gradient of locations where multiple USTs are in use
• Considering the use of SCADA 44 if financially feasible • Evaluating the risk of existing UST in newly acquired facilities
to determine if upgrades are required for USTs that will be
continued to be used, including replacement with new
systems or permanent closure of abandoned USTs.
43 High-risk locations are places where the release of product from the storage
system could result in the contamination of drinking water source or those located Ensuring that new USTs are sited away from wells,
in water resource protection areas as designated by local authorities.
44 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

45 Additional details on the management of USTs is provided in the EHS

Guidelines for Retail Petroleum Stations.

APRIL 30, 2007 41

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

reservoirs and other source water protection areas and the prevention measures (see below) should be conducted at
floodplains, and maintained so as to prevent corrosion. least every three years and should include:
o Preparation of a report of the findings
Management of Major Hazards o Determination and documentation of the appropriate
In addition to the application of the above-referenced guidance on response to each finding
prevention and control of releases of hazardous materials, o Documentation that any deficiency has been corrected
projects involving production, handling, and storage of hazardous
• Incident Investigation: Incidents can provide valuable
materials at or above threshold limits46 should prepare a
information about site hazards and the steps needed to
Hazardous Materials Risk Management Plan, in the context of its
prevent accidental releases. An incident investigation
overall ES/OHS MS, containing all of the elements presented
mechanism should include procedures for:
below.47 The objective of this guidance is the prevention and
o Initiation of the investigation promptly
control of catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or
o Summarizing the investigation in a report
explosive chemicals that may result in toxic, fire, or explosion
o Addressing the report findings and recommendations
o A review of the report with staff and contractors

Management Actions • Employee Participation: A written plan of action should

• Management of Change: These procedures should address: describe an active employee participation program for the

o The technical basis for changes in processes and prevention of accidents.

operations • Contractors: There should be a mechanism for contractor

o The impact of changes on health and safety control which should include a requirement for them to
o Modification to operating procedures develop hazard materials management procedures that meet
o Authorization requirements the requirements of the hazardous materials management
o Employees affected plan. Their procedures should be consistent with those of
o Training needs the contracting company and the contractor workforce should

• Compliance Audit: A compliance audit is a way to evaluate undergo the same training. Additionally, procedures should

compliance with the prevention program requirements for require that contractors are:

each process. A compliance audit covering each element of o Provided with safety performance procedures and safety
and hazard information
o Observe safety practices
46 Threshold quantities should be those established for emergency planning
purposes such as provided in the US Environmental Protection Agency. Protection o Act responsibly
of Environment (Title 40 CFR Parts 300-399 and 700 to 789).
o Have access to appropriate training for their employees
47 For further information and guidance, please refer to International Finance
Corporation (IFC) Hazardous Materials Risk Management Manual. Washington, o Ensure that their employees know process hazards and
D.C. December 2000.
48 The approach to the management of major hazards is largely based on an
applicable emergency actions
approach to Process Safety Management developed by the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers.

APRIL 30, 2007 42

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

o Prepare and submit training records for their employees initial startup, normal operations, temporary operations,
to the contracting company emergency shutdown, emergency operations, normal
o Inform their employees about the hazards presented by shutdown, and start-up following a normal or emergency
their work shutdown or major change). These SOPs should include
o Assess trends of repeated similar incidents special considerations for Mazmats used in the process or
o Develop and implement procedures to manage repeated operations (e.g. temperature control to prevent emissions of
similar incidents a volatile hazardous chemical; diversion of gaseous
discharges of hazardous pollutants from the process to a
• Training: Project employees should be provided training on
temporary storage tank in case of emergency).
Hazmat management. The training program should include:
o A list of employees to be trained Other procedures to be developed include impacts of
o Specific training objectives deviations, steps to avoid deviations, prevention of chemical
o Mechanisms to achieve the objectives (i.e., hands-on exposure, exposure control measures, and equipment
workshops, videos, etc.) inspections.
o The means to determine whether the training program is
Mechanical Integrity of process equipment, piping and
instrumentation: Inspection and maintenance procedures
o Training procedures for new hires and refresher courses
should be developed and documented to ensure mechanical
for existing employees
integrity of equipment, piping, and instrumentation and
prevent uncontrolled releases of hazardous materials from
Preventive Measures
the project. These procedures should be included as part of
The purpose of preventive measures is to ensure that safety-
the project SOPs. The specific process components of major
related aspects of the process and equipment are considered,
interest include pressure vessels and storage tanks, piping
limits to be placed on the operations are well known, and
systems, relief and vent systems and devices, emergency
accepted standards and codes are adopted, where they apply.
shutdown systems, controls, and pumps. Recommended
• Process Safety Information: Procedures should be prepared aspects of the inspection and maintenance program include:
for each hazardous materials and include: o Developing inspection and maintenance procedures
o Compilation of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) o Establishing a quality assurance plan for equipment,
o Identification of maximum intended inventories and safe maintenance materials, and spare parts
upper/lower parameters o Conducting employee training on the inspection and
o Documentation of equipment specifications and of maintenance procedures
codes and standards used to design, build and operate o Conducting equipment, piping, and instrumentation
the process inspections and maintenance
o Identifying and correcting identified deficiencies
• Operating Procedures: SOPs should be prepared for each
step of all processes or operations within the project (e.g.

APRIL 30, 2007 43

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

o Evaluating the inspection and maintenance results and, incorporated into and consistent with, the facility’s overall ES/OHS
if necessary, updating the inspection and maintenance MS, should be prepared to cover the following:49
• Planning Coordination: Procedures should be prepared for:
o Reporting the results to management.
o Informing the public and emergency response agencies
o Documenting first aid and emergency medical treatment
• Hot Work Permit: Hot work operations – such as brazing,
o Taking emergency response actions
torch-cutting, grinding, soldering, and welding – are
o Reviewing and updating the emergency response plan
associated with potential health, safety, and property hazards
to reflect changes, and ensuring that employees are
resulting from the fumes, gases, sparks, and hot metal and
informed of such changes
radiant energy produced during hot work. Hot work permit is
required for any operation involving open flames or producing • Emergency Equipment: Procedures should be prepared for
heat and/or sparks. The section of SOPs on hot work should using, inspecting, testing, and maintaining the emergency
include the responsibility for hot work permitting, personal response equipment.
protection equipment (PPE), hot work procedures, personnel
• Training: Employees and contractors should be trained on
training, and recordkeeping.
emergency response procedures.
• Pre-Start Review: Procedures should be prepared to carry
out pre-start reviews when a modification is significant Community Involvement and Awareness
enough to require a change in safety information under the When hazardous materials are in use above threshold quantities,
management of change procedure. The procedures should: the management plan should include a system for community
o Confirm that the new or modified construction and/or awareness, notification and involvement that should be
equipment meet design specifications commensurate with the potential risks identified for the project
o Ensure that procedures for safety, operation, during the hazard assessment studies. This should include
maintenance, and emergency are adequate mechanisms for sharing the results of hazard and risk assessment
o Include a process hazard assessment, and resolve or studies in a timely, understandable and culturally sensitive manner
implement recommendations for new process with potentially affected communities that provides a means for
o Ensure that training for all affected employees is being public feedback. Community involvement activities should include:
• Availability of general information to the potentially affected
community on the nature and extent of project operations,
Emergency Preparedness and Response
and the prevention and control measures in place to ensure
When handling hazardous materials, procedures and practices
no effects to human health
should be developed allowing for quick and efficient responses to
accidents that could result in human injury or damage to the
49 For a comprehensive treatment of the development of emergency response
environment. An Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan,
plans in conjunction with communities refer to the Awareness and Preparedness
for Emergencies at Local Level (APELL) Guidelines available at:

APRIL 30, 2007 44

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• The potential for off-site effects to human health or the

environment following an accident at planned or existing
hazardous installations
• Specific and timely information on appropriate behavior and
safety measures to be adopted in the event of an accident
including practice drills in locations with higher risks
• Access to information necessary to understand the nature of
the possible effect of an accident and an opportunity to
contribute effectively, as appropriate, to decisions concerning
hazardous installations and the development of community
emergency preparedness plans.

APRIL 30, 2007 45

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

residual waste from industrial operations, such as boiler slag,

1.6 Waste Management clinker, and fly ash.
Applicability and Approach .............................................46
General Waste Management..........................................47 Hazardous waste shares the properties of a hazardous
Waste Management Planning .................................47 material (e.g. ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity), or
Waste Prevention...................................................47
other physical, chemical, or biological characteristics that
Recycling and Reuse..............................................48
Treatment and Disposal..........................................48 may pose a potential risk to human health or the environment
Hazardous Waste Management......................................48 if improperly managed. Wastes may also be defined as
Waste Storage .......................................................48
“hazardous” by local regulations or international conventions,
Treatment and Disposal..........................................49 based on the origin of the waste and its inclusion on
Commercial or Government Waste Contractors....49 hazardous waste lists, or based on its characteristics.
Small Quantities of Hazardous Waste ..................50
Sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment
plant, or air pollution control facility, and other discarded
material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained
Applicability and Approach
gaseous material resulting from industrial operations needs
These guidelines apply to projects that generate, store, or
to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to establish whether
handle any quantity of waste across a range of industry
it constitutes a hazardous or a non-hazardous waste.
sectors. It is not intended to apply to projects or facilities
where the primary business is the collection, transportation, Facilities that generate and store wastes should practice the
treatment, or disposal of wastes. Specific guidance for these following:
types of facilities is presented in the Environmental Health
• Establishing waste management priorities at the outset
and Safety (EHS) Guidelines for Waste Management
of activities based on an understanding of potential
Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) risks and

A waste is any solid, liquid, or contained gaseous material impacts and considering waste generation and its
that is being discarded by disposal, recycling, burning or consequences
incineration. It can be byproduct of a manufacturing process • Establishing a waste management hierarchy that
or an obsolete commercial product that can no longer be considers prevention, reduction, reuse, recovery,
used for intended purpose and requires disposal. recycling, removal and finally disposal of wastes.
• Avoiding or minimizing the generation waste materials,
Solid (non-hazardous) wastes generally include any garbage, as far as practicable
refuse. Examples of such waste include domestic trash and • Where waste generation cannot be avoided but has
garbage; inert construction / demolition materials; refuse, been minimized, recovering and reusing waste
such as metal scrap and empty containers (except those
previously used to contain hazardous materials which should,
in principle, be managed as a hazardous waste); and

APRIL 30, 2007 46

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Where waste can not be recovered or reused, treating, • Definition of procedures and operational controls for on-
destroying, and disposing of it in an environmentally site storage
sound manner • Definition of options / procedures / operational controls
for treatment and final disposal
General Waste Management
The following guidance applies to the management of non- Waste Prevention
hazardous and hazardous waste. Additional guidance Processes should be designed and operated to prevent, or
specifically applicable to hazardous wastes is presented minimize, the quantities of wastes generated and hazards
below. Waste management should be addressed through a associated with the wastes generated in accordance with the
Waste management system that addresses issues linked to following strategy:
waste minimization, generation, transport, disposal, and
• Substituting raw materials or inputs with less hazardous
or toxic materials, or with those where processing
generates lower waste volumes
Waste Management Planning
• Applying manufacturing process that convert materials
Facilities that generate waste should characterize their waste
efficiently, providing higher product output yields,
according to composition, source, types of wastes produced,
including modification of design of the production
generation rates, or according to local regulatory
process, operating conditions, and process controls50
requirements. Effective planning and implementation of
• Instituting good housekeeping and operating practices,
waste management strategies should include:
including inventory control to reduce the amount of
• Review of new waste sources during planning, siting, waste resulting from materials that are out-of-date, off-
and design activities, including during equipment specification, contaminated, damaged, or excess to
modifications and process alterations, to identify plant needs
expected waste generation, pollution prevention • Instituting procurement measures that recognize
opportunities, and necessary treatment, storage, and opportunities to return usable materials such as
disposal infrastructure containers and which prevents the over ordering of
• Collection of data and information about the process materials
and waste streams in existing facilities, including
• Minimizing hazardous waste generation by
characterization of waste streams by type, quantities, implementing stringent waste segregation to prevent the
and potential use/disposition commingling of non-hazardous and hazardous waste to
• Establishment of priorities based on a risk analysis that be managed
takes into account the potential EHS risks during the
waste cycle and the availability of infrastructure to
manage the waste in an environmentally sound manner
50 Examples of waste prevention strategies include the concept of Lean
• Definition of opportunities for source reduction, as well Manufacturing found at
as reuse and recycling

APRIL 30, 2007 47

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

Recycling and Reuse wastes; properly designed, permitted and operated

In addition to the implementation of waste prevention landfills or incinerators designed for the respective type

strategies, the total amount of waste may be significantly of waste; or other methods known to be effective in the

reduced through the implementation of recycling plans, which safe, final disposal of waste materials such as

should consider the following elements: bioremediation.

• Evaluation of waste production processes and Hazardous Waste Management

identification of potentially recyclable materials
Hazardous wastes should always be segregated from non-
• Identification and recycling of products that can be hazardous wastes. If generation of hazardous waste can not
reintroduced into the manufacturing process or industry
be prevented through the implementation of the above
activity at the site
general waste management practices, its management
• Investigation of external markets for recycling by other should focus on the prevention of harm to health, safety, and
industrial processing operations located in the the environment, according to the following additional
neighborhood or region of the facility (e.g., waste principles:
• Understanding potential impacts and risks associated
• Establishing recycling objectives and formal tracking of
with the management of any generated hazardous
waste generation and recycling rates
waste during its complete life cycle
• Providing training and incentives to employees in order
• Ensuring that contractors handling, treating, and
to meet objectives
disposing of hazardous waste are reputable and

Treatment and Disposal legitimate enterprises, licensed by the relevant

If waste materials are still generated after the implementation regulatory agencies and following good international

of feasible waste prevention, reduction, reuse, recovery and industry practice for the waste being handled

recycling measures, waste materials should be treated and • Ensuring compliance with applicable local and

disposed of and all measures should be taken to avoid international regulations51

potential impacts to human health and the environment.

Selected management approaches should be consistent with
Waste Storage
the characteristics of the waste and local regulations, and Hazardous waste should be stored so as to prevent or

may include one or more of the following: control accidental releases to air, soil, and water resources in
area location where:
• On-site or off-site biological, chemical, or physical
treatment of the waste material to render it non-
hazardous prior to final disposal 51 International requirements may include host-country commitments
under the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of
• Treatment or disposal at permitted facilities specially Hazardous Waste and their disposal ( and Rotterdam
Convention on the prior Inform Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous
designed to receive the waste. Examples include: Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (
composting operations for organic non-hazardous

APRIL 30, 2007 48

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Waste is stored in a manner that prevents the • Preparing and implementing spill response and
commingling or contact between incompatible wastes, emergency plans to address their accidental release
and allows for inspection between containers to monitor (additional information on Emergency Plans in provided
leaks or spills. Examples include sufficient space in Section 3 of this document)
between incompatibles or physical separation such as • Avoiding underground storage tanks and underground
walls or containment curbs piping of hazardous waste
• Store in closed containers away from direct sunlight,
wind and rain Transportation
• Secondary containment systems should be constructed On-site and Off-site transportation of waste should be
with materials appropriate for the wastes being conducted so as to prevent or minimize spills, releases, and
contained and adequate to prevent loss to the exposures to employees and the public. All waste
environment containers designated for off-site shipment should be

• Secondary containment is included wherever liquid secured and labeled with the contents and associated

wastes are stored in volumes greater than 220 liters. hazards, be properly loaded on the transport vehicles before

The available volume of secondary containment should leaving the site, and be accompanied by a shipping paper
be at least 110 percent of the largest storage container, (i.e., manifest) that describes the load and its associated

or 25 percent of the total storage capacity (whichever is hazards, consistent with the guidance provided in Section 3.4

greater), in that specific location on the Transport of Hazardous Materials.

• Provide adequate ventilation where volatile wastes are

Treatment and Disposal
In addition to the recommendations for treatment and
Hazardous waste storage activities should also be subject to
disposal applicable to general wastes, the following issues
special management actions, conducted by employees who
specific to hazardous wastes should be considered:
have received specific training in handling and storage of
hazardous wastes: Commercial or Government Waste Contractors
In the absence of qualified commercial or government-owned
• Provision of readily available information on chemical
waste vendors (taking into consideration proximity and
compatibility to employees, including labeling each
transportation requirements), facilities generating waste
container to identify its contents
should consider using:
• Limiting access to hazardous waste storage areas to
employees who have received proper training • Have the technical capability to manage the waste in a

• Clearly identifying (label) and demarcating the area, manner that reduces immediate and future impact to the

including documentation of its location on a facility map environment

or site plan • Have all required permits, certifications, and approvals,

• Conducting periodic inspections of waste storage areas of applicable government authorities

and documenting the findings

APRIL 30, 2007 49

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Have been secured through the use of formal are generated and stored on site, monitoring activities
procurement agreements should include:

In the absence of qualified commercial or government-owned o Inspection of vessels for leaks, drips or other

waste disposal operators (taking into consideration proximity indications of loss

and transportation requirements), project sponsors should o Identification of cracks, corrosion, or damage to

consider using: tanks, protective equipment, or floors

o Verification of locks, emergency valves, and other
• Installing on-site waste treatment or recycling
safety devices for easy operation (lubricating if
required and employing the practice of keeping
• As a final option, constructing facilities that will provide
locks and safety equipment in standby position
for the environmental sound long-term storage of
when the area is not occupied)
wastes on-site (as described elsewhere in the General
o Checking the operability of emergency systems
EHS Guidelines) or at an alternative appropriate
o Documenting results of testing for integrity,
location up until external commercial options become
emissions, or monitoring stations (air, soil vapor, or
o Documenting any changes to the storage facility,
Small Quantities of Hazardous Waste
and any significant changes in the quantity of
Hazardous waste materials are frequently generated in small
materials in storage
quantities by many projects through a variety of activities
such as equipment and building maintenance activities. • Regular audits of waste segregation and collection

Examples of these types of wastes include: spent solvents practices

and oily rags, empty paint cans, chemical containers; used • Tracking of waste generation trends by type and amount

lubricating oil; used batteries (such as nickel-cadmium or of waste generated, preferably by facility departments

lead acid); and lighting equipment, such as lamps or lamp • Characterizing waste at the beginning of generation of a

ballasts. These wastes should be managed following the new waste stream, and periodically documenting the

guidance provided in the above sections. characteristics and proper management of the waste,
especially hazardous wastes
Monitoring • Keeping manifests or other records that document the
Monitoring activities associated with the management of amount of waste generated and its destination
hazardous and non-hazardous waste should include: • Periodic auditing of third party treatment, and disposal
services including re-use and recycling facilities when
• Regular visual inspection of all waste storage collection
significant quantities of hazardous wastes are managed
and storage areas for evidence of accidental releases
by third parties. Whenever possible, audits should
and to verify that wastes are properly labeled and
include site visits to the treatment storage and disposal
stored. When significant quantities of hazardous wastes

APRIL 30, 2007 50

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Regular monitoring of groundwater quality in cases of

Hazardous Waste on site storage and/or pretreatment
and disposal
• Monitoring records for hazardous waste collected,
stored, or shipped should include:
o Name and identification number of the material(s)
composing the hazardous waste
o Physical state (i.e., solid, liquid, gaseous or a
combination of one, or more, of these)
o Quantity (e.g., kilograms or liters, number of
o Waste shipment tracking documentation to include,
quantity and type, date dispatched, date
transported and date received, record of the
originator, the receiver and the transporter
o Method and date of storing, repacking, treating, or
disposing at the facility, cross-referenced to
specific manifest document numbers applicable to
the hazardous waste
o Location of each hazardous waste within the
facility, and the quantity at each location

APRIL 30, 2007 51

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

1.7 Noise barrier. Barriers should be located as close to the

source or to the receptor location to be effective
Applicability • Installing vibration isolation for mechanical equipment
This section addresses impacts of noise beyond the property • Limiting the hours of operation for specific pieces of
boundary of the facilities. Worker exposure to noise is equipment or operations, especially mobile sources
covered in Section 2.0 on Occupational Health and Safety. operating through community areas
• Re-locating noise sources to less sensitive areas to take
Prevention and Control advantage of distance and shielding
Noise prevention and mitigation measures should be applied • Siting permanent facilities away from community areas if
where predicted or measured noise impacts from a project possible
facility or operations exceed the applicable noise level • Taking advantage of the natural topography as a noise
guideline at the most sensitive point of reception.52 The buffer during facility design
preferred method for controlling noise from stationary • Reducing project traffic routing through community
sources is to implement noise control measures at source.53 areas wherever possible
Methods for prevention and control of sources of noise • Planning flight routes, timing and altitude for aircraft
emissions depend on the source and proximity of receptors. (airplane and helicopter) flying over community areas
Noise reduction options that should be considered include: • Developing a mechanism to record and respond to

• Selecting equipment with lower sound power levels complaints

• Installing silencers for fans

• Installing suitable mufflers on engine exhausts and
Noise Level Guidelines
Noise impacts should not exceed the levels presented in
compressor components
Table 1.7.1, or result in a maximum increase in background
• Installing acoustic enclosures for equipment casing
levels of 3 dB at the nearest receptor location off-site.
radiating noise
• Improving the acoustic performance of constructed
buildings, apply sound insulation
• Installing acoustic barriers without gaps and with a
continuous minimum surface density of 10 kg/m2 in
order to minimize the transmission of sound through the

52 A point of reception or receptor may be defined as any point on the

premises occupied by persons where extraneous noise and/or vibration are
received. Examples of receptor locations may include: permanent or
seasonal residences; hotels / motels; schools and daycares; hospitals and
nursing homes; places of worship; and parks and campgrounds.
53 At the design stage of a project, equipment manufacturers should provide
design or construction specifications in the form of “Insertion Loss
Performance” for silencers and mufflers, and “Transmission Loss
Performance” for acoustic enclosures and upgraded building construction.

APRIL 30, 2007 52

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

m to any reflecting surface (e.g., wall). In general, the noise

Table 1.7.1- Noise Level Guidelines 54 level limit is represented by the background or ambient noise
One Hour L Aeq (dBA) levels that would be present in the absence of the facility or
Receptor Daytime Nighttime noise source(s) under investigation.
07:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 07:00
Residential; institutional; 55 45
Industrial; commercial 70 70

Highly intrusive noises, such as noise from aircraft flyovers

and passing trains, should not be included when establishing
background noise levels.

Noise monitoring56 may be carried out for the purposes of
establishing the existing ambient noise levels in the area of
the proposed or existing facility, or for verifying operational
phase noise levels.

Noise monitoring programs should be designed and

conducted by trained specialists. Typical monitoring periods
should be sufficient for statistical analysis and may last 48
hours with the use of noise monitors that should be capable
of logging data continuously over this time period, or hourly,
or more frequently, as appropriate (or else cover differing
time periods within several days, including weekday and
weekend workdays). The type of acoustic indices recorded
depends on the type of noise being monitored, as
established by a noise expert. Monitors should be located
approximately 1.5 m above the ground and no closer than 3

54 Guidelines values are for noise levels measured out of doors. Source:
Guidelines for Community Noise, World Health Organization (WHO), 1999.
55 For acceptable indoor noise levels for residential, institutional, and
educational settings refer to WHO (1999).
56 Noise monitoring should be carried out using a Type 1 or 2 sound level
meter meeting all appropriate IEC standards.

APRIL 30, 2007 53

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

1.8 Contaminated Land

• The liability that it may pose to the polluter/business

Applicability and Approach .............................................54 owners (e.g., cost of remediation, damage of business
Risk Screening ..............................................................55 reputation and/or business-community relations) or
Interim Risk Management ..............................................56
Detailed Risk Assessment..............................................56 affected parties (e.g. workers at the site, nearby property
Permanent Risk Reduction Measures.............................57 owners).
Occupational Health and Safety Considerations..............59
Contamination of land should be avoided by preventing or
controlling the release of hazardous materials, hazardous
Applicability and Approach
wastes, or oil to the environment. When contamination of land is
This section provides a summary of management
suspected or confirmed during any project phase, the cause of
approaches for land contamination due to anthropogenic
the uncontrolled release should be identified and corrected to
releases of hazardous materials, wastes, or oil, including
avoid further releases and associated adverse impacts.
naturally occurring substances. Releases of these materials
may be the result of historic or current site activities, Contaminated lands should be managed to avoid the risk to
including, but not limited to, accidents during their handling human health and ecological receptors. The preferred strategy
and storage, or due to their poor management or disposal. for land decontamination is to reduce the level of contamination
at the site while preventing the human exposure to
Land is considered contaminated when it contains hazardous
materials or oil concentrations above background or naturally
occurring levels. To determine whether risk management actions are warranted,
the following assessment approach should be applied to
Contaminated lands may involve surficial soils or subsurface
establish whether the three risk factors of ‘Contaminants’,
soils that, through leaching and transport, may affect
‘Receptors’, and ‘Exposure Pathways’ co-exist, or are likely to
groundwater, surface water, and adjacent sites. Where
co-exist, at the project site under current or possible future land
subsurface contaminant sources include volatile substances,
soil vapor may also become a transport and exposure
medium, and create potential for contaminant infiltration of • Contaminant(s): Presence of hazardous materials, waste,
indoor air spaces of buildings. or oil in any environmental media at potentially hazardous
Contaminated land is a concern because of: • Receptor(s): Actual or likely contact of humans, wildlife,
plants, and other living organisms with the contaminants of
• The potential risks to human health and ecology (e.g.
risk of cancer or other human health effects, loss of
• Exposure pathway(s): A combination of the route of
migration of the contaminant from its point of release (e.g.,
leaching into potable groundwater) and exposure routes

APRIL 30, 2007 54

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

(e.g., ingestion, transdermal absorption), which would • Identification of the location of suspected highest level of
allow receptor(s) to come into actual contact with contamination through a combination of visual and
contaminants historical operational information;
• Sampling and testing of the contaminated media (soils or
water) according to established technical methods
applicable to suspected type of contaminant57,58;
• Evaluation of the analytical results against the local and
national contaminated sites regulations. In the absence of
such regulations or environmental standards, other sources
of risk-based standards or guidelines should be consulted
to obtain comprehensive criteria for screening soil
concentrations of pollutants.59
• Verification of the potential human and/or ecological
receptors and exposure pathways relevant to the site in
FIGURE 1.8.1: Inter-Relationship of Contaminant The outcome of risk-screening may reveal that there is no
Risk Factors overlap between the three risk-factors as the contaminant levels
identified are below those considered to pose a risk to human
When the three risk factors are considered to be present (in health or the environment. Alternatively, interim or permanent
spite of limited data) under current or foreseeable future
conditions, the following steps should be followed (as
described in the remaining parts of this section):
57 BC MOE.

1) Risk screening; 58 Massachusetts Department of Environment.
2) Interim risk management;
59 These may include the USEPA Region 3 Risk-Based Concentrations (RBCs).
3) Detailed quantitative risk assessment; and These RBCs are
considered acceptable for specific land use and contaminant exposure
4) Permanent risk reduction measures. scenarios as they have been developed by governments using risk assessment
techniques for use as general targets in the site remediation. Separate PRGs
have been developed or adopted for soil, sediment or groundwater, and often a
Risk Screening distinction is made between land uses (as noted earlier) because of the need for
more stringent guidelines for residential and agricultural versus
This step is also known as “problem formulation” for commercial/industrial landuse. The RBC Tables contains Reference Doses
(RfDs) and Cancer Slope Factors (CSFs) for about 400 chemicals. These
environmental risk assessment. Where there is potential toxicity factors have been combined with “standard” exposure scenarios to
calculate RBCs--chemical concentrations corresponding to fixed levels of risk
evidence of contamination at a site, the following steps are (i.e., a Hazard Quotient (HQ) of 1, or lifetime cancer risk of 1E-6, whichever
occurs at a lower concentration) in water, air, fish tissue, and soil for individual
recommended: chemical substances. The primary use of RBCs is for chemical screening during
baseline risk assessment (see EPA Regional Guidance EPA/903/R-93-001,
“Selecting Exposure Routes and Contaminants of Concern by Risk-Based
Screening”). Additional useful soil quality guidelines can also be obtained from
Lijzen et al. 2001.

APRIL 30, 2007 55

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

risk reduction measures may need to be taken with, or strategies that yield acceptable health risks, while achieving low
without, more detailed risk assessment activities, as level contamination on-site. An assessment of contaminant
described below. risks needs to be considered in the context of current and future
land use, and development scenarios (e.g., residential,
commercial, industrial, and urban parkland or wilderness use).
Interim Risk Management
Interim risk management actions should be implemented at A detailed quantitative risk assessment builds on risk screening
any phase of the project life cycle if the presence of land (problem formulation). It involves first, a detailed site
contamination poses an “imminent hazard”, i.e., representing investigation to identify the scope of contamination.61 Site
an immediate risk to human health and the environment if investigation programs should apply quality assurance/quality
contamination were allowed to continue, even a short period control (QA/QC) measures to ensure that data quality is
of time. Examples of situations considered to involve adequate for the intended data use (e.g., method detection
imminent hazards include, but are not restricted to: limits are below levels of concern). The site investigation in turn
• Presence of an explosive atmosphere caused by should be used to develop a conceptual site model of how and
contaminated land where contaminants exist, how they are transported, and where
• Accessible and excessive contamination for which short- routes of exposure occur to organisms and humans. The risk
term exposure and potency of contaminants could result factors and conceptual site model provide a framework for

in acute toxicity, irreversible long term effects, assessing contaminant risks.

sensitization, or accumulation of persistent
Human or ecological risk assessments facilitate risk
biocumulative and toxic substances
management decisions at contaminated sites. Specific risk
• Concentrations of pollutants at concentrations above the
assessment objectives include:
Risk Based Concentrations (RBCs60) or drinking water
standards in potable water at the point of abstraction • Identifying relevant human and ecological receptors
(e.g., children, adults, fish, wildlife)
Appropriate risk reduction should be implemented as soon as
• Determining if contaminants are present at levels that pose
practicable to remove the condition posing the imminent
potential human health and/or ecological concerns (e.g.,
levels above applicable regulatory criteria based on health
or environmental risk considerations)
Detailed Risk Assessment
• Determining how human or ecological receptors are
As an alternative to complying with numerical standards or
exposed to the contaminants (e.g., ingestions of soil,
preliminary remediation goals, and depending on local
dermal contact, inhalation of dust)
regulatory requirements, a detailed site-specific,
environmental risk assessment may be used to develop
61 Examples include processes defined by the American Society of Testing and
Materials (ASTM) Phase II ESA Process; the British Columbia Ministry of
Environment Canada (BC MOE)
60 For example, USEPA Region 3 Risk-Based Concentrations (RBCs).; and the Massachusetts Department of Environment

APRIL 30, 2007 56

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Identifying the types of adverse effects that might result • Identifying the preferred technologies (including
from exposure to the contaminants (e.g., effect on target engineering controls) needed to implement the conceptual
organ, cancer, impaired growth or reproduction) in the risk reduction measures
absence of regulatory standards • Developing a monitoring plan to ascertain whether risk
• Quantifying the magnitude of health risks to human and reduction measures are effective
ecological receptors based on a quantitative analysis of • Considering the need and appropriateness for institutional
contaminant exposure and toxicity (e.g. calculate controls (e.g. deed restriction, land use restrictions) as part
lifetime cancer risk or ratios of estimated exposure rates of a comprehensive approach
compared to safe exposure rates)
• Determining how current and proposed future land use Permanent Risk Reduction Measures
influence the predicted risks (e.g. change of land use The risk factors and conceptual site model within the
from industrial to residential with more sensitive contaminant risk approach described also provide a basis to
receptors such as children) manage and mitigate environmental contaminant health risks.
• Quantifying the potential environmental and/or human The underlying principle is to reduce, eliminate, or control any or
health risks from off-site contaminant migration (e.g., all of the three risk factors illustrated in Figure 1.8.1. A short list
consider if leaching and groundwater transport, or of examples of risk mitigation strategies is provided below,
surface water transport results in exposure at adjacent although actual strategies should be developed based on site-
lands/receptors) specific conditions, and the practicality of prevailing factors and
• Determining if the risk is likely to remain stable, site constraints. Regardless of the management options
increase, or decrease with time in the absence of any selected, the action plan should include, whenever possible,
remediation (e.g., consider if the contaminant is contaminant source reduction (i.e., net improvement of the site)
reasonably degradable and likely to remain in place, or as part of the overall strategy towards managing health risks at
be transported to other media)62 contaminated sites, as this alone provides for improved
environmental quality.
Addressing these objectives provides a basis to develop and
implement risk reduction measures (e.g., clean-up, on-site Figure 1.8.2 presents a schematic of the inter-relationship of risk
controls) at the site. If such a need exists, the following factors and example strategies to mitigate contaminant health
additional objectives become relevant: risk by modifying the conditions of one or more risk factors to

• Determining where, and in what conceptual manner, risk ultimately reduce contaminant exposure to the receptor. The

reduction measures should be implemented selected approach should take into consideration the technical
and financial feasibility (e.g. operability of a selected technology
given the local availability of technical expertise and equipment
and its associated costs).
62 An example of a simplified quantitative risk assessment method is the
ASTM E1739-95(2002) Standard Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action Example risk mitigation strategies for contaminant source and
Applied at Petroleum Release Sites and the ASTM E2081-00(2004)e1
Standard Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action (at chemical release sites). exposure concentrations include:

APRIL 30, 2007 57

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

• Soil, sediment, and sludge: o Installation (during building construction) of an

o In situ biological treatment (aerobic or anaerobic) impermeable barrier below the building and/or an

o In situ physical/chemical treatment (e.g., soil vapor alternative flow pathway for soil vapor beneath

extraction with off-gas treatment, chemical building foundations (e.g., porous media and

oxidation) ventilation to shunt vapors away from building)

o In situ thermal treatment (e.g., steam injection, 6- Example risk mitigation strategies for receptors include:
phase heating) • Limiting or preventing access to contaminant by receptors
o Ex situ biological treatment (e.g., excavation and (actions targeted at the receptor may include signage with
composting) instructions, fencing, or site security)
o Ex situ physical/chemical treatment (e.g., • Imposing health advisory or prohibiting certain practices
excavation and stabilization) leading to exposure such as fishing, crab trapping, shellfish
o Ex situ thermal treatment (e.g., excavation and collection
thermal desorption or incineration) • Educating receptors (people) to modify behavior in order to
o Containment (e.g. landfill) reduce exposure (e.g., improved work practices, and use of
o Natural attenuation protective clothing and equipment)
o Other treatment processes
Example risk mitigation strategies for exposure pathways
• Groundwater, surface water, and leachate: include:
o In situ biological treatment (aerobic and/or aerobic) • Providing an alternative water supply to replace, for
o In situ physical/chemical treatment (e.g., air example, a contaminated groundwater supply well
sparging, zero-valent iron permeable reactive
• Capping contaminated soil with at least 1m of clean soil to
prevent human contact, as well as plant root or small
o Ex situ biological, physical, and or chemical
mammal penetration into contaminated soils
treatment (i.e., groundwater extraction and
• Paving over contaminated soil as an interim measure to
negate the pathway of direct contact or dust generation
o Containment (e.g., slurry wall or sheet pile barrier)
and inhalation
o Natural attenuation
• Using an interception trench and pump, and treat
o Other treatment processes technologies to prevent contaminated groundwater from
• Soil vapor intrusion: discharging into fish streams

o Soil vapor extraction to reduce VOC contaminant The above-reference containment measures should also be
source in soil considered for immediate implementation in situations where
o Installation of a sub-slab depressurization system source reduction measures are expected to take time.
to prevent migration of soil vapor into the building
o Creating a positive pressure condition in buildings

APRIL 30, 2007 58

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines

Occupational Health and Safety

Investigation and remediation of contaminated lands requires
that workers be mindful of the occupational exposures that
could arise from working in close contact with contaminated
soil or other environmental media (e.g., groundwater,
wastewater, sediments, and soil vapor). Occupational health
and safety precautions should be exercised to minimize
exposure, as described in Section 2 on Occupational Health
and Safety. In addition, workers on contaminated sites
should receive special health and safety training specific to
contaminated site investigation and remediation activities.63

FIGURE 1.8.2: Inter-Relationship of Risk Factors

and Management Options

63 For example, US Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA)

regulations found at 40 CFR 1910.120.

APRIL 30, 2007 59

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


2.0 Occupational Health and Safety

Applicability and Approach......................................60
2.1 General Facility Design and Operation......................61 Applicability and Approach
Integrity of Workplace Structures..........................61 Employers and supervisors are obliged to implement all
Severe Weather and Facility Shutdown ................61
Workspace and Exit.............................................61 reasonable precautions to protect the health and safety of
Fire Precautions ..................................................62 workers. This section provides guidance and examples of
Lavatories and Showers.......................................62
Potable Water Supply ..........................................62 reasonable precautions to implement in managing principal risks
Clean Eating Area ...............................................62 to occupational health and safety. Although the focus is placed on
Safe Access........................................................62 the operational phase of projects, much of the guidance also
First Aid...............................................................63 applies to construction and decommissioning activities.
Air Supply............................................................63
Work Environment Temperature...........................63 Companies should hire contractors that have the technical
2.2 Communication and Training....................................63 capability to manage the occupational health and safety issues of
OHS Training ......................................................63
Visitor Orientation................................................63 their employees, extending the application of the hazard
New Task Employee and Contractor Training.......63 management activities through formal procurement agreements.
Basic OHS Training .............................................64
Area Signage ......................................................64
Labeling of Equipment.........................................64 Preventive and protective measures should be introduced
Communicate Hazard Codes ...............................64 according to the following order of priority:
2.3 Physical Hazards .....................................................64
Rotating and Moving Equipment...........................65
Noise ..................................................................65 • Eliminating the hazard by removing the activity from the work
process. Examples include substitution with less hazardous
Electrical .............................................................66
Eye Hazards........................................................67 chemicals, using different manufacturing processes, etc;
Welding / Hot Work..............................................67
Industrial Vehicle Driving and Site Traffic..............67 • Controlling the hazard at its source through use of
Working Environment Temperature......................68
engineering controls. Examples include local exhaust
Ergonomics, Repetitive Motion, Manual Handling.68
Working at Heights ..............................................68 ventilation, isolation rooms, machine guarding, acoustic
2.4 Chemical Hazards....................................................69 insulating, etc;
Air Quality ...........................................................70
Fire and Explosions .............................................70 • Minimizing the hazard through design of safe work systems
Corrosive, oxidizing, and reactive chemicals.........71 and administrative or institutional control measures.
Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)..................71
2.5 Biological Hazards....................................................71 Examples include job rotation, training safe work procedures,
2.6 Radiological Hazards................................................73 lock-out and tag-out, workplace monitoring, limiting exposure
2.7 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).......................73
2.8 Special Hazard Environments...................................74 or work duration, etc.
Confined Space...................................................74
Lone and Isolated Workers ..................................75 • Providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in
2.9 Monitoring................................................................75 conjunction with training, use, and maintenance of the PPE.
Accidents and Diseases monitoring......................76
The application of prevention and control measures to
occupational hazards should be based on comprehensive job

APRIL 30, 2007 60

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


safety or job hazard analyses. The results of these analyses

should be prioritized as part of an action plan based on the Table 2.1.1. Risk Ranking Table to Classify Worker
likelihood and severity of the consequence of exposure to the Scenarios Based on Likelihood and Consequence
identified hazards. An example of a qualitative risk ranking or
analysis matrix to help identify priorities is described in Table
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major trophic
2.1 General Facility Design and 1 2 3 4 5
A. Almost
certain L M E E E
Integrity of Workplace Structures
Permanent and recurrent places of work should be designed and B. Likely
equipped to protect OHS:
• Surfaces, structures and installations should be easy to clean Moderate
and maintain, and not allow for accumulation of hazardous
D. Unlikely
• Buildings should be structurally safe, provide appropriate E. Rare
protection against the climate, and have acceptable light and
noise conditions.
• Fire resistant, noise-absorbing materials should, to the extent E: extreme risk; immediate action required
feasible, be used for cladding on ceilings and walls. H: high risk; senior management attention needed
• Floors should be level, even, and non-skid. M: moderate risk; management responsibility should be specified
• Heavy oscillating, rotating or alternating equipment should be L: low risk; manage by routine procedures
located in dedicated buildings or structurally isolated
sections. Workspace and Exit
• The space provided for each worker, and in total, should be
Severe Weather and Facility Shutdown
adequate for safe execution of all activities, including
• Work place structures should be designed and constructed to
transport and interim storage of materials and products.
withstand the expected elements for the region and have an
• Passages to emergency exits should be unobstructed at all
area designated for safe refuge, if appropriate.
times. Exits should be clearly marked to be visible in total
• Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) should be developed
darkness. The number and capacity of emergency exits
for project or process shut-down, including an evacuation
should be sufficient for safe and orderly evacuation of the
plan. Drills to practice the procedure and plan should also be
greatest number of people present at any time, and there
undertaken annually.
should be a minimum two exits from any work area.

APRIL 30, 2007 61

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Facilities also should be designed and built taking into Potable Water Supply
account the needs of disabled persons. • Adequate supplies of potable drinking water should be
provided from a fountain with an upward jet or with a sanitary
Fire Precautions means of collecting the water for the purposes of drinking
The workplace should be designed to prevent the start of fires
• Water supplied to areas of food preparation or for the
through the implementation of fire codes applicable to industrial
purpose of personal hygiene (washing or bathing) should
settings. Other essential measures include:
meet drinking water quality standards
• Equipping facilities with fire detectors, alarm systems, and
fire-fighting equipment. The equipment should be maintained Clean Eating Area
in good working order and be readily accessible. It should be • Where there is potential for exposure to substances
adequate for the dimensions and use of the premises, poisonous by ingestion, suitable arrangements are to be
equipment installed, physical and chemical properties of made for provision of clean eating areas where workers are
substances present, and the maximum number of people not exposed to the hazardous or noxious substances
• Provision of manual firefighting equipment that is easily Lighting
accessible and simple to use • Workplaces should, to the degree feasible, receive natural

• Fire and emergency alarm systems that are both audible and light and be supplemented with sufficient artificial illumination

visible to promote workers’ safety and health, and enable safe

equipment operation. Supplemental ‘task lighting’ may be
The IFC Life and Fire Safety Guideline should apply to buildings
required where specific visual acuity requirements should be
accessible to the public (See Section 3.3).
• Emergency lighting of adequate intensity should be installed
Lavatories and Showers
and automatically activated upon failure of the principal
• Adequate lavatory facilities (toilets and washing areas)
artificial light source to ensure safe shut-down, evacuation,
should be provided for the number of people expected to
work in the facility and allowances made for segregated
facilities, or for indicating whether the toilet facility is “In Use”
Safe Access
or “Vacant”. Toilet facilities should also be provided with
• Passageways for pedestrians and vehicles within and outside
adequate supplies of hot and cold running water, soap, and
buildings should be segregated and provide for easy, safe,
hand drying devices.
and appropriate access
• Where workers may be exposed to substances poisonous by
• Equipment and installations requiring servicing, inspection,
ingestion and skin contamination may occur, facilities for
and/or cleaning should have unobstructed, unrestricted, and
showering and changing into and out of street and work
ready access
clothes should be provided.
• Hand, knee and foot railings should be installed on stairs,
fixed ladders, platforms, permanent and interim floor
openings, loading bays, ramps, etc.

APRIL 30, 2007 62

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Openings should be sealed by gates or removable chains microorganisms. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
• Covers should, if feasible, be installed to protect against (HVAC) and industrial evaporative cooling systems should be
falling items equipped, maintained and operated so as to prevent growth
• Measures to prevent unauthorized access to dangerous and spreading of disease agents (e.g. Legionnella
areas should be in place pneumophilia) or breeding of vectors (e.g. mosquitoes and
flies) of public health concern.
First Aid
• The employer should ensure that qualified first-aid can be Work Environment Temperature
provided at all times. Appropriately equipped first-aid stations • The temperature in work, rest room and other welfare
should be easily accessible throughout the place of work facilities should, during service hours, be maintained at a

• Eye-wash stations and/or emergency showers should be level appropriate for the purpose of the facility.
provided close to all workstations where immediate flushing
with water is the recommended first-aid response 2.2 Communication and Training
• Where the scale of work or the type of activity being carried
OHS Training
out so requires, dedicated and appropriately equipped first-
• Provisions should be made to provide OHS orientation
aid room(s) should be provided. First aid stations and rooms
training to all new employees to ensure they are apprised of
should be equipped with gloves, gowns, and masks for
the basic site rules of work at / on the site and of personal
protection against direct contact with blood and other body
protection and preventing injury to fellow employees.
• Training should consist of basic hazard awareness, site-
• Remote sites should have written emergency procedures in
specific hazards, safe work practices, and emergency
place for dealing with cases of trauma or serious illness up to
procedures for fire, evacuation, and natural disaster, as
the point at which patient care can be transferred to an
appropriate. Any site-specific hazard or color coding in use
appropriate medical facility.
should be thoroughly reviewed as part of orientation training.

Air Supply
Visitor Orientation
• Sufficient fresh air should be supplied for indoor and confined
• If visitors to the site can gain access to areas where
work spaces. Factors to be considered in ventilation design
hazardous conditions or substances may be present, a visitor
include physical activity, substances in use, and process-
orientation and control program should be established to
related emissions. Air distribution systems should be
ensure visitors do not enter hazard areas unescorted.
designed so as not to expose workers to draughts
• Mechanical ventilation systems should be maintained in good
New Task Employee and Contractor Training
working order. Point-source exhaust systems required for
• The employer should ensure that workers and contractors,
maintaining a safe ambient environment should have local
prior to commencement of new assignments, have received
indicators of correct functioning.
adequate training and information enabling them to
• Re-circulation of contaminated air is not acceptable. Air inlet
filters should be kept clean and free of dust and

APRIL 30, 2007 63

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


understand work hazards and to protect their health from • Signage should be in accordance with international
hazardous ambient factors that may be present. standards and be well known to, and easily understood by
The training should adequately cover: workers, visitors and the general public as appropriate.

o Knowledge of materials, equipment, and tools

Labeling of Equipment
o Known hazards in the operations and how they are
controlled • All vessels that may contain substances that are hazardous

o Potential risks to health as a result of chemical or toxicological properties, or

o Precautions to prevent exposure temperature or pressure, should be labeled as to the

o Hygiene requirements contents and hazard, or appropriately color coded.

o Wearing and use of protective equipment and clothing • Similarly, piping systems that contain hazardous substances
o Appropriate response to operation extremes, incidents should be labeled with the direction of flow and contents of
and accidents the pipe, or color coded whenever the pipe passing through a
wall or floor is interrupted by a valve or junction device.
Basic OHS Training
• A basic occupational training program and specialty courses Communicate Hazard Codes
should be provided, as needed, to ensure that workers are • Copies of the hazard coding system should be posted
oriented to the specific hazards of individual work outside the facility at emergency entrance doors and fire
assignments. Training should generally be provided to emergency connection systems where they are likely to
management, supervisors, workers, and occasional visitors come to the attention of emergency services personnel.
to areas of risks and hazards. • Information regarding the types of hazardous materials
• Workers with rescue and first-aid duties should receive stored, handled or used at the facility, including typical
dedicated training so as not to inadvertently aggravate maximum inventories and storage locations, should be
exposures and health hazards to themselves or their co- shared proactively with emergency services and security
workers. Training would include the risks of becoming personnel to expedite emergency response when needed.
infected with blood–borne pathogens through contact with • Representatives of local emergency and security services
bodily fluids and tissue. should be invited to participate in periodic (annual)
• Through appropriate contract specifications and monitoring, orientation tours and site inspections to ensure familiarity
the employer should ensure that service providers, as well as with potential hazards present.
contracted and subcontracted labor, are trained adequately
before assignments begin. 2.3 Physical Hazards
Physical hazards represent potential for accident or injury or
Area Signage illness due to repetitive exposure to mechanical action or work
• Hazardous areas (electrical rooms, compressor rooms, etc), activity. Single exposure to physical hazards may result in a wide
installations, materials, safety measures, and emergency range of injuries, from minor and medical aid only, to disabling,
exits, etc. should be marked appropriately. catastrophic, and/or fatal. Multiple exposures over prolonged

APRIL 30, 2007 64

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


periods can result in disabling injuries of comparable significance Noise

and consequence. Noise limits for different working environments are provided in
Table 2.3.1.
Rotating and Moving Equipment
Injury or death can occur from being trapped, entangled, or struck • No employee should be exposed to a noise level greater than
85 dB(A) for a duration of more than 8 hours per day without
by machinery parts due to unexpected starting of equipment or
hearing protection. In addition, no unprotected ear should be
unobvious movement during operations. Recommended
exposed to a peak sound pressure level (instantaneous) of
protective measures include:
more than 140 dB(C).
• Designing machines to eliminate trap hazards and ensuring
• The use of hearing protection should be enforced actively
that extremities are kept out of harm’s way under normal
when the equivalent sound level over 8 hours reaches 85
operating conditions. Examples of proper design
dB(A), the peak sound levels reach 140 dB(C), or the
considerations include two-hand operated machines to
average maximum sound level reaches 110dB(A). Hearing
prevent amputations or the availability of emergency stops
protective devices provided should be capable of reducing
dedicated to the machine and placed in strategic locations.
sound levels at the ear to at least 85 dB(A).
Where a machine or equipment has an exposed moving part
• Although hearing protection is preferred for any period of
or exposed pinch point that may endanger the safety of any
noise exposure in excess of 85 dB(A), an equivalent level of
worker, the machine or equipment should be equipped with,
protection can be obtained, but less easily managed, by
and protected by, a guard or other device that prevents
limiting the duration of noise exposure. For every 3 dB(A)
access to the moving part or pinch point. Guards should be
increase in sound levels, the ‘allowed’ exposure period or
designed and installed in conformance with appropriate
duration should be reduced by 50 percent.65
machine safety standards.64
• Prior to the issuance of hearing protective devices as the
• Turning off, disconnecting, isolating, and de-energizing
final control mechanism, use of acoustic insulating materials,
(Locked Out and Tagged Out) machinery with exposed or
isolation of the noise source, and other engineering controls
guarded moving parts, or in which energy can be stored (e.g.
should be investigated and implemented, where feasible
compressed air, electrical components) during servicing or
• Periodic medical hearing checks should be performed on
maintenance, in conformance with a standard such as CSA
workers exposed to high noise levels
Z460 Lockout or equivalent ISO or ANSI standard
• Designing and installing equipment, where feasible, to enable Vibration
routine service, such as lubrication, without removal of the Exposure to hand-arm vibration from equipment such as hand and
guarding devices or mechanisms power tools, or whole-body vibrations from surfaces on which the
worker stands or sits, should be controlled through choice of
equipment, installation of vibration dampening pads or devices,
and limiting the duration of exposure. Limits for vibration and
64 For example: CSA Z432.04 Safe Guarding of Machinery, CSA Z434 Robot
Safety, ISO 11161 Safety of Machinery – Integrated Manufacturing Systems or
ISO 14121 Safety of Machinery – Principals of Risk Management or equivalent
ANSI standard. 65 The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 2006

APRIL 30, 2007 65

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


action values, (i.e. the level of exposure at which remediation • Marking all energized electrical devices and lines with
should be initiated) are provided by the ACGIH 66. Exposure levels warning signs
should be checked on the basis of daily exposure time and data • Locking out (de-charging and leaving open with a controlled
provided by equipment manufacturers. locking device) and tagging-out (warning sign placed on the
lock) devices during service or maintenance
Electrical • Checking all electrical cords, cables, and hand power tools
Exposed or faulty electrical devices, such as circuit breakers, for frayed or exposed cords and following manufacturer
recommendations for maximum permitted operating voltage

Table 2.3.1. Noise Limits for Various Working of the portable hand tools
Environments • Double insulating / grounding all electrical equipment used in
environments that are, or may become, wet; using equipment
Location Equivalent level Maximum
with ground fault interrupter (GFI) protected circuits
/activity LAeq,8h LAmax,fast
• Protecting power cords and extension cords against damage
Heavy Industry (no from traffic by shielding or suspending above traffic areas
demand for oral 85 dB(A) 110 dB(A)
communication) • Appropriate labeling of service rooms housing high voltage
Light industry equipment (‘electrical hazard’) and where entry is controlled
demand for oral 50-65 dB(A) 110 dB(A) or prohibited (see also Section 3 on Planning, Siting, and
Open offices, • Establishing “No Approach” zones around or under high
control rooms,
45-50 dB(A) -
service counters or voltage power lines in conformance with Table 2.3.2
• Rubber tired construction or other vehicles that come into
Individual offices
(no disturbing 40-45 dB(A) - direct contact with, or arcing between, high voltage wires
may need to be taken out of service for periods of 48 hours
Classrooms, and have the tires replaced to prevent catastrophic tire and
lecture halls 35-40 dB(A) -
wheel assembly failure, potentially causing serious injury or
Hospitals 30-35 dB(A) 40 dB(A) death;
panels, cables, cords and hand tools, can pose a serious risk to • Conducting detailed identification and marking of all buried
workers. Overhead wires can be struck by metal devices, such as electrical wiring prior to any excavation work
poles or ladders, and by vehicles with metal booms. Vehicles or
grounded metal objects brought into close proximity with overhead
wires can result in arcing between the wires and the object,
without actual contact. Recommended actions include:

66 ACGIH, 2005

APRIL 30, 2007 66

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• Provisions should be made for persons who have to wear

Table 2.3.2. No Approach Zones for
prescription glasses either through the use overglasses or
High Voltage Power Lines
prescription hardened glasses.
Nominal phase-to-phase voltage rating distance
Welding / Hot Work
750 or more volts, but no more than 150,000 volts 3 meters
Welding creates an extremely bright and intense light that may
More than 150,000 volts, but no more than 250,000 4.5 meters seriously injur a worker’s eyesight. In extreme cases, blindness
may result. Additionally, welding may produce noxious fumes to
More than 250,000 volts 6 meters which prolonged exposure can cause serious chronic diseases.
Recommended measures include:

Eye Hazards • Provision of proper eye protection such as welder goggles

Solid particles from a wide variety of industrial operations, and / or and/or a full-face eye shield for all personnel involved in, or
a liquid chemical spray may strike a worker in the eye causing an assisting, welding operations. Additional methods may
eye injury or permanent blindness. Recommended measures include the use of welding barrier screens around the specific
include: work station (a solid piece of light metal, canvas, or plywood
designed to block welding light from others). Devices to
• Use of machine guards or splash shields and/or face and eye
extract and remove noxious fumes at the source may also be
protection devices, such as safety glasses with side shields,
goggles, and/or a full face shield. Specific Safe Operating
• Special hot work and fire prevention precautions and
Procedures (SOPs) may be required for use of sanding and
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) should be
grinding tools and/or when working around liquid chemicals.
implemented if welding or hot cutting is undertaken outside
Frequent checks of these types of equipment prior to use to
established welding work stations, including ‘Hot Work
ensure mechanical integrity is also good practice. Machine
Permits, stand-by fire extinguishers, stand-by fire watch, and
and equipment guarding should conform to standards
maintaining the fire watch for up to one hour after welding or
published by organizations such as CSA, ANSI and ISO (see
hot cutting has terminated. Special procedures are required
also Section 2.3 on Rotating and Moving Equipment and 2.7
for hotwork on tanks or vessels that have contained
on Personal Protective Equipment).
flammable materials.
• Moving areas where the discharge of solid fragments, liquid,
or gaseous emissions can reasonably be predicted (e.g.
Industrial Vehicle Driving and Site Traffic
discharge of sparks from a metal cutting station, pressure
Poorly trained or inexperienced industrial vehicle drivers have
relief valve discharge) away from places expected to be
increased risk of accident with other vehicles, pedestrians, and
occupied or transited by workers or visitors. Where machine
equipment. Industrial vehicles and delivery vehicles, as well as
or work fragments could present a hazard to transient
private vehicles on-site, also represent potential collision
workers or passers-by, extra area guarding or proximity
scenarios. Industrial vehicle driving and site traffic safety
restricting systems should be implemented, or PPE required
practices include:
for transients and visitors.

APRIL 30, 2007 67

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Training and licensing industrial vehicle operators in the safe • Use of protective clothing
operation of specialized vehicles such as forklifts, including • Providing easy access to adequate hydration such as
safe loading/unloading, load limits drinking water or electrolyte drinks, and avoiding
• Ensuring drivers undergo medical surveillance consumption of alcoholic beverages
• Ensuring moving equipment with restricted rear visibility is
outfitted with audible back-up alarms Ergonomics, Repetitive Motion, Manual Handling
• Establishing rights-of-way, site speed limits, vehicle Injuries due to ergonomic factors, such as repetitive motion, over-
inspection requirements, operating rules and procedures exertion, and manual handling, take prolonged and repeated
(e.g. prohibiting operation of forklifts with forks in down exposures to develop, and typically require periods of weeks to
position), and control of traffic patterns or direction months for recovery. These OHS problems should be minimized

• Restricting the circulation of delivery and private vehicles to or eliminated to maintain a productive workplace. Controls may

defined routes and areas, giving preference to ‘one-way’ include:

circulation, where appropriate • Facility and workstation design with 5th to 95th percentile
operational and maintenance workers in mind
Working Environment Temperature
• Use of mechanical assists to eliminate or reduce exertions
Exposure to hot or cold working conditions in indoor or outdoor
required to lift materials, hold tools and work objects, and
environments can result temperature stress-related injury or
requiring multi-person lifts if weights exceed thresholds
death. Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect
• Selecting and designing tools that reduce force requirements
against other occupational hazards can accentuate and aggravate
and holding times, and improve postures
heat-related illnesses. Extreme temperatures in permanent work
• Providing user adjustable work stations
environments should be avoided through implementation of
• Incorporating rest and stretch breaks into work processes,
engineering controls and ventilation. Where this is not possible,
and conducting job rotation
such as during short-term outdoor work, temperature-related
• Implementing quality control and maintenance programs that
stress management procedures should be implemented which
reduce unnecessary forces and exertions
• Taking into consideration additional special conditions such
• Monitoring weather forecasts for outdoor work to provide as left handed persons
advance warning of extreme weather and scheduling work
accordingly Working at Heights
• Adjustment of work and rest periods according to Fall prevention and protection measures should be implemented
temperature stress management procedures provided by whenever a worker is exposed to the hazard of falling more than
ACGIH 67, depending on the temperature and workloads two meters; into operating machinery; into water or other liquid;
• Providing temporary shelters to protect against the elements into hazardous substances; or through an opening in a work
during working activities or for use as rest areas surface. Fall prevention / protection measures may also be
warranted on a case-specific basis when there are risks of falling
from lesser heights. Fall prevention may include:
67 ACGIH, 2005

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• Installation of guardrails with mid-rails and toe boards at the supplemented with dedicated work station illumination, as needed.
edge of any fall hazard area The minimum limits for illumination intensity for a range of
• Proper use of ladders and scaffolds by trained employees locations/activities appear in Table 2.3.3.
• Use of fall prevention devices, including safety belt and Controls should include:
lanyard travel limiting devices to prevent access to fall hazard
• Use of energy efficient light sources with minimum heat
area, or fall protection devices such as full body harnesses
used in conjunction with shock absorbing lanyards or self-
• Undertaking measures to eliminate glare / reflections and
retracting inertial fall arrest devices attached to fixed anchor
flickering of lights
point or horizontal life-lines
• Taking precautions to minimize and control optical radiation
• Appropriate training in use, serviceability, and integrity of the
including direct sunlight. Exposure to high intensity UV and
necessary PPE
IR radiation and high intensity visible light should also be
• Inclusion of rescue and/or recovery plans, and equipment to
respond to workers after an arrested fall
• Controlling laser hazards in accordance with equipment

Illumination specifications, certifications, and recognized safety

Work area light intensity should be adequate for the general standards. The lowest feasible class Laser should be applied

purpose of the location and type of activity, and should be to minimize risks.

2.4 Chemical Hazards

Table 2.3.3. Minimum Limits For Workplace Chemical hazards represent potential for illness or injury due to
Illumination Intensity
single acute exposure or chronic repetitive exposure to toxic,
Location / Activity Light Intensity corrosive, sensitizing or oxidative substances. They also
Emergency light 10 lux represent a risk of uncontrolled reaction, including the risk of fire
and explosion, if incompatible chemicals are inadvertently mixed.
Outdoor non working areas 20 lux
Chemical hazards can most effectively be prevented through a
Simple orientation and temporary visits (machine 50 lux hierarchical approach that includes:
storage, garage, warehouse)
• Replacement of the hazardous substance with a less
Workspace with occasional visual tasks only 100 lux
(corridors, stairways, lobby, elevator, auditorium, etc.) hazardous substitute
• Implementation of engineering and administrative control
Medium precision work (simple assembly, rough 200 lux
machine works, welding, packing, etc.) measures to avoid or minimize the release of hazardous
substances into the work environment keeping the level of
Precision work (reading, moderately difficult 500 lux
assembly, sorting, checking, medium bench and exposure below internationally established or recognized
machine works, etc.), offices. limits

High precision work (difficult assembly, sewing, color 1,000 – 3,000 • Keeping the number of employees exposed, or likely to
inspection, fine sorting etc.) lux become exposed, to a minimum

APRIL 30, 2007 69

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• Communicating chemical hazards to workers through • Where ambient air contains several materials that have
labeling and marking according to national and internationally similar effects on the same body organs (additive effects),
recognized requirements and standards, including the taking into account combined exposures using calculations
International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC), Materials Safety recommended by the ACGIH 69
Data Sheets (MSDS), or equivalent. Any means of written • Where work shifts extend beyond eight (8) hours, calculating
communication should be in an easily understood language adjusted workplace exposure criteria recommended by the
and be readily available to exposed workers and first-aid ACGIH 70
• Training workers in the use of the available information (such Fire and Explosions
as MSDSs), safe work practices, and appropriate use of PPE Fires and or explosions resulting from ignition of flammable
materials or gases can lead to loss of property as well as possible
Air Quality injury or fatalities to project workers. Prevention and control
Poor air quality due to the release of contaminants into the work strategies include:
place can result in possible respiratory irritation, discomfort, or
• Storing flammables away from ignition sources and oxidizing
illness to workers. Employers should take appropriate measures
materials. Further, flammables storage area should be:
to maintain air quality in the work area. These include:
o Remote from entry and exit points into buildings
• Maintaining levels of contaminant dusts, vapors and gases in o Away from facility ventilation intakes or vents
the work environment at concentrations below those
o Have natural or passive floor and ceiling level ventilation
recommended by the ACGIH 68 as TWA-TLV’s (threshold limit and explosion venting
value)—concentrations to which most workers can be o Use spark-proof fixtures
exposed repeatedly (8 hours/day, 40 hrs/week, week-after- o Be equipped with fire extinguishing devices and self-
week), without sustaining adverse health effects. closing doors, and constructed of materials made to
• Developing and implementing work practices to minimize withstand flame impingement for a moderate period of
release of contaminants into the work environment including: time
o Direct piping of liquid and gaseous materials • Providing bonding and grounding of, and between,
o Minimized handling of dry powdered materials; containers and additional mechanical floor level ventilation if
o Enclosed operations materials are being, or could be, dispensed in the storage
o Local exhaust ventilation at emission / release points area
o Vacuum transfer of dry material rather than mechanical • Where the flammable material is mainly comprised of dust,
or pneumatic conveyance
providing electrical grounding, spark detection, and, if
o Indoor secure storage, and sealed containers rather needed, quenching systems
than loose storage

69 ACGIH, 2005.

68 ACGIH, 2005 70 ACGIH, 2005.

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• Defining and labeling fire hazards areas to warn of special Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)
rules (e.g. prohibition in use of smoking materials, cellular The use of asbestos containing materials (ACM) should be
phones, or other potential spark generating equipment) avoided in new buildings or as a new material in remodeling or
• Providing specific worker training in handling of flammable renovation activities. Existing facilities with ACM should develop
materials, and in fire prevention or suppression an asbestos management plan which clearly identifies the
locations where the ACM is present, its condition (e.g. whether it
Corrosive, oxidizing, and reactive chemicals is in friable form with the potential to release fibers), procedures
Corrosive, oxidizing, and reactive chemicals present similar for monitoring its condition, procedures to access the locations
hazards and require similar control measures as flammable where ACM is present to avoid damage, and training of staff who
materials. However, the added hazard of these chemicals is that can potentially come into contact with the material to avoid
inadvertent mixing or intermixing may cause serious adverse damage and prevent exposure. The plan should be made
reactions. This can lead to the release of flammable or toxic available to all persons involved in operations and maintenance
materials and gases, and may lead directly to fires and activities. Repair or removal and disposal of existing ACM in
explosions. These types of substances have the additional hazard buildings should only be performed by specially trained
of causing significant personal injury upon direct contact, personnel71 following host country requirements, or in their
regardless of any intermixing issues. The following controls
absence, internationally recognized procedures.72
should be observed in the work environment when handling such
2.5 Biological Hazards
• Corrosive, oxidizing and reactive chemicals should be Biological agents represent potential for illness or injury due to
segregated from flammable materials and from other single acute exposure or chronic repetitive exposure. Biological
chemicals of incompatible class (acids vs. bases, oxidizers hazards can be prevented most effectively by implementing the
vs. reducers, water sensitive vs. water based, etc.), stored in following measures:
ventilated areas and in containers with appropriate
• If the nature of the activity permits, use of any harmful
secondary containment to minimize intermixing during spills
biological agents should be avoided and replaced with an
• Workers who are required to handle corrosive, oxidizing, or
agent that, under normal conditions of use, is not dangerous
reactive chemicals should be provided with specialized
or less dangerous to workers. If use of harmful agents can
training and provided with, and wear, appropriate PPE
not be avoided, precautions should be taken to keep the risk
(gloves, apron, splash suits, face shield or goggles, etc).
of exposure as low as possible and maintained below
• Where corrosive, oxidizing, or reactive chemicals are used,
internationally established and recognized exposure limits.
handled, or stored, qualified first-aid should be ensured at all
times. Appropriately equipped first-aid stations should be
71 Training of specialized personnel and the maintenance and removal methods
easily accessible throughout the place of work, and eye-wash applied should be equivalent to those required under applicable regulations in the
stations and/or emergency showers should be provided close United States and Europe (examples of North American training standards are
available at:
72 Examples include the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E
to all workstations where the recommended first-aid
1368 - Standard Practice for Visual Inspection of Asbestos Abatement Projects; E
response is immediate flushing with water 2356 - Standard Practice for Comprehensive Building Asbestos Surveys; and E
2394 - Standard Practice for Maintenance, Renovation and Repair of Installed
Asbestos Cement Products.

APRIL 30, 2007 71

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Work processes, engineering, and administrative controls The employer should at all times encourage and enforce the
should be designed, maintained, and operated to avoid or highest level of hygiene and personal protection, especially for
minimize release of biological agents into the working activities employing biological agents of Groups 3 and 4 above.
environment. The number of employees exposed or likely to Work involving agents in Groups 3 and 4 should be restricted only
become exposed should be kept at a minimum. to those persons who have received specific verifiable training in
• The employer should review and assess known and working with and controlling such materials.
suspected presence of biological agents at the place of work
and implement appropriate safety measures, monitoring, Areas used for the handling of Groups 3 and 4 biological agents
training, and training verification programs. should be designed to enable their full segregation and isolation in
• Measures to eliminate and control hazards from known and emergency circumstances, include independent ventilation
suspected biological agents at the place of work should be systems, and be subject to SOPs requiring routine disinfection
designed, implemented and maintained in close co-operation and sterilization of the work surfaces.
with the local health authorities and according to recognized
international standards. HVAC systems serving areas handling Groups 3 and 4 biological
agents should be equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air
Biological agents should be classified into four groups73: (HEPA) filtration systems. Equipment should readily enable their

• Group 1: Biological agents unlikely to cause human disease, disinfection and sterilization, and maintained and operated so as

and consequently only require controls similar to those to prevent growth and spreading of disease agents, amplification

required for hazardous or reactive chemical substances; of the biological agents, or breeding of vectors e.g. mosquitoes
and flies of public health concern.
• Group 2: Biological agents that can cause human disease
and are thereby likely to require additional controls, but are
unlikely to spread to the community;

• Group 3: Biological agents that can cause severe human

disease, present a serious hazard to workers, and may
present a risk of spreading to the community, for which there
usually is effective prophylaxis or treatment available and are
thereby likely to require extensive additional controls;

• Group 4: Biological agents that can cause severe human

disease, are a serious hazard to workers, and present a high
risk of spreading to the community, for which there is usually
no effective prophylaxis or treatment available and are
thereby likely to require very extensive additional controls.

73 World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Infective Microorganisms by

Risk Group (2004).

APRIL 30, 2007 72

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


2.6 Radiological Hazards • In the case of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, the
preferred method for controlling exposure is shielding and
Radiation exposure can lead to potential discomfort, injury or
limiting the radiation source. Personal protective equipment
serious illness to workers. Prevention and control strategies
is supplemental only or for emergency use. Personal
protective equipment for near-infrared, visible and ultraviolet
• Places of work involving occupational and/or natural range radiation can include appropriate sun block creams,
exposure to ionizing radiation should be established and with or without appropriate screening clothing.
operated in accordance with recognized international safety
standards and guidelines.74 The acceptable effective dose 2.7 Personal Protective Equipment
limits appear Table 2.6.1. (PPE)
• Exposure to non-ionizing radiation (including static magnetic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provides additional
fields; sub-radio frequency magnetic fields; static electric
protection to workers exposed to workplace hazards in
fields; radio frequency and microwave radiation; light and
conjunction with other facility controls and safety systems.
near-infrared radiation; and ultraviolet radiation) should be
controlled to internationally recommended limits75. PPE is considered to be a last resort that is above and beyond the
other facility controls and provides the worker with an extra level
of personal protection. Table 2.7.1 presents general examples of
Table 2.6.1. Acceptable Effective Dose Limits for occupational hazards and types of PPE available for different
Workplace Radiological Hazards
purposes. Recommended measures for use of PPE in the
workplace include:
Workers students • Active use of PPE if alternative technologies, work plans or
(min.19 years of (16-18 years procedures cannot eliminate, or sufficiently reduce, a hazard
Exposure age) of age)
or exposure
Five consecutive year average
– effective dose
20 mSv/year • Identification and provision of appropriate PPE that offers
adequate protection to the worker, co-workers, and
Single year exposure
50 mSv/year 6 mSv/year occasional visitors, without incurring unnecessary
– effective dose
inconvenience to the individual
Equivalent dose to the lens of
150 mSv/year 50 mSv/year
the eye • Proper maintenance of PPE, including cleaning when dirty
and replacement when damaged or worn out. Proper use of
Equivalent dose to the
extremities (hands, feet) or the 500 mSv/year PPE should be part of the recurrent training programs for

74 International Basic Safety Standard for protection against Ionizing Radiation and
for the Safety of Radiation Sources and its three interrelated Safety Guides.
75 For example ACGIH (2005) and International Commission for Non-Ionizing
Radiation (ICNIRP).

APRIL 30, 2007 73

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Selection of PPE should be based on the hazard and risk by recognized organizations76.
ranking described earlier in this section, and selected
according to criteria on performance and testing established 2.8 Special Hazard Environments
Special hazard environments are work situations where all of the
previously described hazards may exist under unique or especially
Table 2.7.1. Summary of Recommended Personal
hazardous circumstances. Accordingly, extra precautions or rigor
Protective Equipment
According to Hazard in application of precautions is required.

Objective Workplace Hazards Suggested PPE Confined Space

A confined space is defined as a wholly or partially enclosed
Eye and Flying particles, molten Safety Glasses with side-shields,
face metal, liquid chemicals, protective shades, etc. space not designed or intended for human occupancy and in
protection gases or vapors, light
radiation. which a hazardous atmosphere could develop as a result of the
contents, location or construction of the confined space or due to
Head Falling objects, inadequate Plastic Helmets with top and side
protection height clearance, and impact protection. work done in or around the confined space. A “permit-required”
overhead power cords.
confined space is one that also contains physical or atmospheric
Hearing Noise, ultra-sound. Hearing protectors (ear plugs or hazards that could trap or engulf the person.77
protection ear muffs).

Foot Falling or rolling objects, Safety shoes and boots for Confined spaces can occur in enclosed or open structures or
protection pointed objects. Corrosive protection against moving &
or hot liquids. falling objects, liquids and locations. Serious injury or fatality can result from inadequate
preparation to enter a confined space or in attempting a rescue
Hand Hazardous materials, cuts Gloves made of rubber or from a confined space. Recommended management approaches
protection or lacerations, vibrations, synthetic materials (Neoprene),
extreme temperatures. leather, steel, insulating include:
materials, etc.

Respiratory Dust, fogs, fumes, mists, Facemasks with appropriate • Engineering measures should be implemented to eliminate,
protection gases, smokes, vapors. filters for dust removal and air to the degree feasible, the existence and adverse character
purification (chemicals, mists,
vapors and gases). Single or of confined spaces.
multi-gas personal monitors, if
available. • Permit-required confined spaces should be provided with

Oxygen deficiency Portable or supplied air (fixed

permanent safety measures for venting, monitoring, and
lines). rescue operations, to the extent possible. The area adjoining
On-site rescue equipment.
an access to a confined space should provide ample room
Body/leg Extreme temperatures, Insulating clothing, body suits, for emergency and rescue operations.
protection hazardous materials, aprons etc. of appropriate
biological agents, cutting materials.
and laceration.
76 Examples include the American National Standards Institute (ANSI),; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health76
(NIOSH),; Canadian Standards
Association76 (CSA),; Mine
Safety and Health Administration76 (MSHA),

77 US OSHA CFR 1910.146

APRIL 30, 2007 74

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Access hatches should accommodate 90% of the worker persons capable of providing aid and assistance, for continuous
population with adjustments for tools and protective clothing. periods exceeding one hour. The worker is therefore at increased
The most current ISO and EN standards should be consulted risk should an accident or injury occur.
for design specifications;
• Where workers may be required to perform work under lone
• Prior to entry into a permit-required confined space: or isolated circumstances, Standard Operating Procedures
o Process or feed lines into the space should be (SOPs) should be developed and implemented to ensure all
disconnected or drained, and blanked and locked-out. PPE and safety measures are in place before the worker
o Mechanical equipment in the space should be starts work. SOPs should establish, at a minimum, verbal
disconnected, de-energized, locked-out, and braced, as contact with the worker at least once every hour, and ensure
appropriate. the worker has a capability for summoning emergency aid.
o The atmosphere within the confined space should be • If the worker is potentially exposed to highly toxic or corrosive
tested to assure the oxygen content is between 19.5 chemicals, emergency eye-wash and shower facilities should
percent and 23 percent, and that the presence of any be equipped with audible and visible alarms to summon aid
flammable gas or vapor does not exceed 25 percent of whenever the eye-wash or shower is activated by the worker
its respective Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). and without intervention by the worker.
o If the atmospheric conditions are not met, the confined
space should be ventilated until the target safe
2.9 Monitoring
atmosphere is achieved, or entry is only to be Occupational health and safety monitoring programs should verify

undertaken with appropriate and additional PPE. the effectiveness of prevention and control strategies. The
selected indicators should be representative of the most
• Safety precautions should include Self Contained Breathing
significant occupational, health, and safety hazards, and the
Apparatus (SCBA), life lines, and safety watch workers
implementation of prevention and control strategies. The
stationed outside the confined space, with rescue and first
occupational health and safety monitoring program should include:
aid equipment readily available.
• Safety inspection, testing and calibration: This should include
• Before workers are required to enter a permit-required
confined space, adequate and appropriate training in regular inspection and testing of all safety features and
hazard control measures focusing on engineering and
confined space hazard control, atmospheric testing, use of
personal protective features, work procedures, places of
the necessary PPE, as well as the serviceability and integrity
work, installations, equipment, and tools used. The
of the PPE should be verified. Further, adequate and
inspection should verify that issued PPE continues to provide
appropriate rescue and / or recovery plans and equipment
should be in place before the worker enters the confined adequate protection and is being worn as required. All

space. instruments installed or used for monitoring and recording of

working environment parameters should be regularly tested
Lone and Isolated Workers and calibrated, and the respective records maintained.

A lone and isolated worker is a worker out of verbal and line of • Surveillance of the working environment: Employers should

sight communication with a supervisor, other workers, or other document compliance using an appropriate combination of

APRIL 30, 2007 75

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


portable and stationary sampling and monitoring instruments. • The systems and the employer should further enable and
Monitoring and analyses should be conducted according to encourage workers to report to management all:
internationally recognized methods and standards. o Occupational injuries and near misses
Monitoring methodology, locations, frequencies, and o Suspected cases of occupational disease
parameters should be established individually for each o Dangerous occurrences and incidents
project following a review of the hazards. Generally,
• All reported occupational accidents, occupational diseases,
monitoring should be performed during commissioning of
dangerous occurrences, and incidents together with near
facilities or equipment and at the end of the defect and
misses should be investigated with the assistance of a
liability period, and otherwise repeated according to the
person knowledgeable/competent in occupational safety. The
monitoring plan.
investigation should:
• Surveillance of workers health: When extraordinary
o Establish what happened
protective measures are required (for example, against
o Determine the cause of what happened
biological agents Groups 3 and 4, and/or hazardous
o Identify measures necessary to prevent a recurrence
compounds), workers should be provided appropriate and
relevant health surveillance prior to first exposure, and at • Occupational accidents and diseases should, at a minimum,

regular intervals thereafter. The surveillance should, if be classified according to Table 2.10.1. Distinction is made

deemed necessary, be continued after termination of the between fatal and non-fatal injuries. The two main categories

employment. are divided into three sub-categories according to time of

• Training: Training activities for employees and visitors should death or duration of the incapacity to work. The total work

be adequately monitored and documented (curriculum, hours during the specified reporting period should be

duration, and participants). Emergency exercises, including reported to the appropriate regulatory agency.

fire drills, should be documented adequately. Service Table 2.9.1. Occupational Accident Reporting
providers and contractors should be contractually required to
submit to the employer adequate training documentation a. Fatalities b. Non-fatal c. Total time lost
before start of their assignment. (number) injuries non-fatal injuries
(number) 78 (days)
b.1 Less than one
a.1 Immediate
Accidents and Diseases monitoring day

• The employer should establish procedures and systems for a.2 Within a month b.2 Up to 3 days c.1 Category b.2

reporting and recording: b.3 More than 3

a.3 Within a year c.2 Category b.3
o Occupational accidents and diseases
o Dangerous occurrences and incidents
These systems should enable workers to report immediately
to their immediate supervisor any situation they believe
presents a serious danger to life or health.

78 The day on which an incident occurs is not included in b.2 and b.3.

APRIL 30, 2007 76

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


3.0 Community Health and Safety

3.1 Water Quality and Availability ...................................77 impoundment should prevent adverse impacts to the quality and
Water Quality.........................................................77 availability of groundwater and surface water resources.
Water Availability....................................................77
3.2 Structural Safety of Project Infrastructure ..................78
3.3 Life and Fire Safety (L&FS) ......................................79 Water Quality
Applicability and Approach......................................79 Drinking water sources, whether public or private, should at all
Specific Requirements for New Buildings................79
times be protected so that they meet or exceed applicable national
L&FS Master Plan Review and Approval.................80
Specific Requirements for Existing Buildings ...........81 acceptability standards or in their absence the current edition of
Other Hazards........................................................81 WHO Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality. Air emissions,
3.4 Traffic Safety............................................................81
3.5 Transport of Hazardous Materials .............................82 wastewater effluents, oil and hazardous materials, and wastes
General Hazardous Materials Transport..................82 should be managed according to the guidance provided in the
Major Transportation Hazards.................................83 respective sections of the General EHS Guidelines with the
3.6 Disease Prevention..................................................85
Communicable Diseases........................................85 objective of protecting soil and water resources.
Vector-Borne Diseases...........................................85
Where the project includes the delivery of water to the community
3.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response .................86
Communication Systems ........................................86 or to users of facility infrastructure (such as hotel hosts and
Emergency Resources ...........................................87 hospital patients), where water may be used for drinking, cooking,
Training and Updating ............................................87 washing, and bathing, water quality should comply with national
Business Continuity and Contingency .....................88
Applicability and Approach......................................89 acceptability standards or in their absence the current edition of
with WHO Drinking Water Guidelines. Water quality for more
sensitive well-being-related demands such as water used in health
This section complements the guidance provided in the preceding
care facilities or food production may require more stringent,
environmental and occupational health and safety sections,
industry-specific guidelines or standards, as applicable. Any
specifically addressing some aspects of project activities taking
dependency factors associated with the deliver of water to the
place outside of the traditional project boundaries, but nonetheless
local community should be planned for and managed to ensure
related to the project operations, as may be applicable on a
the sustainability of the water supply by involving the community in
project basis. These issues may arise at any stage of a project life
its management to minimize the dependency in the long-term.
cycle and can have an impact beyond the life of the project.

Water Availability
3.1 Water Quality and Availability The potential effect of groundwater or surface water abstraction
Groundwater and surface water represent essential sources of
for project activities should be properly assessed through a
drinking and irrigation water in developing countries, particularly in
combination of field testing and modeling techniques, accounting
rural areas where piped water supply may be limited or
for seasonal variability and projected changes in demand in the
unavailable and where available resources are collected by the
project area.
consumer with little or no treatment. Project activities involving
wastewater discharges, water extraction, diversion or

APRIL 30, 2007 77

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


Project activities should not compromise the availability of water project structures should be designed in accordance with
for personal hygiene needs and should take account of potential engineering and design criteria mandated by site-specific
future increases in demand. The overall target should be the risks, including but not limited to seismic activity, slope
availability of 100 liters per person per day although lower levels stability, wind loading, and other dynamic loads
may be used to meet basic health requirements.79 Water volume • Application of locally regulated or internationally recognized
requirements for well-being-related demands such as water use in building codes80 to ensure structures are designed and
health care facilities may need to be higher. constructed in accordance with sound architectural and
engineering practice, including aspects of fire prevention and
3.2 Structural Safety of Project response
Infrastructure • Engineers and architects responsible for designing and
Hazards posed to the public while accessing project facilities may constructing facilities, building, plants and other structures
include: should certify the applicability and appropriateness of the
• Physical trauma associated with failure of building structures structural criteria employed.
• Burns and smoke inhalation from fires International codes, such as those compiled by the International
• Injuries suffered as a consequence of falls or contact with Code Council (ICC) 81, are intended to regulate the design,
heavy equipment construction, and maintenance of a built environment and contain
• Respiratory distress from dust, fumes, or noxious odors detailed guidance on all aspects of building safety, encompassing
• Exposure to hazardous materials methodology, best practices, and documenting compliance.
Reduction of potential hazards is best accomplished during the Depending on the nature of a project, guidance provided in the
design phase when the structural design, layout and site ICC or comparable codes should be followed, as appropriate, with
modifications can be adapted more easily. The following issues respect to:
should be considered and incorporated as appropriate into the
• Existing structures
planning, siting, and design phases of a project:
• Soils and foundations

• Inclusion of buffer strips or other methods of physical • Site grading

separation around project sites to protect the public from • Structural design
major hazards associated with hazardous materials incidents • Specific requirements based on intended use and occupancy
or process failure, as well as nuisance issues related to • Accessibility and means of egress
noise, odors, or other emissions • Types of construction
• Incorporation of siting and safety engineering criteria to • Roof design and construction
prevent failures due to natural risks posed by earthquakes, • Fire-resistant construction
tsunamis, wind, flooding, landslides and fire. To this end, all • Flood-resistant construction

79 World Health Organization (WHO) defines 100 liters/capita/day as the amount

80 ILO-OSH, 2001.
required to meet all consumption and hygiene needs. Additional information on
lower service levels and potential impacts on health are described in “Domestic safework/cops/english/download/e000013.pdf
Water Quantity, Service Level and Health” 2003. 81 ICC, 2006.

APRIL 30, 2007 78

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Construction materials codes, local fire department regulations, local legal/insurance

• Interior environment requirements, and in accordance with an internationally accepted
• Mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems life and fire safety (L&FS) standard. The Life Safety Code82, which
• Elevators and conveying systems provides extensive documentation on life and fire safety

• Fire safety systems provisions, is one example of an internationally accepted standard

• Safeguards during construction and may be used to document compliance with the Life and Fire

• Encroachments into public right-of-way Safety objectives outlined in these guidelines. With regard to
these objectives:
Although major design changes may not be feasible during the
operation phase of a project, hazard analysis can be undertaken • Project sponsors’ architects and professional consulting

to identify opportunities to reduce the consequences of a failure or engineers should demonstrate that affected buildings meet

accident. Illustrative management actions, applicable to these life and fire safety objectives.

hazardous materials storage and use, include: • Life and fire safety systems and equipment should be

• Reducing inventories of hazardous materials through designed and installed using appropriate prescriptive

inventory management and process changes to greatly standards and/or performance based design, and sound

reduce or eliminate the potential off-site consequences of a engineering practices.

release • Life and fire safety design criteria for all existing buildings
• Modifying process or storage conditions to reduce the should incorporate all local building codes and fire
potential consequences of an accidental off-site release department regulations.
• Improving shut-down and secondary containment to reduce
These guidelines apply to buildings that are accessible to the
the amount of material escaping from containment and to
public. Examples of such buildings include:
reduce the release duration
• Reducing the probability that releases will occur through • Health and education facilities
improved site operations and control, and through • Hotels, convention centers, and leisure facilities
improvements in maintenance and inspection • Retail and commercial facilities
• Reducing off-site impacts of releases through measures • Airports, other public transport terminals, transfer facilities
intended to contain explosions and fires, alert the public,
provide for evacuation of surrounding areas, establish safety Specific Requirements for New Buildings
zones around a site, and ensure the provision of emergency The nature and extent of life and fire safety systems required will
medical services to the public depend on the building type, structure, construction, occupancy,
and exposures. Sponsors should prepare a Life and Fire Safety
3.3 Life and Fire Safety (L&FS) Master Plan identifying major fire risks, applicable codes,
standards and regulations, and mitigation measures. The Master
Applicability and Approach
All new buildings accessible to the public should be designed,
constructed, and operated in full compliance with local building 5Fpid=10106&src%5Fpid=&link%5Ftype=search

APRIL 30, 2007 79

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


Plan should be prepared by a suitably qualified professional, and Compartmentation

adequately cover, but not be limited to, the issues addressed Compartmentation involves all measures to prevent or slow the
briefly in the following points. The suitably qualified professional spread of fire and smoke, including:
selected to prepare the Master Plan is responsible for a detailed
• Separations
treatment of the following illustrative, and all other required,
• Fire walls
• Floors

Fire Prevention • Doors

Fire prevention addresses the identification of fire risks and • Dampers

ignition sources, and measures needed to limit fast fire and smoke • Smoke control systems
development. These issues include:
Fire Suppression and Control
• Fuel load and control of combustibles
Fire suppression and control includes all automatic and manual
• Ignition sources
fire protection installations, such as:
• Interior finish flame spread characteristics
• Automatic sprinkler systems
• Interior finish smoke production characteristics
• Manual portable extinguishers
• Human acts, and housekeeping and maintenance
• Fire hose reels
Means of Egress
Means of Egress includes all design measures that facilitate a
Emergency Response Plan
safe evacuation by residents and/or occupants in case of fire or An Emergency Response Plan is a set of scenario–based

other emergency, such as: procedures to assist staff and emergency response teams during
real life emergency and training exercises. This chapter of the Fire
• Clear, unimpeded escape routes
and Life Safety Master Plan should include an assessment of local
• Accessibility to the impaired/handicapped fire prevention and suppression capabilities.
• Marking and signing
• Emergency lighting Operation and Maintenance
Operation and Maintenance involves preparing schedules for
Detection and Alarm Systems mandatory regular maintenance and testing of life and fire safety
These systems encompass all measures, including features to ensure that mechanical, electrical, and civil structures
communication and public address systems needed to detect a and systems are at all times in conformance with life and fire
fire and alert: safety design criteria and required operational readiness.
• Building staff
• Emergency response teams
L&FS Master Plan Review and Approval
• Occupants • A suitably qualified professional prepares and submits a Life

• Civil defense and Fire Safety (L&FS) Master Plan, including preliminary
drawings and specifications, and certifies that the design

APRIL 30, 2007 80

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


meets the requirements of these L&FS guidelines. The earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, windstorms, and fires from
findings and recommendations of the review are then used to surrounding areas).
establish the conditions of a Corrective Action Plan and a • All such structures should be designed in accordance with
time frame for implementing the changes. the criteria mandated by situation-, climatic-, and geology-
• The suitably qualified professional conducts a review as part specific location risks (e.g. seismic activity, wind loading, and
of the project completion test at the time of life and fire safety other dynamic loads).
systems testing and commissioning, and certifies that • Structural engineers and architects responsible for facilities,
construction of these systems has been carried out in buildings, plants and structures should certify the applicability
accordance with the accepted design. The findings and and appropriateness of the design criteria employed.
recommendations of the review are used as the basis for • National or regional building regulations typically contain fire
establishing project completion or to establish the conditions safety codes and standards83 or these standards are found in
of a Pre-Completion Corrective Action Plan and a time frame separate Fire Codes.84,85 Generally, such codes and
for implementing the changes. regulations incorporate further compliance requirements with
respect to methodology, practice, testing, and other codes
Specific Requirements for Existing
and standards86. Such nationally referenced material
constitutes the acceptable fire life safety code.
• All life and fire safety guideline requirements for new
buildings apply to existing buildings programmed for
3.4 Traffic Safety
renovation. A suitably qualified professional conducts a
Traffic accidents have become one of the most significant causes
complete life and fire safety review of existing buildings
of injuries and fatalities among members of the public worldwide.
slated for renovation. The findings and recommendations of
Traffic safety should be promoted by all project personnel during
the review are used as the basis to establish the scope of
displacement to and from the workplace, and during operation of
work of a Corrective Action Plan and a time frame for
project equipment on private or public roads. Prevention and
implementing the changes.
control of traffic related injuries and fatalities should include the
• If it becomes apparent that life and fire safety conditions are
adoption of safety measures that are protective of project workers
deficient in an existing building that is not part of the project
and of road users, including those who are most vulnerable to
or that has not been programmed for renovation, a life and
road traffic accidents87. Road safety initiatives proportional to the
fire safety review of the building may be conducted by a
scope and nature of project activities should include:
suitably qualified professional. The findings and
recommendations of the review are used as the basis to
establish the scope of work of a Corrective Action Plan and a 83 For example, Australia, Canada, South Africa, United Kingdom
84 Réglementation Incendie [des ERP]
time frame for implementing the changes.
85 USA NFPA, 2006.
86 Prepared by National Institutes and Authorities such as American Society for
Other Hazards Testing and Materials (ASTM), British Standards (BS), German Institute of
Standardization (DIN), and French Standards (NF)
• Facilities, buildings, plants, and structures should be situated 87 Additional information on vulnerable users of public roads in developing
countries is provided by Peden et al., 2004.
to minimize potential risks from forces of nature (e.g.

APRIL 30, 2007 81

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Adoption of best transport safety practices across all aspects • Employing safe traffic control measures, including road signs
of project operations with the goal of preventing traffic and flag persons to warn of dangerous conditions
accidents and minimizing injuries suffered by project
personnel and the public. Measures should include: 3.5 Transport of Hazardous Materials
o Emphasizing safety aspects among drivers
General Hazardous Materials Transport
o Improving driving skills and requiring licensing of drivers
• Projects should have procedures in place that ensure
o Adopting limits for trip duration and arranging driver
compliance with local laws and international requirements
rosters to avoid overtiredness
applicable to the transport of hazardous materials, including:
o Avoiding dangerous routes and times of day to reduce
the risk of accidents o IATA requirements89 for air transport

o Use of speed control devices (governors) on trucks, and o IMDG Code90 sea transport
remote monitoring of driver actions o UN Model Regulations91 of other international standards
as well as local requirements for land transport
• Regular maintenance of vehicles and use of manufacturer
o Host-country commitments under the Basel Convention
approved parts to minimize potentially serious accidents
on the Control of Transboundary Movements of
caused by equipment malfunction or premature failure.
Hazardous Waste and their disposal and Rotterdam
Where the project may contribute to a significant increase in traffic Convention on the prior Inform Consent Procedure for
along existing roads, or where road transport is a significant Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in
component of a project, recommended measures include: International Trade, if applicable to the project activities
• Minimizing pedestrian interaction with construction vehicles • The procedures for transportation of hazardous materials
• Collaboration with local communities and responsible (Hazmats) should include:
authorities to improve signage, visibility and overall safety of o Proper labeling of containers, including the identify and
roads, particularly along stretches located near schools or quantity of the contents, hazards, and shipper contact
other locations where children may be present. Collaborating information
with local communities on education about traffic and o Providing a shipping document (e.g. shipping manifest)
pedestrian safety (e.g. school education campaigns)88 that describes the contents of the load and its
• Coordination with emergency responders to ensure that associated hazards in addition to the labeling of the
appropriate first aid is provided in the event of accidents containers. The shipping document should establish a
• Using locally sourced materials, whenever possible, to chain-of-custody using multiple signed copies to show
minimize transport distances. Locating associated facilities that the waste was properly shipped, transported and
such as worker camps close to project sites and arranging received by the recycling or treatment/disposal facility
worker bus transport to minimizing external traffic
89 IATA, 2005.
90 IMO.
88Additional sources of information for implementation of road safety measures is 91 United Nations. Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations. 14th
available at WHO, 1989, Ross et al., 1991, Tsunokawa and Hoban, 1997, and Revised Edition. Geneva 2005.
OECD, 1999

APRIL 30, 2007 82

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


o Ensuring that the volume, nature, integrity and • The existing criteria for the safe transportation of hazardous
protection of packaging and containers used for materials, including environmental management systems
transport are appropriate for the type and quantity of used by the company and its contractors
hazardous material and modes of transport involved
This review should cover the management actions, preventive
o Ensuring adequate transport vehicle specifications
measures and emergency response procedures described below.
o Training employees involved in the transportation of
The hazard assessment helps to determine what additional
hazardous materials regarding proper shipping
measures may be required to complete the plan.
procedures and emergency procedures
o Using labeling and placarding (external signs on Management Actions
transport vehicles), as required
• Management of Change: These procedures should address:
o Providing the necessary means for emergency response
o The technical basis for changes in hazardous materials
on call 24 hours/day
offered for transportation, routes and/or procedures
Major Transportation Hazards o The potential impact of changes on health and safety

Guidance related to major transportation hazards should be o Modification required to operating procedures

implemented in addition to measures presented in the preceding o Authorization requirements

section for preventing or minimizing the consequences of o Employees affected

catastrophic releases of hazardous materials, which may result in o Training needs

toxic, fire, explosion, or other hazards during transportation. • Compliance Audit: A compliance audit evaluates compliance
with prevention requirements for each transportation route or
In addition to these aforementioned procedures, projects which
for each hazardous material, as appropriate. A compliance
transport hazardous materials at or above the threshold
audit covering each element of the prevention measures (see
quantities92 should prepare a Hazardous Materials Transportation
below) should be conducted at least every three years. The
Plan containing all of the elements presented below93.
audit program should include:
o Preparation of a report of the findings
Hazard Assessment
o Determination and documentation of the appropriate
The hazard assessment should identify the potential hazard
response to each finding
involved in the transportation of hazardous materials by reviewing:
o Documentation that any deficiency has been corrected.
• The hazard characteristics of the substances identified during
• Incident Investigation: Incidents can provide valuable
the screening stage
information about transportation hazards and the steps
• The history of accidents, both by the company and its
needed to prevent accidental releases. The implementation
contractors, involving hazardous materials transportation
of incident investigation procedures should ensure that:
92 Threshold quantities for the transport of hazardous materials are found in the UN

– Transport of Dangerous Goods – Model Regulations cited above.

o Investigations are initiated promptly
93 For further information and guidance, please refer to International Finance o Summaries of investigations are included in a report
Corporation (IFC) Hazardous Materials Transportation Manual. Washington,
D.C. December 2000. o Report findings and recommendations are addressed

APRIL 30, 2007 83

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


o Reports are reviewed with staff and contractors Preventive Measures

• Employee Participation: There should be a written plan of The plan should include procedures to implement preventive

action regarding the implementation of active employee measures specific to each hazardous material offered for

participation in the prevention of accidents. transportation, including:

• Classification and segregation of hazardous materials in

• Contractors: The plan should include procedures to ensure
warehouses and transport units
• Packaging and packaging testing
o The contractor is provided with safety performance
• Marking and labeling of packages containing hazardous
procedures and safety and hazard information
o Contractors observe safety practices
• Handling and securing packages containing hazardous
o Verify that the contractor acts responsibly
materials in transport units
The plan should also include additional procedures to ensure • Marking and placarding of transport units
the contractors will: • Documentation (e.g. bills of lading)
o Ensure appropriate training for their employees • Application of special provisions, as appropriate
o Ensure their employees know process hazards and
applicable emergency actions Emergency Preparedness and Response
o Prepare and submit training records It is important to develop procedures and practices for the
o Inform employees about the hazards presented by their handling of hazardous materials that allow for quick and efficient
work responses to accidents that may result in injury or environmental
damage. The sponsor should prepare an Emergency
• Training: Good training programs on operating procedures
Preparedness and Response Plan that should cover:
will provide the employees with the necessary information to
understand how to operate safely and why safe operations • Planning Coordination: This should include procedures for:
are needed. The training program should include: o Informing the public and emergency response agencies
o The list of employees to be trained o Documenting first aid and emergency medical treatment
o Specific training objectives o Taking emergency response actions
o Mechanisms to achieve objectives (i.e. hands-on o Reviewing and updating the emergency response plan
workshops, videos, etc.) to reflect changes and ensuring that the employees are
o Means to determine the effectiveness of the training informed of such changes
• Emergency Equipment: The plan should include procedures
o Training procedures for new hires and refresher
for using, inspecting, testing, and maintaining emergency
response equipment.

• Training: Employees should be trained in any relevant


APRIL 30, 2007 84

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


3.6 Disease Prevention access to medical treatment, confidentiality and appropriate

care, particularly with respect to migrant workers
Communicable Diseases • Promoting collaboration with local authorities to enhance
Communicable diseases pose a significant public health threat access of workers families and the community to public
worldwide. Health hazards typically associated with large health services and promote immunization
development projects are those relating to poor sanitation and
living conditions, sexual transmission and vector-borne infections. Vector-Borne Diseases
Communicable diseases of most concern during the construction Reducing the impact of vector-borne disease on the long-term
phase due to labor mobility are sexually-transmitted diseases health of workers is best accomplished through implementation of
(STDs), such as HIV/AIDS. Recognizing that no single measure diverse interventions aimed at eliminating the factors that lead to
is likely to be effective in the long term, successful initiatives disease. Project sponsors, in close collaboration with community
typically involve a combination of behavioral and environmental health authorities, can implement an integrated control strategy for
modifications. mosquito and other arthropod-borne diseases that might involve:

• Prevention of larval and adult propagation through sanitary

Recommended interventions at the project level include94:
improvements and elimination of breeding habitats close to
• Providing surveillance and active screening and treatment of human settlements
workers • Elimination of unusable impounded water
• Preventing illness among workers in local communities by: • Increase in water velocity in natural and artificial channels
o Undertaking health awareness and education initiatives, • Considering the application of residual insecticide to
for example, by implementing an information strategy to dormitory walls
reinforce person-to-person counseling addressing • Implementation of integrated vector control programs
systemic factors that can influence individual behavior • Promoting use of repellents, clothing, netting, and other
as well as promoting individual protection, and barriers to prevent insect bites
protecting others from infection, by encouraging condom • Use of chemoprophylaxis drugs by non-immune workers and
use collaborating with public health officials to help eradicate
o Training health workers in disease treatment disease reservoirs
o Conducting immunization programs for workers in local
• Monitoring and treatment of circulating and migrating
communities to improve health and guard against
populations to prevent disease reservoir spread
• Collaboration and exchange of in-kind services with other
o Providing health services control programs in the project area to maximize beneficial
• Providing treatment through standard case management in effects
on-site or community health care facilities. Ensuring ready • Educating project personnel and area residents on risks,
prevention, and available treatment
• Monitoring communities during high-risk seasons to detect
Additional sources of information on disease prevention include IFC, 2006;

UNDP, 2000, 2003; Walley et al., 2000; Kindhauser, 2003; Heymann, 2004. and treat cases

APRIL 30, 2007 85

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Distributing appropriate education materials Alarm bells, visual alarms, or other forms of communication
• Following safety guidelines for the storage, transport, and should be used to reliably alert workers to an emergency. Related
distribution of pesticides to minimize the potential for misuse, measures include:
spills, and accidental human exposure
• Testing warning systems at least annually (fire alarms
monthly), and more frequently if required by local regulations,
3.7 Emergency Preparedness and equipment, or other considerations
Response • Installing a back-up system for communications on-site with
An emergency is an unplanned event when a project operation off-site resources, such as fire departments, in the event that
loses control, or could lose control, of a situation that may result in normal communication methods may be inoperable during an
risks to human health, property, or the environment, either within emergency
the facility or in the local community. Emergencies do not
normally include safe work practices for frequent upsets or events Community Notification
that are covered by occupational health and safety. If a local community may be at risk from a potential emergency
arising at the facility, the company should implement
All projects should have an Emergency Preparedness and
communication measures to alert the community, such as:
Response Plan that is commensurate with the risks of the facility
and that includes the following basic elements: • Audible alarms, such as fire bells or sirens

• Administration (policy, purpose, distribution, definitions, etc) • Fan out telephone call lists

• Organization of emergency areas (command centers, • Vehicle mounted speakers

medical stations, etc) • Communicating details of the nature of the emergency

• Roles and responsibilities • Communicating protection options (evacuation, quarantine)

• Communication systems • Providing advise on selecting an appropriate protection

• Emergency response procedures option

• Emergency resources
Media and Agency Relations
• Training and updating
Emergency information should be communicated to the media
• Checklists (role and action list and equipment checklist)
• Business Continuity and Contingency
• A trained, local spokesperson able to interact with relevant
Additional information is provided for key components of the stakeholders, and offer guidance to the company for
emergency plan, as follows below. speaking to the media, government, and other agencies
• Written press releases with accurate information, appropriate
Communication Systems
level of detail for the emergency, and for which accuracy can
Worker notification and communication be guaranteed

APRIL 30, 2007 86

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


Emergency Resources • Considering the quantity, response time, capability,

limitations, and cost of these resources, for both site-specific
Finance and Emergency Funds emergencies, and community or regional emergencies
• A mechanism should be provided for funding emergency • Considering if external resources are unable to provide
activities. sufficient capacity during a regional emergency and whether
additional resources may need to be maintained on-site
Fire Services
• The company should consider the level of local fire fighting Mutual Aid
capacity and whether equipment is available for use at the Mutual aid agreements decrease administrative confusion and
facility in the event of a major emergency or natural disaster. provide a clear basis for response by mutual aid providers.
If insufficient capacity is available, fire fighting capacity
• Where appropriate, mutual aid agreements should be
should be acquired that may include pumps, water supplies,
maintained with other organizations to allow for sharing of
trucks, and training for personnel.
personnel and specialized equipment.

Medical Services
Contact List
• The company should provide first aid attendants for the
• The company should develop a list of contact information for
facility as well as medical equipment suitable for the
all internal and external resources and personnel. The list
personnel, type of operation, and the degree of treatment
should include the name, description, location, and contact
likely to be required prior to transportation to hospital.
details (telephone, email) for each of the resources, and be
maintained annually.
Availability of Resources
Appropriate measures for managing the availability of resources in
Training and Updating
case of an emergency include:
The emergency preparedness facilities and emergency response
• Maintaining a list of external equipment, personnel, facilities, plans require maintenance, review, and updating to account for
funding, expert knowledge, and materials that may be changes in equipment, personnel, and facilities. Training
required to respond to emergencies. The list should include programs and practice exercises provide for testing systems to
personnel with specialized expertise for spill clean-up, flood ensure an adequate level of emergency preparedness. Programs
control, engineering, water treatment, environmental science, should:
etc., or any of the functions required to adequately respond
• Identify training needs based on the roles and
to the identified emergency
responsibilities, capabilities and requirements of personnel
• Providing personnel who can readily call up resources, as
in an emergency
• Develop a training plan to address needs, particularly for fire
• Tracking and managing the costs associated with emergency
fighting, spill response, and evacuation

APRIL 30, 2007 87

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• Conduct annual training, at least, and perhaps more frequent

training when the response includes specialized equipment,
procedures, or hazards, or when otherwise mandated
• Provide training exercises to allow personnel the opportunity
to test emergency preparedness, including:
o Desk top exercises with only a few personnel, where the
contact lists are tested and the facilities and
communication assessed
o Response exercises, typically involving drills that allow
for testing of equipment and logistics
o Debrief upon completion of a training exercise to assess
what worked well and what aspects require improvement
o Update the plan, as required, after each exercise. Elements
of the plan subject to significant change (such as contact
lists) should be replaced
o Record training activities and the outcomes of the training

Business Continuity and Contingency

Measures to address business continuity and contingency include:

• Identifying replacement supplies or facilities to allow business

continuity following an emergency. For example, alternate
sources of water, electricity, and fuel are commonly sought.
• Using redundant or duplicate supply systems as part of
facility operations to increase the likelihood of business
• Maintaining back-ups of critical information in a secure
location to expedite the return to normal operations following
an emergency.

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Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


4.0 Construction and Decommissioning

planned during periods of the day that will result in least
4.1 Environment.............................................................89
Noise and Vibration ................................................89
Soil Erosion............................................................89 • Using noise control devices, such as temporary noise
Air Quality..............................................................90 barriers and deflectors for impact and blasting activities, and
Solid Waste............................................................90 exhaust muffling devices for combustion engines.
Hazardous Materials...............................................91
Wastewater Discharges..........................................91 • Avoiding or minimizing project transportation through
Contaminated Land ................................................91 community areas
4.2 Occupational Health and Safety................................92
4.3 Community Health and Safety ..................................94
General Site Hazards .............................................94
Soil Erosion
Disease Prevention ................................................94 Soil erosion may be caused by exposure of soil surfaces to rain
Traffic Safety..........................................................95 and wind during site clearing, earth moving, and excavation
activities. The mobilization and transport of soil particles may, in
turn, result in sedimentation of surface drainage networks, which
Applicability and Approach
may result in impacts to the quality of natural water systems and
This section provides additional, specific guidance on prevention
ultimately the biological systems that use these waters.
and control of community health and safety impacts that may
Recommended soil erosion and water system management
occur during new project development, at the end of the project
approaches include:
life-cycle, or due to expansion or modification of existing project
facilities. Cross referencing is made to various other sections of
Sediment mobilization and transport
the General EHS Guidelines.
• Reducing or preventing erosion by:

Scheduling to avoid heavy rainfall periods (i.e., during

4.1 Environment{ TC "4.1 o
the dry season) to the extent practical
Environment" \f C \l "2" }
o Contouring and minimizing length and steepness of
Noise and Vibration slopes

During construction and decommissioning activities, noise and o Mulching to stabilize exposed areas

vibration may be caused by the operation of pile drivers, earth o Re-vegetating areas promptly

moving and excavation equipment, concrete mixers, cranes and o Designing channels and ditches for post-construction
the transportation of equipment, materials and people. Some flows
recommended noise reduction and control strategies to consider o Lining steep channel and slopes (e.g. use jute matting)

in areas close to community areas include: • Reducing or preventing off-site sediment transport through

• Planning activities in consultation with local communities so use of settlement ponds, silt fences, and water treatment,

that activities with the greatest potential to generate noise are and modifying or suspending activities during extreme rainfall
and high winds to the extent practical.

APRIL 30, 2007 89

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


Clean runoff management Air Quality

• Segregating or diverting clean water runoff to prevent it Construction and decommissioning activities may generate
mixing with water containing a high solids content, to emission of fugitive dust caused by a combination of on-site
minimize the volume of water to be treated prior to release excavation and movement of earth materials, contact of
construction machinery with bare soil, and exposure of bare soil
Road design and soil piles to wind. A secondary source of emissions may
• Limiting access road gradients to reduce runoff-induced include exhaust from diesel engines of earth moving equipment,
erosion as well as from open burning of solid waste on-site. Techniques to
• Providing adequate road drainage based on road width, consider for the reduction and control of air emissions from
surface material, compaction, and maintenance construction and decommissioning sites include:

• Minimizing dust from material handling sources, such as

Disturbance to water bodies
conveyors and bins, by using covers and/or control
• Depending on the potential for adverse impacts, installing
equipment (water suppression, bag house, or cyclone)
free-spanning structures (e.g., single span bridges) for road
• Minimizing dust from open area sources, including storage
watercourse crossings
piles, by using control measures such as installing
• Restricting the duration and timing of in-stream activities to
enclosures and covers, and increasing the moisture content
lower low periods, and avoiding periods critical to biological
• Dust suppression techniques should be implemented, such
cycles of valued flora and fauna (e.g., migration, spawning,
as applying water or non-toxic chemicals to minimize dust
from vehicle movements
• For in-stream works, using isolation techniques such as
• Selectively removing potential hazardous air pollutants, such
berming or diversion during construction to limit the exposure
as asbestos, from existing infrastructure prior to demolition
of disturbed sediments to moving water
• Managing emissions from mobile sources according to
• Consider using trenchless technology for pipeline crossings
Section 1.1
(e.g., suspended crossings) or installation by directional
• Avoiding open burning of solid (refer to solid waste
management guidance in Section 1.6)

Structural (slope) stability

Solid Waste
• Providing effective short term measures for slope
Non-hazardous solid waste generated at construction and
stabilization, sediment control and subsidence control until
decommissioning sites includes excess fill materials from grading
long term measures for the operational phase can be
and excavation activities, scrap wood and metals, and small
concrete spills. Other non-hazardous solid wastes include office,
• Providing adequate drainage systems to minimize and
kitchen, and dormitory wastes when these types of operations are
control infiltration
part of construction project activities. Hazardous solid waste
includes contaminated soils, which could potentially be
encountered on-site due to previous land use activities, or small

APRIL 30, 2007 90

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


amounts of machinery maintenance materials, such as oily rags, Wastewater Discharges

used oil filters, and used oil, as well as spill cleanup materials from Construction and decommissioning activities may include the
oil and fuel spills. Techniques for preventing and controlling non- generation of sanitary wastewater discharges in varying quantities
hazardous and hazardous construction site solid waste include depending on the number of workers involved. Adequate portable
those already discussed in Section 1.6. or permanent sanitation facilities serving all workers should be
provided at all construction sites. Sanitary wastewater in
Hazardous Materials
construction and other sites should be managed as described in
Construction and decommissioning activities may pose the
Section 1.3.
potential for release of petroleum based products, such as
lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or fuels during their storage, transfer, Contaminated Land
or use in equipment. These materials may also be encountered Land contamination may be encountered in sites under
during decommissioning activities in building components or construction or decommissioning due to known or unknown
industrial process equipment. Techniques for prevention, historical releases of hazardous materials or oil, or due to the
minimization, and control of these impacts include: presence of abandoned infrastructure formerly used to store or
• Providing adequate secondary containment for fuel storage handle these materials, including underground storage tanks.
tanks and for the temporary storage of other fluids such as Actions necessary to manage the risk from contaminated land will
lubricating oils and hydraulic fluids, depend on factors such as the level and location of contamination,

• Using impervious surfaces for refueling areas and other fluid the type and risks of the contaminated media, and the intended

transfer areas land use. However, a basic management strategy should include:

• Training workers on the correct transfer and handling of fuels • Managing contaminated media with the objective of
and chemicals and the response to spills protecting the safety and health of occupants of the site, the
• Providing portable spill containment and cleanup equipment surrounding community, and the environment post
on site and training in the equipment deployment construction or post decommissioning
• Assessing the contents of hazardous materials and • Understanding the historical use of the land with regard to
petroleum-based products in building systems (e.g. PCB the potential presence of hazardous materials or oil prior to
containing electrical equipment, asbestos-containing building initiation of construction or decommissioning activities
materials) and process equipment and removing them prior • Preparing plans and procedures to respond to the discovery
to initiation of decommissioning activities, and managing their of contaminated media to minimize or reduce the risk to
treatment and disposal according to Sections 1.5 and 1.6 on health, safety, and the environment consistent with the
Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Management, approach for Contaminated Land in Section 1.6
respectively • Preparation of a management plan to manage obsolete,
• Assessing the presence of hazardous substances in or on abandoned, hazardous materials or oil consistent with the
building materials (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos- approach to hazardous waste management described in
containing flooring or insulation) and decontaminating or Section 1.6.
properly managing contaminated building materials

APRIL 30, 2007 91

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


Successful implementation of any management strategy may • Implementing good house-keeping practices, such as the
require identification and cooperation with whoever is responsible sorting and placing loose construction materials or demolition
and liable for the contamination. debris in established areas away from foot paths
• Cleaning up excessive waste debris and liquid spills regularly
4.2 Occupational Health and Safety{ • Locating electrical cords and ropes in common areas and
TC "4.2 Occupational Health and marked corridors
Safety" \f C \l "2" } • Use of slip retardant footwear

Over-exertion Work in Heights

Over-exertion, and ergonomic injuries and illnesses, such as
Falls from elevation associated with working with ladders,
repetitive motion, over-exertion, and manual handling, are among
scaffolding, and partially built or demolished structures are among
the most common causes of injuries in construction and
the most common cause of fatal or permanent disabling injury at
decommissioning sites. Recommendations for their prevention
construction or decommissioning sites. If fall hazards exist, a fall
and control include:
protection plan should be in place which includes one or more of
• Training of workers in lifting and materials handling the following aspects, depending on the nature of the fall hazard95:
techniques in construction and decommissioning projects,
• Training and use of temporary fall prevention devices, such
including the placement of weight limits above which
as rails or other barriers able to support a weight of 200
mechanical assists or two-person lifts are necessary
pounds, when working at heights equal or greater than two
• Planning work site layout to minimize the need for manual
meters or at any height if the risk includes falling into
transfer of heavy loads
operating machinery, into water or other liquid, into
• Selecting tools and designing work stations that reduce force hazardous substances, or through an opening in a work
requirements and holding times, and which promote
improved postures, including, where applicable, user
• Training and use of personal fall arrest systems, such as full
adjustable work stations
body harnesses and energy absorbing lanyards able to
• Implementing administrative controls into work processes,
support 5000 pounds (also described in this section in
such as job rotations and rest or stretch breaks
Working at Heights above), as well as fall rescue procedures
to deal with workers whose fall has been successfully
Slips and Falls
arrested. The tie in point of the fall arresting system should
Slips and falls on the same elevation associated with poor
also be able to support 5000 pounds
housekeeping, such as excessive waste debris, loose construction
• Use of control zones and safety monitoring systems to warn
materials, liquid spills, and uncontrolled use of electrical cords and
workers of their proximity to fall hazard zones, as well as
ropes on the ground, are also among the most frequent cause of
lost time accidents at construction and decommissioning sites.
Recommended methods for the prevention of slips and falls from, 95 Additional information on identification of fall hazards and design of protection
systems can be found in the United States Occupational Health and Safety
or on, the same elevation include: Administration’s (US OSHA) web site:

APRIL 30, 2007 92

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


securing, marking, and labeling covers for openings in floors, a turn while moving. Techniques for the prevention and control of
roofs, or walking surfaces these impacts include:

• Planning and segregating the location of vehicle traffic,

Struck By Objects
machine operation, and walking areas, and controlling
Construction and demolition activities may pose significant
vehicle traffic through the use of one-way traffic routes,
hazards related to the potential fall of materials or tools, as well as
establishment of speed limits, and on-site trained flag-people
ejection of solid particles from abrasive or other types of power
wearing high-visibility vests or outer clothing covering to
tools which can result in injury to the head, eyes, and extremities.
direct traffic
Techniques for the prevention and control of these hazards
• Ensuring the visibility of personnel through their use of high
visibility vests when working in or walking through heavy
• Using a designated and restricted waste drop or discharge equipment operating areas, and training of workers to verify
zones, and/or a chute for safe movement of wastes from eye contact with equipment operators before approaching the
upper to lower levels operating vehicle
• Conducting sawing, cutting, grinding, sanding, chipping or • Ensuring moving equipment is outfitted with audible back-up
chiseling with proper guards and anchoring as applicable alarms
• Maintaining clear traffic ways to avoid driving of heavy • Using inspected and well-maintained lifting devices that are
equipment over loose scrap appropriate for the load, such as cranes, and securing loads
• Use of temporary fall protection measures in scaffolds and when lifting them to higher job-site elevations.
out edges of elevated work surfaces, such as hand rails and
toe boards to prevent materials from being dislodged Dust
• Evacuating work areas during blasting operations, and using • Dust suppression techniques should be implemented, such
blast mats or other means of deflection to minimize fly rock or as applying water or non-toxic chemicals to minimize dust
ejection of demolition debris if work is conducted in proximity from vehicle movements
to people or structures • PPE, such as dusk masks, should be used where dust levels
• Wearing appropriate PPE, such as safety glasses with side are excessive
shields, face shields, hard hats, and safety shoes
Confined Spaces and Excavations
Moving Machinery Examples of confined spaces that may be present in construction
Vehicle traffic and use of lifting equipment in the movement of or demolition sites include: silos, vats, hoppers, utility vaults,
machinery and materials on a construction site may pose tanks, sewers, pipes, and access shafts. Ditches and trenches
temporary hazards, such as physical contact, spills, dust, may also be considered a confined space when access or egress
emissions, and noise. Heavy equipment operators have limited is limited. In addition to the guidance provided in Section 2.8 the
fields of view close to their equipment and may not see occupational hazards associated with confined spaces and
pedestrians close to the vehicle. Center-articulated vehicles create excavations in construction and decommissioning sites should be
a significant impact or crush hazard zone on the outboard side of prevented according to the following recommendations:

APRIL 30, 2007 93

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


• Controlling site-specific factors which may contribute to respirators, clothing/protective suits, gloves and eye
excavation slope instability including, for example, the use of protection
excavation dewatering, side-walls support, and slope
gradient adjustments that eliminate or minimize the risk of
4.3 Community Health and Safety{ TC
collapse, entrapment, or drowning
"4.3 Community Health and Safety" \f
• Providing safe means of access and egress from
C \l "2" }
excavations, such as graded slopes, graded access route, or General Site Hazards
stairs and ladders
Projects should implement risk management strategies to protect
• Avoiding the operation of combustion equipment for
the community from physical, chemical, or other hazards
prolonged periods inside excavations areas where other
associated with sites under construction and decommissioning.
workers are required to enter unless the area is actively
Risks may arise from inadvertent or intentional trespassing,
including potential contact with hazardous materials, contaminated
soils and other environmental media, buildings that are vacant or
Other Site Hazards
under construction, or excavations and structures which may pose
Construction and decommissioning sites may pose a risk of
falling and entrapment hazards. Risk management strategies may
exposure to dust, chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials,
and wastes in a combination of liquid, solid, or gaseous forms,
which should be prevented through the implementation of project- • Restricting access to the site, through a combination of

specific plans and other applicable management practices, institutional and administrative controls, with a focus on high

including: risk structures or areas depending on site-specific situations,

including fencing, signage, and communication of risks to the
• Use of specially trained personnel to identify and remove
local community
waste materials from tanks, vessels, processing equipment
• Removing hazardous conditions on construction sites that
or contaminated land as a first step in decommissioning
cannot be controlled affectively with site access restrictions,
activities to allow for safe excavation, construction,
such as covering openings to small confined spaces,
dismantling or demolition
ensuring means of escape for larger openings such as
• Use of specially trained personnel to identify and selectively
trenches or excavations, or locked storage of hazardous
remove potentially hazardous materials in building elements
prior to dismantling or demolition including, for example,
insulation or structural elements containing asbestos and Disease Prevention
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), electrical components
Increased incidence of communicable and vector-borne diseases
containing mercury96
attributable to construction activities represents a potentially
• Use of waste-specific PPE based on the results of an serious health threat to project personnel and residents of local
occupational health and safety assessment, including communities. Recommendations for the prevention and control of
communicable and vector-borne diseases also applicable to
96 Additional information on the management and removal of asbestos containing
building materials can be found in ASTM Standard E2356 and E1368

APRIL 30, 2007 94

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


construction phase activities are provided in Section 3.6 (Disease


Traffic Safety
Construction activities may result in a significant increase in
movement of heavy vehicles for the transport of construction
materials and equipment increasing the risk of traffic-related
accidents and injuries to workers and local communities. The
incidence of road accidents involving project vehicles during
construction should be minimized through a combination of
education and awareness-raising, and the adoption of procedures
described in Section 3.4 (Traffic Safety).

APRIL 30, 2007 95

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


References and Additional Sources

ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry). Quick Reference Chavasse, D.C. and H.H. Yap, eds. 1997. Chemical Methods for the Control of
Pocket Guide for Toxicological Profiles. Vectors and Pests of Public Health Importance. Geneva, Switzerland: World
(accessed May 19, 2006). Health Organization.
ATSDR. 2005. Top 20 Hazardous Substances 2005. Dockrill, Paul and Frank Friedrich. 2001. “Boilers and Heaters: Improving Energy (accessed May 19, 2006). Efficiency.” NRCAN.
Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA). 2000. Air Pollution Engineering
Manual, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. New York, NY. Environment Canada, 2005. Hazardous Waste. (accessed May 19, 2006).
ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists). 2005.
Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances in the Work Environment. European Commission. 2000. “Guidance Document for EPER implementation.”
Cincinnati:ACGIH. Directorate-General for Environment.
ANSI (American National Standards Institute). Homepage.
(accessed May 19, 2006). European Council Directive 91/271 of 21 May 1991 concerning urban wastewater
treatment (
ADB. 2003. Road Safety Audit for Road Projects: An Operational Tool. Asian urbanwaste/info/docs_en.htm)
Development Bank, Manila.
EPER (European Pollutant Emission Register). Homepage.
American Petroleum Institute, Management of Process Hazards (R.P. 750). (accessed May 19, 2006).
Assum, T. 1998. Road Safety in Africa: Appraisal of Road Safety Initiatives in EREC (European Renewable Energy Council). 2006. Renewable Energy Sources.
Five African Countries. Working Paper No. 33. The World Bank and United (accessed April 24, 2006).
Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
EUROPA. Summaries of Legislation: Air Pollution.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E1739-95(2002) Standard (accessed March 25, 2006)
Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action Applied at Petroleum Release Sites
Fairman, Robyn, Carl D.Mead, and W. Peter Williams. 1999. “Environmental Risk
ASTM E2081-00(2004)e1 Standard Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action (at Assessment - Approaches, Experiences and Information Sources”. London:
chemical release sites). Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre, King's College,.
ASTM E 1368 - Standard Practice for Visual Inspection of Asbestos Abatement
Projects FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 1995. “Guidelines on Good Labeling
ASTM E 2356 - Standard Practice for Comprehensive Building Asbestos Surveys Practices for Pesticides.” Rome: FAO.
ASTM E 2394 - Standard Practice for Maintenance, Renovation and Repair of
Installed Asbestos Cement Products. FAO. 1985. “Guidelines for the Packaging and Storage of Pesticides.” Rome:
Australian Government. NPI Industry Reporting. Department of the Environment
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site Sanitation.” Geneva: World Health Organization.
Australian Government. 2004. “National Pollutant Inventory Guide.” Department
Of Environment and Heritage.
GVRD (Greater Vancouver Regional District). 1999. Caring for our Waterways:
Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level (APELL) Guidelines Liquid Waste Management Plan Stage 2, Discussion Document. 136 pp.
available at:
GVRD. 2001. “Liquid Waste Management Plan.” Greater Vancouver: Stormwater
Bringezu, Stefan and Helmut Schutz. 2001. “Material use indicators for the Management Technical Advisory Task Group.
European Union, 1980-1997 – Economy-side material flow accounts and balances
and derived indicators of resource use.” European Commission. IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America). Homepage. (accessed May 18, 2006)
BC MOE (BC Ministry of Environment). Guidance on Contaminated Sites. (accessed May 18, Industry Canada. Eco-efficiency.
2006) ee.nsf/en/Home (accessed May 18, 2006)

CIWMB (California Integrated Waste Management Board). “Sustainable Materials”. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). National Greenhouse Gas
State Training Manual. Inventories Program. (accessed May 18, 2006) ILO-OSH (International Labour Organization – Occupational Safety and Health).
(accessed May 18, 2006) 2001. “Guidelines on Occupational Safety & Health Management Systems”.
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety). Homepage. American Institute of Geneva: International Labour
Chemical Engineers. (accessed May 18, 2006) Office.
CCPS. 1992. Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures. American Institute of
Chemical Engineers. ICC (International Code Council). 2006. “International Building Code”. Falls
Church, Virginia: ICC.

APRIL 30, 2007 96

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines


IATA (International Air Transport Association). 2005. “Dangerous Goods NRCAN. 2004. “EnerGuide for Industry: Your guide to selecting energy-efficient
Regulations Manual.” Geneva: IATA. industrial equipment”. Office of Energy Efficiency.
(accessed May 18, 2006)
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). International Basic Safety Standard
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19, 2006).
w=N#AC (accessed April 9, 2006)
IHS 1996. ISO 9613 – Acoustics – Attenuation of sound during propagation
outdoors – Part 2: General method of calculation. NRCAN. Technical Factsheet CanMOST – Canadian Motor Selection Tool. Office (accessed of Energy Efficiency.
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(accessed May 18, 2006)
IMO (International Maritime Organization). International Maritime Dangerous
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