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How do you prepare for technologies that don’t exist?

Transformation goes hand in hand with growth. But while growth is usually good for
everyone – companies and consumers alike – the impact of transformative technologies can
be more unpredictable. Understanding the potential effect of emerging technologies – and
predicting what might come after them – is critical for organizations of all stripes, and will
only become more vital as the rate of change speeds up.

What should educators be teaching the future workforce?

It’s all well and good to say artificial intelligence and other technologies will create new,
more engaging jobs. But determining exactly what form those roles might take is another
question entirely. Identifying these roles, deciding on the skill sets needed to fill them, and
developing teaching strategies to help the next generation of workers acquire those skills, will
be a pressing task for politicians, educators and employers alike in the next decade.

Robots and human beings are often framed in opposition to each other – not just in science
fiction dystopias, but in the real world of jobs and the economy. However, what
robots can do is boost productivity, and free humans from repetitive and monotonous tasks.
Theoretically, this allows human talent to do what robots can’t – focusing on creativity and
the kind of innovation and complex decision-making that algorithms will continue to struggle

Can technology and trust evolve together?

The good news for organizations looking to enhance oversight into their own

operations, and improve the way they communicate that trust to the public, is

technological advancement. For instance, AI can provide organizations with much

deeper, more insightful views of their data, allowing them to see and understand
their own operations and identify and rectify critical regulatory, compliance, or other

issues ahead of time.

1. What do you do to make sure you/your organization is

successfully achieving [the topic]?
2. From your experience, what are some examples of [the topic]
in practice?
3. Describe for us your typical day and how you deal with [the
4. What are the skills and talents required to achieve [the topic’s]
desired results?
5. What are the potholes we need to avoid when implementing
[the topic]?
6. What’s the one thing you have learned in this process that you
didn’t know/couldn’t find the answer to on the internet?

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