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Have you ever wondered why fruits and vegetables ripen? According to, on an
average, vegetables can be kept fresh for 4-7 days without refrigeration although diversities can
be seen in 21-25 days for carrots while only 2 days in corn. The main reason behind this
phenomenon is the ethylene gas secreted by the fruit itself. This ethylene gathers around the
fruit and makes it ripen, and is therefore known as the “ripening hormone”.
According to the UC San Diego School of Medicine, common ethylene producing fruits and
vegetables include apples, avocados, bananas, cantaloupe, figs, green onions, kiwi, pears,
potatoes, and tomatoes. Ethylene-sensitive counterparts include apples, asparagus, avocados,
bananas, broccoli, cantaloupe, collard greens, cucumber, eggplant, grapes, honeydew, kiwi,
lemons, lettuce, limes, mangoes, onions, peaches, pears, peppers, squash, sweet potatoes, and
You may notice some overlap between those lists. "Produce can be both a producer and sensitive
to ethylene gas," says Michelle Zive, PhD, RD, a registered dietitian, and co-author of course
materials for NASM-CNC. "That is why often this produce can be stored on the counter instead
of refrigerated. In fact, produce like avocados are ripened out on the counter and when they get
ripe and you are not using, you need to put them in the refrigerator."
"Most ethylene-producing produce should always be left out on the counter and not stored in the
refrigerator," says Gellman. "This may help keep them separated from those items that are
sensitive to ethylene." Leaving these items on the counter not only keeps them from spoiling
other produce, but can also prevent food waste, because then you can better see what you have.
The most common solution to resist this natural process is to refrigerate.
Refrigeration locks the ethylene inside the fruit and restricts it to get
emitted. But it has some adverse effects too. According to,
refrigeration can cause cold damage or prevent them from ripening to
good. In case of citrus and other juicy fruits, the liquid is dried out of the
produce and its freshness is affected sharply.
But in this way, we are going against nature by not allowing them to ripen. Definitely a solution
was needed serving the purpose fluently and simultaneously reducing the drawbacks.
The idea is a simple thinking of a very brief making. This would be an extended part of the fridge
where no refrigeration would be required. It will be a closed space with pump, moisture sensor
and a pathogen free surrounding synchronised to keep the produce inside it healthy and fresh.

Once C2H4 (ethylene) gas is released, it will be absorbed and electronically oxidized into
O2, CO2 and H2O with the help of a pump set within the chamber.
The fruits or vegetables are susceptible to pathogenic attack. If the produce is acidic in
nature, there will be fungal attack, and bacterial attack in case of basic produce. To
prevent this, a sterile outer shield covers the crate.
In order to keep the produce fresh and to ensure no loss of weight of the produce, a high
humid zone will be created in this specific part of the fridge.
 Increases the edibility span of the produce by 3-30 days.
 No chemicals, refrigerants, or preservatives used, thus reserving the nutritional value
of the produce.
 Only 20-Watt electricity shall be consumed for functioning of Green-Fridge.
 It will be an extended part of the original refrigerator, thus reducing the cost of
electricity used for refrigeration by about 25%.
 Only 2 litres of water per week shall be needed for creating the high-humid zone inside
 Zero maintenance required for this specific part of the fridge.
 Emission of ethylene by the produce will be supportive of nature and thus will not hamper
its freshness and originality.

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