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当你对建筑感受累了的时,你可以去参观 London 的许多美丽的公园·之一。

When you are tired of buildings, you can visit one of London’s many beautiful parks.

Hyde 公园第一次给 London 的人们打开是在十七世纪·。它离忙的 Oxford 路的商店不远,但它是好

地方和安静。在中心是一个湖叫 Serpentine, 并且你可以在水上坐船。

Hyde Park first opened to the people of London in the seventeenth century. It is not far from the shops
of busy Oxford Street, but it is nice and quiet. In the center is the lake called the Serpentine, and you can
take a boat out on the water.

在 Speakers’corner 平时有很多人。有些人来到这里因为他们想告诉世界重要或者有趣的事情,关
于政府,或科学,或教堂,或“世界末日”。他们站在 Corner,并且呼叫向他们的周围所有的人。

There are usually a lot of people at Speakers’ Corner. Some people come here because they want to tell
the world important or interesting things—about the government, or science, or the church, or “the end
of the world”. They stand at the Corner, and call out to all the people around them. Other people stand
and listen, and sometimes laugh too.

Kensington 公园是在 Hyde 公园 的旁边。在这里你可以看 Peter Pan 的石像,一个著名的男孩在

J.M. Baie 的书里《Peter Pan》。在这里也有一个游乐场,叫 Diana,Wales 的公主纪念游乐场。而

Kensington Gardens is next to Hyde Park. Here you can see a statue of Peter Pan, the famous boy in the
book Peter Pan by J. M. Baie. There is also a playground here, called the Diana, Princess of Wales
Memorial Playground. And the playground has lots of exciting things for children.

Regent’s 的公园 是 London 动物园的家。在 1828 年动物园打开了,并且它有食物类和鸟类从全世

界。公园里也有一个剧场。当一个夏天晚上的时,你可以坐在外面和看一个 Shakespeare 的表演。
还是你可以从水上看到公园--顺水河从 Camden Lock 到 Little Venice 坐船。 当夏季的时,你可以在

Regent’s Park is the home of London zoo. The zoo opened in 1828, and it has animals and birds from all
over the world. There is also a theatre in the park. On a summer’s evening, you can sit out and watch a
play by Shakespeare. Or you can see the park from the water—take a boat along the canal from
Camden Lock to Little Venice. In the summer, you can listen to music in the park.

St.James 的公园是在商场的旁边。它是一个小公园,但是非常美丽,并且它是最古老的皇家公园。

St James’s Park is next to the Mall. It is a small park, but very beautiful, and it is the oldest of the royal
parks. Lots of birds live on and around the lake in the centre of the park.

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